Conspiracies for the waning moon. What conspiracies are read on the waning moon?

The moon plays a special role in magic: it is believed that this satellite of the Earth has magical properties, thanks to which you can achieve financial well-being, meet your love, strengthen family ties, cure illnesses and cope with any troubles if you read special conspiracies, perform rituals and fortune telling.

In general, rituals for the moon began to be performed a long time ago: the wise men believed that it resembled an ancient beautiful coin, so they read conspiracies mainly to attract wealth. Over time, the number of prayers of different directions has increased, and now they are read depending on the phase of the moon and the wishes of the person saying them.

How does the waxing Moon affect a person’s life?

Approximately 14 days before the new moon, the growth phase begins. At this time, it is customary to read conspiracies for the growing moon. According to legend, if you cut your hair during such a period, it will grow faster and become stronger, which many girls have repeatedly noticed.

The same applies to prayers: they are capable of exaggerating several times what the person reading them lacks, depending on his specific requests.

What rituals for the waxing moon are usually performed:

  • For a successful career and employment in a new, profitable job;
  • To improve financial well-being;
  • To meet new and strong love;
  • To increase material values ​​in the family.

The influence of the waning moon

Unlike waxing, during this period the Moon takes the waning side after the full moon. The duration is approximately 2 weeks, and this time is usually used to get rid of burdensome things or events.

What conspiracies are read during the period of decline:

  • For a trouble-free dismissal from a boring low-paid job, the end of a love relationship;
  • To get rid of diseases;
  • To protect against unwanted people;
  • To eliminate certain negative consequences that arose earlier in life;
  • To eliminate debts, quickly close loans, etc.

Full moon magic

The full moon is the most powerful and magical phase of the moon. Its duration is 3 days: 1 day before and after the exact phase, as well as the very moment when people can observe the entire visible side of the satellite. This time is best for making amulets and talismans, performing rituals to attract love or money.

  • If you have diseases, incl. and the heaviest;
  • If you want to meet love;
  • If you want to develop your own magical skills and intuition.

New Moon Action

It is believed that during this period the Moon rejuvenates, and people practically do not see it in the sky. At this time, productivity decreases, but it is perfect for performing rituals to fulfill your most cherished desires.

What other magical spells can be used:

  • To cleanse the body and thoughts;
  • For the successful start of new projects;
  • To open astral spaces.

The connection between magic and the presence of the Moon in the Zodiac sign

As you know, in magical rituals not only the phase of the Moon is of great importance, but also what sign it is in. For example, during the Moon in Aries, rituals can be performed to increase strength and gain power, in Taurus - to attract money, successfully purchase real estate and meet true love, and in Gemini - to improve communication skills, new acquaintances and interesting travels.

How other signs influence:

  • Cancer: conspiracies are read to find a family and children, improve the quality of life;
  • Leo: favorable for prayers for the birth of a child and gaining power;
  • Virgo: suitable for increasing efficiency and improving intelligence, improving health;
  • Libra: magic is used to successfully complete legal proceedings, strengthen partnerships;
  • Scorpio: rituals are used for spiritual growth and revelation of secrets;
  • Sagittarius: helps with long trips, getting an education.

The Moon in Capricorn is used for rituals for a successful career and resolving political issues, Aquarius helps with problems with friends and the lack of a muse in creative people, and Pisces contributes to the development of clairvoyance skills. When the Moon is in Pisces, fortune telling using Tarot cards is the most truthful.

Rituals for the waxing moon for protection

If you want to protect yourself and your loved ones from negative energy, black magic and evil people, this conspiracy is best suited. It is necessary to read it on the first day of the New Moon, because... With each subsequent day, the strength of its influence decreases.

What do we have to do:

  • We are waiting for the night. When the Moon is visible, we say the words, looking at it: “ I envelop myself in the rays of the waxing moon. I create armor, I don’t wish harm on anyone, I protect myself from harm. Amen! »
  • We perform the ritual monthly.

