The most effective conspiracy to love a man to read. Protective spells on yourself

The scourge of modern society - drunkenness destroys families, breaks destinies, ruins health, takes lives. According to statistics, every sixth Russian family has an alcoholic who poisons the lives of everyone living with him. And 500,000 people die from alcohol in Russia every year. And this number is growing every year. Scary numbers, right? Unfortunate wives and mothers are ready to do anything to save their husbands and sons from this terrible addiction. Some people succeed, and some don't. The main thing here is the desire of the one they want to help. If he does not want it, then it will be very difficult to help him.

In magic, conspiracies from drunkenness are used, which, when they work, when they do not: it all depends on the desire of the alcoholic himself and the energy strength of the one who reads conspiracies from alcoholism. However, trying to help a person is not only possible to try, but also necessary. It won't get any worse. What if a miracle happens? The most important thing is faith.

Conspiracies are successfully used in folk medicine for the treatment of various diseases. Alcoholism is also a very serious disease, from which there are magical methods of treatment. There are many conspiracies from hard drinking and drunkenness that are successfully read at home. By following the sequence of performing rituals against alcoholism, you can forever save your loved ones from this terrible scourge:

  • the phase of the moon is of great importance in carrying out rituals from drunkenness - they read a conspiracy from drinking on a full moon or on a waning moon. The most optimal period is 2-3 days before the onset of the full moon;
  • a conspiracy against the drunkenness of a husband or son should be read on men's days - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. If a woman suffers from alcoholism, then conspiracies and prayers for drunkenness are read on women's days - Wednesday, Friday and Saturday;
  • if the one who reads the conspiracy from alcoholism does not believe in its effectiveness, then the wine ritual may not work. Faith is the main condition for obtaining positive results so that the husband does not drink;
  • an important condition is the desire of the alcoholic to be healed. If a person does not consider himself such and is not going to be treated, then it will be quite difficult or even impossible to help him.

Subject to the above conditions, there is a huge chance to get rid of the drunkenness of a son, husband, wife, mother, etc. forever, and this chance must be used.

How to stop drinking yourself

If a person is aware of his problem with alcohol, then it is much easier to help him, and he himself can perfectly heal from adversity. In order for the rite to have the most effective effect, a strict fast must be observed for several days before it, then visit the bathhouse and put on completely new clothes. Prepare water from a source or spring, on which you need to say such a conspiracy from a hangover three times:

“In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen! Hops and wine, depart from me, God's servant (name) forever, to the grave! Disappear from me all desire for wine and liquor! Get away from me, drunkenness, into the dark forest, where wild animals and black birds live! Take, violent wind, from me a pernicious passion and a desire for wine, and take it across the blue sea to evil people and dashing people! Attach yourself, my passion, to a dashing man who does not do good to people, but only brings one evil, like a cursed potion-wine! Get rid of me and leave me forever, for all the times of my stomach. May it be so! Amen!"

When casting spells, they clearly imagine how addiction goes away. Then, they drink the charmed water.

The strongest conspiracy

A strong conspiracy from drunkenness, so that the husband stops drinking, is read over a sleeping person. It is best if it is the wife of a drinking man. When the husband returns from another booze and goes to bed, you need to stand at his head, read the prayer “Our Father” three times, and then say a conspiracy from drunkenness:

“Hear me sky! See me, heaven, what do I want to do over the servant of God (name)! The sun is red, rise over my yard, and in my yard there are neither people nor animals. Clear moon, descend into my cage, and in my cage there is neither bottom nor door. The stars are bright, descend into the marriage cup, and in my cup the water is pure mountain. Sun, turn the slave (name) away from wine, month, turn away the slave (name) from wine, stars, take away the slave (name) from wine. In the blue sea and open field and a key with a lock.

“I will become a servant of God (name), blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from the hut - the doors, from the yard - the gates. I’ll go and go to the eastern side, on that side there is an ocean - the sea, in this sea there is a stone, a small pike fish swims near this stone. The pike of this cheek is large, the teeth are damask, and the eyes are fiery. She comes and takes away the disease from the servant of God (name) - bitter drunkenness, frees him from a terrible addiction from the present moment and forever and ever. May it be so. Amen!"

Then, once again read the prayer "Our Father". A strong conspiracy from drunkenness, the consequences come gradually, but the next day the craving for alcohol in a man will begin to wane.

Rituals for drunkenness with water

Water has a strong magical meaning. With its help, many rituals are performed. She heals and bewitches. If you speak water from alcoholism, then the result may not be 100% guaranteed, but it is likely that it will come. Conspiracies so that the husband does not drink, on the water - the most popular and in demand. Below are the most commonly used.

In trying to achieve a goal, a person can even resort to those things that seem useless and have no reason to believe in them. The category of such methods includes conspiracies and rituals for weight loss, carried out at home according to the moon calendar or on significant days in paganism. A number of reviews raise doubts about the "emptiness" of this way to lose weight and interest in the effect it has. Is there any sense in self-performed magical rituals and how do they work?

What is a ritual for weight loss

Love spells, lapels, conspiracies, slander - all these manifestations of pagan magic were the main way to influence the situation in antiquity and the Middle Ages. Traditional healers treated more with a word - not with a medicine, and it worked. After the spread of Christianity, the church began to deny magical rituals, as "games of demons", psychics, fortune-tellers, and other representatives of this group were recognized as "devil's offspring." However, church prayers, to which a person began to entrust himself, are of the same nature as conspiracies.

The essence of these rituals for weight loss is one:

  • Any ritual, during which a person needs to pronounce (read) a certain text, is neuro-linguistic programming (abbreviated as "NLP") - modeling and cultivating faith in a successful situation. If you call it easier, then any ritual for weight loss is self-hypnosis.
  • If a person does not believe in what he says or hears, he will not see a positive result. All "magic" helps not by action, but by faith.

Regarding women's attempts to lose weight with the help of magic at home, a clarification needs to be made: conspiracies or rituals can change the principle of thinking, correct some eating habits, make them fall in love with initially unloved food and vice versa, give motivation, desire to change. However, no weight loss ritual will act like a magic wand that burns fat: without additional effort, it becomes an empty business.

