What is skin atrophy and how is it treated? Skin atrophy: classification, symptoms and methods of treatment Death of skin cells.

With skin atrophy, the volume of the skin integuments decreases, they become more fragile and vulnerable, and become thinner. Basically, the elastic fibers of the tissue are subjected to change. Among the most common types can be called senile atrophy. Its occurrence is due to the course of irreversible processes associated with senile age.

External manifestations of skin atrophy

What does skin atrophy look like? First of all, the manifestations are noticeable in open areas of the body, they are most characterized by thinning and loss of firmness and elasticity. One can observe such phenomena as folded skin, which is not always possible to straighten. The color of the skin also changes. In addition, it becomes translucent, and the venous network is visible through it. The surface becomes pearly white or acquires a reddish tint. Violation of skin metabolism, decreased activity of enzymes - all this leads to pathological atrophy.

Skin atrophy has several types. Primary, secondary, limited and diffuse. If we talk about a disease that is more common in women, then the primary form of atrophy should be called. Its development is due to certain factors of the natural state of the female body, for example, during pregnancy, when there are significant endocrine changes.

Diffuse atrophy manifests itself in the form of damage to a large surface of the skin, and often the epidermis layer on the hands or feet is involved in the process. In other types of atrophy, the affected area can be located anywhere in the body where there is intact skin.

The peculiarity of the skin areas affected by atrophy is that they can either look slightly higher than normal areas, or vice versa, have depressions. If the facial region is affected by the disease, then half of the face may have atrophic changes, while the other half remains healthy in appearance.

Specialists distinguish the type of secondary atrophy. It is characterized by the fact that it occurs on areas of the skin that were previously affected by other diseases. A striking example is lupus erythematosus, syphilis, tuberculosis. It should be emphasized that the presence of certain diseases in a patient can provoke the occurrence of skin atrophy.

Diseases that may cause atrophy

The list of diseases in which skin atrophy occurs is quite large. As already noted, one of the first places is age-related skin changes. Also, the cause can be lupus erythematosus, atrophic and sclerotic lichen, skin disorders that accompany diabetes mellitus. Atrophy occurs with connective tissue disease, when skin rashes are present and muscles weaken. It is not excluded the appearance of atrophy due to the intake of certain drugs, as well as with limited scleroderma, striae, radiation dermatitis.

How to understand what exactly is skin atrophy?

Skin atrophy can have various symptoms, which may differ depending on the type of disease. If atrophy arose as a result of the use of corticosteroid drugs, then the skin at the site of the onset of the disease looks like in elderly people. Folds form, the skin is injured at the slightest careless touch. In elderly patients, so-called stellate pseudo-scars, hemorrhage occur in the lesion.

If there is an anetoderma, then there are variants of the disease. In addition, it should be noted that women suffer more from anetoderma. There is a type of Jadassohn which has symptoms in the form of various spots. Their shape is varied, more often rounded or oval, sometimes whole groups are formed. The size of the formations is from one and a half to one centimeter in diameter. Spots differ from healthy areas in pink or yellowish color. Areas affected by atrophy occur both on the trunk and other parts of the body. Most often it is the neck, legs, arms. A small spot quickly becomes larger, and after two weeks the affected area atrophies.

Another species is called Schwenninger-Buzza anetoderma. It is characterized by such signs as hernia-like spots protruding above the surface of the skin. They are localized on the surface of the arms and legs, in the back. They immediately differ from the ordinary form by a peculiar bulge.

The next type of anetoderma is urticaria. It is characterized by the occurrence of blisters in those places where the skin is atrophied.

In superficial scleroderma, lesions are spread throughout the body. Most often, young women suffer from this type of atrophy. In this case, the resulting spots are large, rounded or oval in shape.

There is also idiopathic progressive atrophy. She is characterized by swelling of the tissues, at the beginning of the disease, redness of the skin is observed. Further, the foci of atrophied areas increase, signs of dry skin appear, it peels off. There are symptoms such as thinning and sagging.