Also at this time it is customary to perform rituals for love. There are several conspiracies to improve love relationships and meet the right person:

We wait for darkness, take a red candle in our hands and, looking at the Moon, say:

“As the moon grows every day, so will my love grow. Just as a candle melts every minute, so does my bad luck disappear.”

We take a red handkerchief and put it in our pocket, reading: “ Look for me the one my heart and soul want " We carry this thing with us until the full moon.

We stand at the open window, look at the Moon and read the plot:

Luna, the maiden is a beauty,

There is a cute one in the world that I like.

You are walking in the sky

You dance in circles with the stars.

Look to your betrothed in a dream,

Show me to him in all my glory.

Day and night he yearns for me

And look for me everywhere.

How God's servant (name) will find me,

She will marry herself quickly.


Health conspiracies

  • We look at the Moon and say a prayer for diseases:

Good Svyatovit, stretch out your hand to me!

Drive away the Black Snake and all his servants!

Give neither Viu, the goat-legged Pan, nor the demoness Kali, nor sister Mazata their will.

May my strength be restored and my illness pass away from this hour!

For 10-15 days before the full moon, you should not attend festive events or drink alcoholic beverages.

There are also several rituals that help get rid of diseases:

Ritual for money during the waxing moon

Since ancient times, this ritual has been used to improve one’s financial situation, and it must be performed during the waxing moon. First you should buy a green wallet and put a few bills in it. How it's done:

We perform the ritual all the time while the Moon is in its growth phase.

To increase your wealth, you can perform another simple ritual every time you count money during the growth of the Moon:

  • We take the wallet, take out all the bills from it;
  • We count money, saying:

“The richer the Moon, the richer my share. As the moon grows, so does wealth find me. The money in my wallet rustles and jingles, rushing to multiply. For the good of me and the universe! So be it!".

There is another ritual that must be performed on a new bill:

  • On the first day of satellite growth, we take a new banknote;

We stand at the window, holding money in our hands, and say:

“The month grows and turns into the Moon, and with it my soul is enriched. Money for money, as much as I have to, I’ll give as much. Then it will double, then triple. There will be a large amount of money. I will not languish over them, I will please my loved ones and friends, my dearest ones. Amen!".

We put the charmed banknote in the wallet, but separately from other money. We store it for a month, you can’t waste it. When a month has passed, we repeat the ritual again, and with the previous bill we buy gifts for our loved ones.

Moon fortune telling

Most often, fortune telling is carried out on love, fate and the future. For this, the most optimal time is considered to be the growth phase or the new moon.

Several options for fortune telling:

Consequences - how to protect yourself

As you know, even white magic can lead to negative consequences if used incorrectly or if you disrespect the object to which prayers are addressed (in this case, the Moon). With such violations, the opposite effect can be achieved: loss of love, deterioration in well-being, the appearance of diseases, etc. To avoid this, you need to follow several rules:

If you carry out all the rituals in accordance with the rules and sincerely believe in their power, the result will not be long in coming: after some time, an improvement in your financial situation, strengthening of family ties and getting rid of many other problems against which prayers were read to the Moon will become noticeable.

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Today we want to tell you about which rituals, rites and conspiracies for the waning moon will be more effective, and which less so.

As you know, the waning Moon is suitable for witchcraft aimed at reducing, minimizing influence, and getting rid of. Just as the month wanes in the sky, so your problem will wane and melt until it eventually comes to naught.

When the moon begins to wane

A lunar month lasts 28 days - during this time the Moon revolves around the Earth. Not counting the new moon and full moon, it is customary to divide the phases of the Moon into quarters - the first two quarters of the waxing Moon, the third and fourth - the waning Moon.

The crescent of the waning moon looks like the letter “C” - its horns are directed to the right. So it is very easy to recognize the “aging” moon, if we are talking about, for example, the fourth quarter. If there has only recently been a full moon, it may be more difficult to determine the phase of the moon. Here the moon phase calendar (lunar calendar) will come to your aid.

