The script on the theme of a happy childhood. Scenario of the holiday "Childhood is a happy time"

Scenario of the reporting concert
"Moments of happy childhood"


Host: Good afternoon, dear friends!
The House of Children's Creativity congratulates you on the holiday of spring and labor. For us northerners, the arrival of spring is already a holiday. We are not spoiled by warm rains and May thunderstorms. But nature takes its toll, and spring, with bright rays of the sun, penetrates our homes and hearts.
1: We love our small northern city, kind interesting people live here.
2: I like our bright and colorful houses.
3: I like to play with my friends in playgrounds
4: Guys! And I work in the House of Children's Creativity
1: I also study at the House of Creativity. I like dancing
2: I like to draw and do different crafts
4: And I like to sing and play musical instruments.
3: There are a lot of interesting things in our House of Creativity

Host: Childhood is the most carefree and happiest time. I, like every adult, at least for a moment would dream of returning to this amazing world of goodness and miracles.

2: As a child, can you touch
The edge of a dream.
Find your way to her
You definitely can.

3: To the blue stars, children love
In colorful dreams to fly ...
Everything comes true in the world
If you only want to.
4: We really want all dreams to come true.
And we invite you to our magical land of childhood.

Let the kids play
Laugh, jump,
Let him rise to his height
Let the childhood take place!
The younger group of the dance group is dancing for you

4: In our House of Children's Creativity there are asterisks of different sizes and brightness. Some have already discovered themselves and therefore many see and know them.
3: Others are just beginning to open up and are less noticeable so far.
me: But all our stars occupy an important place in their constellation collectives.

I'm backstage: Dancing for you

The ray of the sun makes us laugh and tease,

After all, every child is an artist! And his life is filled, first of all, with creativity. Many children create beauty with their own hands in the House of Children's Creativity. And everyone here feels like a creator: he invents, invents, fantasizes, composes. Creating his masterpieces, the little creator takes the first steps towards the high rank of Master. So he comprehends the culture of his people, his country. “It’s not that expensive that red is gold, but it’s expensive that a good master is,” says a popular Sami proverb.

It has long been believed that true mastery comes only to a good person.

You can admire the works of our young craftsmen in the exhibition hall of the Sovremennik Palace of Culture, where the Golden Hands regional exhibition of arts and crafts is now open. . Today the results have been summed up, and we sincerely congratulate the winners.

And now for everyone a gift from craftsmen - an ensemble of folk instruments

I'm from behind the scenes: A lot has been said about the waltz,
He is sung in songs and verses,
And no matter how many dances happen,
And better than a waltz, right no!
"Waltz" performs

Me: Oh those baby eyes
Looking at you as if into water,
In them, then fun, then a tear,
That feeling of freedom.
They will not betray in trouble,
And they will not stop loving, they will not deceive,
It's a pity that they will leave
As soon as they get tired of being children.
Every year, the House of Children's Creativity says goodbye to its pupils, children who have been involved in various associations for many years. So this year we have a new release. PHONEGRAM (awarding)
I invite you to the stage

Dear graduates!
No matter how life flies -
Do not regret your days
Do a good deed
For the happiness of people.
To make the heart burn
And not smoldering in the mist,
Do a good deed
That's how we live on earth. Good luck!
A vocal and pop group sings for you

32. Me: Childhood is light and joy,
These are songs, this is friendship and dreams.
Childhood is the colors of rainbows.
Childhood is me and you.

Childhood is a summer wind
The sail of the sky and the crystal ringing of spring.
Childhood means children
Children means us!

32. WITHOUT ANNOUNCEMENT "Magic Country", vocal and pop group

We say goodbye to you! Goodbye! Until we meet again with everyone who loves a boring life!

