Acid in mouth after sweets. Causes of a sour taste in the mouth after eating sweets

The taste of sour in the mouth cannot be called pleasant feeling, and its appearance is not always the result of eating a lemon or drinking tea. If there is a sour taste in the mouth, this may indicate the development of a serious illness. The main thing is to recognize the symptoms in time and consult a doctor.

An unpleasant aftertaste appears most often immediately after eating or after some time. It often occurs after serious physical activity, and sometimes worries a person in the morning.

If a sour taste in the mouth appears in the morning and accompanies it severe dryness oral cavity, then this indicates serious violations in the body. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon:

  • violation of metabolic processes or metabolism;
  • sometimes a sour taste occurs when the body does not get enough water.

Causes and possible diseases

As already mentioned, the cause of the appearance of a sour taste in the mouth can be various diseases internal organs. In order to determine which disease was the source of the violation acid balance in the oral cavity, you need to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms.

Pathologies of a dental nature

Diseases affecting the gums or teeth can cause a sour taste. To find out why your mouth is sour, you must first check your teeth for caries or oxidation of crowns made of metal. In this case, a person may feel normal and have no other complaints, and his main problem are unpleasant sensations.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Among the most common causes are ulcers in the duodenum or stomach, as well as gastritis. Sour taste occurs intermittently after certain time after eating any food or sleeping. The patient may also experience:

  • nausea or even vomiting;
  • severe belching or heartburn;
  • possible violation of the chair;
  • severe pain in the abdomen.

Pathologies of the biliary system

The source of a sour taste in the mouth can be such diseases:

  • cholecystitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • dyskinesia.

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All these pathologies cause a bitter or sour taste. In addition, it appears strong feeling pain on the right under the ribs, as well as a feeling of heaviness after eating even small amount food, vomiting or nausea, sometimes belching, accompanied by a sour taste.

Expectant mothers often suffer from a sour taste in the mouth. Sometimes he accompanies them from the very first days and up to the moment of the birth of the child, then disappearing, then returning. Similar sensations that occur in the first trimester may appear due to restructuring of the whole organism: they are associated with an increase in the amount of progesterone, as well as the sensitivity of receptors in the mouth.

A little later, the uterine organ begins to put pressure on the stomach, so hydrochloric acid can penetrate the esophagus or oral cavity. In this case, the reasons for the sensation of a sour taste in the mouth are quite understandable, so pregnant women do not have to worry.

But if the taste of sour in the mouth is accompanied by weakness, nausea, severe pain in the hypochondrium or abdomen, then you need to contact your doctor.

Violation of the correct metabolism

If you did not eat fruits, sweets or any non-acidic foods, and the feeling of acid still appeared, then this is evidence of the presence of endocrine diseases, such as diabetes.


If a sour taste accompanies a noticeable smell, then this may be evidence of a violation of the microflora. Among the signs of dysbacteriosis are:

  • regular pain in the abdomen;
  • loss of appetite;
  • too frequent colds;
  • constant fatigue;
  • violation of normal stool;
  • lowering the level of performance.

Also, the cause that caused a sour taste in the mouth is often common cold, for example, pharyngitis or tonsillitis. Taking certain antibiotic or antihypertensive medications occasionally causes a bitter, metallic, or sour taste. In this case, you just need to change the medicine, after consulting with the doctor.

What measures need to be taken?

First of all, you need to determine why there is a sour taste in the mouth, and only by curing the disease that caused this sensation, you can get rid of it.

You can escape the sour taste yourself in the following ways:

  • after eating and before going to bed, you need to rinse your mouth with decoctions of sage or chamomile, as well as soda;
  • brush your teeth regularly, at least twice a day;
  • do not use at all or reduce the amount of sour, fried and too fatty foods, sweets, meat, alcohol, caffeine, spices, and carbonated drinks;
  • eat more oatmeal, plain wheat bread, lettuce, bananas, legumes, pears;
  • drink at least 2 liters of water per day;
  • clean the food from your teeth well after eating, using dental floss;
  • study the vitamins, medicines, supplements used;
  • fractional nutrition helps to ease the period of pregnancy, as well as remove the taste of sour;
  • use specialized sprays or chewing gum, and although they will not solve the problem itself, they can mask the smell.

Many people believe that the cause of bad taste and acidity in the mouth can be a large late dinner, consisting of a variety of dishes. If this is a one-time phenomenon, then they are absolutely right. But, in the case when this is repeated more than once and becomes systematic, then there is a possibility of a violation of any functions in the body.