Black Rite

The danger of such rituals is a fee or “kickback”, as experts call it. In terms of effectiveness, any ritual for losing weight from black magic is stronger than from white magic, but the consequences can be more serious. You have to pay for a generous gift, so if you suddenly lose 5 kg in a week, this is compensated by getting another problem, and it is not known in what area: health, work, family, etc. The reason for this is the form of influence: black rites work through exchange. Your extra pounds go to someone else, and do not dissolve into emptiness.

white rite

The rituals of light (in other sources - creative) magic are relatively safe, since the one who is affected does not take away the good from the third person and does not transfer evil to him. However, white rituals for weight loss do not work as fast as black ones: they, like fabulous helpers, give direction, a hint, but the person must do the rest on his own.

Effective conspiracies and rituals

Experts are sure that conspiracies are the most effective, during which a person does not deny what he wants to remove, but confirms the desired goal. That is, if you intend to lose weight, you form a mental image of an already slender figure and proper eating habits, and do not tell yourself "I am not overweight." The subconscious mind skips all the particles “no” and “not” and therefore accepts the reverse phrase. In addition, remember that even black magic is only help, but not a sorceress who does everything for you, so the listed rituals and conspiracies must be backed up by deed.

How to perform a ritual for weight loss

At home, a woman has access to many effective conspiracies and rituals, but their effectiveness depends on following certain rules. Any magical sacrament requires adherence to the canons created centuries ago. The Golden Trinity looks like this:

  • The basic rule, without which the magic for weight loss will not work, is the observance of secrecy. You need to be silent about the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200bweight loss. One of the reasons is the probability of the evil eye: even a person who is not your envious person can inadvertently “deactivate” the sacrament with his own thought.
  • All ceremonies in which something is required to be read must be performed facing the sun and, if possible, in an open area in order to see it. In a city apartment, you can stay by the window or even on the balcony; in a private house, you should go outside. In the morning, conspiracies are read with the face turned to the east, and at night (or in the evening) - to the west.
  • Experts in the field of magical arts say that the most effective rites are those performed at the beginning of the week, i.e. on Monday, or at its end - on Friday. Weekends are not affected. The explanation for this is simple: a new life begins with a blank page that opens when you have a new week in front of you. They get rid of everything with the last leaf, which marks Friday.

To the waning moon

If you want to remove something from your life, then you need to conduct the sacraments to achieve the goal when the moon begins to wane. Just as “pieces” gradually disappear from her, contributing to her rebirth, so a person gets rid of the superfluous, striving for the same. It is important to learn all the words of conspiracies and prayers by heart, i.e. words should not be read from the sheet, but come from the head. You can repeat until the new moon, every evening, and on the next waning moon, if you still continue to lose weight, perform the ceremony again.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Choose a night when the waning moon is visible.
  2. Remove all metal jewelry, including the cross.
  3. Go outside (the balcony will not work), turn around to face the moon.
  4. Slowly, with an understanding of the words, say the following phrase several times: “As you, the moon, decrease, ten fats come off me.”

For a candle

The principle of operation is to conduct a connection between body fat and wax. You need to melt the last one, and this will affect the figure. You see the process of weight loss with your own eyes and project the same process on yourself, only taking into account a slower speed. The ceremony should take place on the full moon, and you will have to prepare 7 days before that. The procedure is this:

  1. Buy some wax church candles. Melt all but the 1st.
  2. Roll up as many small balls of soft wax as you want to lose kilograms.
  3. Gather them into a large ball and place them under your pillow.
  4. You need to sleep on this “accumulation of fat” for a week, and on the full moon, melt a piece of wax over a church candle, imagining that it is your kilograms that are melting.
  5. In the morning, bury it in the ground or throw it in the toilet. Repeat until the new moon or until the entire ball melts.

Clean Thursday

Many rituals belonging to white magic are also associated with church holidays. The rite for weight loss here is a trip to the bath to start the process of "forcing" fat along with sweat coming out. In a city apartment, you can use the “Thursday water”, always in the evening, imagining how it washes off excess weight from you and strengthens your will.

For Palm Sunday

An important Orthodox holiday, from which it is easier for a person to start a new life (and this also applies to losing weight) is Palm Sunday, with which a lot of rituals are associated. In the morning, imagining a clear mental image of a slender figure, you need to eat 3 willow buds. They take light food all day, and in the evening, at sunset, drink a glass of holy water in small sips and repeat: “St. Paul waved a willow, drove away ailments from me! Amen". Excess weight is a violation of health, so magical actions are aimed at restoring it.

On the water

For this ancient ritual for weight loss, church water and 3 candles are used from there. Carrying out necessarily on the waning of the moon. The procedure is this:

  1. Light candles, take a glass of water in your hands.
  2. Look first at the fire, then at the liquid in front of you for a minute.
  3. Read to yourself: "Voditsa-voditsa, take the weight, through the stones of the leak."
  4. Put out the fire with your fingers, wash your hands with water outside and pour the rest into the ground.

For green tea

There are no difficulties with this rite, but you need a very strong faith in your own strengths and results. It can be done daily, the phase of the moon does not play a role. The scheme is this:

  1. Make a simple green tea drink.
  2. Holding the mug in front of you, whisper: “I drink hot tea, let the rattling fat come off.”

With red thread

To conduct a simple and effective magical ritual, you only need a sheet of paper, a piece of woolen red thread and patience. This ritual is carried out for weight loss on Thursday evening, writing on paper (preferably with a pencil) in a column the following: “Vitosap, Anazapta, Ohola, 13 25 79, Siritanos”. The paper is twisted, tied with a thread and placed in the ground, imagining how excess weight leaves your eyes with it. Kilograms will begin to leave from the moment the thread rots.

On honey

Conspiracies for honey are held before dawn, when the month is still visible. You need to prepare a jar of fresh honey (about a glass in volume), put it in front of you on the windowsill and, mentally turning to the sun, in your own words form a request for weight loss, which will be helped by healing honey. When the sun's rays fall on the jar, it can be removed, and every morning there is a teaspoon of this honey on an empty stomach.