Scenario of the holiday of childhood
Leading: Good afternoon, girls and boys, dear adults,
guests of our holiday! All radiant smiles and good
mood! Because today is a really good day. We are glad
welcome you to our concert.
And today we will go to the country of happy childhood.
Guests are glad they came
They found time for us
We'll have fun here
performances for fame
We hurry to amuse you
We might laugh.
Now watch the concert
Don't squeak, don't roar
They will sing and dance
And we clap, help.
Music number:
1. Good afternoon, dear friends!
Hello children and adults!
We're on stage today for a reason...
2. We participate in the Children's Day!
Children's Day? Again? Why?
And when the Feast of Adulthood comes,
And then childhood, yes childhood
Who needs it?
Needs more seriousness.
1. Yes, what are you? Children's Day -
Everyone's favorite holiday.
Everyone is waiting for him, like a miracle -
Quiet and a prankster.
2. No! Feast of Adulthood, believe me
We would be just right:
We are adults, imagine now -

Life is great, just class! (dreamily)
1. No!
You're wrong, wait!
After all, the Holiday of Childhood is not easy:
He, this holiday, for children,
Parents, teachers.
For everyone who believes in beauty
Good, dream, fantasy,
Leaders, directors,
Everyone, everyone, came to the holiday!
2. They are adults at all
They have their own problems.
1. But each of them dreams
Return to childhood even for a moment
And tell yourself yesterday
What has he achieved today?
Music number:
Presenter: Sparks of childhood fly into the sky
Beckoning for a far away
There are hundreds of guys here today
They believe in a dream, and the soul is so easy!
And spinning, spinning our planet
She is warmed by the palms of the sun.
And warm the planet much warmer
The smiles and laughter of so many children.
After all, the truth, friends, is good on the planet,
When the masters on the planet are children!
Music number:
Leading: I dream of spreading a star garden on our planet,

So that all the children in the world draw it.
And everyone boldly draws everything that interests him:
Flowers, drawings, forest and fairy tales, he will draw everything, if there were paints,
Yes, a sheet of paper on the table, and the world, and mother on earth.

Music number:
Vedas: Let's try to perform a miracle today and turn back time.
Let's remember the golden childhood! And now we will write with my hands
a small essay about this cloudless time of our life. From you to me
need adjectives. I will write them in the preparation of our joint
essays, and a few minutes later an essay on the topic “Remember childhood
golden" will be ready.
Game story "Remember the golden childhood"
How good it is to be a child! No ______________ for you
worries and problems. _____________... wakes you up in the morning
_____________... mother, feeds ____________... breakfast and
leads to ______________... kindergarten. And there they are waiting for you
___________... caregivers, ____________... friends,
___________... toys and very _____________... life.
______________...holidays, _______________... classes, ...
______________ walks - there is no time to be bored! And at home
________________... grandmother will treat ____________ ... with a pie,
_____________... dad will knock _____________...
with a hammer on the table, _______________ ... mom will tell on
night _________________... a fairy tale. Everyone loves you, cherishes,
take care, pamper _________... with gifts.
And, I want to _______________ ... childhood will never
Music number:
How many interesting things happen in childhood! What a lot of free time! AND
how many friends around!
Neither oceans nor meridians
Friendship does not interfere with us
Friendship, like a bird, to distant lands
Flies in spite of all the winds!

Music number:
There are screaming boys
And teasers
And pushers
And all of them without exception
Find your adventures.
They dream of chases and jumps,
Hockey sticks and chewing gum.
Besides, they dream
What is their behavior exemplary!
Some girls are whiny
And the usual assholes.
But more often than not - beautiful
And just really cute.
Music number:
Childhood is golden time
And magical dreams.
Childhood is you and me
Childhood is me and you!
We are different, but here we are all equal
We are the children of our mother country.
My Kazakhstan, for everyone you are the Fatherland,
And we are proud of you, you are strong!
Our strength, of course, is in unity,
We are with our beloved country.
Blossom and dare Kazakhstan!
We are there, we are with you!
Let on your land
My Kazakhstan is beautiful
Children laugh and gardens bloom,
It will not be crowded with people of different nations.

In my country people
Living hand to hand
Even though everyone says
In a different language.
And holding together
In a big, huge circle
Children sing about happiness
And everyone here is like a friend.
For the future prosperity of our country, stability is needed within
states, friendship and harmony among the peoples inhabiting it. Certainly,
your basic life position in the future should be all your
knowledge acquired in school, in life ...
Independence is the future of our children. We pass on to them
Unity, Peace and Prosperity! May they sing, dance and
laughing children - the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Music number:
May every day that fate took away

Brings joy with the sunrise
And a lucky star shines on you
Keeping from troubles and life's hardships!

Good luck and sincere laughter
Health to you for many years,
We wish you success in all matters
And we are always glad to meet you!
Let nothing overshadow your everyday life, and let the holidays accompany every
minute. May the sky above your head always be peaceful and the sun clear.
Health to you and joy! Be happy!
Music number.

