Bohemian style. What is this? Bohemian clothing style is a free and fashionable choice of modern times

Bohemian style clothing Suitable for almost every woman, this style can emphasize the sophistication of a woman’s nature, add elegance and uniqueness. However, the bohemian style can serve only those who know how to apply it correctly and are distinguished by sophistication and sophistication. Bohemian style means combining and copying various elements of classic and everyday outfits.

Modern bohemian style of clothing will suit even the most tempting fashionista

The emergence of bohemian style in clothing

The origins of the bohemian style, as many might think, are not fashion, but literature and paintings, that is, painting, but designers adopted the images and already brought the authors’ ideas to life. The founder of the bohemian style is considered to be Jane Morris, who was the first to abandon narrow corsets that interfere with breathing and put on a flowing, light, airy, flowing dress.
Officially, the bohemian style appeared much later; gradually the famous designer of all times Christian Dior began to use elements of this image in his collection; his new collection appeared before the world public after the end of the Second World War. It was represented by evening dresses in the Bohemian style, as well as beautiful plain classic suits and. The trousers were tapered and had an ironed crease so that women's cuts could be distinguished from men's cuts.

In Europe, the collection was received with a bang and the bohemian style was immediately adopted; here, in part, a certain role was played by hippies, who always protested against certain frameworks and classical canons.
If a person is dressed in a bohemian style, then his clothes, which are his calling card, speak for themselves. This means that the owner of this clothing is brave and is not afraid to stand out from the crowd.
The fashion trend gave women trousers, combining rigor, simplicity and eroticism. This is how the designers saw the direction of the bohemian style and brought it to life.

The fashion trend gave women trousers; both men's and women's styles were combined in a bohemian look

Distinctive features of modern bohemian style

Bohemian style clothing is usually comfortable and quite versatile. The products embodied sexuality, but, nevertheless, could serve a woman both during the week and in the evening.
If you want to copy and follow this direction, then you should choose things of different colors, but original ones. When combining outfits, the best solution is to combine incongruous items. For example, you can wear a floral dress and complement it with a heavy, wide belt and a coarse massive chain around your neck. This outfit will definitely make a fashionista stand out from the gray crowd.
In the Bohemian style, shockingness, shock and, at the same time, elegance are important. Floral motifs, birds and fruits look great on flowing fabric. Even worn, old jeans can be given a twist, because, as you know, holes are now back in fashion. The outfit should be complemented with a chiffon or lace blouse or top.

Bohemian style is always originality, a riot of colors, creative thinking, eccentricity and rich, unbridled imagination; here you should not skimp on accessories, the more of them, the better, but you should not go too far, everything should be harmonious. You can replenish the assortment with rings, bracelets of unusual shapes and colors; the materials from which the products are made are also varied. Let’s not forget about brooches, ribbons and headbands, bright umbrellas and leather handbags and other pleasant little things that can please the eye.
It will be quite nice when the thing is artificially aged and slightly worn.

Regular woven sandals are very popular among those with a bohemian look.

Let's devote a few words to shoes for a bohemian look

Crazy fans of the bohemian style can wear both men's patent leather shoes and regular woven sandals; brown color is very popular among representatives of the bohemian look.
So, as is clear from the material, the bohemian style is diverse and multifaceted; creative people always stand out and are distinguished by their brightness and expression. If you want to stand out, choose a tasty and unique image that people will forever remember.

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Spectacular, bright, multi-layered and not for everyone - this is a bohemian clothing style. To the common man this image will seem somewhat strange. In this uniqueness you can open yourself to others. However, it is worth studying in more detail all the features and principles of this unusual style.

How did the bohemian style appear?

Many people immediately associate the word “bohemian” with art and creativity. The origins of the bohemian style do not at all originate in the historical plane of fashion. On the contrary, the bohemian style of clothing related primarily to painting and literature, namely to the Pre-Raphaelites, who rejected the borrowing of Raphael's classical methods and advocated the creation of new styles and trends.

“Bohemian” as a definition first appeared on the pages of the work “Vanity Fair” by William Thackeray. Very soon this definition migrated to creative people - the Pre-Raphaelites, who began to consider themselves among this small group of people. The main bohemian king was Dante Gabriel Rossetti.

However, the first steps towards creating a specific style were taken by Jane Morris. She was the first to renounce tight corsets and began to wear loose, flowing dresses. This was a real turning point in the world of women's fashion.

And already in 1881, the women's association Rational Dress Society was created, which was engaged in the classification of specific fashion styles. It was she who first identified the bohemian style as a separate unit of fashion.