Why is skin atrophy dangerous?

Atrophy of the skin is, first of all, negative aesthetic moments caused by cosmetic deficiencies. But it is possible that pathological changes may also occur. Most often, they are related to physiology, and a person experiences a stressful state, because he sees signs of inevitable aging. People with skin atrophy are psychologically unstable, emotionally unbalanced, and prone to deep depression.

Ways to treat atrophy

To prescribe an adequate treatment for skin atrophy, the doctor must know the cause of the disease that led to the onset of the pathological process. If atrophy is due to the use of corticosteroids, then the treatment process is based on the rejection of drugs containing them. It is advisable to prescribe vitamin complexes that help improve the condition of the skin.

Anetodermia (spotted atrophy) is treated with aminocaproic acid, penicillin. Vitamins and general tonic properties have a good effect.

If the patient suffers from superficial scleroderma, then penicillin is also used, a twenty-day course is prescribed. In the form of local remedies, ointments are used to improve skin circulation.

In idiopathic atrophy, treatment is carried out with penicillin preparations, drugs that improve skin trophism are used, and general strengthening therapy is used.

Which doctor to contact if there are signs of skin atrophy

For proper and complete treatment, you need to seek the advice of specialists. You will need to be examined by a neurologist, surgeon,. If neoplasms are found, then it is necessary to visit an oncologist.

Prophylactic agents are based on measures to prevent the occurrence of secondary atrophy. It is also necessary to pay attention to the treatment of the previous disease.

Massage, paraffin applications have a good effect, the use of therapeutic mud is recommended. If there are ulcerations, you can use regenerating ointments.

With atrophy, treatment of a sanatorium type is indicated. It is recommended to avoid hypothermia, try not to get injured. If cosmetic defects caused by atrophy cause emotional disorders to the patient, then the help of a psychologist is necessary.

Skin atrophy is a condition in which the layers of the skin are gradually destroyed, become thin and cannot perform their protective functions. There are several types of disease, each of which has its own distinctive features. The mechanisms behind the development of the condition are still not fully understood, but scientists have identified several factors that can provoke it. To cure the disease, high-quality diagnostics and an integrated therapeutic approach are needed.

What is a disease and why is it dangerous

The layers of the skin are able to collapse and thin, lose their elasticity. Typically, such a process occurs as a result of hormonal changes, inflammatory, age-related and metabolic processes.

Physiological atrophy

The skin of patients looks thin and dry, its natural or premature aging begins. Patients observe hair loss in the affected areas, increased sensitivity to sunlight, a vascular network (asterisks) appears.

If you study such skin under a microscope, you can notice structural changes in cells, hair follicles, sebaceous and sweat glands.

The reasons for the development of this condition are still not fully understood. Experts identify several factors that can provoke the disease.

Causes of the disease

Physiological or pathological factors can provoke the development of the disease. Skin aging is natural. Atrophy can always be observed in the elderly, it is especially pronounced after 70 years.

The following diseases can provoke premature thinning of the epidermis:

  • defeat by bacteria, fungi, viruses;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • disruption of the central nervous system;
  • autoimmune lesion;
  • mechanical damage;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • external and temporary exposure to chemicals;
  • radiation exposure;
  • excessive exposure to the sun;
  • genetic predisposition.

Very often there is atrophy of the skin after hormonal ointments (see photo below).

Pathological atrophy after the use of hormonal creams

This phenomenon occurs with prolonged local hormone therapy or incorrectly selected doses of the drug.


There are several forms of the disease, which are classified into hereditary and acquired. Atrophy can be primary or secondary (occurs against the background of another health problem).

