Causes of development and treatment of a flat occiput. Women's haircuts with a short crown: fashionable bows

Changing the female image begins with a new hairstyle. When choosing a suitable option, women often experiment with their hair, which is probably why among the most popular hairstyles the option with a short crown and elongated front curls is now in the lead. Such a hairstyle can visually rejuvenate the face and erase several years. Due to the short crown, the correct oval of the face is formed, and the image becomes sweeter for perception.

Who suits

Flawless makeup and gorgeous outfits will look ridiculous if the girl's haircut does not suit her or is styled incorrectly. with a short crown are not suitable for everyone, they are created for owners of a certain face shape:

Also, hairstyles with a short crown are suitable for those who have not too thick hair, she can give them extra volume. On straight hair, the transition of short strands to long ones looks great and clearly highlights the transition.


Few hairstyles come with this design, but there are some fairly popular haircuts that look different in this design.

Kare with lengthening

The occipital strands are cut much shorter than the front ones, some extravagant women of fashion shave off the strands at the back of the head and perform the drawings that are now fashionable. This version of the hairstyle looks both gentle and bold, suitable.

The front part of the hairstyle nicely frames the face, and the back of the head speaks of the unpredictable nature of the owner of such a hairstyle. At the same time, you can do whatever you like, it can cause difficulties only on curly hair, as they will fluff in different directions. But what a bob haircut looks like for short thin hair can be seen in the photo


The regular version of this hairstyle is ideal for medium stiff strands that can be easily styled. This hairstyle is similar to a square, with it the neck is completely open, the volume of hair comes from the roots. It is ideal for rare curls.

Its asymmetric execution involves framing the face on both sides of different lengths with curls. It is geometrically uneven. For extreme girls, you can dye strands in two or even three colors. Due to the asymmetry, you can adjust the oval of the face in different ways.

The cap is ideal for girls with delicate features, but those who have a round oval should refuse it. You can see additional photos of an asymmetrical cap for long hair in this


Its classic version is at the peak of popularity, it is chosen by many for its versatility and presentable appearance of the hairstyle. It is a solution for those people who constantly suffer from a lack of hair volume.

Bob is cut in different ways: asymmetrically, shortened, with torn edges or twisted curls. Its main advantage over other hairstyles is easy styling. It consists in properly drying the hair after washing with a round brush. But what it looks like, you can understand if you look at the contents of this article, as well as photos and videos.


With a short crown, it can be performed on short and medium curls. from which longer curls will descend. Such a hairstyle will help create the correct oval of the face, it will ideally hide a small flaw - a beveled back of the head. Which haircut cascade for curly hair of medium length is the most popular, indicated


A universal option that is suitable for any length of curls. This haircut is chosen by girls to go from one hair length to another. It looks like a classic cascade, its care is the same: as soon as small tips grow, you need to update them.

This haircut is a salvation for girls with split ends. They will be able not only to enjoy a well-groomed view, but at the same time forget about the fluffiness of the ends in the spring. But what this haircut looks like and how difficult it is to perform will help you understand the information from the photo and video in this article.


A distinctive feature of such a haircut is the curly framing of curls, when laying which you can organically adjust the nuances of the oval of the face.

In this haircut, not only the short crown affects the overall impression, but also the well-made arch around the face, it creates volume at the top, and the side strands neatly frame the face. "Debut" can be applied to any hair, regardless of their length.

How good do hairstyles look in the form of twisted short curls of hair:

About how the painting of short hair in two colors looks like in the photo, you can see in the content

How to cut?

The general principle of performing a haircut with a short crown is similar to a haircut "under the boy." Uneven strands make the image mischievous and rejuvenate the face, giving the curls extra volume. To create its version with long bangs and adjacent strands of the lower sector, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Shevel needs to be prepared, washed and dried.
  2. Divide the hair into buns near the bangs and at the temples.
  3. From the highest point of the crown, the length of the base strand is separated, along which the curls will be aligned throughout the haircut. She will be the smallest.
  4. Divide the entire hair in a star-shaped fashion.
  5. The haircut starts from the crown, first forward and then back. As you approach the conditional control line, the length of the curls increases.