Video: oil rite for weight loss

First, we will tell you how to protect yourself from all troubles, expel the unclean through a cleansing bath. To do this, you need special salt. It is prepared only during the waxing moon. The bath itself can be taken at any time.

Pour 1 cup of sea salt into the jar, drop a small amount of rosemary or any other oil that has protective properties, and begin to mix. Gradually, without stopping stirring, add the selected oil until all the salt particles are saturated. Put the salt in a cool dark place. It should be infused for 3-4 days.

Having salt ready, light three white or red candles, pour water into the bath. You can use water of any temperature - at your discretion. Add to it 3 pinches of sea salt, prepared as described above. After taking a bath, dry your skin with a towel, then rub yourself with basil, rosemary, frankincense or rose geranium oil. The protective rite has been completed.

Keys of fate

It has been observed that wisdom can be gained by wearing a small key on the body. It also enhances the ability to fertilize and procreate. To cure impotence, it is necessary to keep an old iron key under the mattress. And to get rid of the nightmares that torment you at night, put the key next to your bed.

Good luck will always smile at you if the key that you carry fits any of your locks. Three keys hanging on a chain will help you gain health, prosperity, love. The golden key is able to protect from bad eyes. A key worn on the back will help cure headaches or stop nosebleeds.

To protect your home from bad people, do the following ritual. Find as many old keys as there are doors in the house. Walk slowly around the house with them. Each time you touch the door with the corresponding key, say three times: "Lock the thief in the night!". Then tie the keys together with red ribbon and hang them on the front door. On the one hand, you get an original decoration, on the other - protection of the house.

Save me fate!

On the full moon, late at night, when all the household members are asleep, take the thing that you plan to wear all the time. Ideally, this should be a silver or gold item. Put the chosen item in your left hand (in the center of the palm). Then cast a special spell 9 times in a row. First you need to speak a little audibly, with each next time - increase the volume. Spell text:

“As you are with me, guarded the amulet, so is the sun with the moon in the sky with me. As I said, it will come true, and the darkness will be filled with light. For protection, the amulet will be eternal when I am here. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Do this procedure for the next 6 nights. In the field of this, put on a charmed talisman. It is advisable never to take it off.

Rite of attracting good luck

The ritual described below brings good luck. It is great for entrepreneurs whose business does not make a profit. Also, this rite can be advised to those who want to move to a higher paying job.

Buy insoles, embroider a cross with red thread on the left, put in the appropriate boot. The right insole is not needed. Read the following words 13 times:


Wearing a charmed insole should be 9 days. On the 10th, take it out and burn it. Disperse the resulting ashes. If necessary, the ceremony can be repeated after a year.

Attracting good luck in business

Would you like to always be accompanied by good luck? Do the next rite. Take a brown or black cord, tie 3 knots on it. When tying each of them, you should say the spell corresponding to its number:

  1. “So that luck be with me in my deeds and thoughts!”.
  2. “So that this is always true and my word is true!”.
  3. “So that it is not true, but the obvious cannot bring down my luck from me! This will be so!

Place the nodes at an equal distance from one another.

How to solve a problem of any complexity

State the exact problem that is bothering you. Then take 2 faceted glasses, fill them 50% with water. 21 times carefully pour the water from container to container, while repeating:

"Small in the pier, much in the big, big in the small, and the small in the big."

Again, make sure that both glasses are 50% full, and drain both containers in one gulp. The problem should be resolved positively for you within 3 weeks.

By the way, ordinary tap water is easy to make magical. To do this, pass it through a sieve three times. Water will gain the ability to treat diverse diseases and remove damage. And to cure a migraine, hold an empty sieve over your head for a while.

A quick fix for success

In order to personally make a talisman for the successful completion of any business, you need to know the day of the week and the date that relate to your zodiac sign. Take a small square piece of paper. In the center, write down the magic number 7, thanks to which wishes come true, and in the corners - your number. Circle the seven. The note must be rolled up and placed in a breast pocket (preferably on the left, closer to the heart). Such a talisman can bring good luck over the next day.

Attracting good luck in solving any issues

Before breakfast, take a coin with a face value of 5 kopecks with your left hand. Stretch your hand towards the light so that a ray of sunlight falls on your palm. Say the words of the conspiracy three times:

“There are three dawns. One - clear, red - burns with light, silver with dawn. The second - golden, pure - glows like a stream, warms the soul with warmth, comforts with happiness, like gold. The third dawn is dark, like black water, like a cold night. Let the three dawns converge in a stream, cross into the cold with warmth, go into fire, turn into good luck.

The first time the spell is whispered, the second time they are read louder, the third time in full force. This is an ancient conspiracy, considered one of the most powerful tools that can quickly help resolve any issues. It should be read when there are conflicts or serious problems, before significant meetings. This conspiracy will help you restore strength, soften the blow.

According to legend, a coin spoken in this way should be treasured for life, because it not only helps to solve any problems, but also removes misfortunes, keeps home warm.

How to be successful every day

To make your day successful, when leaving the house say:

“As it was dear to every living thing, as a mother pities a child, so let me, God’s (-zh’s) servant (-a) (name), I will not be shamed (-a), but sweet (-a) to slaves and slaves God's, old and small, medieval youths and maidens, and my (my) servant (s) of God, narrowed by God (th). Amen. Be, my words, strong and firm. Amen. Amen. Amen".

For success in all endeavors

Take a piece of paper and write the magic text:


Then cut a green apple in half, put a piece of conspiracy between its parts, wrap it with a thread (you can take any), make a knot. After 40 days, you will notice positive changes. During the year, three repetitions of the ceremony are allowed.

Chasing failures

If troubles constantly occur to you or a black streak is now in your life, the following rite will help. Before sunrise on Friday, light 3 candles (necessarily church ones) and read 6 times:

“How are you the extreme of the extreme, gray-haired with gray, settled, burned, decayed misfortune, bad luck, poverty, devastation, from my body, sorcerer's work. Amen".