Specialists distinguish the following forms:

  • senile (physiological);
  • spotted (anetoderma);
  • worm-like (scarring acne erythema, mesh symmetrical atrophoderma of the face, worm-like atrophoderma of the cheeks);
  • neurotic ("glossy skin");
  • progressive hemiatrophy of the face (Parry-Romberg);
  • atrophoderma Pasini - Pierini (superficial scleroderma, flat atrophic morphea);
  • lipoatrophy;
  • panatrophy;
  • idiopathic progressive skin atrophy (chronic atrophic acrodermatitis, chronic atrophic acrodermatitis of Herxheimer-Hartmann, Pick's erythromyelosis);
  • strip-like;
  • white (Milian's atrophy);
  • kraurosis of the vulva;
  • poikiloderma ("mesh skin", or "motley skin").

The classification also depends on the location of the atrophy. By location, it happens:

  • diffuse - localization is blurred, occurs on any part of the body;
  • disseminated - the lesion looks like islands among healthy skin;
  • local - the disease is determined only on one part of the body.

Each form has its own symptoms, requires increased attention and competent treatment.


Pathology has common manifestations that are observed in all forms.

The main symptoms of skin changes:

  • dryness;
  • peeling;
  • change in the usual color;
  • smoothness of the skin pattern;
  • flabby appearance;
  • translucence of blood vessels.

The skin becomes like paper, as the fat layer becomes thinner. It can change color to pale white, brown or brown.

Diagnosis and treatment methods

At the first noticeable changes in the skin, you should consult a doctor. Diagnosis of the disease consists in examining the affected area and examining skin cells for changes. The patient needs to undergo a complete examination to establish the cause of the disease.

At the moment, there is no effective treatment that would stop atrophy and restore the skin. All actions of doctors are aimed at inhibiting thinning and improving the quality of life of the patient.

The course of treatment includes taking medications and physiotherapy. Doctors prescribe:

  • mineral and vitamin complexes;
  • antifibrotic drugs;
  • moisturizing creams;
  • balneotherapy;
  • therapeutic baths;
  • Spa treatment.

The treatment is carried out for a long time, patients require regular use of moisturizers.


Physiotherapy allows you to maintain healthy skin during an exacerbation and improves the effect of medications.

Patients are prescribed:

  • mesotherapy;
  • microdermabrasion;
  • chemical peeling;
  • cryotherapy;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • enzyme therapy.

With a complex course of the disease, excision of lesions with a laser can be performed. It can also be prescribed therapeutic and preventive massage. There is no special complex of physiotherapy exercises in this case.

Alternative treatment

Means of alternative medicine are allowed to be used only as directed by a doctor. These can be therapeutic baths, herbal compresses or alcohol tinctures.

Chestnut tincture effectively fights atrophy.

For its preparation you will need:

  • 100 g chestnut;
  • 0.5 l of alcohol.

Preparing the tincture:

  1. Place the chestnut in a glass jar, after passing it through the grinder.
  2. Fill with alcohol.
  3. Insist 2 weeks in a dark place.

Apply tincture 10 drops three times a day. According to the same recipe, you can prepare a tincture of nutmeg and take it 20 drops 3 times a day.

Nutrition rules

With atrophy, great importance is attached to the diet. Some products can improve the condition of the skin.

  • natural cheeses;
  • chicken eggs;
  • fish and seafood;
  • meat (beef, rabbit, chicken, turkey);
  • Pine nuts;
  • flax seeds;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • mushrooms;
  • legumes;
  • cereals boiled in water;
  • spinach;
  • parsley.

It is useful to drink celery juice if there are no stomach diseases, including gastritis.

Prognosis and complications

It is impossible to cure atrophy, so the prognosis will always be unfavorable. In most cases, the disease does not affect the ability to work and the quality of life of patients, except when the skin of the face or scalp is affected, creating a strong cosmetic defect.

Among the complications, mechanical damage is noted, since thin skin is easily injured. Permanent wounds and abrasions increase the risk of infection with bacteria and viruses.


Atrophy can develop at any age, and it is impossible to reduce the risk of primary thinning of the skin. In order to prevent secondary atrophy, it is enough to treat diseases that can provoke it in a timely manner.

