Alina Bragina child abduction. You can’t talk and touch: a businessman deprived the beauty of a common daughter

Alina Bragina has not seen her own daughter for five years - the baby was deceived from her mother by her father, businessman Grigory Kazansky. From the very beginning of the affair with Grigory, Alina noticed his shortcomings: vindictiveness and irritability. But the girl turned a blind eye to everything, hoping that a common child would help smooth out all the sharp corners.

“He courted me very beautifully, although our romance cannot be called easy. We converged, then diverged. But I loved him very much, and every breakup was incredibly painful for me, ”Alina said in an interview with MK.

“We celebrated the New Year together and began to live in a civil marriage. At first everything was fine, and then I realized that the birth of a child, in fact, did not change anything. My hopes turned out to be illusions. We never became a family. Scandals broke out. After another conflict with his parents, which occurred on the basis of different ideas about raising a child, Grigory stopped spending the night at home. There was no closeness between us. But I pretended that everything was fine, ”she continued.


Later, the girl found out about the relationship of her lover on the side and eventually left with her daughter to live with her mother. For three months, the father visited the baby only 4 times, and shortly before her first birthday, he kidnapped his daughter by deceit. Gregory and a friend came to visit Alina while she was not at home. The businessman asked his daughter's grandmother to cook food and, while she was in the kitchen, left the apartment with the girl, closing the door from the outside behind him.

“Mom was in a state of shock. It's minus ten outside, the child is in the same sliders. I dial the number of Gregory and his friend: all phones are off. I'm filing a police report right now. They ask me: “Do you have a court decision? If not, you have equal rights to the child. No one will look for your daughter! “Three days later he got in touch and said that the child was yelling with a good obscenity,” Alina recalls that terrible day.

Further, events developed rapidly: over the course of five years of fighting for her daughter, Alina applied to many instances, the court repeatedly ruled to return the child to her mother, but the baby is still with her father. Once Grigory allowed the ex-lover to see his daughter. The date took place on the playground in the shopping center: “I was shocked, but I agreed to everything, just to finally see my daughter. But Gregory rewrote the script at his own discretion. According to the new version, everything was forbidden for me: to say that I was her mother, to touch her, to talk, to take pictures. You could only watch from afar and ask questions that he approved: what is your name, how are you doing, and so on.

And now Alina even appears as a witness in a criminal case. The girl received a notification about the parcel, and she went to the post office: “The documents were given to me right away, but the parcel could not be found for a long time. It was only later that I realized that they were playing for time. I did not expect parcels from anyone. The sender's last name, address, and phone number were all unfamiliar. I opened it and the smell of chlorine hit my nose. Inside were a book, a diary, and a box of chocolates. I put everything back and went to the exit, where the police were already waiting for me. As it turned out, drugs were found in the parcel. The examination showed that Alina did not take any prohibited substances, but no one can guess how events will develop further.

This week, the quiet town of Berezovsky in the Sverdlovsk region gained nationwide fame. In the afternoon, local authorities showed what is called “creativity” and erected a monument to fathers who abandon their children in the form of a five-year-old girl. And at night, those same fathers broke the monument. The case caused a storm of controversy - and again everyone quarreled, finding out who loves children more: fathers or mothers. But for the anti-heroes of Dozhd's reporting, this issue has long been resolved. Rich and powerful fathers tend to simply take children away from ex-wives, even if the court decided that the child should live with his mother. Kogershyn Sagieva told about it.

Alina Bragina, mother of Ariana: Hello, my beloved love Arianochka, my name is Bragina Alina, I am your real mother.

Lyudmila Slovokhotova, mother of Bogdan: Hello Bogdan, hello my dear son. Today you turn three years old, it's a pity that I can't personally congratulate you.

Ekaterina Kormich, mother of Diana: I want you to know that I'm doing my best to be with you as soon as possible...

These young beauties have one fate for three. Spat, showdown, divorce from a rich and influential husband. And as the final parting with the most precious thing in life - your own child.

Alina Bragina, mother of Ariana:Photograph, she is here 2 years old, this is my daughter, Ariana. It was handed over to me by the bailiffs of the Danilovsky FSSP, this is the federal bailiff service. I also have a photo on my phone, it was recently sent to me by bailiffs of the Bogorodetsky district, quite recently. But there is a photograph from a photograph, until that moment I had not even seen what my child looks like.

