Ultrasound of the abdominal organs during pregnancy. How do abdominal ultrasound during pregnancy

Ultrasound examination plays not only a diagnostic role (in the presence of clinical manifestations or complaints in a patient), but also a preventive role in identifying internal diseases and preventing their exacerbation.

Timely detection of hidden pathologies during pregnancy is especially important. Very often, during a routine examination, hidden pathologies are revealed that can affect the course of gestation.

In order to detect the disease at the time of its inception and start etiotropic therapy or compensatory treatment in time, an ultrasound procedure is performed.

Ultrasound diagnostics of the abdominal cavity

In the process of bearing the fetus, the internal organs of the mother are subjected to movement and compression from the growing uterus, which contains the developing fetus. Due to compression, there may be a violation of blood circulation in the internal organs and the normal functioning of the systems. This is the cause of the development of inflammatory diseases or exacerbation of chronic pathologies in the body of a pregnant woman.

To avoid such a development of events and possible complications for the mother and child, an abdominal ultrasound is performed during pregnancy. Since there has not been a single case of a negative effect of ultra frequencies on fetal development or maternal health, an ultrasound examination can be done on pregnant women without fear of harming the fetus.

Indications for ultrasound diagnostics in this case are pain in the abdominal region.

Pain in the abdominal region in a pregnant woman - the reason for the appointment of an ultrasound examination

In the middle of the II and the beginning of the III trimesters, ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs is carried out for prophylactic purposes according to the standard scheme for managing pregnancy. The following organs and systems are examined:

  • hepatobiliary, in order to identify the presence / absence of stones and inflammatory lesions, oncological diseases;
  • the spleen is a hematopoietic organ, its ultrasound diagnostics is necessary with a low blood count, cystosis;
  • The gastrointestinal tract and pancreas are examined for pain in the epigastric region, gastroexophageal reflux.

Ultrasound examination of the kidneys and urinary system

Women often have urinary tract infections unrelated to pregnancy. The very process of gestation is a difficult test for the kidneys. The urinary system is overloaded, and even healthy kidneys can be damaged if the changes that have begun are not noticed in time. Therefore, ultrasound of the kidneys during pregnancy, although not a standard procedure, is considered one of the most frequently performed examinations. Indications for ultrasound of the kidneys during pregnancy are:

  • change in urine color (beer color, dark red shades, etc.);
  • identified endocrine disorders;
  • swelling, especially in the morning;
  • violation of the urinary system (frequent painful urination);
  • lower back pain at the site of the projection of the kidneys;
  • changes in OAM indicators (protein, bacterial contamination, blood cells - erythrocytes / leukocytes).

The process of bearing a child is a difficult test for the urinary system, so pregnant women are often prescribed ultrasound of the kidneys

Also indications for ultrasound of the kidneys during pregnancy are the presence of chronic renal pathology in history (pyelo-, glamerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome, urolithiasis, cysts and tumors, etc.). In case of trauma to the lumbar region (blow, bruise, fall), ultrasound of the kidneys during pregnancy can also be prescribed. Ultrasound of the kidneys does not adversely affect the fetus in the womb, so it can be performed at any gestation period.

Ultrasound examination of the heart during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the myocardium, as well as all the internal organs of the future mother, is subjected to increased stress associated with hormonal changes, an increase in body weight, the need to pump more blood and provide blood and oxygen to not one, but two organisms. As a result, even a healthy heart can fail. In order to find out whether the problem is functional or organic changes in the myocardium begin, echocardiography may be prescribed.

During the gestation period, the standard scheme for examining a pregnant woman includes an ECG (electrocardiography procedure), but if necessary, an ultrasound examination can be prescribed. Ultrasound of the heart, or echocardiography, is a visualization of the heart, which allows you to see the structure of the myocardium and judge the features of its work and existing changes.

Ultrasound of the heart during pregnancy, despite the fact that it can be performed during the gestation period without fear, is not included in the standard examination algorithm. To prescribe an ultrasound of the heart during pregnancy, certain reasons are needed:

  • chronic lesions of the heart muscle, existing before pregnancy;
  • changes in the work of the myocardium, identified with the help of a planned ECG;
  • frequent loss of consciousness, lightheadedness in a stuffy room, shortness of breath, increased fatigue;
  • acrocyanosis of the nasolabial triangle and pallor of the skin;
  • pain (dull, pressing, burning) on ​​the left side of the chest radiating to the left arm, etc.;
  • preparation for planned surgical delivery under anesthesia (caesarean section).