At the end, the hair must be profiled. The degree of thinning is controlled at will. At the final stage, the contour of the side strands is cut.

If the hair is straight, then to give volume they can be profiled. To increase the density on thin curls, you need to perform multi-level thinning at the ends of the curls.

Haircuts with a short crown are chosen by girls because of the ease of styling and stylish look; to create them, you do not need to spend long hours in front of the mirror every morning. You can use styling products and style them randomly, which will give the look a childish look and shed a few years.


How to choose the right hairstyle and haircut

A well-chosen haircut can work wonders, with the help of it you can mask the flaws and emphasize the dignity of appearance. To solve this problem, you can contact a stylist or do it yourself.

Which haircut suits your face shape

Analysis of the anatomical features and shape of the face will help you choose the right hairstyle. The main task is to correct the shape of the face and bring it closer to the oval.

Standing in front of a mirror, pull your hair back into a bun or ponytail and trace the reflection of your face with a lip or brow pencil. Determine which geometric figure it looks more like.


The oval shape of the face has approximately the same parameters of the forehead and chin. Its widest part falls on the line of the eyes. The oval is the benchmark: this type of face goes well with almost all hairstyles and bangs.

But there are features that you should consider:

  • hairstyles with volume at the crown will not suit you: this visually stretches the face;
  • avoid long thick bangs: it visually reduces the proportions of the face.


The width and height of a round face are almost the same, the forehead is low, the chin is small, and the cheekbones are wide. The main task when choosing a hairstyle is to visually stretch the face. Long haircuts and asymmetry will suit you:

  • side parting;
  • oblique or asymmetrical bangs covering most of the forehead, or elongated and combed to the side. And also, a multilayer bang is suitable, which will add volume to the forehead;
  • asymmetrical haircuts - cascade, Italian, bob for lengthening on one side;
  • focus volume in the crown area.

Not suitable for a round face

  • smooth hairstyles;
  • thick arched bangs (length to the line of the eyebrows), short torn or its absence;
  • straight parting;
  • perm;
  • haircuts with a rounded shape look bad (for example, sessun);
  • curls at the level of the cheekbones and cheeks;
  • hair to the chin.


A square face is characterized by the same height and width, a heavy lower jaw and a wide forehead. Choose a haircut to visually reduce the width of the face and soften its angularity.

Suitable for you:

  • side parting;
  • oblique elongated bangs, laid on one side;
  • light thinning bangs;
  • hair below the chin;
  • layered asymmetrical hairstyles with volume at the crown;
  • light coloring: you can slightly change the color of the hair framing the face.


  • straight parting;
  • smooth hair combed back or on the sides;
  • haircuts to the line of the lower jaw;
  • styling with an open forehead;
  • even long bangs, made with a straight cut;
  • curls at the level of the chin.


This type of face has a narrow forehead and a small, pointed chin. The greatest width falls on the cheekbones. When choosing a haircut, they solve the following problem: to balance the narrowest and widest zones, to give the face softness.

Suitable for you:

  • light curls or waves in the chin area;
  • elongated bangs (up to the chin);
  • milled voluminous bangs slightly below the eyebrows;
  • asymmetrical haircuts of different lengths and thinning at the ends look good. A suitable option would be a square, A-bob, ladder and cascade.
  • haircuts without bangs;
  • short torn bangs;
  • sleek hair;
  • central parting;
  • an even cut of hair, without thinning at the ends;
  • very short haircuts (garcon, pixie);
  • extra volume around the cheekbones


The triangular shape of the face is similar to the diamond shape, but unlike it has a wide forehead. It is immediately necessary to decide what goal you are pursuing: you want to balance the proportions of the face or emphasize the atypical architecture of the cheekbones.

