Urinalysis in children - is it possible to prevent inflammatory diseases? Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko.

To collect biological material from newborns, urine bags, a special plastic bag or a plastic and glass container for urine are used. Of course, you can prepare all these products at home, but it is better to purchase everything at the pharmacy in sterile form.

Note to moms! Pediatricians recommend that parents collect tests for newborns on an empty stomach, this increases the chances of a good result during the examination.

The urine bag is a small container made of oilcloth with a hole with an adhesive base. This bag is attached between the newborn’s legs for a while until the child pees. It is important not to put a diaper over the urine bag, as it will compress the container and urine collection will need to be started again. This product is equally suitable for both boys and girls; when using it, you need to be guided by the following algorithm:

  • Before the procedure, wash your hands well with soap and wash your baby. You can find out about the details of washing newborns;
  • put the baby on the changing table, having previously laid an oilcloth under the diaper;
  • calm the newborn, talk to him, it is very important that the baby is not excited;
  • carefully remove the urinal from the packaging and remove the film from the Velcro;
  • Now attach the urine bag between the baby's legs. For boys, lower the penis directly into the hole, and for girls, stick the product around the labia;
  • then pick up the baby in your arms and wait until the urine collects;
  • Next, peel off the urinal from the baby’s skin;
  • Puncture the bag with something and pour the urine into the prepared container.
Note! The urine bag is intended for one-time use, so you need to buy another one to collect the next tests.

We invite you to watch a video on how to collect urine from a baby.

How to collect urine from a baby: grandma's way

You just need to get a sterile jar, and you can collect urine using For the procedure, tie cellophane around the child’s hips, ideally if you purchased a T-shirt bag. Its handles can be cut and securely fixed so that the bag does not slip even if the baby is too active.

Children say! Borya (2 years old) saw the king in the picture:
- Here's uncle.
- This is not just an uncle, Borenka, this is a king.
- To take off the crown - it will be an ordinary uncle.

After the urine collection bag is prepared, pick up the newborn and walk with him until he pees.

Advice! At the time of collecting urine from the baby, you can feed him, because eating stimulates urination.

However, this technique has several significant drawbacks.

  1. There is no sterility, in which good results cannot be guaranteed after testing the biomaterial.
  2. This method brings discomfort and anxiety to the newborn; the rustling of the plastic bag does not allow the child to concentrate.
  3. The procedure is also inconvenient for parents, since adults are afraid of violating the integrity of the package.
  4. There is an increased risk of spilling the contents.

How to correctly collect a urine test from a baby in a jar

In the time of our grandmothers, this technique was considered the most proven and correct. Previously, children's urine was collected in mayonnaise or baby food jars; today you can buy special plastic containers with lids at the pharmacy. This technique requires patience from adults.

Before the procedure, you need to thoroughly wash the baby and lay him on oilcloth; it is better to put a soft cloth under the backrest so that the child does not feel discomfort. Take the container and wait a bit. As soon as the child begins to pee, place the jar and collect the urine.

Attention! It is better to collect a medium stream of urine from newborns; during examination it gives the most accurate results.

This method is more suitable for boys, but for newborn girls, place a clean sterilized plate under the butt; as soon as the urine is collected, pour it into the prepared container.

Urine according to Nechiporenko: collection rules

Parents are wondering how to collect urine according to Nechiporenko from a baby, because at this age it is difficult for a child to explain something and state their requirements. Doctors recommend using a jar for this purpose, since a urinal in this case will not be rational. If you have a boy, it will be more convenient to collect this analysis in a test tube; for a girl, you will have to limit yourself to a sterile jar.

Children's humor! My daughter has always been afraid of the dentist, especially having a tooth removed; she had only heard about it. And so she went to first grade, comes home from school and says so joyfully:
- Mom, they checked my teeth at school today, but they didn’t remove them, they just pulled them out!

What is needed for this? Everything is the same as in the previous methods: prepare the newborn for the procedure: calm him down, put an oilcloth under his butt. Don't forget to take off your diaper. To speed up the process of collecting analysis, you can stimulate urination by opening a water tap or recording a babbling stream on your phone. Usually babies quickly react to such sounds and “do their thing.”

