Accustom your child to normal food. Healthy food for children

A special “children’s menu” in the house is simply wonderful and beneficial for the baby’s health. However, time passes, and it becomes necessary to transfer the child to “adult food”, that is, to move him to a common table.

On the one hand, this is interesting: a growing child discovers new tastes, and can even sometimes participate in the process of cooking. On the other hand, the choice of products is significantly narrowed: there are not many dishes in the world that will appeal equally to both adults and children.

It’s especially hard for culinary moms. Before the birth of the child, they experimented, learned to cook complex dishes of world cuisines: spicy Indian, spicy Mexican, elegant appetizers and unusual soups. With the advent of children, exotic spices and complex tastes disappear. Food becomes simpler and, alas, more boring - from the point of view of an adult gourmet, of course.

However, there are several ways to ensure that the whole family is happy with their daily diet.

Do not accept "rush orders"

If a child knows: as soon as he refuses food that does not suit him for some reason, you will go and obediently prepare what he likes - he will never eat what is given. Yes, it may seem cruel, and it breaks the heart of a loving parent to see a hungry child, but rules are rules. What exactly will be served on the table is decided by adults. The child decides whether he will eat it and how much he will eat. Children should be allowed to refuse a dish they do not like, but they should know that there will be no substitute.

Let him try first

Speaking about the child’s right to refuse the offered food, it is necessary to make an important clarification: refusal is accepted only after he has tried everything that is on his plate. In this way, we at least introduce the child to new food, and he has the opportunity to make a decision dictated not by food neophobia, but by taste.

Sometimes this works surprisingly well: for example, a child may discover that a product they thought was suspicious actually likes it. It's all in the method of preparation, isn't it?

Respect your child's opinion

We all have food preferences and idiosyncrasies: some don’t like broccoli, some don’t like cheese, some don’t like paprika. It would be foolish not to realize that our children cannot have similar likes and dislikes. Yes, adults have the power and the right to choose the menu, but this does not mean that parents should not take into account the tastes of their children. Moreover, conversations about different tastes and textures of food are a critical part of children's “food education.”

If your child says they don't like Brussels sprouts, don't cook them Brussels sprouts every night. If he's not a big fan of pasta, don't cook it every day. And if he is a sausage lover, it is advisable to serve sausages on the table sometimes. However, remember: children's tastes change quickly. Periodically, it is worth re-introducing them to food that they once rejected - perhaps now they will like it.

Do not divide food into “adult” and “children’s”

Eat a varied diet

Since a rule is a rule: no one will prepare a separate dinner for a child if he refuses what he has, you need to soften the situation a little. If you suspect that the dish you have prepared may not be to the taste of the children, serve additionally something that you are sure of. This way, at least they won’t leave the table hungry, even if they just drink milk and a bun.

Allow yourself to eat separately sometimes

We can accustom children to “adult food” as much as we like, but the heart is not made of stone, and mothers often try to cook something that children will definitely like. However, you can’t eat mashed potatoes or sausages every day. Therefore, a couple of times a week you can prepare a simple dinner for the children and, after sending them to bed, enjoy what adults love so much: sharp cheeses, crispy greens, shrimp - you yourself know what you are missing. Not only do you enjoy the food - in the process, you also enjoy the opportunity to eat in peace without comments, without wiping up spilled milk, without bickering about “I won’t do it” and other parental joys. And as a result, everyone is happy, both children and parents.


Literally, immediately after a year, I began to transfer not the child to the adult table, but the adults to the children’s table) I began to cook baked, boiled, steamed. We eat everything with pleasure and the child is not tempted to try something adult, because... There are simply no such products prohibited for my daughter in the house.

Thank you for the article. Very interesting.

Comment on the article "Children's menu: how to teach your child to eat adult food"

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He doesn’t eat anything from “adult food”. I can't stand making a bottle of porridge mixture. The main thing is to understand the consequences and that it is more difficult to retrain an older child :) And the question is completely off the menu for you. In 1.7, teaching people to eat soup from a bottle seems completely stupid to me.

