A great gift for the family. What to give to a married couple? A collection of interesting ideas

What to give to the family? Serious question, isn't it? There can be many reasons - a housewarming, the creation of a new family, a marriage anniversary, or any other reason for which it is necessary to congratulate the family, and not just an individual. Of course, there are many ideas and the most common are dishes, bed linen, interior items, or just an envelope with money. Today we will talk about gifts, symbolic and not only, that will be useful in everyday life for the whole family or will decorate the home of the gifted and will please the eye.

Gift certificates

One of the common themes of our time. Gift certificates are a useful and original gift for the whole family, where everyone can receive impressions and pleasure. Of course, before purchasing, you should know at least a little about the family and their hobbies, so that they will be happy with the gift and take advantage of it. Favorite hobbies, hobbies or treatments at the SPA salon, master classes, romance for two, active and extreme entertainment can be found to suit every taste and budget.

Clock “Flying Time”

A symbolic gift for the family, it reminds that time is fleeting, and you need to try to spend as much time as possible with your family and friends. All in our hands! On the website https://www.farfor-spb.ru/products/suvenirnopodarochnye-izdeliya/ you can consider other options for porcelain gifts (dishes, dolls, New Year's candlesticks and Christmas tree decorations, etc.)

Panel for photographs

One of the original ideas for a gift, in my opinion, is a panel for a photo of the whole family. This is a memory for years that will delight the eyes of the whole family and most importantly, everyone can participate in the design, order a photo session or simply select captured moments from family life that you want to remember every day. Thanks to the original design of the panel, such a composition will undoubtedly complement the interior of the house.

Gift honey

A tasty and healthy gift for the family, of course, before purchasing you should know whether all family members eat and love honey. Beautiful gift design, a variety of flavors in small jars will surely delight the family. Drinking tea in a warm family circle always brings you closer together, and honey will slightly sweeten the life of the gifted.

Bath table

A necessary thing in the house if there is a bathtub in which the family from time to time likes to relax, read a book or watch a movie on a tablet. The convenient design will allow two people to take a bath and, if desired, chat and drink a glass of wine. 🙂

Puzzle picture

Modern puzzles for adults are distinguished by their original design and the smallest details that can be assembled by the whole family, and then decorated with the interior of the house. Bright small compositions or a huge world map consisting of monochromatic elements will decorate the house and will certainly be an interesting and exciting activity for the family. The main thing is to take into account tastes and interests, so that the gifted would be interested in such a gift and collect it with great enthusiasm :)

Globe for coloring

Perhaps a symbolic, but at the same time original gift for a family that often travels with pleasure or plans in the future. You can make notes on the globe, record impressions of the trip and anything that comes to mind. At the same time, the globe will be an interesting addition to the interior.


Also, a kind of symbolic, but at the same time useful gift. A key holder for two or the whole family is made of wood and presented in the form of a house panel, where the entire family is present, each with their own keychain, which will be a good guide so as not to “pioneer” the wrong set of keys :)

That’s probably all for today, but I’m sure the topic can and should be continued, there are many gifts for the family, and interesting, original ideas will definitely be published on the blog.

What can you give to a young married couple or an experienced family? In fact, there are many options, but before each holiday it begins to seem that “this has already happened,” “too banal,” or “they are unlikely to understand such originality.” You can avoid painful doubts when choosing a gift by reading this article.