How to correctly collect a stool sample from a baby?

By the standards of medical personnel, collecting feces for analysis from an infant is the simplest of all procedures. To do this, prepare all the equipment in the evening: it is ideal to purchase a special container at the pharmacy, it has a disposable spoon and spatula. It is better to collect morning stool, as it is the best for research. Based on the morning stool, possible discrepancies with health standards are accurately determined.

In the morning after sleep, feed the baby, put on a clean gauze diaper and wait for the baby to defecate. Then take a spoon from the purchased test kit and carefully collect part of the stool with it, place it in a container and close the lid. It is advisable to take the test to the laboratory on the same day, since after half a day the stool begins to deteriorate and decompose, which is why it is then impossible to obtain correct results.

Attention! It is not recommended to store the collected tests from your baby in the refrigerator; they must be taken fresh, because stagnant urine or feces can show an incorrect and very frightening result.

A urine test, along with a blood test, is the most common form of primary diagnosis, helping to accurately determine the condition of the body and begin treatment in a timely manner. A general clinical urine test is the norm. It is carried out even in children, almost from infancy, but other types of urine tests are used for more detailed diagnostics, in the direction of the treating doctor. One of them is urine testing using the Nechiporenko method.

Indications for such a study

Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko is useful for both adults and children, especially if blood cells are detected in a clinical analysis of urine. This applies to any of their three types - leukocytes, erythrocytes and cylinders. The method has proven itself as an effective means of diagnosing inflammatory processes of the ureters and kidneys, both chronic and acute forms.

The Nechiporenko method allows you to determine the quantitative content of blood cells in the urine with greater accuracy than with conventional urine analysis, and this is extremely important for diagnosing and timely prescribing a course of treatment for a child for an infectious lesion of the genitourinary system.

Preparing for analysis

For research, according to Nechiporenko’s method, it is customary to prepare an average portion of urine excreted in the morning, immediately after waking up. The first portion of urine is flushed down the toilet within 2 seconds, after which about 20 ml is collected into a container, and the remainder is flushed down the toilet again. To obtain the most reliable analysis indicators, you must follow simple but mandatory rules. Here they are:

  • A container for the urine sample is first prepared. It is best to use a plastic container with measuring marks, purchased from a pharmacy. For an infant, you need to purchase a special bag - a urine bag. It fits on the baby like shorts and is secured with Velcro. After urine is released, it is carefully removed, at least 10 ml of liquid is poured into a container and sent to the laboratory;
  • Before collecting the sample, the child must be thoroughly washed. This must be done to prevent foreign cells and microorganisms from entering the sample, which are always present in large quantities on the tissues of the external genitalia. Soap and other detergents should not be used, since their residues on the skin can accidentally be washed away along with urine into the sample and greatly distort the results of the study;
  • For children of a smart age, you need to give instructions - explain to them that when filling a glass, you cannot touch its inner walls and neck with your hands, and after filling, it must be closed immediately;
  • Urine collected for research should reach the laboratory no more than two hours after collection, otherwise its physicochemical parameters may change significantly, and the microflora contained in it will begin to actively multiply, and this will lead to distorted results and require re-analysis.

In addition to the basic rules, there are some points that can also affect the reliability of the results of the Nechiporenko analysis. Not worth it:

  • Take a urine test while taking antibiotics;
  • On the eve of the test, eat foods that color the urine - beets, blackberries, carrots and others;
  • Take vitamin “B” and any other medications that contain actively coloring pigments. These drugs include most artificially synthesized drugs;
  • Get tested for girls during their periods. Blood accidentally entering the test from the vagina can lead to incorrect interpretation of its results.

Indicators studied

As already mentioned, Nechiporenko’s method was developed directly for identifying blood cells in the urine - red blood cells, leukocytes and casts, and determining their quantitative content per unit volume of liquid - 1 ml.

Red blood cells. Red blood cells are blood cells whose main task is to provide all organs and their tissues with oxygen. Red blood cells are able to carry oxygen molecules and thereby perform their task. In the urine of a healthy body, there are no such cells at all or their presence is extremely limited - a maximum of 3 units in the field of view of a laboratory microscope. Exceeding their permissible amount indicates dangerous pathologies of the urinary system and specifically the kidneys.

