Is it possible to foresee the future of history? Scientists have proven the ability to predict the future

This article is part of the book Measure Your Psychic Abilities. Read more.

Prediction of the future, foresight of events obtained through extrasensory perception, an amazing manifestation of psi abilities and always intriguing. But oddly enough, such extensive laboratory research has not been carried out in this area as with telekinesis, telepathy or clairvoyance. However, there is some impressive evidence. The most convincing results were obtained from studies of dream precognition conducted at the Maimonides Medical Center with a single subject, the English psychic Malcolm Bessent. Despite the complexity of the problem, the experimental design centered around Bessent's ability to dream about the events of the next day, which was tested using randomly selected images. In one case, the "target" was (after Bessent's dream) a photograph of the corridor of a mental hospital; the next morning, the experimenters sent Bessent to a psychiatric hospital for examination. His dream, a story about doctors, escaped patients, etc., colorfully described the control picture, i.e., the “goal”. Formal statistical measurements in this experiment were performed by independent experts, who were given Bessent's dream description plus a "target" and seven more photographs after each night. Thus, Bessent had a one in eight chance of guessing by chance in each experiment. But in a series of 16 experiments, he guessed not twice, as predicted by probability theory (16×1/8), but ten. The probability of showing such a remarkable result by chance is less than 1:100,000.

There are also many accounts of prediction of the future as a result of the spontaneous manifestation of psi abilities. Reports of predictions of well-known disasters are not uncommon. Mention may be made of the Aberfan mine disaster, the explosion at the Flixburgh chemical plant, and numerous plane crashes. As in all cases of spontaneous manifestations of supersensibility, here, obviously, the possibility of coincidence cannot be completely rejected, but sometimes the details of the prediction are so precise that coincidence seems an unconvincing explanation.

Although much of this chapter is devoted to future-prediction experiments, it is also worth discussing J.W. Dunne's book An Experiment with Time, which describes a method for stimulating spontaneous precognition in dreams.

Foresight in a dream

Published in 1927, An Experiment with Time offers two key strategies for stimulating spontaneous precognition in dreams. First, enhancing the ability to remember a dream; Here Dunn's advice differs little from ours: wake up quickly and write down on paper or a tape recorder all the dream material that you can remember. Dunn strongly recommended focusing on what you can remember and trying to extract additional, possibly confirming details. Secondly, proper analysis of the dream with special attention to detail.

Dunn believed that dreams absorb material from both the past and the future, perhaps even in equal proportions, and this becomes obvious upon careful examination. Dunn believed that there is some blocking and there are reasons why we do not notice predictive elements. Here are some of them:

1) insufficient attention to the details of the dream;

2) too obvious readiness to discard “trivial” correspondences between dreams and future events;

3) “resistance” to the idea of ​​foresight; unintentional reluctance and inability to notice correspondences.

Dunn's main thesis is that if you keep a dream diary for several weeks and analyze it exhaustively - comparing the events of each day with dreams before and after the event, you can find as many connections between dreams and subsequent events as between dreams and previous events. Dunn (probably not without reason) believed that few people would agree with such a radical point of view, and proposed a subtle psychological trick: imagine that you had a dream that preceded the day on which the (supposedly) predicted event happened, you had after. In this case, it will be possible to bypass the resistance to the idea of ​​foresight in a dream, and the correspondence will appear clearly.

Dunn's results were based on experiments with a small circle of friends and mainly from the analysis of his own dreams. Apparently, he actually foresaw many events, from the completely mundane (but, as Dunn emphasized, they cannot be ignored; not noticing such events is to resist the idea of ​​foresight) to the very significant. Thus, he foresaw the volcanic eruption in Martinique in 1902 [ This eruption destroyed the former capital of the island, and then 40,000 people died. (Note per.)] and informed in advance the route of advance of the African research expedition, while he himself was in Italy.

The psychic's predictions are often not very rich in detail: for example, Dunn stated that he saw the headlines of future newspapers in his dreams, but could not give exact dates. And his theory about the nature of time is simply ridiculous; even in 1927 it looked unconvincing. But Dunn's material did not bear the stamp of morbid sensationalism, and he himself discussed the importance of details and unusual events in a dream (he believed that such events testified in favor of precognition; this point of view has since received greater support).

In 1950, a book appeared confirming that the use of Dunn's technique (stimulation of dream recall, careful analysis, regular return to old dreams to test possible foresight) can be beneficial. The author, John Godley, now Lord Kilbracken, in his book What Next? (JohnGodley. "TellmeNextOne?" Gollancz, 7950) gives an account of how he regularly dreamed of race winners and alerted friends, so exact dates and evidence abound. There are some analogies with his predecessor: for example, Kilbracken often saw newspaper headlines in his dreams, and not the events themselves. Kilbracken's biggest success was alerting a national newspaper to a "take"! Of his ten dream headlines, eight were direct hits; one more prediction can not be considered, since he himself revoked it. This can definitely be considered a great success. In any case, 80% direct hits would make any professional horse racing player happy!

Foresight experiments with cards

The purpose of this simple experiment is to shuffle a deck of cards the way another deck appears to be shuffled. And here you can improve your results by first using a stress relief technique.

Experiment 5. Foresight experience with cards

You will need two decks of playing cards without jokers and an assistant to make a random selection. It is better to use decks with different backs. The experimenter-subject and the assistant must be in different rooms and have no contact with each other until the points are calculated.

1.Agree with your assistant about the time. The subject must shuffle his deck at the appointed time (t 0), and the assistant must shuffle his “target” deck after a certain time (15 minutes is enough to start; so, t 15). Record the selected time interval.

2. Time g 0. The subject sits down with his deck and slowly shuffles the cards. It is better not to concentrate on hand movements and not to make excessive efforts; continue until you “feel” that the cards are in the “right” order. Place the deck in a safe place.

3. Time t 15. The assistant shuffles the cards in a similar way, without knowing how the subject’s deck is shuffled.

4. The assistant hands the “target” deck to the subject.

5. Scoring. Reveal the top card in the subject's deck and write it down: 24 for the two of hearts, TP for the ace of spades, etc. Do the same with the “target” deck and write the card in the second column. Continue until all 52 cards in each deck have been written down. Check again to make sure there are 52 cards in each column.

The result can be calculated in different ways depending on the purpose of the experiment. If you are simply predicting red and black, then you should evaluate the result as described for the one-out-of-two test; If the goal of the experiment is to predict suit and not just color, then use the chart for the one-out-of-four test.

Experiment options

The following modifications will make this experiment more controlled, but will require a lot of extra time.

The subject shuffles the deck as described above. But the assistant does not shuffle the second deck. Instead, he arranges the cards in a random order using a table of random numbers (Table V, Appendix). The procedure is as follows (if the purpose of the experiment is to predict color):

1,3,5,7,9 = any red card

2, 4, b, 8, 0 = any black card

Continue until you have placed all 52 cards. Of course, one of the colors will end first, and only the cards of the other color will remain; complete the sequence with the remaining cards. The task will obviously be easier if you first divide the cards into two piles - red and black. Do not order cards in order of seniority before the random sampling procedure. This truly randomly ordered deck is then given to the subject. If the goal is to predict the suit, use a random number table like this:

1.5= any heart

2.6 = any club

3.7= any diamond

4, 8 = any spade

9, 0 = skip

And this time you will find that one of the suits has run out of all 13 cards already in the “target” deck. If the next number in the random number table corresponds to a missing suit, skip it and look at the next one.

The result is processed using the same methods as in the experiment with two decks.

Foresight experiments without cards

A third type of test of this kind requires even more time and uses a different prediction strategy. Set a longer interval between prediction and sampling, because 1 5 minutes may not be enough for the subject. The subject does not need a deck of cards. You should sit down, relax and at the appointed time try to predict the sequence of cards in the deck, recording the predictions on paper or a tape recorder.

The assistant can prepare the target deck by shuffling it or using a table of random numbers. Here you can also predict the color or suit and calculate the result (as described above for color prediction, for suit prediction).

Be sure to record all experiments performed in a journal, indicating the date, time of experiment, and the interval between prediction and execution.

Foresight experiments with images

You will need sets of four different images, their duplicates, and other standard materials for image recognition experiments. The experiment also involves two people: the experimenter-subject and the assistant who carries out random sampling. The time must be scheduled before the experiment begins. If you are the subject, it is useful to use the following technique.

Go to a quiet place, relax, close your eyes and let your thoughts go with the flow. Try to imagine in your “mind's eye” an empty wall and a clock on it, showing the time when you are assigned to see an image selected by an assistant at random. What images are formed on the wall? What shapes and outlines appear on a blank canvas?

Experiment 6: Image Anticipation

1. The subject and the assistant agree on a time. Here's a good setup: the subject tries to acquire an image for 15 minutes (from time t0 to time t15), and the assistant selects a "target" from a preselected set after a designated time, say 45 minutes (time t60). The subject makes an appointment with the assistant at time t 65.

2.The assistant selects a set of images to be used in this experiment. The “goal” itself is still unknown.

3. The assistant writes down the kit identification number on a piece of paper, packs it in a thick envelope and hands it to the subject. From this moment until the end of the experiment, the assistant does not see the subject.

4. Time t 0. The subject spends 15 minutes meditating with a sealed envelope, accumulating impressions about the image and recording them on paper or a voice recorder.

5. Time t 15. The subject opens the envelope, takes the duplicate set with the indicated number and ranks the images using his own notes, then waits for time t65 to see the real “target”.

6. Time t 60. The assistant selects the “target” using the standard procedure.

7. The assistant positions the selected image so that the subject immediately sees it as soon as he enters the room at time t 65.

8. The result is calculated.

The results of prediction experiments can be processed in the same ways as conventional image experiments, using either the number of direct hits or the rank sum method. Since there have been relatively few experiments with image prediction, the likelihood of success is not entirely certain. However, a series of 20 experiments is likely to produce a significant or nearly significant result given the subject's moderate ability.