Feeling a sour taste in the mouth or on the tongue in the morning, a person should think about the reasons for the sour taste. If, in addition to this feeling, a feeling of dryness also appears in the oral cavity, then this may indicate problems with metabolism. With this ailment, it is worth visiting an endocrinologist. Also, such feelings can arise due to non-compliance with the drinking regimen, some people consume water in very small and limited quantities, so slagging of the body and oxidation of its environments occur. Also, the feeling of acid can indicate the presence of heart disease. In any case, you should see a professional.

  • Change in stomach acidity
  • Eating disorders,
  • Oral diseases,
  • Dysfunction of the digestive tract.

All of the above causes can cause unpleasant sensations of acid in the mouth. Faced with this problem, first of all, it is worth reviewing your daily diet, as it happens that the reason for this may be eating too much a large number sour fruits or vegetables, sweets.

The wrong diet can cause a sour taste in your mouth

Therefore, asking yourself why is there a sour taste in the mouth in the morning or after eating and sweets? The reasons may be different, but it is worth refusing to use such products at least for a while. By making adjustments to your diet, you can get rid of this problem, but if improvements are not found after a short period of time, then it is better to contact a specialist with this question.

The reason for the taste of acid - diseases affecting the liver and biliary tract

Another reason for the feeling that the mouth is sour in the morning can also be these diseases. At healthy person there should be no feeling of acid, since all organs function in the right mode, and bile is removed from the body correctly. In diseases such as cholecystitis or dyskinesia, the body produces too much bile, and it is utilized in the wrong way. Bile accumulates, stagnates and then penetrates into the stomach, then into the esophagus, and then into the oral cavity, which leads to an unpleasant taste. Usually the doctor in such situations prescribes a special diet food, thanks to him, the work of the organs is normalized and the unpleasant aftertaste is eliminated.

Diseases of the oral cavity, as the cause of the sensation of acid in the mouth

A very common reason for the presence of an unpleasant taste in the mouth can be poor oral hygiene and caries. Feeling the sensation of acid in the mouth, thinking about the causes and how to get rid of the sour taste, some people start to panic.

But, despite the fact that the problem is serious, it is easily resolved, it is necessary to follow all the rules of oral care and the recommendations of the attending dentist.

Poor oral hygiene can cause a sour taste in your mouth

Teeth should be brushed regularly and thoroughly. Also, the cause of an unpleasant aftertaste may be more serious illness such as periodontitis and gingivitis, therefore, having found in themselves, in addition to pain, redness and bleeding of the gums, loose teeth, you should immediately rush to a professional in this field. Left untreated, these diseases can lead to more complex dental problems. The presence of discomfort is sometimes affected by metal crowns, which oxidize when in contact with saliva. To get rid of the symptom, it is necessary to replace the crowns.

Pregnancy and the feeling of acid in the mouth

Today, many expectant mothers at the appointment with their doctor ask questions that sound like this: “Why does acid appear in the mouth after eating during pregnancy, what are the reasons and how to get rid of it?” Most likely the doctor this case will advise a woman to follow a diet that corresponds to her position, since many ladies do not always immediately begin to monitor nutrition, and the body is already actively changing hormonal background and many aspects of physiology.

Sour taste in the mouth during pregnancy

The unborn child is actively growing and pressing on the mother's stomach, which, in turn, throws its contents into the esophagus, and then into the mouth, which leads to unpleasant feelings. Future mother it is worth including more cereals, dairy products, vegetables, fruits in your diet, and refuse heavy and hard to digest food.

Gastrointestinal diseases - one of the reasons for the sensation of sour taste

Also, the reason for the appearance of such a feeling in the mouth can be a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, gastritis, ulcers and many others.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - one of the causes of the appearance of a sour taste in the mouth

This feeling in the mouth may not be one symptom, as there will be others, such as belching, occasional weakness, heartburn, nausea, and general weakness. A diet will help eliminate acid from the mouth, that is, exclusion from the diet of spicy, fried, fatty, smoked, heavily salted and pickled. It will be necessary to eat in small portions, such healthy foods like seaweed, bananas, eggplants, and drink jelly or green tea.

There are a lot of reasons that can cause the most unpleasant sensations of sour in the mouth, both in the morning and at other times of the day, in addition to the main ones listed, there are many others.