But it’s unlikely to be taught. Mine didn't eat baby food at all. And in general, adults have the right not to like or eat something, but children don’t? Or when they force broccoli into a child’s mouth, so that when he goes to the adult table, he never gets any more of it in his food, because... Houses...

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It makes no sense for a child to cook according to the children's menu?? Their stomach, liver, pancreas and kidneys are not ready for adult food, that’s why there is such a thing as a “children’s table”, don’t be lazy, read the information. Why, at this age, accustom a child to adult food?

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We demand that natural products - butter - be returned to the children's menu, the norm increased. As a result, children go hungry: there is an afternoon snack (squid salad with apple and peas) and such "Nectar" dishes, which are given to our children, are simply impossible to drink even for adults...

In the second half of the child’s life, parents will have to begin introducing and accustoming him to “adult food.” This is true for both breastfed and formula-fed babies. Babies at this age can be given vegetable puree and minced meat. Parents immediately face the question of whether to cook it themselves or buy baby food in jars. To find the answer, we must remember that for the baby it is important not only how (technology) the dish is prepared, but also from what...

Those. There are children who choke even at 2 years old, a normal doctor will say that the child is simply not ready to eat solid food yet... we need to gradually teach him not to choke.

In my opinion, feed your child what you will continue to feed him. and don’t teach something special that you will later regret, being forced to prepare separate food for your child. in the normal course of events after the same menu as in kindergarten in kindergarten >.

in the literature they write that children should not eat fried food until they are 2 years old, or even until they are three. What about omelettes, pancakes, cutlets, for example? You can puree soups and stewed vegetables up to the age of 10, or you can start gradually accustoming them to adult food from the age of 16...

Section: Nutrition (how to teach a child to eat everything). How to get accustomed to a common table? Nature knows of no cases where a healthy organism died of starvation in the presence of food around. Even if he doesn’t eat at all all day.

Please advise what can be done in this situation (how to teach a child to sleep at night and not eat)! My baby stopped eating in less than a month. Eats only Myllin Paras or Nordic 10/08/2006 00:33:53, KoshMarochka.

teach the child to cleanliness, order, neatness, good manners; Monitor the cleanliness of hands, clothes, shoes, toys, feeding chairs and Child from birth to one year Child from 1 to 3 Child from 7 to 10 Teenagers Adult children (children over 18) Child psychology.

Parents try their best to teach their child various skills as early as possible. But, despite all their teaching abilities, patience and perseverance, kids can stubbornly refuse to perform certain actions. It is especially frustrating to watch when a child does not want or cannot eat solid food. Instead of pieces of food, he happily consumes pureed food. What to do about it? How to teach a child to chew?

When can you start eating solid foods?

From the first months of complementary feeding, the child should receive only pureed and homogeneous purees. This is due to the immaturity of the digestive system, as well as the banal absence of teeth. Up to six months of age, children develop the expulsion reflex, which saves the child from getting solid objects into the mouth. It is not worth introducing complementary foods before the age of six months, it simply pushes out food, and it can even lead to vomiting.

Over time, the baby begins to try harder pieces. This is due to teething and the desire to scratch the gums. It is very important to be careful and attentive here. Giving a child a crust of bread or cookies is dangerous - the baby may choke on a hard piece.

How do you know when your baby is ready to chew solid food? Here are some illustrative examples.

  1. If you notice that your baby is looking at your plate with interest, trying to take pieces from it, and is interested in “adult” food.
  2. If a child puts a spoon in his mouth and it does not cause a gag reflex.
  3. The baby is ready for “pieces” if, when feeding, he does not suck in the puree, but, as it were, removes it with his upper lip.

These simple signals indicate that the baby is ready for solid foods. Typically, learning to eat in pieces begins at 8-9 months. Giving your baby solids too soon is dangerous. When feeding solid food, someone must be nearby; you cannot leave the child, even to the next room.