If the goal is to balance the proportions of the face, then the following will suit you:

  • oblique or bangs on the side, which hides most of the forehead, or elongated milled length to the eyebrows;
  • trapezoidal haircut options, in which the largest volume falls on the line of the earlobe or 2-3 cm below (waves, curls, caret with ends twisted outward);
  • layered cascade haircuts;
  • a side parted hairstyle will look good.

Do you want to highlight your cheekbones? Then look at short and medium length haircuts (for example, an A-bob with side strands just below the chin).

What is better to refuse:

  • parting in the center;
  • lack of bangs and smoothly combed hair on both sides;
  • flat bangs made with a straight cut or shortened torn;
  • volume in the crown area;
  • long straight hair, the lower edge of which is cut at the same level.


The width of the face is less than its length. The forehead, cheekbones and chin are approximately the same. Will look good:

  • arched (to the eyebrows), on the side or oblique bangs;
  • asymmetry with milled ends and a length just below the chin (bob-car, cascade and short flight of stairs);
  • the ends of the hair covering the corners of the chin, visually softening them;
  • additional volume in the cheekbones;
  • waves and curls;
  • oblique parting.

Not suitable for you:

  • hairstyles with an open forehead;
  • styling with smoothly combed temples;
  • straight parting;
  • straight bangs, the cut of which is at the level of the chin;
  • sleek long hair;
  • voluminous styling in the crown area;
  • very short haircuts.


The difference between the length and width of the face is more than 1:6, which makes it look thin. The following will work for this:

  • lush hair of medium length, having additional volume on the side (cascade, aurora, cap);
  • arched or long oblique bangs;
  • layered graduation of strands;
  • side parting.

A long face does not go well with:

  • straight strands hanging along the face;
  • lack of bangs;
  • excessively short haircuts;
  • central parting;
  • smoothly combed up or on the sides of the hair;
  • bouffant in the crown area;
  • laying in the form of a mohawk.

How to hide flaws in appearance with a hairstyle

In addition to the shape of the face, when choosing a haircut or bangs, it is important to consider the presence of other parameters:

  • A person with a large or long nose looks good with layered haircuts of medium length, with oblique milled bangs and side parting. You can also make a small pile in the back of the head. It is better to refuse smoothly combed straight hair, straight parting, high and short hairstyles.

  • snub-nosed girls suitable long and well-shaped bangs. Give up perfectly straight hair and smooth styling, small waves and curls. The best option is large curls and waves.
  • Hide a high or low forehead bangs help: for a low forehead, a long one is suitable, for a high one, a short one. Smoothly combed hair is contraindicated.
  • Visually stretch the short neck You can use short haircuts, the back edging of which is made in the form of an elongated cape. A good option would be an A-bob haircut: its side strands visually lengthen a short neck. If a woman has long hair, high hairstyles will also help to visually lengthen the neck. It is advisable to abandon the beams, braids and ponytails located on the back of the head.

  • Long thin neck looks more proportional if you add it with a cascade, shoulder-length. Styling that opens the neck is contraindicated. But some women prefer to show off their swan neck, so they do short hairstyles.
  • Small receding chin balanced with an A-bob or long, straight hair that elongates the face.
  • Brighten up a heavy chin any kind of bangs helps, except for a perfectly flat one that follows the line of the lower jaw. The haircut should have soft rounded lines (cascade works well), just below the chin. It is not recommended to put your hair in a ponytail.
  • Small head with a flat occiput will look more proportional with short and medium hairstyles that have volume at the back of the head.
  • Large head owners it is not recommended to wear short voluminous hairstyles, perms, small curls, straight and sleek strands. Instead, look for layered haircuts that are shoulder length or just below.

  • Downturned ("bulldog") cheeks emphasize ultra-short hairstyles, small curls, straight strands along the face. Disguise them with structured haircuts like bob haircuts.
  • If there are bald patches on the sides of the forehead, forming the so-called "widow's peak", you can hide them with a bang from the crown.

