Signs for a wedding (wedding). Wedding signs and superstitions: how to perform the ceremony correctly

Several signs for the wedding. Signs regarding clothing, shoes and jewelry are considered.

A wedding is the most beautiful and unforgettable day for future spouses. But there are many different signs and beliefs around the wedding ceremony. Let's try to figure out which of them are true and which are nothing more than fiction.

Pearls for wedding omens

Many brides have an ambiguous attitude towards pearls. There is a belief that this natural decoration will bring tears and scandals to future spouses. But if you carefully study history, you will find that the first jewelry that a guy gave to a girl was pearls.

Using pearls at a wedding:

  • In the West, the hands of newlyweds are tied with a string of pearls.
  • In Rus', such decoration served as a talisman for the bride.
  • Protects from the evil eye at a wedding.
  • Previously, wedding dresses were specially embroidered with pearls. It was believed that this was a sign of wealth.
  • If you are too superstitious, and a pearl necklace goes well with your dress, buy a product made of artificial stone.

Red wedding dress omens

It is believed that the color and length of the wedding dress has a huge impact on future family life. Even though it's very popular to wear yellow, red or blue, we don't recommend it.

Please note that red is the color of quarrels and discord. Such a marriage is doomed to failure due to frequent quarrels and conflicts.

Positive influence of red color on the bride:
  • Red lacing, flowers and a ribbon on the belt, on the contrary, will bring good luck to the girl, and her marriage will be happy.
  • In Rus', the bride wore a red dress on her second wedding day. This saved from the evil eye and saved the life of the baby if a woman got married pregnant.
  • The car is decorated with red ribbons. This is a symbol of virginity.

Trying on a wedding dress is a sign

There are many signs and superstitions associated with wedding attire:
  • You can't try on someone else's wedding dress. But when can you consider a dress yours, since many girls can try it on in a salon? The dress can be considered your own after purchase.
  • During the wedding ceremony, the dress “remembers” the wedding script and cannot be worn by another woman.
  • girlfriend is not worth it. A girl who tried on several other people's dresses may not get married at all.
  • The owner of the dress should not give it to anyone. Girlfriends will “steal” your happiness.
  • You shouldn’t rent a dress; it’s best to have the outfit made to order and keep it as a heirloom.

Signs regarding sewing a wedding dress

  • The seamstress must be older than the bride.
  • Do not sew a dress for a woman whose hair color is the same as yours.
  • You should not choose a seamstress with your name.
  • It is better to contact a tailor or seamstress on Women's Day (Friday, Wednesday or Saturday).
  • Don't sew a two-piece dress. It must be whole.

Is it possible to sell a wedding dress?

  • The dress cannot be sold. The outfit should be kept at home; it is a kind of amulet or relic.
  • In Rus', children were treated with a wedding shirt. To do this, you need to put on an outfit and crouch over the baby, brushing away the disease.
  • Regarding the wedding dress, the church has no ban on its sale.
  • Believers believe that the robe should be kept by the spouses for the rest of their lives.
  • It is prohibited to purchase a dress after the wedding; you risk repeating the fate of the previous bride.

Wedding dresses for rent signs

Even 200 years ago, no one could imagine that several brides in a row would wear one wedding dress. Nowadays, a lot of expenses are associated with marriage, so newlyweds are trying to save on everything. Including on outfits.
  • If finances allow, sew a dress to order.
  • If you don't have a lot of money, ask for a robe that no one has ever gotten married in. Renting an outfit will cost a little more.
  • Before the wedding, fasten a pin to the outfit and sew a red thin ribbon crosswise from the inside.

Wedding dress color signs

Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with a red or pink wedding dress. After all, every bride wants to be unique.

It is worth considering that each color has its own designation:

  • A white wedding dress is a sign of a girl’s innocence and virginity. It is a symbol of purity and newness. But if you are getting married for the second time, then you should not wear a white outfit.
  • Beige (champagne, ivory) – married life full of events and adventures.
  • Blue is the color of peace and sincerity. Although some peoples have a belief that a girl who marries in a blue dress will have to share her husband with her mistress.
  • Green – the bride’s modesty and her reluctance to chase after someone. In Rus', such outfits were not worn, as they believed that it promised a poor life and lack of money.
  • Purple - promises the bride an early separation from her husband or divorce.
  • Pink – poverty in marriage and frequent quarrels due to an unstable financial situation.
  • Gold - to the wealth and security of the spouses.
  • Silver – excellent financial situation in the family.