Foresight experiments in ganzfeld

The basic procedure for image precognition experiments can be adapted for ganzfeld image precognition experiments or dream precognition experiments. Here you will need a third person experimenter. It is to him that the assistant will give an envelope with the identification number of the kit used in the experiment. The experimenter may also record the subject's spoken impressions and thoughts. The ganzfeld precognition experiment will not have a broadcaster as in the standard ganzfeld telepathic experiment; instead, the assistant performs the sampling. The duration of the experiment should be increased, since practice shows that for greater success one should remain in the ganzfeld for at least 30 minutes. The results can be calculated as in a standard one-out-of-four image recognition experiment.

Experiences of precognition in a dream

The procedure is as follows. The subject, as usual, writes down his dream in the morning. The assistant, also in the morning (i.e., after the subject has slept), must select a set and give the identification number to the subject. The subject uses the specified set to rank the images. Later, the assistant randomly selects a picture (i.e., one of the four pictures from the set used in the experiment) and places it at the designated place at the appointed time, as in the standard picture prediction test (Experiment b).

There is some difference in this procedure for predicting an image from those we have already discussed. Here the set of pictures is selected after the subject has “guessed”, whereas in other experiments the set is determined in advance. The “target” picture, of course, is always chosen after the subject’s prediction. It has been suggested that precognition may work better if the set is not assigned when the prediction is made (this is how the experience of precognition in a dream is organized), since the subject's psi abilities will not be “led away” by a supposedly incorrect image in the set (i.e. from the other three pictures). This assumption, however, has not yet found convincing confirmation.

The results of sleep precognition experiments can be processed using the same methods as standard one-out-of-four picture recognition tests.

So what is foresight?

Some of you may feel that the success of the experiments described above depends on other psi effects, and is not actually precognition. Take, for example, the simple experiment of shuffling two decks of cards. Does the subject use precognition to shuffle the first deck into the “correct” order? Or does he act telekinetically on the assistant's deck and force it to coincide with the first deck? Or perhaps the assistant himself is using clairvoyance to read the order of the cards and shuffle his deck accordingly?

Even reliable laboratory studies of precognition that conclusively show the presence of some kind of psi effect (like the experiments with Malcolm Bessent) cannot confirm that it is precognition and not another psi effect that is present. Perhaps Bessent used telekinesis to influence the choice of "target". But precognition cannot be rejected (if we take such evidence seriously, and we do) in cases of spontaneous precognition in real life. When a major catastrophe is predicted, it is undoubtedly foreknowledge; the only other explanation (besides coincidence) is telekinesis, and if the mere exertion of someone's will can cause an explosion, a plane crash, a mine fire, an earthquake or even a war, then no one can feel safe!

Impact on the future

But if foreknowledge does exist, how does this relate to our views of time and free will? These issues are too vast to be discussed here, but one thing can be stated with certainty: if foreknowledge exists, then the future is not immune to arbitrary change. Obviously, foresight is not absolutely accurate; Even in the most dramatic cases of spontaneous foresight, the details are not always correct. When Dunn dreamed of a newspaper headline about the victims of a volcanic eruption, he said the number "4000"; newspapers announced 40,000 dead. In addition, Dunn did not recognize the exact location of the crash. There are always errors and omissions, and a prediction most likely tells the most likely outcome of a future event if it happened now. Thus, the future is not depicted in the categories of “yes” and “no”, “black” and “white”; it consists of shades of probability and cannot be changed arbitrarily.

Almost all of the experiments described so far in this book were designed to test whether ESP in some form was present in the results. We compared the results of the experiments with those calculated by the law of chance to check whether they were different, indicating interference by the person's psi abilities. However, in the next chapter we will do other experiments; we will compare the results of various psi tests performed under different conditions, with different people, etc. To find out whether the result of a psi test varies systematically depending on conditions? Which people perform clearly better than others? Do psi abilities change with mood changes? All this is the psychology of the supersensible.

Prophetic foresight of the future.

Throughout the history of its development, humanity has constantly encountered amazing cases of foreseeing the future, which cannot be explained by any number of situations. They began to be called prophecies. Amazing the impression of ancient man, such cases were fixed in memory and became part of legends and traditions. They served as a source of religious inspiration and suggested the possibility of communication with divine forces.

Historical facts of foreseeing the future were collected and generalized in ancient civilizations, but due to their deep national attachment, they did not become common human property, but functioned within national religious systems.

Many scientists were interested in prophecies.

Interest in fate and prophecy took various forms. These are ideas about the spirit, the paraclete, and a discussion about free will and determinism.

Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung studied a phenomenon he called synchronicity, that is, when similar or even identical events occur simultaneously, sometimes in different places. For example, when the death of one person causes a disturbing dream in his close relative.

Such coincidences, due to their large number, required some rational explanation other than a reference to chance or telepathy. According to Jung, the phenomenon of synchronicity serves as a complement to causality: both physics and psychology cannot be absolutely objective, since in both cases the observer inevitably influences the observed object.

Jung took a very close look at Swedenborg's experience of seeing a fire at exactly the same time that the fire was actually raging in Stockholm. According to Jung, certain changes in Swedenborg's mental state gave him access to “absolute knowledge” - a region where the boundaries of time and space are overcome.

Of course, in Jung's concept of the collective unconscious there was a lot of far-fetched things, but it made it possible to collect facts. As is known, in science new facts are not recognized due to the lack of a theory to explain them, and theories do not arise due to the lack of facts.

Trying to “inform” the ideas of the “collective unconscious” and the archetype, Jung turns to the story of the treatment of a patient with schizophrenia who had the “gift of special vision.” He, according to Jung, was overcome by these “visions”; he told the doctor about them and wanted the doctor to also try to see what he saw himself and what was bothering him so much. Jung listened patiently to the patient, but at the same time considered the schizophrenic’s request stupid: “I thought: This man is crazy, and I’m normal. His visions do not bother me (45, p.45).

He remained deeply convinced that he was right until he became acquainted with the book of the German researcher A. Dieterich “Eine Mithrastiturgle”, in which part of the “magic papyrus” (“magic papyrus”) was published. “I,” writes Jung, “studyed them with great interest and on page 7 I found the “visions” of my sleepwalker, word for word. This left me in a state of shock. I said, “How on earth is it possible that this guy entered this state of “vision.” It was not only an image, but a series of images” (45, p.45).

The ideology that existed in the Soviet Union blocked the path for metaphysical research. But even after perestroika, in my opinion, there are no serious conceptual innovations in the philosophical literature on this issue. (4; 23; 28)

They tried to explain the ability of the living to have a presentiment in different ways. The most popular explanation is the theory of “advanced reflection” by the outstanding Soviet physiologist P. Anokhin. The concept of advanced reflection was formulated by Anokhin back in 1962 (1). Many generations of living systems, faced with a certain sequence of repeating external events (change of seasons, day and night, etc.), not only reflected the sequence of these events, but also recorded it in their chains of chemical reactions. Over time, the corresponding chains of chemical reactions acquired the ability to unfold and complete much faster than a sequence of external events. The external environment is just about to move into a new state, but a person has already modeled this state, the defining reactions have occurred. But the content of these defining reactions is determined precisely by external events, is their reflection (in the past), and in relation to a momentary situation manifests itself as a leading reflection.

But this theory, of course, did not explain the prophetic prediction of the future. There is a contradiction between the need to recognize the existence of this phenomenon and the lack of a rational explanation for it.

What surprises us about prophecies? The feeling that it is impossible for the human mind to do the intellectual work (thinking through options, generalizing, choosing, etc.) necessary to predict the future of what is expressed in the prophecy. In open systems, the ability to make accurate scientific predictions must come with enormous energy costs. This suggests the existence of something beyond the human mind.

Prophecy. Philosophical analysis.

Philosophical understanding of the phenomenon of prophetic foresight of the future involves its consideration in the ontological, epistemological, axiological and praxeological planes.

When considering the phenomenon of prophetic foresight in epistemological terms, we are faced with a problem - the phenomenon has been little studied. Therefore, First we will construct a working hypothesis. What is prophetic foreknowledge of the future? We must consider all possible points of view and try, if possible, to settle on one of them.

So, the first (from a historical point of view) view is to recognize the attributes of a miracle behind this phenomenon. Many philosophers and religious leaders believed that prophetic foresight is initiated by the Divine will. In our opinion, such a point of view is not productive in cognitive terms.

A miracle would speak about the imperfection of this world, its incompleteness, the need on the part of the creator to constantly complete it, interfering in the course of events. This does not fit with ideas about the harmony of the world.

Are our ideas about the harmony of the world significant in philosophical reasoning? Apparently yes. Their place in scientific research remains to be seen. Let us note that ideas about harmony have the form of some starting axioms of scientific research.

The value of a particular system of axioms, apparently, is determined by the productivity of scientific hypotheses built on their basis. Most modern scientific theories were built precisely on axioms postulating the harmony of the world. Therefore, we distance ourselves from the hypothesis of Divine intervention.

Another point of view is that the initiators of prophetic foresight are otherworldly forces, spirits, and aliens.

Here the following problems arise that require comprehension. The meaning of human life. His place and role in this world. The question of the meaning of life, in our opinion, is resolved from the point of view of internal dignity. Is it worthy for a person to be a puppet in the world or does he occupy the main place in it? Apparently, the question of dignity should also be included in the axioms of scientific research. (This reasoning relates to the axiological plan of consideration of the phenomenon. The originality lies in the fact that usually a scientific theory is first created, and then it is philosophically comprehended. We, on the basis of philosophical comprehension, put forward a hypothesis that explains the phenomenon.)

Let us note that the phenomenon of the prophetic ability of spirits or aliens, even if given to us in an indirect form through the prophets, would also raise the question of the natural essence of this phenomenon. Therefore, we throw out spirits and aliens from our discussion as an unnecessary link. Theoretically, an object endowed with prophetic foresight could be completely abstract. (This kind of abstraction is also a useful scientific technique.)

So, we have considered two hypotheses and placed the person with his prophetic ability at the center of our attention. Thus, we postulated that this ability completely belongs to the sphere of the psychic person.

We consider a person who at some point has true knowledge about a future event. The question arises, how did they appear?