Choosing a haircut according to the structure of the hair

To choose the right hairstyle, pay attention to the structure of your hair:

  • For thin and sparse hair haircuts of the same length are suitable. Since due to their density, you can create volume. For ease of installation, a small graduation is possible.
  • Since it is not easy to care for long thick hair, you can do - pixie or page. But if you want a medium or long hairstyle, you can profile your hair and make a cascading haircut.
  • Soft fluffy hair does not hold its shape and styling well, so haircuts that have a strict architecture (for example, sessun) are not suitable for them. Instead, make a square or a cascade.
  • Give volume to straight hair you can use a ladder and a bean. Smooth and straight hair is also suitable - for example, in the form of a caret.
  • Curly and curly hair look bad with short hairstyles, as they make the head look like a dandelion. It is better to pay attention to graduated haircuts and elongated oblique bangs.

Services for the selection of haircuts

There are many online resources that allow you to choose the best women's hairstyle online. You need to take a suitable photo with slicked back hair and as open a face as possible and upload it to the site. Such programs allow not only to choose a hairstyle according to the shape and features of the face, but also to choose a new hair color.

Whether your face is perfectly oval or irregularly shaped, you are sure to find the right haircut for it if you follow these tips!

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Here I thought that in addition to all sorts of "universal" values ​​and McDonald's, Western (European) civilization has also imposed its own standard of beauty on the whole world, and rather harshly. Do not find fault with the word "imposed", you can replace it with "persistently suggested due to the prevailing economic conditions and socio-cultural circumstances" :)
Technically, this is not surprising, given that all means of promoting progress come from the West: whoever owns the media, owns the world. Globalization. If your first books tell you the myths of ancient Greece, illustrated with photographs of the sculptures of Phidias and Praxiteles, it is not surprising that you will consider the Hellenistic concept of beauty to be the standard.

And then, turning on the TV, you will see film stars and TV stars molded according to a well-defined Nordic pattern.
And it seems that there is a certain "gold standard", which, by pure coincidence (or even worse: due to the superiority of the white race) is a set of Caucasoid features. The ideological background in this case does not matter, we are talking about the existence of such a bias, no matter what it is caused by.
In addition to the influence on Western Europe, the era of the campaigns of Alexander and the wars of the Diadochi was able to give rise to a new Hellenistic world. It was the Hellenistic world that became fertile ground for the emergence of Christianity, its further spread, as well as the emergence of the Eastern Roman Christian civilization, and so on until our days. And then the fine arts captured, philosophy substantiated, typography consolidated, and television spread all over the planet that we, Europeans, consider beautiful.

I stumbled across this recently when someone complained about the "flat head" as a disadvantage.
Why, actually?
I was taught that aesthetics is based on expediency and deep biological meaning.

And what does a flat nape tell us from a biological point of view?

What can he even report if he is convex in a tiny part of the Earth's population, however, the most self-confident.
A flat head is not a sign of ill health in any sense. As long nose and obliquely set ears are not negative from the point of view of selection.
The only explanation I could come up with was a convex nape, the so-called. "Aryan horn", as a sign of belonging to the Nordic race, thus "Aryans".

The same applies to the elongated - dolichocephalic - shape of the skull and the narrow face crowned with a domed skull.
Hairdressers, partly because of their own "Aryan" tastes, partly as a result of vocational training, strive to visually fit the client's head to the Nordic model.

Because, according to hairdressing sites, differences from the Nordic look are a defect.

Quote from a hairdresser's website:
« Other defects may also occur: a long or small nose, protruding ears, a short or long neck, a flat nape, and so on. These defects can also be eliminated with a hairstyle.

However, hairdressers do not act on the instructions of the Third Reich, but at the request of the customer. And the client wants to be a "true Aryan". Like his idols.
And from the point of view of phrenology, a flat back of the head is an indicator of selfishness. Disguise immediately!