Someone else's wedding dress omens

  • You should not wear or try on someone else's wedding dress.
  • Under no circumstances should you let your mother or sister wear your wedding dress.
  • In some countries, a wedding dress is inherited from mother to daughter. You can wear a dress only if the woman who wore it before you is happily married. Thus, the positive energy of the garment will be transferred to you
  • Do not allow anyone to touch the dress on the wedding day; only the mother has the right to dress the bride
  • It is believed that someone else's outfit stores the energy of other people, and it can be transferred to you

Wedding veil signs

  • The veil cannot be removed in church. You are allowed to raise it in front of the priest.
  • Nowadays, many wedding planners remove the veil from the bride and put it on her unmarried friends, who must dance with this veil on their heads. Ancient traditions prohibit this.
  • Only the husband should remove the veil before the wedding night.
  • The veil should hang on the bed for 30 days. In this case, the family will be able to have a strong and healthy baby.
  • The longer the veil, the longer the marriage will be.
  • It is allowed not to wear a veil if there is a wreath on the head.
  • If you don’t have a veil, you shouldn’t decorate your hair with fresh or artificial flowers.
  • The veil plays the role of a talisman.
  • Secure the veil; if it falls, it will be bad luck.
  • The veil will help heal a sick baby.
  • It is recommended to hang the veil on the crib or stroller with the child. This will protect him from the evil eye.

Wedding photo signs

The photographs appeared not so long ago, but there are many beliefs and legends about them. Most of them were invented by the newlyweds themselves.

Here are some of them:

  • If you photograph newlyweds near Christmas trees, life will be prickly
  • The groom cannot be photographed with other women, he will walk to the left
  • The bride must not be reflected in a pond or body of water in the photograph.
  • Newlyweds are not allowed to take photos in front of a mirror.
  • You should not photograph the newlyweds separately, as this will lead to separation
  • The bride should not be standing near a temple or church in the photo.
Remember, there were no photographers in Rus'; such signs are not ancient Russian, but invented independently. They have nothing to do with reality.

Wedding rings omens

  • Rings must not have engravings or stones, they must be smooth
  • You shouldn't let someone try on your ring.
  • Don't put the ring on your glove, take it off and then put on the jewelry
  • If a ring falls during a wedding ceremony, it means divorce
  • It is advisable for the bride and groom to purchase rings from the same store. And it’s better to do it in one day
  • Before the wedding, place the rings in a container. Seal the container and place it in the freezer. Marriage will be as strong as ice
  • You can't get married wearing a widow's ring. This could cause my husband's death
  • Getting married with the ring of your grandmother, who has been married for more than 40 years, is a good omen
  • Newlyweds can use their parents' rings for a wedding only if they have lived together for more than 20 years
  • You cannot make wedding rings from the sawn wedding rings of relatives or parents. The ring must be new or inherited. It cannot be sawed or melted
  • After purchasing wedding rings, when entering the house, say: “For a good life, for a faithful family. Amen"

Wedding shoes omens

There are many signs associated with shoes. Here are some of them:
  • It is better to wear shoes in a contrasting color. She will protect from the evil eye
  • The bride's shoes should be closed. This will protect the leg from negative energy and sharp objects.
  • You can't get married in someone else's shoes

It is recommended to wear your own used shoes on the wedding day. This doesn't mean the shoes have to be 5 years old. Just put on your shoes for an hour every day and walk around the house in them. This way, you will stretch the pair a little and avoid causing calluses.

  • You can wear golden shoes - this means wealth
  • Try not to lose a shoe in front of the registry office, this will lead to a break in marriage
  • If you break a heel at a wedding, then family life will be “limpy”

Witness at a wedding omens

  • Witnesses must be baptized
  • You can’t call your namesake as your friend
  • You should not choose a widow or a married friend as a witness.
  • You cannot invite husband and wife or people who are dating as witnesses.
  • must be at least a day younger than the bride
  • Although in Rus', on the contrary, they invited a happy married couple to witness
  • The bridesmaid's dress should be blue, pink or gold. This will attract good luck to the newlyweds' home
  • After the exchange of rings, the witness must take the box for herself. This means that she will soon get married
  • Before the wedding, the witness must attach boutonnieres to the newlyweds’ outfits and not prick themselves with pins. This bodes ill for her

Children at a wedding sign

Many people are afraid to invite relatives with children to their wedding. This is mainly due to vagaries and noise. Therefore, if you know a lot of children, invite an animator and prepare a separate children's menu. So, children will not disturb anyone. Parents will rest, and children will have a good time and go to bed with their hind legs up.