What ceremonies and rituals should be performed on the waning moon?

As we briefly mentioned above, this is a time for deliverance, elimination, separation. So, what to do on the waning moon, what magic is especially effective?

  • The magic of healing. Conspiracies against illness and a variety of ailments will be especially effective during this period. Also, conspiracies from things that affect health: from bad habits, for example, from drinking, smoking, and so on.
  • For beauty. We are talking about conspiracies aimed at getting rid of what prevents your beauty from revealing itself to the fullest - for example, acne or other skin imperfections, in a word, for a clean face. This also includes magic aimed at losing weight. There is a sign that the moon also affects hair - if you decide to cut your hair during this phase of the moon, keep in mind that this will hinder its growth. When you are making a haircut whose shape you want to maintain for as long as possible, this will come in handy. If you would like to grow your hair, then it is better to get your hair cut during the waxing moon.
  • The magic of money. It is better not to cast magic for well-being or for a good job, for monetary gifts, for wealth, for winnings and other income at this time; the flawed moon does not contribute to profit. But conspiracies to get rid of debts and poverty work well.
  • Protective magic. Rituals aimed at pacifying enemies, from envious people, from negativity directed in your direction, from damage, all these magical actions during the aging moon will be especially powerful. Here we will mention prayers and conspiracies against failure. It is also very good to clean the apartment on the waning moon with the help of candles - church or magic ones.
  • Other witchcraft aimed at eliminating, reducing, getting rid of. Keep in mind that many desires can be realized in two ways: you can attract what you want, or you can get rid of obstacles on the way to it. For example, a love spell on the waning moon is not the best idea. However, a conspiracy from a rival can reduce obstacles on the path to what you want, and thus become either a preparation for a love spell, or it will be possible to return your loved one and a love spell will not be needed at all.

And here are some conspiracies It’s better to put it off until the waxing moon:

  • for prosperity, for profit (especially conspiracies for a new wallet or for 12 coins);
  • love magic;
  • for a job (new or for career growth in an old one);
  • activation of amulets and talismans (for example, a spell on a woolen thread);
  • knot magic (except for powers of a protective nature).

How to read conspiracies for the waning moon?

Examples of what rituals you can perform on the waning moon will be below, but for now a few comments regarding the nuances of witchcraft during this phase of the moon.

Remember that at this time you may have less strength and energy than during the waxing moon, so refrain from witchcraft if you are sick or weakened, if you feel unreasonably weak (unless your witchcraft is aimed at getting rid of this condition). Before the ritual, spend more time setting up, collecting strength, and thoroughly clean the space in which you will perform the ritual. For example, using cleansing incense or, even better, smoldering dried herbs.

When performing a ritual for the waning Moon, turn to it, applying the principle of synchronicity, similarity - “as the moon melts in the sky, so does my misfortune.” You can use these or other words with a similar meaning in a conspiracy.

Conspiracies for the waning moon

So, let's get to practice!

Weight loss spell for the waning moon

Often, weight loss conspiracies take the form of a prayer. For example, the following conspiracy is known:

In the ocean, the sea sleeps with constipation. Three whales are not letting him out. The Lord’s servant (name) will not suffer from hunger. The terrible trouble will calm down, dissolve in the morning fog. Go to the ocean, leave the Lord’s servant (name) slender. The eyes are asleep, they don’t look at the food. The nights will melt by morning, and hunger will leave the body behind, do not harm it, do not break it. It was said in the night: “hunger, be silent!” Amen!

You can also resort to candle magic. In our assortment you will find many magic candles with spells attached to them. The following will help you lose weight and gain attractiveness:

Witchcraft for money from debts and poverty

Usually used in money magic, but in this case it is better to use.