If a person is healthy physically, mentally and genetically, there should be no reason why he would be perceived as a freak. But in reality it is not so.
Where have you seen in the movies, in advertising, on the catwalks, beautiful Bushmen or Hottentot models, Australian Aborigines, Papuans or Pygmies? Bushy vegetation on the head is perceived unequivocally as ugly. And in general, black hair is not considered so beautiful that African and African-American girls tend to straighten it, grow it straight or wear a wig.
Asian women, who naturally have stiff, straight, blue-black hair, tend to bring them to a less Asian look: a little curl and a little lighten.
Doctors in Thailand have become experts in "building" European noses, and doctors in Japan have become experts in "European" eyes. What, you ask, is bad in the epicanthus that it needs to be mercilessly destroyed?
Dissatisfaction also extends to wide cheekbones, flat or "Semitic" noses, which still need to be mercilessly scraped off, turning them into narrow and short noses.
The queue reached the back of the head. Don't believe? Admire.

Similarly with the dominant BASPs in the USA.

Even jet-black beauties get into the top if they fit the average European template, well, plastic surgery to help them. Just look at Naomi and Tyra.

Who orders the music, he dances the girl.
Meanwhile, on the planet, the dominant type is completely different. Here's one:

the most typical face on the planet

And even in Europe itself, almost all of its southern part is different.
And the beauty in the minds is still "Aryan".
Starting in the time of Alexander the Great, cultural expansion continued in the era of the Crusades in the face of the world's first transnational corporation - the Christian Church; in the colonial period it was called missionary work, nowadays it is called "bringing democracy". But under all democratic slogans, under the husk of civilizing slogans and "humanitarian mission" and, lie the most trivial economic intentions - the conquest of markets: no need to capture anyone, people themselves will ask for hamburgers, jeans, Barbies and Hollywood masterpieces - impersonal culture, identical goods and absolutely free choice... between Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola. (By the way, Barbie cooperates with Cocacola) And everything that does not fit into the framework will be unfashionable, ugly, requiring elimination and fitting to a stencil: noses, eyes, figures, hair, tastes and values. It is necessary to feed the giant TNCs that popularize standard figures, standard faces and standard brains.

These are equality, brotherhood and multiculturalism.

Hello human rights activists from hairdressers!

There are a huge number of options for hairstyles and haircuts. Looking at photo models with beautiful hairstyles in magazines and books on hairdressing, “eyes run wide”, and you don’t know which one to choose and how to choose a hairstyle for your face. Indeed, the selection of haircuts and hairstyles is a very difficult task. To understand which haircut or hairstyle is right for you, you must first take into account the individual characteristics of the face. In this article, we will try to help you figure out which haircut and hairstyle will suit you, as well as give some options with a photo.

Selection of hairstyles based on the shape of the nose

In its shape, the nose can be snub-nosed, aquiline, hook-shaped, with a hump, straight. Wide or narrow, large or small, medium in size.

With a small snub nose, hairstyles from curled hair can be recommended, while not covering the ears with hair. Suitable hairstyles like "gavroche", with a stepped haircut, waves. In this case, the parting can be either side or straight. You should not wear sleek hairstyles with knots in the back, as this will further emphasize the upturned shape of the nose.

Those with a large, pear-shaped, hook-shaped nose can be advised to wear puffy, semi-long hairstyles that gently frame the face. In this case, the “center of gravity” can be focused on the parietal part or the back of the head, combing the strands a little. Comb separate strands of different lengths on the forehead and cheeks, diverting attention from the shape of the nose, shifting the focus. You can wear big thick bangs or combed individual strands, as they soften the profile. Do not wear sleek high hairstyles, they visually lengthen the shape of the nose.

Choosing a hairstyle based on the size of the forehead

It can be large and small in size, convex and sloping in shape, with bald patches, clearly accentuated frontal bumps, etc.

With a high forehead, you can wear hairstyles with a variety of bangs, different in length, but at the same time close the natural line of the forehead. A page-type hairstyle is well suited. In this case, the ends of the hair can be trimmed evenly or with teeth. Short and long, thick and sparse strands will divert attention from the shape of the forehead. You can wear soft waves or romantic hairstyles. curls. You should not open your forehead too much, wear smooth hairstyles with buns or knots on top, as well as any strict hairstyles with “tails”, braids.