There are also signs about children at a wedding:

  • Many children at the holiday - to a happy family life
  • In the West, children must sprinkle rose petals on the bride. It is a symbol of innocence and virginity
  • Children can carry the long train of a wedding dress
You shouldn’t sincerely believe in every sign; most of them are simple notions. Try to trust only ancient signs that are several hundred years old.

Wedding signs for the groom are just as important as those that his bride should know. In this article you will learn how to guarantee a happy marriage.

In the article:

Signs for the groom - before the wedding

Like the bride, the groom should not cut his hair shortly before the wedding. You should plan your haircut in advance so that you don’t have to do this. Hair is considered a conductor of energy, and if you cut it, you can lose some of your vitality, which is extremely undesirable before marriage.

Before leaving home on the wedding day, both the bride and groom must pin it to their attire. It should be in an inconspicuous place. A pocket with a boutonniere is best suited to protect the groom; hardly anyone will notice a pin pinned there. Some people use the icon as a talisman, which they put in their pocket early in the morning and do not take out until the very end of the wedding ceremony.

In order for family life to be financially secure, you should put a coin in your right shoe. It cannot be spent, the coin will become your family coin. Of course, it is impossible not to mention the most popular wedding tradition, which prohibits the groom from seeing his beloved before the wedding.

There are also signs that allow you to form an opinion about your future husband even before the start of family life. So, in the old days it was believed that if the groom is older than his bride, then the marriage will be strong. And if the man was younger, they said that there would be no place for boredom in his family life. If he loves cats, he will be affectionate to his wife, and an avid dog lover will be faithful, never betraying or cheating. A groom who actively participates in pre-wedding preparations will definitely become a good husband.

Even now they believe that if the bride and groom buy rings together, then they will make decisions in family life together. In the old days, only men chose rings, and in our time, the sign also comes true that the main thing will be not only the one who steps on the threshold faster or bites off a larger piece of loaf, but the one who bought the wedding rings.

Wedding signs for the groom - suit and shoes

The boutonniere, which is attached to the groom's pocket, should not be removed throughout the wedding ceremony, just like the bride's veil.

You cannot wear a bow tie to your wedding, it foreshadows betrayal on your part. It is believed that a tie will be the best option.

Traditionally, the groom's suit is black; some wedding traditions allow for dark gray suits. White promises you troubles with your health and in your family life; some believe that such a choice will impose feminine behavior and obligations in marriage on you. The fact is that this is the color of the bride.

A blue suit will tell someone in the know that you will cheat on your wife, a blue suit will mean you are stingy, and a green suit will foretell ridicule of your family in the future. A red suit for a wedding will bring a man quick death, and a brown one speaks of his severity. Shoes should be dark, because gray and white foreshadow health problems.

Signs for the groom - ransom

If you accidentally stumble over the threshold of the house in which your chosen one lives when you come to buy the bride, this does not bode well, but rather the opposite. This means that another wedding will soon take place in this house. Some believe that not necessarily in this house, but definitely with one of the relatives.

It's worse if you're unlucky enough to step into a puddle. This also portends troubles in family life.

After the ransom, kiss your future wife only once, immediately after presenting her with the wedding bouquet. This promises you a long and happy family life. Under no circumstances should the couple see each other before the end of the ransom, this is a very bad omen.

After the ransom, when you take your future wife from her parents' house, you cannot look back. Otherwise, she will go back soon, that is, the marriage will be unsuccessful and you will not live together.

Wedding signs for the groom - in the registry office

If on the way to the registry office you manage to eat a chocolate bar for two with your bride, your family life will be as pleasant and sweet as this confectionery product.

It is believed that if the groom stumbles on the threshold of the church before the wedding or the registry office before the painting, it means that he doubts his choice. Try not to stumble, because if your future wife believes in omens, mistrust may arise between you.

A very bad omen - . If this happens, the bridesmaid or best man should pass a white thread through it, which you should then burn. The bride and groom are not allowed to pick up an empty ring box; it is given to the witness, especially if she wants to get married quickly.