Stay in the room until the candles are completely burned out. Repeat the rite for the next 5 days (until Wednesday). Before sunrise on Thursday, light 3 candles, but you do not need to read the plot. Just sit silently while the candles burn and think about the bright, joyful life that you will now have.

And in order to protect yourself from the evil that other people can cause, you should say three times every time you put on the ring:

“The heretic will crawl into the ring, then he will only spoil everything, when the heretic will crawl into the eye of the needle, then he will spoil me. Amen".

If luck turned away

Have you noticed that Fortune has turned away from you? Sprinkle the window sill with salt (this should be done at midnight), saying:

“There are thirteen moons in a year and thirteen in the circle of witches, thirteen golden days in a year and thirteen months.”

This rite is considered one of the most powerful methods of correcting any negative situation. It should be carried out for 13 days in a row.

Getting rid of bad luck

On the last Friday of any month, break or raise a twig in the shape of a splinter near the house (not necessarily your own). Then set fire to it and say three times:

“Burn, burn and burn, bad luck, poverty, devastation, from my pen. Amen".

How to protect yourself from adversity and trouble

It is necessary to sew a button (any) to your own clothes and say three times:


The only condition: for the ceremony you need to use a thing that you wear regularly. As long as the charmed button remains on it, you are not afraid of any difficulties.

How to prevent trouble, avert misfortune from yourself

It is recommended to wear plants that protect against evil in amulets and talismans. These are angelica, pharmacy verbena, lady's slipper, clover, hyssop, rosemary, dill, pink geranium. St. John's wort, ferns, snapdragons, leaves and thin branches of ash, and some other plants are also suitable.

An excellent protection against evil will be a bag with magical plants. You can sew it from a piece of cotton fabric, the approximate size is 18x18 cm. Pick up 9, 3 or 7 plants from the list above, dry them.

Mix herbs, taken in equal proportions, in a clay container. Put them in a sewn bag. As you tie a knot on it, read:

"Let this serve as a protection for this house and all that is in it."

In total, 13 knots are tied on the bag, each time pronouncing this conspiracy.

Protection from accidents, enemies, unkind neighbors

If you anticipate danger or someone offends you, take a simple black thread. The length should be 3 cubits. This is the distance from your elbow to your fingertips. After sunset, go to the pond (in the absence of such, a tub of water or a water tap will do), tie a knot on the prepared thread and repeat 9 times:

“So that you, my offenders, enemies and evil forces, troubles and troubles and all sorts of evil people, become empty! May it be so! And so it will be!”

Lower the rope into the water, saying:

“As these ropes get wet and sink to the bottom, so will my troubles and offenders be empty! And neither the winds nor the valleys will help them! May it be so! My word is strong!

The described rite will protect you from misfortunes, troubles, envious people and evil people all year long.

Ritual with fire for the fulfillment of desires

To make your wish come true, take matches in the amount of how many full years you have turned. Light a thin candle (church), from it - your first match. Then quickly say the words of the spell and the wish itself:


You should memorize the words of the conspiracy in advance and formulate your desire, since all this must be said while the match burns to the middle. Then throw a burning match into a saucer filled with holy water. It also needs to be prepared in advance.

Follow the described procedure with each match in sequence. At the end of the ceremony, remove all matches and bury in the ground. If you are a man, you should bury matches under an oak, if a lady - under a birch. At the end of the ceremony, pour water under this tree (always over the left shoulder), while saying:

“Let it be as I wish. Be, my words, strong and firm. Amen. Amen. Amen".

For the realization of desires

At sunset on Thursday, make a wish. Find a white linen thread, tie 3 knots at an equal distance from one another. Tying each, say three times:

“For what I want to come true, in the name of the wind, hail, storm. And all this will be spilled on mother earth, on the human race, on glades. So be it, and so it shall be."

Until the plan is fulfilled, this thread must be carried in the pocket (necessarily left) of your clothes. Usually wishes are fulfilled within a week after such a ceremony.

In order for the desired to be fulfilled, you can perform such a rite. Draw a circle on a sheet of paper, in the center of which write a wish. Cut out this circle, fold it in four. Take a red thread, tie 3 knots at the same distance from each other. Tie a folded circle with this thread. This talisman should be worn for 40 days in the left pocket. Every morning you need to repeat three times:


Burn the circle and the thread (without untying the last one) on the 41st day.

Ritual for the fulfillment of a dream

Pick 1 branch from 3 different trees. At the same time, you need to think about what you want. Add 3 twigs taken from different brooms or brooms to the branches. In the resulting "bouquet" whisper:

“As Solomon achieved his goal, so I, the servant (s) of God (-zhya) (name), will achieve mine. The morning dawn with the sun, the sun with the evening dawn, and the evening dawn with God's moon, and God's moon with the first spring and the star. And I, the servant (s) of God (s) (name), in the fulfillment of my desire.

Throw away a bunch of branches and twigs at the crossroads. In order for the dream to come true, this rite must be performed three times on different days. It is advisable to do this at noon, during the full moon.

There is another rite for the fulfillment of a dream. Exactly at midnight, mentally formulate a wish for three nights in a row, write a conspiracy on a piece of paper, read it aloud three times, and then burn the paper. Text:

“There is a cross on the sea-ocean, on that cross there is a finger, on that finger there are three angels: Gabriel, Michael, Raphael. My patrons are now in fulfillment, so let the plan come true on the same day and at the same hour, as ordered. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

To become long-lived

All people wish to live long in happiness and health. To fulfill this desire, you will need a raw egg. With the palm of your right hand, roll it over the flour (also raw) so that the latter sticks. At the same time, recite the spell as many times as you are old. Conspiracy words:

“Take away all the bad things - pain, annoyance, anger, illness, and leave the good things - health, longevity, success. Let fate reward you with health, whiter than white snow, purer than spring water, dress you with longevity. Be, my words, strong and firm. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Bury the egg as far away from home as possible. Leave this place without looking back.

To win the lottery

On a piece of paper, write the magic words:


Place this note in your left pocket. To be sure to win, buy tickets between 12:00 and 15:00 on Wednesdays.

