What to do with a one-year-old child. What to do with a one-year-old child Educational activities at home for children from 1 year old

A child aged 1 to 3 years belongs to the category of young children. During this period, the active formation of all organs and systems occurs. But along with the rapid pace of physical maturation, the psycho-emotional development of children is intensively improving. In order for a small person to successfully master speech, object and play activities, dexterity of movements, the basics of creativity and creative thinking, it is not enough to simply follow the correct diet and provide adequate nutrition. Additional developmental activities are necessary for children.

For 1-year-old children, the most important thing is play.

Of course, you can find the most suitable studio that provides specialized services for young children. Or you can create a set of exercises yourself and conduct training at home.

Directions for the development of children from one to 3 years old

Basic types of exercises for conducting classes with a small child

Classes with a 1-year-old child are aimed at transmitting information in a playful way. It is very important to interest children in engaging in the process of cognitive activity. If the offered games do not seem interesting to the baby, then the mother will not receive any concentration. You can use any available materials as props: bright mittens, colored pictures, soft toys, plastic dishes.

Montessori educational toys

    1. Modeling lessons can be started from 1.5 years of age
  1. Educational activities with children on the street. Do not forget about the optimal combination of business and pleasure. While walking in the fresh air, you can do many exercises to improve various skills and abilities. On the street it is easy to find objects to observe, imitate and look at with children. And at the same time, teaching your child to respect nature is doubly useful.

Children play role-playing games from 2 years old

Parents should know that all games are held with mandatory commentary on the process. The mother should tell the baby what is happening now and why this is being done.

It is important not only to provide sensory perception, but also to conduct speech association. For example, if a child is holding a soft object in his hands, then it is advisable to report this. Thus, they will be held with maximum benefit for children.

Precautions for organizing gaming activities

We must not forget about safety rules. All items used for games should not have sharp corners, small parts, or toxic substances in their composition. It is better if these are specialized toys for children.

Drawing develops imagination and motor skills

Also, the place for games must meet the basic requirements:

  • distance from wires and power supply;
  • absence of glass doors, corner countertops, piercing and cutting objects;
  • flat surface for movement.

If the mother can answer affirmatively to a number of questions, then the organization of play activities was as safe as possible. Does the item pose a threat to the child? Can I safely leave my baby alone with this item? Is it possible to leave the room for a short period of time without fear for the child’s health?

Tests for children 2-3 years old

What the future of children will be depends largely on their parents.

And you should start building a path to a bright life for your child here and now. Being a mother is not just about finding a woman’s happiness, it is also about long and tedious work, a huge supply of patience and a sea of ​​invested energy. But at the moment when the time comes to reap the fruits of their efforts, rejoicing in the significant successes of their child, not a single mother will remember the time spent and sleepless nights.

We offer a small cheat sheet for parents - educational activities and games for children from 1 to 2 years old that can be played at home.

Here it is, a joyful event - the baby is one year old! And even though the little one doesn’t speak yet, he’s already walking on his own. What's going on there - running around! Strives to get into all the cabinets and table drawers, turning their contents upside down, rattle the dishes, and the louder the better; pull the tablecloth off, watching it roll off the table along with the phone, vase, cup and plate. How can you not dive into such a temptingly shiny drum of a washing machine or not stick your finger into the hole in the socket?! The time when a child is one to two years old is the most troublesome time for parents.

Games with dolls or cars are still incomprehensible and uninteresting for such little ones - they would rather tear off the toys’ arms, legs, hair or wheels than play. Children will crumple and tear paper books and albums - this is quite normal and predictable. Pencils, paints and markers are likely to end up in the mouth, just like crayons, and stuffed animals are slobbered all over. And no matter how tired parents are of cleaning it all up, this is how it should be.

At the same time, this age is the period of formation and strengthening of children’s coordination of movements, the first skills of independent analysis and assessment of the world around them. You just need to select the appropriate games and activities for this. We offer a small cheat sheet for parents - educational activities and games that can captivate your baby.

Thematic material:

Coordination, logic and fine motor skills

Children are attracted to colored moving objects of different shapes and volumes - spherical, square, triangular: balls, cubes, saucepans. They make good educational toys.


Place different balls (plastic, rubber, knitted, the main thing is that they do not fit into the child’s mouth) into a cardboard box with low sides. Place it in front of the baby. Let him first roll them around in the box (it is important for children to feel the object with their hands - this is knowledge of the world through tactile contact). Then turn the box over, scatter the balls on the floor and encourage your baby to collect them. For a toddler who is not yet two years old, this activity will last for a long time. Every day you can complicate the game by stimulating the baby to put a ball of one color into the box, then another (each time say what color the object is). Then you can add the concepts of “larger” and “smaller”. One game can turn into a whole set of exercises. These classes develop logical thinking, the ability to distinguish colors, volume, finger motor skills and hand movements.