After the official part of the wedding, try to seize the moment and look in the mirror with your new wife. This will bring you happiness and good luck.

Signs for the groom - banquet

Nowadays, wedding banquets most often take place in restaurants, but if it is to take place in your home, the bride should be carried in her arms. If you are going home after the festive table, too.

After the registry office, it is customary to greet the couple with bread and salt. If the groom takes a larger bite, it means he will be the head of the family.

During the banquet, the groom must constantly be near the bride, without leaving her alone. Do not allow anyone to come between you on this day. In the old days, clothes were even pinned together to prevent this.

There are bad omens for a wedding, knowledge of which will allow you to avoid them. If all the rituals are carried out correctly, then the life of the young will be full of joy. To believe or not to believe is up to you to decide.

Knowledge is power!

If young people adhere to superstitions, then they must be aware of all the vicissitudes that can await them on an important day.

Bad wedding omens that the bride should know:

Newlyweds should also be aware of the existence of bad wedding omens for two:

  1. If a newly-made wife spills a glass of drink, this foreshadows her husband's drunkenness.
  2. There is a superstition that young people should sit on the same bench at the table, and not on separate chairs.
  3. At a wedding photo shoot, the newlyweds in the frame should always be together.
  4. If a girl pricks herself with a needle before the wedding, it means quarrels with her husband. It’s better for her not to take up sewing at all.
  5. After the ceremony, the bread and salt must be hidden so that no one has time to try them.
  6. It is a bad omen to rent wedding accessories and paraphernalia.
  7. If the groom steps in a puddle in front of his beloved's house, this is a sign that he will drink often.
  8. No one should be allowed to prepare the wedding bed. The bride herself must make the bed.
  9. Meeting a funeral ceremony on the way to a wedding means an unhappy marriage.

My light, mirror, tell me

There are many bad wedding signs associated with the mirror:

  • breaking a mirror on your wedding day is a very bad omen, so you should be careful;
  • the bride should not allow her friend to stand in front of her closer to the mirror, otherwise she will take her beloved away;
  • Before the wedding, a girl should not look at her reflection in the mirror, fully dressed in her wedding dress.

Ring-ring, come out onto the porch!

Wedding rings are an important attribute of the celebration; various superstitions and signs are associated with it:

What's in the box?

Guests should know exactly what they cannot give as a wedding gift. List of prohibited gifts:

  • a set of dishes with knives and forks;
  • watch;
  • antiques;
  • jewelry;
  • towels, bed linen;
  • paintings and icons;
  • mirror.

Wise Instructions

Accumulated over the years and tested in practice, old folk beliefs say:

Bad luck at a wedding can be avoided. Following traditions will help you start a happy family life. In addition, studying them will further unite the couple in love.

Favorable month for marriage:

  • Wedding in January - early to be widowed;
  • Wedding in February - live in love and harmony;
  • Wedding in March - living in someone else's house or country;
  • Wedding in April - happiness will be short-lived;
  • A wedding in May means treason;
  • Wedding in June - life will be like a honeymoon.
  • Wedding and July - life will be changeable;
  • A wedding in August means long-lasting love and strong friendship between the spouses;
  • A wedding in September means a quiet and peaceful life;
  • A wedding in October means a hard life;
  • A wedding in November means a rich life;
  • Wedding in December - love will intensify over the years;

What will each day bring to the newlyweds??

  • To get married on Monday means to be healthy;
  • Getting married on Tuesday means wealth;
  • Getting married on Wednesday is the best day for a wedding;
  • Getting married on Thursday means difficulties
  • It’s better not to plan to get married on Friday

Marriages concluded in the afternoon are considered more successful.
People born (July 7) on Ivan Kupala should not get married on the 7th.
Whoever marries Kazanskaya (November 4) will be lucky.
Getting married on your birthday is not good, i.e. not a number, but a day of the week. For example, if the groom was born on Tuesday, then the wedding cannot be held on Tuesday.
If the wedding falls on Intercession Day and it snows, this is a sign of happiness and well-being in the family. Marriages concluded on Palm Sunday are also considered happy.

Bride's dress:

You can only get married in a white dress for the first time. If you remarry, this color can bring misfortune. Even when getting married for the first time, some girls sometimes prefer dresses of other colors. But that's what they say wedding signs:

  • White dress - God's Grace;
  • A silver or gray dress means a short-term marriage;
  • Red dress - to quarrels and conflicts in the family;
  • Blue dress - feelings will soon cool;
  • Blue dress - the husband will be walking;
  • Green dress - to lack of money;
  • Yellow dress - live together for six years;
  • Golden dress - to a rich life;
  • Brown dress - sharing acquired property;
  • Black dress - early to become a widow;
  • Pink dress - for long lasting love.