And also, you should not use hormonal ointments and other drugs without a doctor's prescription, change dosages or use them longer than the prescribed time.

Skin atrophy is caused by various disorders in the body or against the background of long-term medication. If there were cases of atrophy in the family, then you can reduce the risk of its development if you lead a healthy lifestyle, use moisturizing ointments and creams, and do not sunbathe (especially from 12 to 16 hours). Timely diagnosis of the disease and complex treatment will slow down the process of cell destruction, which will maintain working capacity and a normal quality of life.

A type of skin disease associated with a decrease in the number of epidermal cells is called skin atrophy or elastosis. External manifestations of the disease are observed in different age groups, including children. The physiological basis of the pathological process is the deactivation of cytoplasmic enzymes, resulting in collagen dissimilation and thinning of the skin.

What is skin atrophy

The pathology of the skin, which is characterized by deformation of the structure-forming elastic fibers and, as a result, a decrease in the volume of the epithelial layer, is skin atrophy. It can be caused by both natural causes and pathogenic malfunctions in the body. The atrophic process can either affect only the fibers of the epidermis (including the basal layer), or extend to deeper tissues of the dermis.

Observations by dermatologists indicate a predisposition to elastosis in women, due to their susceptibility to hormonal changes during pregnancy. White stripes, the so-called striae, appearing after childbirth also belong to a type of atrophy. The disease is not inherited, but failures at the genetic level can lead to the appearance of congenital pathology.


Signs of the beginning of the process of atrophy of the epidermis in a patient are easily detected at an early stage due to a noticeable change in the appearance and condition of the skin. The main symptoms that are hard to miss are:

    • accelerated death of the skin, expressed in the form of peeling;
    • the appearance of small bluish or pink spots of an oval or round shape (as in the photo);
    • the site of the lesion in rare cases may hurt;
    • the occurrence of folding, wrinkling;
    • there is a decrease in the sensitivity of the affected area.

The child has

The pathological process of atrophy in a child manifests itself more often on the surface of the skin of the extremities and neck. At the first stage, the painful area begins to differ in redness and roughness. After a few days, spots or streaks become noticeable. They can be both below healthy skin and rise above it, having a hernia-like appearance. With a disease in childhood, there are high chances of reversing the atrophic process if timely measures are taken.

Causes of thinning skin

In addition to the natural physiological causes of atrophy, aging and pregnancy, there are a number of established catalysts that cause pathological dystrophy of the skin:

    • neuroendocrine disorders;
    • poor diet;
    • previous diseases (lupus erythematosus, typhus, tuberculosis, syphilis, psoriasis, etc.);
    • taking hormone-containing drugs;
    • fungal infections of the epidermis.

Hormonal ointments

Atrophy can occur as a side effect as a result of treating a patient with drugs containing corticosteroids. Thinning of the skin occurs due to the negative effect of substances contained in hormonal ointments, which manifests itself in the form of suppression of the activity of collagen production. The change in the structure of connective tissue fibers is the result of irrational therapy with the uncontrolled use of potent drugs.


The first descriptions of skin atrophy in scientific works date back to the end of the 19th century. Since then, dermatologists have classified several types of this pathology. The initial principle of classification is the cause-and-effect sign, according to which atrophy belongs to the physiological or pathological type. The thinning of the epithelium due to natural processes such as aging or pregnancy is physiological atrophy.

Diseases of a pathological nature are classified based on the time of cell damage - before birth or after. The first type is congenital atrophy, the second is acquired. Each of these classes is subdivided into various forms depending on the symptoms and causative factors. The etiology of some subspecies is currently unclear.

