Scenarios "Maslenitsa. Folklore holiday"

"Maslenitsa". Scenario of a folklore holiday

The course of the holiday.

Two buffoons come out

Buffoon 1st.

Hello, friends! Are you familiar with such a holiday - Maslenitsa?

In church books, Shrovetide is called Cheese Week, during which Adam was expelled from paradise.

Buffoon 2nd.

So that the Winter-old woman does not get angry, she leaves in a good way and on time, the Russian people have long arranged for her magnificent cheerful farewells - with pancakes, snowballs, bonfires, skiing, calling this ceremony Shrovetide.

Sometimes this holiday is called the farewell to Winter or the meeting of Spring. It falls at the end of February - beginning of March, 8 weeks before Easter. This is a fun holiday.

Each day of Maslenitsa had its own name, certain actions, rules of conduct were assigned to each:

Monday is a meeting.

Tuesday is a win.

Wednesday - gourmet, walk around, fracture.

Thursday - walk around, quarter, wide.

Friday - mother-in-law evenings.

Saturday - sister-in-law gatherings.

Sunday is a forgiveness day, seeing off.

The whole week was called "honest, broad, cheerful lady - Maslenitsa, Madame Shrovetide."

So Monday is the meeting. All guests are greeted with pancakes. Mummers go from house to house and ask for refreshments. The hosts convened the guests: “Come visit us in the wide yard! Ride on the mountains, roll in pancakes (the presenter turns over the sheet of the large Shrovetide calendar-calendar)

Monday Meeting Page

Maslenitsa was often opened by children who built snowy mountains and greeted her.

Four guys come out and perform Russian,

folk song-staging "Like thin ice ...".

1. He called, called the honest semik wide Maslenitsa to visit him in the yard.

2. Are you my soul, Maslenitsa, your quail bones, your paper body, your sugary lips, your sweet speech!

3. Come to visit us in the wide yard on the mountains to ride, roll in pancakes, amuse your heart!

4. Come to my plank house to amuse your soul, have fun with your mind, enjoy your speech!

1. No, there is no Maslenitsa! How will we celebrate Spring without her?

2. Oh, apparently everyone will have to call her together. Let's do this: we will start calling Shrovetide, and you, friends, repeat after us together.

3. Come on, let's try: “Come, Maslenitsa, visit the wide courtyard! » Once again, together! Can't hear, it's clear Maslenitsa!

After a triple cry to the sound of music, Maslenitsa appears (a scarecrow that a group of guys takes out).

1. Oh, Maslenitsa is a cuckoo,

We welcome you well:

Cheese, butter, kalach

And a baked egg!

2. We boast of you,

We ride on the mountains

We eat pancakes!

3. Our Shrove Tuesday,

Our Maslenitsa is a success!

4. Our Shrove Tuesday!

She is dear.

All: Hello, Maslenitsa.

The scarecrow is placed in the center of the stage, performed

song "Like at our gates"

Tuesday - flirting (the presenter turns over the next sheet)

Page "Tuesday is a game"

On this day, they play a variety of games, snowball fights and sledding. Guys are allowed on the second day of Maslenitsa to take care of bride girls.

At the Petrovs at the gate

Winds, winds round dance,

Winds, winds round dance,

The people are gathering.

6 girls come out to the music.

1. Wow Vanya-simplicity,

2. Open the gate...

3. Crochet,

4. Chest,

5. Silver patch,

6. With a new thread under the gate.

They sing the song "On the mountain, viburnum ..."

6 guys come forward.

1. Look, honest people, not a path of dust,

2. Good fellows came,

3. Walk a little.

4. Eh, the street is small, but the round dance is great,

5. The round dance is great,

6. Tells to play!

The game "Boyars" is being held

Buffoon 2.

Come on, mummery people,

Louder, louder clap!

Our bear is going to dance

With the girl Alenka.

A boy is dancing in a bear costume.

Everyone laughs, everyone makes noise,

Everyone is dancing...

Maslenitsa! Maslenitsa!

All around, like in a fairy tale!

Wednesday is sweet.

(facilitator turns over the next sheet)

Page "Wednesday - gourmet"

This day is family. Pancakes were both at home and on the street. Pancake makers went from morning to evening, inviting: “To whom pancakes are hot, to whom are buttered? »

Pancakes are not without pancakes,

There is no name day without pies.

Like butter week

Pancakes flew from the pipe,

Already you, my pancakes,

Oh my pancakes!

The song "Oh, pancakes" is performed

After the song, the Host and the Hostess come out, greet the guests with pancakes.

The guest is on the doorstep - the owner is happy!

We ask for a hut: a red guest - a red place.

Make yourself at home, sit down!

Eat a seagull with pancakes and listen to an accordion.


The guests go to the table, the hostess treats them.

We meet everyone with bread, salt,

We bring the samovar to the table,

We don't miss tea

We talk about this and that.

Enjoy, don't be shy! Have some pancakes.

Damn good not alone.

Damn the belly does not spoil.

The guests are talking

1. Oil week has come,

Was at the godfather for pancakes.

2. Four sat down at the table,

Far darling space.

3. They looked at each other

And they all ate pancakes.

And now, dear guests, guess riddles.

The kids run out.

1. We congratulate the hostess with the owner, and all honest people on the holiday, on the wide Maslenitsa!

2. Tin-tin-tin, give me a blink!

3. Pancake-surplus, oily piece!

4. Aunty, don't be stingy, share a piece of butter!

Serve the wide Shrovetide!

Children, taking gifts, sing the song "Let's go to the forest for raspberries"

Guests (getting up)

1. Thank you for the treat.

2. It's time and honor to know!

Honor to the guest and honor to the owner!

The guests are happy - the owners are happy!

Guests and hosts perform the Russian folk song "In the forge"

Thursday is the fourth day of the week.

(facilitator flips the sheet)

Page "Thursday - roam, quarter wide"

Thursday is a wide, wide Maslenitsa. Again, various amusements continue: mummers, buffoons, troikas of horses with bells. Everything rattles, has fun, makes noise.

Blow the pipes, beat the spoons.

Matryoshkas are visiting us,

wooden spoons,

Ruddy nesting dolls.

All the people look out the windows -

Oh yes, good nesting dolls!

4 Matryoshkas come out and sing the song "Matryoshkas"

Guys and girls walk towards each other.

1. Summer is for trying, winter is for walking.

2. Thursday, Friday, Saturday we do not go to work.

3. Busy with ditties, a song with stompers.

4. Come on, Timokha and Demyan, Nikolai, Semyon, Ivan, let's sit down, brothers, let's sing ditties in a row.

Chastushkas are performed.

Here comes Friday.

(facilitator flips the sheet)

Page "Friday - mother-in-law evenings, mother-in-law pancakes"

Friday - mother-in-law evenings. The main event was the visit of the mother-in-law by the sons-in-law, for whom she baked pancakes and arranged a real feast, if the son-in-law was to their liking, of course.

Scene "At the mother-in-law"

Mother-in-law had seven sons-in-law:

Khomka is a son-in-law, and Pakhomka is a son-in-law,

And Grishka is a son-in-law, and Gavryushka is a son-in-law,

And Makarka is a son-in-law, and Zakharka is a son-in-law,

Son-in-law Vanyushka is sweeter than all sons-in-law.

And the mother-in-law began to invite her sons-in-law to visit ...

Khomka is coming, and Grishka is coming,

And Gavryushka is coming, and Zakharka is coming.

And Pakhomka is coming, and Makarka is coming.

“Zyatyushka Vanyushka, go quickly! »

And the mother-in-law of her sons-in-law began to sit at the table.

Khomka sat down, and Pakhomka sat down,

And Grishka sat down, and Gavryushka sat down,

And Makarka sat down, and Zakharka sat down.

“Zyatyushka Vanyushka - come and sit here! »

The mother-in-law began to treat the sons-in-law with pancakes:

Homka pancake, and Pakhomka pancake,

And Grishka damn it, And Gavryushka damn it,

And Makarka pancake, and Zakharka pancake,

Son-in-law Vanyushka - a pancake with butter.

The mother-in-law began to collect money from her sons-in-law.

From Khomki a ruble, and from Pakhomka a ruble,

And from Grishka a ruble, and from Gavryushka a ruble,

And from Makarka a ruble, and from Zakharka a ruble,

From son-in-law Vanyushka - a pair of silver.

The mother-in-law began to see off the sons-in-law.

And Khomka in the neck, and Gavryushka in the neck,

And Makarka in the neck, and Zakharka in the neck

(the rest, except for Vanya, scatter)

And son-in-law Vanya - for the holy hair.

Music sounds.

Here comes Saturday.

(facilitator flips the sheet)

Page "Saturday - sister-in-law gatherings"

Saturday - sister-in-law gatherings, for which all relatives gathered at the sister-in-law.

The day was divided into two parts: in the morning they built snow and ice fortresses, and after the end of the "battle" they went to feast with their husband's relatives.

Girls come out to the music of "Young spinner", they have needlework in their hands. They sit on the bench and work.

1. For the first time they embroidered a bright month with moons, a bright month with moons, with frequent stars.

2. The second time they embroidered a red sun with rays, with blue clouds.

3. For the third time they embroidered a blue sea with waves, with white ships, the middle was decorated with light blue flowers.

4. Work and hands are a reliable guarantee in people. With nothing to do, the cockroach climbs on the floor.

5. We work in such a way that we have no time and wipe our nose.

Guys come out and say:

1. And we will tell you fables in faces.

Not short and not long

And such that just right

As from me to you.

2. Fiction in faces, fiction,

Unbelievable, yes unheard of!

3. A bear flies through the skies,

He waves his ears, paws,

He trims his black tail.

4. A pig made a nest on an oak tree,

She built a nest, brought out the kids.

5. Little piglets,

They sit on knots

Looking up above

Looking up above

They want to fly.

1. Well, stop talking to you,

Time to start dancing.

2. Go around the whole planet

There is no better Russian dance.

Balalaika and accordion

They kindle a fire in us.

Dance is performed.

1. For work - I could not, for work - I could not,

And eat, dance,

Can't be found against us.

2. Play - do not get tired,

It wouldn't work.

3. Oh, it's fun to sing!

Joyfully spinning.

Song "Duck"

Sunday has arrived.

(facilitator flips the sheet)

Page "Sunday - Forgiveness Day, Seeing Off"

Sunday is a forgiveness day. The last and most important day of Maslenitsa. In the morning, crowds of people went to cemeteries and graveyards to “beg forgiveness” from their parents and grandfathers.

On this Sunday, it is supposed to forgive each other all insults, not to keep evil in the heart. This custom was observed by everyone: from the peasant to the king. We should not forget this good ancient tradition. Remember, because each of you could unwittingly offend someone. Ask him for forgiveness.

This day was called differently: farewell, farewell, kisser, Forgiveness Day.

They arranged a magnificent farewell to Winter, danced round dances, gave gifts, burned an effigy of Maslenitsa. They sang songs: “Farewell, farewell Maslenitsa, wide, free Maslenitsa! »

The children come out to the music.