Pyramids and cubes

Cubes and pyramids (you should choose those with large elements made of soft plastic and large holes for stringing onto the base) are interesting because they are used to assemble high towers, roads, and houses. At first, you can randomly string them onto the base stick, then encourage the children to do this in the correct order. Then name the shape of the object and its color. As an example: “We put the yellow circle down, we put an orange oval on it” and further by analogy. Or “Let’s make the first floor from a red square, the second from a blue rectangle, and the roof from a green triangle.” Such activities will be interesting not only for children over one year old. Various pyramids, especially if their components consist of several easily interlocking elements, are useful and entertaining for children of four or even five years old.


Options for the pyramid (in reverse order) are nesting dolls, cups and even pans. They need to be placed one inside the other: the smaller one into the larger one. Children's favorite pastime is taking out objects and inserting them somewhere. This is how they learn volume by comparing shapes and sizes.

Thematic material:


Wooden abacus – with brightly colored balls (photo 2) that need to be moved to fill the back of the knitting needle; Place the pebbles evenly (mirror image) on one side and the other, dividing them in half. Make the top row longer than the bottom... Such games stimulate fine motor skills and logic in children. They are suitable both for home and for walks (large abacus is installed on the playground, usually under the slide).

Skills, abilities, comparisons

Children one to two years old will also be interested in games for spatial orientation and overcoming obstacles. It is better to carry them out at home at first. These are challenging, but very exciting and interesting classes. Let's look at some of them.


We make a road from two rows of books, cubes, cassettes, cords placed on top of each other or next to each other - whatever you find at home. First, we display the objects ourselves, then with the children, teaching the kids to walk between them (without touching the “side of the road”) on a straight road, then we complicate it with bends and turns.

The next stage is to install an obstacle on the road (let’s put, for example, a pencil or a tape on the path) that you need to step over; when closer to two years, it will be more interesting to jump over it. The path can be of any length and width (narrowing, widening). You can walk along it, crawl on your own or with a toy. For boys, it is more interesting to walk along the path, rolling a car, leading a donkey on a string... Kids are sometimes so captivated by variable orientation activities that they are happy to do them for half a day.


We spread a narrow towel or a board (carefully sanded, or better yet, wrapped in a soft cloth) on the floor in the nursery or family room. There is a baby at one end and a toy at the other. The baby’s task is to cross the bridge without stumbling. Such an educational activity for children from 1 year old can be supplemented with a fantasy component, for example, a fairy tale that under the bridge there is a raging sea, quicksand, and you need to quickly and carefully run along the only possible path so as not to drown yourself and save the toy. Such a game will have double benefits - coordination skills plus the development of imagination.

"Guest House"

This is a game with figures of different shapes, which must be accurately placed in a slot in the roof of a house, ball, wooden or plastic cube. Once the child finds the correct shape, the figure will fit into the required groove. If for babies of the first year of life these are quite complex games, and they try to quickly remove the lid of the “house” in order to push a naughty toy inside (which is also good - the skills of analyzing and assessing the situation are acquired, and the baby understands that the obstacle can be bypassed), then when When they reach two years of age, it is more interesting for them to accurately insert a three-dimensional figure into the corresponding groove.


These are homemade or purchased construction sets with sticky elements, which should either be inserted into the corresponding cell, or some simple figure should be molded from them (for example, a flower, a ball, a sun). The developmental effect can be enhanced by an additional “obstacle” - a fastener (as in this picture). I inserted the peas into the pod and closed them. If you want to get it, open it. A very useful activity.


The most popular toys among children! This noisy activity can be directed in a useful direction - give the baby drumsticks and a large surface in his hands so that he can drum heartily (instead of a soft drum, you can take a regular saucepan, the main thing is that the parents do not get tired of the loud sound). Then invite the child to use the same stick to hit a smaller musical instrument. The toddler will be forced to focus on another shape of the object, to compare the sizes of the stick and the rattling (musical) surface. And at the age of two it’s not easy to do this! So even noise games are beneficial.

And these are just a few examples. And the baby can also: play in the water, sorting out pebbles in his hands, in the sand - making the first Easter cakes, and put his little hands into multi-colored cereals placed in bowls in front of him. All these are educational games that are suitable for children from 1 to 2 years old. And the more diverse the material from which the toys are made and their shape, the greater the benefit. The main thing is that parents are nearby, protecting their playing children, and not forbidding them to explore the world. Children need to touch everything, look everywhere. Touch and look with them - then the forbidden fruit will lose its attractiveness, and the baby will no longer want to poke his finger into the socket and chew on the wires. And its development will proceed smoothly and step by step - in accordance with age.

The child is one year old, and this changes a lot: he becomes more independent and curious. Now, for him to be in a good mood, it is not enough just to be well-fed and dry; the little man is actively beginning to explore the world. Simple actions, such as learning to drink, eat, walk, are being replaced by more complex ones: learning to speak, think, analyze.

A 1-year-old baby is actively exploring the world

How to develop the abilities of a one-year-old child so that it brings him not only benefit, but also pleasure?