What to give to a married couple? Impressions are an excellent solution if you want to definitely please the recipients of the gift and not spend a lot of time searching for that perfect gift for the family. Gift certificates offer a variety of choices:

  1. A horseback ride for two, a billiards master class for two, a ropes course or a parachute jump are suitable for active young families. A couple in love will be able to have a fun weekend and be charged with positive emotions for a long time.
  2. A weekend for two in a country boarding house, a boat trip, a day of spa treatments for two or a hot air balloon flight will allow you to enjoy each other’s company and relax. For busy people, dinner on the roof of a skyscraper is also suitable; such a romantic break after a busy day will revive their relationship.
  3. An invitation to a master class in animation, cooking sushi and rolls or European (Mexican, Asian, Spanish) cuisine, a lesson in rock climbing or pottery - this is for those interested in everything in the world and those who are looking for something to their liking.
  4. Walking tours, visits to local attractions, night and romantic walks through the city at night are gifts that involve a relaxing pastime.
  5. An animation or soap making lesson, laser combat, paintball or bowling, a rope course or a trampoline master class are suitable as a gift for a family that already has children. You can choose a gift that will appeal to preschoolers, teenagers, and adults.

What to give to friends (married couples) for a holiday that is both interesting and inexpensive? There is plenty to choose from when it comes to impression gifts. In addition, you can collect a so-called gift-box, that is, select several gift certificates (at least 20 different ones) and put them as a gift. In this case, the cost of the gift-box will be equal to the price of the most expensive experience in the set. An evening of jazz music for a couple in love will cost a little more than 5 thousand rubles, and a gift certificate for a hot air balloon flight will cost almost 23 thousand. From the budget segment of romantic experiences, you can choose a tea ceremony (2,750 rubles) or a night at the cinema (2,800 rubles). Among the most expensive: rides on helicopters and airplanes (20-40 thousand rubles, the same cost for a master class in flying the same plane or helicopter) or on a yacht (11 thousand), riding on a Russian troika (20 thousand rubles) .

Cozy home

What to give a married couple for their anniversary? Here you can proceed from the “experience” of family life. For example, a year from the date of marriage is a calico wedding. On this day, it is customary to give items made of chintz and generally made of natural fabric (but light), jewelry made of semi-precious stones, and handmade items made using the macrame technique.

On the first anniversary, you can present a young family whose life has just begun to be established with useful things: a set of bed linen, towels or a light blanket that will make the house more comfortable. A pouffe or decorative pillows, an organizer that will help organize the space, or a lunchbox are suitable. For a chintz wedding, paired T-shirts or two sets of loungewear would be a good gift.

Such gifts are also suitable for the fourth anniversary of family life - a linen wedding. But 5 years is a wooden anniversary, the tree here acts as a symbol of the fact that the relationship between spouses becomes stronger over time. When choosing a gift, you can pay attention to products made from natural wood. Among the inexpensive things, it is worth taking a closer look at the original frames for joint photographs; a wooden horseshoe will also look symbolic. Great gifts: a breakfast table in bed, a book shelf or a handmade coffee grinder made of precious wood. What else to give a married couple for a child’s birthday or fifth anniversary? A rocking horse made of natural wood will do.

Scents of love

It is known that aromas can not only relax after a hard day at work, but also improve the microclimate in the family, relieve irritability or fatigue. If you have an aroma lamp, you can travel to the East, to Provence or to the Cote d'Azur (yes, wherever you want), without leaving the confines of a cozy apartment.

So, what can you give to a married couple? A set of candles with different scents, oils, sachets, an aroma lamp with an open fire or electric, or a home air humidifier are suitable as a small gift. Rose, clary sage, and sandalwood will set the mood for a romantic mood. Natural aphrodisiacs include ylang-ylang, jasmine, bergamot, geranium or cloves. Lavender, tangerine, orange, mint, rosemary and geranium relieve stress and tension, relax.

Air humidifiers are even more useful - such devices will bring the microclimate in the apartment closer to the one most suitable for the human body. A steam humidifier has the highest performance, but also consumes a lot of energy; an ultrasonic humidifier is the most advanced among modern models. There are also traditional humidifiers that simply evaporate water. These models are distinguished by their economical energy consumption, ease of operation and low noise level. A good air humidifier can be purchased for 2-6 thousand rubles.