There are many assumptions here:

1. The event is not multivariate, and knowledge about it is not a phenomenon.

2. There is a hypothesis of “advanced reflection”, which speaks of the advanced work of living systems. But the fact is that such work requires energy expenditure, sometimes very significant.

3. Statistical randomness of frequent predictions.

The assumptions we have considered can explain the existence of many phenomena of foresight, but there are historical facts that cannot be explained from these positions:

Many predictors, including Nostradamus (17; 18; 19), and Prophetic Abel (7; 12; 28; 30; 32), and Edgar Cayce (38), and Vanga (37), and Leva Fedorov (16; 34) , and others have correctly predicted the future many times throughout their lives.

Even if history gave us only one case of prophetic foresight of the future, it would need to be comprehended, but we are dealing with a large sequence of such cases. We see that nature here is covered by a certain pattern.

Proposing a hypothesis. There have been cases in history when a person expressed prophetic knowledge about the future. Where could he have gotten them from? We know only one place in space-time where a person has this knowledge. It is a place in time after an event has occurred. Thus, a logical necessity arises to talk about the existence of a transfer of knowledge from a person located on the time axis at a point after the event to a person located in the past before the event occurred.

Discussions about the essence of the connection between people separated in time may suffer the same fate as discussions about interaction in physics. In the end, everything can come down to the interaction of some particles or, at worst, waves.

The human brain can be something like a matrix from which the World Spirit stamps information codes.

Continuing to develop our hypothesis, we must move on to the concepts of the essence of mental phenomena. We consider information to be one of these concepts.

As a concept from which both the mental and the physical flow directly and through which their actual necessary connection with each other becomes transparent. In the book “Problems of the Ideal. Subjective reality" D.I. Dubrovsky clarifies the problem of the connection between subjective reality and brain and bodily processes and proposes an information approach to solve it.

Here are its provisions:

1. Information is the result of reflection (of a given object by a certain material system).

2. Information does not exist outside of its material carrier (it always acts only as its property - structural, dynamic, etc.).

3. This information carrier is its code (information does not exist outside a certain code form).

4. Information is invariant with respect to the substrate-energy and spatio-temporal properties of its carrier (i.e., the same information for a given class of systems can be embodied and transmitted by carriers that differ in the above properties; this means that the same information can exist in different codes).

5. Information has not only formal (syntactic), but also content (semantic) and value (pragmatic) characteristics.

6. Information can serve as a management factor, i.e. initiate certain changes in a given system on the basis of the existing code organization (here we rely on the concept of information causality).

We also accept these provisions with a slight addition to the third paragraph. In our opinion, different media can have the same code.

Further D.I. Dubrovsky states: “Every phenomenon of consciousness is information about something. By the phenomenon of consciousness we mean any actually experienced conscious state, any arbitrarily taken interval of a conscious state that carries diverse mental modalities (sensual, logical, emotional, volitional, etc.). Each such interval is “meaningful”, it is a reflection of some phenomena of the external and internal world” (10, p. 138).

The concept of information is a categorical link for the connection between the mental and the physical. Speaking about prophetic knowledge about the future, we will talk about the transfer of information from a person from the future to a person in the past.

We use extrapolation from fundamental physical principles into the field of prophecy research. The essence of the extrapolation method, from our point of view, is the dissemination of knowledge about one subject area to another, broader one (not necessarily qualitatively similar to the original one). The objective basis for such distribution is the material unity of the world. Thus, extrapolating the provisions of information theory to prophetic phenomena, we affirm the identity of the source and receiver of information.

We assert that a person receives and emits information. The emitted information goes into the past, and information from the future is received. This is the first point of our hypothesis.

The hypothesis existing in the esoteric press about the existence of information in space (in the form of tachyon fields) and about the possibility of obtaining it from there does not agree with ideas about the essence of information processes occurring in the human brain, in particular with the thesis that information exists only in code form. The human brain can only decode its own codes or similar codes of other people, interpreting them in its own way.

Now we can move on to consider purely functional issues of signal transmission and reception.

Here experience tells us that the transmitted signal must be powerful enough and preferably free of extraneous noise. The receiver must be tuned to the receiving frequency (although such tuning may not matter), and must not create its own noise.

But communication only transmits information, it does not create it. This means that after the event a person must experience a surge of activity (intellectual or emotional). And before the event, it is advisable for him to be in a calm state.

Sociocultural analysis of prophecies.

Why do we not know how to foresee the future in everyday life? Why was foreseeing the future more common to people of the past?

Ancient legends have preserved evidence that some kind of spiritual catastrophe occurred in the life of mankind. Different peoples experienced the loss of the ability to foresee the future in different ways. But this tragedy was clearly recorded in the Bible and in the myth of Prometheus.

In the first book of Moses, in “Genesis,” it is said that “the husband and wife, deceived by the serpent, eat the forbidden fruit,” after which God increased the woman’s sorrows, cursed the earth for Adam and expelled the man from paradise. It is true that the Lord God made skins for Adam and his wife and clothed them.

What happened? From the text we learn that the forbidden fruit gives knowledge. What kind of knowledge is this? People saw that they were naked, drawing the logical conclusion that it was shameful (apparently, they developed a mindset). Knowledge prevented us from entering into communication with God. (And there was such communication, John will later say about it: “And the word was from God, and the word was to God.”). So maybe the development of thinking, and specifically logical thinking, is to blame?

In the tragedy of Aeschylus “Prometheus Chained”, when asked by the leader of the chorus what he is guilty of, Prometheus admits that he belongs to mortals took away the gift of foresight, giving them “blind hopes”. And this resulted in a punishment similar to the biblical one from God. The man was almost destroyed, and Prometheus was cursed. In this version of the myth, it is not the main God, but Prometheus who made clothes for people.

Henceforth, in order to communicate with God, it was necessary to possess a certain kind of grace, the presence of which is spoken of in the legend of Noah. God speaks to Noah, telling him about the future. God's original function was to predict the future. God becomes the founder of moral laws later. At first, the laws he gave were still contradictory, and it could not have been otherwise. The prediction of the future remains unchanged.

Man, sensing the future, could not help but seek an explanation for his prophetic dreams. Inevitably, he came to the understanding that this information came from otherworldly forces, from God. Here is the source of the religious worldview of ancient man. At that time, a person could not even imagine that he himself was the initiator of foreseeing the future. He was too weak. Now we can make this assumption.

Abstract (logical) thinking and, in particular, handling numbers and symbols is characteristic only of humans, i.e. acquired at a late stage of evolutionary development. This was not accompanied by any significant changes in the structure of nerve cells and the organization of the neural network. Abstract thinking is secondary, superstructural, in relation to the fundamental mechanisms of the brain. The factual material now being accumulated from the field of comparative physiology speaks of a previously unsuspected diversity of material substrates of regulatory codes and the forms and principles of coding themselves, in which the conscious and verbalized mental codes of the human brain occupy the place of only one of the particular, albeit most highly developed, forms.

For the ancients, foreseeing the future was commonplace. They even guessed about possible problems associated with predicting the future, such as the predictive Oedipus effect, when predicting an event itself models a future situation. The tragedy of Oedipus showed people the injustice of the gods.

The Indian religious tradition also sought ways to overcome the discord with the future. This overcoming is outlined in the doctrine of karma. And although religious philosophy sees the reasons for karmic influence in past sins, we can see that the advice offered by religious practitioners helps a person to better anticipate the future, since, according to their ideas, the influx of karma occurs due to the “darkness” of the psyche: anger, cunning and greed, passion, fear and disgust. Everything that leads to the emergence of “blind hopes”.

Let us formulate the second position:

2) A person is at odds with the timeless information flow, because logical thinking interferes, creating “blind hopes.”

Fundamentals of morality from an information point of view.

Morality is what contributes to the development of man (humanity), the flourishing of personality.

a) Honesty, which is spoken of in the Gospel: “Let your yes be yes, your no be no.” Honesty to yourself. Without it, there can be no talk of any transfer of information.

We can look at the behavior of children as an example of irresponsibility. When thinking, children often choose the first available option for trying out combinations and rush to voice it. This can become a style of thinking and over time will lead to the bankruptcy of the intellect of an irresponsible person. Although the factor of responsibility itself does not depend on the organic component of the brain and, apparently, can be attributed to moral attitudes.

c) Interest. Love. Benevolence. Openness, willingness not only to take, but also to give. This can also be considered rules for working with information. Intellectual activity should not be blocked by extraneous factors. And benevolence can be an access code to a person's mind.

d) Faith. Willingness to include new categories and images in your intellectual life. Willingness to provide one’s physical capabilities to carry out information programs (in the event of a healing phenomenon).

Having made the assumption about the existence of information transfer, we can make assumptions about the psychology of prophets. On the one hand, these are saints - the absence of passions. On the other hand, holy fools are a lack of logical control.


The information flow from the future can manifest itself not only in foresight, but also in creativity. Plato wrote about this in the dialogue Phaedrus (244 B): “The soothsayer in Delphi and the priestesses in Dodona, in their frenzy, did a lot of good for Hellas, both for individuals and for entire nations, but in their right mind - little or nothing at all. And if we began to talk about Sibyl and others, who, thanks to the divine gift of divination, with many predictions, directed many to the right path in the future, then we would waste words on what is clear to everyone. But here’s what’s worth mentioning: the ancients, who gave names to things, did not consider frenzy ugly or shameful - otherwise they would not have called “manic” that beautiful art that allows us to judge the future. No, considering it beautiful if it appears by divine definition, they gave it this name, and our contemporaries, out of ignorance, inserting the letter “t”, call it “mantic.” In the same way, that type of fortune-telling, when knowledgeable people try the future by birds and other signs, in which, as if on purpose, the meaning and even knowledge of future events is contained for the human mind, the ancients called oyonoistics [or fortune-telling through the mind], and now they are simply called “oyonistics” [or bird divination], with omega for the sake of pomp. So, just as much as divination is more perfect and valuable than bird divination, both in name and in essence, just as much, according to the testimony of the ancients, the frenzy bestowed by God is more beautiful than the sanity characteristic of people.