1. Farewell, Shrovetide-pinwheel,

A great post is coming.

2. Everyone arrived in the village,

A great post is coming.

3. Everyone arrived in the village,

Serve herring tail.

4. How pancakes flew to the ceiling during the oil week!

5. You, Maslenitsa, you are a liar,

She spoke seven weeks, and one day remained.

6. Farewell, Maslenitsa,

Farewell, red!

Great post is coming

They will give us a radish tail,

But we do not take radishes,

I'm pulling the cat's ears.

7. Maslenitsa, come back!

Roll into the new year!

Already you, Shrovetide annual,

Our dear guest

Feed us pancakes

Served with pies!

Farewell, Shrovetide!

Our performance dedicated to the Russian Maslenitsa is over. But our holiday is not over yet.

Before we go outside to burn an effigy of Maslenitsa, walk and have fun, we will have several games and fun contests.

Games, contests, fun.

And now let's go for a walk - to see off Maslenitsa.

Here is our Carnival! Now we will burn it and find out what the year will be like. If the smoke goes up, then the year will be fruitful, and if it creeps down, it will be poor. Also, along with the scarecrow, your notes with wishes that will certainly come true will burn.

(on the street) Sk. 2.

Madam Shrovetide!

We praised you

They ate pancakes, had fun,

Now your time has come

You make us all happy!

Burn, burn clear

To not go out.

Let's repeat in chorus 3 times:

Burn, burn clear

To not go out.

So we say goodbye to Shrovetide. Now the scarecrow will burn out, which means the end of winter!

Games, fun, horse riding and tea with pancakes.

Maslenitsa (Maslenka) - a holiday of seeing off winter, the eighth week before Easter. It took place before Great Lent, on the cheese week of the Orthodox calendar, and ended on Forgiveness Sunday. Maslenitsa is traditionally celebrated outdoors. We offer you a scenario for such an event. It is not necessary to do a dramatization, outdoor games will also help to have fun this holiday.

In 2016 Maslenitsa will begin on March 7 and end on March 13. The start date of Maslenitsa changes each year depending on when Lent begins.

Maslenitsa (cheese week, Shrovetide week) is an ancient Slavic holiday that has remained since the time of pagan culture and survived after the adoption of Christianity. This is a week-long holiday of seeing off winter and welcoming spring, illuminated by the joyful expectation of close warmth and spring renewal of nature. Even pancakes, an indispensable attribute of Shrovetide, had a ritual meaning: round, ruddy, hot, they were a symbol of the sun, which flared up brighter, lengthening the days.

Maslenitsa is the most fun, popular and satisfying holiday with folk festivals, songs, dances, games, fairs. The word "Shrovetide" is always associated with cheerful winter days filled with din and noise, delicious smells of pancakes, the chime of bells that adorned the elegant troikas of horses. At the end of the holiday, there is a ceremony of burning a home-made effigy of Winter, which symbolizes the destruction of the old, dilapidated, decrepit world and making room for a new, young, better one.

Among the people, every day of Maslenitsa has its own name and the whole week is divided into two periods: Narrow Maslenitsa and Wide Maslenitsa.

Narrow Shrovetide is the first three days: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and Wide Shrovetide is the last four days: Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. In the old days, the first three days the peasants were still engaged in household work, and from Thursday it was forbidden to work, because. the Broad Maslenitsa began.

Monday - Meeting
On this day, pancakes were baked, and the hostess always gave the very first baked pancake to a beggar, a needy person, so that he would remember the souls of deceased relatives and dear people. People invited relatives and friends to visit for pancakes, and in the morning the father-in-law and mother-in-law sent the daughter-in-law for a day to her father and mother, in order to come to the matchmakers themselves in the evening.

On the first day of Maslenitsa, an effigy of a large fat woman was constructed from straw, old clothes and other materials at hand, which was impaled on a stake and placed on the main square of a city or village.

Tuesday - Games
On the second day of Maslenitsa, people began to actively visit each other's arcs, visit fairs, and ride sledges down the hills. Also on this day, the brides' bridesmaids took place, since all the Shrovetide rites, in fact, were reduced to matchmaking, in order to have a wedding after Great Lent, on Krasnaya Gorka.

Wednesday - Gourmands
On this day, mothers-in-law invited their sons-in-law to pancakes, and in order not to be bored, they invited other relatives. A huge number of proverbs, sayings, songs and anecdotes are devoted to this custom.

Thursday - Walk around
On Thursday, the Wide Maslenitsa began, the housework stopped, and the celebrations unfolded in full breadth. The people indulged in all kinds of fun, horseback riding, fistfights, various competitions were arranged, which were accompanied by eating pancakes and all kinds of dishes. The meaning of Broad Thursday, as well as the whole Maslenitsa, is a surge of negative energy accumulated over the winter and the resolution of various conflicts between people.

Friday - Mother-in-law Vecherki
On the fifth day, the mother-in-law with her friends and relatives came on a return visit to visit her son-in-law for pancakes, and her daughter baked pancakes that day.

Saturday - Zolov's gatherings
On this day, daughters-in-law invited their sisters-in-law (husband's sisters) to visit and gave them gifts.

Sunday - Seeing Shrovetide or Forgiveness Sunday
On Sunday - the last day of Maslenitsa - they burned the effigy of Maslenitsa and with it the remnants of festive food, and the ashes were scattered across the field or river water.

On this day, after the evening service in the temples, a special rite of forgiveness is performed, when the clergy and parishioners mutually ask each other for forgiveness in order to enter Great Lent with a pure soul, having reconciled with all their neighbors.

Maslenitsa is a preparatory week for Lent and is dedicated in the Christian sense to reconciliation with neighbors and forgiveness of offenses. This is the time that you need to devote to good fellowship with neighbors, relatives, friends, and doing good. It must be remembered that Cheese Week is preparing us for Great Lent - a time of repentance, reflection on human life, about what we still have to do for our spiritual perfection in order to rejuvenate our souls.

Maslenitsa- this is a mischievous and cheerful farewell to winter and a meeting of spring, which brings revival in nature and solar warmth. From time immemorial, people have perceived spring as the beginning of a new life and revered the Sun, which gives life and strength to all living things. In honor of the sun, they first baked unleavened cakes, and when they learned how to make leavened dough, they began to bake pancakes. The rite is associated with seeing off winter and welcoming spring. After the baptism of Rus', Maslenitsa is celebrated on the last week before Lent, seven weeks before Easter.

The ancients believed that together with a round, ruddy pancake, so similar to the sun, they eat a piece of its warmth and power.

Each day of the Maslenitsa week has its own name and requires certain rituals.

Monday - meeting. By this day, mountains, swings, booths were being completed. Those who were richer began to bake pancakes. The first pancake was given to the poor in remembrance of the dead.

Tuesday - games. In the morning, young people were invited to ride down the mountains and eat pancakes. They called relatives and friends: “We have de mountains ready and pancakes baked - please favor.”

Wednesday - gourmets. On this day, the son-in-law came "to the mother-in-law for pancakes." In addition to the son-in-law, the mother-in-law invited other guests.

Thursday - wide revelry. From that day on, Maslenitsa unfolded in full breadth. The people indulged in all kinds of fun: ice mountains, booths, swings, horseback riding, carnivals, fistfights (see also wall fight), noisy feasts.

Friday - mother-in-law evening. Sons-in-law invited their mother-in-laws to visit, treated them to pancakes.

Saturday - sister-in-law gatherings. Young daughters-in-law invited their sister-in-laws to visit. The newlywed daughter-in-law was supposed to give gifts to the sister-in-law.

holiday festivities

The last day of Maslenitsa is Forgiveness Sunday. On the last day of Maslenitsa, a straw man is burned - a symbol of winter. Seeing off the winter until next year. Everyone asks each other for forgiveness, being freed from sins before Great Lent. They bow at their feet. And in response they hear the familiar: "God will forgive."

SEEING OFF WINTER (first option)

Scenario for carnival

A large school sports hall, or an assembly hall, or a dining room, or a library can be decorated with a stuffed Maslenitsa, holiday newspapers, balls, ribbons, tables with refreshments and a samovar, and musical instruments can be laid out.

1st buffoon
2nd buffoon
Winter, guests (six people)

Leading. Hello, dear guests, we invite you, according to the old Russian custom, to celebrate Maslenitsa, spend the winter-winter and meet the red spring.

Buffoons run in.

1st buffoon. Oh-ho-ho, ha-ha-ha! Look how many onlookers have gathered around!

2nd buffoon. And why don’t people sit at home, why did they come?

1st buffoon. Probably, there is nothing to do at home, the buckwheaters are tired of beating, the sides are lying on the stove, so they ran to us on pancakes.
Look at our presenter, what pancakes she cooked, round, ruddy, piping hot, they ask for it in her mouth. Do you know on what occasion such a feast by the mountain?

2nd buffoon. I have no idea, but they smell great and look like the sun.

Leading. I’ll tell you that the people didn’t just gather here, but to spend the winter and meet the spring, sing funny Russian songs and play games.

1st buffoon. Look who's coming to us! It's Zimushka herself walking towards us.

Winter. Hello people! Are you tired of the long winter? Maybe add some more frost to you, more snow?

Buffoons (together). We don’t need such joy, we are frozen to the bone, we don’t get a tooth on a tooth, we can’t wait for warm days. Maybe you will give way to Spring?

Winter. I'll look, I'll think. If you make me laugh, amuse me, maybe I will give way to Spring.

1st buffoon. Hey guys, let's have fun with Zimushka. Come out, daredevils, show bravery, measure your strength.

Leading. In the old days, one of the funs on Maslenitsa was tug of war, let's follow the tradition.

2nd buffoon. Who is the stronger of the guys, come out, don't be shy! We quickly take up the rope, the one who pulls it will be happy. He will become the strongest and get a gift.

The rope can be pulled both in the individual competition and in teams.
The main thing is that the strengths of the participants are approximately the same. This should be followed by adult assistants to the presenter.
Buffoons can help competitors, or they can “fool around”, pretending to help.

Leading. Do you guys know why Maslenitsa was called Maslenitsa? This holiday came to us from distant pagan times, for this holiday they made a special effigy of straw, which was dressed up in women's clothes.
All week they called her, gave her pancakes, drove her in a sleigh, entertained her.

1st buffoon. We celebrate Maslenitsa, we promise a lot of things: rivers of sour cream, mountains of pancakes.

2nd buffoon. Only she would come sooner, cheerful, provocative, reckless, and not meek.

Buffoons (together). Say goodbye, people, with longing, hello, worldly holiday.

Leading. Indeed, Maslenitsa was the most fun and satisfying holiday in Rus'. The people tried their best to roll from the mountains, play snowballs, participate in the construction and storming of snow fortresses, and take part in fisticuffs. I propose to test your dexterity and skill in balloon fights.

Buffoons take out balloons, put paper hats on the children's heads, and blindfold them. The task is to knock the hat off the opponent's head with a ball. The one who knocks off his hat first wins.