Ultrasound of the heart is not included in the standard list of examinations during pregnancy, and good reasons are needed for its appointment.

Preparation for ultrasound of internal organs and procedure

Conducting an ultrasound of the heart during pregnancy does not require preparation. Ultrasound of the kidneys during pregnancy and the gastrointestinal tract requires little preparation associated with the release of the intestine from excessive gas content. Preparation comes down to a diet, with the exclusion from the diet of foods that lead to increased gas formation. You need to go on a diet 72 hours before the procedure. If a pregnant woman has constipation and flatulence, on the evening before the examination, sorbents (Enterosgel, white coal) and carminative drugs (Simethicone) can be taken.

With you you need to have a diaper to cover the couch, napkins to remove the remnants of the gel.

A feature of the ultrasound of the kidneys is the procedure with a filled bladder. To achieve this, 60 minutes before the diagnostic examination, you should drink several glasses of water (still).

An ultrasound examination is performed in the supine position. A gel is applied to the area of ​​the skin in the region of the organ being examined to improve the contact of the sensor with the skin. Further, by installing the sensor at different angles, the doctor receives a three-dimensional picture of the studied organ on his monitor.

Consequences of ultrasound diagnostics and contraindications to the procedure

There are no absolute contraindications to ultrasound. Relative are deep damage to the skin (for example, burns) and an infectious process on the skin in the area of ​​​​the organ being examined. There were no side effects or negative impact on the formation of the fetus, and later on the development of the cognitive, emotional sphere and the physical body of the child. Ultrasound is considered one of the safest, painless and comfortable procedures. The diagnostic procedure can be done, regardless of the gestational age.

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity during pregnancy is prescribed in the first, second and third trimester. The data obtained during the study allow the doctor to assess the severity of the tone of the walls of the uterus. If it is excessively elevated, there is a threat, so it is urgent to prescribe drugs to relax the muscles.

With a transvaginal examination (when the ultrasound probe is located inside the vagina) in the third trimester, the doctor can assess the condition of the internal os and cervix. When the pharynx begins to open, and the cervix shortens, the woman is urgently hospitalized in the maternity ward, since the likelihood of childbirth is high.

During an ultrasound examination of a pregnant woman in the first trimester, specialists assess the condition of the fetus. They measure the size of the child's organs, and then compare them with age norms. If the results obtained lag behind the norms required by age, intrauterine growth retardation is likely.

The reasons for this condition are numerous, therefore, the results of ultrasound in detecting developmental delay should be supplemented with additional studies: ELISA blood test of a pregnant woman for markers of malformations, determination of genital infections, assessment of the placenta, etc.

What diseases can be detected by ultrasound of the abdominal cavity during pregnancy

Swelling and thickening of the placenta in the second and third trimester of pregnancy is also detected by ultrasound. This condition is possible in women with diabetes and Rh conflict. Placentitis may not lead to serious consequences for the fetus if the umbilical cord maintains a normal blood supply, which can be assessed by Doppler (measurement of the reflection of an ultrasound wave by a blood vessel).

Often thickening of the placenta accompanies diseases such as chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, cytomegalovirus infection. If the pathology is detected in a timely manner when performing ultrasound for pregnant women, doctors can successfully correct circulatory disorders in the umbilical cord. In advanced cases, there is a lack of oxygen supply with blood to the tissues of the child, which is fraught with serious consequences, up to miscarriage.

Low water and polyhydramnios. Normally, the fetus is located in a special bubble filled with liquid. The amount of amniotic fluid varies somewhat at different stages of pregnancy. However, their excessive increase and decrease is a dangerous condition that requires medical correction. According to statistics, polyhydramnios in 30% is not a pathology, but a complication of toxicosis. In such cases, periodic monitoring of the condition of the fetus is carried out with the help of ultrasound.