One more rite will help to win the lottery. At 7 pm on any Thursday, take a small piece of unlined white paper, write the formula: "Winning, lottery, luck." Then say 19 times without pauses:


From noon to 3 o'clock on any Wednesday, put the spelled sheet in your bag or wallet and buy tickets for 2 different lotteries (5 pcs each).

We attract money and win

The rite described below will help you win in all gambling games from roulette in a casino to a regular lottery. It also helps to attract money. Fold the black and white threads together. The length of each of them should be equal to the distance from your elbow to your fingertips. On folded threads, tie three knots equidistant from each other.

Tie the resulting rope around the lower leg of your left leg. Then 9 times without pause, say the following conspiracy:


Each time you should read the text from the bottom up and in the opposite direction (from VILOT to VOSARI, then vice versa). At the end of the ceremony, you can place bets. The conspiracy is allowed to be repeated an unlimited number of times. You can do this before every game.

In this world of material goods, and therefore needs, each person seeks to attract monetary luck to his side in order to have maximum opportunities to fully enjoy the gifts of the manifested world, even if it is a world of dreams. Of course, you can just work hard, work and ... work. But as our ancestors used to say: "From work, only, the back will be crooked." Implying that life is not woven from a single labor, but they knew about the universe and the energies that permeate everything that exists, more than ours. And, I think so, they knew how; coexist intelligently with the energies of wealth and abundance in this magical world of a dream come true. And we now have the opportunity to use, albeit not significant, grains of their knowledge, of which conspiracies, including conspiracies for money:

About conspiracies - from personal experience

Almost always, in order for money, luck and success to accompany a person, you simply need to get rid of the very cause of failure in these, and not only, areas of life. I'm talking about damage and the evil eye, which for a long time, apparently due to pride, I treated with disdain, thinking myself a very "savvy" person in the field of esotericism (knowledge of the laws of which is like a bulletproof vest). This belief in being chosen and invulnerability sometimes brings us down, now I can say that invulnerability comes with self-denial (I mean not self-flagellation, but a state of inner peace, when you dissolve in the streams of life and watch its currents with pleasure) and complete trust in the Creator existing everywhere, that is, life itself, the Universe.

At some point, when you mature to the understanding that something is wrong, that your efforts, faith and knowledge do not give you the expected result. Although, according to all laws, concepts and signs, you should already be at the top of your goal, but instead your forehead has become "flint". And you start to wonder, what is actually wrong? After all, I put in an incredible amount of effort and spent a lot of energy, I am weakened and exhausted, and the goal, money (since we are talking about money), like a ghostly phantom, turned out to be an unattainable mirage?

You begin to analyze the path you have traveled and you cannot help but pay attention to the pop-up "screaming" facts that you "shit". In my case, even as a child, the granny neighbor, who seemed to have something there and she very energetically "spit" over the fence threatening to cause damage (then I didn’t know what it was), could well create, in her stupidity, a program aimed at destroying my masculinity (from her words), but because of the great power of it, she failed to break through my "body armor" and her program was implemented on her man (shortly after this incident, he was injured and his legs were cut off due to gangrene ). It’s true - “don’t dig a hole ...” But I added up these one plus one almost twenty years later, and then after the diagnosis of my friend Roman L., who accurately indicated the time and reason, reviving this case in my memory (although he he, of course, did not know). By the way; masculinity is not what you thought, but the ability to "stand firmly on your feet", in every sense of the term. That is, to be a MAN.

Love spells that work as a spell on the victim of a love spell, and the one who bewitches, they also break life (and this happened to be encountered). And about the evil eye, especially if you have your own opinion and are not shy about expressing it, you must always remember and periodically "cleanse". I myself acted as follows; gave a command to his subconscious and all bodies (mental, vital, causal, astral, etc.) of his "I" to annihilate all negative programs (wishes, emotions, etc.), and take the energy generated during annihilation for myself and use it to get what I want results while moving towards the goal. And you know, flooded, directly flooded, flooded :)

And after I became who I really am, throwing off all these masks, like religious dogmas (false Orthodox Christianity brought to Russia by pagans (people speaking a foreign language) for which we are also pagans, by destroying the true Rule of the glorifying (Orthodox) not religion but Faith) and continued my life path relying on my conscience and living according to the principles of nobility, I found that inner smile, that all-forgiving peace and joy from being. But it will be cooler than any purification, I mean - to return to the origins of your KIND.

For quick alignment, I cleaned with the help of the elements: Water and Fire. Actually these conspiracies I offer you as an extremely fast and 100% helpful way to cleanse yourself from malicious interference in your life and destiny:

Conspiracies for money, luck and success

Conspiracy #1:

Reading on water. It is used to remove damage and all possible energy blocks in order to release the flows of money and other energies.


"I am gathering water in order to be healed, to join grace. Help me Water, the son (daughter) of God (Name), to gain strength and save me from evil spirits. Keep me away."

Note: Chur is such a God, guarding the border between the worlds, our ancestors said - "Chur protect me" or "Chur protect me" in abbreviated form "Chur me", but who crossed this border - the line, is called the devil.

You do as it is said for seven days (this is the minimum), of course, not forgetting to wash your face with such water, and when you wash yourself, you say:

"Water from my face, thinness from me. My enemy will be healthy and I will be healed."

Conspiracy #2:

A conspiracy is carried out through purification by fire. The one who needs to be cleaned and spoken becomes in the middle of the room. The one who speaks takes a lit candle in his left hand. Standing in front of the conditionally spoiled one, he says:

"In the name of God and the Ancestors."

Then he walks around standing clockwise, saying:

"I cleanse the child of God (Name) from sickness, from pain, from illness of the womb, from damage, from the evil eye, from any infection."

Now the purified one needs to put three candles (wax, light) for the health of ill-wishers.