Among the “fragrant” gifts, we must not forget about indoor plants. What to give a married couple for the New Year? It is from indoor plants that essential oils are obtained; this is the primary source of smell, which, in addition, will decorate the interior. Citrus trees stabilize blood pressure, rosemary improves memory, and rose helps effectively get rid of fatigue.

Sweet gifts

What to give a married couple for the New Year so that the gift does not turn out to be unnecessary? Those with a sweet tooth will appreciate delicious gifts, for example, a photograph of a family in a frame made of elite chocolate, a candy with an individual image, a chocolate figurine or a designer set of chocolates. A more serious present is a chocolate fountain. Such a device is a set of cascades through which molten chocolate circulates. The cost of a chocolate fountain will be from 2500 rubles. A similar gift is a fondue set, that is, a special “kettle” or fondue pot. Using this device you can prepare cheese, vegetable, fish, meat or even chocolate fondue. The cost of a fondue set is from 1500 rubles.

Kitchen helpers

What to give a married couple among practical things? Here you can pay attention to all kinds of “fillings” for the kitchen or bar. It is no longer so original to present toasters, coffee grinders and coffee makers, juicers and mixers as a present, but you can pay attention to a donut making machine or a sandwich maker. Useful and original gifts: cooler bag, barbecue grill, popcorn maker, beautiful salad set, spice containers. Among the budget gifts: an original teapot (for example, in the shape of an umbrella or a ship), molds for cupcakes, cookies or ice, a set of plates with an interesting print.

Pleasant dreams

What to give a married couple for the New Year? In winter, warm and cozy, “warming” gifts will come in handy. You can present high-quality dressing gowns in the same style or in the same color scheme made of natural fabric, a blanket with sleeves. The cost of one high-quality terry robe starts from 2.5 thousand rubles; in the middle price segment there are products for 4.5-5 thousand rubles or more.

Wall diary

What to give to a young married couple? An original wall diary will help preserve romantic relationships in the family - several tablets on which you can write with crayons or a special marker. You can leave each other notes, wishes, requests. A good gift idea is a wall calendar (both for a specific year and “eternal”), where all important dates, birthdays of friends and relatives, and holidays will be marked. You can make such a calendar yourself from felt or other suitable material.

Useful little things

What to give to a married couple? Among the useful little things for the home that make life easier, you can list an original key holder, a wall organizer for storing things, a set of tools or thermal utensils, coasters for glasses, door stoppers, a tray with folding legs and much more.

Cute things

What to give a married couple for NG (New Year)? Young people in love who are just thinking about legalizing their relationship, or a married couple will love cute little things that will show how strong their love is for each other. You can give two mugs that make up a single whole, or personalized glasses, a calendar with photos of the couple and wishes, an original piggy bank as a hint of the future common budget for unmarried couples, identical scarves or mittens for lovers, or paired T-shirts. These are all budget gifts. True, you need to be careful in choosing such gifts, because a young family may not like such gifts.

For a green wedding

What to give a married couple for a green wedding, that is, on their wedding day? A universal, but completely unoriginal gift is money. A young family probably already has many grandiose plans, so additional finances will not be superfluous, and the husband and wife know much better for themselves exactly how to spend the money than many friends and distant acquaintances. Banknotes can be presented not only in an envelope, but also in original packaging - for example, folded into origami.

Certificates for household appliances or the purchase of building materials (if the young couple have already started renovations) are suitable as gifts. Let's list less practical gifts:

  • expensive alcohol (it is appropriate to give only if none of the newlyweds is an ardent opponent of drinking alcohol);
  • photo session (it is advisable to discuss the preferences of the newlyweds in advance; it may be worth paying for a wedding photo session with the artist you like or a certificate that will allow you to take photographs some time after the significant event);
  • small pieces of art (precisely small ones - the gift should be such that you can easily pick it up and carry it to the car).

The best option is to ask if the newlyweds have a “wish list” and choose something according to it.