During the primary ultrasound of a pregnant woman, the location of the umbilical cord of the fetus is located, and the umbilical vein is evaluated. The fetal stomach in the first trimester occupies no more than 0.25 of the area of ​​the posterior left quadrant. If its size increases, this may indicate damage to the intestines of the child or pathology of the liver.

Next to the umbilical vein, which is normally visualized on ultrasound, is an oblong gallbladder. Its other shape or size change may be a sign of abnormal development of the biliary tract.

Purpose of ultrasound during pregnancy

First trimester:
Determine the presence and duration of pregnancy,
Assess the location and quality of the ovum,
Determine the number of embryos and register the presence of heart contractions in them,
Measure the organs of the fetus.
It should be noted that the true gestational age can be assessed by a gynecologist based on the condition of the genital organs and the results of ultrasound. It does not always correspond to the one that a woman suggests, since the time of intercourse does not yet mean an instant pregnancy.
If malformations are detected in the first trimester, a woman can still perform an abortion without serious health consequences, although such an intervention is considered traumatic for the uterus.

Second trimester:
Assessment of the location and properties of the placenta.
Confirmation of the exact gestational age.
Analysis of the state of the abdominal cavity of a woman (identification of pathology that may interfere with natural childbirth).
Diagnosis of the condition of the fetus and assessment of its size.
In our country, you can terminate a pregnancy for up to 22 weeks, so it is better to perform an ultrasound scan in the second trimester as early as possible.

Third trimester:
Assessment of presentation and condition of the placenta.
Measuring the amount of amniotic fluid.
Definition of the state of the fetus.
Identification of pathology that prevents normal childbirth.

During the period of expectation of a baby, a woman’s body is exposed to dangers that must be identified so that it cannot harm either the child or the pregnant woman herself. That is why an effective method for detecting problem areas is Ultrasound of internal organs. It is carried out in the case when a woman feels a certain discomfort during pregnancy in the abdomen. It can be various pains or just discomfort. All this must be taken into account and the examination should be carried out immediately so that all discomfort can be quickly eliminated.

When is the best time to do an abdominal ultrasound?

Each woman during pregnancy visits her attending physician - a gynecologist, who necessarily conducts an examination both external and on the gynecological chair. If during the examination changes were found or a woman complains that her stomach hurts, pain, heaviness appeared, then the doctor must definitely refer her do an abdominal ultrasound to be able to identify the problem of this condition of the patient. Such an ultrasound is prescribed during pregnancy, because there is no way to palpate the abdomen, because there is a fetus there, which makes any examination difficult. If you are worried about something from the list, you need to go to the doctor:

Pain in the abdomen during pregnancy, or when the stomach pulls;

Intoxication - nausea, vomiting, malaise;

Yellowness of the skin or yellowed eyes (whites);


If there were injuries that could hook the abdominal organs;

There was vomiting in the later stages;

There are pronounced symptoms of anemia;

After the general analyzes, serious changes in indicators were found, which may indicate the cause of the inflammatory process;

A sharp increase in the abdominal organs;

Suspicion of a tumor in the abdominal organs;

If you suspect gallstone disease;

The manifestation of signs that directly indicate appendicitis;

What organs are subject to diagnosis?

An ultrasound examination makes it possible to determine the condition of such organs:

Ultrasound of the stomach;




Such abdominal ultrasound, the price of which is acceptable in our clinic, does not cause any harm to a pregnant woman, and also does not affect the fetus, therefore it is quite safe for health. The entire examination makes it possible to look at the state of the abdominal organs and examine absolutely all organs that can cause pain or discomfort. After conducting such an examination, doctors are more likely to leave a more accurate diagnosis, which makes it possible to begin treatment immediately so as not to harm the child.

If necessary, an ultrasound scan of the thyroid gland can also be performed in Moscow, the prices for which are not so high directly in our clinic ... After all, sometimes the thyroid gland, whose functions are impaired, is the cause of poor health.

What diseases can be detected by ultrasound of the abdomen?

Ultrasound of the abdominal organs makes it possible to determine their condition and answer all questions of interest or dispel suspicions of a specific diagnosis. With the help of ultrasound, the following diseases can be determined:


Liver disease - cirrhosis;

Polycystic abdominal organs;

Cancer tumors at the stage of metastases;

Development and stage of gallstone disease;

Hepatitis and all sorts of other diseases that can affect the organs of the abdominal cavity and be completely asymptomatic or indicate something else.