After such purifications, most of my intentions that previously had no opportunity to materialize, for a now understandable reason, with all their accumulated potential, quickly began to be implemented in the most favorable way :)

Conspiracy #3:

Take three wax candles, put them together and twist so that you get one with three wicks (as shown in the photo below). Light it up and starting from the bottom circle around you, spiraling upwards, while saying (for example) success, success, success, ... You can say whatever you want, say - money to me, money to me, money to me, ... . 100% success guaranteed. With this practice, your life will begin to change smoothly, but be sure to imagine (visualize) what you want in as much detail as possible. If you wish, then imagine money, and opportunities to receive it will arise by themselves.

Hello Victor.
Please describe in more detail the plot with three candles twisted into a spiral.
1. When can I do it (moon phase, day, night, number)?
2. Should the candles burn out?
3.What to do with candle wax?
4. How many times should I circle the candles around me?
5. Circle the candles clockwise or vice versa?
Thanks in advance.

Valery. 01/16/2014

The ritual is carried out at any time convenient for you, the mood, desire or even inspiration is important, the determination to take responsibility for your life and act.
1. In any phase (can be strengthened by the first lunar day), and day and night will do (more favorable with dawn, but again, how you feel), you can calculate your number using numerology (to enhance your qualities).
2. It doesn't matter if they burn out or not, the fact itself is important - the fire is around you.
3. I collect wax and, if necessary, burn it on a ritual fire.
4. The more circles, the denser the ring of energies (what you planned to find, attract). You know the device of an electromagnet: a winding and a ferromagnetic core (you) which acquires the properties of a magnet when current passes through the winding.
5. I circle clockwise (if you need to rewind the situation against).

In principle, these three conspiracies will completely change your life for the better, but just in case, below I give a few more strong conspiracies for money and good luck, perhaps they will be useful to you:

Conspiracies for money

Take any copper coin (having cleaned it in advance, for example, after holding the night in salt, discard the salt after that) and within fifteen minutes slander the following conspiracy for money:

I spit on a coin
I give strength
I fill with good
I attract money.

Symbolically spit on a coin (as on small children, so as not to jinx it, pah-pah-pah), while imagining how much and what you need money for. Put the coin in your wallet and carry it there until you get the result. The coin can be used multiple times.

Conspiracy for the arrival of big money:

Take five white wax candles, light them and cross yourself three times or apply the rune of Heavenly Fire - Soulu say the following:

Family, hope and support,
Mother of God, child of God's support,
Walked across the sky
Carried sacks of gifts
The bags opened
The gifts have fallen.
I, the son (daughter) of God (Name), walked along the bottom (a),
Collected gifts,
Carried home (la),
I lit the candles (la),
Distributed to his.
Candles, burn
Money, come home.
Well, well, well.

As soon as the candles burn out, roll the wax into a single lump and put it in your wallet. Now calmly wait for the arrival of a large amount of money; they will come from somewhere and do not expect them.

Conspiracy for money - "Money wallet":

So that the money in the wallet is kept and not transferred; put one coin in it and read the plot:

I, the son (daughter) of the Creator (Name), will become blessed with peace, and I will go, crossing myself, I will follow the mother who gave birth to me, on the damp earth, I will cover myself with the sky, I will gird myself with the dawn, I will be decorated with stars, I will put on a white robe, I will be baptized in the Savior. I will create the Life-Giving Cross, I will sing gratitude to the Creator. In the Holy Soul, Heavenly Light is not named. Light unsearchable and hidden, come and dwell in us, cleanse from all darkness of ignorance, give me to drink with the streams of Your knowledge; resurrect the deposed by sin, my freedom enslaved by passions, healed from every ulcer lurking in man, by communion with Divine and imperishable Food. I turn to You, hear me now. My creator. You have many things, give me, your servant, a small fraction of your innumerable riches. Daily food, well-being in the house, a haven on the road, haste in business, an increase in money. But first, give me, my Creator, awareness of mistakes and justification at the Last Judgment.

Read over the open wallet 12 times. Everything, now you will always have prosperity.

Conspiracy for money - "Change coin":

Outlined below CONSPIRACY they slander a coin with the number "5_t" and bury it in a wallet. After a month, it should be spent. This action is repeated three times, that is, the total time of the entire ritual is 3 months. During which you will have the opportunity, not without pleasure, to observe the growth of your income.

I'm going to trade as a merchant,
I return on a sable young man.
I'm bringing home the treasure.
Give, Vyshen, so much money,
to have nowhere to put it.

Money conspiracy for bread:

On the third and fourth lunar days, bread is baked (buns, pies - any muffin), before baking, they say the following to the dough:

As you dough will grow, rise and increase, so I will grow in Spirit, rise in the world, increase in money. Aum.

Conspiracy for big money - "Money Tree":

This conspiracy is performed on the full moon, on the even day of the lunar month. Take a coin that will have an even denomination. In the evening, with this coin, you need to go into the forest, find a tall aspen and dig a small hole near it. Put a coin in it, sprinkle it with earth and pour clean water from the river. Burying a coin, read the plot:

Veles and Lada, bless.
The Creator is with you, my soot.
Grow as a sprout, harvest as a harvest.
As the mouse does not gnaw you, the worm will not exude.
So that no one steals my money.
In the name of the Father, Mother, Son and Daughter, God of our Family.
Till the end of time.
Everything, in two weeks you will see changes in your prosperity, big money will come to you.

A conspiracy to ensure that there is always money in the house:

On the thirteenth lunar day, buy thirteen candles. When buying candles, take change in copper coins, put them in your left pocket. Don't talk to anyone when you get home. At home, light three candles for peace, three for health and seven for Dazhdbog. Then, take the change money from your left pocket and throw everything in a big way on the floor. Lift only the next day, as soon as you wake up, without washing and combing, as you eat after sleep; fold it into a green handkerchief, tie it up and put it under your bed.

Good Luck Conspiracy:

Before you go to someone with a request to hire you or help you solve a problem, read this plot 3 times:

"I don't walk, I don't hurry quietly
On a black cat, a gray dog,
Red rooster.
There was no refusal to me,
Son of God (name):
Neither Monday nor Tuesday
And neither Wednesday nor Thursday,
Not Friday
And not on Saturday.
Take the hell out of me.
So that no one has a word against me,
Neither evil nor anything.
They didn't move their tongues against
Respect and love me.
Cross with a cross
A case with a happy ending.
In the name of the Glorious Gods and my Family. Aum."