Winter. You have amused me, let's now check your accuracy. How did you learn to throw snowballs during these winter months?

The buffoons choose two participants in the competition and line up with them on the “fire” line, four buckets (boxes or hats) are placed at a short distance from the line. Participants are given three tennis balls, their task is to get into the bucket.
Buffoons show "miracles" of accuracy.
Only invited players are evaluated, the winner is the one who threw the most balls in the tank.

Winter. I see that the buffoons spent the winter in vain, they didn’t play snowballs, they didn’t leave the mountain. I’ll probably treat you with snow and frost, I won’t let spring go.

Leading. Wait, Winter, let's ask the guys how they spent the winter. Guys, was there always enough snow for skiing?

Children (in chorus). Yes!

Leading. Have you always moved down the hills quickly?

Children (in chorus). Yes!

Leading. Zimushka! Thank you for the snow, for the snow slides, for the skating rink and for the fast ski track.

1st buffoon. And now give way to Spring-Red. She's not far off.

2nd buffoon. Shrovetide will help us in this.

Winter. And where is your assistant?

Leading. Now we will make Shrovetide. I invite daredevils-craftsmen to help me.

The presenter, in front of the children, together with her assistants, makes a straw doll.
You can make a small doll, and then take out a large stuffed animal made in advance.

1st buffoon. Are you our soul? Maslenitsa, sugar lips!

2nd buffoon. The little body is white, the shirt is silk, the boots are morocco, the beautiful princess, the royal daughter.

1st buffoon. The braid is long, the ribbon is scarlet, the scarf is white, the eyebrows are black.

2nd buffoon. Come to visit us, in a wide courtyard, we will ride in the mountains, overeat pancakes.

1st buffoon. We meet Maslenitsa - we see off the winter.

Leading. Let's help Spring, join a round dance and sing a Russian folk song.

Children get up in a round dance and, together with Skomorokhs, sing any Russian folk song (for example, “Like on thin ice”).

1st buffoon. Let's hold a competition on buttered proverbs knowledge.

2nd buffoon. "Pancake will not split the stomach." I'm the first, I get the main prize.

1st buffoon. No, brother, wait, have a bite to eat. We will listen to the guys, and then we will eat kalachi.

The competition for knowledge of proverbs begins.
The competition is held in the form of an auction. Everyone calls their proverb in turn, the one who calls the last proverb wins. You can invite children to prepare in advance for this competition. If the children find it difficult, the presenter can name the first part of the proverb, and the children finish the second.
Proverbs: "Without a pancake, there is no Maslena"; “Ride on the mountains, roll in pancakes”; "Not life, but Maslenitsa"; "Shrovetide-Obyeduha, save money"; “Even if you lay down everything from yourself, but celebrate Maslenitsa”; “Not everything is Maslenitsa for the cat, there will be Great Lent.”

Leading. Maslenitsa lasted seven days.

1st buffoon. The first day - "Meeting", we have already met Maslenitsa. Let's move on to the second day.

2nd buffoon. The second day - "3game". Guys with girls from the hill ride, trying to get to know each other.
Well, go out into the circle, ditties backwaters.

Leading. In the old days, the best way to show yourself, to see others was to perform ditties. Who is the bravest and most talented?

A competition for performers of ditties is announced.
The contest of ditties can be thematic: on a school theme, on the theme of winter and Maslenitsa, or any ditties.

For example:
Don't look at me -
Break your eyes.
I'm not from your village
You do not know me.

There are two flowers on the window:
Blue and scarlet.
I am a fighting boy.
Although small in stature.

The presenter sums up the results of the competition.

1st buffoon. Winter lasts a long, long time, and Maslenitsa runs quickly. The third day is announced - "Gourmet".

2nd buffoon. And what do they eat on Maslenitsa?

Children (in chorus). Pancakes!

Leading. Right. Let's sing the Russian folk song “Pancakes”: “Like pancakes flew from the table, and cheese, and cottage cheese - everything flew under the threshold! As in Shrovetide week, pancakes flew out of the oven. We had fun, we had fun!”

Leading. And now let's play the Russian folk game Skovoroda, they just played it on Maslenitsa.

Up to ten children participate in the game. Players stand in a circle, hold hands, forming a round dance. At the very feet of the players, a circle-pan is drawn with chalk. Everyone goes along the line of the pan. The host gives a signal, everyone stops and begins to pull the neighbors on the right and left to the line. The task is to force the neighbors to cross the line. The one who crossed the line gets into the pan and “bakes”.
After that, everyone again quickly walks along the line in a circle. The winner is the one who has not "baked" the longest.

1st buffoon. Thursday is the most oily day - "Razguly".

2nd buffoon. Disperse, honest people, no dust, path! Make way, people, unwind, shoulder, we will measure strength. Want to see an outlandish three-legged stallion? Now you will see.

There is a skill competition. Several pairs are selected, each pair is tied with legs (the right leg of one with the left leg of the other).
A couple on "three legs" reaches the turning flag and returns to the start line.
The pair that runs first wins.

Leading. Are you tired of having fun? Maybe let's give our head some work? I will read riddles to you, and you prepare riddles for me.

The presenter makes riddles on a winter and spring theme. You can find your own riddles or use ours.
I stood in the middle of the courtyard where the children were having fun, but from the sun's rays I turned into a stream. (Snowman)
In the early morning, slowly, I inflate a red balloon, and when they let go of my hands, it will suddenly become light around. (Sun)
Without hands, but draws on glass. (Freezing)

Since Maslenitsa is a pagan, ancient Slavic holiday, it is possible, as an element, to introduce a quiz into the script on knowledge of Slavic traditions, customs, and rituals.
You need to form teams and ask them questions. Whoever answered the question first gets a point.

1. Where did the expression "What is written in the family, that cannot be avoided" come from? (Rod is a creator god. According to ancient Slavic ideas, at the birth of a person, his future fate is recorded in the book of the Family. Hence the expression “What is written in the family.”)

2. Where did the expressions “Chur, me!”, “Chur, mine!”, “Church your tongue!” Come from? (Chur is a deity that protected a person and his goodness from evil spirits. Therefore, in case of danger, they still remember this god and ask: “Chur, take care of me!”, That is, “Chur, me!”. Whoever finds something and does not want to share with anyone, asks: “Chur, mine!” If they say something bad to someone, in response you can hear: “Church your tongue,” and the evil wish will not come true.)

3. With the name of which Slavic god is the expression associated: “After the rain on Thursday?” (Perun is the god of thunder, the lord of heavenly waters, he was often prayed for rain. He had his own day of the week - Thursday. If you pray to Perun on this day, then prayers were considered especially effective.)

4. What spirits did the ancient Slavs believe in?
(Swamp - the spirit of the swamp, lives in a big house with his wife and children. Leads people into a quagmire.
Bolotnitsa - a drowned maiden. Lives in a swamp, very beautiful. She seduces people and drowns them in a quagmire.
Kudiyar (Chur) is a special spirit guarding treasures and treasures hidden in the earth.
Yard - the patron of the male court. Clerk - a spirit that lives in the pantry. At night, he arranges a review of things, shifts them from place to place.
Meadow - the spirit of the meadows, helps to mow the grass.
Moss - a tiny spirit of green or brown color, lives in moss. Punishes those who pick berries outside school hours.
A barn is a spirit that lives in a barn. If someone dries bread during strong winds, the barn punishes him with a fire.
Field - the spirit of the fields. He was sacrificed in the form of eggs and young roosters. He appears in the form of an old man in white robes. He helped the diligent and punished the lazy.
Rzhanitsa - a spirit that lived on the stripes of rye. From harmfulness, several ears of rye can be woven, and then the field is considered cursed. A person who decides to save rye at the cost of his own life can save the harvest.
A barn is a spirit that lives in a barn. He looks after the cattle and maintains order in the barn.
Goblin - the spirit of the forest.)

5. How to appease Leshy? (Thank you for the mushrooms, berries, leave a pie on the stump, pancake.)

6. Why did the ancient Slavs consider it unacceptable to say hello or pass something over the threshold? (The ancient Slavs believed that this was the border of the hut, between the worlds of their own and others, inhabited and uninhabited.)

7. Where does the brownie live in the house? (Behind the stove.)

8. Name the ancient Slavic gods.
(Perun is the god of thunder in Ancient Rus'. He was considered the patron saint of warriors.
Belbog is a god who lives in heaven and controls them. An old man with a long gray beard in white clothes with a staff in his hand.
Beles is the god of cattle breeding and wealth.
Zembog is the god of the earth.
Didilia is the goddess of childbirth.
Makosh is the goddess, patroness of women's work, spinning and weaving.
Fire, another name for Svarozhich, is the god of fire.
Morozko is the god of winter and cold.
Dazhdbog (Khors) - god of the sun.)

Note: The one who names the god last wins. Additional points can be given for describing the appearance, some features of the deity.)

9. The ancient Slavs had ritual dances performed at a certain time. One of these dances has survived to this day. This ritual dance was dedicated to the Sun and was its symbol. Name this dance. (Round dance. The dancers form a circle - a symbol of the Sun and repeat its path across the sky. Thus, a magical ritual of worshiping the Sun is performed.)

The quiz can be completed with a joint round dance.

1st buffoon. It's time to announce Friday.

2nd buffoon. Day five - "Teschiny vechi". On a visit to the sons-in-law, mother-in-law complained about pancakes.

Leading. Guys, do you know who a mother-in-law is, who is a son-in-law? Let's try to figure out who belongs to whom. Who is the father-in-law, who is the sister-in-law, who is the brother-in-law, who is the father-in-law, who is the mother-in-law, who is the godfather?

Children answer questions from the host.

Leading. Well done, you are well versed in the degree of kinship. Let's move on to the next day of Maslenitsa.

1st buffoon. The sixth day - "Zolovkina gatherings."

2nd buffoon. On these days, family tea parties were held with presentation of gifts.

1st buffoon. We can also give gifts to those who received the most Active participation.

During all competitions and tasks, the winners are given small cardboard pancakes-tokens, at the end of the holiday the number of tokens is counted, and the winner is revealed.

Leading. Maslenitsa ended with Forgiveness Sunday. Everyone asked each other for forgiveness, and then they burned the effigy of Maslenitsa and finally said goodbye to Winter.

Winter (who has been watching the events all this time). Or maybe you'll change your mind? Why do you need this Spring, with me how fun, snowy, frosty, fresh!

1st buffoon. No, Zimushka, your time has passed.

2nd buffoon. Empress Maslenitsa, we boasted of you, ate pancakes, had fun! Your time has come, leave us!!!

Leading. Well, guys, it's time to say goodbye to Winter - to burn Maslenitsa! Let's say to her in chorus the words that the Slavs uttered a long time ago.

Children (in chorus). Shrovetide-deceiver, brought to the post - she ran away! Maslenitsa, come back, show yourself in the new year! Burn, burn brightly, so that it does not go out !!!

Buffoons carry away the effigy of Maslenitsa from the hall, Winter comes out behind them.

