Calculation of payment for kindergarten. Compensation for kindergarten: application, documents

The child has already grown up, and parents began to think about sending him to kindergarten. After all, there the child will be able not only to communicate with his peers, but also to develop, and also be well prepared for school. This is precisely what the educational program of kindergartens is aimed at. But what should legal representatives know before enrolling a child in a preschool educational institution? First of all, they should be aware that they must pay parental fees for kindergarten. This amount is specified in the contract. You will learn more about all this from this article.

A little about the main thing

What do parents need to know about kindergarten fees? The most important thing is that funds for your child’s attendance at a preschool educational institution must be paid monthly. This rule applies to all kindergartens, regardless of whether it is a private or public kindergarten. This is important to know.

In addition, when signing an agreement with a preschool education institution, you need to carefully study all the conditions for paying fees for the kindergarten (by what date of each month should funds be deposited into the account for the service provided). Before a child enters kindergarten, you will need to collect and bring to the manager certain documents necessary to calculate compensation for part of the parental fee. Detailed information about this is provided by the administration when enrolling a child in a preschool educational institution.

In law

So, as already written earlier, if a child attends a preschool educational institution, then his legal representatives are required to pay parental fees for kindergarten. However, the state currently allows the latter to return part of the funds spent on preschool education services. But not all parents will be able to receive compensation for attending kindergarten. Moreover, the amount of this amount may vary depending on how many children there are in the family.

Based on the Federal Law “On Education” No. 273, parents are provided with partial compensation for kindergarten fees. This regulatory act fixes the minimum amount of payments and establishes factors influencing the amount of compensation.

Therefore, if a kindergarten attends:

  • one child, then only 20% of the amount paid can be returned;
  • two children, then you can return 50% of the funds spent on kindergarten services;
  • three or more minor children, then the amount of the payment increases to 70%.

You need to know about this.

What happens if you don't pay for kindergarten?

Unfortunately, many parents ask this question. This may be due to a difficult life situation and job loss. So, parental fees for kindergarten must be paid before the date of each month specified in the contract. If a child attends a municipal kindergarten, and his legal representatives do not pay the required amount for him, then the administration of the preschool educational institution can sue the parents. In this case, you will still have to pay, but legal costs will also be added to the costs for the kindergarten.

Therefore, before enrolling your child in kindergarten, you need to think carefully about whether the parents will have the money to pay for the services of a preschool institution. Indeed, at present this type of education is not considered compulsory. Although not all parents know about this.

Who is entitled to compensation?

This is a very interesting question. In any case, when enrolling a child in kindergarten, one of the parents fills out an application and signs an agreement. The one who is considered the customer under the contract has the right to receive compensation for part of the parental pay. You need to know about this.

Currently, the amount of compensation will depend not only on how many children live in the family, but also on whether citizens are recognized as being in great need according to regional criteria. Thus, low-income people will be able to receive the largest amount of compensation from paying for kindergarten services only in a situation if they have a certain status under the law.

Here it is necessary to say that children who have become orphans or left without parental care, as well as children with disabilities or children with tuberculosis intoxication, go to kindergarten completely free of charge.

What documents are needed?

In 2018, the right to transfer monetary compensation for part of the parental fee for kindergarten remains with one of the parents who entered into an agreement with the preschool institution. As stated earlier, the size of this amount now depends on how many children live in the family.

What documents do you need to bring to the head of a preschool educational institution in order to receive monthly compensation for parental fees for kindergarten? This question is often asked by legal representatives of minors attending these educational organizations.

To receive compensation for part of the amount paid for kindergarten, you must fill out an appropriate application. This form is given to the parent directly at the preschool institution. The main thing is to correctly indicate the account details to which the compensation amount will be transferred.

Here it is also necessary to say that the card number or bank account must be opened in the name of the representative of the child who entered into an agreement with the kindergarten. In this case, it is prohibited to indicate third party account numbers.

If there is only one child in the family, then you will only need his birth certificate and passport details of the legal representative who will be the recipient of compensation for parental fees for kindergarten. If there are two or more children in a family, then you will also need to submit their birth documents. That's the order.

If the kindergarten fee was increased and no warning was given

According to the law, this cannot happen, but nevertheless, such situations often occur in practice. Moreover, in each district and city of a certain region, a certain amount of parental fees for kindergarten is established. According to the rules, it is established by a resolution of the head of the district or the mayor of the city. The fee for the kindergarten cannot be higher than the amount specified in this document. All legal representatives of children should know about this.

An increase in parental fees for kindergarten should occur only on the basis of a corresponding resolution of the head of the district or city. After receiving this document, the kindergarten administration must prepare additional agreements to the contract and distribute them to all parents against signature. They are compiled in two copies. Only after notifying parents, the kindergarten administration has the right to demand from them payment for preschool services at the new rate. All citizens should know about this.

For information

So, just a few years ago, the amount of compensation for part of parental fees for kindergarten was subject to taxation. It, like any other income of individuals, was charged a personal income tax rate of 13%. Currently this is no longer the case. Therefore, the amount of compensation accrued to the parent for the kindergarten now remains unchanged and is transferred to his account. All parents whose children attend preschool institutions also need to know about this.