Deliverance from illnesses, from extreme calamities, from the wrath of God that had weighed on us since ancient times, was found thanks to a frenzy that appeared from somewhere in some births and gave prophecy to those who needed it. The frenzy forced one to resort to prayers and service to the gods, which is why it was rewarded with purification and initiation into the sacraments, and thereby protected from misfortunes both for the present and the future the one it possessed, and brought deliverance from present evils to those truly frenzied and possessed.

The third type of obsession and frenzy is from the Muses; it embraces a tender and immaculate soul, awakens it, forces it to pour out bacchanalian delight in chants and other types of poetry and, decorating the countless deeds of its ancestors, educates its descendants. Whoever, without the frenzy sent by the Muses, approaches the threshold of creativity, in the confidence that, thanks to dexterity alone, he will become a considerable poet, he is weak, and everything created by a sane person will be eclipsed by the creations of the frantic.”

It all depends on what “energies” a person generates throughout his life. From what vibrations of the spirit his soul resonates with. Neither yogis, nor saints, nor mediums have made scientific discoveries. Despite communication with the “otherworldly” world.

Let us formulate the third position:

3) You can learn to form an information flow flowing into the past, thereby creating a connection between the future and the past. There are different ways to increase the flow of information: concentration, hypnosis, meditation. A long and painstaking understanding of the images transmitted to the past is necessary. (Objects of art and literary works help to establish a connection with the future).

Information about an event may be accompanied by a certain emotional mood. Each person must define and highlight such an emotional state for himself.

At the present stage of development, a person can try to regain his lost ability. One cannot expect great successes, since no one is going to give up logical thinking. A person can improve the “audibility” of the future due to better filling of the intertemporal information flow.

1) A person receives and emits information. The emitted information goes into the past, and information from the future is received. Events that take place depend on information coming from the future.

2) A person is at odds with the timeless information flow, because logical thinking interferes, creating “blind hopes.”

3) You can learn to form an information flow flowing into the past, thereby creating a connection between the future and the past. There are different ways to increase the flow of information: concentration, hypnosis, meditation. A long and painstaking understanding of the images transmitted to the past is necessary.

Reflection of the discovered patterns on the life of the world.

Of course, the truth of a hypothesis can only be confirmed by experimental testing. But even without it, we can interpret the findings.

What significance can the phenomenon of prophetic foresight of the future have? First of all, it can be widespread. The fact that it is not such can be explained based on considerations of the difficulty of transmitting and receiving the signal.

Considering a prophetically foreseeing person as an abstract information system, one can extend the phenomenon of transferring information from the future to the past to all living systems. If not for the entire Universe. (Here the principle of universality is manifested.)

To test the principle of universality, it is not necessary to conduct new experiments; at the first stage, it is enough to consider the facts accumulated by science.

Is it only possible for humans to overcome the boundaries of time?

It is known that the earth's biosphere reacts to solar flares in advance, as if anticipating them. There is evidence that animals can foresee the future. At least this fact - rats leave houses that will burn or collapse, as well as ships that will sink.

Opponents of Darwinism argue that life on Earth evolved purposefully, because if you calculate how much time it takes to evolve through random mutations, you get an absurdly large value, significantly exceeding the age of the Universe.

Randomness does not explain the obvious systematicity in the diversity of emerging forms of living things, which is manifested in the existence of N.I. Vavilov’s law of homological series, according to which genetically similar species have a similar type of hereditary variability. This suggests the existence of some general ordering laws. Obtaining information from the future is one of these laws.

In the model of goal-directed evolution, development is driven by the future. Controls by projecting information codes of species that should arise onto the past! There will simply be more of them in the future. The world spirit can remove information codes from the matrices of any living systems. Can the World Spirit transmit information codes of non-living systems? Will artificial intelligence be capable of prophetic foresight?

Supporters of “vitalism” constantly assert the peculiarity of life processes, their striking difference from cybernetic machines.

Throughout the first half of the twentieth century, the idea of ​​the most important quality of living systems - expediency (or purposefulness, purposefulness, etc.) matured. Using our hypothesis it is possible to supplement the existing concept of time. But this does not mean that we need to abandon the reality of cause-and-effect relationships, but only recognize the dialectical unity of cause and effect, past and future (in physics this is manifested in the existence of so-called quantum correlations and non-locality). This can also be interpreted this way: living systems are capable of creating cause-and-effect loops in time.

Metaphysics constantly says that matter is led to a goal by forces of a higher order. Aristotle pointed this out when he identified four types of causes. “We consider one such cause to be the essence, or the essence of the being of a thing (after all, every “why” ultimately comes down to the definition of a thing, and the first “why” is the cause and the beginning); another cause we consider matter, or substratum (hypokeimenon); the third is where the movement began; fourth - the reason opposite to the last, namely “that for the sake of which”, or good (for good is the goal of all emergence and movement) (2, I, p. 70).

Our hypothesis declares spirit to be a natural product of matter.

This is in tune with the ideas about the noosphere developed by E. Le Roy, Teilhard de Chardin, and Vernadsky. But Vernadsky also saw the need to materialistically explain the transcendental capabilities of the mind. In his article “A few words about the noosphere” there are the following words: “Thought is not a form of energy. How can it change material processes? This question has not yet been scientifically resolved.”

Observations from everyday experience

Perhaps foreseeing the future is more common in children than in adults.

Natalya Glebovna Ovcharova in her autobiographical book “Prickly Grasses” describes such a case. An elderly woman, looking at her infant child, says, “It’s uninhabited, apparently. He doesn’t feel aliens.” And after some time the child dies from dyspepsia (31, p.97).

Here is an example of more than just foresight. The condition of the child himself is noted here. Apparently, a child in infancy, and maybe even in embryonic age, during the formation of the brain, already absorbs information about his future life. But in this case it was not there. It may even be possible to trace physiological differences in brain formation between children who die and those who continue to live.

At birth, the human brain develops not only by obeying the laws of biological heredity, but also by perceiving information from the future. Information related to the future activities of a person, with his fate. The brain is preparing as best it can for the upcoming tests. It’s not for nothing that they say that all children are geniuses. In childhood, the brain more clearly perceives information from the future, both from itself in the future and from other people.

The longer the life, the more information the child receives from the future. But geniuses often died at an early age. Perhaps they were formed due to humanity’s interest in them.

This is what APULEUS writes in “Apology, or about magic” (42). “I remember that I read from the philosopher Varro, a man of great intelligence and knowledge, among other stories of the same kind, this one. Allegedly in Thralls, when the magicians there were making fortune-telling about the outcome of the Mithridatic War, a certain youth, contemplating the idol of Mercury reflected in the water, suddenly sang a song of one hundred and sixty verses about future events. The same Varro tells how Fabius, having lost five hundred denarii, came to Nigidius for advice and how the boys, enchanted by Nigidius, answered his question exactly where the pouch with part of this money was buried and where the rest went - and then one coin was even found in the possession of the philosopher Marcus Cato , who admitted that he took it from his own neighbor to contribute to Apollo’s treasury. I have read this and similar things about sorcerers and youths in many books, and yet I doubt what to say about this - to accept or reject, although I believe Plato that between gods and people there are certain marvelous forces intermediate in nature and location , ruling all the prophecies and miracles of magicians. Therefore, upon reflection, I admit the possibility that the human soul, and especially the childish and innocent one, either from sweet smells or from comforting songs, falls asleep in drowsy tranquility and unconscious of external alienation, so that for a brief moment it is separated from the forgotten body and returns to its own nature, and this nature is truly immortal and divine - and that therefore, as if in a kind of sleepy intoxication, the soul foresees the future. However, in any case, if such a thing can be believed at all, then for the very essence of the matter it is absolutely necessary, as I have heard, that this - I don’t know which one! - the youth appointed for prophecy would be beautiful and blameless in body, sharp in mind and distinguished by the gift of speech: all so that the wondrous power in him would be like an excellent abode, which it deserves, if it really descends into the adolescent body, and so that the soul itself after Soon after her awakening, she would return to the prophecy that she instantly acquired, and would easily remember it safe and sound, not yet touched by oblivion.”

We need to be more attentive to what children say, sometimes even in infancy. Children are sometimes so burdened by intractable problems that will confront them in the future that they may even get sick from it.

It can be argued that the nature of some archetypes, the influence of which on the development of the soul K. Jung spoke about, are not in the past of peoples, but in their future. They can be called neotypes.

Genetics has not yet revealed mechanisms for the transmission of innate programs of universal patterns of behavior, under the influence of which, according to Jung, are not only elementary behavioral reactions, such as unconditioned reflexes, but also perception, thinking, and imagination. And information from the future can influence both perception and thinking. To reveal this influence, extensive and massive studies of social phenomena are needed.

What new does our hypothesis bring to old philosophical discussions?

Correction of the view of cause and effect relationships.

Does it make sense to influence past events? After all, we will not change them. But you need to know that events that happened in the past already take into account our future thoughts. And we do not know the whole complex of events that resulted from our influence on the past.

A world is possible in which the past is not immutable. Let us imagine all events located on the world time axis. And an impulse goes from the past to the future, the passage of this impulse is our life experience of the present. Information from the future influences the previous impulse and implements a different version of the past. In this version of the universe, events acquire dynamics in the fifth dimension. This is consonant with the ancient idea of ​​“eternal return,” which unexpectedly receives confirmation in some modern cosmological models (there is an endless sequence of cycles, where each singular point represents a Big Bang).

The development of modern science, rejecting the absolutization of previously known forms of cause-and-effect relationships, revealing their diverse nature, confirms, deepens and generalizes the dialectical-materialist understanding of cause. Dialectical materialism recognizes the complexity of cause-and-effect relationships, their variability, polysemy, and “turnover.”

Is it necessary to abandon traditional ideas about cause-and-effect relationships? Establishing the full cause of a phenomenon is possible only in relatively simple cases, and usually scientific research is aimed at revealing only specific causes.

