The interlocutor looks into the eyes without looking up. How to decipher the look of a man and not be guided by assumptions that are far from reality

Eyes are not capable of lying, because they connect the soul of a person with the outside world. It is generally accepted that if a person does not look into the eyes when talking, then he will definitely deceive.

However popular this opinion may be, it is wrong. Psychologists have identified the reasons and situations due to which the opponent does not look into the eyes when communicating.

This is one of those factors that is based on scientific statements. Shy people often hide their feelings, so they can not look directly into the eyes, because the look can tell everything. It will read the deepest feelings and sensations, whether it be love or hatred. Shy people are mostly closed, and therefore they do not want to be revealed.

Often, one glance can provide a huge amount of information about the interlocutor. A couple of minutes of eye contact will go far beyond hours of simple conversation. Due to the overabundance of information, people just have to look away for a while.

Excessive eye contact causes a person to worry and contributes to irritation. After all, it seems as if the interlocutor strives to find out everything that is inside. And almost no one will like it.

Internal discomfort is easy to notice. Signs of this may be touching the ears, nose during a conversation, sorting out the hair. It is for this reason that the interlocutor will not look into the eyes.

Maintaining eye contact with a person who literally pierces through his interlocutor, at least, causes psychological discomfort.

Lack of interest is not always manifested in glancing at the clock and yawning. The disinterest of the interlocutor can also be expressed in the absence of eye contact.

Many people find it easier to formulate a thought and imagine a certain situation only a little immersed in themselves. Such people simply need to create a picture in their head for better perception, and it is simply impossible to do this while maintaining contact with an opponent.

For more productive communication, you should learn to keep your eyes on as long as possible. The ability to maintain eye contact will help not only in informal, but also in business relationships.

If a person does not look into the eyes when talking: the opinion of a psychologist

In the course of the reflections, psychologists noted that the vast majority of people do not resort to eye contact during a conversation. The eye-to-eye look is most common among couples in love. In normal communication, people very rarely look into each other's eyes.

Also, in the process of observation, it was found that leaders who are distinguished by the effectiveness of leadership over people, when talking with their employees, look them in the eye.

Everyone knows the need to look into the eyes of the interlocutor, but not everyone is comfortable doing this. Even if a person tries to maintain eye contact, he becomes uncomfortable and begins to feel a certain embarrassment, because he is not used to it.

In many countries, eye-to-eye look is referred to as an expression of disrespect, which is why women in such states, predominantly Muslim, do not raise their eyes to a man when talking to him.

It is widely believed that in order to create the effect of eye contact, it is necessary to look at the bridge of the nose of your interlocutor. But it is erroneous, since increased attention can cause the opponent's neurosis.

To understand the reason why a person does not make eye contact when talking, body language will also help. To tell that a person has become bored and no longer wants to carry on a conversation, his gaze directed at the top to the right will help. And his dilated pupils will tell about the interest of the opponent in the conversation.

A few tips to help you learn to make eye contact

  • Try to look at the opponent with a soft and relaxed look, affecting a large area that falls into the field of view. The main thing is not to lose this contact and remain calm.
  • Staring can cause a hard expression, so watch your facial expressions. It should not be concentrated, on the contrary, benevolence and gentleness will not only relax you, but will also win over your opponent. To achieve this effect, you can mentally imagine that you are holding this person by the shoulder. So in the look there will be more warmth and softness.
  • The main problem that stands in the way of the ability to look into the eyes is self-doubt. This uncertainty breeds nervousness. It is necessary to overcome this line and understand that looking into the eyes only establishes contact with a person.
  • Try to study the facial expressions and position of the interlocutor. You can try to "mirror" it. This will help overcome the interpersonal barrier and win over the opponent.

If a person does not make eye contact when talking, do not rush to make erroneous conclusions. Perhaps you should take a closer look at the interlocutor and understand the reason for the lack of eye contact on his part.