Basic moments

The baby's brain is hyperactive and capable of absorbing a large amount of information. Scientists more than 100 years ago established that in the period up to 3 years the foundation of intelligence in the future is laid. Today there are many early development methods. Which one should you prefer? There is not and will not be a common opinion, because we are all different, and so are our children. Some people prefer to raise a child “the old fashioned way,” others adhere to a certain author, and some mothers make a “mix” of all sorts of recommendations, and this suits them quite well.

The most important thing is that classes should bring joy to the child, so knowledge at such a tender age is taught through play.

Developmental center for the little ones

If a mother decides to attend developmental centers with her child, which are so fashionable these days, then you should clarify in what form the classes are conducted. Sitting at a desk will not be productive for your baby. Young children cannot be forced to acquire knowledge. The child learns and does only what interests him and brings him pleasure.

Play is the main element in the development of a child from one to seven years of age. Play with your child little by little (you can add this to), but every day; choose a time when you and he are in a good mood and full of energy.

Development of fine motor skills in children per year

  • Children enjoy simple finger exercises with a counting rhyme and develop their motor abilities.

Sensory boxes were invented by Maria Montessori
  • Embroidered pillows will appeal to almost all kids. Sew buttons of different sizes onto the pillowcase or fill the pillows with cereals, dry herbs, etc.
  • From 12 to 18 months, the child tries to pick up a pencil and scratch something on the surface with it. Support him in his first attempts at creativity.
  • Rustling books, tactile books, as well as protective bubble wrap, influence the development of fine motor skills in a one-year-old child.

Playing with cereals develops motor skills

Mom can build a tactile book herself, the pages of which will be covered with materials of various sensations: wool, jeans, silk, etc. Denim is rough, silk is delicate - all this heightens sensitivity and stimulates the development of children's fingers.

  • Don't forget about sorting through the cereals. It is worth giving preference to safer, smaller grains: semolina, buckwheat, etc. You can hide an object in the cereal that the child must find.
  • Games with pasta are a flight of fancy: pasta appliques, beads made from pasta, or simply sorting them out.

Games with dough - development of motor skills

How to stimulate speech development in a one-year-old baby

Remember: talking more with your baby means talking non-stop. Speech therapists say that it is useful for children to arrange moments of silence. Let the child learn to listen to sounds other than his mother's voice.

Games for the development of intellectual and logical thinking of children per year

How to choose a book for your baby?

One-year-old children are usually not interested in fairy tales; they are closer to poetry and nursery rhymes. The mother herself should like the book, because the baby needs to read it emotionally and with pleasure.

Now you can buy amazing educational books

Games for the psychomotor development of a child aged 1 year

  • The young explorer will be interested in toys on wheels that can be pulled and pushed. They allow you to study the movement of objects. The child is happy to put them into action.

  • There is nothing wrong with your child developing a passion for taking apart toys. At this age, the composition of things is much more interesting than the game.
  • The well-known pyramids and cubes develop better than expensive battery-powered toys. The simpler the toy, the more interested the one-year-old toddler is, because he still has room for creativity.
  • A homemade educational simulator can be an entertaining toy: a board with a door handle, lock, latch, push-button doorbell, bells, etc. attached to it.

Games with water - all children love

All children, without exception, like games with water: catching objects from the water; pouring water from one container to another; absorbing water with a sponge, squeezing it out and much more.

  • The long-loved “Ladushki” are very good for a one-year-old child, let him imitate flying birds and clap his hands as best he can. Encourage your baby to take action.

Fun physical education for your baby

Teach your baby gestures and words of greeting and farewell: “bye-bye,” “hello,” etc.

Development of creative abilities per year

  • At an early age, children are very natural in all manifestations, so they have no equal in dancing. Play music and dance with your child more often.
  • One-year-old babies like simple and rhythmic melodies.
  • Sing to the child. Kids listen attentively to singing, they try to imitate adults, reproducing sounds, gestures, and facial expressions.
  • Choose musical toys with a calm sound and as simple as possible, because a lot of sounds will not give the child the opportunity to concentrate.

The first musical toys

Development of social skills in one-year-old children

  1. Communication with peers is of great importance in the life of every child. He learns to play with other children, use common toys, and share them. This is how the ability for social communication is formed. Loneliness is not good for children. At one year of age, it is recommended to communicate not only with peers, but also with children a year or two older. From them the baby can learn many household skills.
  2. At such an early age as 1 year, children are not as interested in playing together as they are in communication itself. The toddlers do not yet know how to organize a game, parents should help with this: show what to do with a scoop, molds; teach how to roll a car, etc.
  3. Children from one to three years old love everything related to animals. They imitate the barking of a dog, the meowing of a cat. At one year old, communication with animals should be especially careful; the baby may be frightened by the crowing of a rooster or the loud neighing of a horse.
  4. Contact with nature is very important for the development of children. It’s as if the child is just discovering that there are leaves on the trees, and for the first time he is looking meaningfully at the snow and rain. Tell your child about natural phenomena.