Alina has not seen her daughter Ariana for more than five years, since her ex-husband took her away. Where the girl is now, she does not know, although she won 11 court cases, and by law the child must live with her.

Alina Bragina, mother of Ariana:I ordered this handmade doll for her when our very first meeting was supposed to take place, but since it did not take place, it lies here. Maybe someday I can give it to her.

The fact is that ex-husband Grigory Kazansky is a former top manager at Rostec, he manages either one large plant or another. The law is not a hindrance, the bailiffs cannot find him, and, judging by the photos on social networks, he takes the girl to Spain every summer, although this is illegal without the permission of the mother.

Alina Bragina, mother of Ariana:There can be three options: he provided my death certificate, or he provided a birth certificate, where this woman is indicated in the mother column, or he provided a fake permission to export the child.

"This woman" is Gregory's new lover. Previously, the woman was a dancer and often starred in erotic photo shoots, and now she is an exemplary wife and stepmother to her daughter Ariana. At the time, as the native mother upholsters the thresholds of the courts. And Maximilian Burov is Alina's lawyer. He helps another client, Katya, fight for her daughter Diana. Katya has not seen her daughter for more than a year, today, by court order, the first meeting. While the trial was going on, Katya's ex-husband moved, and the bailiff, who was supposed to arrange a date, did not even appear.

In fact, if the father is a “mere mortal”, then they will organize a meeting and take the child away. But if dad, a big businessman, like the husband of the former model Katya is Denis Izbrekht, then bailiffs can do nothing for years

Maximillian Burov, lawyer: Well, we will write a complaint about inaction, they can survive this. But if the father writes a complaint that the bailiff touched the child, and so on, they are afraid of this like fire, and their passive position in the framework of enforcement proceedings is connected with this.

The main thing in this story is that no one will punish or dismiss the bailiffs for the inaction, and the father will be fined only 2 thousand rubles for the hour appointed by the court.

Maximillian Burov, lawyer: The procedure for bringing to responsibility - the bailiff draws up documents, sends them to the commission, etc. If the procedure is longer than 2 months, then it is impossible to attract, as the term has expired.

However, Maximillian found a way to fight - to beat the bailiffs with a ruble. Together with his other client Lyuda, whose husband is a former investigator and who skillfully hides, covering his tracks, Max filed a lawsuit for 50 thousand rubles in compensation for moral damage.

Lyudmila Slovokhotova: We are trying to sue the bailiffs, who are not even looking for my child, and have not enforced the court's decision for a year now. I was told - "they will not look for your child." I don't know where they are.

Compensation for non-pecuniary damage in Russia, you heard right, Maximilian has won such claims twice already. Although not as strong as the lawyer himself experienced in childhood.

Maximillian Burov, lawyer:I do this because there was a personal family drama. I understand these children, I was also the object of abduction by my father. After a year of separation from my mother, I thought she had died.

But George, on the contrary, fights for the rights of fathers. He is often accused of professionally helping them kidnap children and is even called a "child raider", but the former investigator works cleanly, watch your hands.

Georgy bursts into the kindergarten with a video camera and a cameraman, pokes press cards in the face of the guards - he really has a website registered as a media outlet. During the hustle and bustle, dad picks up the boy and takes him away - and this is not a crime, he is not someone else's uncle. And then the mother can try to take her child back as much as she wants.

Georgy Alpatov, journalist: You are lying in this situation. What does "I help pick up my children" mean? I am present, but is this help?

But in an environment where the family code does not work, everyone is fighting for what he considers fair. Not George, so someone else will lead his father's special forces.

Georgy Alpatov: This trouble is much more common for fathers, precisely when they are separated from their children. According to the practice you mentioned. If 90-95 percent stay with their mothers. Who will be separated from them more - fathers or mothers?

From a past life - with diamonds and armfuls of roses - only a video remains. Now Alina lives in a one-room apartment, inherited from her mother, a janitor, works as an administrator in dentistry. He spends all his money on lawyers.

Alina Bragina:My main task now is not to go to jail in the first place. That is, yes, I have a lot of debts, but I think that I am a happy person, that I have arms and legs, what I see and hear, and so on. I really want my daughter, for starters, at least to see. For me now this is the most important thing.