If you have a sour taste in your mouth, you should consult a doctor

For starters, it could be a doctor general practice if the problem is not related to teeth and pregnancy, who will prescribe everything necessary tests, research and give a referral to a specialized specialist who, having carefully studied all the results of the examinations, will make a conclusion, make a diagnosis and draw up a treatment algorithm.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, malnutrition or poor oral care - this and much more is the cause of the sour taste after eating. How to overcome discomfort or detect a disease in time early stage? This article will help answer your question.

Unpleasant sensations in the mouth, the so-called sore throat, do not always cause anxiety, since a person with this symptom writes it off for a hearty dinner. But the reasons are different and some of them are the first warning sign incipient disease:
  • A change in the acidity of the stomach, which provokes gastritis. If it is sour in the mouth, then you should consult a doctor to determine whether it is low or high. Sometimes acid in the mouth precedes the appearance of nausea, pain and plaque on the tongue. In this situation, it is urgent to carry out a complete diagnosis of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • If after eating a sour-bitter taste appears in the mouth, then hurry to examine the liver and gallbladder and also the pancreas. And, of course, exclude everything fried, spicy and fatty from your diet. Also refuse pickles and smoked meats, just like alcohol.
  • As for oral hygiene, its violation is also common cause sour taste in the mouth. Contact your dentist to check possible diseases gums, caries or periodontal disease. Brush your teeth in the morning and always before bed.
Eliminating the symptom of acidity should begin with identifying the cause that caused these sensations. The first step to start immediately is a healthy diet. Remove spicy and salty seasonings away, eat less meat and more vegetables, fruits and cereals. Try to drink green tea, it has antioxidant properties and serves as a prevention of gastritis and ulcers. Try to drink a glass of kefir or yogurt without additives before going to bed. After visiting the doctor and identifying the disease, you will be assigned an individual diet, which should be strictly followed.

If mouth problems are the cause of acidity, then hygiene is everything. Be sure to brush your teeth before bed and after eating, this will save you from discomfort in the morning. Rinse your mouth with natural chamomile decoction. And, most importantly, visit the dentist in time to eliminate caries and other disorders.

It is very unpleasant to feel a sour taste in your mouth after eating, especially if you understand that this is a sign of some kind of disease. But practice shows that compliance proper nutrition, changing your diet and practicing good oral hygiene are all you need to fix the problem in the early stages.

Got a sour taste in your mouth? The reason may lie in the diet

Causes of sour taste in the mouth

If acid is felt in the mouth, regardless of food intake and the nature of the diet, this may indicate diseases of the liver and its ducts - the bile ducts. Bile, produced in the liver in increased volumes, does not have time to properly and timely be utilized, its excess enters the stomach and rises through the esophagus. This creates acid in the mouth. Other causes of the condition include:

The reason for the sour taste in the mouth in women can be pregnancy. As a result of hormonal changes and the pressure of the uterus on the stomach, digestive juice can enter the esophagus and oral cavity. A companion of this condition is heartburn.

A sour taste with bitterness indicates a violation of fat metabolism and liver damage. Acid with sweetness can be the cause of the development of diseases of the oral cavity, intoxication of the body, latent diabetes mellitus. Sour-salty indicates problems with the salivary glands, a consequence of drinking a large amount of strong coffee or tea, smoking, otolaryngological pathologies.

How to eliminate sour taste in the mouth?

To get rid of unpleasant taste sensations, you need to cure the disease that caused them. If there are no pathologies of the digestive system, in addition, doctors always prescribe a therapeutic diet. How to get rid of sour taste in the mouth following a new diet?

  • Take food in small portions in a warm form 5-6 times a day.
  • Exclude fried, smoked, pickled and salty.
  • Exclude spices, strong coffee, tea, alcohol.
  • Limit consumption of raw fruits and vegetables.
  • Do not overeat at night.

Any products that irritate the gastric mucosa and provoke the production of bile must be excluded for at least 1 month. It is important to cure caries, relieve inflammation in the oral cavity, improve the gums.

Sour taste in the mouth during pregnancy is also eliminated with the help of diet. After eating, you can not take a horizontal position or engage in active physical labor. Walking is recommended.

In most cases, the sour taste in the mouth appears after an excessively dense meal and does not pose any health threat. But this statement is true only in the case when such a phenomenon is one-time and does not repeat with unpleasant regularity. Otherwise, it can be argued that the taste of acid indicates pathological processes occurring in the body and a medical examination is necessary to identify the causes of the problem.