Christian Dior breathed new life into the direction. Almost immediately after World War II, he presented the New Look collection to the whole world. Suits in classic colors and black, ironed trousers were considered especially relevant. It was these clothes that distinguished a representative of a bohemian from a common person.

In Europe, the bohemian style boldly came into use through the hippie subculture. After all, loose informal clothing directly reflected the views and worldview of its representatives. Since then, this style has become the companion of almost every creative person who wants to demonstrate himself to society in a special way.

Bohemian style in clothing for women: features

The unusual bohemian style of clothing for women immediately attracts one person with one feature - mosaic. It harmoniously combines bright details of the gypsy style, ethnic motifs and vintage elements, grunge and military motifs. By combining each of these details into one overall image, the bohemian chic style of clothing turns out to be sophisticated, complex and original.

Many people think that correctly combining all the “pieces” of different styles will be quick and easy. However, deliberate negligence requires attention to every detail. In this case, it is necessary to know the basic stylistic features of bohemian clothing.


This style gives the right to combine the incongruous. Clothes of different styles and lengths can be boldly combined. So, you can safely wear a fluffy frilly skirt and leggings under a short dress. On top of a light shirt are several vests of different lengths, and then you can throw on a scarf or something like a scarf, which will perfectly complete the bohemian look. In everyday life, people call this style quite trivially: “from under Friday - Saturday.”


Bright patterns, unusual prints - all this accurately characterizes the bohemian style of clothing. However, many of its adherents openly demonstrate a craving for airiness and extraordinary lightness in their images.

Among the basic colors, it is necessary to highlight pink, gray and blue, as well as all their shades.


Bohemian clothing style is considered difficult and expensive. First of all, the emphasis is on natural materials, among which linen, cotton, and silk are considered basic.

When creating an image in a bohemian style, you can use:

  • velveteen;
  • velvet;
  • suede;
  • organza;
  • skin;
  • rough wool

The flight of imagination is wide. When creating an image, you can safely combine not only different styles, but also several materials. For example, rough leather with translucent chiffon or chintz, velvet and cotton, etc.


Rich, catchy and interesting images in a bohemian style are made by luxurious finishing. Flounces, lace, frills, ribbons, fringe - all this decor will not only be appropriate, but also desirable.

The most accurate representation of the essence of bohemian clothing style is an original floral print made in pastel colors. Folk and ethnic ornaments and bright embroidery can also help in creating a unique and bright image.

For this style, voluminous accessories are appropriate: beads, necklaces, garters, large pendants, many bracelets, baubles. Vintage items and gilded and worn decorations look original. Feathers, wooden decorations and those made with one’s own hands are welcome in a bohemian look. Ideal accessories are leather products: laces around the neck, bracelets, headbands, belts, etc.

Bohemian rules, examples

As they say, you can’t do without long fluffy skirts, loose-fitting dresses and sundresses. As decoration, you can safely use various laces, flounces, frills and handmade embroidery.

Harem pants, skinny jeans, short tops and loose shirts look great. By the way, short shorts and a skirt can also be successfully combined with this style.

The faithful companions of this fashion trend are jackets, sleeveless vests, vests, cardigans, etc.

An integral part, of course, is a scarf or a huge scarf. After all, it is these accessories that set the mood for the entire look. By the way, a scarf or scarf can be used as the main bright accent in the image.

Shoes and bag

The bag and shoes must fully match the style. Choose baggy, wicker, knitted and patchwork accessories with ornaments and embroidery, backpacks with ethnic motifs. All this will perfectly complement the bohemian style look.

Hair and makeup

Simplicity and deliberate negligence should be the main motto when creating hair and makeup. Strict curls and styling are inappropriate here. Tousled, loose hair or a messy bun, simple braids and a minimum of makeup on the face. Everything in your look should be as natural and natural as possible.

Bohemian clothing style has always been distinguished by brightness, mystery, originality and diversity. He irritates some, while he captivates and impresses others. There is only one constant - the bohemian image will never go unnoticed and lost. After all, a huge number of different accessories give a woman the opportunity to be unique.

Don't be afraid to experiment and try yourself in this style. Perhaps it will become your calling card.

Clothing in an unusual bohemian style emphasizes the uniqueness and sophistication of the person who wears it, his attitude to art and the world of culture. Bohemian style involves copying and combining different classic elements in clothing.

