What do 14 years want to do. Trust Service

Now we will talk about whether it is possible to have sex at 14 years old. This is a rather sensitive topic.

The sexual life of every person consists of three important aspects - emotional, physical and biological. Emotional attraction is passion, tenderness, lust, love. Biological - a way of procreation. Physical - this is the need for the convergence of bodies. The ideal option is a combination of all three aspects. What is the history of the origin of sex?


Many scientists over the centuries have put forward their theories on this issue. One theory says that during the early Paleolithic, under matriarchy, males ate what the females brought them. That is, they did not take any part in the extraction of food. Their main and only task was to protect the herd. Dwellings were not built, since the warm climate made it possible to exist in the open air and sleep on a pile of dry branches. There was always enough food for these future people, but mostly vegetarianism flourished.

Then it got colder on the planet, herds began to settle in caves, learned to make fire. Men began to go hunting, and women sat all day in caves waiting for food. Patriarchy has replaced matriarchy. In those days, drawings appeared in rock art, where a man runs after prey or where a herd of primates surrounds a mammoth. Copulations took place on an intuitive level. Scientists have been studying the sexual life of ordinary monkeys for many years. Observations have shown that they are far from indiscriminate in sexual partners. First, each female copulates with the leader of the pack, and only then, after 3 days, she can do it with someone else, so that the offspring is most likely from the leader.

There is a period in anthropology when, in primitive times, the development of mankind abruptly stopped. At this time, there were few males, and the plot changed in the rock paintings. After a series of excavations, archaeologists and scientists have suggested that the herd began to engage in group sexual acts. Males reluctantly began to go for prey. The main thing for them was to quickly and as often as possible indulge in group sexual pleasures.

Everything has changed over the millennia. But one thing has not changed - sexual intercourse has remained one of the main human needs.

Talk about sex

An adult has long had an idea of ​​​​what sex means in his life. But there comes a time when you need to explain this to your child. And do it right. The beginning of the child depends on what exactly and how you say it. Regardless of whether the child asked you a question about sex or not, parents still need to start this conversation.

Already from the age of seven, children, like sponges, begin to absorb all the information from the outside, memorize, scroll several times in their heads. Also, children begin to form an opinion about something, based on the points of view of their friends or classmates. Often this opinion is wrong. Therefore, a parent with an explanation of such a delicate issue should be ahead of the child's peers. It is important to start by learning about your body, and then to convey to the child that sexual intercourse is only part of a man and a woman.

Even 20-30 years ago, the girls really took care of their honor from an early age. The upbringing was so strict that a kiss for a couple was a secret event. And most couples had sex only after marriage.

Can you have sex at 14?

These days, girls get in with guys pretty early. If earlier it was 16-18 years, now it is an average of 14 years. Can a 14 year old girl have sex? Let's try to find the answer.

14 years - a time that is mostly always accompanied by sexual desires in boys and girls. This is due to the release of hormones in the body responsible for sexual desire.

Can you have sex at 14? I would like to note that this is the age of minority. Do not forget that this act is punishable by law. Although that doesn't stop anyone. Is it okay to have sex at 14? Children at this age are more likely to trust the opinion of friends who promote early sex only from the best side, but in fact, teenagers are engaged in it only because everyone says: "it's cool." It is unlikely that both get true pleasure.

Other arguments

Can a guy have sex at 14? Better not worth it. For boys, there is a great alternative - masturbation.

But is it still possible to have sex at the age of 14? It is advisable to give up intimacy during this period. Adolescents at this age are rarely protected, but the number of children who are treated by venereologists is growing noticeably. They cause tremendous harm to their body - first having sex, then a venereal disease, and then its treatment. And all this falls on the still unformed growing organism. At the same time, a girl may not receive pleasure, but it’s easy to get pregnant. Again, this is stress, regardless of whether she will have an abortion or give birth.

The opinion of psychologists

According to psychologists and doctors, most teenagers start having sex at the age of 14 for fear of appearing insufficiently mature in front of their friends, which means they will no longer be respected. Early sex subsequently often turns into severe depression.