There are many tips and rules that will help you quickly and safely teach your baby to eat pieces.

  1. If your child eats pureed food, you should try to slowly move away from it. At 6 months, you need to use a blender to grind soups and vegetables, and then carefully pass the food through a strainer. This will allow you to eliminate the presence of lumps in your food. Over time, after a couple of months, the food does not have to be strictly homogenized. Now, instead of a blender, try to use a food grinder twice. When the baby gets used to this, grate the food - first finely, and then coarsely. After a year, the baby can be accustomed to more solid foods - do not use a blender, just mash the boiled vegetables with a fork. This way, the baby will receive small pieces that can be chewed at his age.
  2. Until the child is ready to eat whole fruits and vegetables, you can use a modern gadget called Nibbler. It is a small mesh bag attached to a handle. The baby, even with all his efforts, will not be able to open this bag - safety is guaranteed. Using special manipulations, parents place pieces of fruits and vegetables into this bag and close the structure tightly. This is a wonderful device. First, the child learns to bite whole pieces of fruit through a strainer. Secondly, no piece larger than the cell of this strainer will get into the mouth, which means the child will not choke. Thirdly, the baby receives a fresh product - namely, juice and microscopic pieces of fresh fruit. As a rule, children love to eat their favorite treats through Nibbler.
  3. For young children, there are special cookies on sale that immediately dissolve at the slightest contact with moisture. This is done so that the baby does not choke when a piece of such a cookie gets into his mouth. It becomes soft instantly and is very easy to eat.
  4. Semolina porridge can be given to a child without additional grinding. But buckwheat, rice and oatmeal need to be processed in a blender. Over time, try to do this as little as possible so that small pieces remain on the child’s plate. You can initially use crushed small rice for cooking - its pieces are so small that they can be successfully chewed by your child.
  5. Start introducing your baby to solid foods with very soft foods that melt when put in the mouth. It can be boiled carrots, banana, pear, peach, soft pasta. These products need to be cut into small cubes and simply placed on a plate in front of the baby. He will take what he needs himself.
  6. To encourage your child to chew, offer him the foods he likes the most. If you notice that your baby eats pumpkin puree with pleasure, cut the boiled pumpkin onto a plate. This will give your child pleasant emotions associated with the chewing process.

Remember, the transition to solid food should be gradual. After all, the child’s stomach is not ready for a sudden change in diet. Offer your baby boiled carrots for an afternoon snack today and, if he likes them, offer them tomorrow too. Patience and consistency are the main conditions for a successful transition to solid food.

It often happens that the baby agrees to eat only pureed food. It becomes especially alarming when the child is already one and a half years old, and he is not going to change his habits.

This is often accompanied by the following picture: the child happily eats banana, apple, cookies and bread, but does not want soup or porridge at all. If this is a portrait of your child, pay attention to the number of teeth your baby has. Sometimes a child’s teeth grow late and the baby simply has nothing to chew. You can only eat solid food if you have at least eight teeth.

If your child refuses solid pieces, try giving him sticky, thick foods. This can be jelly, cottage cheese diluted with kefir, yogurt, cream cheese.

Sometimes a categorical refusal of solid food can be pedagogical in nature. Our mothers did not have such a problem as the inability to accustom their children to solid food. The fact is that at that time there were no blenders available in every family. Therefore, young mothers chopped the cooked food themselves. This certainly explained the presence of small pieces in the child's food. Modern conditions of comfortable life allow us to turn soup, porridge and other products into the smallest puree in a second, without a hint of a single piece of solid food

Sometimes mothers say, “If only he could eat it, in any form,” and continue to feed the child pureed food. Over time, the child does not recognize the pieces; his body rejects everything except the pureed form of food. In this case, you need to grit your heart out and throw the blender away and chop the child’s food with a fork. But only if the baby by the age of one and a half has not acquired the desire to eat solid pieces. And it’s okay, if the baby refuses such food, don’t panic. After a couple of hours, hunger will force the child to accept any food; all you need is patience.