Experienced family

What to give a married couple for the New Year? Household items are unlikely to be suitable anymore; it is better to choose something with a twist. You can give the family an electric fireplace or a home fountain, a hammock for the cottage, various games for spending leisure time together (only really good quality) or a traveler’s map (for those who often go on vacation abroad), on which you can mark the places where you have already been or mark new routes. There are enough options to choose a gift that a married couple will definitely like.

When deciding what to give to a married couple, remember what the spouses are passionate about. If these are practical people, then they need a practical gift. And if they love beauty and understand design, then the gifted item should serve as a decoration for the monastery. And the third type of married couples are spiritually developed people who value art; such a family needs an appropriate gift.

Practical gifts

This group includes gifts that are needed in the home. If you have the opportunity to visit a married couple before the scheduled date of the holiday, then take a careful look around. There will definitely be items that require updating or replacement. For example, the kettle has broken down or the clock on the wall is missing.

For practical purposes, you can always give a couple bed linens or dishes. It is better to match the colors of the bedding set to the bedroom interior, and the dishes should be given taking into account the colors of the existing kitchen utensils.

A wonderful gift would be household appliances. Gently ask the hostess if the family needs a new iron or toaster.

Couples who love interesting things will appreciate a unique gift with a design intent that can be placed on a piece of furniture or hung on a wall in the home. Such gifts include a variety of souvenirs with a hidden meaning or magical purpose.

Among the Feng Shui figurines, mandarin ducks are suitable. This inseparable couple gives harmony in family relationships and symbolizes family unity. As legend goes, the talisman protects against quarrels and separations.

A small fountain would be appropriate in every home. The sound of water always relaxes the nervous system, especially after a working day. More often, cute birds with sound accompaniment are added to the fountain composition. This piece of paradise will serve as a place of psychological relief.

Interesting gifts include photo souvenirs. Satin pillows with images of the happy couple on their wedding day are perfect for your wedding anniversary. They will remind you of love and tenderness. For housewarming or for the New Year, you can give paired mugs with photos from family life. If there are no family photos, then it’s time to take care of a gift for the photo shoot.

Gifts for the soul

For a married couple who loves art, tickets to a theater premiere or concert would be a wonderful gift. It makes sense to give tickets for a trip to historical places or an annual subscription to visit famous museums.

If the spouses love active recreation, then as a gift you can organize a horse ride or snowmobile ride. A hang gliding flight will give a couple a storm of emotions. A parachute jump or rafting down a stormy mountain river - this gift will appeal to adrenaline lovers.

Tip 2: What to give a young couple for their anniversary

The anniversary of our acquaintance is a special date. After dating for a year, the young people realize that they have serious feelings for each other. This date is celebrated among friends or used as an excellent occasion to meet parents.

Gifts from friends

The anniversary of dating is the peak of a romantic relationship, and therefore appropriate. Young people will find beautiful candles useful for romantic evenings; they can be painted, carved or with delicate scents. The variety of candles is huge; when choosing such a gift, take into account the taste of the newlyweds. You should definitely give a couple of candles, not just one.

An interesting and unusual gift would be handmade soap. You can order almost any form of such a product, take into account the hobbies and character of the girl and boy. For example, if a girl is a refined person and loves flowers, you can give him soap in the shape of flowers and with a delicate aroma, while a young man may be interested in ships - he can receive a gift in the shape of a sailboat with the aroma of a sea breeze.

A wonderful gift for romantic evenings is a set for a tea ceremony in Japanese traditions. A tea ceremony using such a set gives the atmosphere of the evening not only romantic notes, but also gives a feeling of home comfort and adds a touch of family life.

Young dating couples are always interested in gifts with their images. Friends can order paired heart-shaped mugs with a photo of a girl and a guy or T-shirts with funny inscriptions and a picture of a happy couple. You can compose any text for the phrase or use template quotes, the main thing is that they reflect the couple’s relationship and highlight interesting moments in their life.