Leading. Thank you for your attention, for your active efforts, for the fun, jokes, and laughter. And the reward will be for everyone! We invite you to pancakes, to the samovar.

After all, you can go outside and really burn the effigy of Maslenitsa. To lead a round dance around a large fire or just take a walk together.

Over street clothes, you can wear colored shawls or embroidered vests.

SEEING OFF WINTER (second option - on the street)

Scenario for carnival

Maslenitsa is traditionally celebrated outdoors. We offer you a scenario for such an event.

It is not necessary to do a dramatization, outdoor games will also help to have fun this holiday.

You will need two adults who will be entertainers. They will attract children and adults to all kinds of competitions, they will direct the fun in the right direction. During the holiday, they can improvise, change tasks, add their own texts. However, the list of entertainment and competitions must be drawn up in advance so that there are no annoying pauses and misunderstandings.

Further along the script, we will call them buffoons. The main thing is to take into account that the event takes place on the street, which means that static competitions must be alternated with moving ones so that children and adults do not have time to freeze.


Buffoons. Winter does not want to leave, look what a noble frost! To keep us warm, let's play.

There are mobile games.

This game will require the efforts of everyone, adults will remember their childhood with pleasure, and kids will be happy to mess around in the snow. Choose a place for the future labyrinth in advance. Draw your chosen snow structure scheme (square or circle is the most convenient shape) with two exits on opposite sides.

First of all, the internal partitions of the labyrinth are laid out of the snow, then from the center to the edges - the walls. Pay attention to the height of the walls, they should not be higher than 1 m (in case someone gets lost, it will be easy to find him in the labyrinth passages). The width of the passages should be convenient for the advancement of children and adults (80-100 cm). If the labyrinth is being built in a snowy area, where there is plenty of snow, you can simply remove the snow with a shovel, laying it on the sides of the passages.

Another option: not to build, but to trample intricate passages on the site.
In order to increase the intrigue, you can divide into teams and place flags of different colors inside the labyrinth according to the number of players (according to the colors of the teams).
The team that collects the most flags the fastest wins.
Shooting range of Santa Claus

What is winter without snowball fights? In the fresh frosty air there is no better gambling, warming fun. Set up snowball targets on the site. The easiest option is wooden shields 1 x 1 m in size with several circles drawn on them with a diameter of 30, 60 and 90 cm (you can make them in the form of a stuffed Maslenitsa or Snowmen or just stick images from thick cardboard on the shield or draw on the shields). Shields can be dug into the ground on poles, hung on a wall or on a fence. If it is not possible to make targets, you can simply draw them on a blank wall of a house or a fence. The most accurate wins.
snow Hill

On a butter week, you can’t do without skiing from a hill. It is quite simple to build it, the main thing is that there is more space. You can build a slide for the little ones lower and for adults - abruptly (the difference between the start and finish levels should be 3-5 m). The main thing is to take into account that the angle of the slide is 3-4 times longer than its height.
For convenience, the width of the downhill platform and the ice track should be at least 1 m, if they go down the hill on a sled, the width should be at least 1.5 m. put them together. The building blocks are ready. Now you need to compact the snow with your feet (you can’t do without the help of children here) or with a shovel. Excess snow needs to be cut off, it will go to the construction of a barrier fence and a ladder. Now you need to fill the slide with cold water (so that thawed spots do not appear). If you have time and desire, you can build an "American" snow slide with turns, intermediate ascents and descents, decorative arches.

The rules of the game are simple, the one who goes the farthest wins.
You can make the task more difficult. Each traveler must hold a plastic cup of water in their hands.
The winner is the one who moves the farthest without spilling a drop. Instead of a glass of water, you can offer to drive with a book or a snowball on your head.
You can, moving down the hill, throw a snowball at a target, shout a tongue twister on the descent or guess a riddle. Fantasy is not limited here, the main condition is the safety of children. No sharp, beating, piercing objects.
Butter carousel

This fun came to us from antiquity, until now, as an attraction, it is very popular with children. It is necessary to find a pillar, a metal rod 70-80 cm long is driven into its upper end (ordinary scrap is suitable). A wheel is put on the rod, to which long poles are attached (it can be screwed with wire or nailed). Sledges are tied to these poles. The sled will have to roll along the path, which must be cleared of snow in advance and filled with water. For such fun, wide sleds or fastened in twos are better suited. The snow around the pole must be sprinkled with sand so that those who will spin the pole lying on the ground do not slip. Of course, such fun is possible only where there are strong men. Here you can not do without the participation of dads.
slippery pole

This is another old butter fun that will be interesting today. A tall pillar is placed, which is doused with cold water to freeze it. On a pole, like on a Christmas tree, gifts are hung at different distances from each other. The player's task is to climb a slippery pole and get to the gifts.
Who got what, he got it. The strongest and most stubborn wins, the one who got to the very end and got the most valuable prize.
Panicle throwing

Wonderful is this competition in the open air, fun and simple: this is the championship in throwing a broom for a distance. For such fun, you need to take a few panicles without a shaft. What would winter be without a janitor with a broom to clear the snow? We are holding a competition for the title of Honorary Janitor. The winner is the one who throws the whisk the farthest or knocks down the snow figure.

What is Maslenitsa without troika riding? Only here in the city now a live horse is a rarity. Nothing, the horse can be replaced with an ordinary panicle. On a flat area, build a chain of snowballs (you can replace them with skittles). The task is to ride (run) on a broomstick along the path without knocking down the fences. The one who knocks down the least wins.
Guy? me

After fun in the fresh air, it’s good to take a steam bath in the bathhouse. You are not in a hurry to go home yet, but a bathhouse will not hurt. We offer an old Russian fun - to “steam” the enemy with a dry bath broom. The main task is to beat a broom on the enemy as quickly as possible. Take care of safety, during the fight, the players must wear protective masks (for example, hockey).

So the holiday continues. Buffoons appear.


To us, here! Gather up, people!
Something interesting is waiting for you today!
Games, fun, fun and laughter,
We have enough holidays for all of us.

Let's, children, together, call spring-red in unison.

Adults, together with children and Buffoons, call spring.

Spring, spring is red!
Come, spring, with grace,
With great joy:
With the sun warm
The harvest is plentiful.
pouring rain,
With beautiful flowers
With abundant gifts!

Spring appears with a greeting
(the text accompanying her appearance can be anything).
Spring invites children and adults to solve riddles about Spring, birds and animals.

Children and adults can be divided into teams in advance, or you can guess each one in turn.

From window to window - a golden spindle. (Sunbeam)
He came from the sky, he went to the earth. (Rain)
The red yoke hung across the river. (Rainbow)
Without language, but speaks. Without legs, but running. (Creek)
Old grandfather, he is a hundred years old, he paved the bridge. She came red, dispersed the entire bridge. (Frost and spring.)
What is not sown in the spring will be born? (Grass)
Little, green covered the whole field. (Spring meadow.)
Mother in spring - in a colored dress, mother in winter - in a white cloak. (Field)
The brothers began to get out of the cradle. They fell to the ground - they became green. (Sprouting grain.)
In summer he walks without a road near fir trees and oaks, and in winter he sleeps in a den, hiding his nose from the frost. (Bear)

Note. Do not forget that the holiday is held on the street, which means that the game is played further.

Buffoons. E-ge-gey, honest people, we strained our brains - now we strain our muscles! We propose to arrange a run in bags.

Both individual players and teams can participate in the competition.

Note: while the distribution of inventory, division into teams, explanation of the rules of the game, one of the buffoons reads an impromptu barker.


That's fun, that's fun.
It didn't happen like that.
It's hard to run without legs
The legs are hidden in a bag.
Who will be smarter
Faster for the reward.

Spring. Warmed up? Let's now take a break and remember the songs about winter, spring and, of course, Maslenitsa.

Note: you can play like this: call by a line from different songs or by the principle of playing “Cities”, i.e. the next line must begin with the letter that ended the previous line.

Buffoons. And now we invite you to try the fun of our ancestors - a walk on stilts.

Oh, the fun is so fun!
Laugh at your glory
Transform into a crane.
I will help you with this!

Note: you can arrange a walk on stilts for speed, who will get to the finish line faster.
You can simply invite everyone to try their hand. A competition is being held.

Spring. How do we know that spring has come?

Children. Streams run, the sun warms, birds fly.

Spring. That's right, birds fly in from the south, piles of snow melt. Let's play the "bird game" - "Sparrows and Crows".
Sparrows and crows

Rules of the game: players are divided into two teams - "sparrows" and "raven". The host says: “Sparrows!”, The members of this team catch the “crow”. Suddenly, the host says “Crows!”, And everything happens the other way around, the “ravens” catch the “sparrows”. The game is dynamic, there is no need to drag it out, the main goal is to warm up, get a charge of vivacity.

Buffoons. But there is such a bird, Boris Zakhoder wrote about it, maybe someone will remember? (If children remember this poem, they recite it, if not. Buffoons suggest).

How beautiful the peacock is, he has one vice.
All peacock beauty begins with the tail.

Attention-attention, we offer the Peacock Tail competition.
peacock tail

A string is attached to the participant's waist (you can attach a broom), one end of which hangs down to the floor. A snake is lined up on the ground from skittles or plastic bottles. The task is to go between without knocking down a single object with the “tail”. The winner is the one who gets to the finish line first and fastest.

Buffoons. Fun for adults, but for kids? Come on. crumbs, come, do you want to participate? Game for the little ones "Snowdrops".

Paper flowers are prepared in advance, you can use small plastic multi-colored bottles instead of flowers.
On a snow-covered clearing, flowers cut out of paper are scattered, these are the first spring flowers - snowdrops. The winner is the one who collects the most snowdrops.

Spring. And now dads and moms are invited, we'll arrange a tug-of-war. This old carnival game.

Note: arrange several tournaments. Only mothers perform first, fathers second, and then you can arrange a competition for family teams.

Buffoons. This has never happened before! Broomstick competition. From birch or Christmas tree? Is this a fairy tale or reality? Witches kicking up dust?
Whisker racing

A long strip is drawn on the snow - a track, along it plastic bottles are placed like a snake, participants (you can seat a whole family) sit on long brooms and run to the finish line.
Note: if panicles are difficult to find, replace them with brooms or snow shovels.

Spring. What is the farewell to winter without riding troikas with bells? I suggest that all dads who want to turn into horses.

Note: dads are harnessed to sleds, for greater credibility, bells are put on their necks, kids in sleds should help dads, imitating neighing. Those who reach the finish line first win.

Spring. Well done horses! Now let's have a rest and remember fairy tales and films about winter, spring and Maslenitsa. The main thing - without words, only with gestures, to depict the name and content. That one will be the winner. who portrays the best. We will choose it all together. And the second winner will be the one who guesses the most.

Note: before the screening, anyone who wishes should quietly tell Vesna what movie or fairy tale they wished for.

Buffoons. The Japanese have sumo, and we have our fun. We invite you to participate in the old Russian fun "Petushki".