Even the little ones need company

Every mother who thinks about the question: “How to develop the abilities of a one-year-old child?” must remember that the most important thing is to help the baby grow up to be a full-fledged, self-confident person, both intellectually and physically.

Understanding the world is the main task of a 1-year-old child

The development of a child per year is impossible without physical activity. Have fun games in nature and explore the world together. Don't neglect your child's needs because you want to raise a genius. Remember that any early development method is just a model, and it is up to you and your baby to decide to what extent to adhere to it. A person who is one year old already has his own opinion, which is worth taking into account.

Every mother wants her baby to develop harmoniously, grow healthy and smart. In addition, it is important to consider as early as possible his talents and special abilities, which, of course, every child has. All this can be achieved if you start working with your baby on time. Regular classes with a child 1 year of age and older help him learn about the world around him, teach him to be independent, develop memory, attention, thinking, and form basic skills of cultural behavior. It is very important, when thinking about what to do with a one-year-old child, to understand that at this age he better perceives information presented in the form of a game. Therefore, all activities with a 1-year-old child at home and outside should be done in a playful way.

There are many different methods and games that are recommended for both a one-year-old baby and for activities with a child of 1 year 3 months. Sometimes it is difficult for parents to understand all their diversity. Here are the main types of games that can be used in daily activities with your child in order to raise a well-rounded personality and, at the same time, spend time interesting and fun.

Sports activities with a 1 year old child

Many parents think about what to do with their 1-year-old child in order to moderate his physical activity? Of course, in such a situation, sports and outdoor games will come to the rescue. Babies at this age willingly crawl, climb and squat, and make other active movements. You can invite your child to get a toy that is “hidden” under the table, in a tunnel from a box, or in another room. Children are interested in climbing through a hoop, maybe for the same toy.

What else to do with a year old child? Play the game “Climb under the rope” with him. To do this, pull the rope at a height of 30-40 cm from the floor. Take a few toys and show your baby how they crawl under the rope, then invite him to repeat this movement himself.

While walking outside, go up and down the steps of the stairs with your little man and onto the hill. You need to know that at this age it is more difficult for him to go downhill, so it is important to insure him at this time.

Speech development classes

Games for a one-year-old baby and activities for a child aged 1 year and 3 months must include techniques aimed at developing speech. Kids love to play a game called Questions. Parents can use a book with bright pictures, preferably with a large number of characters (animals, cartoon characters). Pointing to a book character, the mother asks the child, for example, “What is the dog doing?”, “Who sleeps in the house?” etc. Each new word must be repeated several times, trying to get the child to pronounce it more clearly and correctly.

It’s good to teach short poems and songs with your toddler that contain repetitions of words and onomatopoeia. You can supplement such poems and songs with movements that suit the meaning.

Offer your child the game “Who’s Hiding?” To do this, you need to take several toys in the form of animals and birds. Covering one of them with a scarf, they ask the child who was hiding under it. After the correct answer, for example, “Cat,” they ask: “What does the cat say?”

Breathing exercises are very effective for the development of a child’s speech apparatus. For example, you can ask him to blow on pieces of cotton wool, teach him how to blow soap bubbles. In addition, exercises that develop the mobility of the articulatory apparatus include questions and answers that are interesting for children: “How does a horse gallop?”, “How does a wolf howl?” and others.

Activities with a 1-year-old child at home: developing fine motor skills

Experts say that classes on fine motor skills of the hands contribute to better development of speech, attentiveness, and perseverance in children.

Children can be asked to fill the bottle with small objects, such as buttons. For activities with children 1 year and older, it is good to use bright mosaics.

Many parents use regular clothespins to play with their children. Of course, large, bright clothespins are best. The baby can simply learn to grab various small objects with clothespins - pictures, handkerchiefs, buttons, pencils. Or you can invite him to make a “flower”. To do this, cut out a circle from cardboard and ask the child to pin bright clothespins around the circle, like flower petals.

One of the favorite activities of little children is stringing rings into a pyramid. Mom shows the baby how to make a “correct” and “inverted” pyramid, and he tries to repeat it.

Role-playing games

Role-playing games teach the child self-care skills in a fun way; they reflect basic everyday scenes, such as eating, going to bed, dressing, bathing and others.

During these classes with a 1-year-old child, it is important to name all the objects, actions performed, and the motivation for these actions. It’s good to use a doll, her clothes, and dishes for such games. The baby must learn to dress and undress the doll, put it to bed, and bathe it.

You can fill a small bowl with water and have your child wash the dishes, then dry them with a towel.

With the help of a doll, you need to teach the baby the rules of dating and conversation. To do this, use short, simple sentences and answers, repeating especially difficult words several times. 4.3 out of 5 (7 votes)

What educational games should I play with my child? We offer options

How to raise a smart child? Games for attention: hide and seek and games with a handkerchief

Child after one year: outdoor games and exercises at home and on a walk

Child activities expert Zhenya Katz advises first checking your clothes and shoes: are they comfortable and not cold? And then use the game ideas: the children will definitely like some of them!