All confusion occurs due to the incorrect division of a holistic phenomenon into cause and effect. I will assume that part of this comes from the fact that the observer is moving through time.

The flow of information from the future to the past gives us an interesting look at cause and effect relationships. Classical philosophy, building a chain of causes, since each cause has its own cause, posed the question of what was the cause of the causes. After all, matter could not come from nothing. This reasoning was cited by philosophers as proof of the existence of God, who is the cause of existence.

Schopenhauer in his philosophical study “On the Fourfold Root of the Law of Sufficient Reason” wrote: “... the cause always precedes the action in time and only this allows us to initially know which of two states connected by a causal relationship is the cause and which is the action” (41, p. 50 ). Our hypothesis says that matter in our world moves in two time directions, therefore, from the point of view of a timeless observer, we cannot indicate what is the cause and what is the effect.

Life can be imagined as a river with a two-way flow of various, mutually penetrating substances. To get rid of the paradoxes of breaking cause-and-effect relationships, it is enough to look at the world from the point of view of a timeless observer. Then a person’s life or path through life appears in the unity and integrity of its temporary manifestations. People's actions are determined by the resultant forces, one of which is information flowing from the future.

The role of information in the world cannot be reduced to physicalism and can indetermine the world. The very concept of determinism grew out of Laplace’s theory of physical action, and the role of information was not reflected in it in any way.

Determinism or indeterminism of the world cannot be derived theoretically. This can only be verified experimentally. The conclusion can be clear based on clarifying the nature of the interaction between information and matter. Is this interaction deterministic?

A model of the possibility of a virtual future has become widespread in science. Temporologists consider temporal structures with branching futures. They see in them an opportunity to explain foreseeing the future. “...On the time axis,” notes E. Faydysh, “the object is described by a package of wave functions. From here it immediately follows that at every point of the present there are “tails” of wave functions of objects from the distant future, or more correctly, from various virtual futures” (39, p. 16). And here the researchers see an opportunity, using the fortune-telling process, to catch weak manifestations of the future in the present.

In this view, foreseeing the future again comes down to the presence of a crowd of fortune tellers creating a large volume of statements for a statistical sample. They say that if you sit a monkey at a typewriter, it will someday type out the novel “Eugene Onegin.” But for this she will need more time than the age of the universe. No, the virtual branching future does not explain the phenomena of prophetic foresight. The very idea of ​​a virtual future arose on the basis of research within logic. The origins of the problem go back to antiquity. In the ninth chapter of his treatise “On Interpretation,” Aristotle raises the question of the truth of statements about a future event. This question turned out to be an incredibly difficult logical problem, which eventually led to the concept of many-valued logic. And multivalued logic came to the hypothesis of a branching future (22). But world laws cannot depend on logical laws, which are only the rules of our symbolism.

World Spirit.

The hypothesis stated gives us a noticeable economy of thought. In contrast to views of the Spirit as an otherworldly substance.

The mystics' views on the Spirit presuppose the existence of some divine plan, according to which the Spirit, as a foreman, creates our world. But then, due to the fact that the manifestations of the Spirit are weak, it is inevitable that the development of the world will deviate from the intended plan. And the activity of the Spirit in history becomes simply absurd, especially if the Spirit is endowed with the attributes of God.

And our hypothesis explains both the enormous capabilities of the prophets and their shortcomings.

Let us especially emphasize that we do not deny the existence of God. But our study is philosophical, not theological. We have only deprived the foresight of the future of the areola of miracle. But at the same time, the inner harmony of the world was revealed.

A person, foreseeing the future, communicates with himself in the future. Ancient man thought that he was communicating with God, and this communication, as logical thinking developed, became more and more difficult. Only a few could foresee the future (hence the ideas of chosenness, pleasing to God). Various methods of “expanding” consciousness (blocking logical thinking) were required: drugs (Pythia of Greece), shamanic dances, various methods of fortune telling. By the way, this is why there were holy fools among the prophets.

Human consciousness is an open system. In this sense, he is not free from other people. Larger entities—peoples, humanity—can be considered free in this regard.

Philosophers writing about the spirit, as a rule, pay little attention to consideration of the premises of their reasoning, without identifying facts indicating the activity of the spirit in the world.

Usually their arguments come down to Aristotle’s goal-setting. The only exception is Gumilyov’s work “Biosphere and Anthropogenesis of the Earth”.

In my work, I examined various facts that speak for the existence of the Spirit. This can be seen as a by-product of my work.

It should be noted that the concept of spirit is used by philosophers in different meanings.

1). Ideal foundations, which are universal in nature, are the spiritual foundations of the world (such, for example, is the ideal-realism of N. Lossky and S. Frank, such is sophiology). This teaching goes back to Plato.

2). A given that is revealed in personal existence.

3). Active beginning.


It is interesting to look at the phenomena of mysticism from an information point of view. For example, all kinds of hallucinations, visual images that appeared to various mystics, how can this be explained from the point of view of our hypothesis.

One person sees them, but those around them do not. It has been noticed that for the person who sees the vision, time may flow differently than for those around him. Can such phenomena be explained by the information approach?

We assert that all mental phenomena are work with information. This means, in our interpretation, the visual images that visited the mystics are nothing more than information. It is clear that she is not objectified in space and those around her do not see her.

There are also collective hallucinations, but this only means that information messages are received by several people at once.

What happens with time? We believe that the information message cannot affect either time or space. We can only talk about a change in the perception of the subjective time of the person “reading” the information package. The message may contain a record of events lasting, for example, half an hour. The human brain reads them in a minute. It seems to him that half an hour has passed, but one minute has passed.

Perhaps some UFOs are information messages (phantoms) launched by future generations back in time.

Putting forward a hypothesis and discussing its conclusions, we constantly touched upon issues discussed by religions. And often our conclusions coincided with the knowledge acquired by religious mystics. There is a rational grain in this. The organic connection between metaphysics and religion has long been identified by philosophers.


The hypothesis assumes that the Spirit operates in the world, some force transmitting information. But at the same time, it is argued that this information is not born in a vacuum. Matter takes an active part in the birth of this information (and one must assume that in the transmission too).

This means that the Spirit does not bring absolutely true decisions. Most likely, it brings only relevant, dominant solutions.

This means that life is not characterized by absolute goal-setting, but only relative one.

Fatalism, but fatalism with freedom of choice. The spirit only brings you closer to the goal.

The transfer of information inherent in the inner world of a person, for which such phenomena as prophetic prediction of the future and telepathy speak, gives mental phenomena (mind and will, love and creativity, freedom and self-positing) the character of intersubjective reality.

In philosophy, the elements of the psyche have always been considered only in the form of subjective reality. In this regard, we must clarify the concept of intersubjectivity.

We consider a being of a higher order than a person as the subject of thinking. Here there is an expansion of the subject in question from man to humanity.

Consciousness in philosophy is considered as a process of object-subject relations. Our cognitive consciousness is divided into internal and external sensitivity. The internal is understood as a subject, the external as an object (41, p. 36). Beyond this, philosophy recognized only the transcendental. Our hypothesis suggests that in our internal sensitivity we can identify another property that we call intersubjectivity - access to the consciousness of other people.

Anthropocentrism and disanthropocentrism.

In philosophy, two worldviews are fighting - the anthropocentric one, which considers man as the measure of all things, and the deanthropocentric one, which considers man as a machine (27, p. 236). Our hypothesis argues for a humanistically oriented anthropocentric position.

But there is also an anthropocentric principle formulated in cosmology - why the laws of the universe are so well adapted for the emergence and development of man.

The explanation of the anthropocentric principle was formulated as follows: we observe such laws because others occur without witnesses. But is it really that simple?

But our hypothesis assumes the possibility, having mastered the Wind of Time, to send organizing information even to the time of the Big Bang, thereby participating in the organization of the laws of the universe and anthropoposing it.

This is an argument that speaks of the fundamental cognizability of the world by our minds.

Consideration of the phenomenon of foresight in praxeological terms.

We don't know how many people may have latent powers of prophetic foresight. Is it possible to discover such people, encourage them and train them? Now there are many parapsychological centers, schools of magic and astrology and entire academies, but this should be a state matter.

In the modern world, criminal and environmental crises are raging, and without the ability to foresee the future, our society cannot survive.

And the threat from space, in the form of the possibility of collisions with small celestial bodies! As a result of people's carelessness, all of humanity can be erased from the book of existence.

People don't want to know what will happen, they want to know that everything will be fine. They don’t believe in gloomy forecasts, or rather, the human consciousness tries to ignore them. Apparently there is some kind of psychological defense. They did not believe Cassandra because she predicted death. And she died because people used to believe that prediction itself had magical powers. Only now can we say that he does not have such power. Moreover, if you correctly use the timeless exchange of information, then you can fight the negative phenomena of the future.

Knowing the patterns of timeless information exchange will help you avoid gross deception. As science knows, it is the sum of limitations. It's time for her to restore order in this area of ​​​​human knowledge.

It seems to me that after all that has been said, it is clear that the phenomenon of foreseeing the future is inherent in man himself and therefore one should not look for the future in the movement of planets, in maps, beans, coffee grounds, computers and so on. We need to study our own consciousness.

The future depends only on us, on all those who acutely feel their involvement and responsibility for everything that happens around us.

Lev Gumilyov, in his work “Ethnogenesis and the Biosphere of the Earth,” expressed a hypothesis about the action in the historical process of some special force, which he called passionarity. By passionarity (passio - from the Latin “passion”) he means “the effect of that form of energy that feeds ethnogenesis” (8, p. 379). But maybe passionarity can be explained by an information flow from the future?

The nature of genius is not limited to genetic predetermination. The historical moment is telling. Pumping thoughts of descendants. In certain families there is no uniformity in the manifestation of talent; there are ups and downs. There was even an opinion that nature rests on the children of geniuses.

The phenomenon of the desire for power is of interest. Power makes it possible for the average person to find himself in the center of attention, to receive a charge of information energy (passionarity.).