Seeing your daughter and staying out of jail are two goals in life. A few months ago, Alina received a package in the mail. There were drugs inside. Alina is sure that these are the intrigues of her ex.

Alina Bragina: Our courts have been dragging on since 2012 for a child. And he says in every court that I used drugs. But he could not use any evidence.

Now the girl faces 10 to 20 years in prison. Alina's story is the most tragic. Katya's ex-husband, according to her, takes revenge on her new husband and initiated his criminal prosecution. And Luda's ex-husband provides certificates that she has an open form of tuberculosis.

Alina Bragina: He didn't like tattoos, a lot of things. He told me so - I don’t like everything, but it’s collected in you, and I adore it.

The obstinate beauty once could not forgive the betrayal and left. His resentment turned into two broken destinies - Alina and her daughter. But soon the girl will grow up. Alina waits for Ariana to find her herself someday. That is why she goes to court, gives interviews and maintains the Immortal Love website.

Alina Bragina:We wanted to open a YouTube channel first. There will also be documents from the courts, from the programs. Someday your daughter will come and say - Mom, what did you do to get me back?

I did everything I could, Alina will explain someday. Even organized rallies.

Lawyer Maximilian Burov, the same one who experienced separation from his mother in childhood and now helps women return or at least see their children, knows exactly what the happy ending of such family dramas should be. There is only one correct ending.

The ex-lover of a dollar millionaire accused the businessman of threatening to kill and kidnapping his daughter. In Moscow, the former lover of a dollar millionaire accuses the businessman of threatening to kill and kidnap her daughter - the lady has not seen her own child for several years, and all attempts to return the girl end in grandiose conflicts, the woman is now afraid for her life.

Alina Bragina is reviewing photos with her daughter - the woman has not seen the baby for five years. He still remembers that fateful day. The ex-husband, then still a top manager of a large company, came home, took the girl for a walk and disappeared.

“I begged him, sort of, to give me the opportunity to be with the child. He said, “yes, okay.” He appointed me a time and place. I arrived, but no one opened the door for me, no one answered my calls. me," Alina remembers. Alina's ex-lover Grigory Kazansky is a dollar millionaire, the owner of a large enterprise in the Tula region. At first, the relationship was perfect, but at some point, the prince from the fairy tale found himself a new princess. The couple broke up. Now the new passion of the businessman Anna Rudalevich boasts of expensive gifts. The girl is known on the Web thanks to filming in very provocative videos.

After parting with the faithful, a real war began. Alina immediately went to court, where they decided to return the child to her mother. Together with the bailiffs, the woman came to fulfill the decision of Themis, but no one returned the girl. A few days later, a package arrived. "I looked that there was another white bag. There was a book sealed in this bag. Some author. Then a blue diary. And a box of chocolates, but it was turned upside down," Alina said.

Sweets were with forbidden stuffing - drugs. According to Alina, the police knew about this, and they detained her on the spot. And there is supposedly no doubt that the box of white powder is a surprise from her ex-husband. “I have every reason to believe that this whole situation is just the revenge of my ex-husband. It is because I am still fighting for my child,” the woman believes.

After a long night at the police station, Alina was finally released. But the woman remained in endless fear for her life. Every day waiting for a new blow from the ex-lover. "The last period of time, for several years, she has been fighting so that her child can be with her. I know that she does not smoke, plays sports. Does not drink. About some drugs ... Well, this is a kindergarten," said lawyer Mikhail Kostoev.

Six-year-old Ariana is still with her father. For some time, Gregory got in touch with his ex-wife. And it seems like he promised to give his daughter. "I always dreamed that my child had both a mother and a father. You can hate me, you can order a killer for me. I must be sure that you will not take my child from me" Alina said.

After a while, the millionaire came to his ex-wife to discuss the conditions. Alina recorded the conversation on a dictaphone. Not a trace remains of the former complicity. They were replaced by direct threats. " I can buy a court, I can deprive you of parental rights if you wish. All this costs 200 pieces. I would like to bang you, you would not even know. It would just be "good evening, that's all" - heard on the recording.

