Detention of a minor on the Arbat. An unexpected turn in the case of the detention of a child on the Arbat

The story of the detention of a ten-year-old boy on the Arbat does not require a separate report to Putin, said Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov. In his opinion, this is not a matter of the presidential agenda, but rather a matter of law enforcement agencies.

Of course, Dmitry Peskov assured at the same time that all media digests for the president contain this information. But this case does not require any separate reports, TASS quotes the press secretary of the head of state.

The guardianship authorities visited the family on Moscow's Old Arbat and the boy delivered to the police station, Anna Kuznetsova, Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of Russia, explained.

In her opinion, the only issue in this case is the organization of constructive leisure for the child. Anna Kuznetsova believes that the constructive application of children's talent is now the best and most optimal way out for a child. At the same time, she added that the police should be.

The actions of the police will be checked by the Moscow Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The boy detained by the police suffers from stuttering and does not pronounce some letters. Reading poetry aloud, according to some reports, is one of the treatments recommended by a speech therapist. A separate question is how the detention could affect the psychological state of the child: during the arrest, the boy fought off the police, who forcibly shoved him into the police car.

The press service of the Moscow Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not rule out that he could be held liable for improper performance of parental duties under Article 5.35 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. And his wife, whom the police did not take with the child to the department, under Article 19.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

State Duma Deputy Vitaly Milonov insists on strict measures against both the parents of the child and himself. In his opinion, the child should be sent to a boarding school, "since he is the police."

“There should be no apology to the police in connection with the detention of a beggar! Do not humiliate the police, we will soon begin to apologize to the bandits,” the deputy wrote on his Facebook.

The MP also suggested that the so-called "parents" of the scum should be sent for testing to a hospital for drug addicts.

The police meanwhile still apologized to the father of the detained minor child.

Detention of a 10-year-old offender at Vozdvizhenka

As it is already widely known, yesterday at about 8 pm on Vozdvizhenka near the Arbatskaya metro station, police officers detained a 10-year-old schoolboy for no reason, who was walking with his mother and reciting poetry loudly.

At the time of the arrest, the boy's mother was sitting on a bench about 25 meters away, reading a book. The child, being nearby, loudly read poems aloud to passers-by. Suddenly, a police car drove up to them and the police officers, after a short explanation with the boy, began to put the child into the car. As can be seen in the photo and video of the detention, the police grabbed the child by force and later took him to the Arbat police station.

In the information response department of the Moscow Interior Ministry, the RTVi journalist was told that the boy was detained because he allegedly walked alone and approached “one car, then another.” The falsity of the police explanations is obvious, since the photo clearly shows that the arrest took place on the sidewalk, and not on the roadway.

The police filed a report against the boy's mother for resisting the police under Article 19.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. The father, in turn, was threatened to file an administrative case for insulting law enforcement officers.

According to a journalist who happened to be at the scene of the incident Lucy Stein, the police "grabbed a boy who looked like he was about nine years old, reciting poetry, stuffed him into a wheelbarrow and took one away in hysterics."

“Me and another girl who knew him were pushed to the ground. Tried to capture their faces, but got hit before the camera could catch focus. In the video, you can hear the baby screaming, ”Stein writes.

According to the boy's father, Ilya Skavronsky, his wife and son were walking in the Arbat area. On Vozdvizhenka Street, the boy began to recite fragments from Hamlet to passers-by, at which time his mother was 20-25 meters away from him.

As Ilya Skavronsky said, “the wife was sitting reading a book, and the child was reciting Hamlet. A police squad drove up, they were talking about something without her participation. Then they twisted it, there is a video of what happened. They began to push it in - she came up, tried to prevent this, ”Skavronsky explained.

Since Ilya Skavronsky's wife is not the boy's birth mother, the police rudely told her that she was nobody to him, and forced the boy into the car. As a result of his wife's attempts to prevent the detention of her son, her clothes were torn and the tablet crashed, Skawronski added.