A flat area is selected on which a circle is drawn. The participants of the game are divided into pairs according to age and weight category. The first pair enters the circle, jumping on one foot and holding the other hand, the players must push the opponent out of the circle. Attention is pushed not by hands, but only by shoulders. Pushed out of the circle is out of the game.
The next pair of players enter the circle, then the winners compete with each other. The last winner wins.

Buffoons. And now we invite the little people to the tree of sweets and to the tape carousel.
candy tree

This is a children's version of the traditional butter fun, but instead of a high, smooth pole, sweets are hung on the branches of a tree. The task of the kids is to jump up and get a gift. The test can be made more difficult, for example, by offering to bite off a donut or a gingerbread while jumping with your teeth.
Belt carousel

This fun also resembles an old Russian fun for adults. A long stick or pole is stuck into the snow. Bright ribbons are tied to the pole in such a way that they easily slide and rotate on a stick, but do not go down to the ground. Each child chooses his own ribbon and runs around each other in a circle.
Note: There must be an adult near the carousel to prevent children from getting dizzy.

Spring. Well, dear guests, did you play, have fun? Isn't it time for us to taste the pancakes, to find out which hostess did the best job.

Note: arrange in advance with friends and guests so that each family will present pancakes for tasting. Prepare signs with the names of the hostesses. Before the tasting, the names of the hostesses must be hidden. Each person who has tasted pancakes is given one forfeit, with which he can vote only once for the pancakes he likes.
Near each dish with pancakes, you need to put a bowl or box where the forfeits will be folded. At the very end of the tasting, the number of forfeits is counted, and the hostess who receives the most forfeits wins.

What is Maslenitsa without a hot, glowing samovar? Sbiten, a traditional Russian drink, will come in handy in the fresh air. It is very easy to prepare it. Mint, St. John's wort (any fragrant herbs are suitable) are brewed with spices (cinnamon, cloves), honey is added. The drink is consumed only when hot.

Spring. Isn't it time, dear guests, to say goodbye to Winter, to Maslenitsa? Let the fierce cold give way to the warm sun, let the grass-ant turn green instead of snow in the fields. Let instead of howling blizzards, drops ring and streams murmur.

Buffoons. It's time for us to part with winter, we warm ourselves from the fire. This is what our ancestors did when they kindled fires.

Burning Maslenitsa

Firewood for the fire must be prepared in advance, the fire must be high so that the effigy of Maslenitsa burns in it. Children can help in collecting firewood for the fire, but only under the supervision of adults. You need to remember about the safety of the kids, explain in advance the rules of behavior around the fire and be near them.

Children and adults join hands and dance around the fire with the words:

Go Winter! Farewell, Shrovetide! Hello Spring!
Burn, burn brightly so that it does not go out! Farewell, Shrovetide!
And come back next year!

Buffoons. Since childhood, everyone has been familiar with the fairy tale "The Snow Maiden", written by A. N. Ostrovsky. The Berendey forest dwellers saw off Maslenitsa with words with which we would like to end our holiday:

Farewell, honest Maslena!
If you're alive, see you.
At least a year to wait
Yes, know, know that Maslena will come again.

For the most daring and desperate, offer the last carnival fun - jumping over the fire. You can do this after the fire becomes lower. A tiny bonfire can be made for the little ones, but you need to jump over the bonfire with them, holding your hand.

We will be happy to place your articles and materials with attribution.
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Aksenenko Tatyana Viktorovna
Job title:
Educational institution: GBUDO DDT "Oranienbaum" of the Petrodvortsovy district
Locality: Petersburg
Material name: Methodical development
Subject: Scenario of the folklore holiday "Maslenitsa"
Publication date: 02.10.2017
Chapter: additional education

Scenario of a folklore holiday


(for students aged 10-16)

Aksenenko Tatyana Viktorovna,

additional education teacher

highest qualification category

State budget institution

additional education for children

House of children's creativity of the Petrodvorets district of St. Petersburg "Oranienbaum"


a note





which is still celebrated in all towns and villages. It's pagan

celebration of the end of winter and the beginning of spring. Maslenitsa was held 56 days before









The first three days were considered preparatory, and the next 4 - "wide


was considered





Maslenitsa is the most fun, wild holiday of the year, where everyone participated

Old people and children, men and women, boys and girls.





was created according to certain laws, and pancakes, the so-called ritual

food, without which not a single holiday or ceremony was held in Rus'. Crap -

the symbol of the sun (yellow, round, hot) and of course the carnival costume.

Maslenitsa was considered here as the personification of winter, and its destruction

signifies the departure of winter. An interesting Shrovetide custom is to ask for forgiveness

each other ("Forgiveness Sunday"), he made it possible to reconcile

after quarrels, forgive each other big and small offenses, relieve tension,

arising in relationships in the family or between neighbors.


Formation of positive motivation for the study of Russian folklore.








calendar of Christian Rus'.

The study and development of Maslenitsa folklore: songs, dances, theatrical


Summarizing the results of the assimilation of this material.






task of the teacher).

Development of creative thinking of students


Raising a sense of belonging to the great heritage of the past.





traditional art.

Implementation conditions:




be carried out

themed indoors or outdoors. Takes on holiday

participation of a diverse audience.

Required props:

Russian folk costumes

stuffed carnival

Maslenitsa costume

Tuesok, embroidered towels

arch with bells and ribbons




Leading First:

Hello guys dear, small and big! (slide 1)

Lead second:

Hello guests, welcome!

Leading First:

Today we celebrate Maslenitsa, see off winter, call spring!

Leading third:

Wow, winter-winter, it was a snowy winter

All reveled, the weight of chalk - froze.

Lead second:

Cold winter, deep snow

The snows are deep, the ice is high. (slide 2)

Leading third:

Full of winter winter!

It's time for mother - the song is coming.

Leading First:

Today Maslenitsa invites everyone to visit

What is not a forest, nor grass spreads,

The Maslenitsa holiday begins!

The song "Maslena, Maslena, come ..." sounds (see Appendix 1)

They bring in a scarecrow of Shrovetide.

They begin to collect Maslenitsa - to dress.

The song "And we urged Maslenitsa" sounds (see Appendix 2)

Leading First:

Our dear guest - Maslenitsa,

Avdotya Izotievna (Ivanovna).

Dunya is white, Dunya is ruddy,

The scythe is long, triarshiny,

Ribbon scarlet dvuhspoltinnaya

White scarf with polka dots

Slim legs with boots

The sun is warm in the sky teasing

Hello, our host Shrovetide.

Lead second:

Are you my Maslenitsa

Red beauty, blond braid.

Thirty brothers sister,

Forty grandmothers granddaughter,

Three mothers daughter!

Came to our tesovy house

Have fun with your soul

Mind to have fun

Enjoy the speech! (slide 4)

Leading third:

Hello, Shrovetide annual,

Our dear guest!

Came on black horses

On painted sledges,

And your servants are young

Dear gifts were brought to us

Both pancakes and rolls

To us in the window their swords! (slide 5)

The song "Wide Maslenitsa, we boast of you" sounds (see Appendix 3)

Host of the holiday talks about Maslenitsa (days of the week, customs, etc.,

ending with the fair) (slide 6)

We sing to the whole hall "We'll buy a butter dish." (see annex 4)

Games. Fun. Riddles in Tueska.

Leading First:

We surprised Maslenitsa with dexterity and ingenuity. Now we need

eat and eat pancakes.

Lead second:

Have you been eating pancakes for a long time?

Do you want pancakes?

Leading third:

Yes, what is Maslenitsa without hot and ruddy pancakes!

Help yourself to all the glory, all the guys for fun!

Music is playing, pancakes are being handed out to everyone.

Host of the holiday:

Maslenitsa week is fun and noisy. But now she comes to

end. Nobody wanted to part with Shrovetide. And then her

started asking:

"Oh, Maslenitsa, stretch out,

You are for the oak, catch on to the deck.

Oh, they said - our Oiler is 7 years old,

And our Maslenka has 7 days."

The song "Maslenitsa - polyzuha" sounds (see Appendix 5)

Host of the holiday:

But no persuasion or request could delay Maslenitsa, since

it is impossible to stop time. We had to say goodbye to Shrovetide.

Song-teaser "Wednesday and Friday". (see annex 6)

Leading First:

Our Shrovetide has passed

Passed swept

Didn't turn back!

Lead second:

Girls, Maslena is passing,

Great Lent is coming.

Leading third:

Climb, mother, under the stove,

Pull the redness by the tail.

Leading First:

Butterfly, deceived us

Lead second:

But we don’t take a radish, we tear a cat by the ears!

The song "Maslenitsa - Yerzovka" sounds (see Appendix 7)

The host of the holiday talks about the mockery of the scarecrow.

The song "And we rolled Shrove Tuesday" sounds (see Appendix 8)

Leading First:

Larks, larks!

Fly to us!

Bring us a warm Freckle!

Take away from us

Winter is cold!

We have a cold winter

Bored, hands, feet froze!

Lead second:

Sunshine, sunshine

Come out soon

Be nicer to us

And then the children cry, jump over the pebbles,

They are galloping behind the village, arms and legs like a wheel!

Leading third:

Come March, April and May,

Take the baton

The baton of warm meetings,

Today is a holiday date

Light the fire guys

We will burn Zimushka!

The effigy of Maslenitsa is taken out into the street and burned to the song "Goodbye,

our Maslenitsa." (see Appendix 9)


Annex 1

Oily, oily, come quickly

Belgorod region

butter, butter,

Come quickly.


Come quickly.

Lyoli, lyoli

Come quickly.

If only you, oily,

It was seven weeks.

Lyoli, lyoli

It was seven weeks.

Lyoli, lyoli

It was seven weeks.

Already my path

Overgrown with thorns.

Lyoli, lyoli

Overgrown with thorns.

Lyoli. loli,

Overgrown with thorns.

Kalina, raspberries


Lyoli, lyoli.


Lyoli, lyoli.


And one post

And she stayed.

Lyoli, lyoli

And she stayed

Lyoli, lyoli

And she stayed.

I'm a long time old

Mom had.

Lyoli, lyoli

Mom had.

Lyoli, lyoli

Mom had.

Annex 2

"And we made Shrove Tuesday"

Smolensk region

And we celebrated Maslenitsa,

They stole, lyuli, stole.

We made cheese and butter

They started, they lyuli, they covered it.

We covered the mountain with pancakes,

Covered, Lyuli, covered.

Topped with oil,

Watered, lyuli, watered.

As from cheese the mountain is steep,

The mountain is steep, Lyuli, the mountain is steep.

And snow is falling on the mountain,

Snow is falling, lyuli, snow is falling.

And mothers call us home

They call home, Lyuli, they call home.

Annex 3

"Wide Maslenitsa, we boast of you"

Kaluga region

1. Wide Maslenitsa!

We praise you

2. We ride on the mountains,

We eat pancakes!

Appendix 4

"We will buy Maslenka"

Novosibirsk region

We'll buy you a chicken, Maslenka

We'll buy a butter dish for you a duck

Duck - ta-ta-ta,

Chicken by grain cluck-tah-tah.