Diagnosis is carried out by a qualified doctor, the duration is about an hour. After that, it takes quite a bit of time to process the result and make a diagnosis. Ultrasound is performed in the supine position, as it is comfortable for the patient. It is also worth removing all jewelry or simply not wearing them, the procedure is carried out without outerwear. During the procedure, the woman will feel quite comfortable. If, lying on her back, she begins to experience slight discomfort, then the doctor may suggest putting a roller under her side, which will prevent the aorta from being pinched.

For examination and smooth sliding of the sensor, a special gel is used, which allows you to easily and quickly move the sensor and examine all the necessary organs. The gel is easily washed off, has a slight cool effect, but this will not affect the patient's feelings in any way.

The results of the examination will indicate the size of all organs that were diagnosed, their location and condition. Also, the radiologist will write his diagnosis, which he could see during the check. After that, you should consult a doctor and after studying the results, he will be able to determine the course of treatment or refer you to a specialist.

How can you prepare for an ultrasound?

The survey is carried out only after a certain preparation for it. You can find out about all the nuances by calling our specialists. But still, if you want to get information on how to properly prepare for abdominal ultrasound Let's give a complete picture. It is important, firstly, to prepare psychologically. Do not worry before the procedure. Secondly, prepare the body. Before an abdominal ultrasound, if it is performed during the first trimester as prescribed by a doctor, you need to stop eating foods that can cause heaviness, bloating and any discomfort in the stomach or intestines. We all know these products, but it will not be superfluous to write this list again:

All leguminous plants;

Cabbage in any manifestation;

Dairy products;

Lemonade, coca-cola and kvass;

Wholemeal bread;

Buns, muffins, etc.

But what can you eat before an abdominal ultrasound? Light food, whatever suits you. Porridges and crackers, boiled vegetables (except for beans and cabbage), apples and bananas, boiled meat, soups... Everything that is easily absorbed by the body! Therefore, the best option would be a diet before an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

Can you drink before an abdominal ultrasound? It all depends on the scheduled examination.

Before an abdominal ultrasound, you can drink water in case of a kidney test, then you need to drink plain water (not juice or soda!) And do not urinate until the doctor allows. This option is only possible during the first trimester of pregnancy. At a later date, doctors give an answer to such a question - is it possible to eat before an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity before conducting a diagnosis - it is not desirable. The best option would be to undergo an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity in the morning, after sleep, you should also not eat any food. After all, this can distort the results of the examination and not show the exact picture that is observed in the body, especially when it comes to checking the gallbladder.

The most important clarification: before the ultrasound, you do not need to do an enema and cleanse the intestines! Call and consult with the specialists of our clinic in this regard, if you have any doubts!

Where can I get an examination and do an ultrasound of the abdominal organs?

Where to get an abdominal ultrasound- this is a completely natural question that arises when looking for a clinic or medical center, because every person wants to receive quality services. When choosing a place, you need to take into account the qualifications of doctors, reviews about their work, location and price category. Because a situation may arise when the price does not at all correspond to the quality of the services provided. In any case, it is worth choosing several options for clinics, among which you can then determine the main one where you can go. In any medical institution, you should be given a consultation and told about how to prepare for an ultrasound of the abdominal organs, what to avoid and how the procedure itself will go. When clarifying the information, it is necessary to clarify whether they do such a study for pregnant women, because not all medical institutions work in this direction.

If you have difficulty choosing a seat where can i get an abdominal ultrasound then you should contact our clinic. We employ real professionals in their field, have extensive experience and provide only high-quality service. Each specialist who conducts an examination of this nature can tell you what preparation for an ultrasound scan of the abdominal cavity and kidneys or other organs that need to be diagnosed should contain.

We have been working for a long time and have a lot of positive feedback, so you should not doubt our reputation and look for where to do an abdominal ultrasound in Moscow. Because we have the best service, the new equipment will allow you to get an accurate result, which will facilitate the treatment.