For more than five years, Alina Bragina, a resident of Moscow, has been fighting with her ex-civil husband for the right to see her daughter Ariana. The woman's ex-lover, businessman Grigory Kazansky, took her child from her in December 2011. Alina came to the studio of the program "Live" as she despaired of returning a 6-year-old baby.

“I saw my daughter only once, I have more than a dozen court decisions in my favor. Unfortunately, I can’t do anything anymore ... We sued in Moscow, in Ingushetia, where he has good connections. He registered there in the house of a friend and registered the child. There they filed a lawsuit against me for deprivation of parental rights. He thought that he would come there and say two cherished words - “prostitute” and “drug addict” - and the court decision would be in his favor, ”the unfortunate mother shared.

Earlier, StarHit already wrote about the situation in which Alina Bragina found herself, and, apparently, her case has not progressed much. The woman continues to fight with the ex-lover for the child: Gregory hides his daughter from Alina. One of the program experts asked why Bragina did not file a complaint with law enforcement agencies.

“Unfortunately, when a parent abducts a child, which is recognized as abduction in other countries, it is not considered as such in Russia. If you call the police and say: "Father kidnapped", they answer you: "Go to court." And they hang up, because no other reaction can be achieved, ”said the woman’s lawyer Maximilian Burov.

Bragina managed to see her daughter only in October last year. The long-awaited meeting with the child took place in the presence of ten guards. A friend of hers helped Alina organize communication with Arina.

“It was a kilometer-long correspondence, and it was very difficult for us. Nevertheless, this meeting took place, and he made me write her script, they say, what will happen, ”recalled the mother of the baby.

Tired of enduring the antics of a man, Bragina decided to sue him. According to the woman, he openly threatened her. As proof of her innocence, Alina shared with the editors of the program a recording of a conversation with a businessman. As noted by Bragina, he recognized the authenticity of the tape in court, but stated that "this is not what he meant."

“I have already charged everything, now I can buy a court, I can even deprive you of parental rights, it will cost me 200 pieces, I will sell the car. I would like to bang you, you would not know. Good evening and that's all, ”the entrepreneur allegedly said.

Alina Bragina also spoke about being attacked. “After I was beaten, two weeks later my father was killed. I don’t think my husband is to blame for this,” the woman added. According to Alina, her parent and ex-husband had a conflict. She also said that a criminal case was opened on the fact of the death of her loved one, but the perpetrators were never found.

As a resident of Moscow noted, this spring the court ruled against her ex-husband.

“I don’t blame anyone, you yourself understand: not caught is not a thief. On March 17, 2017, the Tula Regional Court put an end to his further actions in court. They issued a devastating decision on 19 pages. Now, if he registers in a new place and sues me, as soon as I show this decision, he is denied, ”Alina shared.

However, Bragina's suffering did not end at the verdict. Now she is a defendant in a criminal case, in which the lower threshold of imprisonment is 10 years, and the upper one is 20. The woman is sure that this happened thanks to the efforts of her ex-lover. “There are a lot of such stories, everyone has the same scenario,” Alina noted.

As a resident of the capital said, at the end of May she received a mysterious parcel, which she opened at the post office. “I smelled chlorine in my face,” Alina said. The package contained a weekly magazine and an already opened box of chocolates, which contained drugs. Later it turned out that law enforcement agencies allegedly received a call in advance with data on the whereabouts of prohibited substances. As a result, a criminal case was opened against the woman.

At the end of the program, presenter Boris Korchevnikov invited Alina Bragina to turn to her ex-husband. The woman could not contain her emotions and burst into tears on the air of the program. She also stressed that she was not at war with the ex-husband, but was fighting off his attacks.

“We are adults. Now my main task is not to go to jail. I love my daughter madly, she is a part of my soul. I begged for this child... When I was going to the monastery, I almost got into a car accident because I hoped that it would change something in my relationship. A piece of flesh was torn from me, you understand. I love her very much and miss her. I really want her to know that she has a mother who has been fighting for her all these years. As soon as I run out of strength, I just go to church, get on my knees and cry. (…) I don’t have a war with him, he has a war with me,” the woman said.

Muscovite Alina Bragina often receives parcels by mail from friends and acquaintances. And when she saw in her mailbox another notification that a parcel had arrived in her name, she did not suspect anything unusual at all.