Lyubov Rastrosa/Belogortseva

City review competition "The Scarlet Flower" on this topic « Our happy childhood»

music leader Rastrosa L. M., Khalilova A. R.

Introductory remarks by the head (Art. educator)

Children are happiness children are joy

Children are a fresh breeze in life.

They can not be earned, this is not a reward,

God gives them by grace to adults.

Entrance: Children to the soundtrack of the song by E. Cheban "White Doves" Spanish dance.

Reb. 1: Childhood is golden time

And magical dreams.

Childhood is you and me,

Childhood is me and you!

Reb. 2:

Well, adults and children,

Smile quickly

To become in our hall

And warmer and more fun.

Song « Childhood» music E. Filippova, sl. V. Stepanova

A child enters "time machine".

Leading in turn:

Oh look, what is this?

It's not a plant at all.

Maybe an invention?

Everything sparkles, everything is on fire.

And not some trifle.

Time machine - that's it!

Time Machine? Wait a minute

Here's a ride on this!

Through the centuries, back and forth.

I accidentally clicked here and it suddenly shone.

I hear some ringing.

Boy (driver): What, you didn't guess?

We are in the past.

1st led. That's what you are!

What has science come to?

So here's the move.

Space music sounds, the car sparkles. The curtain opens. On stage bonfire. Children in skins dance around the fire. The teacher stands aside and watches the children.

Children go out to the music of savages.

The manager enters (child).

Head: Valentina Pavlovna, why is there noise in the cave?

Educator. Tatyana Petrovna, we are preparing for holiday.

Head: Very good, well done! Why with spears?

Educator. So there are no toys!

Head. Let them bring from their caves.

Educator. So they brought it. /shows/.

Head. What if the kids get hurt?

Educator. Yes, the spears are already dull.

The manager leaves.

Educator. Children, take spears with you for a walk. Let's play a game "Mammoth Hunt".

The curtain closes.

1 leader. Yes, it was hard for people in those distant, distant times ...

2 leading. Let's go back to the 70s.

1 leader. Attention! Turn on the Time Machine.

Space music sounds. Loud at first, then quieter and quieter.

The machine turns off.

The curtain opens.


A screen is installed (2 chairs, on which there are 2 flat pots, hanging from them children's tights, stuffed with padding polyester, small on the soles baby shoes. Children stand behind the screen so that it seems that they are sitting on potties. IN skit a girl and a boy are participating, pacifiers hang on their chests, a big bow is on the girl’s head.

Girl: I sit on the potty, I sit and cry ...

Boy: I'm sitting on a potty, I laugh and don't cry...

Girl: I don't want to go to your kindergarten, I want to go home to my mother.

Boy: What are you doing, it's great here, and the mountains of toys are here.

Songs, dances and poems, and theater and drama ...

Girl: All the same, my beloved mother is missing here!

Boy: This aunt is a teacher, everything counts us, counts.

He thinks he will lose, but we are all as one here,

We are sitting on the potty.

Aunt cook cooks soup for us and a side dish with cutlets ...

Girl: I'd rather go to the store ...

Boy: For what?

Girl: For chocolates.

Boy: Doctors taught us in the kindergarten that sweets are harmful.

Girl: So they are not healthy, their dressing gowns are pale.

Boy: That she puffed out her cheeks and sat down on a pot,

Play patty with me, don't upset these aunts.

It's boring and dull at home, just watch cartoons,

And if you get into the garden, then you will fall with laughter.

Girl: Oh, hold on! Oh hold on

I'll fall off the potty

So be persuaded

I stay in the garden.

Boy: It will be difficult - we will not cry,

Everything will pass by itself

The nanny will tie our shoelaces.

Aunt music will sing.

Together: Mom, don't worry

We will find our friends.

Every year your children

Get better and grow up

Bring up. You didn't come here in vain

Let's start with the music, folks.

Orchestra to the soundtrack of the song « Childhood is me and you» music Y. Chichkova

Vedas. Girls are in a hurry to grow up fast

I want to wear heels and beads.

Do not rush, dear, rush the year

Childhood will never return again.

Song "Fashionista" music In Shainsky, sl. M. Plyatskovsky

1 led. Let's look into the future. Want?