With a sloping forehead, you can wear hairstyles with a short sessun haircut, while choosing hairstyles with bangs that cover the forehead in separate strands.

If you have strong bald patches on your forehead, then it is better to wear curled hair combed over the forehead and temples, thereby hiding the natural line. In this case, you should not make a side parting or comb your hair smoothly back. The bangs can be different, go from the crown itself or from the middle of the parietal zone.

Selection of hairstyles based on the structural features of the chin

The shape of the chin is different, it is blunt, sharp, square, oblique. Size - small, large (heavy).

With a large square chin, you can wear hairstyles and haircuts with lush bangs. In this case, the hair of the back of the head can be much rarer than the parietal part. In length, they can be medium, reach the middle of the neck, ending below the level of the chin. Curly, tousled hair, leaving the impression of natural curls, will help shift the center of gravity, divert attention from the shape of the chin.

With a sloping chin, it is better to wear hairstyles with coca, "scallops", "ramona", coca. It is better to curl the ends of the hair slightly in the back of the head (its lower part). In this case, the ears can be completely closed or half open, as well as the part of the face below the ear.

With a small chin, you can wear hairstyles from semi-long hair, while the hair of the back of the head can be up to the middle of the neck, below the level of the chin. Curl the hair on the forehead in the form of a light fluffy bang, cook or wave. Give the hair a fluffiness at the level of the nose and chin, this will divert attention from the shape of the chin by moving the center of gravity.

With a sharp chin, it is better to wear hairstyles from semi-long hair, the ends of which are curled and fluffed, as if by this visually expanding the lower part of the face.

Selection of hairstyles based on the structure of the eyes

The size can be large and small, medium. The shape is round, almond-shaped, "falling". They can be close-set, widely spaced.

With widely spaced eyes on the temples, separate hair strands should be combed to the face, while the forehead can also be completely or partially covered with bangs.

If the eyes are close-set, then the hairstyle should be chosen so that the part of the face near the eyes can be slightly opened by combing the hair back. Place a lush mass at eye level, and comb strands a little on the plane of the cheeks, covering part of the face with them. In this case, it is better to wear short haircuts, or not to wear them at all. Closely spaced eyes will also hide curls.

Selection of hairstyles based on the structural features of the ears

If you look closely at others, you will notice that everyone's ears are different in shape and size.

Whatever they are, few people like to have their ears sticking out. Protruding ears can be covered with hair hairstyles by combing hair strands from the temples. Those who wear sleek hairstyles with buns, ponytails or knots in the back can pull the top of the ear with hair. A variety of hairstyles from curly hair based on a "perm" will easily disguise strongly protruding ears.

Selection of hairstyles based on the length of the neck

In its length it can be short, long, normal. With the help of hairstyles, you can visually lengthen or "shorten" the neck.

With a short neck, it is better to choose short haircuts, high hairstyles with parietal knots or buns. The length of the hair may be different, while the hair on the lower part of the back of the head may be shorter. At eye and cheek level hair can be curled more, giving it a natural look.

With a long neck, you can wear hair of medium length or to the collarbone, curling them at the ends. You can curl strands at the level of the chin. The contour of the hairstyle on the neck is straight or oval.

How to choose a hairstyle to your face so that you like it and hide the flaws in appearance is not an easy task. Follow our tips, experiment, and you will definitely find your perfect look.

How to choose a haircut? This question worries almost every person who cares about their appearance. It is important to choose a haircut taking into account your features, face shape.
You can accurately determine the shape of the face by taking measurements:
. we measure its width (ShP) at the level of 1 cm from the edge of the chin;
. measure the distance between the cheekbones at the widest point (cheekbone width; SH);
. we measure the distance in the middle of the forehead between the marginal hair growth lines of the left and right temples (forehead width; WL);
. measure the height of the face in the middle of the face from the chin to the marginal hairline on the forehead (VL).