My son Grishka, aged 1.5-2, hated winter walks and started whining as soon as we went out. He didn’t want to dig, he didn’t want to go up the hill—he didn’t want anything. And now he loves to go for walks - he has simply outgrown those childhood problems and learned how to...

Educational games, poems, nursery rhymes and communication with a child: speech development without a speech therapist


If you decide to take up drawing with your baby, remember that in the first years of life a little person actively learns and discovers the world around him. And drawing for him is also a kind of game, an experiment, a way of realizing his childhood fantasies.
After all, you can play not only with cubes and dolls. You can invent and draw interesting stories on paper, make paper clothes, beds and furniture for the same paper dolls, draw road maps for toy travel, etc....

...At first, let him just watch you draw. After all, his hands are still quite weak to hold a brush or pencil. From about 4 months, you can invite your child to paint with his fingers and palms. And when his hands get stronger, that is, closer to the second year of life, first offer him a brush, then pencils and felt-tip pens.

Don’t rush to teach your child to draw from the very first lessons. Let him just scribble funny doodles on paper. This is the first stage of drawing that your baby goes through. Experts call it the staining stage. Until about 2 years of age, your little artist will play with a pencil, simply scratching it on paper and not creating specific images.

02.11.2015 17:20:58, At this stage of your child's development, you can teach your...

Review of educational aids and experience of “useless” games.

It’s a good technique, my mother and brother usually study it, but mostly with an electronic textbook. He is now in my 3rd grade. He really likes it, his eyes light up, he wants to eat, he quickly assimilates information.

Educational games, poems, nursery rhymes and communication with a child: speech development without a speech therapist

Elena Karkavtseva

What to do with a child who has just begun to explore the world?

Educational games, poems, nursery rhymes and communication with a child: speech development without a speech therapist

Good day to all! Interesting article, a lot of useful information. My suggestion for working with laces: you can offer the child to “sew up torn clothes” with a lace tablet hanging out as clothing, or take a plastic construction set (there are long and short sticks with holes) and invite the child to assemble something from the construction set and laces (swing, handbag ...), but in general, give the child the opportunity to fantasize and not ask him to do something specific - let him figure it out on his own, and let his fingers develop the baby’s speech.

09.26.2007 13:23:25, Anastasia

Hello Katyusha!
No, I never cease to be amazed at your ingenuity! The article is very valuable, primarily due to the fact that it does not contain those banal games with children that are described in most books and require certain material costs. And here everything is at hand, everything is accessible. If only I could find the time :)

Until the age of 2, a child continues to actively interact with the outside world, his horizons expand, his thinking is formed, and his speech develops. Developmental communication, didactic activities and games with the baby are still of great importance. What tasks should parents solve, what materials and methods can they use?
Nurturing the child’s cognitive activity in the process of actions with objects Continue teaching the child to assemble double didactic toys...

Educational games, poems, nursery rhymes and communication with a child: speech development without a speech therapist

Well done. Everything is correct. And you don’t need any super techniques. I myself am a teacher, a primary school teacher, but I didn’t use any super techniques in the upbringing and development of my eldest daughter. Nevertheless, she started reading early, took an interest in mathematics, etc. Everything you need In fact, a caring mother is always at hand for a child’s development. She is almost 13. She studies well, voluntarily plays music (piano, guitar), sports, plays chess and backgammon well, solves solitaire like seeds (there is also logic here memory is also needed). Now the little one is 3 months old, we are going through everything all over again.

Olechka! You are smart! You are just a super mom! I saved your article for myself, I will read it every day so as not to forget to do something for my Dominica.

Vocabulary is growing. And it is becoming increasingly difficult to understand. “Ba” is a butterfly, a loaf, and a banana. Please advise how to develop his spoken language. Maybe someone has similar problems? We read to him often (he loves it) and try to pronounce the words clearly. What should be done in such cases?

Educational games, poems, nursery rhymes and communication with a child: speech development without a speech therapist

4/29/2000 20:24:18, Maria D. There is one idea: together with your child, come up with SIGNS for words. This works very well with little ones, but it’s generally great with one and a half kids. That is, you pay attention to what movement the child makes when he says “dog,” or you do it yourself (but it should be mostly gross motor skills, for example, “petting the dog” with your whole hand) and repeat the movement several times, saying “dog.” The child goes through several such movements...