Getting married in a hat means divorce,
To get married in a short veil is for sick children.
Getting married without a veil means betrayal and suffering.

Groom suit:

  • A black suit is considered traditional and portends a happy life;
  • A gray suit means a hasty marriage, but often a long one;
  • White suit - the groom will suffer;
  • Blue suit - quarrels over money;
  • A green suit is a marriage to make people laugh;
  • A red suit means that the groom will not live long;
  • A brown suit means a strict, demanding husband.

If the groom wears a bow tie, he will cheat
If the groom wears light-colored shoes, he will have poor health and will not live long.

Without signs there is no way - wedding signs on the eve of the wedding:

  • The wedding dress should not be ironed by the mother and the bride.
  • The longer the train of the dress, the longer the married life will be.
  • A spider on a dress or veil means goodness and wealth.
  • The bride should not wear sandals, open-toed shoes, or shoes with laces - this will lead to poverty for the newlyweds.
  • The bride should not put on the dress through her legs; she should put on the dress first by putting her head through then her hands.
  • A bride should not try on a wedding dress before the wedding: seeing herself in the mirror in a wedding dress means imprinting it on her and not repeating it in life. But before the wedding, before leaving the house, the bride should look in the mirror and add some other thing to her outfit - a brooch, bow, etc. Otherwise she might be out of luck.
  • Girlfriends, sisters or anyone should not try on the bride's wedding dress, and also try on jewelry from the bride's head (veil, twig) - a sign - to take happiness to yourself.
  • The groom is not allowed to see the bride trying on her wedding dress.
  • You should not let anyone try on your wedding rings, both before and after the wedding - they can measure your happiness.
  • After the newlyweds exchange rings, they are not allowed to take the box from them, and the one who does this next will go down the aisle.
  • The bride should not fiddle with the wedding ring on her finger; married life will not work out.
  • If the bride wakes up on her wedding day to the singing of birds, it means she will be happy in her family life.
  • A traditional wedding sign - before going to the wedding, the bride must feed the cat. Be sure to pay attention to how the animal behaves, if it runs away - nothing good will happen to the bride, if it rubs against her legs - this is a very good sign.
  • It is not good if the surname of the bride and groom begin with the same letter. Such couples were not given blessings for marriage.
  • It is a bad omen to write down your husband’s future surname before the wedding. Try to sign or simply name your future surname.
  • On the eve of the wedding, the groom should not cut his hair - the children will get sick.
  • The bride and groom are not allowed to take photographs on the eve of the wedding.
  • Taking photographs separately at a wedding for the bride and groom means separation.
  • Giving a photo to each other before the wedding means separation
  • The bride is not allowed to knit with the groom before the wedding - this means treason.
  • There is a wedding sign according to which the bride should cry a little before registering. This will bring prosperity to the family. However, tears just before the wedding do not bode well.
  • The bridesmaids in front of the mirror should not stand in front of her, the same applies to the groom, and there is a sign that they can take away the “half”.
  • The bride and groom are not allowed to see each other before the wedding.
  • It is forbidden for any of the guests to adjust the clothes on the bride or groom. This can be done by parents or a happily married older friend.
  • It is considered a wedding sign that if the groom puts a coin in his right shoe, then this will bring prosperity to the family.
  • In order not to jinx the bride, pins were stuck into her hem with the point down, and a red ribbon was tied around her waist. Also, the bride should wear a veil, and upon entering the Wedding Palace, she can throw it away.
  • Before going to the registry office, the mother of the bride should give her daughter some item from family heirlooms, a brooch, earrings, ring, etc. This protects the bride.
  • The bride should not part with the bouquet that the groom gave her. It can be temporarily given to the groom or mother. At the wedding reception, the bride must place the bouquet in front of her, and at the end of the ceremony, take it home.
  • The groom, who has picked up his bride from her parents' house, should not look back on the way to the registry office.
  • To make it easier for the bride to live in a new family, the house should be wet cleaned as soon as the wedding cortege has left for the wedding ceremony, but you cannot wash the threshold - this means the bride will return to her parents' home.
  • The bride and groom should not allow anyone to pass between them, and during the feast, it should not be allowed for any of the guests to sit in the place of the bride or groom. Then their marriage will be long and inseparable.
  • Newlyweds should not eat from the same spoon - this is a sign of “eating” their destiny.
  • It is forbidden for divorced or married people to be witnesses for the bride and groom. They must be single and benevolent in nature.
  • It is a bad omen to postpone the scheduled wedding to another day.
  • There is a tradition for the husband and wife to live in abundance; they throw coins at the feet of the newlyweds, sprinkle them with grain or hops, so that they have many children.
  • Wedding omen - to make life sweet, the bride and groom must secretly eat a chocolate bar for two before registering at the registry office. This must be done before leaving home for the wedding.
  • If it rains on your wedding day, it is a good sign and so is the appearance of a rainbow.
  • It is a bad omen to forget your rings at home or drop them during the ceremony.
  • A good wedding omen is that if the newlyweds look in the mirror after the wedding ceremony, it will bring good luck. But you cannot photograph your reflection in the mirror.
  • Strike “for luck.” If during the celebration one of the newlyweds’ glasses is broken, then the second one should also be broken.
  • You should not give newlyweds sets of knives and forks - this will lead to divorce and quarrels.
  • A common wedding sign is the throwing of the bride's bouquet. The girl who catches the bouquet will soon get married. A girl should keep this bouquet in her bedroom for a year. There is a similar tradition for bachelors; the one who catches the garter from the bride’s leg will get married in the near future.