Determine the shape of your face by measurements:
. oval face (SHP - about 5.2 cm, SH - about 13 cm, SH - about 12.6 cm, VL - about 18.5 cm). It is considered a classic face shape and is characterized by an oval smooth transition of the lines of the chin, cheekbones, temples, forehead
. triangular face or heart-shaped (only 3 measurements are needed: ШП - about 3.5 cm, ШС - about 13 cm, ШЛ - about 12.5 cm). Visually wide in the forehead, cheekbones and narrows towards the chin. It is believed that this face shape has always been highly valued by sculptors and artists.
. diamond-shaped face (only 3 measurements are needed: ШП - about 4.4 cm, ШС - about 14 cm, ШЛ - about 11.2 cm). It is a kind of triangular shape. Visually, the cheekbones are wider than the forehead and the width narrows down
. round face (VL less than 3 cm wider than the width). This face shape usually causes subconscious sympathy in others.
. elongated face (VL is much larger than the width)
. square face (a type of round face shape, but with a greater width of the lower jaw). Typically, such people are characterized by determination, energy and dynamism.
. rectangular face (combines the characteristics of a round and elongated face)
. pear-shaped face (kind of a round face, slightly elongated in height with a narrowed width of the forehead)
. diamond face shape (elongated triangular shape).

We select a haircut, hairstyle according to the shape of the face

Consider the following guidelines based on face shape:
Oval face
Suitable for most hairstyles (symmetrical and asymmetrical) of different lengths; can be worn with or without bangs; the hairstyle is suitable for both low and high; allow parting of any type and its absence; open or closed ears; not particularly recommended to wear long flowing hair. It should be borne in mind that in old age, even with this face shape, you can age yourself with hair gathered in a bun. An overly elongated oval face can be visually “shortened” with a bang, which reduces the vertical size of the open part of the face. But straight strands hanging along the temples are contraindicated for such persons - they visually lengthen the face even more. You can wear both short, medium and long hairstyles as your facial shape is well balanced and proportioned.
Round face
It is important to give the face length; bangs can be straight or oblique, hair - straight, long to the corners of the lower jaw; the splendor of the hairstyle is important: you can comb in the parietal zone. Not recommended: no bangs, slicked back hair, low hairstyle with closed ears. The basic principle of choosing a haircut is the same: strands of hair mask the face from the sides, asymmetrical bangs slightly open the forehead, visually lengthening the face.
Triangular face or heart-shaped
A triangular face is usually distinguished by the fact that, along with a relatively narrow chin, the cheekbones and forehead are of considerable width. Therefore, the main task when choosing a haircut for a triangular face type will be the visual “narrowing” of its upper part. This can be achieved by creating an asymmetrical hairstyle, side parting, long enough bangs that partially cover one eye, which will successfully hide the width of the forehead. But strands that go down to the cheeks below the cheekbones are categorically not recommended. The bottom of the face should remain open, so you should pay attention to short hairstyles with slightly curled hair.
The recommended hair length is slightly below the chin (possibly a "square"); bangs to the eyebrows, long, oblique; the hairstyle should create a rounded shape, be lightly bouffant, more hair above the cheeks, with thick bangs and ends curled to the face; smoothly combed side hair and short bangs are not recommended.
diamond face
Hair should be combed on the cheeks, and bangs are required; do not wear a straight parting or slicked back hair.
elongated face
A "bob" is often recommended in such cases to add width and soften the face; straight long hair experts do not recommend.
Square face
This type of face is characterized by clear parallel straight lines from the temples to the chin. High hairstyles are not recommended, as this will enhance the already too symmetrical elongated shape of your head. Very handy will be not too short haircuts with bangs, quite voluminously covering the area of ​​​​the ears. Good options and more elongated hairstyles with wavy strands around the face. You should avoid straight long hair as much as possible, as well as haircuts with completely straight hair to the chin or higher (a la the Valley), this will only emphasize the excessive squareness of your face. If you have long, straight hair, try to create as much volume as possible at the crown and along the length of your hair.
The “graded square” with a length slightly below the chin, covering the wide angles of the lower jaw, is considered ideal; a hairstyle is suitable, slightly framing the face, covering the cheekbones with a raised parietal zone; short haircuts are not recommended. On the one hand, you need to smooth the corners. On the other hand, you need to try to visually “stretch” the circle resulting from smoothing the corners. Optimal - to give the hair "airiness", waviness. Natural or artificial "curls" are perfect for this.
Rectangular face
This is a long and thin oval of the face, when the distance between the temples is equal to the distance between your lower cheekbones. This type also often has a narrow chin or a very high forehead. Medium-length bob haircuts will suit you, as a voluminous hairstyle on the sides of your face will make up for its lack of width. You should avoid large lengths of hair loose on the sides - this will further lengthen your face. The best option is shoulder-length hairstyles, which will make the strands more voluminous, as a result of which your face will look more harmonious.
A face of this shape usually needs to be emphasized, visually “expanded” the area of ​​the temples and cheekbones and masked, “narrowed” the areas of the forehead and chin. A bang covering the forehead will be good; it is important to give the hairstyle splendor at the level of the cheekbones, to round the shape; too short haircut and long straight hair is not recommended. In general, natural, free-form haircuts and hairstyles are best suited for a rectangular face. Short haircuts that open the face should be avoided, as well as everything that can emphasize straight lines of the face: evenly cut hair, partings (especially central ones), smooth hair hanging down along the face.
pear face
A hairstyle with covered cheeks is suitable, with a center of gravity in the parietal zone; hairstyles with a straight parting, smooth in the parietal zone, with open ears, curls at the level of the ears, the back of the head are not recommended.
Diamond face shape
The main thing is not to cover your face with hair too much so that the beauty of your facial oval is not curtained and lost for contemplation. Of course, any style is suitable for this type of face, because this is not a face, but a real diamond. Pay attention to how good some splendor looks at the temples, giving the hair a heart-shaped look. It is also desirable to increase the volume of hair on your scruff, which will be most welcome to balance the line of your wide cheekbones. You can make the forehead wider, soften the cheekbones, increase the volume on the forehead and at the chin; an asymmetric haircut with a volume of wavy hair is suitable; you can leave the weight of the hairstyle in the back of the neck; short haircuts are also available.