Our hypothesis can make adjustments to the idea of ​​cloning geniuses. The hypothesis states that geniuses are ordinary, albeit talented people who came under the close attention of subsequent generations. Our hypothesis reduces the role of the genetic component in genius. Therefore, it is necessary not to clone geniuses, but to create conditions for the promotion and preservation of intellectual values.

Method of prophetic foresight.

Predictions of the future are possible if impressions leave a bright, deep imprint on the brain in the present. A prevented accident most often does not cause strong emotional arousal, which is favorable for fixing a visual image of the causes of the accident. We can foresee a tragedy that occurs better than a tragedy that is prevented. In addition, an eyewitness to a tragedy, who often foresaw it, still remains in the dark about its causes and thus cannot prevent it. But, nevertheless, the consequences of tragedies can still be minimized.

Spontaneously, this phenomenon occurs regularly and leaves documentary facts about itself. What is required for the reproducibility of this phenomenon in “laboratory” conditions. First: development of a foresight method. And our hypothesis allows us to develop such methods. Secondly: the presence of a laboratory. In this case, the laboratory is the human brain, and people’s brains are completely different, so we can hope for the reproducibility of prophetic foresight of the future only in some people. Reason is an essential condition of knowledge and, therefore, the cognitive existence of the world.

Since we relate prophetic foresight of the future to the mental sphere, it is possible to develop a system for training this ability. The development of two properties is required. 1) Achieving peace to receive an information message (before the event). 2) Pumping up the information flow (after the event). The ability to create a mental image and hold it in consciousness to convey an information message.

In general terms, setting up experiments will not differ much from experiments on telepathy.

It should be noted that a person is constantly faced with the need to anticipate misfortunes and troubles. At the same time, constant anticipation of troubles can have a depressing effect on the psyche. (However, clairvoyants have always suffered from this). How to get rid of this? – It is best if the person who foresees events is a good friend to himself. Then, from the height of his years and acquired experience, he will be able to “edit” his life, help himself find ways out of difficult situations, and support himself in difficult moments. In addition, a person continuously becomes familiar with universal human values, flowing in a powerful stream from the future.

Prophetic foresight and religiosity.

If we look at the religious revelations of different times and peoples, then, first of all, we will be surprised at the abundance of prophets in them predicting the future. This is the true source of religiosity.

In prophecy, time and space are overcome, but from the fact of overcoming time and space, one should recognize the expansion of the human psyche, the emergence of mental properties beyond the limits of the human body, beyond the limits of its needs. But the psyche does not expand into emptiness. It expands into the collective consciousness. There is spiritual communication between people. A united humanity emerges as a single intellectual organism. Under the influence of spiritual communication with people of the future, some people - geniuses - perform actions regarded as altruistic.

Many writers turned out to be predictors of the future in their works, and this is not accidental. After all, their word was addressed to descendants, and the thoughts of readers were addressed to writers. Spiritual communication arises between them. People exchange thoughts. A writer writes his thoughts on paper. Descendants read them and reflect on the writer’s creation. The wind of time plucks their thoughts like old leaves and carries them into the past, where some of them end up with the writer. Hence the mysterious predictions. But, of course, descendants turn their thoughts not to everyone, but to thinkers who left their mark on history. Such a source of spiritual aspirations for humanity seems to me more productive than fears and sublimation.

About telepathy

Previously, such phenomena as telepathy, clairvoyance and prophecy were considered separately. The information approach combines telepathy and prophecy. Telepathy is the mental communication of people separated in space, and prophecy is the mental communication of people separated in time.

The hypothesis expressed can also explain some of the phenomena of extrasensory perception. For example, a person with anomalous abilities when reading a text in a closed envelope works more successfully if he is then told the contents of this text. Or, if a psychic indicates the location of some incident, and then they tell him where it really happened.

Telepathy, despite the experiments conducted by scientists, is difficult to find recognition in science. But there are facts. In the book “Animal Training,” V. Durov spoke about the impact of mental commands on the behavior of animals. Through the wall, without seeing or hearing the person, the dog carried out his mental orders. And sometimes an entire program. This phenomenon is used in animal training.

Perhaps the phenomenon of foreseeing the future has a better chance of being recognized by science, since it is based on abundant historical and modern facts.

The idea of ​​a united conciliar humanity.

The idea of ​​a united mystical humanity is reflected in the philosophical views and creativity of Vl. Solovyova.

At the dawn of the century, the intelligentsia was captivated by the ideas of God-building, the ideas of creating a new humanity.

This is what V. Solovyov said about humanity in his work “The Idea of ​​Humanity in August Comte”: “The founder of “positive religion” understood humanity as a being that becomes absolute through universal progress. And indeed, humanity is such a being. But it was not clear to Comte, like many other thinkers, that the absolute becoming in time presupposes the absolute eternal being, since otherwise this very “becoming” (das Werden, le devenir) of the absolute (from the non-absolute) would be the self-transformation of the lesser into the greater , i.e. the emergence of something from nothing, or pure nonsense. One does not even need to raise the philosophical question of the relative nature of time to see that one can become absolute only through the assimilation of what is essentially and eternally absolute. Comte had an instinct for guessing the truth when he attributed a feminine character to the Great Being” (36, II, p. 578).

Unlike Comte, V. Soloviev speaks not just about humanity, but about God-manhood.

To be able to talk about humanity as a single organism, it is necessary to discover a spiritual connection between people. And the hypothesis we have put forward speaks of the existence of such a connection that allows one to overcome space and time. This opens up new ideological horizons and can significantly change life.

I don't think that foresight can save humanity from all its troubles. It will continue to go crazy, suffer from boredom and loneliness, and strive in vain to understand the world and its place in it. But with the normalization of mental circulation between the future and the present, many processes can come to a harmonious state. Hearing the good news of universal harmony, everyone will feel connected, reconciled and fused with their fellow man.

It is the future that gives us hope. It doesn't look like humanity will die anytime soon. We can assume that humanity has two or three millennia left. There is too much that has not yet been done, that has not been mastered. There are still only vague ideas about many things.

The people can fill the timeless information flow with thoughts, so that historical figures have a place to draw information from. This is not a process of changing history, no, it is a process of participating in it.

Totalitarian systems fight for the past and the future, and prophetic foresight, being an independent source of information, destroys them. The strength of the people lies in the historical feeling of citizens, in their awareness and experience of the history of mankind as their own life. And here the issue of language preservation becomes important. Otherwise, the thoughts with which we fill the Wind of Time are not read by our ancestors, and as a result, we end up losing. Our ancestors made fewer discoveries and historical achievements - our standard of living is lower.

Yogic teachings say that a person can develop the ability to foresee the future. But for our civilization the path developed by Indian philosophy is not entirely suitable. For yogis striving for nirvana, information is unnecessary noise, a hindrance. The path of our civilization is the creation of information, the path of creativity, progress, development, spiritual self-improvement. Combining the teachings of yogis and the goals of our civilization is a task for the near future.


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12. The life and suffering of father and monk Abel. "Russian Antiquity". Monthly historical publication. St. Petersburg, 1875, February, p.414-435.

13. Emelyanov V.Yu. “Time Loop” - “Youth Technology” No. 8, 1999.

14. Emelyanov V.Yu. Timeonics. Timeless information exchange. Sat. articles. - Novosibirsk: Ekor, 1999.

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16. Look behind the curtain of time / R.K.Balandin, Yu.Ya.Bondarenko, A.A.Gorbovsky and others - Mn.: Polymya, 1996. - 446 p.

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19. Zima D., Zima N. Nostradamus deciphered. Do the predictions come true?! - M.: “Ripol Classic”, 2001. - 384 p.

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21. Karagulla Shafika “Breakthrough to creativity: your supersensible perception. –Mn.: Center for Traditional Medicine “Santana”, 1992. – p.186

22. Karpenko A.S.. Fatalism and the randomness of the future: Logical analysis. - M.: Nauka, 1990.

23. L. Kogan. And I heard the trembling of the sky... // Questions of literature. July – August 2002.

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25. A. Levandovsky. Joan of Arc - M.: “Young Guard”, 1962, 288 p.

26. Lukyanov A. E.. The formation of philosophy in the East (Ancient China and India). - 2nd edition, revised. - M.: INSAN, RMFC, 1992. - 208 p.

27. Leshkevich T.G. Philosophy of science: traditions and innovations: Textbook for universities. M.: PRIOR Publishing House, 2001. - 428 p.

28. Seer monk. “Literary Russia”, 1992, number 37 (1545).

29. Nigmatulin R.N.. Philosophical analysis of the ontological aspects of fate and free will: Author's abstract. diss. for scientific degree step. candidate of philosophy Sciences: (09.00.01) / Nigmatulin Rasykh Nasykhovich: [Magnitog.gos.un-t]. – Magnitogorsk, 2000. – 22 p. – Bibliography at the end of the text. – 100 copies. - UDC 122/129

31. Ovcharova N.G. Prickly herbs. Novel. - Belgorod: Peasant business. 2000 – 304 p.

32. Soothsayer Abel. “Russian Archive”, Moscow, 1878, number 7, pp. 353-365.

33. Rizhsky M.I.. Biblical prophets and biblical prophecies. M., 1987.

34. Roscius Yu. Diary of a Prophet? - M.: Knowledge, 1990. - 48 p.

35. Swedenborg E. About heaven, about the retinue of spirits and about the heat. - K.: Ukraine, 1993. -336s

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37. Stoyanova K. Vanga. The truth about her life, predictions and last days / K. Stoyanova; Per. from Bulgarian T.F. Makovetskaya. - M.: AST Publishing House LLC: Astel Publishing House LLC, 2002. - 300 p.

38. Sugrue T. River of Life: Per. from English / Afterword G.G. Vorobyova. - M.: Publishing house. Group "Progress" - "Litera", Publishing Agency "Yachtsman", 1994.

39. Faydysh E. A. The nature of time. The connection between the present and the future // Consciousness and physical reality. M., 1998. No. 4.

40. Fatalist. Foreign Russia and Lermontov/ Compilation, introductory article and comments by M.D. Filin. - M.: Russkiy Mir, 1999. - 288 p.