    It is better to go to the banquet not on a straight road, but as if wandering, in order to confuse the evil spirits. It’s even better to drive around seven bridges before registering your marriage - to great happiness.

    As you know, life and dare go together. If, nevertheless, your wedding car meets a funeral car, of course this is not very good news. You can neutralize it by saying: Wreath is different from wreath. Amen

  • There should be no “single” portraits in the newlyweds’ bedroom before their wedding night. And the pillows must be placed so that the cuts of the pillowcases “look” at each other. Then the young couple will live in love and harmony.
  • Alder is considered a magical talisman. Therefore, pieces of alder bark were placed in the newlyweds’ pockets to prevent damage.

From time immemorial, the wedding ceremony, like other rituals, has traditionally not been without folk signs and superstitions. Our ancestors believed in otherworldly forces and many inexplicable phenomena; these beliefs little by little resulted in established wedding signs. Every little thing mattered during wedding ceremonies - the weather, gifts, the color of clothing, cutlery.

Of course, it is not necessary to believe in omens for a wedding, because omens are not predictions, horoscopes or prophecies; superstitions do not necessarily have to come true. This type of folk art is good because it gives wide scope for folk imagination, and sometimes even cultivates positive qualities in people.

If you are superstitious enough, to calm your soul, you can choose on our website a lucky wedding date, according to signs. We also have collected wedding signs and superstitions about the bride’s dress, the wedding ceremony, flowers, banquets, gifts for the newlyweds and many other signs. If you are not completely superstitious, but listen to people’s advice, believe only in good omens for your wedding - there are many of them on our website!

In general, many interesting traditions are associated with a wedding, some of which go back to ancient times. For example, the custom of cutting a wedding cake came to us from the Roman Empire. The ancient Romans baked the main wedding delicacy in the form of a barley cake, which the groom had to break over the bride's head as a sign of conquering his wife. And the medieval English, instead of a wedding cake, baked small buns, which the guests placed in a high mound between the newlyweds. If the newlyweds managed to kiss over the slide without destroying it, their union promised to be long-lasting and happy.

Wedding signs associated with the bride's bouquet also came to us from ancient times. One of the funniest traditions existed in Ancient Greece. There the bride herself was turned into a bouquet: she was decorated with orange blossoms and ivy. And in ancient Rome, the bride was given a bouquet of... garlic and wheat ears.

1. Do not give wedding rings to anyone to try on, either before or after the wedding.

2. When preparing the bed for the newlyweds on their wedding night (this can be done by a close married relative), the pillows are laid so that the cuts of the pillowcases touch. Towards a friendly life.

3. So that the newlyweds do not need money, the groom should put a coin in his right shoe on the wedding day, which is then kept as a family heirloom.

4. Mandatory rule: the newlyweds should enter the wedding table only in a clockwise direction or in the direction of the sun, and leave in the opposite direction.