If you do handicrafts, you can create an original postcard using the quilling design technique or make an unusual photo frame, decorating it with shells or rhinestones. If you have mastered the technique of modeling from acrylic or polymer clay, a miniature garden in an aquarium wine glass, created by yourself, will look great.

Gifts from parents

When young people date for a long period of time and celebrate an anniversary, most often they already know the parents of their other half. If dad and mom approve of this union, they invite the couple to celebrate their anniversary with their family and give various gifts.

If a girl and a guy are old enough to travel independently, parents can give them a tourist trip for two to a seaside resort or to places of cultural heritage. Young people will certainly enjoy seeing the beauty of St. Petersburg or visiting the museums of the capital.

Recognizing the seriousness of the relationship between their daughter or son and their chosen one, parents sometimes give identical jewelry to the newlyweds - chains or pendants. It is very appropriate to give wedding rings as a hint to the upcoming wedding.

Preparations for the winter holiday are in full swing. People choose gifts for friends with whom they are on good terms. If you don’t know what to give a married couple for New Year 2020, don’t despair. We have prepared a lot of gift ideas for people who recently got married or have been living together for a long time.

Universal gifts

There are gifts that can be presented to newlyweds and families with considerable experience. If you don’t have time to visit stores and get acquainted with the assortment, give preference to this option.

Universal gifts for the New Year 2020 include:

  • family portrait on canvas– one of the best home decorations. It can be hung in the living room or bedroom. When you visit friends, secretly take one photo of a happy married couple. Order a portrait on canvas from the artist, stylized as oil painting. You will get a real masterpiece with which you can surprise your friends on New Year's Eve;
  • family tree- a product made of metal and natural wood. Choose a tree figurine with small photo frames in the store. Give preference to a product that has an original appearance. The family tree will decorate the interior and become its main accent;
  • photo collage on the wall- a unique gift for the Year of the White Rat that you can make with your own hands. For work you will need whatman paper, scissors, a glue gun and many photographs of your friends. First you need to think about how the pictures will be placed. Then you need to lay out the photos, glue them and write New Year’s greetings on whatman paper.

Unusual gifts for married couples

There are many products on sale. If you want to surprise your close friends, choose something unusual in the store.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the options for gifts that can be presented to a married couple when the chimes strike:

  • Wall clock with hands that glow in the dark.
  • A piggy bank in the shape of a rat, a camera, an alarm clock, and a soccer ball.
  • Floor or table globe bar.
  • Copper figurine: bust of Nefertiti, Egyptian woman, eagle with spread wings, dolphins or swans.
  • A wall panel depicting a landscape, abstraction, hieroglyphs.
  • Interior pillows with funny pictures: a cat with glasses, owls on a branch, funny hares.
  • Bed linen with 3D effect.
  • Organizer for storing things.
  • A board game for an interesting leisure time.
  • Key holder in the form of a box made of natural wood.

An ant farm is a wonderful gift for a married couple. Your friends will be able to feel like masters of civilization. The ant farm kit includes sand, a transparent display and detailed instructions. Living creatures living in a confined space do not cause discomfort to others. People are interested in observing the life of an ant colony.

Gifts for newlyweds

If people in love have recently legalized their relationship, their life is not completely settled. Therefore, you can purchase products that will give the environment additional comfort and coziness. The newlyweds will also find kitchen utensils and home textiles useful.