2 leading: Certainly! Let's turn on the car and see everything with our own eyes.

The hosts approach the car, turn it on, /music sounds/.

The curtain opens. Manager's office on screen kindergarten. The manager sits at a desk, equipment is on the table. The manager herself is talking on a cell phone.

Head. Yes Yes. Come, we are waiting for you.

The manager puts the phone on the table. He presses the button of the equipment and speaks.

Head: Svetlana Sergeevna, did the car with toys come?

secretary: Yes.

Head: Order that they unload as soon as possible and make an application for a new physical education equipment. By the way, what is the water in the pool today with orange flavor or walnut flavor?

secretary: /writing down the order of the manager in the tablet/ With lavender, yesterday I had an orange scent. Tatyana Petrovna. Educators are asking to somehow adjust the temperature in groups, such a heat, how can children be hardened?

Head: And in the winter greenhouse it will not hurt the pineapples?

secretary: No. The pineapple harvest has already been harvested.

Head: Okay, I will solve this issue today.

Skype call sounds.

Head: I'm listening. What? The President will speak? Fine. /after five seconds/. Hello! Yes, old computers have been replaced with new ones. Yes, in all groups. Thank you.

/listens/. You say the dacha was built for children our garden on the Black Sea Thank you very much for this. Yes, I will definitely pass it on. Goodbye!

The manager presses a button.

Head: Svetlana Sergeevna.

secretary: What's happened?

Head: Announce to everyone that tomorrow there will be an extended teachers' council. Subject teachers' council: "Summer vacation for children our Garden on the Black Sea

secretary: All right, Tatyana Petrovna.

Head: I won't be here today, I left for Gore ONO. By the way, is the car ready?

secretary: Yes, the driver has been waiting for a long time.

The secretary leaves. A song / or soundtrack of a song about the Black Sea sounds. /

The desk is quickly removed.

Reb. They say, they say, they say...

Adults don't want to listen to us

They don't want to listen to us

Creating a ramble in the brain.

That's why we scream out loud

We cry often, stubbornly silent,

Protest again and again...

We ask adults - children to understand.

Dance "Naughty" music and sl. J. Kolmagorova

1 led. Flying, dreaming

IN our time we hit.

2 leading: A tiny lump, in this world,

Looking for protection and love

And shine with the purest light

Your surprised eyes.

1 presenter: Adults, wait, look around,

Look into baby eyes,

And in this look consider

What the baby wants to tell you!

2 leading: Radi the happiness of this child

So that it is always flooding and loud

For the peace childhood without worries,

His toothless mouth laughed!

Dance "Stomp my foot" music A. Krivoshey, sl. T. Romashko

Reb. Healthy lifestyle

We live in a kindergarten!

Getting slimmer

And more beautiful every day!

Even before the Olympians

We have a long way to go.

But we don't waste time

Let's do it for now!

love, look

For cheerful preschoolers -

Olympic hopes

Today they go to kindergarten.

Dance "Hula Hup"

Reb. - Baby: Love! And appreciate happiness!

It is born in the family

What could be more precious

In this fabulous land

Family dance to the soundtrack of the song "Welcome to childhood» sl. and music. A. Pavlovsky

Poem "What's happened happiness» N. Shirobokova, performed by mother.

What's happened happiness?

Such a simple question

Perhaps more than one philosopher asked.

And in fact happiness is simple.

It starts with half a meter of growth.

These are undershirts, booties and a bib,

A brand new described mother's sarafan.

Torn tights, knocked knees,

These are the walls painted in the corridor.

Happiness these are soft warm palms,

Behind the sofa candy wrappers, crumbs on the sofa.

It's a whole bunch of broken toys

It's a constant rattle of rattles.

Happiness These are barefoot heels on the floor.

Thermometer under the arm, tears and injections.

Abrasions and wounds, bruises on the forehead,

It's permanent: What? But why?

Happiness is a sled, snowman and slide.

A small candle on a huge cake.

It's endless... Read me a fairy tale"

These are the daily Khryusha with Stepashka.

This is a warm nose from under the blanket,

Bunny on the pillow, blue pajamas.

Spray all over the bathroom, foam on the floor.

Puppet theater, matinee in the garden.

What's happened happiness? There is simply no answer.

Everyone has it - These are our children.