What to pay attention to

Parental fees for kindergarten are calculated by the accounting department based on the number of days the child spent in kindergarten. Accordingly, if the child attended preschool for only a week, then he will only need to pay for five days.

As a rule, payments for kindergarten are made at the beginning of the next month. The payment slip is handed over to the group teacher, and she then communicates the information to the children’s parents.

Each contract contains a clause stating by what date of the month you must pay for visiting the kindergarten. If the funds are transferred by parents later, they may end up in debt and, accordingly, they may have an unpleasant conversation with the administration of the preschool institution. Therefore, payment must be made on time.

If the kindergarten is private

In modern times, some parents give greater preference to non-state educational institutions, believing that there their child will be able to get better development than in a municipal kindergarten. But it is not always the case. Before entering a private kindergarten, you need to check its license. If this document is not available, then there is no need to risk the health of your baby and it is best to assign him to a municipal institution. After all, a kindergarten cannot operate without a license, and therefore, the activities of such an institution will be illegal.

The amount of parental fees for kindergarten in this case may vary. After all, in a private educational institution, parents will have to pay not only for the child’s attendance and meals, but also for additional classes with him and much more. Therefore, even wealthy citizens consider it the best option to send their child to a municipal kindergarten. It's safer and much cheaper there.


The law allows you to return part of the parental payment for kindergarten to the customer; the amount of this amount will directly depend on how many children live in the family. Here, many citizens have a natural question. Can you expect to receive compensation for kindergarten in the amount of 70% if there are three children in the family, but one of them is already 18 years old? Of course not. After all, a citizen who has reached the age of majority is no longer considered a child. Accordingly, one of the parents will be able to receive compensation for kindergarten only in the amount of 50% of the preschool fee, but only if the second child is also a minor.

Because in practice, this often happens when another child appears in a family, when everyone else has already celebrated their majority. But parents believe that they are also children and want to receive the largest amount of compensation from paying for kindergarten. Unfortunately, this is not provided for by law.

If a place is not provided

Currently, the queue for kindergartens is not getting shorter. Therefore, legislators have long been thinking about ensuring that parents whose children did not enroll in preschool institutions due to lack of places would receive monthly monetary compensation. However, even now such a benefit does not exist in all regions. For example, for now this compensation can only be received by those living in Perm, Samara, Arkhangelsk and a number of other cities where there are very few kindergartens.

There are no such benefits in Moscow and St. Petersburg. This is due to the fact that in large cities there are quite a lot of kindergartens, and all children must be accepted into preschool educational organizations.

Where are the funds credited?

The refund of parental fees for kindergarten is made to the citizen’s bank account, because this is provided by law. When writing an application, you must indicate your account details and submit them to the accounting department or kindergarten administration. The specified compensation is credited to the account once a month.

general characteristics

Here it is necessary to say that the child’s right to receive a place in kindergarten is enshrined in the Constitution. According to the law, a child can be accepted into this educational organization from a very early age. It is also necessary to say here that, in theory, kindergartens should accept infants into nurseries starting from two months. However, in practice the situation looks completely different. Moreover, only children starting from two or three years old are accepted into the kindergarten. It is best to queue for a place in a preschool institution in advance. It’s good if the mother takes care of this issue a few months after the birth of the baby.

As for the issue of reimbursement of parental fees for kindergarten, everything is not so bad here. Now compensation is paid to all parents whose children attend preschool institutions.

But soon the authorities propose to make significant changes to the law. For example, when compensating part of the payment (parental fee) for kindergarten, the financial situation of the family will be taken into account. If people are low-income, then they will be able to receive part of the amount paid for their children attending preschool, but everyone else will not.

Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 273-FZ) provides that a preschool educational organization has the right to carry out:

a) functions of providing free and publicly accessible preschool education;

b) and the functions of supervising and caring for children in organizations engaged in educational activities.

Providing state guarantees for the implementation of the rights to receive public and free preschool education in municipal and state preschool and general education organizations, as well as financial support for obtaining preschool education in private preschool and general education organizations is referred to the powers of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (clauses 3 and 6 of paragraphs 1 Article 8 of Law No. 273-FZ). The specified powers in relation to private educational organizations make it possible to fully compensate for the costs of families with children to receive preschool education in these educational organizations within the limits of the federal state educational standard.

Creating conditions for the supervision and care of children in organizations carrying out educational activities is attributed to the powers of the founders (state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments of municipal districts and urban districts) of the relevant organizations (clause 5, part 1, article 8 and clause 3, part 1, article 9 of Law No. 273-FZ).

Supervision and care of children in organizations engaged in educational activities is inherently an activity that replaces the functions and responsibilities of parents in caring for children. Thus, parents are responsible for the upbringing and development of their children. They are obliged to take care of the health, physical, mental, spiritual and moral development of their children (Part 1 of Article 63 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation).

Thus, parents cannot escape the burden of bearing the costs of maintaining children (child care and supervision), including in educational organizations. This position was confirmed by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation (Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2006 N 5-P).