Conspiracy for a quick influx of money:

You will need a wax candle, vegetable oil, basil powder. Hold the candle in your hands for fifteen minutes thinking about the necessary amount of money that you urgently need. Grease the candle with oil and roll it in basil. Light a candle, saying: Money comes, money grows, money will find its way into my pocket ...

Queues of people lined up for Vanga, each of whom sought to get an appointment with the seer with his own personal misfortune. To help, Vanga not only read prayers and conspiracies herself, but also taught people to perform rituals on their own.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortuneteller Baba Nina:"There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow..." Read more >>

The seer devoted her whole life to helping people, specially chose the strongest prayers and effective conspiracies in order to convey their words to the suffering. With the help of cherished words, many who turned were healed, while others gained what they wanted.

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      Conspiracies from Vanga for all occasions

      There are daily prayers to help maintain the existing well-being, but if trouble comes, you need to use special words. The same applies to individual life situations. In order to have a beneficial effect on the development of events, it is necessary to read conspiracies or prayers composed specifically for a particular case.

      • In her parting words, Vanga always pointed out that the words of prayers should be pronounced with sincere faith, not only in difficult situations, but also in everyday life. If the conspiracy required a special ritual, she taught the right actions.

        The most powerful prayers and conspiracies for every day

        To attract good luck and financial well-being, Vanga advised daily prayers to the Bright Angel. The words of the prayer are:

        “Angel of Light, looking at us from above. I will bow before you, I will turn to you with a request. Help me to find good luck and get rich, I’m not looking for wealth for the sake of evil, but to live a calm and prosperous life. Angel of Light, my fate depends on your help, just as the sun is important for light, so your help is important to me. Bring me luck, for the sake of everything I ask, point me, amen. You can read a prayer at any time of the day.

        In order for illnesses and ailments to bypass the house, Vanga conveyed the strongest prayer conspiracy to appeal to the Virgin:

        “Holy Mother of God, be glorified. May joy and happiness fill my house. May illness and trouble pass me by. Shelter me from sorrows and sorrows, and grant love and peace. May Your name and goodness be glorified. Amen. Amen. Amen".

        Reading a prayer helps to believe in the healing of those who suffer, and removes illness from healthy people. You can pray both daily and in certain periods of exacerbation of diseases.

        In order for luck to accompany all endeavors, Vanga advised turning to all the saints with the words of the following prayer:

        “God's saints, patron saints! I humbly ask you for protection and help. Bring your holy prayers to Jesus Christ for me, a sinful servant (your name is called). Beg him for repentance for my sins, for a good share and earthly happiness. Through your prayers, I will receive my share, protection from sorrows and illnesses. May my heart be filled with heavenly love, and my soul with joy. My steps will follow the path of the righteous, and will lead to the heavenly abode of my heavenly father. Do not reject my humble request in the name of our Lord and Savior. Amen".

        This prayer is suitable for all occasions.

        Special cases

        If a person turned to Vanga with a special situation when it was necessary to attract love or money, get married, find a good job or help develop a business, the seer told how this could be done.

        If conspiracies require not only reading, but also observing a special ritual, all necessary actions must be strictly followed, otherwise the desired fulfillment may not be expected. To solve a personal problem, you can conduct a separate ceremony, which is aimed specifically at the fulfillment of a cherished desire.

        Conspiracy to attract money

        The ritual is performed on an empty stomach at sunrise. To attract money, you need to put a glass of consecrated water in front of you, a plate with pieces of black bread and read the plot three times:

        “If the Lord could feed all the hungry with bread, then he will help my family too. I wish you not to need anything, and that there is always food in the house and prosperity reigns. Show me the way to wealth, and I promise that I will spend money wisely.

        After reading, you need to drink water, and serve bread for breakfast to family members. For the conspiracy to work, you can’t tell anyone about the ritual performed.

        To get a good job

        To find a money job or get a promotion, on Wednesday you need to take a fallen off, dry piece of the bark of any tree and bring it home. You should remember the place where the tree grows. At home, put a handful of ripe raspberries on a plate. Take a few berries and rub into the bark until it turns red. After dyeing, you need to write the name of the employing company and your own name on the bark, and then take the bark back to the tree and bury it under it.

        After returning home, you need to eat the rest of the raspberries, thinking about a new position and reading the following words: "Let my career ripen like raspberries".

        It is especially good to conduct such a ceremony before the interview. If the day of the ritual is Wednesday, and the day of the interview coincides, then success from conspiracy words increases many times over.

        For love

        To return love to the house or attract the attention of a loved one, you need to pray to the Holy Matrona. Vanga advised reading the words of a prayer to the growing moon, if there was love, but faded away. If you want to find or attract feelings, reading is carried out during the new moon:

        “Matrona, Mother, hear my prayer for love and happiness. I, the Servant of God (her name is called), I trust in you with all my soul. Send me true and mutual love, so that I rejoice on Earth, as you do in Heaven. Amen. Amen. Amen."

        To get married

        Vanga advised single girls, women and widows who wanted to get married to keep rounded stones and shells in the house. It doesn't matter if it's gemstone or regular, as long as it's smooth. As the seer said, admiring and stroking rounded objects not only attracts suitors, but also contributes to early marriage and pregnancy.

        To enhance the effect of stones and shells, Vanga recommended praying to Nicholas the Wonderworker. The words of the prayer are:

        “Oh, all-holy Nicholas, the servant of the most beautiful Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, sinful and sad, in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me the remission of all my sins, having sinned from my youth, in all my life, deed, word, thought and all my feelings, and in the outcome of my soul, help me , accursed, implore the Lord God, all creatures of the Creator, to deliver me air ordeals and eternal torment, may I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen".