Leukocytes. These are cells that perform a very important function for the body - circulating freely through the circulatory system, they control the performance of the immune system. When a damaging danger arises from toxins or pathogenic microflora, leukocytes arrive at the site of the lesion and, to the best of their ability, neutralize the process.

If a urine test according to Nechiporenko shows an excess of the permissible number of leukocytes in it, you can safely diagnose inflammation of the kidneys - their pelvis, urethritis, prostatitis and urinary tract infection.

Cylinders. These are compounds based on protein molecules, the mass synthesis of which is localized in the kidney tubules (they are exfoliated from their walls) when dangerous damage to their tissues occurs. The nature of such lesions can be of either an infectious nature or a tumor, so their appearance in the urine is a very alarming symptom and requires high-quality diagnosis.

Research results

Normally, no more than 2000 leukocytes, 1000 or less erythrocytes are detected per ml of liquid. It is considered normal if up to 10 casts per 1 ml of liquid are detected in the urine, however, at this time, some experts are inclined to believe that this type of cells in the urine is not very informative, and therefore devote a minimum amount of time to studying them.

In our opinion, this is a very dubious opinion, so below we present the traditional interpretation of the analysis using the Nechiporenko method.

Traditional decoding of analysis indicators

Each element identified in urine when examined using the Nechiporenko method can indicate a certain type of problem.

An increase in the number of leukocytes is characteristic of cystitis, prostatitis, urolithiasis, pyelonephritis and kidney infarction. In such diseases, their level often exceeds 2000 units per 1 ml of fluid.

An increased level of red blood cells is observed when the body is affected by glomerulonephritis, kidney infarction, as well as in a condition of nephrotic syndrome.

With such pathologies, 1000 or more red blood cells are detected in 1 ml of urine tested quite often.

Cylinders. Detection of 20 or more hyaline casts per 1 ml of urine, as well as any detectable amount of their other types, most likely indicates kidney dysfunction. This condition corresponds to glomerulonephritis, from acute to chronic, hypertension and pyelonephritis.

Detection of hyaline casts in urine above normal levels may be the result of active use of diuretic medications.

grainy cylinders, in the urine of healthy children, the norm is their complete absence. Such formations appear in the process of massive death of the mucosal cells of the inner walls of the kidney tubules. A large amount of them in the urine is accompanied by symptoms of pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, infection with pathogenic microorganisms and poisoning with lead compounds.

Waxy cylinders- a sure sign of a pathological state of the body. They are detected in the urine of children affected by renal amyloidosis, renal dysfunction, and nephrotic syndromes.

Red blood cell casts appear during the massive release of red blood cells into the renal tubules through damaged walls of blood vessels. As they accumulate, they lead to blockage, resulting in the appearance of cylindrical bodies of this type. It is clear that this phenomenon has nothing to do with the norm, and often results from conditions - thrombosis of the terminal veins, renal infarction, acute glomerulonephritis or hypertension with a malignant course.

Epithelial casts is the result of detachment of epithelial cells of the renal tubule. Their appearance in the urine, in any quantity, is a sign of dangerous pathological conditions. This may be severe toxicosis due to poisoning with salicylates, heavy metal salts, nephrotoxins, for example, phenol or ethylene glycol. Acute conditions of viral infection and necrosis of renal tubules also lead to a significant release of casts of this type into the urine.

Urinalysis according to Nicheporenko is considered one of the most effective and can show the slightest changes in the human body. The technique responds to even minor deviations from the norm, which makes it possible to prescribe timely treatment and return the child to a normal lifestyle.

When examining the collected material, the laboratory technician takes into account the presence of specific bodies for every ml of urine, which allows you to accurately indicate the presence of pathologies.

The norm of indicators for children and adults is the same. Thus, the number of leukocytes cannot exceed 2 thousand units, the permissible number of erythrocytes is 1 thousand units, cylinders are no more than 20 and only of the hyaline type.