Date of: 17/04/2006
Subject: Healthy

Your body speaks its own language. Unconsciously, by your behavior, gestures and posture, you send sexual signals that tell your interlocutor how interested or not interested you are in him. On a subconscious level, men always perceive this information, which is inherent in people by instinct.

Knowing about these signals, you can use them to your advantage: keep the information that you do not want to share, or, conversely, increase the sexual appeal, trying to interest a man faster. It has been noticed that when we like a person, and he knows about it, he tends to treat us with sympathy. Therefore, use "body language" to express your attitude towards the man you are interested in. And remember that "gestures speak louder than words." Of course, the very first exchange of information is through eye contact.

The first thing people do when they meet is make eye contact. You may not yet utter a word, but your eyes have already said everything for you. They can express a whole range of interest - from cold curiosity or timid interest to bold sexual appeal.

When you stare into a man's eyes for quite a long time, you are actually telling him that at the moment he is the only man you are interested in in this room. However, such full contact is rather risky.

At the first meeting or a short acquaintance, your look may be perceived as too bold and will scare away a person who does not like or who is not used to such direct behavior of women.

A shorter, but direct and open look at the first meetings is no less effective, but safer. In addition, if a man is afraid of such a look and avoids openly looking into your eyes, this, as a rule, indicates that he has psychological complexes. In general, the eyes of a woman are a powerful weapon. With their help, you can even make a man fall in love with you!

Make him look you in the eye

One Harvard psychologist made it his mission to measure love scientifically. To some extent, he succeeded. When he measured how long people in love look at each other, he found that deeply in love look into each other's eyes during a conversation 75% of the time, while in a normal conversation between two people they look at each other 30-60%.

Some psychologists use this discovery in their practice when they need to know how deeply the partners feel for each other. This knowledge will be useful to you when you need to fall in love with a man.

The longer a person looks at you, the faster their brain will notice, "I'm in love," and it will begin to release phenylethylamine, a hormone synthesized in the brain when you're in love. Therefore, the more time a person spends looking into your eyes, the more he falls in love with you. Try to put it into practice. I think you will be amazed at the results.

Don't look away

This is the second result of research by a Harvard psychologist, which will be useful to us: couples in love are reluctant to look away from each other if someone else is present during the conversation. Therefore, do not rush to look away from the man you like, even when he finished the story or another person intervened in the conversation. Of course, you can't stare at him all the time, that would be just stupid, and you still have to look away.

But not at once. Keep your gaze on it for at least another 3-4 seconds, and then look away, but slowly and reluctantly. And as soon as the third person finishes the phrase, return your gaze to the person you are interested in. Among other things, this will let him know that he is much more interesting to you than the other interlocutor.

Watch the pupils of the eyes

According to research, the pupils of our eyes carry and transmit a lot of information about a person. Scientists conducted such an experiment: men were shown two sets of photographs of women, almost identical, only on the second copies, the pupils of the women's eyes were artificially enlarged. In the corrected photographs, women seemed much more attractive to men than in regular photographs.

You cannot consciously control pupil size. But you can create the right environment so that the pupils increase and the desired effect occurs.

Try to keep the lights dimmed - the pupils increase, which is why a candlelit dinner is considered romantic. Subdued light makes the face more attractive. Our pupils also enlarge when we look at something attractive or think of something pleasant.


Smiling is one of the easiest and most innocent ways to show another person that you like them. It serves as an invitation to fellowship. Smiling shows that you are enjoying the situation, and this is contagious, the interlocutor begins to like communication with you, regardless of what you are talking about. Also, most people become prettier when they smile.

Crossing arms

Crossing of hands is interpreted ambiguously. On the one hand, psychologists interpret this as a "closed posture", showing, by and large, that you are defending yourself, being wary or not wanting to communicate. But it can be understood differently by non-professionals. For example, if you feel vulnerable and weak - you need protection, a strong shoulder of a real man.