Daughter Sasha is 1.5 years old (born 6 weeks premature), communicates mainly with gestures (understands about 1 thousand words), does not speak, and if she says a word, it’s only once a month (favorite words are “I will”, “Sasa” -Sasha, “am-am” - food, “bul” - swim, “sa” - dog, “zh-zh” - fly), i.e. She is not mute, her vocabulary mainly consists of verbs, there are practically no nouns, how can I make her talk? I’m sitting at home alone with my daughter, but she doesn’t want to communicate with me, she wants to communicate with other people, but her vocabulary is poor and dialogue is impossible

03.10.2007 14:44:57, Algiz

A child of average development. Not super smart, but not stupid either. We work a lot, but we run out of ideas quickly. Share who is doing what with children of this age. Reading, plasticine modeling, mosaics, etc. Maybe there is something special in your activities with your child, I will be glad to hear any thoughts. For example, this is the case with us. We read "Turnip" and discuss this fairy tale from all sides. Everything seems to be dedicated to her. And we draw a turnip, at the same time we learned the color yellow. We bought real turnips and ate them. I bought him nesting dolls for this fairy tale, everything is there...

For a number of reasons, we want to study at home with the participation of friends from the site, but our ideas will last for two weeks at best. Recommend good literature or websites on this topic, please. A neighbor offers to buy the collection "School of the Seven Dwarfs 1-2" - does anyone have experience using these books? Is it worth that kind of money? In general, I will be grateful for ideas)

Educational games, poems, nursery rhymes and communication with a child: speech development without a speech therapist

For two weeks?
At your age, two classes a week is enough. 40 min. No more. In all development centers, classes are held the same for a month and a half. Children do not immediately understand how and what to do. By the time they master and consolidate the skill, you will already find plenty of other activities.
You can take turns going to reconnaissance for trial classes and sharing your experience for a month.
I myself really didn’t like the School of the Seven Dwarfs. Children master the same knowledge better in practice than from pictures. For example: you can endlessly show apples, pears, cucumbers in pictures, but trying and touching them is much more informative.
In this regard, the Montessori method is more interesting. [link-1] you can read it here. Toys can be created from scrap materials.

Tell me, what do you do at home after kindergarten with your child? I’ve already exhausted myself with nothing:-(I’ve already exhausted myself about this. My daughter can’t read. Previously, until she was 2.5 years old, we sat at home and did many things. Now I have no desire for this:-(There will always be something else lesson. I think that we need to find a teacher for her and go to him at least once a week, because in a year we will have to start the courses this September. At the same time, the child is smart, he grasps everything. flying to...

Educational games, poems, nursery rhymes and communication with a child: speech development without a speech therapist

Let's play. on a train, a bus, a plane, to Dunno, to the hospital (we are treating our neck; we recently had a pain). Our teacher in the kindergarten says that we need to let the child play enough. it is important. so we play... he chooses the plots, and I sing along))))

I'm terribly lazy. Going to the theater, going somewhere, swimming, skiing - that's for me. But after kindergarten, studying in the evening is beyond my strength. Well, sometimes I force myself, but for me it’s something! I also worry about this all the time. We actually go to classes. There are Zaitsev's cubes and much more, and it's only homework that forces me to do something. But mostly it’s dad and grandma. I had a very hard time both walking with the stroller and the sandbox. And many people like it. All people are different. Do what you can. Under pressure - it will only get worse. He will prepare for school and learn everything. Not everyone comes there and knows how to read and write. In the meantime, if you are worried, you can pick up some classes.

Girls, I was asked to write a plan for a child (so that the mother could study). By section - 1. Sports, hardening 2. Speech 3. Music 4. Games and toys (thinking, sensory, memory) 5. Drawing - modeling (motor skills) Maybe there is something ready-made on the Internet, huh? And I would have corrected it! I will definitely show the result to everyone.

The child is 1 year and 2 months old. She is not interested in toys. The only thing that attracts her more than anything is books. I just don’t know how she can be developed at all. Please tell me some kind of manual that can really captivate a child. Thank you in advance .

I would like to hear how other mothers deal with their small children (age 1.5) at home. For example, we collect blocks, a pyramid, play hide and seek, count (we bend our fingers, count ladders, toys), tried to give a pen so that the little ones could draw scribbles (too early for us, he understands, but there is no interest), he likes to move small toys from one boxes to another, role-playing games are already being looked at ("spoon-feeding" mom), what else....we look at books, dramatize rhymes (for example...

What can you do with a 5.5 month old baby? I started looking at cards with pictures, and what else? Tell me, please :)

Educational games, poems, nursery rhymes and communication with a child: speech development without a speech therapist

:)) We read books for little ones, where there is little text and a lot of beautiful pictures, we held them in our hands and looked at animal figures accompanied by mother’s voiceover (“this is a cow, she says “moo” :)), looked at pictures in books without reading , walked, crawled after the cat and just like that throughout the apartment, studied the contents of the lower shelves, dabbled in musical toys (where you press buttons and you get sounds, melodies, animal voices, etc.), loved rattles, loved watching mom do her homework things (with mom’s comments). As for the cubes, I don’t remember at what age, but in my opinion, later, with the help of my mom, we played hands, magpie-crow, and other finger games, flew in mom’s and dad’s hands, touched ourselves with them. with the help of my mother for different parts of the face and body (“this is the nose, and this is the forehead...”, later I saw this game somewhere in a poetic form, but it was no longer relevant, so I don’t remember where) , listened to children's songs and classical music, rode "over bumps" on mom and dad's knees. Maybe something else - it's hard to remember. And ask a question at a conference up to a year - there will probably be many proposals there. The book also advises showing (but carefully) a family photo album, taking out and putting toys out of boxes.