To make it easier for you to choose a gift for the New Year 2020, we have prepared wonderful ideas:

  • glowing cocktail glasses– products manufactured using advanced technologies. They become the highlight of any holiday. LEDs are built into the glasses. No additional devices are needed to control the light. The lighting effects are self-combining;
  • a tea set– choose dishes made of porcelain. This is an excellent material with an aesthetic appearance. Buy a set that includes saucers and cups, a sugar bowl, a teapot and a milk jug. Friends will put it in the closet and take it out when guests arrive;
  • kitchen appliances- devices that make cooking much easier. The range includes a variety of devices: toasters, meat grinders, mixers, sandwich makers. Any of the above devices will be useful for a young family;
  • home textiles– the choice of suitable gifts is huge. Newlyweds can buy bright kitchen towels, a blanket for the sofa, decorative pillows with tapestry pillowcases, and a 100% cotton tablecloth. Friends will also find a wicker basket made of wicker with a fabric lining useful;
  • interior item– The stores offer a variety of goods. For example, book holders, photo frames in the form of a rotating cube, clock-stickers on the wall. Newlyweds can purchase a glowing pillow, poster or alarm clock in the form of a starry sky projector.

Gifts for experienced families

For people who live together a lot of time, choosing a gift for the winter holiday is more difficult. This is due to the fact that a family with solid experience has a properly organized life. They have everything necessary for running a household and for a comfortable stay.

We are well versed in the assortment of gifts, so we will be happy to help you make a wonderful purchase. For the New Year 2020, you can give the following products to a married couple:

  • electric aroma lamp- a device with the help of which a unique atmosphere is created in the house. During heating, the aroma of essential oil spreads throughout the room. The aroma lamp helps to lift your mood and improve your performance. The active components of essential oils enter the body and have a healing effect;
  • home waterfall– a compact device that creates the effect of wild nature. This is a unique space decoration item that fills the interior with special energy. Tabletop fountains with birds, elephants, and windmills are on sale. You can also purchase a device in the form of a barrel or a pearl;
  • beaded bonsai– an original gift that will be placed in the most prominent place. In the online store you can purchase an exquisite composition created by the hands of a talented craftsman. Bonsai fits organically into any interior. The miniature tree symbolizes longevity and joy of life;
  • modular picture– ideal for a modern interior. It emphasizes style and enlivens the room. The assortment includes modular paintings that depict unobtrusive landscapes, floral designs, architectural landmarks;
  • useful kitchen tools– Manufacturers produce unusual products that combine practicality and stylish appearance. You can purchase a silicone container for brewing tea, a universal grater for garlic and chocolate, a vegetable cutter with numerous attachments, and a set of flexible cutting boards.

Original gifts

If your friends do not like receiving banal gifts, do not buy them figurines, terry towels and body care products. Be creative and choose a gift that will truly surprise the couple.

Suitable gifts for the Year of the White Rat include:

  1. A set of cool aprons.
  2. A photo calendar that captures happy life moments.
  3. Gift set of honey.
  4. Christmas ball with a photo.
  5. Lamp with engraving “Family Hearth”.
  6. Paired T-shirts with the words “Love is”.
  7. Figurine based on a photograph.
  8. Blanket for two with sleeves.
  9. Paired sweatshirts.
  10. Sushi set for two persons.

Sweets as a gift

This is a win-win gift that will take its rightful place on the holiday table. You can buy or fill the basket yourself with sweets and exotic fruits. Another option is also possible. Bake a New Year's cake in the shape of a rat. Such a gift will be both symbolic and very tasty. As a complement to sweets, buy a bottle of champagne or cognac for the New Year 2020.

If you like to make gifts with your own hands, create a Christmas tree from candies. There are many options for this craft. Watch master classes on the Internet or come up with something yourself.

We suggest making a Christmas tree out of sweets and a bottle of champagne. As a result, you should get a “two in one” gift. To work you will need a bottle of champagne, scissors, scotch tape, delicious chocolates, a star or a snowflake. Creating a craft is carried out in a couple of steps.

Gifts to the family for the New Year 2018 are the most important component of the holiday. They help to show attention and care for loved ones, to give loved ones a piece of heart and soul. But what should you give your family for New Year 2018? How not to present an ordinary thing that will be forgotten a day after the special date? How to present a rare and exclusive item? How to turn the donation ceremony itself into a bright event? More about all this in the following lines.