If a man likes weakness in a woman in the first place, then such a position can "work" in the right direction. Also, crossing the arms high on the chest draws attention. This is a strong sexual gesture that appeals to the most primitive instincts of a man.

Crossing legs

Another ambiguously interpreted "closed pose". First of all, it shows your nervousness, since most people begin to cross their legs and fidget in place every now and then in moments of anxiety. Most likely, a man will perceive your concern as negative in relation to him.

On the other hand, deliberately crossing the legs in a calm, relaxed state draws attention to beautiful legs or thighs, and pointing the toe towards the man indicates your interest in him. But it is still better if your posture is open, showing your interlocutor your complete trust and defenselessness.

Tilt towards him

Such a gesture clearly indicates your sympathy for this person. If you definitely like a man, then you can even lean slightly against him, but only slightly, otherwise you will achieve the opposite result. His reaction will show how much he likes you. If he doesn't lean back in your direction, then he's most likely not interested in you. It's a pity.

If, during a conversation, you suddenly find that you yourself deviate from the interlocutor, then this means that you do not want to communicate, or you need a longer time to establish contact.


Touching a man expresses, first of all, tenderness and usually causes reciprocal sympathy from the interlocutor. Any physical contact also shows that you are open to emotional contact. Touches should be light and always outside the sexual zones (the inner thighs are also considered the sexual zone), otherwise the man will perceive your behavior as aggressive or cheeky. Touching the sexual zones is permissible only in private and with a strong sexual interest in a man.

Twisting the curl

Twisting a curl is a signal of concern, and often a "positive" one. If you find yourself unconsciously playing with your hair in the presence of a young man, ask yourself: "Why does his presence make me nervous?". Perhaps because you have an increased interest in him, which you yourself do not want to admit to yourself?

Twisting long hair indicates an intention to draw his eye to your luxurious (so sexy!) mop of hair. For a man, this gesture can be perceived as too infantile flirting. Be careful: a lot of men are seriously annoyed. What women find sexy may be the opposite for men.

lip licking

This is a purely physiological reaction. If one of your friends tells you that she "drooled" at the sight of a handsome guy, do not believe it! This doesn't happen. With sexual excitement and arousal, the mucous membrane of the mouth always dries up. If you catch yourself licking your lips in the presence of a man, then something in him excites you extremely, and maybe you would like to see him in your bed. By the way, by this gesture, he will guess about it very soon. Just do it right: run the tip of your tongue over your lips, very slowly.

Nasal flaring

This gesture is unmistakable evidence of sexual arousal. If you are talking to a man, and his nostrils flare from time to time, then this absolutely means that at that moment seductive pictures of sex with you are flashing through his mind. This applies to you too. If you don't want to spend this night with a man, watch your nose!

And finally, know how to relax in the presence of a man. When we really like someone, then, honestly, the first hours and days of communication with him turn into just torture: the mouth dries up, the arms and legs tremble, and the brain feverishly thinks about what to say to be interesting interlocutor.

Many, even very self-confident people, in excitement begin to make small but unpleasant mistakes - they speak too quickly or unconsciously tap on the table. Moreover, the interlocutor, feeling your stress, also begins to get nervous. In this situation, you need to quickly pull yourself together and relax: take a deep breath and try to be yourself and just enjoy communication. Naturalness and ease - the best line of conduct.

After a divorce, a husband and wife may maintain normal friendly relations, or they may simply not communicate. It all depends on who was the main initiator of the divorce. Next, we will analyze in more detail why the ex-husband does not look into his eyes?

Quite often, it is after a divorce that a man begins to understand that he still loves his ex-wife, cannot live without her and wants her back. In addition, when meeting, he can hide his eyes from his ex-wife so as not to betray his true tender feelings. He is overwhelmed with emotions and feelings. This is how you can explain such a strange behavior of the ex-husband.

Also on the topic: Why is the man leaving?