In order for your baby to eat cooked food in pieces, you need to provide him with variety. Offer a variety of fruits and vegetables, use vegetable oil and butter in cooking, and don’t forget about herbs. And then you will not have problems with feeding and eating solid pieces.

Video: how to teach a child to chew solid food

Today we will talk about how to teach your children to eat healthy food. This question interests many parents in all corners of the globe. After all, it’s no secret that the state of our child’s health, his physical and mental development, as well as the healthy habit of eating the right foods throughout his life depend on healthy food. Of course, a child’s health is priceless - so let’s teach our beloved children to eat healthy food from a young age. From my own experience I know how difficult it is to do this, but this article will help you teach your child to love vegetables, fish and other natural products without much difficulty.

It's no secret that Japan occupies a leading position in terms of life expectancy. And this is not surprising, because eating healthy food is part of the cultural tradition of this people. Their diet is based on rice, a large amount of fish, a variety of seafood and, of course, vegetables. On the streets of this country it is difficult to meet a child demanding something from fast food or other unhealthy snacks. After all, when a child is full (read: fed with healthy foods), then the desire to eat anything harmful is minimal.

Now, in a period of total lack of time, it is very difficult for children and parents, first of all, to resist the abundance of such tasty and affordable quick snacks. But do not forget that the pleasure of junk food passes very quickly, as well as the feeling of fullness. And our body (especially a growing one) does not receive enough building materials so necessary for its full existence: microelements, vitamins, fiber, proteins, unsaturated fats. That's why it's so important to learn how to cook healthy meals for your children.

Japanese mothers, from the cradle, instill in their children a love of healthy food and certainly know how to feed their child the right food. You will find their experience and advice below. I am sure that many of you will look for a suitable method for yourself, and very soon your child will happily chew what you offer him on a plate.

It is also believed that the earlier you start introducing your child to healthy foods, the more likely he is to like them. So feel free to start introducing complementary foods to your baby, starting with vegetables. The taste buds of young children have not yet encountered junk food, and therefore it is easier to teach them to enjoy simple healthy food.

  1. Try to prepare dishes using a variety of vegetables, whole grains, and fruits as often as possible. Eat them yourself and unobtrusively offer them to your child, thereby giving him an example of how to eat properly.
  2. It is advisable that you prepare vegetable soups for lunch, and always have fried or steamed vegetables as a side dish. So, having vegetables on the table every day, the child is more likely to love them.
  3. Do not speak badly about unhealthy foods (ice cream, chips, crackers, cakes, pastries, etc.). They will always be present in our lives. Of course, you shouldn’t buy them for home, but sometimes you can let your child eat a piece of cake or ice cream.
  4. Forget about snacks like crackers, buns, sausages, chocolate bars, etc. Today, put a bowl of fruit or pieces of vegetables (sweet carrot sticks, for example) on your table.
  5. All children love sweets. So prepare them delicious fruit desserts. Both tasty and healthy!
  6. Make sure there is always a supply of fruits and vegetables (fresh, canned, frozen) in the house.
  7. Prepare meals for your family using a variety of vegetables. This is not only useful, but will also save you a lot of time, since you won’t have to prepare separate children’s meals. Everyone will eat the same healthy food.
  8. Children often refuse to eat vegetables as a separate dish. Turn on your imagination! Place their favorite sauce on the table and let them dip the vegetables into the sauce with their hands. Broccoli, carrots, cauliflower will be eaten with a bang.
  9. Together with your child, give vegetables funny shapes and decorate ready-made dishes with them. I think the funny figures will be the first to disappear from the table.
  10. Invite your child to go with you to the market and see with their own eyes a wide range of vegetables and fruits. Let him choose one of them to his taste.
  11. Allow your child to help prepare vegetable dishes for you and set the table for them. Let him feel like a chef.
  12. Show your child how vegetables grow in the garden or fruits in the garden. If you don’t have this opportunity, then plant some green seeds (dill, parsley) in a pot in your kitchen. It’s incredibly interesting to watch how your own planted greens grow, and then add them to your salad!
  13. When going to the supermarket, allow your child to choose fruits and vegetables for the whole family for the coming days.
  14. When offering your child new and unfamiliar food, remain calm and restrained.
  15. A child's eating should be associated with positive emotions. No moralizing. What you don't like today may become your favorite food tomorrow.
  16. Do not put pressure on your child or force him to eat. A child is also a person, and he has every right not to like broccoli (read - any other product).
  17. Never use food as a reward for good behavior.
  18. Don't force your child to wash the dishes after you. Praise him and he will do it more often!
  19. Try to eat at the same time every day. Over time, the body itself will tell you that it is time to have lunch.
  20. Keep in mind that the same product can be prepared in different ways. For example, potatoes can be fried, baked, or mashed. Tasty, varied and unusual. Also, many vegetables can be eaten raw.