Take a fireproof bowl, a black candle, paper and a pencil. Cut out as many small pieces of paper as you have creditors, and on each write the amount of debt and the name of the creditor. Light a candle (preferably with matches, not with a lighter). Crumple the paper and place it in the prepared bowl. Show it to the waning moon - it is important that the light of the moon can illuminate the contents. Say:

The silver moon is melting, and my debts are melting. The silver moon is melting, but the creditors are not bothering me.

Then drip a little melted wax onto the paper with the words:

The silver month is melting, but my silver is coming! Key, lock, tongue, so be it!

Then set fire to the paper, wait until it burns out, and scatter the ashes to the wind in the moonlight. Keep the candle in a secluded place until you say goodbye to your debts, after which it should be burned entirely.

If you yourself are a creditor and want to create a ritual to repay a debt, use a cross candle or a column candle “Return for a long time.”

Conspiracy from a rival for melancholy on the waning moon

Keep in mind that love magic conspiracies conventionally belong to the so-called “black” magic, since by creating them, you interfere with the feelings of other people and dictate your will. However, if you are sure that it is worth it, here is a ritual to eliminate your rival from your life.

It's good if you have a general photo of those you would like to separate. Ideally, it would only show these two, but that doesn't happen often. Therefore, you can either make such a picture yourself using Photoshop, having at your disposal photos of both (we, alas, cannot teach you this). Or you can take a sheet of paper and write on it the name of a man on one side of the page and the name of a female rival on the other. Write the name slowly, as if writing down the image of the person, his face, voice, appearance, habits, his whole personality. Visualize the person whose name you are writing.

Then light a candle, preferably black. Look at the sheet (or photo) through a candle flame. Feel the relationship between these two. Then tear the paper, separating the names or images, saying the following words:

I tear not the paper, but the feelings of God’s servants (names). So that they don’t be together, don’t baptize children, don’t wait for grandchildren! They won't see happiness together, won't see sunrises, won't while away the nights! I'm tearing it apart! I'm tearing it apart! I'm tearing it apart forever! Amen!

Ritual for illness on the waning moon

The best way to perform witchcraft on the waning moon in order to get rid of illness is candle magic. It is fire that is most effective in healing rituals. Here you will find many, as well as, which can also be the cause of the disease.

However, there are other traditional ways to combat the disease. For example, rolling out onto an egg at home.

Take a chicken egg. It is important that it comes from a village chicken. Only as a last resort can you use a regular egg from the store.

It is necessary that you are alone at home so that no one can disturb you. Turn off your cell phone, turn off the TV and other noise sources. Undress, lie on the floor, hold the egg in your right hand. Start rolling it over your body, turning it counterclockwise, take your time, focus on the process. You must enter a calm, meditative state. Don’t think about illness or business, focus on the sensations. Be careful not to crack the egg.

Roll out from top to bottom, from head to toe, paying special attention to the places where the disease has taken root. If you want to stay longer in some place, listen to your intuition, make more turns there.

When finished, carefully set the egg aside. Try not to break it. Take the egg as far from home as possible and throw it into a river or ravine. You can’t bury it entirely, but you can throw it in a hole.

Conspiracy from enemies

In order not to harm yourself and not bring trouble upon yourself, we recommend using ready-made candle rituals, for example, in such not too “white” magic.

I inherited from a familiar healer 10 spells for the waning moon. Attract wealth, success and love to yourself. Do not miss your chance!

Dear readers!

Every person has a certain magnetism that attracts money.

Through channels (chakras) we are charged, like batteries, with the energy necessary for life.

If one of the channels is blocked, you can get a solid position at least a hundred times: you won’t see any money.

Without missing the calendar phase of the waning moon, you can have time to “pick up” the power of wealth, the power of love and cash flows from it, while opening closed chakras.

Ahead of you are 10 magical conspiracies that do not require additional occult efforts.

When the waning moon phase arrives, sit comfortably at the table. Stay in splendid isolation.

Confidently and strictly, 13 times in a row, mumble the occult lines that I published exclusively for you.

* The moon wanes, leaves strength, opens all chakras, attracts wealth. Until the end of my days, I will be more successful and braver. Amen.