Parents should give their child maximum attention at any age. And in the transition period (13-17 years old), you should become a real friend for the child. A parent should not miss a single bad mood, incomprehensible behavior of his child. You can miss something, and it will be fraught with irreversible consequences.
Of course, most teenagers have a first love, but not all of them turn into long and strong relationships.

It is important for a parent to be especially attentive with the child during the dating period - to talk more with him, you can ask about how the meeting went, what interesting things you saw on a walk or on a trip, etc. And most importantly, always casually and necessarily unobtrusively talk about that early sex is not good. Talk about the consequences of such a relationship, as discussed above.

Of course, there are situations when even with very friendly relations with parents, the child is embarrassed to ask about sex. Therefore, it is important to conduct conversations on intimate topics yourself. It is desirable that the father talks to the boy, and the mother talks to the girl. Then the child will be more liberated in the conversation. It is important to talk about sex as a consequence of love. That intimacy without love should not be. We must not let sex devalue the child's attitude to life and, as a result, depreciate itself!


In the article, we answered the exciting question of whether it is possible to have sex at 14 years old. Psychological counseling can help when a parent is faced with a problem that they cannot solve on their own. at any age - a difficult topic, and at such an early age - especially.

I am 14 years old and by my teenage years I have not achieved anything but the bottom. I thought about how I live and what needs to be changed and realized that I am a nonentity. I have never had girlfriends. However, I make acquaintances simply and can produce an unprecedented impression of an interesting interlocutor that does not last more than two weeks, though. I have an average of 3 triples and 9 fives, I want to quickly go somewhere after 9 with a hostel, because there is a big discord with my mother, I’m lazy, there’s nothing to talk about with me and I really like to be alone, or rather, I need it, and my mother loves to yell and make me do my homework and go shopping with her and even choose clothes and things that I hate. I have a boyfriend, he is more than 8 years older. Yes, I’m 14 and he’s 23, we’ve been together for a year and don’t think that he is some kind of loser, in general, I myself don’t understand why he is with me. He is smart, kind, educated, positive and very nice and is not deprived of the attention of girls 18+. He is poor in terms of money, but I don’t need it, I’m more than happy with him and without him living “like all people”, we have paradise in a hut We hide our relationship from everyone, but my whole family knows about them, they met him and they liked him. But what is the point, the problems are from the fact that I lie in bed all day and get dumb. I give up on school and play truant, I don’t have friends and girlfriends at all, and besides, I’m a terrible liar on trifles. If I start doing something, everything falls out of my hands, and if it doesn’t fall, then I never finish it to the end started. I live like in a tank, I don’t let anyone near me except a guy, and then we rarely communicate. I can’t talk with classmates, I’m a terrible critic and a bore, only my appearance and knowledge in some subjects saves me. Everything else in me is very dull and muddy. And I'm starting to get used to this state. Every day I move away from my family, from society, more and more I manage to stay alone, and by today I have become isolated, I don’t talk to almost anyone. I used to worry about a lot, but now I don’t care about anything and I want to run away somewhere far away from everyone, where there is no one, I have no one left except my boyfriend, with whom I can just talk at all. But he constantly works to somehow live and develop, and we see each other 1-2 times a month, maximum. I hate myself. I am a lazy creature who does not strive for anything, but simply sits on my mother's neck. Give me advice on how to get started, how to stop being so closed off from everyone and finally get yourself off the couch?

Verunchik (name changed): Hello, Olga .... And a very young child writes to you. I am 14 years old. I'll start all over...
This summer, I met a young man on the Internet. And then we decided to meet. We met. We were pleased to be in each other's company, we talked. But since the time was already late, then we went home ... He saw me off, and said something in the end about the Internet, so that I would come to the chat.