When finding indicators on the borders of normal It’s better to take another test after a while for your own peace of mind.

Decoding the analysis in children

When deciphering the analysis, seven indicators are taken into account, five of which are types of cylinders. If the content of leukocytes is elevated, the doctor may suspect that the child has urolithiasis, pyelonephritis or cystitis, which most often affects girls.

If the normal red blood cell count is exceeded in children, the child may have nephrotic syndrome, advanced cystitis, which has passed into the purulent stage, complicated urolithiasis and tuberculosis of the kidney.

As soon as the presence of any casts other than hyaline is detected in the urine, serious treatment and additional research should be immediately prescribed. Their appearance speaks about such dangerous diseases:

  • necrotic processes in kidney tissue, damage by heavy metals, malignant hypertension;
  • bleeding in the kidneys and genitourinary system;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • amyloidosis to any degree;
  • viral and infarction damage to the body.

If the number of hyaline casts is increased, the child may experience symptoms pyelonephritis and chronic glomerulonephritis.

Urine analysis table according to Nicheporenko

To quickly remember or find the necessary indicators of the method norm, you can use given table.

How to collect analysis?

Since the study reacts to the slightest changes, and many factors can cause them, it is worth adhering to the following recommendations:

  • 1-2 days before the laboratory analysis, do not eat foods that have coloring pigments;
  • stop taking antibiotics and diuretics;
  • Before urination, the perineum is washed with clean water without using any intimate hygiene products, as they make it difficult to get an accurate picture health conditions;
  • for collection you need to take a sterile plastic container or a pre-sterilized glass jar;
  • Only night urine is required for analysis, since it is the most concentrated and effective;
  • before taking urine into a container, you first need to start the process of urinating into the toilet, since only the middle part of the urine is taken for analysis;
  • after taking the material, the jar must be tightly sealed and placed in a cool place and delivered to the laboratory in 2-3 hours.

Carefully ensure that the child washes himself and wipes the perineal area well. If a girl has already started menstruation, the vagina should be filled with a cotton swab.

How to collect analysis from children under one year old?

Urine analysis in children under one year old according to Nicheporenko is carried out only for some serious indicators or with a family history. To collect material for research, you can use special urinal. It is completely sterile and is attached to the baby's genitals. As soon as he starts peeing, all the urine will end up in the urine bag.

The weakness of this method is that it is not always possible to properly treat the child’s genitals to prevent bacteria from entering the urine. That's why it's better to take glass sterilized jar or a special plastic container for collecting urine; it is completely sterile and is sold in pharmacies. Since babies most often begin the process of urination involuntarily when removing clothes or while washing, it is worth preparing a jar right away. Urine needs to be delivered for analysis in a couple of hours; in the hot season, the trip is allotted only 45-60 minutes.

Do not be afraid if the doctor asks you to take an additional urine test. This is due to the fact that it is not always possible to properly wash the child or bring material for research within the allotted time frame. That is why it is more often recorded in children’s urine. slightly elevated content of leukocytes and bacteria.

A urine test according to Nicheporenko should be taken at least once every six months to be sure of the baby’s health. You should also not be afraid to ask for a doctor’s prescription if your child sometimes complains of pain. in the area of ​​the kidneys and perineum.

Kidney function in children should be complete and continuous from the prenatal period. Any deviations in their work immediately affect overall development and lead to serious metabolic pathologies. In the presence of infections or suspected inflammatory processes, both and a more specific urine test are indicated.

Why is a clarifying analysis necessary?

Along with a standard urine test in childhood, a Nechiporenko study is often prescribed in an inpatient setting. Such a study helps in identifying infectious and inflammatory processes affecting the kidney tissue or urinary tract.


According to this test, it is possible to identify which part of the urinary tract is affected, determine the severity of inflammation, and identify the presence of leukocytes or blood in the urine.

In a unit of urine (usually 1 ml), the formed elements are counted, compared with the standard value and a conclusion is given. Exceeding the standard indicators for children indicates the presence of pathology, but for the reliability of the results, correct collection of material is important so that the data is not false.

Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko in children: what it shows

Urine testing according to this method is an assessment of urinary sediment with a microscopic examination of cells - leukocytes, cylinders with red blood cells, counted per 1 ml of material. It is prescribed to clarify the clinical situation if changes are detected in the general analysis. It helps in confirming or excluding pathologies. The study is indicated to determine inflammatory lesions along the urinary tract of children - this is the presence of inflammation of the urethra, bladder, ureters and renal pelvis. In addition, the analysis helps in diagnosing kidney damage against the background of various types of systemic pathologies - these are,.

Analysis data helps in clarifying the diagnosis and localization of lesions, and also helps in monitoring treatment.

It is prescribed to children of any age if there is a suspicion of damage to the urinary tract, if there are changes in the color of urine, its transparency, or if there is pain in the abdomen and groin. It is prescribed if there are pronounced deviations in the general analysis, there are diseases that threaten kidney damage, when examining a child in a hospital, during preventive examinations in chronic patients.

If there is a normal urine test, such a test is no longer prescribed.

Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko: norm and interpretation in children

The study is performed by counting the formed elements (blood cells) in 1 ml of child urine. Each of the indicators reflects certain changes in the body. The appearance of blood in the urine may be a sign (salts and stones) or nephropathy, as well as kidney damage - or,. High levels of leukocytes can occur with inflammatory lesions of the urinary tract.

First of all, research leukocytes . These are specific blood cells, normally they circulate inside the vessels and exit into the tissues if foci of inflammation develop, reflecting the work of the immune system. Their appearance in the urine reflects the presence of inflammation, infection and the activity of the immune system to combat it.

The norms of leukocytes determined in the Nechiporenko test are up to 2 thousand per 1 ml of material.

Estimate quantity red blood cells in the same volume of material. These are red cells that should only be found inside blood vessels. The norm of cellular elements per 1 ml of urine is no more than 1 thousand, often they are not even detected in the urine. Due to the activity of the glomeruli of the kidneys, all formed elements remain in the vascular bed, but if the urine contains a lot of red blood cells, this fact indicates damage to the kidney tissue and disruption of filtration processes.

The quantity is also estimated casts in urine . These are casts of the urinary tract made from special proteins. Their norm is no more than 20 pieces per 1 ml; if they increase, this indicates kidney damage of a tumor or infectious nature (depending on the type of cylinders).

Peculiarities of interpretation of results in children

There are certain deviations from the norm that indicate certain diseases and damage to the kidney tissue. Yes, high levels leukocytes may indicate the infectious nature of the lesion. It is important to suspect problems such as pyelonephritis (microbial inflammation of the calyces and pelvis of the kidneys) or glomerulonephritis (damage to the interstitium and kidney tissue). An increase in the level of leukocytes may be evidence of damage to the urinary tract or bladder walls, as well as a manifestation of urolithiasis.

Increasing numbers red blood cells is often evidence of damage to the urinary tract by a stone or a tumor process; in addition, it can be a marker of kidney damage against the background of autoimmune, metabolic or other pathologies, glomerulonephritis.

The cylinders, depending on their type in the detected sample, can indicate the level of damage and certain diseases.

Children shouldn't have it at all granular cylinders, they are formed due to dying epithelial cells lining the urinary tract.

Waxy cylinders in the urine of children are typical for amyloid kidney damage.

Red blood cell casts arise due to the gluing of red blood cells in the tubules; they appear with thrombosis of the renal veins.

Epithelial casts are typical for various serious pathologies, these can be viral infections of the urinary tract, toxicoses that occur against the background of drug poisoning. An increase in the level of cylinders in the urine indicates the presence of manifestations of autoimmune pathology.

Unsatisfactory urine tests may be due to collection defects if the sample contains materials from the genitals or anus.

Preparation for urine analysis according to Nechiporenko

In order for the results to be as correct as possible and not give false diagnoses, full preparation for the study with the correct collection of material is important. The day before collecting the sample, it is important to exclude from the children’s diet all foods that can lead to abnormal coloration of urine and not to take multivitamins. Also, if possible, you should avoid taking all medications that in one way or another may affect the test results.