* I read a spell for the waning moon, attract love, sweep away illnesses, drive away enemies. Amen.

* As the moon wanes in the sky, she predicts success for me. In business - wealth, in family - friendship and brotherhood. Amen.

* Oh, waning moon in the sky, we pray to you, we will hide from misfortunes. Protect me from poverty, from human inveterate harmfulness. Amen.

* I sit in silence, looking at the moon. Let sorrows subside, let enemies not make you angry in your hearts. Relatives loved, children gave joy. Amen.

* Whoever closed the chakras for my joy will receive nasty things from his neighbor. The moon will give me success in everything - even if it wanes, it does not forget me. Amen.

* Oh, Moon, who is famous for her power, help me get better quickly. As you depart, take all your ailments, illnesses and tears, and quickly let your dreams come true. Amen.

* As soon as I read the spell for the waning moon, I’ll immediately count out the bag of money. There will be prosperity in the family, no one will judge me. Amen.

* As I whisper this conspiracy, my own family will become more friendly. The moon will take away the squabbles, waning, and ward off torment, calling love. Amen.

* The moon is waning, waning, and will throw coins into my pocket. Many large bills, eternal love, oh, Moon, you, like God, are endless. Amen.

These were 10 conspiracies for the waning phase of the moon.

Choose the most relevant ones for yourself, finding love or becoming richer.

In the article you can find a ritual for the new moon when old slippers are thrown away, a spell for a nickel on a new moon and much more that will not be superfluous in the everyday life of any woman. In other articles, you can find what conspiracies are read on the waxing moon and no less interesting information.

What conspiracies are read on the waning moon?

Conspiracies for the waning moon are most often associated with getting rid of something. The moon, losing its size, takes away the negativity from a person, allowing him to remain with good health and pure thoughts.

Read the conspiracy for money on the waning moon

The spell for money is read on the waning moon after sunset. You need to take copper coins, clasp them in your fist and, showing them to the month, say: Change, copper and nickel, go to the beggar, and take my poverty with you! Let the beggar drink and walk, and wither in his poverty. I give change from the master’s purse - I invite wealth to my house. From now on I don’t know poverty and I rest in wealth. My word is strong, it is true to me. Key, tongue, lock. Amen!"

The waning moon spell to quickly sell things read

For a thing that you cannot sell for a long time, you can use the following spell: Just as a person cannot exist without an iron lock, or live without an iron key, so he cannot do without (we call it a thing). Just as you people cannot live long without food and water, you also cannot (thing). Let it be so. Amen.

Read the waning moon spell for melt water for weight loss

To fulfill the spell, you need to take 200 grams of melt water, it can be replaced with holy water, read the spell late in the evening or early in the morning: Sister Moon, maiden beauty, leaving the sky, controlling the water, take away all my excess weight. The ritual is carried out every day until the lunar cycle changes; its effect will last until the next waning of the moon.

A conspiracy for the waning moon to remove all rivals

In order to get rid of rivals, you need a church candle and several needles (according to the number of rivals). In a secluded place in the ground, a small hole is dug, needles are stuck into it, at this moment you need to imagine how the relationship of your loved one with your rivals is collapsing and read the plot: Just as the needles cannot be together, they cannot grow into one whole, so you, servant of God (name ) should not be with God’s servant (name). As the needles grow together, then these lovers will only come together. Let it be so. Then the hole is buried, and a candle is lit in this place.

Spells and prayers for warts on the waning moon

To get rid of warts, you need to pick a dry blade of grass in the field, in the evening in front of the mirror, poke the wart with this blade of grass, but not until it bleeds, and say the following words: Dry grass will not produce young, fish will not produce a bull, and you will not get milk from a rooster, so and you will not live on my body, you will die in the passing month. Amen.

What needs to be done for rejuvenation on the waning moon, a plot to read day or night and which one

An older woman can slow down the aging process with the help of a conspiracy. You need to read it in a good mood and state of mind, treat yourself with love and care.