41. Schopenhauer A. Aphorisms and truths: Essays. – M.: Publishing house EKSMO – Press; Kharkov: Folio Publishing House, 2001 – 736 p.

42. Shcherbakov V.“Where the arrow of time is directed” - “Youth”, 2001, No. 1.

43. Shcherbakov V."Information Bridge: Future - Past" - "Youth", 2001, No. 3.

44. Jung K.G. ABOUT“Synchronicity / Trans. with German; - Mn.: Potpourri LLC, 1998.

Colin Wilson, in his book on the occult, talks about a man living in India who walked along a muddy path to the river every day to swim. One day, returning home, he noticed that in one place his footprints were moving to the side: for some reason, at a certain moment, he began to walk along the other side of the road. He couldn't understand why. Why exactly at this moment did he switch sides? He stopped and began to examine the tracks. Suddenly he noticed huge tiger tracks in the bushes. They were exactly in the place where he would have passed if he had not crossed to the other side. Most likely, subconsciously he sensed danger and walked around the tiger, saving his life. Coincidence or predictive power? You too can develop your psychic abilities and apply them in life.


Development of psychic abilities

    Understand the difference between premonition, foresight and prophecy. When it comes to predicting the future, a large number of different terms immediately pop up and it’s easy to get confused. Find out what this or that word means, and this will make your task easier and make the whole process of prediction more interesting.

    • Foresight means knowledge of future events thanks to certain means of perceiving the world (for example, dreams). Most precognitions come in dreams, and events happen within 24-48 hours of waking up.
    • Premonition- this is a feeling that something is going to happen, but there is no clear understanding of what exactly. A person feels that doing one way or another will be right. Premonitions can be just as important as precognitions, and they are much more reliable.
    • Term prophecy used by the ancient Greeks to describe the sense of time, with the belief that the future was predetermined and could not change. Prophecy is the knowledge of future events that are certain to happen and there can be no doubt about it. The prophecy means that there are no other options for the development of the future.
  1. Start practicing deep meditation. Research has proven that a person uses only a tiny part of the brain's capabilities. But are dormant abilities really impossible to use? It is not always so. You can train your subconscious mind by doing rough meditation, which allows the subconscious mind to take over the conscious mind. This is how you can begin to predict the future.

    • Sit back in a room with soft natural light. Sit up straight, but in a comfortable way (preferably on the floor), relax and concentrate on your breathing. Feel the air entering your lungs. Exhale. Imagine how oxygen saturates your body, and then the air returns outside again. Think only about breathing, nothing else.
    • Gradually begin to relax your body while continuing to breathe. With each inhalation, concentrate on relaxing, say, one arm. Feel the breath moving through your hand and relax it. Then move to the second arm, to the chest and to the rest of the body. Calm your mind. Concentrate on relaxation.
  2. Gradually enter a trance and immerse yourself in it as deeply as possible. There are no special secrets in meditation. Zazen (meditation practiced by Zen monks) roughly translates to “just sitting.” The purpose of meditation is inaction, which allows the subconscious to come out and gives a person psychic abilities. Having learned to do this, you will be able to see many more signs and omens, using which it will be much easier to predict the future.

    • As the trance deepens, you will begin to lose track of time. Your conscious mind will calm down and your subconscious mind will become more receptive. Some people at this moment imagine themselves climbing or descending a ladder or entering a cave, which symbolizes the descent into the unconscious and entering a trance.
  3. Start using the ability to meditate in your everyday life. Once you have learned to go into trance and engage in deep meditation, stop trying to make things happen - instead, let them happen. Pay attention to the images that arise during meditation, and then look for them in real life. Memorize the faces and people you see in trance and observe them after you wake up. It is quite possible that you were visited by foresight.

    • Use all your senses. This may seem silly, but try to imagine that your body is one big eye that is constantly collecting information. Air temperature, smells and even feelings can be signs pointing to the future. If you feel uneasy when you see an owl, and this has never happened before, consider this sign to be important. If you feel cold every time you hear the same song, take it as an omen.
  4. Pay attention to symbols and signs. We are surrounded by many signs, but it is up to the individual whether to notice them or not. If you are lucky enough to have psychic and observational abilities, you will still need to put in a lot of effort to learn how to predict the future, but you will be better at it if you train yourself. To unlock your full potential, you should stop thinking that everything that happens is random, and start viewing all events as parts of one big plan.

    • Always pay attention to the moments when goosebumps run across your skin. If something happened that caused such feelings, put everything aside and think about it. What do you see? What scared you? What seems important?
    • Don't dismiss déjà vu. Have you ever had the feeling that something has already happened in the past, that everything seems strange and already known? Start looking closely at what bothers you about this situation. What do you feel? Where are you? What sensations did you awaken?
    • Pay special attention to coincidences. For example, you wake up in the morning and see a swarm of midges near your window, and then you go to a cafe, and the barista has a T-shirt with a picture of similar midges. Pure coincidence? Many people believe that there is no such thing as a coincidence, and that all that matters is that something happened. Consider coincidences as symbols, signs, omens, and not just coincidences.
  5. Analyze the symbols. Let's say that during meditation you saw a bunch of crabs drinking gasoline on the beach at night, and now you can't get rid of this image. Strange. What does this mean? This image can have different meanings for different people, so you need to learn to read the symbols and transfer them to your own life so that they take on some meaning.

    • Think of it like analyzing a dream or a poem. The images may have evoked certain impressions, so start simple. Was the image positive or negative? Weak or strong? Did the action take place during the day or at night?
    • Analyze individual symbols that you regularly encounter in real life and during meditation. For example, crabs are an important image in predicting the future. They are found in some tarot card decks, as well as in the zodiac. This is a very important symbol.
    • If you speak English, read the Bible of Dreams. In it you will find a description of many images that appear in dreams. With this information you can begin to study dreams.
  6. Check out the mythology. If you know nothing at all about metaphysics, it will be difficult for you to predict the future. For those who want to develop psychic abilities and learn to foresee future events, it is best to read and find out what the collective unconscious is, as well as become familiar with the important myths and symbols of your culture.

    • Our understanding of consciousness and the connection between the conscious and subconscious has been greatly influenced by the work of Carl Jung. In Joseph Campbell's book The Hero and the Thousand Faces, one can trace similarities in the myths of different cultures, which suggests that symbols, signs and substitutions are somehow “built into” people.

    Dream analysis

    1. Start keeping a dream journal. If you don't remember the dream, you won't be able to analyze it thoroughly. To make things easier for yourself, always keep a notepad and pen on your bedside table. As soon as you wake up, write down everything you saw in your dream. Try to record as many details as possible. Do this every morning after waking up, even if you are tired.

      • What did you saw? Who was there? What smells, tastes, textures surrounded you? How did you feel emotionally? Was it a nightmare? Erotic dream? Just a pleasant dream?
      • First, write down the dialogue. This is often the first thing to be forgotten, so it would be a shame to forget something that could be important.
    2. Wake yourself up from time to time at night. If you don't remember your dreams, wake yourself up while you are still dreaming. Sleep interruptions are a great way to recognize symbols and remember all events.

      • Set your phone alarm to go off every three hours. This will allow you to get two full cycles of REM sleep of 90 minutes each. It will take you a minute or two to write down everything you saw in your dream, which means you'll get as much sleep as usual, but you'll also be able to record your dreams.
    3. Find symbols in dreams and determine their meaning. Treat dreams the same way you treat images you see during meditation: identify the symbols, bring them into your life, and figure out what meaning they want to convey to you.

      • Write down as many details as possible about each dream. Return to the image of crabs drinking gasoline on the beach. Crabs and gasoline look like important symbols, but it's also worth considering what sand, drinking, and other tactile and emotional elements of the imagery might mean. How did you feel when you saw this picture?
      • People are also symbols. If you dream that you are kissing your best friend, it does not mean that you are in love with your friend and you should start kissing. We dream about certain people because our subconscious attaches symbolic meaning to these people. Dreaming about kissing a friend may mean that you like a certain trait in that person's character that you would like to see in yourself.
    4. Relate the symbols you see in your dreams to real life and the future. There are common dream themes: for example, your teeth fall out, you fly, or you find yourself naked in the middle of a crowd of people. Such dreams have generally accepted interpretations: you are emotionally exhausted, you strive for control or learn to cope with it, you are defenseless. However, you can make more complex connections to coincidences or events in your life. Use information obtained from dreams and psychic abilities to predict possible future developments.

      • If you're waiting for news after a job interview and you dream that you're flying high and out of control, you might interpret the sign as anxiety about success or the freedom a new job will give you. And this may mean that you get this position.
      • Approach dream analysis soberly. If you dreamed that your friend died and was put in a coffin, this does not mean that your friend will actually die. Most likely, some chapter of this person's life is coming to an end, or your relationship will change in some way in the future. Relate the dream to what is happening in your life.
    5. Practice lucid dreaming and ask about the future. Some people who are good at this use lucid dreaming to directly ask questions about the future. If you can develop the ability to remain conscious and dream, try imagining a notebook or an oracle and asking them something about the future, such as: “Who will win the World Cup?” or "What are my chances of getting this job?" See what happens.

    Communicating with the Oracle

      Select a remedy. An oracle is a method, object or system that allows you to see the future. In order to establish a connection with the oracle, there is no need to climb a mystical mountain and summon three goddesses with laurel wreaths and crystal clear consciousness. Think of the oracle as a means of viewing the future. Oracles (from Latin - “to speak”) just make the task easier.

      • If you like unusual images and totemic symbols, choose Tarot cards. To get started with Tarot, learn to read from an experienced person who has been working with these cards for a long time. You can then begin to study the various cards and the role and history of the Tarot in the culture of fortune telling.
      • If you prefer to meditate on stories and coincidences, pick up the Book of Changes and peer into its mysterious world.
      • If you enjoy deep meditation and love meaningful symbols, try learning to read your hand, crystal divination, or any other form of divination that will allow you to become an oracle yourself.
    1. Don't ask one-word questions. If you want the oracle to help you find out something about the future, ask questions that require detailed answers. This will help you interpret the characters received in response. It is important to ask a question that does not require a monosyllabic answer and is not too simple.