Causes External signs Place of localization
Primary atrophy Degenerative changes in the endocrine system The appearance of striae, spots Abdomen, chest, thighs
Secondary atrophy Chronic diseases, exposure to solar or radiation energy The appearance of damaged areas at the site of localization of primary atrophy Areas previously susceptible to atrophic manifestations
diffuse atrophy Damage to a large area of ​​the skin All parts of the body can be affected, most often the arms, legs
limited atrophy Failures in the work of body systems, etiology is not clear Affected areas alternate with unchanged skin Back, upper body
Disseminated atrophy A sharp change in hormonal levels, other shifts Retracted or herniated areas of the skin Can occur in any area of ​​the body
Corticosteroid atrophy Response to vasoconstrictor hormonal drugs General thinning of the skin, the appearance of spider veins All over the body

Why is skin atrophy dangerous?

The external manifestations of the pathogenic process of atrophy violate the aesthetics of the appearance, the skin begins to look flabby, but this is not what doctors are most concerned about. The danger lies in the development against the background of diseases associated with elastosis, malignant neoplasms. Foci of idiopathic atrophy can contribute to the appearance of pathologies of a lymphoproliferative nature (lymphocytoma, lymphosarcoma).

The detection of seals in the affected areas should be a signal for taking emergency measures, since the formation of scleroderma-like and fibrous nodes is often a symptom of the initial stage of oncological diseases. If you go to the clinic at an early stage in the development of pathogenic tumors, there is a possibility of stopping the process of growth of cancer cells.

Diseases occurring with skin atrophy

Atrophic manifestations of skin diseases may indicate pathogenic processes occurring in the body, the symptoms of which have not yet manifested. Diseases associated with or preceding elastosis include:

    • anetoderma of Schwenninger-buzzi;
    • scleroderma;
    • anetoderma;
    • diabetes;
    • lichen sclerosus;
    • atrophoderma Pasini-Pierini;
    • pyoderma;
    • skin tuberculosis;
    • encephalitis;
    • Cushing's syndrome;
    • developmental defect.


It is not difficult to diagnose atrophy, due to its obvious and specific external manifestation. The problem of diagnosis may arise when determining the cause of tissue damage, without which it is impossible to prescribe adequate treatment to the patient. The detected symptoms of an atrophic lesion in a patient are examined and classified by a dermatologist. The pathology research process includes ultrasound of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, the study of the structure of hair and nails.


The science of dermatovenereology, which studies the structure and functions of the skin, currently does not have experimental evidence of the effectiveness of the treatment of the atrophic process. Elastosis is irreversible, so the recommendations of doctors come down to general strengthening preventive measures aimed at preventing the progression of the disease. Patients are prescribed penicillin, which supports the course of vitamin therapy and drugs that normalize cellular metabolism. In the hormonal form of the disease, it is necessary to exclude the catalyzing factor.

External manifestations of atrophy are eliminated only by surgery, if the lesion has not spread to the lower layers of the subcutaneous tissue. Oils based on plant extracts and softening ointments have a supporting effect. Paraffin therapy and mud baths can be used for effective but temporary cosmetic masking of atrophied skin.

With age, the condition of the skin of the face and body worsens, which leads to the appearance of visual signs of aging. But it is quite possible to significantly slow down the rate of withering and thinning of the skin, reduce the number of wrinkles and, as a result, maintain a youthful appearance for many years.

Causes of accelerated aging and thinning of the skin

First of all, it is necessary to exclude or minimize the negative impact on the skin of harmful factors, which include:

    1. excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, coffee and tea;
    2. smoking;
    3. excessive ultraviolet radiation;
    4. consumption of foods containing a large amount of preservatives and other substances of chemical origin;
    5. exposure to dust, polluted air, lack of oxygen and moisture;
    6. excessive gesticulation, the habit of grimacing or frowning.

Ways to prevent thinning and aging of the skin

At any age, you can maintain a healthy and attractive appearance of the skin of the face and body, if you pay enough attention to care and eliminate the impact of the main causes of its premature withering. In this case, even the existing age wrinkles will only emphasize well-groomed facial features.