        If it was not the girl herself who turned, but her mother, who despaired of marrying her daughter, the seer told her the following words for prayer:

        “Oh, all-holy Nicholas, the most beautiful servant of the Lord. During your lifetime, you never refused anyone's requests, but do not refuse the servant of God (the name of the daughter is called). Send down your mercy and ask the Lord for her soon marriage. I surrender to the will of the Lord and trust in His mercy. Amen."

        In such cases, Vanga always gave good advice, argued that the prayers of parents for the well-being of children have great power. When a lonely girl asked for help, the seer advised not only to read prayers herself, but also to ask her parents to pray for her successful marriage.

        For successful trading

        Vanga was approached not only with troubles and illnesses, very often she was visited by entrepreneurs who could not get things right:

        • If a person informed the seer that he had a good product and a promising place for trading, but sales were not going on, Vanga advised carrying an acorn plucked from an oak, spoken with the following words: “As an oak grows from an acorn, so my profit grows . As the oak is covered with leaves, so my profit multiplies. As the oak is powerful, strong and durable, so is my work powerful, strong and durable. The leaves rustle, all the people make me happy, and the money in my wallet rustles, makes me happy. Such an acorn will quickly help in business, attract reliable partners and generous buyers.
        • Another effective way is to speak a coin with the number 5: “Money, you are smooth, round, there is no end to my money, so there is no end to buyers for my goods - everyone goes and goes, they don’t know rest, they don’t let me get bored, they force me to sell, everything money is carried, my goods are taken and taken.” The charmed coin must be worn in the wallet for a month, then spent and performed with a new coin until the trade gains the necessary momentum.
        • If the business previously brought good profit, and then fell into decay, the seer recommended praying to Jesus Christ: “Lord Jesus Christ, hallowed be Your name! Help me, a sinner, in my affairs. Help to establish a sale and purchase honestly and profitably. In the holy name of the Archangel Michael, I exhibit my goods, I offer them to merchants. May my work be holy and pure. Save, save and bless, Lord, I ask that all Your saints, all angels and archangels pray for me so that I can conduct a happy and prosperous trade for the benefit of people and the glory of the Lord. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever, amen.” Such a prayer helps very well if you read it before entering the door of an enterprise, store or office in which business is conducted.

        The seer advised using conspiracies and prayers only for good purposes, and sharing the increased profits with the poor.


        Vanga healed many patients, but she could not personally help everyone, so she gave people very strong conspiracies and prayers to help cure diseases. For healing, as well as to maintain existing health, the healer advised using a prayer that can be read at any time of the day:

        “When I wake up, I cross myself, I wash myself with holy water, I wipe myself with a shroud, I pray to the Lord God. I will go out of doors to doors, from gates to gates under the morning dawn of Mary, to the ocean to the sea. On the ocean-sea, the golden stone does not sink and does not ache, the servant of God (the name is called) did not have a back, did not ache, the tumor did not raise up, it would survive from under the nails, from under the elbows, from under the ribs, from - under the stake vein, from under the turnout, there would not be all the tracts, all the shelters, there would not be all twelve birthplaces, they would have dried up, they would have disappeared from the servant of God (the name is called), there would be neither in the bones nor in the joints, neither in the violent head, nor in the ruddy face, nor in the clear eyes, nor in the black eyebrows, and from his whole body, and from the whole member. Morning dawn Maria, evening dawn Maremyan, as soon as you calmed down, subsided, so would the servant of God (the name is called) subside, all sorrows and pains subsided, relatives, tracts dry up, disappear all twelve relatives. And be my words strong and sculpting, stronger than a stone, faster than a violent wind. Till the end of time. Amen."

        The period for reading prayers for health should be chosen depending on the condition of the person. If words are spoken to heal the sick, they must be read on the waning moon. When a prayer is said to maintain and strengthen health - for a growing month. You can say prayers for health both for yourself and for another person. Vanga always advised to pray for your loved ones, even if they are unbelievers. The words of prayers, uttered sincerely, will always be heard from above, regardless of the religion of the asker and those for whom they are asking.

        For medicines

        When making infusions and decoctions from medicinal herbs, as well as during the preparation of medicines, the healer advised to pronounce the following words:

        “I will get up, blessed, go, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate, to the east side. In the eastern side stands a golden stone, on the golden stone stands God's Apostolic Cathedral Church, and in this God's Apostolic Cathedral Church Father Michael the Archangel sits with Mother the Most Pure Most Holy Theotokos, with Catherine the Martyr and with all the power of heaven. And I, the servant of God (the name is called), will come closer, bow lower, pray, ask and repent: - Father Mikhailo the Archangel with Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, with Catherine the Martyr and with all the power of heaven, let down thunder and lightning for me; beat off and shoot from the servant of God (the name is called) lessons and prizes, pinches and aches, burdens and yawns, and a wind-borne ulcer where a winged bird does not fly in, and a daring young man on a horse does not call in, oncoming and transverse, stamov and lomov, internally, singly, leathery and veined. As a dead dead man's arms and legs, teeth and lips, a trembling body, would be pricked at (the name is called) lessons and prizes and inflows, pinches and aches, burdens and yawns, and a wind-borne ulcer, oncoming and transverse, stamov and lomov, internally, singly, leathery and veined.

        On the water

        To wash the patient, you need to speak pure spring water and leave it for the night next to the icons:

        “Blessed be the kingdom of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Resurrect, O Lord, with your resurrection! From the fearful, transverse, from the dashing, have mercy, Lord, the servant of God (the name is pronounced), from the inflow, from the inflow of the mother to the servant of God (the name is pronounced). The servant of God (the name is pronounced) got up, blessed, went, crossing himself, out of the hut through the doors, out of the gates of the yard, and went out into the open field. In an open field there is a blue sea, on that blue sea there is a quiet backwater, on that one in a quiet factory a gray goldeneye floats, on that gray goldeneye neither water nor dew holds. Also, on the servant of God (the name is pronounced), neither lessons, nor prize-winners, nor dashing slanders, nor windy backaches, nor nightly commotions would hold. Go all into the dark forests, into the dry trees, de people do not walk, de cattle do not roam, de birds do not fly, de animals do not go. Forever and ever, amen."