      • You can start with the following questions: “What should I pay attention to?”, “How should I feel about...?” or "What should I think about...?" Do not force the question into a narrow framework, let the oracle give you an exact answer that you will need to interpret correctly.
      • The question "Will I get this job?" it will be incorrect if you decide to roll the dice or read the book of changes, since there cannot be a “yes” or “no” answer. Instead, ask what you need to do to get the job.
    2. Refer to Tarot cards. The Tarot deck consists of 78 cards, which has the major and minor arcana, and resembles a regular deck of playing cards. There are four suits: wands, swords, cups and denarii. In addition, each card has an image that can be read in different ways. This is one of the most famous and multifunctional ways of predicting the future using symbols.

      • Most tarot card layouts tell entire stories that are built around the question asked. If you want to learn more about these cards, read about them online, buy a textbook, and start getting familiar with the deck.
    3. Ask questions to the book of changes. To work with the book, you can use coins, pieces of marble, stems, sticks, or any other computational methods that will lead to the drawing of a six-sided figure consisting of two symbols. The figure will correspond to a specific entry in the book. Simply put, you need to roll the dice, ask a question and read a mysterious passage of text. If you like poetry, stories and meditation, you will love this method of predicting the future.

      As with shadow divination, observing figures in a mirrored surface allows one to see the symbols and interpret them.

    4. There are several good astrology sites that describe each sign in detail, but almost all of them ignore the Chinese zodiac.
    5. You can draw conclusions about a person's future behavior based on his past actions. If your friend rarely stays in a relationship for more than a month or two, you can assume that the new guy is unlikely to stay with her for long.
    6. Almost all people express their thoughts in one way or another. If you pay attention to small clues, you will be able to figure out what will happen next. If your neighbor in a cafe keeps looking at his watch, you can assume that he is waiting for someone.
    7. Warnings

    • Predicting the future requires experience and involves a lot of mistakes and starting over. You will not always be able to make accurate predictions.

History knows many examples of prophecies that came true exactly. For example, Nostradamus predicted the revolution of 1917 several centuries ago, and the great predictor who saw through time, Wolf Messing, warned Germany about the Second World War, in turn, Vanga described in detail the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 in the United States.

People with the gift of prophecy are one of the most interesting and inexplicable mysteries of humanity. Who are they?

Since ancient times, the future has worried and worried people. In search of answers to many questions, people turned with hope to shamans and astrologers, who, with varying degrees of success, predicted the future, and sometimes simply deceived. Prophets were revered and feared at all times; they were close to the rulers who made history and ruled the world.

Has the gift of prophecy always brought happiness to its owners? After all, this gift is quite heavy in that the seers accumulate quite a huge amount of information in their consciousness. They feel people's emotions, their pain and all kinds of experiences. By letting all this pass through themselves, seers cause irreparable harm to their health.

In the 7th century BC in Greece, a thousand people, in a long line, skirting gorges, climbed to the temple on the rocky slope of Parnassus. They overcame such a difficult path in order to find out their future from the gods. Here, at an altitude of 700 meters, stood a temple of unprecedented beauty, in the center of which was an altar - the Oracle. Historians believe that in this place underground gases evaporated from the ground, after inhaling which the priestesses of the temple made their predictions. In this way they put themselves into a trance. No one will know for sure whether they were under the influence of drugs or whether they actually communicated with higher powers.

An even more exotic form of foresight flourished in ancient Rome. There was a college of augurs there. These are priests who predict the future based on the flight path, cry and behavior of birds. Roman troops on military campaigns always took with them a wagon of chickens, which were used for predictions.

Kings and kings of all times and peoples had court sorcerers and astrologers all their lives, whose words they listened to.

The weather was the first thing that magicians learned to predict, but that was not enough. They wanted to know more about life and fate. The future was both alarming and alluring. I wanted to tame him, like a wild animal, so as not to be afraid.

In 1933, mathematician Andrei Kalmogorov presented his theory of probability to the world. He proved that even seemingly random processes have their own patterns that can be calculated and predicted the future.

This begs the question: is prediction really the ability to clearly see the future? Or maybe you can not have any abilities, but simply be a psychologist and analyst, and using probability theory to predict the future?

In 2012, scientists from the University of California proved that the gift of foresight really exists. They showed a group of people several unpleasant photographs with images of pieces of meat, scary grimaces and other images of negative content. The devices recorded that a few seconds before the photograph appeared, the subjects' heart rate increased. Scientists called this phenomenon the premonition effect.

One of the methods of prediction is palmistry. Palmistry is one of the oldest ways of predicting the future. This is a prediction by hand. This method is considered one of the most accurate. Using your left hand you can predict a person’s fate, his past, and using the lines of your right hand you can predict the future. Every person has lines on their palms, and each of them has a characteristic meaning.

But what to do if you want to know the future, but don’t have the money or time to go to a psychic? You can try the most common folk fortune telling using matches. The main thing before the ceremony begins is to formulate the question in such a way that the answer is monosyllabic. Either yes or no. You need to light a match and throw it into the water. If the match floats on the surface, the answer is yes. If she drowned, then the answer is no. If coals float from a match, this means that there will be a lot of obstacles on the way to the goal. If the match sank head down, but did not sink to the bottom, this means that the person is not ready to find out the answer to his question.

You can also predict the future using water and wax. In this way you can predict the fate of a love relationship. To do this, you will need 2 candles and, using a needle or knife, you need to write the first letter of your name on one candle, and the name of your chosen one on the other. Then you need to light the candles and drip wax into the water. Afterwards, you need to take matches again, think about your chosen one and throw it into the water, then a second match and repeat the same thing. Next you need to look at the drawing made from wax. The matches in this case can lie in different ways. For example, if they are intertwined, then this means a strong union; if the matches drown, then the union is doomed. However, the interpretation of wax figures is different for everyone and everyone understands them in their own way.

Along with the above, an interesting fact should be noted: scientists have developed a sensational theory that the phenomenon of foreseeing the future is inherent in every person. Therefore, it is better not to guess with matches, wax or anything else. It would be more correct to study your own thinking, because the brain is a matrix that is filled with various information flows. People live in three-dimensional time space and constantly perceive and learn information. The information that a person receives goes into the past, and the information that he perceives is in the future. Thus, a person can build his life in a simple way - by analyzing the past.

Researchers claim that foresight is an innate talent of human consciousness that people have lost. But it can be developed. It is only important to learn to listen to intuition, analyze current events and attach meaning to dreams. And yet, psychologists advise not to get carried away with fortune-telling, but to live for today. After all, it is today that shapes tomorrow.

Is it possible to learn to predict the future? Yes, definitely! Learn an amazing technique for traveling to the future!

Traveling to the future attracts many. People always look forward, go beyond the limit, know how events will develop. And this desire is characteristic of people throughout human history.

The latest scientific research, together with ancient esoteric¹ knowledge, suggests that there is only the moment “here and now”, that the future and past are also now!

And there is an opportunity to foresee the future consciously!

With the help of what is described in this article, you will be able to predict upcoming events and know what will happen next.

You can receive information both about your personal life and about the entire planet. And this opens up completely different opportunities for your growth and well-being!

The main requirement: a special state of consciousness!

In order to foresee the future, you need to go beyond time! This can be done by entering a special state of consciousness.

Unconsciously, people are in it every day: this manifests itself most clearly while falling asleep and immediately after waking up, when the mind is in a trance (meditation²). A person’s task is to learn to evoke this state in himself, called the state of the gap, consciously.

On our website you can find various techniques on how to learn to enter other states of consciousness; one of the methods is indicated in the notes to this article.

The state of the gap can also be called a deep trance; it is developed through regular training.

Techniques for predicting the future!

1. The practitioner sits down, takes a comfortable position and closes his eyes.

The room where the training will take place should be quiet and calm. No one should distract from the lesson.

2. A person begins to relax the muscles of the body, paying attention to each muscle group from head to toe.

3. Gradually the mind will relax along with the body, the practitioner will fall into a light meditative state. His task is to go even deeper.

4. He begins to concentrate³ on his breathing: without interfering with the process, he simply observes how inhalation and exhalation occur, feeling every movement.

5. Gradually the practitioner will fall asleep. He needs to remain aware, not fall asleep (to do this he needs to concentrate on breathing), this will gradually bring him into a state of in-between.

6. A person mentally turns to the left and enters a thick fog that hides the future.

6. Upon entering the cloud of fog, the practitioner will see that it consists of many events and timelines. Here you need to mentally state your question. It is pronounced clearly and firmly: “I want to know that...”

7. After some time, the fog of time will begin to transform and part, until at a certain moment the practitioner will be able to see the upcoming event and information about it.

8. When a person finds out everything that is necessary, he thanks time for its help and asks to return him to his usual state of wakefulness.

9. A cloud of fog will begin to thicken around the practitioner. Here you need to turn right and go forward, returning to the present.

10. A person creates the intention to return to himself, takes a few deep breaths; After counting to five, begin to feel your body again.

Secrets of the Gap State!

The state of in-between is a very deep level.

Here you can travel through time and enter a state of deep meditation. Prayers said in this state will definitely be heard by the Creator. True masters are at this level and can foresee the future!

In order to master the described technique, you need to be patient and practice regularly every day for several months. Success depends on many factors, such as the ability to concentrate and enter into meditation, relax and manage emotions.

The most important thing: to catch the state of the gap! This will be a qualitative breakthrough in your self-development, giving amazingly fast results!

This practice will connect you with Cosmic Consciousness. This will give additional protection to you and your loved ones. It is recommended to turn to the Cosmic Consciousness every morning, thank it and ask it to guide your life along the most prosperous path.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Esotericism is a body of knowledge, information inaccessible to the uninitiated, people ignorant of mystical teachings, special ways of perceiving reality that have secret content and expression in “psychospiritual practices” (Wikipedia).

² Meditation is a type of mental exercise used as part of spiritual, religious or health practices, or a special mental state that arises as a result of these exercises (or for other reasons) (