Measures to effectively protect the skin from premature thinning:

    1. consume as little processed food as possible, preferring raw fruits and vegetables;

    2. Minimize the amount of sugar in your daily diet. Excessive passion for sweets is very harmful to the skin of the face. Glucose molecules begin to interact with fats and proteins, while disrupting the structure of skin tissues, in particular collagen. An excess of sweets reduces the ability of collagen to participate in the renewal of skin cells, which leads to its thinning and the formation of wrinkles. In addition, due to the abuse of confectionery, the pores on the face expand, inflammation occurs, which leads to the formation of acne;
    3. drink enough water. Lack of fluid leads to loss of moisture by skin cells and, as a result, to its premature fading. Various drinks are not suitable for this purpose, it is necessary to drink clean water, and not earlier than 1.5 hours after eating and not later than 15 minutes before eating;
    4. saturate the skin with moisture from the outside. To this end, it is necessary to periodically wash yourself with clean cool water, regularly use moisturizing cosmetics. In the hot season, it is advisable to periodically spray the skin of the face with water or a special micellar liquid from a spray bottle and let the skin dry on its own, only slightly removing excess moisture with a clean cosmetic tissue;
    5. reducing exposure to solar radiation. When in the sun, be sure to protect your face with a hat or use a sunscreen with an appropriate UV protection factor. As a result of prolonged exposure to sunlight, the skin becomes thinner and dries out over time, the pigmentation process is disrupted. Especially dangerous can be prolonged exposure to the sun for people with a large number of moles;

    6. exposure to the winter frosty air also contributes to the deterioration of the skin of the face. As a result of prolonged exposure to cold, the capillaries in the superficial subcutaneous layer are damaged, the face becomes covered with a network of fine wrinkles. To protect against low temperatures, it is imperative to wrap your face as much as possible, leaving only areas of the body necessary for breathing open;
    7. special mimic gymnastics for the face significantly improves the tone and elasticity of the skin and preserves its structure and elasticity. Before you begin to perform special exercises, you must carefully familiarize yourself with the effect of certain movements of the muscles of the face on the skin; otherwise, you can only worsen the appearance of the face;
    8. massage or self-massage help to relax the muscles of the skin, improve microcirculation in its upper layer and allow you to get rid of excess muscle tension that occurs under the influence of various emotions;
    9. activities aimed at relaxing the whole body (auto-training, meditation, yoga) also contribute to deep relaxation and restoration of skin cells by relieving excess muscle tension and eliminating the negative impact of negative emotions.

In case of excessive dryness and thinning of the skin of the face, it is also recommended to use homemade nourishing masks based on sour cream, olive oil, egg white, honey or avocado oil.

If desired, you can visit a cosmetologist in order to receive professional advice and an individual selection of caring and restorative products, as well as to take a course of special hardware procedures.

As a result of the complex implementation of the above measures, it is quite possible to prolong the youthfulness of the skin for a long time, to prevent the premature appearance of signs of fading.

Histopathological changes in skin atrophy are manifested by thinning of the epidermis and dermis, a decrease in connective tissue elements (mainly elastic fibers) in the papillary and reticular dermis, dystrophic changes in hair follicles, sweat and sebaceous glands.

Simultaneously with the thinning of the skin, focal seals may be noted due to the growth of connective tissue (idiopathic progressive atrophy of the skin).

Atrophic processes in the skin can be associated with a decrease in metabolism during aging of the body (senile atrophy), with pathological processes caused by

  • cachexia;
  • beriberi;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • neurotrophic and inflammatory changes.

Atrophy of the skin is accompanied by a violation of its structure and functional state, which is manifested in a decrease in the number and volume of certain structures and the weakening or termination of their functions. The process may involve the epidermis, dermis or subcutaneous tissue in isolation, or all structures at the same time (skin panatrophy).

In addition, thin skin can be a symptom of the following diseases:

Questions and answers on the topic "Thin skin"

Healthy, radiant skin is a gift of God, it adorns a person, like a silk cocoon enveloping the face, emphasizes the beauty of the eyes, lips, nose ... But how annoying it is when problems arise on the skin, for example, stripe-like atrophy of the skin, according to scientific striae (from lat. striae - stripes, stretch marks).