The price for the examination is quite acceptable for each patient. At the same time, you will receive decent service in accordance with the quality of the procedure. Many patients have already tried this procedure on themselves and were quite satisfied, because it does not affect the health of the woman herself or her child. After all, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity will help you feel calm and not worry about possible complications. Need advice? Call and sign up, our prices are quite competitive, and the qualifications of our specialists are beyond praise.

Pregnancy is a natural, but at the same time a unique state for the expectant mother, accompanied by numerous changes in her body. During pregnancy, the load on the spine, heart, and abdominal organs increases significantly. In addition, the hormonal background is being restructured. There is a process of adaptation, which contributes to the comprehensive formation and development of the fetus. For this reason, a woman in labor should pay special attention to her health throughout the entire period of bearing a child.

Why diagnostics is needed

Illness or malaise can manifest itself at the most unexpected moment. Nobody is immune from this. Pregnant women are at risk altogether. Therefore, at the first symptoms of pain in the abdomen, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is better to be safe than to ignore the condition and cause irreparable harm to health. The specialist will probably prescribe the passage of the diagnosis of the abdominal cavity.

Most patients are afraid to undergo such a procedure. ? With this question, we turned to experts.

According to doctors, the most accessible, capacious, safe way to diagnose all kinds of disorders and pathologies in a future mother is ultrasound. This procedure allows real-time study of the state of the internal organs of the patient, to assess their functional physiological state.

The direction for the study is issued by a gynecologist. In some cases, it is prescribed as a mandatory course in each trimester. In the event that the pregnancy passes without complications, the expectant mother has no complaints about her state of health, a procedure of this kind is not required.

But, if a pregnant woman feels aching, pulling or acute pain in the abdomen, an imbalance in the functioning of the intestines or the entire gastrointestinal tract is noted, she needs to immediately undergo an ultrasound diagnosis.

What is examined with ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract

During an ultrasound, a specialist examines all organs of the abdominal cavity. Determines their structure, parameters, evaluates their functioning.

When studying the liver, it is possible to diagnose an increase in its size. This is one of the first signs of the inflammatory process - cirrhosis. In such a situation, additional laboratory diagnostics is mandatory. In addition, ultrasound will make it possible to establish the presence or absence of neoplasms, cysts and other pathologies.

Examination of the pancreas allows you to establish such dangerous diseases as pancreatic necrosis, pancreatitis, to diagnose the formation of tumor neoplasms, foci of inflammation, cysts.

When examining the spleen, special attention is paid to its shape, as well as the structure and size. The slightest deviation from the norm may indicate pathology and the presence of numerous diseases that lead to disruption of the work of other organs and systems.

The key point of ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract is the examination of the intestine. With special care, its diagnosis is carried out in the presence of complaints or pain in the stomach, frequent constipation or loose stools. The specialist evaluates the overall tone, wall thickness, intestinal lumen. In addition, during the procedure, it is possible to detect tumors, cysts, adhesions, and inflammatory processes.

Procedure safety

It is quite natural that the expectant mother is interested in is it possible to do an ultrasound of the stomach during pregnancy, is there any risk of harm to health during the procedure? Not infrequently, at the household level, information is disseminated about the dangers of ultrasound examination. Is it really?

The main attribute in the ultrasound room is the apparatus itself, with which the procedure is performed. It is equipped with a monitor, a special control panel, and a sensor with which organs are studied.

The received signals are captured directly by the sensor. He, in turn, transmits them to the apparatus, where, in fact, they are decrypted. After being converted, the data is displayed on the screen. Having examined the image of the organ that is being studied, the specialist makes a specific conclusion. In this case, absolutely no harm to the body of a pregnant woman is caused. With this procedure, the use of hazardous chemicals, infection with any disease is excluded.

Also, experts inform that ultrasound of organs, including the stomach, is allowed to be done in any position and condition. The procedure will take no more than half an hour. In medical practice, not a single case has been registered when such an examination caused irreparable harm to a pregnant woman or fetus.

Another weighty argument in favor of ultrasound is the possibility of timely detection of various pathologies and diseases, which, if detected, can be treated. In the case of their determination in the later stages, often, the onset of irreversible consequences is possible, both for the expectant mother and for the baby. Bottom line - ultrasound during pregnancy can be done if there are appropriate indications.