We will buy a butter dish for you a turkey

Turkey - coattails-bastards,

Duck - ta-ta-ta,

Chicken by grain cluck-tah-tah.

We'll buy a butter dish for you kitty

And kitty - meow-meow,

Turkey - coattails-bastards,

Duck - ta-ta-ta,

Chicken by grain cluck-tah-tah.

We will buy, Maslenka, you a pig

Piglet - grunts, grunts,

And kitty - meow-meow,

Turkey - coattails-bastards,

Duck - ta-ta-ta,

Chicken by grain cluck-tah-tah.

We will buy a butter dish for you a cow

Cow - flour, flour,

Piglet - grunts, grunts,

And kitty - meow-meow,

Turkey - coattails-bastards,

Duck - ta-ta-ta,

Chicken by grain cluck-tah-tah.

Appendix 5

"Shrovetide - polyzuha"

Yaroslavl region

Shrovetide is a poof!

Licked the children

And herself on the wattle fence.

Licked cheese and butter

And she went out.

Appendix 6

"Wednesday and Friday"

Ryazan Oblast

Wednesday and Friday

Our buttermilk has passed.

Great Lent has arrived

Tore off the oiler's tail.

Annex 7

"Shrovetide - Erzovka"

Novgorod region

Farewell, farewell Maslenets - Yerzovka!

Maslenitsa did not let us take a walk,

Deceived, fidgeted,

For Great Lent, she gave a radish tail.

Annex 8

"And Shrove Tuesday rolled"

Novgorod region

Words in italics are repeated as shown.

The performer explained: “The Shrove Tuesday was buried”

there will be text

2. They ate cheese with butter

3. We trampled on the hill

4. But Shrove Tuesday lured us

5. And put me in a big post.

6. We thought - carnival for seven weeks,

7. And there are seven days at Shrove Tuesday.

8. But Shrove Tuesday lured us,

9. Bitter radish planted.

Appendix 9

"Farewell, our Maslenitsa"

Perm region

1. Farewell, farewell, our Maslenitsa.

Farewell, farewell, our broad.

2. You did not come on Wednesday, and not on Friday.

You came on Sunday - all week fun.

3. You came with kindness, with cheese, butter and an egg,

with pancakes, with pies, and fritters.

4. Oil pancakes, shangi smeared.

We ride down the mountain from dawn to dusk.

5. And today, on Sunday, the porridge will end in the family.

Farewell, farewell, our carnival!


1. Who is Ivan Gromokov,

Got on a horse and rode into the fire?

(pancake in a frying pan)

2. The shores are iron, fish without bones, water is expensive

(frying pan, pancakes, butter)

3. Warms in winter

Smoldering in the spring

Dies in summer

Comes alive in autumn.

4. Drop on a bald patch, insert, steam, take out, fix.

(bake pancakes)

5. Walking in the field - yes, not a horse,

Flies in the wild - but not a bird.

6. Grandfather bridges the bridge without an ax and wedges

7. White carrot grows in winter


8. What grows upside down?


9. The bunny is fluffy, but there is no tail.

He sits down on everyone, he is not afraid of anyone.

10. Be born in silence,

Lives in silence

How will he die

So it will scream.

11. White bedspread

It lay on the ground.

And summer has come

It's all gone.

12. Pebbles hid

In shaggy bags:

four together

One on six.


13. Lives - lies, dies - runs.

14. Five closets, one door.


15. A white tablecloth covered the entire field.

16. White flies sat in the field.

17. Old grandfather, he is a hundred years old,

And the bridge paved the whole river.

18. I will crack, and you clap your hands and dance.

19. A guest was visiting,

Bridge bridge

No ax and no stake.

20. Draws without hands,

Bites without teeth.

21. The forest has grown, all white,

Do not enter on foot

Do not enter on a horse.

(hoarfrost on the window)

22. Angry uterus,

Yes covered the kids

Until red day

Down duvet.

23. I am water, and I swim on the water.

24. Was white, but gray-haired,

Came green, young.

(winter and spring)

25. In the courtyard of a mountain,

And in the hut with water.


1. Not life, but carnival.

2. Butter is not given forever.

3. Pancakes do not spoil the belly.

4. At the mother-in-law about the son-in-law and the stupa is milked on the butter dish.

5. My son-in-law will come, but where can I get sour cream?

6. Shrovetide spread widely, flooding Great Lent.

7. To whom the rank. to whom a pancake, and to whom and a wedge.

8. Looking for (he), where for forty years is Shrove Tuesday and for three years are small holidays.

9. Son-in-law in the yard - a pie on the table.

10. Where pancakes - here we are.

11. From laziness, the lips drooped like a pancake.

12. Maslenitsa is afraid of bitter radish and steamed turnip (fasting).

13. Not all the cat Maslenitsa, there will be Great Lent.

14. Damn - not a wedge, the belly will not split.

15. Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes - like spring wheels.




Nekrylova, A.F. Russian folk city holidays, entertainment and

spectacle. End of XVIII - beginning of XX century / A. F. Nekrylova. - St. Petersburg. :

Art: Leningrad branch, 1984. - 216 p.

Kozlov, A. Holidays and significant dates of the Orthodox and

folk calendar / A. Kozlov. - St. Petersburg. : KultInformPress, 1993. -

Nekrylova, A.F. All year round / A.F. Nekrylova. - M.: Pravda, 1991. -

Sokolova V.K. Spring-summer calendar rites of Russians,

Ukrainians and Belarusians XIX - early XX century. / VC. Sokolov. - M.:

Science, 1979. - 286 p.

Propp, V. Russian agricultural holidays / V. Propp. - St. Petersburg. : Labyrinth,

Zabylin, M. Russian people. Its customs, rituals, traditions, superstitions and

poetry / M. Zabylin. - M.: Edition of the bookseller M. Berezin, 1880. -

Sakharov, I.P. Legends of the Russian people, collected by I.P. Sakharov /

I. P. Sakharov. - St. Petersburg. : Edition A.S. Suvorina, 1885. - 242 p.

Zemtsovsky I. I. Poetry of peasant holidays / I. I. Zemtsovsky.

L.: Owls. writer, 1970. - 640 p.

Lavrentieva, L. Calendar of Russian traditional food for every day

and for every family / L. Lavrentiev. - St. Petersburg. : Azbuka, 2012. - 400 p.

10. Baranova, O. G. Shangina, I.I. Russian holiday: Holidays and rituals

folk agricultural calendar: Illustrated

encyclopedia / O. G. Baranova, I. I. Shangina. - St. Petersburg. : Art, 2001.

11. Pankeev I. Customs and traditions of the Russian people / I. Pankeev. - M.:

Olma-Press, 1999. - 542 p.



Gilyarova, N. N. Reader on Russian folk art (part 1) /

N.N. Gilyarov. - M.: LLC "Publishing House Rodnik", 1996. - 58 p.

Children's holidays "Maslenitsa". - St. Petersburg. : Composer, 1996. - 20 p.

Zemtsovsky, I.I. Russian folk songs sung by Anna Andreevna

Stepanova / I.I. Zemtsovsky. - M.: Soviet composer, 1975. - 41

Lobanov, M.A. Ethnosolfeggio / M.A. Lobanov. - St. Petersburg. : Composer,

Naumenko, G. Rain, rain, stop it. Russian folk children's

musical creativity / G. Naumenko.- M .: Soviet composer,

Pushkin, S.I. We play and sing: Performances of Russian Nars. games,

liver, round dances and scenarios for holidays for young children. and avg. school

age / S.I. Pushkin. - M .: School Press, 2001 . – 139 p.

Surovyak, L.V. Tarasevich, N.A. Hare in the garden / L.V. Surovyak, N.A.

Tarasevich. - Novosibirsk: Knizhitsa, 2002. - 64 p.

Shamina, L.V. Kupriyanova, L.L. Musical folklore at school: 1

part / comp. L.V. Shamina, L.L. Kupriyanov. - M .: Education, 1992.

Attention! The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development with the Federal State Educational Standard.

The scenario of the folklore holiday "Maslenitsa" for children of the preparatory group.

Explanatory note

The scenario of the folklore holiday "Maslenitsa" is intended for holding a folklore event in kindergarten. Participants are children 6-7 years old and educators. The event takes place in the atmosphere of a Russian hut, in folk costumes.

This folklore holiday is one of the cycle of folklore events implemented in kindergarten according to the partial program of O.L. Knyazeva, M.D. Makhaneva "Introduction to the origins of Russian folk culture". The traditional annual calendar of folk holidays includes Oseniny, Pokrov, Kuzminki, Christmas time, Maslenitsa, gatherings, and the Russian birch holiday.

The purpose of the event is to get acquainted with the Maslenitsa holiday, to study the folklore of the Vologda region.

  • To attach to traditional culture on the basis of the active use of folklore.
  • To acquaint with a variety of folk games, including the games of the Vologda region.
  • Develop creativity in a variety of activities.
  • To form an idea of ​​the holiday as an opportunity to independently, fun and interesting to spend free time with friends.

During the event, children are involved in various activities: play, music - sing, dance, play musical instruments, cognitive - get acquainted with the objects of folk life. Cheerful folk flavor creates a fairy-tale character - Baba Yaga. In conclusion, a tea party with pancakes is arranged.

Folklore holiday "Maslenitsa"

Preparatory group.

Target: introduction to traditional folk culture based on the active use of folklore.


  • to acquaint children with the Maslenitsa holiday, the rites of the Maslenitsa week and the festive cuisine;
  • develop creative abilities in various activities (dance, game, song);
  • to cultivate respect for the traditions of the Russian people;
  • to form an idea of ​​the holiday as an opportunity to independently, fun and interesting to spend free time.

The course of the holiday

Children dressed in folk costumes enter the Russian-style hall. The melody of the Russian round dance "Wreath" sounds in the recording.


You are welcome, invited and welcome guests!
Children. Good health to you, for many years.

hostess. And you warmth, bread and light! We gathered to have fun and amuse ourselves, to enjoy the Shrovetide week. Do you hear? The balalaika is ringing, the guests are still coming.

Dance "Bain's Quadrille".

Hostess. Come on, come on. Guests are welcome as good news. We will meet Maslenitsa, see off the winter.

This is the most fun holiday. So they call it - "Shrovetide wide", "cheerful, obeduha". All week the housewives bake pancakes.

“Oh, I got up early” (p.n. song)
(performed by girls)

Oh, I got up early
I got out quickly

Chorus: Carnival came to us
She brought pancakes and butter.

As I stood by the hot stove
Baked pretzels and kalachi
Kalachami pancakes shanezhki
For dear friend Vanechka.


Oh, girlfriends, get ready,
Dress up in sundresses.


Let's dance together
We still need to spend the winter.


Mistress. The whole Maslenitsa week is full of games, each day has its own name. Monday - Meeting.

hostess. On this day, the children went around the huts, congratulated on the onset of Maslenitsa and begged for pancakes.

Children run across the hall to the leader.

1st child.

Tin-tin, give me a blink, (sing)
Oil piece.