Individual features of the face:
. flat back of the head (short haircuts with a curly lush or combed hairdo on the crown are suitable, as well as hairstyles with long hair trimmed at the back of the head, such as “graded bob”, “cascade”);
. the chin is slightly sloping (haircuts and hairstyles that lengthen the face are good);
. protruding, heavy chin (hairstyles with covered ears);
. long nose (low fluffy bangs, volume at the top and back of the head; smooth hair pulled into a bun and no bangs are not recommended);
. voluminous nose (lush bangs);
. small nose (it is better to refuse bangs);
. long neck (long hair straight or curled with a low edging);
. short neck (straight or curled hair with raised edging);
. wide neck (suitable edging "mysik" or "corner");
. big ears (recommend hairstyles with long hair);
. low forehead (a lush bang just below the eyebrows is suitable);
. high forehead (short bangs are recommended);
. high growth (haircuts are voluminous, but not too long);
. low growth (do not do very voluminous hairstyles).

Additional points of different haircuts:
. shoulder length hair most often gives romance to female nature, especially in combination with soft waves;
. oblique and falling bangs on the eyebrows will help emphasize your look;
. hairstyles with long hair will require a lot of care, and the hostess will be described as the owner of a classic style;
. short haircuts are easy to care for (including winter time), reveal the dynamism of the personality, despite age;
. aristocratic facial features perfectly emphasize ultra-short haircuts;
. elegance can be found with a hairstyle “under Mireille Mathieu” with her perfect hat;
. short ragged haircuts clearly reflect the practicality of girls who do not want to "bother" with long styling;
. a haircut with a combination of long strands and a raised “cap” or an asymmetric haircut will add extravagance to the image;
. voluminous stepped hairstyles will help emphasize your sexuality.