"Firework" under the soundtrack of the song "Road childhood» music and sl. Elena Enverovna

Head (or senior educator):

lovely flowers,

Children of the whole Earth!

We love you very much,

We need you so much!

Don't worry, sunshine

Giving us joy

Be in this life

Happy always!

Iolanta Koridi
Entertainment scenario for Children's Day "Childhood Holiday"

SCENARIO« Holiday of Childhood»

Leading: First colorful summer day

Gathered together, friends!

Childhood holiday, songs, light,

Holiday of peace and kindness!

Children: 1. Children Protection Day-

This special holiday.

Only the world is still restless,

Somewhere children do not sleep in cribs,

And deprived of food and shelter,

They look into the terrible sky, weeping.

2. In children's garden never walked

We want children from now on

Never had to go hungry!

3. So that they have a mom and dad,

So that the sun would be enough for everyone!

We are for a peaceful, kind sky,

We are for it childhood no adult problems!

"Song of Peace"

4. The world where we live is dear to us,

Let's save him from trouble.

Let this world be even brighter!

Dance "Stork on the Roof"

Leading: Everything in the world has its own order.

Recently we met spring, children.

She was a mistress to glory,

The fields are green and oak forests.

Nature is like dressed for the holiday,

After all, the time has finally come...

Children: Summer!

Leading: Well, of course, it's summer

In the colors of sunlight

The meadow is full of flowers,

How beautiful everything is around!

Guys, I invite you today to holiday of summer and sun!

Leading: Girls and boys, would you like to participate in a fun program? We will show you a fun program now. Funny, musical called E - RA - LASH! (№ 1)

(Sounds musical intro to the newsreel "Yeralash")

Leading: Let's say hello first,

After all, it was invented by someone simply and wisely -

Say hello when meeting: "Good morning!",

"Kind day- the sun and the birds.

"Good evening!"- smiling faces.

And everyone becomes kind, trusting,

And good morning will last until the evening.


Leading: We have been waiting for the summer for a long time, it seemed a whole year.

Everyone was waiting, everyone thought, when will it come?

And now summer is laughing through the open window

And the sun and light again full-full.

Guys, I suggest you now go to meet Summer with songs, dances, jokes. And now let's ride on a fun little train.

"ENGINE Bukashka" (№ 3)

Leading: What is summer?

That's a lot of light

This is a field, this is a forest,

It's a thousand wonders!

Summer is rich in all the colors of the rainbow, in summer everything blooms and smells sweet. Guys, do you like summer? (answer children) . What can you do in summer? (answers children) . And most importantly, what you can do in the summer is FROM - BREATHE-HAT!

Now we will sing a song about summer holidays. You you will only sing along words: “You can in the summer, you can in the summer, you can in the summer!”

SONG "POSSIBLE IN THE SUMMER"(song motif "Teaching at school") (№ 4)

1. Do not wear a warm scarf and walk until dark!


Gather all your friends in the morning and rush out of the yard!

Children: You can in the summer, you can in the summer, you can in the summer!

2. Drive east, south and return by making a circle!


Help mom and dad: watering the garden bed in the country!

Children: You can in the summer! Maybe in the summer! Maybe in the summer!

3. Open a good book so that you don’t forget the letters!

Children: You can in the summer! Maybe in the summer! Maybe in the summer!

Meet all your friends and miss the kindergarten!

Children: You can in the summer! Maybe in the summer! Maybe in the summer!

Leading: Children, do you know that our wonderful Summer holiday is also a holiday of health? Why do you think? (answers children) That's right, in the summer everyone sunbathe, swim, spend a lot of time in the fresh air, that is, they gain health. So many people wake up in the morning, jump out of bed on both legs (fervently, wash themselves, and then do exercises. Do you guys do exercises in the morning? (answer) Raise your hands those who are doing exercises. (children raise their hands) So, now raise your hands those who do not do exercises in the morning! I think we all need a summer workout right now.

There is one cure for a cold -

This is a charge, not potions.


Relay race

1. Running in bags. (adults and children st. gr)

2. Snake (1 adult + 3 children average gr)

Leading: Glare of sunlight

They scattered through the yards.

It means it's summer again

Came to visit us.

You can jump and laugh

And all this is no accident. And we owe you admit: Summer is beauty!