If it was a man who initiated the divorce, then he may wake up with a sense of guilt and shame. He regrets that he left the woman alone and maybe with children. Again, to hide his true feelings, a man simply hides his eyes from his ex-wife. In addition, a man may want to ask for forgiveness or return to a woman, but does not know how to do this. The feeling of shame still wins.

Another family.

It also happens that the ex-wife seeks to return the ex-husband. At the same time, he already has a new family. When meeting with his ex-wife, he is simply ashamed that he cannot fulfill her request and return to her. He can also feel guilty towards her at the same time, which leads to such strange behavior as a result. If a man has a new family, then you should not try to return him. It is better to find a worthy replacement for him and continue to live on.

Also on the topic: How to seduce a Taurus man?


A person, when lying, often enough averts his eyes to the side so as not to betray deception. This is typical behavior. If you ask something important from your ex-husband, and he looks away when answering, it means that he is lying or does not tell the whole truth. It all depends on the specific situation and questions asked. Therefore, each case must be considered separately in order to understand the true reasons for this behavior of a man.

Provocative question.

If you ask a person a provocative question, then he can simply be shy. During times of shame, people simply look away to hide their true feelings and emotions. Therefore, you should not talk to your ex-husband on frank topics if you do not plan to return him. It is better to let him go and take care of his personal life. In addition, a man can beat you faster this way.

Hello dear readers! Women tend to attach great importance to the little things. Often we find some “hints” even where there are none, we begin to blindly believe in our theories and then become very disappointed when it turns out that we were completely wrong. We begin to blame others first of all, behave stupidly, spoil relations with them, and then unpleasant sensations begin to gnaw at us.

I would really hate for you to fall into this psychological abyss, so today I will try to explain in detail to you what it means if a man looks away at a meeting from the point of view of psychology.

He's lying

Thanks to people like Lie to Me, we have become more and more . From the screen we are told that if a man looks to the left or to the side, this means that he is lying. In fact, any psychologist will tell you that this fact is very far from the truth, like many others that are presented in the film as the ultimate truth.

Many people are remorseless in the conversation, looking straight into the eyes. They are not embarrassed, they do not look down, and no mimic features accompany lies. To put a label of a deceiver on a person, just by examining his gestures, would be wrong, since everyone is unique and has his own peculiarities peculiar only to him.

Even having developed a subtle one for yourself and having lived with someone for many years, you will not be able to know him enough to say with an absolute guarantee. This is especially true of those people who have brought their art of deception to perfection.

If you want to know a little more about lies, I can recommend the book. “Why they deceive us, but we believe” by Petr Yunatskevich. One of the chapters of this book is devoted to the technologies used by "professional" liars, while the rest tell about nature and causes, trade and various sects. All in all, a pretty interesting book.

Love and embarrassment

Another reason why it seems to some that a man can lower his eyes in a conversation with a woman is. And again, I will call this conclusion erroneous, since many young people, on the contrary, cannot look enough at their other half, they revel in every moment spent with her, and try to capture her appearance for a period of short-term separation. They will not look away if they are in love.

Of course, there are shy men who, in principle, are embarrassed when talking to a woman. It is quite possible that they behave this way with any representative of the weaker sex, not only the one they like, but also, for example, if she seems stronger, more courageous,. Romantic feelings will not matter here.

Unlike a bold person, a shy person generally tries to avoid trying to make eye contact with a person. This is a feature of character, so it’s not just difficult to draw any conclusions why this is happening, I would say that in 99% they will not be correct. You just might get lucky in a particular situation. Suppose you decide that this means the love of a young man, and as a result it turns out to be so, but with the same success you can trust fortune-telling on a camomile.

What should you know

Do not try to draw conclusions only from the point of view of a person. Pay attention to all his behavior, but get rid of the stereotypes. For example, if you are firmly convinced that a man likes you and therefore he looks away, then you can try to find all sorts of confirmations for this judgment. I wrote about what this will lead to at the beginning of this post.