2nd child.

Auntie, don't be stingy -
Share the buttercream! ( They bow.)

3rd child.

Oh you, Domnushka,
red sun,
Get up off the stove
Look into the oven -
Is it time to bake pancakes? ( They bow.)

All children. Serve the wide Shrovetide!

Mistress. I have prepared a whole bag of treats for the guests.

Gingerbread, sweets, bagels,
There is no better joy than tasting sweets.

(The hostess approaches the bag, it stirs, moves waddling.)

hostess. What a miracle Skok yes skok!
The bag decided to run away!

(The hostess catches the bag, unties it, and there Baba Yaga, dressed as Shrove Tuesday, eats a gingerbread.)

Baba Yaga. Hello, good people! Hello from hell! Pah you, from summer! Met him in the swamp! Pah you! In flight! When I hurried to you! It's time for me to do my duty! I'm Maslenichka.

Mistress. Wait, there's something wrong here. Hey Maslenitsa, do you have a passport?

Baba Yaga. Is it me? Yes! Wow, look!

Shows and reads.

Appointed by the long-awaited Maslenitsa for 2017. And there is a seal, and the signature is intricate at the bottom.

hostess. And what's the signature?

Baba Yaga. Koschei the Deathless.

Mistress. Leave, we can't accept you at Maslenitsa!

Baba Yaga. How so? I've been preparing all winter, malnourished, sleep deprived. I prepared such a menu for you, you will lick your fingers.

Is reading.

For the first soup santa
On cold water.
Grain after grain
Chasing with a club.
For the second pie -
Frog leg stuffing.
With onions, peppers
With a dog's heart.
On the third, it means sweet,
And to tell you the truth, it's so nasty:
Not like jelly, not like a cake,
Only I was sent to hell for him.
That's how! And I also have horns
Gusli, songs, jokes.
Tales of Baba Yaga
About Kikimora swamp
Yes, Shishiga migratory.

Mistress. And we will also play for you, but let's see if you are fit for Maslenitsa.

noise orchestra.

Baba Yaga. I can do that too!

(Plays on spoons, dances, stumbles, falls.)

hostess. Well, it’s sold out, it’s gone wild, you have a place on the stove in the hut.

Baba Yaga. Yes Yes! I am a beautiful bride!

Mistress. Can you solve riddles?

Baba Yaga. This is me right now!


Auntie is cool
White and gray
Shakes the cold in the bag:
Snowdrifts sweeps,
Carpets the earth. (Winter)

Baba Yaga (akimbo). Grandma Yaga!

Mistress. No, wrong answer!

The kids are in charge: winter.

hostess. Our Russian winter has girlfriends: lace-makers.

The bobbins sound
Cheerful are having a conversation
Weave lace girlfriends
Pattern unseen in the world.
Not without reason at the northerner
Winter is woven into the pattern.
Like the Snow Maiden herself.

Dance of the lacemakers

("The Lace of Winter" by V. Andreeva)

Baba Yaga.

You are good, northerners,
Vologda lace makers,
Well, I'm not so simple
I'm a girl no matter where!

Ask a second riddle.
I will answer it for sure!


red maiden,
Lets out the weed
Dew spreads.
Goes side -
With plow, harrow,
With spring water. (Spring)

Baba Yaga (downcast eyes, flirtatious). Grandma Yaga.

hostess. And again, the answer is not the same!

Baba Yaga. Ask the last, here!

hostess. What is the sweetest thing in the world? (Dream)

Baba Yaga. Crap!

(Children answer correctly).

hostess. Go away, False Carnival overwhelming.

Baba Yaga. What do you need?

All. Real!

Baba Yaga.

That's it, no more questions
I'm leaving. Hey carriage!

(The broom is handed to her.)

Baba Yaga.

I scream, I grumble, I want, I don’t want!
Broom, go, step into the hut!

("Flying away on a broomstick.")


Hurry to us, Maslenitsa, hurry,
There is no more fun for our holiday!

They bring the carnival.

The round dance "Wide Shrovetide!"


Let's celebrate Maslenitsa
Yes, serve pancakes
We will praise Maslenitsa
Yes, carry on sleds.

Our dear guest Maslenitsa
Avdotyushka Izotievna
Dunya is white, Dunya is ruddy!
The braid is long, three-yard,
Scarlet ribbon, two-and-a-half,
The scarf is white, brand new.

Song "Wide Shrovetide"

wide carnival,
We praise you
We ride on the mountains
We eat pancakes!

Shrovetide pancake!
Feed all the people.
Played, danced
It immediately became more fun.

Mistress. Tuesday at Maslenitsa was called "Fun". On this day, they played games, and the children rode down the slides.

Games "Pie" (Russian folk melody) are held.

"Tetera" (r.n. melody)

Mistress. Wednesday was called "Gourmet". How many pancakes were eaten! Many then didn’t even feel well, but they said: “Damn is not a wedge, the belly will not split.”

Song "Pancakes"

Mistress. Thursday - Walk the Fours. On this day, adults also rode from the mountains, and the guys were looking for girls - their betrothed.

The dance "Valenki" is performed" (Russian folk song).

hostess. Friday was called "Teschiny Vechorki".
Mother-in-law invited son-in-law to pancakes

hostess. Saturday - "Zolovkin gatherings." These days, the newlyweds went to visit relatives for pancakes.

All relatives meet, dance and sing,
Gloriously seeing off the winter people.


Guys from Semenkov
We won't disappear anywhere
If necessary, we will dance
If necessary, we will sing.

Like Shrove Week
Pancakes flew from the table
And sour cream and cottage cheese
Everything flew to the threshold.

Hey dear friend,
Let's get into the oven with our heads.
There are donuts and cheesecakes
We will eat with you.

And they protect me
White pancakes are baked
Roast fish, perches,
To be loved by boys.

Oh ha ha ha ha ha
Our boys are bastards
Because of the bumps, because of the stumps
Can't see our guys.

I danced with three legs
Lost my boots
looked back,
My boots are on.

We are in butter week
We will sing and dance.
We ate all the pancakes
We can only give you one.

general dance.

hostess. Sunday - Forgiveness Day. People asked each other for forgiveness for the grievances caused during the year. Remember, guys, if you offended someone, make peace and hug.

Children stand up, hug, ask each other for forgiveness.

Mistress. On Sunday they say goodbye to Maslenitsa! They walk all day long, sing songs, eat pancakes, and in the evening they make a fire and burn the stuffed carnival. Let's say goodbye to Shrovetide.

Children become in a circle.


You lied to us, you bastard.
Left us for sour kvass
For lean cabbage soup,
For hungry meals.


Shrovetide, Shrovetide,
Wide Shrovetide.
Guest, had a good time,
I said goodbye to the winter.
From the roofs - drops,
The Rooks Have Arrived!
The sparrows are chirping
They call us spring.

The round dance “Now the winter is passing” (Russian folk song) is performed.

hostess. In the evening, a lot of people gathered near Maslenitsa, people asked each other for forgiveness, and then they burned Maslenitsa.

And it's time for us to say goodbye to Shrovetide.
Carnival, carnival,
Pancake Baker!
Came early
We met you well:
Cheese, ruddy pie,
Fatty butter, damn it!
Shrovetide, goodbye
Come that year!
The effigy of Maslenitsa is being carried away.

The general round dance "And we see off Shrove Tuesday."

Mistress. Shrovetide was held, and now it's time to treat yourself to pancakes at the table.


folklore holiday

Leading children come out.
1. There is a cheerful and beautiful holiday in Rus',Everyone is waiting and loving him - even ask anyone.Wide festivities, sleigh rides,A ruddy symbol of the sun on the street in pancakes.
2. People meet spring, say goodbye to winterAnd the scarecrow burns - there is such a custom,May the coming year be good and fruitful.And evil and cold melt, cold ice melts.
3. And Maslenitsa gives people its warmth,In the heart to become cozy and light.Maslenitsa warms us, she is a welcome guest,And immediately after it comes Great Lent!
I. Clip.

1. Hello, guests, you are welcome.
Let's open Shrovetide, let's start the fun!

2. Maslenitsa, be healthy,We will welcome you well! With pancakes, With loaves, With dumplings!
3. Masleny week Came to visit. She sat on the stumps, ate pancakes, Bitten by othersI jogged home.
4. Come to us for a holidayAnd quiet, and a prankster.We'll have hot tea...
5. There will be a pancake and a kalach,There will be games and laughterThere will be a holiday for everyone!
6. Lead round dance streams,
have fun, play,
Ringing songs to sing -
Maslenitsa, but meet Spring!

Teacher: Hello dear guests! Welcome to our wide yard To the Broad Maslenitsa! We always welcome good guests! We welcome them with sweet tea Let's eat pancakes!Maslenitsa is one of the most beloved holidays of the Russian people, the most cheerful, reckless. It was expected by all with great impatience. Maslenitsa was called honest, Wide, cheerful, they called it "Boyarina - Shrovetide", "Madame - Shrovetide". They talked to Shrovetide as if they were a living being: she is either a “dear guest”, or a “woman - a wryneck”, or a “red maiden”, or “Avdotya Ivanovna”.In many places in Russia they made a scarecrow of straw, but he did not have a face. It was believed that if there is a face, then there will be a soul. And they walked with her around the village - they praised Maslenitsa. She was honored as a rare guest. So we have "Madame - Maslenitsa" (straw doll).
Children leading:
Our dear Maslenitsa, Avdotya Ivanovna, Shrovetide annual. Our dear guest! She does not walk to us, Everything comes on horseback She has black horses The servants are young.
Oh, Maslenitsa is a wryneck, We treat you well Cheese, butter, kalach And a baked egg!
Buffoons Attention! Attention! Merry party! Maslenitsa! Wide Shrovetide! Let's all have some fun Let's spin in a fast dance! We need to get up in a round dance, Glorify Shrovetide!
Gather in a round dance. The people are celebrating! Let's see off the winter And to meet Spring - red.
Round dance around Shrovetide (to the motive "We have Saturday tomorrow")
And we met Maslena, We visited the mountain Visited, soul, visited. Pancake lined the mountain, They filled the mountain with cheese, Lined, soul, lined. Stuffed, soul, stuffed. They poured oil on the mountain, And we met Maslena, Watered, soul, watered. Met, soul, met.
Children leading:
Wide Maslenitsa - Cheese Week!You came dressed up to us to meet Spring.Bake pancakes and have fun all week.To drive the cold winter out of the house!
Teacher: Maslenitsa falls at the end of February - the beginning of March and lasts a whole week. Every day has its own name.
Monday - "meeting".
On this day, an effigy of Maslenitsa was made from straw, they put on old women's clothes on it, put this effigy on a pole and, singing, drove it on a sleigh through the village. Then Maslenitsa was set on a snowy mountain, where sleigh rides began.
Morning... Monday... the "meeting" is coming.

Bright sleds glide from the hills.

All day fun. Evening comes.

Having rolled in plenty, they eat all the pancakes.