The next day I was on the Internet, but it seemed to fall through the ground. And so it was for several days. Then I still found it, again on the Internet (Internet). Well, we got into a conversation as usual, and in the course of the conversation it turns out that he loves me. At first I did not believe it, I decided to watch him. We went for a walk, and all the time I caught this devouring gaze of passion and the desire to be much closer than 20 cm from me. And I agreed... to be his girlfriend. Although I didn’t love him, I just liked him, and we had A LOT in common, but I did it like that.

Zhenya came to my house, and my parents made a scandal that he was much older than me (he is 22). I cannot forgive them for this. They told him to leave me, still a child, alone. They (parents) were afraid that a natural instinct would wake up in him, etc. We broke up - he left, and we never met again. I still didn’t understand why, I still had a terrible resentment towards my parents, because if it weren’t for them. Although I know you will say that any father and mother would have behaved in such a case, but the fact remains. I felt bad, and, probably, like every teenager at my age, I tried to commit suicide, but I couldn’t, they prevented me. I tore up all the photos of my boyfriend when in a chat he suggested that I remain friends, just friends. But I couldn't, and I decided to become invisible.

So I lived for one month. And I can say I messed up. My outlook has now changed. I began to use those guys who liked me ... The girl with pigtails disappeared - a completely ordinary teenager appeared for our time. I go to discos, I dress in everything short, I was rude to my mother, I came late, I kissed everyone who wanted it.

And one of these days I learn from Zhenya that he wants me and wanted me back then. But, considering my age, he can't afford it and that's why he stopped everything then. I don’t know how to explain this to you, but I understood why we broke up. And then I decided to return it, no matter what happens to me. I told him that I want him, just like he wanted me (but I said this not because of the principle, but because it was so). We spent the day alone in the country ... He kissed me, I kissed him. We were pleased. But I did not let him near my genitals.

So, now the main point of my letter, the question that I wanted to ask. Can I sleep with him? After all, at such a young age - I don’t know how my vagina will react to the penis of an adult man. Please tell us about it. Or should I wait until 15? Well, after all, girls at my age even got pregnant, so there’s nothing scary about it, why so early? And do not try to dissuade me, I already know that I will do it, just tell me.

And one more thing - you probably have a question ... why did I want to return everything. It struck me too. I only know that I felt bad without him... very bad. But what is love, nobody knows? And I don't know. I want him.... And I love him. But where did it come from? Explain to me, please, one more thing...

And do not think that since I am 14, so I have an infantile worldview. I'm all around
they say that I am much older than my peers, both girls and guys. AND
It is easy for me to communicate with older people than me.

Thank you in advance for your help, I hope it will be useful to me...
goodbye, waiting for an answer...

Hello! If a guy says that at 18 it will be too late, then he is lying! All guys at this age want sex so much that they will persuade you to the last. Most likely, he told you this for personal experience, as soon as you have a close relationship (in this regard), he will immediately think about how to part with you as soon as possible ... I sincerely ask you not to do this! I know that you will most likely do this, because girls at that age are too naive, for the sake of love they are ready for anything! But guys, at this age, dream of winning a lot of girls, for the sake of popularity between guys, who won how many girls (it’s customary for them). My advice to you is not to date guys at such an early age as it may affect your future life. You're not ready for this! You do not know the difficulties, you will be very sorry! Are you ready to take full responsibility for yourself? Are you ready to think about everything in advance? About consequences for example? What if the guy gets jailed because you're underage? What if you get pregnant? Are you ready to ruin your life at this age? Please don't hurry! Think of your future husband! What will you give him on his wedding night? This is, of course, your own business, but I warn you that you should be attentive and careful so as not to incur misfortune and grief at the current age and in the future! You know, I really want to be in your place. I will show you my situation by example, so that you learn from the mistakes of others. When I was 16, a guy fell deeply in love with me. It just blew the roof off. He was then 23 and you know, he was so disappointed in life, in girls. He suffered for a very long time, he had girls, but he never had an intimate relationship. Since as soon as he found out that his girlfriend had already slept with someone, disgust for such a girl immediately appeared. And then he met me! And so I was 16 then, he looked after me, although at that time he did not work and his parents did not give him money. So I earned a little. So here's the point. I never had boyfriends... And he wanted to take advantage of this while I was still innocent and do it as soon as possible. Of course, I resisted, I was afraid, all the same, 1 time, they dragged on for a long time with this. After all, he also has 1 time. He escorted me home and was constantly afraid that some maniac would not come across to me there. In general, I felt like in a fairy tale. So 1 time we tried on the roof of a high 10-floor. But nothing happened, it was too difficult. The 2nd time at his house, it didn’t work out either, I was very afraid. Then 3 times at his entrance, he accidentally reached with his finger and touched something, it hurt a little, then he saw a little blood on his finger. But we didn't take it that way. And they continued every day. Until he fully penetrated me. And you know he was very disappointed! Soon I'm 19, and he's 28, and you know, it's like no one is to blame, but the depression is strong. To look after, does not look after, only at the request. He works as a programmer, he has money, but we don’t have anything in our hearts, he says everything is burned out! So take care! Good luck!