In verses 2-4, the words are repeated, only the initial movement changes. The more varied the movements, the more interesting. And in the 5th verse, all movements are repeated in order, starting from the 1st verse.

(wave hands over head)

If the sun shines bright, do it!

If the sun shines brightly, (hands on the belt, smile and turn to the neighbor

We smile at each other, right and left)

If the sun shines bright

Fine! (clench the hand into a fist, and the thumb is raised up - the gesture is okay)

1. (substitute the thumb of the right to the nose, and substitute the big finger of the left hand to the little finger - movement "Pinocchio")

2. (puff out your cheeks and slap them, blowing out the air with a sound)

3. (play on the lip with your index finger - this is how small children like to play)

4. (repeat all movements, starting from the first verse)

We are meeting summer holiday,

sun festival, festival of light.

Sun, sun, hotter gray

Will holiday merrier!

Dance "Heel toe"

Leading: And now, for defusing, I will guess riddles for you.

1. I am woven from heat,

I carry warmth with me

I warm the rivers

"Swim!" - I invite.

And love for it

You are all of me. After all, this is…. (Summer)

2. He makes noise in the field and in the garden,

But it won't get into the house.

And I'm not going anywhere

As long as he goes. (Rain)

3. In summer - snow!

Just laugh!

Flying through the city

Why doesn't he melt? (Fluff from poplars)

4. We cry without him,

How will it appear

We hide from him. (Sun)

5. It's a shame to him:

When the weather is good

He's somewhere in the corner

Forgotten - abandoned.

But it's worth the mess

And remember him

And go for a walk with him. (Umbrella)

6. On a green fragile leg

The ball has grown by the track.

The breeze rustled

AND dispelled this ball. (Dandelion)

7. Sisters are standing in the field -

Yellow eyes, white eyelashes. (Chamomile)

DANCE GAME "What kind of people are these"

Leading: What a wonderful, fun time - summer! All kids love it!

In summer, rest

In summer, the air

In the summer you can not get bored -

You can play in the summer!

Relay race

1. Carry the ball (6 children + adults) under. gr

2. Collect the cubes (4 hoops and cubes) ml. gr

Leading: Everyone in the world, both adults and children, are looking forward to summer. After a long and cold winter, you want warmth, bright sun. We played, sang, danced. I think Leto is very happy to be met with festive and good mood!

"Dance Smile"

Children perform movements as shown by an adult.

Leading: Our holiday cheerful was a success. I think everyone liked it? Guys let's sing along say: "Hello summer!"

And I want to wish you a good mood and a great summer vacation! And also, guys, smile more often, be cheerful, mischievous, friendly. I know you can draw. Now you can show your talents! On asphalt, on asphalt, as in an album and a notebook. Let's draw with chalk. Reflect the world in pictures!


This is a script for an entertaining event dedicated to the celebration of Children's Day, of an educational and entertaining nature. Thanks to this scenario, it is possible to expand the horizons of children in the field of literature, develop creative abilities, systematize knowledge of the rules of the road, improve health, charge children with energy and good mood.



SMBUSOSSSZN "Krasnoyarzhsky social and rehabilitation center for minors"

The script of the holiday dedicated to

childhood day

« Journey to a magical land"

Compiled and conducted by:

Shestakova Maria Ivanovna, music director;

Mikhailenko Svetlana Alexandrovna, caregiver

P. Krasnaya Yaruga, 2013

Explanatory note

This is a script for an entertaining event dedicated to the celebration of Children's Day, of an educational and entertaining nature. Thanks to this scenario, it is possible to expand the horizons of children in the field of literature, develop creative abilities, systematize knowledge of the rules of the road, improve health, charge children with energy and good mood.


  • Instilling in students a sense of deep respect and gratitude for the feat of arms of the participants in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, war veterans, home front workers, a sense of pride in the victorious people;
  • Expansion of students' knowledge about the Great Patriotic War;
  • Formation of a positive attitude, respect for families.
  • Team building.


Educational tasks:

  • Contribute to the formation of moral qualities.
  • To develop the creative abilities of students, oral speech, expressive reading skills;
  • Raise interest in the heroic past of their country.

Educational tasks:

  • Contribute to the education of universal moral values.