Pathologies of the digestive system

Most often, a sour taste occurs as a symptom of diseases of the digestive system.

Consider the most common pathologies accompanied by this symptom:

Name of the disease


Associated symptoms

Hyperacid gastritis

Usually the causative agent is helicobacter pylori - when the bacteria is activated, the level of acidity increases

The appearance of heartburn, vomiting attacks, changes in appetite upward or downward, headache. After eating, it’s not just sour in the mouth, a aching pain appears in the stomach, colic and spasms affecting the intestines, problems with stools. Tongue coated yellowish or gray-white

stomach ulcer

Problems with blood circulation and nutrition of the gastric mucous layers, impaired functionality of the motor mechanism of the stomach

Pain affecting the upper abdomen, nausea, vomiting, belching, increased gas formation. After eating in the stomach, there is a feeling of fullness and heaviness, constipation is observed

Diaphragmatic hernia

Penetration of some parts of the stomach into the chest cavity through an enlarged diaphragmatic opening, against which reflux appears

Acid in the throat and mouth occurs due to the reverse movement of gastric contents into the esophagus and mouth. Unpleasant sensation can become systematic, repeating at specific periods under certain circumstances

The list of diseases can go on and on, since there are quite a lot of factors under the influence of which acid in the mouth appears after eating. It is not worth ignoring the appearance of this symptom, despite the fact that insufficient oral hygiene or incorrect organized meals may cause discomfort.

Important! Timely treatment to the clinic can prevent the development of complications.

The appearance of an unpleasant taste with malnutrition and other problems

Causes of a sour taste in the mouth do not always include painful conditions gastrointestinal tract.

Sometimes it is enough to abuse delicious, but in large doses of provocative products to obtain a similar effect:

  • the use of smoked meats, fried and fatty foods;
  • citrus fruits without exception;
  • kiwi;
  • certain varieties of nuts;
  • dairy products;
  • wines, including champagne;
  • tomatoes and sauces based on them;
  • unripe or slightly sour berries and fruits of fruit trees;
  • a drink obtained during the fermentation process - beer or mash.

Acid in the mouth can appear after eating in case of bearing a child. Pregnancy is one of the most complex processes flowing in women in the body. At the same time, a global restructuring of the body begins, lasting throughout the entire period of gestation. The cause of unpleasant taste sensations can be hormonal disruptions, an increase in the amount of progesterone, increasing uterine pressure, which affects the surrounding organs, transfusion of gastric juice, the formation of heartburn and an unpleasant aftertaste. Also, problems can be observed against the background of problems with the liver or gallbladder.

The sensation of acid often occurs with catarrhal pathologies, including tonsillitis and pharyngitis, with improperly flowing metabolic processes, the development of endocrine diseases - the same diabetes. An influencing factor may be dysbiosis, in which an imbalance in the intestinal microflora is accompanied not only by acid in the mouth, but also by a disgusting smell of the oral cavity.

Shades of taste and their correspondence to certain pathologies

Focusing on additional signs, you can make assumptions about what diseases provoke discomfort in the oral cavity.

But you can also take into account the shades of taste, since they are also able to give a hint of what exactly you need to look for:


Possible States

sweet and sour

In certain cases, after the sweet, it becomes sour in the mouth. The condition can occur after stress, conflicts, depression, due to the unlimited use of sweets, diseases of the digestive system or liver, abrupt cessation smoking, against the background of the problem of the oral cavity - caries, gingivitis and others. Poisoning by chemical components is possible, acid can serve as side effect when taking certain medications. Sometimes such a taste indicates the course of asymptomatic diabetes mellitus in the body.