The contents of the parcel also seemed to the girl quite harmless - a cute notebook and a box of sweets. The only thing that bothered me was the strong smell of chlorine from the parcel. However, as it turned out later, there were drugs among the chocolate. Naturally, the “well-wishers” who sent such a gift to Bragina bothered to inform in advance where they should be about the prohibited substances in the package addressed to her - the police were waiting for Alina right at the exit from the post office. A criminal case has been opened.

The woman and her lawyer are sure that this is the work of her ex-husband Bragina, with whom she is fighting for the right to raise her daughter.

Alina literally does not get out of the courts for the last 6 years. She is suing her ex-husband and father of her only daughter Ariana Grigory Kazansky.

A man kidnapped a girl back in 2011. Then the child was only 11 months old. Since then, the mother only once managed to see the child. But she regularly observes her ex-husband in courts. That in Moscow - there were already several processes to determine the place of residence of the child (all decisions in favor of the mother). That is in Ingushetia, where Kazansky suddenly registered a child. There, too, all decisions are in favor of Bragina.

The mother has all the documents in her hands that Arina should be with her, but her ex-husband absolutely does not care. He ignores the writ of execution, the demands of the bailiffs to transfer the child, or at least arrange a meeting between Alina and Ariana. Instead, the father is filing more and more lawsuits against Bragina in various cities of the Russian Federation. For the past year, courts have been going on in the Tula region, where Grigory's parents live and are registered, and now he himself, along with Ariana.

Alina had just won the next trial and did not even have time to rejoice, when suddenly a new round of relations - this is the package with drugs.

I ran to the post office before work, - says Bragina. - It was between 8 and 9 am on April 24th. The employees somehow looked for my parcel for too long. But for some reason it didn't bother me. When I did receive my parcel, I immediately opened it at the post office. From the box, I smelled sharply of bleach, but I didn’t attach much importance to this either: well, you never know where this box was lying around. Inside was a notebook and a box of chocolates. I didn't open the candy.

Alina realized that not everything was in order only when she was detained by the police. Bragin was taken to the Golovinsky police department, she spent several hours there in the bullpen - the identification and examination procedures were underway. Then she was taken home for a search.

Alina was able to call me only at about 18 pm. - says the lawyer of the victim Maximilian Burov. - So I only had time to finish the search. Naturally, nothing was found in the apartment. A criminal case has been initiated on the fact of the incident, article 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, part 1, clause G. The terms for such an article are very serious - from 10 to 20 years, since not only storage, but also sale is provided for. The drugs that were in the sweets were packaged in several bags, the investigation suggested that this was done for the purpose of subsequent sale. While Alina is on the case as a witness, everything can change for the worse.

The lawyer also said that the name of the sender is unknown to Alina, and the return address - Malaya Gruzinskaya, house 40, indicated in the parcel, does not exist at all.

- And why do you think about your ex-husband?

Because it is beneficial for him alone that a criminal case be opened against Bragin, because only in this case he will finally have legal grounds not to return her daughter to her. The judge in the Bogorodsk court, where we had hearings on the child, suggested this to him herself. It was another process to determine the place of residence of their common child. It ended in November 2016 not in our favor. By the way, this was the fourth trial in the same case. But we appealed and won! It was April 17th. A week has passed - and here is the package. By the way, after the trial, strange men called Alina several times with threats. They said: “If you think that this decision will change something, then you are very mistaken. You won’t get a child, and you don’t even know what lies ahead for you.” We have records of the conversation. And now this package.

- It turns out that anyone can be framed?

Yes, it does. Everyone who has an ill-wisher is at risk. After all, the passport is required to be presented only to receive parcels, the sender is not interested in mail employees at all, they do not ask him for any documents.

Since 2011, with her misfortune, Alina Bragina has been everywhere she could and wrote letters, it seems, to everyone:

The President of the Russian Federation, the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Deputy Khinshtein, Deputy Zhirinovsky, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB of Russia, the Investigative Committee, the UFSSP for Russia and Moscow, they wrote to Muzykansky, Bunimovich, Astakhov, to the Prosecutor's Office of Moscow and Russia. I even wrote to Kadyrov. But everything is useless - no one is looking for a child, and even more so, no one is trying to force the father to comply with the decision of the courts. He refuses to even show me a picture of Ariana.