Try to get to know a specific person, his features. Pay attention to what exactly he says, how he behaves with other people, try to notice other “indicators” behind him. You can even ask directly about the reasons for this behavior. This will definitely be more useful than independent conclusions based on pseudoscientific analysis.

Well, if you really like a man who embarrassedly looks away when you meet, forget about this fact for a while, and just try to approach him, moving away from the position of the eyes. Well, the book will help you with this. Kara King "12 Secret Powers of a Woman".

That's basically it. See you soon and don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter.

The meaning of a man's gaze. Deciphering the various views.

They say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Indeed, at one glance you can understand a lot of things: about how a man treats you, whether he sympathizes with you, or you are absolutely indifferent to him. In this article, we will talk about what the various views mean.

What does it mean if a guy, a man looks intently into the eyes of a girl, a woman, without looking away?

Quite often, a young lady meets a guy who looks intently into his eyes and does not open them. Most often, such emotions and such a cheeky study of a partner cause discouragement and confusion in the fair sex. Because the girl has no idea how to react to this kind of impudence. There are several options for the meanings of gaze. Take a closer look at the details.


  • The interlocutor is interested in you, you are interesting to him as a sexual object. It is said that in most cases, the representatives of the stronger sex look into the eyes for a long time after they have fully examined all the other parts of the body, and they are interested in them. Therefore, now the guy wants to interest the young lady, and also to understand whether he is interesting to her. Please note that such a trick is used by pikapers who are trying to attract the attention of a girl in order to charm her and achieve sex. But there are several ways to define insincerity. These are running pupils, a constantly running away look or indifference.
  • Scientists have found that if a guy looks into his partner's eyes for more than 8 seconds, it means that he is really interested, he likes you. He doesn't mind developing a relationship with you.
  • If a guy stares at you long enough, his eyebrows are raised, he may be surprised and discouraged by your words. If the pupils are dilated at the same time, he is interested in you as a sexual object, he does not mind spending time.
  • If a man looks at you for a long time, and then abruptly looks away, this indicates his shyness. Perhaps you are really interesting to him, but shyness does not allow you to take the first step.

What does it mean if a man, a guy looks intently into his eyes from afar: deciphering a look

Many women have developed intuition, so they feel the views of other people, especially men. Quite often, a man can look at a girl from afar, not look away.


  • The guy is interested in you
  • The man is in love with you
  • He tries to take a closer look at you
  • This is your enemy, he is not particularly interested in you, and he is trying to understand the behavior

To clearly understand what a man wants, pay attention to the details:

  • If the pupils are dilated, the man is interested in you. You can love him back if you also have an interest in him.
  • If a man studies you from afar, but after he notices that you are looking at him, he looks away, he is shy. A man does not dare to confess his feelings to you. He is interested in you as a woman. Therefore, if you do not want to miss your chance, and the representative of the stronger sex is really interesting to you, take the first step towards.
  • If you are in a big company, talking, and a man is staring at you with an evaluating look, then he is curious to know you.

What does it mean if a man, a guy looks at point blank range with wide eyes: deciphering a look

You can determine what such a look means by its duration. If it lasts no more than 4 seconds, and at the same time eyes run to your chest, legs, face, hair, you are interesting to a man as a sexual partner. Most likely, he is looking for a girl for short-term sexual relations, for one or two times. If a man looks at you for more than 8 seconds with a gaze, and his eyes do not run, and are directed exclusively into your eyes, then this may indicate deep sympathy, even love.

Looking into the eyes is one of the most coveted, there is a lot to be said about it:

  • If you are alone, close enough to each other, a man thus lets you know that he likes you. He wants to continue the relationship.
  • If this is your first date or a chance meeting with a stranger, he looks into your eyes for a long time, wait for the continuation of the relationship. Because a man is interested in you, wants to continue acquaintance.
  • If you do not want to lose your chance because of the shyness of a man, you can take the first step towards. An additional plus in the eyes are dilated pupils. You are not indifferent to a man, he wants to communicate with you more closely.