Children often make very strong statements about their food preferences, for example: “I don’t like peas,” “I don’t like fruit,” or “I like potatoes.” Here are a few ways to encourage your child to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and foods high in complex carbohydrates, while also limiting the amount of unhealthy fats and sugar in their diet.


It is beneficial for children to eat fruit even between meals. This is necessary for their growing body, improves attention and helps development. Here are some simple ways to get your child to eat more fruit.

1. Buy fruit

Always keep a supply of fruit at home! Children love to snack between meals, and they eat whatever they can get their hands on. If they find chips in the kitchen, they will eat chips. If they find fruit, they will eat fruit.

Children most often choose grapes, tangerines, mini-bananas and apples because these fruits are convenient for children's hands: they are easy to pick up and take with them.

2. Place a bowl of fruit in plain view.

So, buy grapes, tangerines, bananas and apples, put them in a vase and leave it within reach of the child so that he can always take the fruit when he is hungry. Ideally, the vase should be in plain sight, in a place where the child regularly passes and where it is easy for him to reach. Snacking between meals isn't such a good habit, but fruit between meals is healthy, and having a fruit bowl in a visible place is a good way to teach your child to snack "correctly" when they're hungry. One “but”: as far as I know, dentists believe that fruits can cause dental problems in children. So make sure your child brushes their teeth properly after eating.

3. Put mindless eating to good use.

Try giving your child a bowl of chopped fruit while he or she is watching TV. Make fruit a treat, put it on a pretty plate and say, “Here, have this delicious assorted fruit!” Most likely, your child will sweep everything off his plate and not even notice. People tend to engage in “mindless” eating, which is when they eat something without realizing what they are doing. This can lead to overeating, as people tend to eat everything they can get their hands on, regardless of the portion size. Or they eat when they are not really hungry. If we have a large bag of chips on hand, we may mindlessly eat the entire bag rather than limit ourselves to 30 grams. But in the case of children, “mindless” eating can be used for good purposes. Give them a bowl of fruit while their attention is occupied with TV or a computer game. This is a good way to improve their diet.

We all come from childhood, and our habits also come from there - tea with sugar, dislike of sports and sandwiches for breakfast. We have selected some of the most bad habits from childhood that spoil the figure of adults.

4. Make fruit a dessert

Try not to end every meal with dessert, but occasionally, about twice a week, have a special sweet feast. And it’s better if this sweet is fruity: fruit crumble or cake, fruit with cream or yogurt, or just chopped pineapple or mango. Just try to make this dish beautiful and refined so that the fruit is perceived as a delicacy.

5. Give fruits to school

If your child takes a packed lunch or breakfast to school, be sure to include some fruit in the bag. The easiest way is to put grapes in a small box, a tangerine, an apple or a banana. Even if the child does not eat them every day, it will be imprinted in his head: there must be fruit for lunch.