At the same time, he emphasized that his son, reciting poetry, did not beg: “He is engaged in theatrical activities. For him, these exits to the street are a struggle with complexes.

After the son was detained, his parents went to the Arbat police station. There, they began to draw up a protocol on an administrative offense against the father under Article 5.35 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (failure by parents to fulfill minor duties of upbringing). Skavronsky, in turn, did not sign the protocol due to disagreement with its content.

The boy's father added that his wife became ill against the background of what was happening. At the same time, the man noted that in a private conversation, the deputy head of the police department threatened him with the possible detention of his wife on charges of attacking police officers.

At about 10:30 pm, well-known Russian lawyer Anatoly Kucherena arrived at the Arbat police station. By this time, the video of the boy's detention had already been published and began to disperse on social networks. Kucherena spoke with the child's parents, with the police officers who executed the detention and the administrative protocol. Kucherena called the footage of the boy's detention creepy. In addition, from his inquiries it became clear that the police could not prove that the boy was a beggar, since there was no money on him.

Around midnight, the child and his stepmother were released from the Arbat OVD, leaving the father and lawyers to deal with the incident. One of them, Tatyana Solomina, informed early in the morning of May 27, that “the deputy chief of police for public order protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Central Administrative District apologized to my father.” The record of improper performance of parental duties will be canceled. In addition, the police officers who detained the child are waiting for an official check.

In early May, journalist Alexander Minkin published a video of a boy reading Hamlet on Stary Arbat. In a blog post, he called it "Street Prince".

Alexander Minkin

I have never seen anything like this anywhere. A boy on the Arbat reads Hamlet's monologue "to be or not to be."

New Twitter Timeline --

On the evening of May 26, in the center of Moscow on Vozdvizhenka Street, the police detained a 10-year-old boy who was reading aloud excerpts from Hamlet. The rain collected everything that is known about this story.

Journalist Lyusya Shtein was the first to report the boy's detention. According to her, the incident took place on Vozdvizhenka Street: the police “grabbed a boy who looked like he was reading poetry about nine years old, stuffed him into a wheelbarrow and took one away in hysterics.” At the same time, law enforcement officers did not introduce themselves and did not explain on what basis the boy was detained, despite the protests of the child's stepmother. As a result of attempts to prevent the boy from being detained, the woman's clothes were torn and the tablet crashed.

As the boy's father, Ilya Skavronsky, told Mediazone, his son and wife were walking in the Arbat area. On Vozdvizhenka, the boy began to recite fragments from Hamlet to passers-by, and his stepmother was 20-25 meters away from him and read a book.

“A police squad drove up, they were talking about something without her participation. Then they twisted it, there is a video of what happened. They began to stuff it - she came up, tried to prevent this, ”said Skavronsky.

The police explained the detention by the fact that, in their opinion, the boy was begging. However, the father of the child stated that this was not the case. According to him, the boy is engaged in theatrical activities, and "for him, these exits to the street are a struggle with complexes."

One of the eyewitnesses told that three police officers surrounded the boy and a thermal bag standing on the ground, “the police girl seemed to scold him, and then they dragged him into the car, and some young man tried to stop them.”

At the same time, the eyewitness stated that everything looked “like a rather everyday story for the vicinity of the Arbat, and decided that “maybe the child was begging or ran away from home.” In the capital's department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs later: the police decided that the boy was lost, as he was on the street unaccompanied. According to the police, the boy approached passers-by and cars in turn and could not tell the police where his parents were.

As a result, the child was taken to the Arbat police department, where his father soon arrived. Later, Anatoly Kucherena, chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, arrived at the police station. The video from the department shows that Kucherena talked to the boy, who said that he was in the third grade. Around midnight, the boy and his parents were released from the police.