When asked, I'm 14 and I want... love. given by the author Ksyusha Redhead the best answer is For the first time I see an adequate teenage girl.
I'm 18 and I want the same thing as you, only with sex (age, everything), despite the fact that I'm a guy.
This is quite an adequate desire and excellent wording. Unfortunately, true love takes a long time to come. What they write that it is impossible to fall in love at the age of 14 is nonsense, people who have forgotten themselves at this age. My first love was just at the age of 14 and I still remember this girl and even feel something for her.
Just be patient. I know that this is the most difficult thing possible, but if you want true love, this is necessary. Look for a boyfriend as usual, look at your friends, the strongest relationships are those based on friendship, and love will definitely replace sympathy if both of you want it.
You are also right about sex, at the age of 14 you can’t do it at all, despite your classmates, if you want examples and arguments from personal experience why this shouldn’t be done, write to the mail, I’ll tell you.
In general, you are a rare fellow, I would like to meet someone like you, only a little older)
All the best to you)

Answer from DOC45678[guru]
Ksyusha I'm also 14 and I also want sex

Answer from Swordics games[guru]
Am I supposed to read all of this?

Answer from Nikita Ryanzhin[newbie]
I'm 14 and anonymous ananist

Answer from Your Mister Odintsov?[guru]
After the very first sentence in the supplement, a male troll under a woman's nickname is immediately visible.

Answer from Gleb Chugunkin[guru]
Everything will be fine

Answer from dark saint[guru]
hmm cool ... I remembered myself at the age of 11-12 ... friends-hugs-bags-carts-handle-holds .. It's naive but cute to eerily. I envy you have a lot more to come. Try not to waste your time on trifles) Good luck to you

Answer from Alijon (School boy)[master]
Just hormones, calm down. And everyone wants love, it's okay))

Answer from Joseph Stalin[guru]
So everyone

Answer from Soul of the Wind[guru]

Answer from Ohm but[active]
Girl, you're contradicting yourself! Child love is by no means kissing and physical contact. If you want sex, it means you are already mature, of course I'm not saying that you need to do this UNTIL 18, but when you meet a guy you are ready to trust, then go ahead. And true love at this age you can only get from close relatives.

Answer from Melo[guru]
little slut)

Answer from Yury Belov[active]
Spit on it and learn, it's always too late to learn, and the later, the harder it is to catch up. Yes, and get carried away with films less, they are just idealizations of reality, which still eat into the brain and ask you to experience it in life, interfering with all-round development. Sorry, I'm skeptical about love, but the person above is partly right, for good love you need joint activity, a little bit of parental instincts and a drop of sexual desire, ONLY DESIRE AND DO NOT TURN IT INTO ACTION, FOR EARLY, WHO WOULD NOT SAY, HUMAN IS A BIO-SOCIAL BEING, BEYOND THE BIOLOGICAL "MATURATION", THERE IS A SOCIAL (although I would use the word labor here, I can explain why if I wish), WHICH MANY LOOK LIKE TO FORGET... Good luck in your search.