Before taking the test, it is worth protecting children from heavy physical activity the day before, so as not to provoke false erythrocyturia. Testing should not be carried out on children with flu-like symptoms or serious colds. Adolescent girls are not examined during menstruation.

Before taking the analysis, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the child; for girls, not only the genitals, but also the anus area are washed; for boys, the foreskin area is washed. Urine is collected only in the morning, after sleep, the first portion. For analysis, a medium portion of urine is needed, so the baby urinates in the potty, then the sample is collected in a jar, and the rest goes back into the toilet. About 10-20 ml of urine is enough. For newborns, urine is collected from a urine bag, delivering the urine to the laboratory no later than 2 hours from the moment it is received.

Urine collection problems affecting test results

If the material was collected incorrectly, this may lead to a distortion of the final result. Thus, during long-term storage of urine, red blood cells are leached and destroyed, and as a result, their number will be underestimated.

Trauma to the urethra or severe physical strain threatens the appearance of excess red blood cells of extrarenal origin in the urine. The same situation will occur when collecting urine during menstruation.

If the genitals are poorly washed, epithelium and leukocytes from the genitals may enter the urine, distorting the test results. The presence of protein in the urine may mask the presence of casts.

Alena Paretskaya, pediatrician, medical columnist

Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko, the norm of which will be described below, is one of the types of clinical urine tests that can be prescribed by a doctor to pregnant women, adult patients and children.

This examination of biomaterial is used if acute or chronic inflammatory processes in the kidneys or genitourinary system are suspected. As a rule, a urine test according to Nechiporenko (its rate depends on the person’s age) is prescribed when an increase in the level of leukocytes, casts and red blood cells has been detected in the patient’s blood.

This study is also used to monitor ongoing therapy. The peculiarity and main difference of the urine test according to Nechiporenko, the norm of which is provided in the table of study results, is that this study is aimed at identifying sediment in the urine. This makes it more specific and detailed (the analysis provides detailed information about the presence of abnormalities in the kidneys). Thanks to this urine test, leukocyturia or erythrocyturia can be detected. Another characteristic difference between the Nechiporenko analysis lies in the features of urine collection, which is done differently from traditional analysis.

There are the following rules on how to properly collect urine for this study:

  1. The day before the upcoming test, a person needs to completely abandon any physical activity, as well as emotional experiences. It is also important to stop taking medications that may affect the chemistry of your urine.
  2. Two days before donating urine, a person is advised to avoid eating salty, fatty and fried foods, which can worsen kidney function. It is also not advisable to eat food with dyes, which can change the color of urine.
  3. Women should not take this test during or immediately after menstruation, as during this time the quality of urine may change, so the final test result and overall indicators will not be entirely accurate. The best time to take such a test would be two weeks after the end of menstruation.
  4. It is not advisable to undergo such a urine test after a recent installation of a urinary catheter or medical manipulation of the bladder. This will inevitably lead to inaccurate results.
  5. Immediately before donating urine, a person needs to carry out hygienic procedures to wash the genitals. If a child takes the test, he/she also needs to be washed with warm water.
  6. Urine must be collected in a special sealed container. It is best to use a specially designed plastic container with a lid for this. It is sold in every pharmacy and is very inexpensive. At the same time, it is important not to open the lid of the container until the moment of urine collection, thus leaving it sterile.
  7. The urine collection itself must also be carried out according to certain rules. Thus, the urine that comes out only in the middle of the urination process should be used for analysis. To put it simply, a person first needs to release some of the urine into the toilet, and only after that provide a container to collect the material. For this study, 30 ml of urine will be sufficient.

It should be noted that this study is recommended to be carried out at least once a year to monitor the condition of the kidneys. It is also sometimes prescribed to prevent complications after taking certain medications.

Urine according to Nechiporenko: the norm for men and women

Urine according to Nechiporenko reveals the following indicators in the patient (diagnosis and treatment will depend precisely on these results):

  1. Assessment of normative indicators of leukocytes. They belong to the immune system and are responsible for the body's defenses. If a person has an increased number of blood leukocytes, which have also migrated into the urine, this will indicate a 100% inflammatory process in the body.
  2. Red blood cell assessment. In general, these elements should not be detected in urine, since in a healthy body they simply do not penetrate into it. Despite this, if pathology develops, red blood cells will appear in the urine, indicating damage to renal function.
  3. Cylinders are special protein structures of the renal canals. They are based on a protein that does not have time to settle in the blood with primary urine. When the number of cylinders increases in a person, peculiar plugs form in the kidney channels.