Anna Kuznetsova, Commissioner for Children's Rights, also became interested in the story of the boy's detention.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs said that they had begun an investigation into the incident with the child. “During the inspection, all the circumstances of the incident will be carefully, objectively and comprehensively studied and an assessment will be given to the actions of the police officers. The results of the inspection will be communicated to the public," the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city told the Moscow agency.

It also became known that the administrative report on non-fulfillment of parental duties, drawn up against the boy's father, will be cancelled. In addition, the police in front of the child's father.

On May 26, the police detained a 10-year-old boy in Moscow who was reciting Hamlet near the Arbatskaya metro station. He was suspected of begging, forced into a car and taken to the police department. The video, published by witnesses of the incident, was distributed in the media and social networks, the children's ombudsman and the president's press secretary spoke about the incident

What's happened

On the evening of May 26, on Vozdvizhenka Street, near the Arbatskaya metro station, police officers detained a 10-year-old boy who was reading excerpts from Shakespeare's play Hamlet. Detention video published witness of the incident Lusia Shtein and activist Irina Yatsenko on their Facebook page ( record contains obscene language). The footage shows how the police dragged the child into the car, ignoring his resistance and cries for help. Three police officers took the child to the Arbat police station, where his parents later arrived.

According to official data of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow, the reason for the detention was the boy's being in a public place without his parents and begging. As the boy’s father, Ilya Skavronsky, told Mediazona, his son does not beg, but “is engaged in theatrical activities. For him, these exits to the street are a struggle with complexes.

Why and how the boy was detained on the Arbat

(Video: RBC TV channel)

Where were the parents at the time of the arrest?

According to the father, the child was not alone on the street. While the son was reading Hamlet, his wife, the child's stepmother, stood a few meters away from him. “The wife was sitting, reading a book, and the child was reciting Hamlet. A police squad drove up, they were talking about something without her participation. Then they twisted it, there is a video of what happened. They began to push it in - she came up, tried to prevent this, ”he said. Skavronski noted that the police were rude and cursed.

Do police officers have the right to detain children?

The police have the right to detain and deliver to the station persons who have not reached the age of majority. According to Article 14 of the Federal Law “On Police”, in the event of the detention of a minor, an employee is obliged to notify his parents or legal representatives about this.

A child may be detained for antisocial behavior - “actions of an individual that violate generally accepted norms of behavior and morality, the rights and legitimate interests of others”, which do not entail administrative or criminal liability.

Also, police officers can deliver to the department any child who is found unaccompanied by parents at night (23:00-7:00 in Moscow) in a public place - on the street, stadium, in a park, square, on a bus and in the subway.

In some cases, police officers have the right to use physical force against a minor - to prevent an offense, as well as to resist detention.

Drafting of protocols

Immediately after the boy was detained, his parents arrived at the police station. The report of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow states that "at about 10 p.m. the boy was handed over to his father." On Skavronski, a protocol was drawn up on an administrative offense under the article for failure to fulfill the duties of raising minors. On his wife - a protocol for disobedience to a police officer.

In the evening, the chairman of the public council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs and lawyer Anatoly Kucherena arrived at the police department. On videotape, published Irina Yatsenko, Kucherena looks through the materials of the case, speaks with the parents of the child and the police. The stepmother and the child left the department closer to midnight, the boy was apologized.

May 30 on the air of radio "Komsomolskaya Pravda" Deputy Head of the Information and Public Relations Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow Yuri Titov declared that the child's mother wrote a statement to the police, accusing his stepmother Kristina Skavronski of involving the child in begging (Article 151 of the Criminal Code). According to the text of the statement, the boy asks for money on the street not for the first time, despite the mother's request to the child's father to forbid him to do so. In addition, the mother accused Skavronsky's wife of taking almost all the money earned on the street from the child, leaving him only a trifle.


The next day after the incident, the Investigative Committee began a pre-investigation check into the circumstances of the detention. Commissioner for Children's Rights Anna Kuznetsova