Sorry if this has already happened. The search is driving, but I can’t find it. So what do girls play at one and a half years old? What toys should I buy? We need to update our toy park. :) Thank you.

Educational games, poems, nursery rhymes and communication with a child: speech development without a speech therapist

Rolls Lala, sweeps the floor, rattles pots, puts on her mother’s tchotchkes, the rest is like everyone else (sorter, puzzles, etc.)

Friends of ours (we hang out together) bought an amazing toy for their daughter - a house of friends from the TOLO company, and they also bought a horse, a cow, etc. to go with it. Sashka really likes it.

Daughter is 1.4. The problem is that I can't play with it. She already knows a lot - stacking blocks on top of each other, assembling a construction set (like Lehi, only big), rocking dolls, etc. But she has no desire to play this. She doesn’t play on her own at all; if I start playing, at least with the same cubes, she immediately throws everything away with a cheerful laugh and leaves. I do not know what to do? How and with what to attract her? I read the special books on this topic, but apparently they mean very...

Educational games, poems, nursery rhymes and communication with a child: speech development without a speech therapist

Well, it’s even worse here (also 1.4) :-) Maybe this will make you feel better. Our boy is himself, he walks and does something that only he wants. He doesn’t look at any books or posters, he doesn’t allow himself to be shown or told anything! He doesn’t speak, he doesn’t play with pretend toys, although without our help he has very well developed fine motor skills - he can do whatever he wants with his fingers. Playing houses, as described below, may be... a little bit ;-)
At first I was shocked, especially after my daughter, who from birth was an “excellent student” in all respects, always met and surpassed all possible standards, and here... But now I calmed down and learned to accept my youngest as a person who was born this way such as there is:-)

I think that in this case it’s very cool not to pay attention to toys at all, but to connect him to all adult activities. I had to do this with my eldest; he started playing little by little after he was 2 years old. They cooked soup, did laundry, washed dishes, cut potatoes with a small knife, watered flowers, hung clean things he pulled out of the machine to dry, well, almost everything I do. At this time, if possible, you can play out situations with what is happening, as if playing, if you want, if he likes... Well, sometimes you can start playing again, but what if the time has already come? At one time I was so happy that my child did not pay any attention to cars, but now at 4 years old he builds them from all the furniture at home, in the garden and wherever possible.

Tell me what to do with a child at this age? Does it make sense to take any classes or is it too early? What centers do you recommend in Northwestern Administrative Okrug?

Educational games, poems, nursery rhymes and communication with a child: speech development without a speech therapist

IMHO that developmental centers are beneficial only for children after 3 years of age. My daughter is 1.6, so at home we sculpt, and draw, and make appliqués, and practice all sorts of Montessori-Zaitsev-Doman-Lupan techniques. At some point, I decided to take her to classes at the children's center. Our trip turned out to be a COMPLETELY useless waste of money and time: at home we do much more and with much more interest and excitement! And there she sees that mothers are waving brushes and collecting cubes for other children, and she also began: “Mom, help!” So I'll give mine away after 3.

For this we went to an early development school, there is a lot of information there on how to develop and play with a child.
Lots of new finger games and activities with various objects (for example, use counting sticks to pour small mosaics from a high chair into a jar, bury buttons in beans and pull them out by color and size, etc.)
Sing the alphabet in different languages.

besides lotto, dominoes and plasticine? Walking is excluded due to the weather and otitis media.

Educational games, poems, nursery rhymes and communication with a child: speech development without a speech therapist

When we are sick, we make figures from dough, then paint them with paints and dry them in the microwave. We also rollerblade at home :)

Yesterday they took out a large piece of wallpaper, laid it on the floor and BOTH of them drew!!))) Then they got tired and the children put this piece of wallpaper on their heads and played with ghosts)) Yesterday I also cut out magazines and my drawings for the remaining half day, then learned from a square circle cut it out, and made an oval out of a rectangle - it was so fascinating)))

Today we made a garland of colored rings, it turned out to be of incredible size, we have already hung it up))) [link-1]

You can pour semolina into a baking tray and draw on it.

Hello! What can you do to keep your child busy at home during illness, when you can’t go for a walk? What games can already be played at the age of 1 year. Is it possible to allow people to watch TV, especially if the child is drawn to it?