The emergence of a bohemian style of clothing

This type of style originates not at all in fashion, but in literature and painting, where adherents of this movement considered it obligatory to create new directions, and not borrow everything from the classics. As for the clothing style, the first steps to create it were taken by Jane Morris. This woman was the first to abandon corsets and wear a flowing, loose dress. Bohemian style dresses in a modern look were born a little later, in particular, some elements of the style were used in the collection. His collection, which came out after World War II, included not only bohemian-style dresses, but also women's suits, which were made in classic colors. Ironed black trousers were very popular, allowing one to immediately distinguish a representative of the bohemian trend from other city residents. Europe immediately switched to the bohemian style only thanks to the hippies who protested against classical norms. This style became the calling card of a creative and extraordinary person who was not afraid to stand out from the ordinary crowd. This fashion trend has given us elegant women's trousers, a combination of feminine and masculine elements, a combination of eroticism and severity of female images.

Characteristic features of the style

Clothing of this style should be practical and versatile so that the products are not easily damaged. Following this trend, choose things of various interesting colors. Do not select elements by colors or shades - their combination is not necessary, because your image and outfit should stand out clearly from the ordinary crowd of people. In this style, drawings and various designs are always required. You can easily combine colored items with worn or ripped jeans or regular plain tops. Don't skimp on the number of accessories - there should be a lot of them - rings, brooches, leather armbands and bracelets, and much more. It will be nice if the products are aged and worn. When it comes to footwear, opt for comfort; for example, simple brown sandals will complement your look perfectly.

A new round of popularity of the bohemian style has come in the current decade. It is possible that many people may think that it has always been in fashion. The reason for this feeling is the versatility of the trend and its close connection with various directions. The bohemian clothing style is mainly chosen by representatives of creative professions: artists, poets, writers, actors, musicians. Let's try to understand the reasons for this specific popularity of the trend.

Rich historical path

Bohemianism is usually called a creative environment of any direction. The new term came into use at the end of the 19th century. The bohemian style of clothing was first identified in England thanks to activists of the Rational Dress Society women's society. One of its representatives publicly refused to wear an archaic corset and put on a beautiful dress with a loose silhouette.

The progressive idea was to the liking of European fashion designers, who enthusiastically began developing sets in a revolutionary style. The costumes of the ethnic gypsies who lived at that time in Bohemia, one of the Czech provinces, were taken as the basis. The main features of women's clothing were considered to be a narrow, tight-fitting bodice and a loose, fluffy skirt.

Later, the bohemian style significantly expanded its capabilities. This happened thanks to the introduction of some toiletries for men into the women's wardrobe. In the distant 20s, the legendary Marlene Dietrich was the first to wear trousers. This was the impetus for the emergence and development of an unusual trend called “unisex”. Thus, the style of creative people once again confirmed their protest against classic women's clothing.

Subsequently, the bohemian trend changed many times, succumbing to the influence of various social phenomena and world events. Many interesting ideas came from hippie fashion. For example, creative style has been enriched with natural clothing with loose silhouettes made from painted fabrics. The trend was also diversified by bright accessories: colored braid woven into the hair, beaded jewelry, leather belts, headbands.

Bohemia is very close to various directions developing in parallel. Several separate movements also grew and formed from it. Ethno, boho, eco, garcon, Gatsby, Chanel styles are in close proximity to the bohemian trend.

Rules for creating a fashionable image. Photo

The variety of motifs and stylistic trends allows you to create varied and original bows. Certain elements of gypsy, ethnic, and hippie fashion are the most popular notes in women's images. Forming a stylish bohemian ensemble is not difficult. You just have to take some features into account.

  • Convenience and comfort. It is advisable to choose things with a loose silhouette. In clothes that do not restrict movement, a person feels at ease and relaxed. Creative people really appreciate cozy clothes that don't distract attention or interfere with inspiration. In a bohemian wardrobe you can find long dresses with straight sleeves or American armholes, tiered skirts, items with frills, spacious tunics, cardigans, and shirts. At the same time, the spacious elements of the suit go well with tight-fitting leggings and skinny trousers. Within the bohemian style, layering looks quite natural. Although the number of items should be kept in moderation.

  • Natural fabrics. Bohemian images are built exclusively on organic materials. Clothes can be decorated with folk embroidery or ornaments. Elegant items are decorated with beads, beads, and sequins.
  • Bright colors. A bohemian image should be noticeable, inviting and memorable.

  • Ethnic prints. Oriental, African, Indian colors, patterns, and ornaments well emphasize the originality of the costume and the non-standard nature of the image. It is advisable to soften the excessive saturation of national colors, giving preference to soft and muted tones. A clear balance must be maintained between good taste and extravagant ideas.