Urine according to Nechiporenko, the norm of which is almost the same for both men and women, may show incorrect results in several cases:

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  1. If you violate the rules for taking the test and use initial urine when urinating.
  2. When consuming junk food and alcohol before taking the test.
  3. If a person puts severe physical stress on the body or experiences stress the day before the test.

The interpretation of urine according to Nechiporenko, the norm of which is indicated on the test results for men, is as follows:

  1. The number of leukocytes should be up to 2 thousand per 1 ml of urine.
  2. The normal number of red blood cells is up to 1 thousand per 1 ml of urine.
  3. The normal number of cylinders is up to 20 units per 1 ml of urine.

In women, the norm of leukocytes can be up to 4000 thousand units per ml of urine. The number of red blood cells is normally the same as in men - up to 1 thousand per 1 ml of urine.

As for the casts, all their types (waxy, granular and epithelial) should be absent.

It should be noted that during pregnancy in women, the number of leukocytes can reach up to 4 thousand per 1 ml of urine. This is considered normal and is due to physiological and hormonal changes in the body. If the result is greater than this indicator, then this is already regarded as a pathology and inflammatory process.

If this study showed normal results and was confirmed by repeated analysis, then any renal pathology is excluded in the person. If a person has an excess of protein, leukocytes or red blood cells, this is a reason to suspect a disease of the renal system.

It is important to know that the patient should not independently diagnose himself based on the results of a urine test. Diagnosis, identification of the cause of the disease and selection of treatment should be carried out exclusively by the attending physician. If an excess number of cylinders is detected in the patient’s urine, this may indicate severe damage to the kidneys and a general deterioration in their functions as an organ.

If an excess of cylinders is detected along with an excess of red blood cells and white blood cells, then this may be a sign of the progression of a number of kidney diseases. Most often, poor results of this analysis indicate damage to the ureter, diseases of the renal pelvis or pathology of the bladder.

In men, an increase in the level of leukocytes may be a sign of the development of prostatitis or the progression of other pathologies of the genital organs.

In addition, very often a high level of leukocytes and red blood cells indicates inflammatory pyelonephritis, acute cystitis in women and inflammation in the ureter.

In more advanced cases (if pus is found in the urine), a person is diagnosed with a kidney abscess. As medical practice shows, kidney disease is always accompanied by characteristic symptoms - increased body temperature, pain when urinating, swelling of the limbs, etc. For this reason, when the first such manifestations appear, you should immediately consult a doctor and, most likely, he will prescribe a urine test according to Nechiporenko. Self-medication will be extremely dangerous.

Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko: the norm in children of different ages

Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko (the norm in children is almost no different from adults) is prescribed for children if renal failure or acute inflammatory processes in these organs are suspected.

Before taking a urine test according to Nechiporenko, you should know the following:

  1. To prevent the composition of urine from changing, you need to wash your child without soap.
  2. Infants under one year of age can be stimulated to urinate by stroking their back or running water from the tap (for older children).
  3. Sometimes, if the child is small, then taking a medium portion of urine during urination is simply unrealistic. For this reason, if the entire portion of urine is used, the doctor should be warned.

In children under one year of age it is as follows (per 1 mg):

  1. Red blood cells - 600-800
  2. Leukocytes - 1000-15000.
  3. Cylinders - 4-8 units.

The system of urine test results according to Nechiporenko (the norm for a child older than one year is practically unchanged) is based on correct urine collection. Thus, at the slightest violation of the analysis, the final result will be inaccurate and the child will need to repeat the study.

The norm for a child over one year old is as follows (per 1 ml of urine):

  1. Cylinders - up to ten.
  2. Leukocytes - up to two thousand.
  3. Red blood cells - up to 1 thousand.