Educational games, poems, nursery rhymes and communication with a child: speech development without a speech therapist

TV is highly undesirable.
You can play with a ball - roll it along the floor from mother to baby, we also have a favorite game - Danya stands in the playpen, throws me a toy - a plastic ring, I catch it, throw it back to him, he bends down, picks it up and throws it to me again :) Reading books , we like nursery rhymes most of all, we recently played the fairy tale “Kolobok” with wooden characters, we listen to children’s songs

Oldest: 13 months. Brings boots when he wants to go for a walk. Says “bah” when throwing a ball (but we are not sure whether “bah” is “bang” or “ball” (ball in English). Understands several basic sentences (let's go for a walk, want to eat, etc.) Builds a tower from 3 regular cubes or 4-5 mega blocks. Eats well with a spoon.
14 months She turns her head when she doesn't want the food she was given. Points to the one he wants. She says “mom”, “dad”, “di” (give), “bye-bye” (bye), “all done” (finished eating).

Youngest: 13 months. She says “mom”, “dad” (by the way, then she stopped), “na” (means both “na” and “dai”), “pupo” (navel), “ba” when throwing the ball. He understands a lot. She confidently turns her head when asked about something she doesn’t want, and specifically hums when she wants (she just doesn’t say “yes,” but in fact can consciously answer yes/no to a lot of questions). Claps her hands when people say “well done” to her. He uses a spoon, but very sloppily (by the way, now he is much more careful than the older one at this age).
13.5 months He says “meow” and “aw-aw” to a cat and a dog, respectively, and sometimes repeats other animal sounds. She runs away playing when her name is called. You yourself write that ALL the tasks were new, and any action the child takes goes through three stages: watch how someone does it, do it with someone’s help, do it yourself.
So, all proposed tasks should not be taken as a test of your child’s abilities, but should be taken as a guide to action. After all, it is often very difficult for mothers to come up with games and activities for their baby, and they also need them to be useful for development.
I think it’s worth taking the opportunity to visit a new place with your child, and at the same time learn something interesting.
And adaptation to kindergarten is good! :-))

As for beans and acorns: I remember myself in the first grade, when the teacher during a labor lesson showed how to make fringe on a napkin - everyone began to work together, and I asked my aunt in bewilderment WHY should this be done??? My daughter still doesn't sort beans from peas, but she's great at things that are more complex than that, like sorting by shades of color and items with subtle differences in shape...

1. Please advise what activities and educational games can be done with a 6-month-old child. 2. I recently bought a folder with demonstration material - images of animals and their babies, but I don’t really know how to show it. I decided to post 1 picture at a time (I put the babies aside for now), but how often should I change them? 3. And another thing that worries me is that at 2-3 months my daughter could well pronounce all sorts of sounds KA, KU, AGU, BO, etc. I repeated after her, and she answered me. Now I can't understand what she's saying...

Educational games, poems, nursery rhymes and communication with a child: speech development without a speech therapist

You can show different grimaces, let him repeat. Blow (cartoonically draw in air, puff out your cheeks and exhale noisily). All sorts of ladushki and magpie-crows are very useful. From as early as six months, you can start massaging your lips so that later there will be fewer problems with speech. Let them play with water so that only their hands are immersed in it (it seems to be also for speech development, although I don’t understand the point). Give different objects of different sizes, sew a lot of buttons and rings of different sizes onto some toy or pillow. Let the strings be pulled and the strings pulled. Learn to leaf through books (on very thick paper). Give a lot of different rags or bags with different fillings. Play hide and seek - moving ones if he is already crawling, or just cover his face with a cloth if he is still sitting still. Let the legs kick a soft pillow or ball. Swing on the ball. Give a prickly rubber ball. Learn to do pull-ups on a horizontal bar in your crib. You can twirl Zaitsev's cubes.

At one time, Natal and other participants posted here their “study plans” for a year, a year and a half, etc. But I just can’t find what to do from 2 to 3 years: what to pay special attention to, what is interesting at this time, what develops especially actively, what are the guidelines, goals, etc. Please provide some links, or share your personal experience - what you did with your two-and-a-half-year-olds. Especially those whose children spoke little or did not speak at all, like ours. Thank you!

Educational games, poems, nursery rhymes and communication with a child: speech development without a speech therapist

I can recommend a seminar by a good teacher for parents and children. It's quite expensive, but worth it. Just about what to do with children from 2 to 5 years old. Moreover, she gives all sorts of techniques not only for the development of the child, but also for strengthening relationships. For example, it teaches how to write a family fairy tale, which can change, be supplemented over the years and last forever. Just like family happiness :) If you are interested, write to me by email, I will give you the phone numbers. There will be such a seminar just in mid-April.

01/09/2018 08:17:09, Galina Saldina

The nanny plays with dolls, houses, all kinds of construction sets with Nadya, and reads books. And more importantly, in my opinion, she may NOT play with her if she is busy with her own business. The nanny can also wash the floor and give a rag to Nadya so that she can help. And so on. I am extremely wary of any so-called early development. Thank God our nanny is not familiar with any Zaitsev-type techniques. Let her simply communicate with the child with love and tenderness. This is what suits me.