A man, a guy looks into the eyes of a woman, a girl for a long time and smiles: what does this mean, how to behave?

You can interpret a gaze with a smirk in different ways. The fact is that the key option here is just a smile. It can mean a skeptical attitude towards you, an evaluating look with a mockery, or a desire to seduce you. Very often, this technique is used by men who are looking for girls for one night.

They are only interested in casual sex. At the same time, the man looks into your eyes for a long time, smiles, and sometimes winks. His eyes drop to his chest, neck and lips. In this case, you can absolutely say that the man is interested in you, as in a sexual object. If the smile is confused at the same time, perhaps the man is surprised or embarrassed.

Many girls are confused by the look of a man, and they do not know how to behave. Many, when their eyes collide, hide their eyes. Indeed, this happens quite often, it speaks of the shyness, modesty of the girl, or perhaps that she is not yet ready to open her feelings, therefore she hides her eyes.

What to do, how to behave, having found the gaze of a man on yourself? Several options for the development of events:

  • You can also stare at your partner and smile seductively. This will indicate that you do not mind continuing a relationship with this man.
  • If you are interested in the look of a pick-up artist, a seducer, you do not mind meeting him for a short pastime, you can reciprocate. If you don't want to be easy prey, look away. Chat with the young man.
  • If you are still interested in him, you can make the next date. If not, say call and leave.
  • If the man is really interesting, be sure to hint that you want to meet again. If it was a chance meeting, but the man interested you, you can write your phone number on a napkin. Start a conversation in such a way that the man decides to ask you for a phone number, realizing that he is not indifferent to you.

What does it mean if a married man looks intently into the eyes of a girl, a woman?

The psychology of married and single men is no different. Therefore, if you notice the attention of a man who is tied by the knot, then he has a certain interest in you. Perhaps you are interesting to him as an interlocutor and not only. He saw a woman in you and he is interested in you, he wants to continue the relationship.

It all depends on your desires. If he does not mind cheating on his wife, he will continue to look at you and provoke you. Perhaps the man will propose the next date or directly say that he is interested in you. The last word is yours. You can agree to this kind of relationship or not. Just remember that only 5% of men divorce their wives and go to mistresses.

Accordingly, if you want to build a relationship with a man, start a family, then there is a very low probability that you will succeed. Because men are in no hurry to leave their wife and leave their families.

Why a man does not look into his eyes when talking, looks away: the psychology of a man

Many of us believe that lack of eye contact indicates that the person is hiding the truth. In fact, this is not always true, because the absence of a studying look can speak of other emotions that a person experiences:

  • shyness. Usually people who have discovered the attention of a stranger, avert their eyes because of their shyness.
  • Information overload. A person does not have time to perceive everything that you say to him, so he looks away and tries to digest what you said.
  • Nervousness. The person experiences discomfort, he is not very comfortable that you are looking at him intently. Most likely, the interlocutor will be annoyed about this and try to end the conversation as soon as possible.
  • Indecision. If during a conversation with you the interlocutor does not direct his gaze at you, while constantly touching his nose, ears or hair, he is not confident in himself. Now he feels uncomfortable talking to you.
  • Lack of interest. If a person glances at his watch and yawns, looks at other people present in the room, he is bored with you and not interested in communicating.
  • The man has a great imagination. Many people, in order to quickly answer questions or simulate a situation, must withdraw into themselves for a while. That is why a person averts his eyes in order to concentrate and give an answer, correctly formulating his thoughts.

In most cases, eye contact is common among couples who love and are interested in each other. At work, at school, interlocutors rarely study partners so closely. After all, people are not very interesting to each other as sexual partners or candidates for a soul mate.

In some eastern states, direct eye contact is perceived as a challenge. Therefore, women never look into the eyes of their men, constantly lowering them.

A look can tell a lot about something, and also let you know that a man is interested in you, and he wants to continue the relationship.

VIDEO: The look of a man