There are many gift ideas for family for the New Year 2018. The most original are:

  • Interior items;
  • Handmade gifts;
  • Exclusive gifts that are suitable for family members of a certain age;
  • Certificates for services.

Interior items

If you need to give one creative gift to all family members, you should immediately think about purchasing items that will beneficially complement the interior of your home. It is not advisable to give such things to families who moved to a new house (apartment) 1-11 months before the New Year and have not yet fully decided what the apartment should look like. Ideally fits into any home:

  • Frame for 2-6 photos;
  • 3D lamp with original print;
  • Decorative figurines in the form of motorcycles, airplanes, wild animals;
  • Floor lamps in a classic style (possible with a set of interchangeable lampshades);
  • Small luxury meditation mats;
  • Decorative pendulums in the form of balls or globes;
  • Candlesticks in the shape of wine glasses or street lamps.

Gifts that are made with your own hands

Gifts that are made with one’s own hand are always loved by loved ones. Not every one of these gifts requires rare professional skills. But before you start making such a gift, you need to answer a few questions:

  • How much time is needed for production and is it possible to carve it out from a busy work (study) schedule?
  • Where can I get materials for the gizmo? Some parts (types of beads, accessories) need to be ordered online and wait 3-7 days for delivery to your home.

If you have the necessary time and a large assortment of materials, you can make with your own hands:

  • A postcard with pockets for chocolate bars and tea bags;
  • Candy stand;
  • Hanging decorations for the entrance to the home or crib;
  • A box for photos or jewelry;
  • Christmas decorations;
  • Small handbags, wallets, pencil cases;
  • Compositions from artificial flowers.

Creative gifts for young families

Almost any item can be given to young families. The main thing is that things do not hint at vulgarity, health problems or marital fidelity. Creative gifts for young couples are:

  • Thermal mug for a car with engraving;
  • Exclusive Vietnamese coffee Luwak;
  • Genealogical book with places for photographs and records of loved ones;
  • Tablecloth with original images or inscriptions;
  • Photos that are made in a block of glass using 3D engraving technology;
  • Funny figurines with images of faces of family members;
  • Sets of flasks, glasses, cups with personal inscriptions;
  • Bottle holders in the shape of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

Interesting gifts for older families

Mature families, whose members have already established themselves as professionals and parents, can be given small stylish accessories. Such things will emphasize the wealth and well-being of the social unit and will amuse spouses and children. Interesting gifts for mature families are:

  • Set of towels with personalized embroidery;
  • Certificates for sites on the moon;
  • Paintings with Swarovski crystals;
  • Weather station with Halley thermometer;
  • A teapot with a crown on the lid;
  • Stainless steel paper separator;
  • Decorative table easel;
  • Piggy banks for beer caps made of glass or transparent plastic;
  • Geographic scratch map, which marks the countries and cities seen.

Unusual gifts for elderly families

Elderly families will benefit from unusual gifts that will make everyday life easier, remind them of pleasant moments in life, or improve their well-being.

  • Frame-piggy bank;
  • A blanket with a photograph or collage, which consists of photographs of all family members;
  • Knitted or woolen slippers in the shape of a tank (for grandfather), cat or dog (for grandmother);
  • Retro phone;
  • A modern player on which you can listen to records. (This gift will especially appeal to spouses whose vinyl products are collecting dust in the attic or closet);
  • Sets of sleep masks with embroidery;
  • A device for finding keys to a house or car.

Certificates for services

Depending on age and hobbies, families can receive:

  • Coupons for health services in medical centers;
  • Certificates for trips to beauty salons;
  • Certificates for the right to perform extreme walks (on skis, ATVs, horses);
  • Entrance fees to entertainment venues (children's centers, water parks, quest rooms, dolphinariums);
  • Certificates for individual excursions in your home or nearby city;
  • Vouchers for romantic dates (on the roof, in the botanical garden or planetarium).