Bitterness and acid

A bitter-sour taste may indicate illness or be a consequence of bad habits. An unpleasant sensation may appear in the morning if the day before a person abused fatty, fried foods, a large dose of alcohol, smoked a cigarette before going to bed. Taste may occur after taking antimicrobial or antiallergic drugs. In the list of possible diseases accompanied by a symptom of a stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer, cholecystitis or gastritis.

acid metal

Appears with pathologies of the oral cavity, poisoning with mercury, arsenic or copper, lead and others chemical compounds. This is how diabetes can manifest itself initial stage development, hormonal shake-ups, anemia chronic nature and bleeding from peptic ulcer disease. The appearance of a taste can be triggered by the intake of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antimicrobial and anticonvulsants, after stopping their intake, the phenomenon disappears


Often speaks of inflammatory processes in the salivary glands, appears with otolaryngological pathologies, prolonged sobs and a runny nose. The problem may lie in malnutrition- with the abuse of coffee, strong tea, alcohol, soda. This can affect the lack of fluid and subsequent dehydration, overeating on the background underuse liquids

Rare symptoms

In cases of a taste of sour milk, the use of the corresponding products does not always cause pathology. The list of influencing factors includes helminthic invasion, impaired functionality of the digestive system, a spasm that has arisen in the intestinal area, the consequences of a stressful condition transferred not so long ago.

If the pancreas and stomach do not work properly, acidic saliva in the mouth is not the only sign problems. The list includes:

  • the appearance of nausea;
  • the occurrence of belching;
  • pain developing in the abdomen;
  • diarrhea, vomiting attacks are seldom observed;
  • there is general weakness, drowsiness.

Most often, the combination of the considered signs is characteristic of gastritis or pancreatitis and requires the earliest consultation of a specialist.

How to get rid of acid in your mouth

If hyperacidity that occurs in the mouth is not permanent and does not indicate the development of pathology, certain measures can be taken:

  • It is necessary to adjust the diet, refuse junk food, smoked meats, fried foods.
  • Overeating is unacceptable, meals should be fractional - small portions are eaten at equal time intervals, not exceeding two or three hours.
  • To remove the acid in the mouth, it is recommended to give preference to plant foods and cereals.
  • It is better to cross out sweets, desserts, muffins, fast food and semi-finished products from the menu.
  • It is important to observe drinking regimen- you should use purified water and green tea, natural freshly squeezed juices.
  • The use of soda, energy drinks, strongly brewed coffee or tea is not welcome.
  • You will need to quit smoking, exclusion from the menu of alcoholic beverages, including beer.
  • Good oral hygiene must be maintained at all times and regular visits dental office.
  • After a meal, it is not recommended to immediately go to bed, even if you are very tired. Walking is healthier last resort you need to sit.

Attention! Even if the acid in the oral cavity appeared, baking soda it is better not to use it - helping at the initial stage of the development of the pathology, subsequently the problems worsen, the complications that have arisen may turn out to be too severe.

Use of pharmaceuticals

If the efforts made did not bring positive results, you will need to contact specialists. Acidic saliva is eliminated by taking antacids. The list of this group of drugs includes Alumag, Rennie and Phosphalugel, Gastracid and others. Their use allows you to neutralize hydrochloric acid, prevent flatulence, eliminate heartburn and sour belching, reduce stomach cramps. At the same time, antacids eliminate the symptoms, but not the causes in connection with which it occurs.

At high level acidity, alginates can be prescribed to normalize it. When they are accepted for inner layer stomach is formed additional protection in the form of a film. The drugs work as follows:

  • Hydrochloric acid is taken for its binding and subsequent removal.
  • Protect the mucous layers of the organ from erosive damage.
  • Contribute to the build-up of local immunity.

The list of alginates includes Gaviscon, calcium, sodium, Laminal preparations. A big plus of drugs - practically complete absence contraindications, which allows them to be used in the process of bearing a child.

Medications to reduce acid production

If taking antacids does not have the expected effect, experts prescribe substances that, when taken, have an effect on acid-producing cells. Blockers implied proton pump, H2-histamine receptors. The list includes Ranitidine and Famotidine, Omeprazole and Esomeprazole, and other pharmaceuticals.

The use of such drugs can reduce the amount of acid produced, increase the production of mucus, which prevents it from negative impact to the digestive system. The use of inhibitors can accelerate the healing of ulcerative and erosive lesions, eliminate inflammatory processes flowing in the mucous membrane.

Traditional medicine recipes

If there is increased acidity in the mouth, its elimination can be carried out using recipes. traditional medicine. Wherein safe use self-prepared formulations involves a preliminary consultation with a treating specialist. It should also be taken into account possible contraindications, the individual reaction of the body to plant components.

Treatment can be carried out using:

Increased acidity is well eliminated with the help of baked or boiled pumpkin. It must be taken daily, starting at 30 grams per day. Gradually, the dose should increase, reaching up to 150 grams per serving. This amount will need to be eaten in the morning and evening hours.