Features of diagnosis during pregnancy

All organs in the human body are closely interconnected. Influencing each other, they can complicate their viewing on ultrasound. For this reason, when undergoing any type of ultrasound, it is necessary to prepare in advance. As a rule, a two-day diet is recommended.

Its essence is the exclusion from the diet of certain foods that provoke gas formation. A similar process causes swelling of the internal organs, which greatly complicates the diagnosis. Some organs may simply overlap others. For this reason, it is simply impractical to carry out diagnostics in such a situation.

In particular, you should not eat raw vegetables and fruits, carbonated and dairy drinks, sauerkraut. With increased gas formation, which is typical for pregnant women, it is recommended to start taking enterosorbent preparations before undergoing the procedure.

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity during pregnancy may be needed in case of some complaints from the organs located there. It is just as safe for the fetus as the study associated with the ultrasound examination of the fetus itself. Preparation for such an examination in the second and third trimester is not required, a transcript is issued immediately upon completion of the procedure.

When to get tested

The doctor may prescribe this ultrasound examination due to the fact that the pregnant woman has some complaints indicating a problem with the abdominal organs, while the examination data require instrumental confirmation. Research may also be needed in the case when a deep probing of the abdomen, necessary to determine the pathology, can harm the baby.

Ultrasound can be performed in such cases:

  • a pregnant woman experiences pain in the abdomen of any localization
  • there were signs of intoxication (nausea, drowsiness, weakness) in the absence of symptoms of acute respiratory infections (cough, runny nose, sore throat)
  • yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes
  • fever in the absence of signs of acute respiratory infections
  • after abdominal trauma
  • vomiting in the second half of pregnancy
  • with severe anemia
  • if “inflammatory changes” appeared in the general blood test: an increase in the level of leukocytes, an increase in the number of stab neutrophils.

How to prepare for an examination

Special preparation for abdominal ultrasound in the "interesting" period is needed only in the first trimester. In this case, in three days (if the situation is not an emergency, for which you need to visit a doctor before an ultrasound), you stop eating such foods that increase the amount of gases in the intestines:

  • legumes
  • cabbage
  • dairy
  • carbonated drinks
  • black bread
  • muffin.

If in the first trimester there are indications for an ultrasound of not only the abdominal organs, but also the kidneys, then you should drink about 500 ml of ordinary non-carbonated water an hour before the study, and then do not urinate.

Read also:

Learn more about rectal ultrasound

You need to eat the last time before the examination 6-8 hours before it (the best option is to go in the morning, do not have breakfast before that).

Preparation for the study in the second and third trimester (even if the list of examined organs includes the kidneys) - do not eat 6-8 hours before the procedure, so as not to distort the picture of the state of the organs. This rule is especially important to observe if you need to examine the gallbladder.

Bowel cleansing with enemas before ultrasound diagnostics of the digestive system is not performed during pregnancy.

Research methodology

How to do an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. You come to the office, undress to the waist so that the abdomen is completely open to the pubic joint for examination.

You will need to lie on your back, head to the sonologist. In addition, in the second half of pregnancy, you should be given a roller, which you put under your right side so that the uterus does not compress the inferior vena cava.

How the ultrasound itself is done: a little special gel is applied to the stomach, along which the transducer sensor will slide.

First you lie on your stomach or left side, during the procedure the doctor will ask you to turn on one, then the other side, take a deep breath several times and hold your breath. If any of the manipulations are painful for you or cause obvious discomfort, be sure to inform the sonologist about this.

What will be the results

Abdominal ultrasound is deciphered by a general practitioner or gastroenterologist (sometimes a surgeon). The doctor of ultrasound diagnostics only writes the signs of what disease he sees, and what parameters determine this.

In order to understand whether this is a norm or a pathology, indicators such as:

  • sizes and localization of each organ with normative parameters
  • echogenicity (echo density) of the “working part” (parenchyma) and the capsule (if any) of each organ with those that should be normal.

Also, the study can be done in various multidisciplinary centers or specialized clinics. The price in them ranges from 600 to 5500 rubles. In order to find out exactly how much it costs to do an ultrasound in a particular clinic, you can either by phone or on the website of this institution (you just need to clarify whether they perform the procedure for pregnant women).