6. Drink fruit

Today there are many different ways to “drink” fruit. Buy natural fruit juices, not lemonades, dilute them with water and give your child a glass at breakfast. Dentists recommend drinking undiluted juice only with meals to protect your teeth, while juice diluted with water contains less acid. Personally, I prefer to give my children just water at lunch and dinner, because I believe that sweets should not be included in all meals. Therefore, I would recommend giving juice only for breakfast, and water during other meals. Today, you can buy fruit smoothies, fruit cocktails, etc. in stores, which also helps to accustom children to fruits. But don't overdo it as it can be bad for their teeth. In addition, juices are food, and with a fairly high calorie content. However, people rarely remember this and end up overeating. This is good for small children, but adults live in a world where there is a lot of high-calorie food and little energy expenditure. And sugary drinks significantly increase the number of calories consumed. Eat fruit rather than drink it.


Children's diets should also include a variety of vegetables. Here are some ways to encourage kids to eat more vegetables.

1. Buy vegetables

You, and not the children, are responsible for finances, grocery shopping and cooking in the family. Therefore, buy vegetables every time, keep them at home all the time and feed them to your child. If you don't offer him vegetable dishes, he won't like them. Always keep a supply of frozen peas, green beans and broccoli in the freezer, and cucumbers, carrots and tomatoes in the refrigerator. My children, for example, prefer these vegetables and readily eat them. If you want to introduce a new vegetable into your child's diet, offer it along with foods that the child already knows and loves. This will help the child overcome mistrust of a new product and, perhaps, encourage him to try something unfamiliar.

2. Be persistent

Be sure to complement every meal with vegetables. Even if your child refuses vegetables, be persistent and continue to offer them to your child. Eventually he will give in and eat them. And over time, it will even begin to seem to him that there is something missing in the dish if there are no vegetables. When your child says, “I don’t like broccoli,” put a piece on his plate anyway. Sooner or later he will eat this piece. The most effective way to introduce broccoli to your child is to invite his friend who loves vegetables to dinner. If your child sees a friend eating broccoli, they will likely do the same.

3. Be a good role model

Eat with your child and be sure to talk during lunch about how you like the vegetables and how tasty they are. Instead of saying, “Eat beans, they're good for your health,” say, “Shall I put some beans in for you? Try how juicy it is.” Sit down at the table with your child and enjoy eating your portion of beans.

4. Give raw vegetables

Many children like crunchy vegetables. Therefore, give them raw carrots or peppers, even if you eat them cooked yourself.

5. Make vegetables a treat

A bowl of frozen peas is perfect for mindless eating in front of the TV. If you give them to a child and say, “These are for you, here you go,” he will perceive frozen peas as a treat and eat them without thinking.

6. Mask vegetables

Many mothers “hide” vegetables in delicious dishes, and children eat them without noticing the catch. Make tomato-based sauces, add grated carrots to bolognese sauce, finely chopped onions and peppers to shepherd's pie, etc.

7. Use peer influence

When your son or daughter is going to visit a friend, never tell his parents: “My child doesn’t like such and such.” On the contrary, if his mother asks: “What does your child eat?”, answer: “Everything they give.” Children who categorically refuse cauliflower, broccoli or beans at home can eat them with pleasure when visiting. Likewise, when you invite your child's friends over, give all children the same food. You can take the opportunity to prepare foods that your child doesn't usually like. Seeing that his friends like her, your son or daughter will most likely join them.

8. Let him choose for himself

If you take your child shopping, let him choose the vegetable he wants to try. Let this be fun for the child. Then prepare something tasty from the new vegetable - and it’s better to do it together - and the child will probably agree to try what happened: after all, he chose this vegetable himself.