5. Both the bride and groom need to fasten a safety pin on their clothes, head down, to protect against the evil eye. For the bride on the hem of the dress, for the groom where the boutonniere is, but so that the pin is not visible.

6. The bride's wedding shoes should not be new. As a last resort, buy them in advance and wear them several times before the wedding. Then they will attract good luck and favor of fate to your newly created family.

7. The bride should make a couple of stitches against the evil eye on the hem of the dress or in another place invisible to the eye. Shoes must be with closed toes.

8. If the bride, standing under the aisle, drops her scarf, it means that her husband will die and she will be a widow.

9. Before the wedding, the bride should cry a little - the marriage will be happy. It is best if these tears come from the parting words of the parents, and not because of some problems or problems.

10. The bride's dress should be just a dress, and not a corset with a skirt, otherwise there will be a separate life.

11. When the bride goes to church/registry office, the mother gives her daughter a family heirloom: a ring, a cross, a brooch, a bracelet, etc., so that this item will be with her during the wedding, protecting her.

12. Until the wedding/registration, the bride should not see herself in the mirror in full attire. For example, you can look at yourself without gloves or in a dress, but without a veil.

13. The bride should not let go of the groom’s bouquet throughout the day. In an emergency, you can let the groom or mother hold the bouquet. Only at a wedding banquet can you put it on the table in front of you, and in the evening you should take it to your bedroom.

14. You can't wear pearls to a wedding. This is to the tears of the bride.

15. When leaving home for the wedding/registration, it is advisable that the bride wear a veil against the evil eye. When she enters the House of Celebrations or the church, the veil can be thrown back if desired.

16. If the witnesses at the wedding are divorced, this means the newlyweds will divorce.

17. After the groom has put a wedding ring on the bride, neither she nor he should take the empty ring box or the plate on which it was lying. It is better to take the box to an unmarried girlfriend or friend.

18. If the groom cuts his hair on the eve of the wedding, the children will be sick.

19. On the wedding day, parents must ensure that no strangers or guests adjust the clothes on the bride and groom.

20. The bride should not allow her friends to stand in front of her in front of the mirror, so that they do not take her beloved away.

21. Newlyweds must stay together at all times so that no one passes or stands between them, so that the union is unbreakable.

22. When the groom takes the bride from her parents' house, he should never look back.

23. The bride and groom should blow out their wedding candles at the same time - this means a long life together.

24. Under no circumstances should the bride be the first or the last to enter the house. The young husband must carry it in his arms. (And he will wear it like this all his life, however, with a stop for everyday affairs).

25. After the wedding, the newlyweds should look in the same mirror - to good luck, to a friendly and happy life.

26. It’s good if the earrings are put on the bride by her beloved and happily married friend.

27. When leaving the church/registry office, you need to sprinkle the young people with cereal: rice, millet or wheat grains - this means living in abundance.

28. Wedding rings should be smooth, classic, without notches or stones, so that the life of the newlyweds is smooth, without pitfalls.

29. Young people should not go straight to the banquet. People say that it is necessary to mislead the evil spirits, and therefore they choose a complex, ornate route. By the way, on this occasion, in some countries, empty cans are tied to the rear bumper so that they can rattle along the road and scare away all evil spirits.

30. There should be no jewelry on your hands. They will be decorated with a wedding ring.

31. When the newlyweds drive up to the wedding venue, the car should honk loudly. This also applies to repelling evil spirits.

32. If during a formal wedding photo shoot in the registry office the bride’s left palm itches, she will be rich, and if her right hand is, then the guests will not be transferred to her new home

33. The newlyweds should dance at the wedding banquet only together and a little with their parents. After dancing with their children, parents must reunite them and bring them to each other.

34. Whoever stands up first on the towel laid out by witnesses in front of the young people in the registry office will be the master of the house.

35. The wedding cake is cut by the bride, the groom holds the knife. The groom places a piece of cake with the main design on his fiancée’s plate, the bride presents the next piece to the groom, and then to the guests. This is a sign of mutual agreement and helping each other.

36. The marriage will be successful if on the eve of the wedding the bride puts a mirror under her pillow and puts on her nightgown inside out.

37. You can’t part with your veil and boutonniere. The veil and boutonniere are kept at home as a family heirloom, and when a child is born in the family, the veil, for example, is covered with the baby when he is sick, or hung over his crib to protect against the evil eye.

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