Development tasks:

  • To promote the development of communication skills, teamwork, the ability to analyze life situations and give them an appropriate assessment.
  • Contribute to the development of spiritual and moral self-awareness of pupils.

Equipment and props:

  • ship
  • the wall is decorated with a St. George ribbon, painted tanks and planes

Actors and performers:

  • leading adults
  • Holiday
  • reader children,
  • Dwarf
  • Baba Yaga
  • a group of preschoolers;

Conduct form: journey

childhood day

All children are in the courtyard of the Center.

He is a cheerful, kind fellow and amusing and daring!

Passion, how he loves children, looking for them always, everywhere!

He does not shy away from playing in the circle of funny children.

He dances with her and sings, gives smiles for nothing!

Quicker! Hurry up for a wonderful holiday!

How?! Haven't you heard yet?

This holiday is a sage and a prankster.

From all sorrows he is the best remedy,

And his name is CHILDHOOD HOLIDAY!!!

And he brought thousands of fun and tricks

For our center children.

The cheerful song "Company" sounds.The manager of the performance, the Holiday, arrives on the ship.

Holiday :
- Hello, children!

I am a holiday, a merry fellow, a joker, a prankster!
Do not find in this world a company dearer to me,
Busier, more fun!
It is always a pleasure to try to joke and laugh with you!
Well, before the start of the presentation, we give preference to the presenter!

Leading: Dear, our dear children!
I heartily congratulate everyone on a wonderful holiday - International Children's Day! This holiday is special - it is not for nothing that summer begins with it, and it rightfully belongs to our children. They are our joy and hope, our work and happiness. June 1 is not only a holiday of childhood, but also a reminder of the responsibility of society for the fate of every child. Children's happiness is full when the child is warmed by the love and warmth of the hearts of loved ones and relatives. In our Center, our children are surrounded by care and understanding. Happy holiday, dear guys!

Holiday :
We are glad to welcome all the guests of our holiday.

Our children! How pure, how beautiful
How cute and how different!

When they sing and when they play
As if the world is rocking with a smile.

Leading: The first day of June, the first day of the coming summer is called Children's Day. So decided the Women's International Democratic Federation in November 1949. On the day of the first of June, all mankind of the Earth demonstrates its ardent desire to protect children from hunger and disease, from ignorance, from fear and resentment, to protect them from the horrors of war.

Holiday : Guys, guys, today in the world
On the whole planet, children are the masters.
Let's all sing together guys
The hosts are children on the globe!

Song ""

Leading: Song our friend and comrade,
With her life is more fun
Work argues with the song,
Rest brighter and brighter!

Leading: I offer riddles and you guys shout riddles.

Riddles - shifters.

The bunny went out for a walk
The hare's paws are straight... (not five, but four)

I have a dog
She already has tails ... ( not 6 but 1)

The blizzard howls like a drill,
Soit in the yard...(not April, but February)

birthday on the nose
We baked...(not sausage, but cake)

At Irinka and Oksanka
There are tricycles... (not a sled, but a bicycle)

There is a funny saying:
It snowed - meet ... ( winter)

Leading: And today we meet a fun summer. What is this summer?

Child 1.

What is summer?

That's a lot of light

This is a field, this is a forest,

It's a thousand miracles.

Child 2.

We celebrate the holiday of summer

Festival of the sun, festival of light

Sun, sun, brighter gray

The holiday will be more fun.

Child 3.

Hello, hello our summer!

Everything is warmed by your warmth:

Meadow and field and orchards,

Forest, and river, and ponds

We have a lot of fun

Let's start dancing now.

The dance "Why is this summer?"

Holiday :

I will tell you a story
In half a dozen phrases.
I'll just say the word "three",
Get your prize now!

Once we caught a pike
Gutted, but inside
Saw small fish
And not one, but whole ... two!

Dreaming guy hardened
Become an Olympic Champion...
Look, do not be cunning at the start,
And wait for the command: "One, two, ... march!"

When you want to remember poetry
They do not bison until late at night,
And repeat them to yourself
One, another, but better ... five!
One day a train at the station
I had to wait three hours...
Well, friends, you didn't take the prize,
When it was possible to take

Leading: We invite everyone on a journey through the magical land of childhood, where friendship, love, beauty live and miracles happen every moment! Now we will be divided into two groups: the little ones and younger schoolchildren go to travel on this map along with the Holiday, and the older children, along with me and with this map, go on a different route. At the end of the journey, we all meet at the same place. Before starting the journey, you need to study the map. Let me remind everyone that she should lead us all to the sweet tree. But in order to reach him, you have to complete difficult tasks.