9. Take advantage of when your child is hungry

Before dinner, my kids become refrigerator magnets and start scouring the kitchen for something to snack on. Take advantage of this moment and give them a bowl of frozen peas or raw carrots.

10. Drink your vegetables

Children like many types of vegetable juices, so you can take them to school with them. But don't overuse juices. As in the case of fruits, it is better not to “drink”, but to eat vegetables: then they are perceived as a dish and give a feeling of fullness. People forget that there are a lot of hidden calories in vegetable juices: a bag of juice drunk in the car can have the same calorie content as half a meal.

"How to Get Your Child to Eat Healthily" by Jane Ogden

Every parent knows perfectly well that a child needs to be fed healthy food. But many children have a different opinion on this matter: they prefer all sorts of unhealthy goodies to healthy food - fast food, sweets, chips and sweet soda - and over time this has a detrimental effect on their health. In many ways, the formation of eating habits is influenced by the traditions of the family in which the child grows up, his peers and, of course, the ubiquitous advertising. What should parents do who want their child to grow up healthy, but, despite all their efforts, cannot get him to choose steamed vegetables over French fries?

The author of the book assures: nothing is impossible if you are determined to instill in your child the right eating habits. Her recommendations outlined in this book are very simple, easy to implement and truly invaluable. They will allow you, without any coercion, to convince your little picky eaters that healthy food is just wonderful!

“My child doesn’t want to eat” - how often we hear this phrase from parents. Of course, there are children who do not have problems with appetite, but not all parents are so lucky. So, how can you teach your child to eat according to his diet?

1. First of all, you should stick to your diet and daily routine. This does not mean at all that you need to feed your child exclusively dietary foods: simply that meals should be taken at the same time. This action stabilizes the functioning of the digestive system: at a certain time, the child will begin to secrete gastric juice, which means an appetite will appear.

2. Offer your child food only on a scheduled basis. Don't be angry if your baby refuses a dish. Just remove the plate from the table and wait for the next feeding. Don't get annoyed if only part of the food is eaten. Your baby will eat more later. Don't worry if your child misses several meals: the body has the necessary supply of nutrients (they accumulate in the liver and other internal organs and muscles of the body).

3. Avoid snacking between meals.

4. Spend more time outside. If a child spends a long time indoors, the lack of oxygen slows down metabolic processes, and as a result, appetite disappears.

5. Try to diversify your child’s diet, but introduce new products gradually and only if you are confident in their quality. Let your child choose his own dish by offering several options. Monotony can lead to the development of diseases: anemia, gastrointestinal dysfunction, vitamin deficiency and others.

6. If you have dinner at the table with the whole family, try to eat with a big appetite in the presence of your child: even if it is cereal, broccoli and other unloved foods that you hate.

7. Try to diversify the eating process. For example, a child can drink broth through a straw, and a cutlet can be beautifully wrapped in a wrapper, then it will be more interesting for the baby. If a child shows a desire to participate in the cooking process, give him this opportunity. He will definitely want to try the “creation of his own hands”, perhaps he will even eat the entire portion.

8. Involve your child in the process of setting the table. The child will dine with great appetite at the table on which he and his mother have laid a new tablecloth, or if the child himself already wields a fork or spoon.

9. Don't pay too much attention to the feeding process. The capricious behavior of children at the table is a common phenomenon in families where the child is almost force-fed. The child understands that it is very important for his mother that he eats and ultimately turns the feeding process into a show where parents are assigned the role of observers. Try not to show your child that you are watching what is happening; it is better to pay more attention to the baby during the game.

10. Go to a cafe. Sometimes children love to dine outside the home, then their appetite wakes up.

11. Place your child at the table next to children who eat well. Their example can be contagious.

Many parents turn a child’s refusal to eat into a real tragedy. If no one in the family has a good appetite, why should the child eat a lot? If your son or daughter always eats little - yesterday, a week ago, a month ago, but at the same time the child is joyful, active and developed, you should calm down - there is nothing wrong with his appetite!