Taking this into account, for the supervision and care of a child, the founder of an organization carrying out educational activities has the right to set the fee charged to parents (legal representatives) and its amount. This fee is called parental fees (Part 2, Article 65 of Law No. 273-FZ).

Thus, the average amount of parental fees for the maintenance of a child in state educational institutions implementing the basic general educational program of preschool education in the city of Moscow as of January 1, 2012 is 598 rubles per month. This amount is established by Order of the DogM dated February 14, 2012 N 57 “On establishing the average amount of parental fees for the maintenance of a child in state educational institutions implementing the basic general educational program of preschool education in the city of Moscow.”

In Law No. 273-FZ, supervision and care of children is understood as a set of measures to organize meals and household services for children, ensuring their compliance with personal hygiene and daily routine (Clause 34, Article 2 of Law No. 273-FZ).

Supervision and care of children is carried out by organizations engaged in educational activities on the basis of an agreement on the provision of relevant services between the parents (legal representatives) of the child and the organization.

When establishing the amount of parental fees for the supervision and care of children, it should be borne in mind that parental fees are not allowed to include expenses for the implementation of the preschool education program, as well as expenses for the maintenance of real estate of state and municipal educational organizations implementing the preschool education program ( Part 4 of Article 65 of Law No. 273-FZ).

This is due to the fact that provision of state guarantees for the implementation of the rights to receive public and free preschool education in municipal preschool educational and general education organizations through the provision of subventions to local budgets, including the cost of wages, the purchase of textbooks and teaching aids, teaching aids, games, toys ( excluding expenses for the maintenance of buildings and payment for utilities), in accordance with the standards determined by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, is referred to the powers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (Clause 3, Part 1, Article 8 of Law No. 273-FZ).

Education and upbringing of children in Moscow kindergartens is free for parents and financed from the budget. But for child care and supervision services, a separate fee is established, which falls on the shoulders of the parents.

Related materials:

The procedure for establishing parental fees for kindergarten

The Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, which came into force on September 1, 2013, does not limit the educational institution when establishing the amount - the percentage of the child’s annual maintenance in a preschool institution - that parents must pay. Previously, the upper limit was 20% of the annual cost.

However, this innovation does not particularly concern Moscow kindergartens. In accordance with the decision of Moscow Mayor S.S. Sobyanin, for Muscovites the limit on the amount of parental payment to 20% of the cost of child care in preschool institutions remains unchanged.

Important! In accordance with Art. 65 of the Law “On Education”, parental fees are not charged for the supervision and care of disabled children, orphans and children without parental care, as well as for children with tuberculosis intoxication studying in state and municipal preschool educational institutions.

Procedure for setting fees for kindergarten

The amount of fees charged to parents is set annually by the district offices of the Department of Education based on the calculations of each educational institution in the district. The district education department issues an order to establish parental fees in an institution for the entire academic year, based on the actual amount of costs for child supervision and care for the previous year.

Fee calculation:

  • based on the actual costs of child care and supervision for the previous year;
  • agrees with the kindergarten administration (council of teachers and parent committee);
  • approved by the district education department.

The amount of parental fees in kindergartens (as well as in preschool departments of schools) is set at the beginning of the year for the entire calendar year and cannot be changed. Thus, the fee for kindergarten, established in January 2014, does not change from September 1, 2014.

Participation of the preschool educational institution administration in establishing parental fees

Parents, represented by the governing council, together with the kindergarten administration, decide whether parents will financially participate in additional incentives for the teaching staff for the quality of childcare services.

By decision of the Governing Council of the preschool educational institution, certain categories of citizens may be provided with an additional benefit for parental pay.

Return of parental fees

If a child missed days in kindergarten for a good reason, confirmed by an appropriate document (for example, a certificate from the hospital), parental fees for the days the child did not attend can be returned. The return of parental fees is made on the basis of an agreement between the preschool educational institution and the parent, and is carried out upon the written application of the parent who paid the child's maintenance fee to his account.

Compensation for payment of preschool educational institution (DOU)

Each parent who has paid a fee for the maintenance of a child in a preschool educational institution has the right to apply for compensation for part of the parental fee.

The procedure for paying compensation for part of the parental fee for the maintenance of a child in a preschool educational institution was approved by Decree of the Moscow Government of July 27, 2010 No. 590-PP (as amended by Decree No. 634-PP - Decree No. 634-PP can be found in).

For parents paying for kindergarten, the capital's budget provides compensation: for the first child - 20%, for the second - 50%, for the third and subsequent children - 70% of the amount paid.

When assigning compensation for part of the parental payment for the second and third child in the family, children under the age of 18 are taken into account. The amount of compensation is calculated in proportion to the actual parental payment paid, determined taking into account benefits (if any).

To receive compensation, the parent who paid the fee for the kindergarten must contact the administration of “their” preschool educational institution in writing and provide:

  1. Passport and its copy.
  2. Birth certificate of the child or children in the family and copies of certificates.
  3. Personal account number with details.