  • Practical shoes. Simple, comfortable models that do not tire your legs are desirable. For girls choosing high heels or a stable platform, we recommend finishing with ethnic patterns, leather straps and weaving.

  • Original accessories. It is best to use handmade jewelry made to order. Vintage items or items with an imitation of aging are highly valued. Leather belts and long sashes, slightly lowered from the waist, look stylish. With details like these, a simple pair of skinny jeans and a shirt can easily be transformed into a bohemian outfit.

Another free fashion option is multi-layered beads, or a beaded necklace. They can be paired with multiple bracelets, rings, and large earrings.

Hats of any shape, decorated with ribbons and flowers, look absolutely bohemian. An oriental turban or hippie headband also seems to be an excellent option for headdresses. They imbue the image with the romance of travel and the fantasies of a free artist.

Bohemian fashion favors hand-made knitted and lace products. Despite the fact that the origins of the style were gypsy motifs, the modern trend is characterized by a special chic and even luxury.

Bohemian style in men's clothing looks no less expressive. He is not picky about age and physique. The wardrobe of a bohemian person looks as if she has traveled to many countries and brought unique outfits from each. It is quite possible to combine elements of different ethnic costumes with each other. The main thing is that the items do not contradict each other, turning the original costume into kitsch.

The finishing touches of a creative image

Basic hairstyle for women in bohemian style - long hair loosely flowing over the shoulders. Long bangs look impressive. It is advisable to minimize hair styling chemicals. Naturally colored hair, slightly disheveled or carelessly braided, looks preferable.

All kinds of hairpins, headbands, and simple jewelry will add a touch of organicity to the look. Objects made of leather, suede, wood, bone and feathers go well with the bohemian style.

Moderate makeup should only slightly complement natural beauty, without attracting attention with its artificiality. The colors of eye shadow and eyeliner are close to natural earthy shades - black, brown, gray. Lipstick and lip gloss are chosen in tones close to natural, for example, pale pink, caramel.

Organic manicure. The main varnishes repeat the rich palette of natural shades: red, yellow, blue, green, black. Ethnic motifs - patterns, ornaments, symbols - are widely used in nail design. Images applied by hand with a thin brush look very impressive. It is also quite possible to use ready-made stencils or self-adhesive pictures.

Thanks to their rich imagination, bohemian people easily produce fashionable ideas. Emotional people tend to crave bright thematic images. As a rule, they are not abstract fantasy, but certainly bear the stamp of meaningfulness and meaning. Bohemian images create a mood not only for their owners, but also for everyone around them.

For people of art, creative fashion may well become permanent. For those who are far from bohemian, but have a deep sympathy for its style, you can enrich your wardrobe with individual elements. They are perfect for relaxing, walking, meeting with good friends.

Bohemian clothing style, also known as bohemian chic (boho chic) ​​is a style that emphasizes a person’s belonging to art or culture and demonstrates refined taste. Bohemian chic clothing often uses a variety of classic elements, especially from Victorian period clothing.

The bohemian style of clothing for a girl is characterized by a certain amount of negligence; preference is given to loose-fitting clothes and a mixture of styles (). To correctly arrange wardrobe items in this style, you need a good sense of taste and proportion. And you need to remember that women's bohemian style always looks beautiful and expensive!

Faded jeans can serve as the basis of your wardrobe, but it is imperative that they fit well on your figure. Combine them with various tops that have embroidery or ethnic prints.

Bohemian style dress

The highlight of a girl's wardrobe in bohemian chic style is a dress. It can be vintage, or with elements of ethnic style. The bohemian style dress can be any length, as long as it suits your body type.

Warm and bright colors are preferred (muted red, dark purple, gold or silver), which act as accents against the background of basic colors (classic black and white, chocolate, beige, soft green). You should not use more than 3-4 colors in one set, despite the bohemian style’s “love” for multicolor.

Accessories and hairstyles in bohemian style

Be sure to select accessories for your kits. Opt for massive, extraordinary jewelry made from natural materials.

Bohemian style hairstyles are the exact opposite of ideal and complex hairstyles. This style of hairstyle is characterized by a small amount of negligence; preference is given to braids. You can braid a few casual braids, leaving a few romantic strands unbraided, or put all the curls in a ponytail. But keep in mind that the apparent simplicity of such styling implies ideal hair condition, so pay special attention to daily care.

If you want to look impressive, use all kinds of hair accessories, such as ribbons and headbands. They can also be complemented with flowers and various woven headbands.

Hairstyles in a bohemian style are very democratic - you can easily repeat them, the main thing is to show more courage and creativity!