Come on, come on
For ruddy pancakes.
This Maslenya week - Be happy, like us!


Tuesday - GAME!
From that day on, various kinds of entertainment began: sleigh rides “in the sun” (clockwise) to help the sun drive away the winter; festivities, performances with Petrushka, ice slides were arranged.
"Flicker" careless - Tuesday's joy.

All walk, frolic came out as one!

Games and fun, and for them - a reward:

Sweet and ruddy Shrovetide pancake!

Oh, it's good to ride on the snow slides: The higher the mountain - the higher the rye and wheat, The longer you ride down the mountain, the longer the linen.
Playing with the Sun.
Game progress: in the center of the circle - the Sun (in the hands of the child is the image of the sun). Children say in chorus:Burn, sun, brighter,It will be hotter in summer. And winter is warmer, And spring is nicer. Children walk in a circle, holding hands, on the third line - they come closer to the Sun, narrow the circle, on the fourth line - move away, expand the circle.The sun pronounces the word "I'm burning!" and catches the guys, the one who is caught says “Glory to the high sun in the sky, glory!” and becomes the sun. Game continues.
And here is the third day Maslenitsa - GOODIES! Wednesday - gourmet Today we have Lakomka!Treat this time!It's two meals!Dance right at the table! Eat pancakes,Let's eat pie!We won't leave a crumbSitting at the table!
In every family, tables are set with delicious food, pancakes are baked. Relatives are gathering. To come to visit pancakes, they stocked up on proverbs and sayings.
Oh, those pancakes for Maslenitsa! Lush, blush, puffy, tasty, oily, with sour cream, with honey, with salt. The pancake is round, red and hot, like a hot, generous sun. Many families started baking pancakes on Monday. Each hostess baked them according to her own recipe and kept it a secret.
Children sing the song “Oh, pancakes, pancakes”, stage it.

What do pancakes eat with?

And we have pancakes, magical, with proverbs. Well, continue the proverb!
1. Business time,.......... (audience answers: ... fun hour)
2. The earth is painted by the sun, ...........and man .... labor.
3. Patience and work...................... all grind
4. Measure seven times, ........... cut once
5. Don't have a hundred rubles, ............... but have a hundred friends
Fourth day Shrovetide Broad Thursday - PARTY! From that day on, Maslenitsa unfolded in full breadth. The people indulged in all sorts of fun: the capture of a snow fortress, fistfights, all kinds of valiant fun.- Day four Let's sing songs about Maslenitsa together.Walk around - Thursday will come, a joke, a song will bring!
And on Thursday, a spacious one - “walk around” comes.Ice fortresses, snow fights...Troikas with bells enter the field,Guys measure strength like roosters.
Hey, girls - laughter!Sing ditties!Start quicklyTo please your guests!
Come on, come on
For ruddy pancakes.
This Maslenya week -
Be happy like us!
I'm ready for the Maslenka
Eat 50 pancakes.
I'll eat them well
I'll try to lose weight.
Bake, godfather, pancakes,
Yes, to be magnificent.
This Maslenya week -
You can eat too much.
The Martians have arrived
They were satisfied.
Their plates are not empty
And full of pancakes.
On Monday from a clear dawn
Everyone rides the hill
All sorts of dishes are chewed,
Loud songs are sung.
In trials, the lads are standing,
And in the cooking of the girls are brisk -
Sweet pancakes are baked
Meals are served.
The people are smiling
Leads a round dance.
That's Maslenitsa,
Good Shrovetide!
Goodbye to all the people
Shrovetide will be set on fire.
Burn up quickly
Let us have more fun!
Have fun playing, harmonica,
Shrovetide, don't be sad!
Come spring soon
Drive winter away from us!
Teacher: Fight game.
Game progress: two players are selected, stand on one leg sideways to each other in a drawn circle, hands behind their backs. The task of the players is to push the player out of the circle.
Teacher: - Stop laughing and playing! It's time to announce Friday!
Friday has come - "evenings at the mother-in-law",Mother-in-law invites son-in-law for pancakes.Eat with caviar and salmon, it can be a little simpler,We ate with sour cream, honey, butter.
Friday - mother-in-law evenings. Parents go to visit children. Pancakes are prepared by a young hostess. Sons-in-law treat mother-in-law. The mother-in-law was obliged to send in the evening everything necessary for baking pancakes and teach the daughter-in-law some old secret recipe. Well, on FRIDAY - walk ,
There is a feast in the streets.
Everyone's food is ready...
People rush to the tables.
From hot pancakes it's hot,
The copper samovar puffs.
Everyone is cheerful without a gift.
Troika flies noisily.
Horses are galloping,
The groan of skids, songs, laughter.
Young people dance to the tambourine
Old people are the happiest.

Game "winders".

A prize is tied exactly in the middle of a long stretched ribbon. The ends of the ribbon are held by two participants. They must wind the ribbon as quickly as possible. The one who reaches it first will win the prize.
- A in Saturday n e trinkets - sister-in-law gatherings!The sister-in-law is the sister of the husband. So, on this Sabbath day, young daughters-in-law hosted relatives, and they tried to introduce unmarried sisters-in-law to unmarried guys from their relatives or friends.
Saturday is coming - "sister-in-law treats."

All relatives meet, lead a round dance.

The holiday continues, the general fun,

Gloriously seeing off Zimushka people!

SATURDAY majestically
gatherings name.
They lead round dances with a song,
They visit endlessly.

Game "Meeting"
One member is selected from each team. He must, using the text of the card, greet his effigy of Maslenitsa.
Card N°1
Are you my soul Maslenitsa, quail bones, your paper body, your sugary lips, your sweet speech!
Card #2
My Maslenitsa, red beauty, fair-haired braid, thirty brothers sister, forty grandmothers granddaughter, you are my quail!
Teacher: Here comes the forgiveness day Everyone needs to apologize And hear: "God will forgive" Heal your soul.
Sunday - “FORGIVENESS DAY” The last day of Maslenitsa week was called "Forgiveness Sunday". Relatives and friends did not go to each other to celebrate, but asked for forgiveness for intentional and accidental insults and grief. When meeting (sometimes even with a stranger), it was supposed to stop and ask for mutual forgiveness with three bows. On this day, all insults and insults are forgiven, because it is necessary to meet spring with a clear conscience. Arranged farewell to Maslenitsa. The straw doll was honored, invited to return next year, and then taken out of the outskirts and burned at the stake. And they sprinkled ashes on the ground for a new harvest.

Sunday is coming fast.

All relieve the soul on the "forgiveness day",

Scarecrow of straw - Zimushka is burned,

Dressed in a sheepskin coat, mittens, belt ...

Lush festivities The fair crowns.

Goodbye, Shrovetide! Come again.

In a year we will meet the beauty again.

We will celebrate again, treat pancakes!

And now I suggest you guys write on a piece of paper what you would like to leave in the past, for example, bad grades, laziness, illness ... We will give all your wishes to Maslenitsa and spend them with her. So you will have the opportunity to meet the spring of this year in a new way.
Children write that they want to leave in the past. They fold the leaves and throw them into the bag (Shrovetide). After that, all participants in the performance, together with the audience, stand in a big round dance and go around Shrovetide to the song performed by a folklore group.
All: Farewell, Maslenitsa - a cheat, You stayed with us for a short time, Stayed for only seven days And we thought you would stay for seven years! Farewell, Maslenitsa, farewell, Wide!
Leading: Here the sun has set Our Maslena is closed Come visit us again We are always glad to have guests! We invite everyone to pancakes, We serve sweet tea! Teacher:
Smells like sun and pancakes -
Let's burn the scarecrow
Let's see off the winter!

songs and ditties for Maslenitsa! In order to spend the days of the wide Maslenitsa cheerfully and amicably, we offer you poems about Maslenitsa, riddles and songs. Have fun, walk, congratulate each other on Maslenitsa, and on forgiveness Sunday, ask everyone for forgiveness! **PUZZLES** And who is Ivan Gromokov? He got on a horse and rode into the fire? (Damn in a frying pan) *** On a bald slap, On a bald cap, I’ll rip off the bald patch. fish without bones, water is expensive. (Pancakes.) *** What is poured into the pan, but bent at four? (Damn.) *** A peahen flew in, sat on the lava, spread feathers for any potion. (Spring.)
*** Was white and gray-haired, came green, young. (Winter and Spring.) *** Old grandfather, he is a hundred years old ... He paved the whole river, and she came young - she swept the whole bridge. (Frost and Spring.) *** Draws without hands, bites without teeth. (Frost.) *** What grows upside down? (Icicle.) *** White carrots grow deftly in winter. (Icicle.) *** It has grown - it has grown, It crawled out of the beard, The sun has become, Nothing has become. (Icicle.) *** The kids sat on the ledge and grow all the time down. (Icicle.) *** It grows upside down, It does not grow in summer, but in winter. But the sun will bake her - She will cry and die. (Icicle.) *** Auntie is cool, White and gray-haired, She carries cold in a bag, The cold shakes on the ground. Sweeps snowdrifts, Covers the ground with a carpet. (Winter.) *** Dawn-dawn, Red maiden, Grass releases, Dew spreads. Rides sideways, With a plow, a harrow, With spring water. (Spring.) *** Break the ice - take the silver. Break the silver, take the gold. (Egg.) *** A barrel is rolling, There is not a knot on it. (Egg.) *** Kind, good Looks at people, But does not order people to look at themselves. (Sun.) *** A small, rich edible wheel. I won't eat it alone, I'll share it with everyone. (Doughnut.) *** I don’t eat it myself, but I feed people. (Spoon.) *** A hole at the top, A hole at the bottom, And in the middle - Fire and water. (Samovar.) *** As soon as he starts talking, talking, We need to brew tea as soon as possible. (Teapot.) *** My colorful outfit, My sharp cap, My jokes and laughter Amuse everyone. (Petrushka.) *** Sisters are hiding in this young woman. Each sister is a dungeon for the smaller one. (Matryoshka.) *** You’ll drip on the bald patch. Insert it, steam it, Take it out, fix it. (Pancakes are baked) *** Iron current, spring settlement. (Pancake in a frying pan.)***You’ll drip on a bald patch, insert it, steam it, take it out, fix it. (Pancakes are baked.)*** The shores are iron, fish without bones, water is expensive. (Frying pan, pancake and butter.)*** The king-bird sits on golden testicles. (Frying pan on coals.)*** For my beloved grandmother
I'll bake pancakes.
So rosy and delicious
These lush...
*** Oh, you Lakomka-Wednesday!
Butter pan!
As it has been since ancient times -
Let's go to ... (mother-in-law for pancakes)!
*** Shrovetide is a meal!
Let's bake pancakes in the morning.
To them - sour cream and jam
And, of course, ... (caviar)!
*** And with caviar, and with sour cream -
All of them are delicious!
Nozdrevati and blush -
Our suns are ... (pancakes)
*** On Maslenitsa Sunday
All tried old Titus
Ask everyone for forgiveness
And answer: ... (“God will forgive!”)
Do not ride on the mountains, roll in pancakes