On your birthday, sitting in front of the mirror, carefully examine your face, appreciate its beauty and say: Washing my face with spring water, wiping myself with the heavenly sun, smiling at heaven and earth, I ask you, Lord, give me health and a long life. Let my hands be strong, my legs true, my speech melodious, my shoulders smooth, and my eyes bright. To everyone's surprise, to my delight. Amen.

The problem when a loved one suddenly stopped calling has tormented lovers since the advent of the telephone. “Perhaps you forgot my phone number,” ...

The lunar phases differ so greatly in their influence on a person and his life that it would be a sin not to take advantage of it.

It’s not even clear when people learned about such things. And this is not very important for an ordinary person.

Waning moon spell for alcoholism

A completely new towel is required for the ceremony. It is hung under the moon all night. Be sure to ensure that the moonlight falls on the piece of fabric.

Hang and read three times:

“The servant of God (name) wipes himself with a towel, the craving for vodka is collected from him, absorbed in a rag, but does not go away. Everything sits here, accumulates. It takes seven days to get rid of it, but each time it is freed from hardship. The week will pass and you will be as healthy as holy water. Amen!"

Give this towel to the alcoholic early in the morning. Just let him wipe himself with it.

And after seven days it needs to be burned. The effectiveness of the conspiracy is very great. Try to perform the ritual on the first day of waning, so that the entire week falls during this phase.

Letters from our readers

Subject: I have more money and opportunities thanks to the advice from your site!

From whom: Svetlana(sv****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky enough to get rid of constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries... and a constant lack of money. You can’t buy your children extra toys or new clothes, nor can you please yourself with a beautiful dress. My husband also has a job that does not pay money.

In general, every month you just think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for current needs.

Of course, in our family we have learned to live with our finances. But in my soul there was always a constant feeling of resentment and self-pity. Why is this so, I asked myself. Look, others have money, they bought a new car, built a dacha, it’s clear that they have wealth.

I had already begun to lose hope for a good life. But one day I came across it on the Internet.

You will simply be amazed at how many positive changes have happened to me! I had no idea that this article would change my life so much!

I got money! And not just change, pocket coins, but truly normal income!

Over the past year, we have done excellent renovations in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

But all this would not have happened if I had not come to this site.

Don't scroll past. Take a couple of minutes to this information.

This ritual is performed so that the person living next to you stops swearing and grumbling all the time. It is clear that the ritual affects not only women. That's just what it's called.

  1. Prepare a jar of spring water (you can also get it from the tap, but it won’t be as strong).
  2. Place it so that the moon is immersed in the liquid.
  3. Say:

“A drop by drop of water enters the body of Slave (name), kills all his anger, and fills him with joy. Whoever drinks this water will lead the whole world with him with his affection and kindness! A drop of water - a lot of kindness, there are no more quarrels and insults! Amen!"

Leave the jar under the moon until the morning.

And then add a couple of drops to the grumpy family member’s tea (any drink).

They need to drink all the water. Do not stop taking the “medicine” for a day until it runs out.

There are rituals that, so to speak, “do not have retroactive effect.” That is, once you do it, it will be impossible to redo it.

Most often these are rituals of black magic aimed at destruction. For example, when the moon is waning, you can break off someone else’s relationship.

Keep in mind, if you take on something like this, that this is a great sin. You will ruin people’s lives, and you will introduce serious dissonance into yours.

Most often, such conspiracies are read by old women, those whom people call among themselves.

Quarrel on the waning moon

You need to take it, pour it into your (not new) handkerchief, put it in the moonlight and read the following words once:

“I will quarrel (names) with witch’s salt! I will dissolve friendship (we choose what we need according to the meaning), I will sow enmity. As soon as I throw salt between (name), the friendship will perish!”

Tie the scarf right away, but leave it under the moon.

On the second day, you really need to spread the salt between these people. Not necessarily all of it, a few grains are enough for a “black cat” to form between them.