So, let's go!!!


Mylysh go along the path towards the boiler room.

On track: The game "Pick up the apples."Three people play (you can play several times). Rules: apples of yellow, green and red cardboard are scattered on the floor. The task of the players is to collect apples of their color as quickly as possible.

Near the boiler room: Game "HOW DO YOU LIVE?"
Children use movements to show what the text says.

How are you? - Like this! (put thumb forward)
How are you going? - Like this! (go on the spot)
How are you swimming? - Like this! (imitate swimming)
How do you run? - Like this! (running on the spot)
How sad are you? - Like this! (sad)
Are you kidding? - Like this! (grimacing)
Are you threatening? - Like this! (threaten fingers at each other)

Holiday : Look, guys, who is sitting on the stump, looking at the guys at everyone ...


I've been sitting here for a long time
I'm waiting for the kids.
Glad to invite all my friends
The holiday will be more fun.
Well, let's play a better game.

Attraction "Collect a flower by color."

The game "Hide and seek with a handkerchief"

Children first dance (jump) under a scarf, which is held by the corners of adults. At the signal "wow!" children run away to the sides, and adults try to cover them with a scarf. For the last time, an adult should have time to put a surprise under the scarf - a ball that will show the way to the sweet tree.

And etc………………………………………


Relay game "Kangaroo". 2 teams are playing. Rules: hold the ball between your knees and jump to the line and back, pass the ball to another player.

dance game"How beautiful I am."Everyone plays, becoming in a circle. From each other to the music, the players pass a basket of things. As soon as the music ends, the player who has the basket in his hands must take out one item and put it on himself. The funnier the items, the more interesting.

And etc………………………………

The last point of arrival for older children is to Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga:

Well, that's too much fun! I'm still Baba Yaga, and I don't like it when it's very fun. You need to spoil your mood! I love to grumble, this is my favorite pastime. Now I will grumble at you, and you will have to answer!

I know that you are friends

And they came to me for a reason.

Answer loudly, amicably: "it's me, it's me, these are all my friends."

answer loudly, but
There is one condition:
Somewhere you say nothing
And where it is necessary - there shout!

Which of you, tell me, children, dreamed of summer for a whole year?
- Which of you now find out, is dying of boredom here?
- Who in the forest, on the river, in the field likes to play in the open?
- In the summer, who surprises everyone - is he lying in bed resting?
- Who, I want to know from you, likes to sing and dance?
- Which of you does not walk gloomy, loves sports and physical education?
- Which of you is such a dodger, is the best ball player?
- Which of you, everyone will say oh, sunbathing in boots?
- Who are you, I want to know, a bully and a fighter?
- Which one of you guys keeps things in order?
- Which of you, from the kids, walks dirty to the ears?

Baba Yaga:

Wow, how well they grumbled, it even became easier for me!

I will give you a ball to help you along the way.

Find a prize (treasure) as soon as possible, come to a sweet tree.

Everyone gathers at the sweet tree, together they go to the meeting place.

Holiday: - The fun day is over. This is how it always goes:

As soon as you play out - and it's time to go home!

Is it time to be sad? Only the first day ends

The summer that will bring you a hundred thousand joys!

And we will meet exactly in a year!
You will grow up, that's for sure!
And I will add time of years!
But we are still friends just as firmly
We won't stop with you, no!

I'm just a holiday, only a holiday
I only happen once a year.
Once a year I say to you: "Hello!"
And I've been coming back for a whole year.

I will remind you: there will be weekdays. Worries, school affairs ...
Do not forget me for them, and I will always help you -
With a quiet joke and a smile, a game and a funny song ...
For now, friends, I do not say goodbye. Don't part with me!

Leading: Before we say goodbye to the holiday, let's sing a goodbye cheerful song ""

Holiday: How well all children sing
All over the earth, all over the planet!
We want the world to reign around
And to give happiness to everyone!

Leading: Shine smiles,
Warmed by the sun!
Peace and happiness to you
Children of the planet!

Holiday: Good luck and have a great summer vacation!

Host: Goodbye!

Together: See you soon!