Band-like atrophy of the skin

Skin atrophy Vergetures lineaires - the name of linear scars is given to them by their resemblance to the stripes that remain on the skin after being hit by a belt or vine. They are also known as atrophic bands, pregnancy scars, linear atrophies, stretch bands, etc.

These skin atrophies are elongated, may be elevated, flat, or retracted, but are always soft and easily depressed; they give the impression of being torn or overstretched in the skin; they do not fade, but become less noticeable over time.

Doctors distinguish between physiological (or natural) destruction of the skin, resulting from the gradual aging of the body, and pathological, in which not the entire skin is affected, but its individual sections.

Age-related or physiological atrophy of the skin after fifty years is associated with changes in the hormonal sphere, the tissue blood supply system, the chemical composition of the blood, as well as with violations of the neurohumoral regulation of the physiological functions of the body.

This process develops slowly and gradually over many years. Pathological destruction of the skin is characterized by several signs of division:

  • by the nature of formation (primary and secondary); by prevalence (diffuse and limited); by the time of appearance (congenital and acquired).

Primary skin atrophy (the photo of which shows the presence of stretch marks, or striae) is due to pregnancy, when there are significant changes in the work of the endocrine organs. With a diffuse lesion of the skin, an impressive part of the surface changes, including the outer layer of the epidermis of the hands and feet.

  • For a limited form of the disease, the presence of local foci adjacent to unchanged healthy skin is characteristic.
  • Secondary destruction of the dermis occurs in areas of the body previously affected by other diseases (tuberculosis, syphilis, lupus erythematosus and other inflammatory processes or skin disorders associated with diabetes).

Local skin atrophy after hormonal ointments most often occurs in children, young women or adolescents with uncontrolled use of drugs, especially those containing fluorine (Sinalar or Fluorocort), as well as enhanced action of ointments prescribed for use under an occlusive (sealed) bandage.

The most common form of damage to the structure of the skin is hormonal atrophy of the skin that occurs during pregnancy or obesity associated with metabolic disorders.

During stretching or rupture of elastic fibers, striae appear on various parts of the body. Other triggers for this skin ailment are:

  • endocrine disorders (including Itsenko-Cushing's disease);
  • malfunctions of the central nervous system;
  • eating disorders (including malnutrition);
  • rheumatic diseases;
  • infectious lesions (tuberculosis or leprosy);
  • exposure to radiation and burns;
  • traumatic injuries;
  • dermatological diseases (lichen planus, poikiloderma),

as well as the use of drugs containing glucocorticosteroids (including in the form of ointments).

Skin atrophy: tissue biodegradation

The appearance of skin atrophy, despite many provoking factors, is based on the mechanism of local biodegradation of tissues, in which their nutrition is disturbed, the activity of cellular enzymes of the skin is significantly reduced. This leads to the predominance of catabolism processes (destruction of tissue structure) over anabolism (their construction or restoration).

Signs by which it is possible to determine the foci of the disease

The peculiarity of degenerative tissue changes due to skin atrophy is associated with thinning of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, the appearance of translucent vessels and age spots, telangiectasias (spider veins) or malignant neoplasms. Simultaneously with a decrease in the volume of the dermis, local seals of the skin can be noted due to the growth of connective tissue. The areas changed by the disease are more often localized in the face, chest, abdomen, lower back and hips.

Outwardly, they are cavities of the skin, covered with a thinned whitish dermis, resembling tracing paper (or tissue paper). Cosmetic defects in the form of sinking "islands" with different shades:

  • from pearly white to blue-red or venous reticulum can be adjacent to healthy areas of the skin.

Violation of metabolic processes in the dermis leads to the appearance of folds with thinned skin, any careless touch of which can injure the epidermis.

In elderly patients, stellate pseudo-scars, hemorrhages, or hematomas often occur in the affected area.

Which doctors are needed for diagnosis and treatment

Pathological atrophy of the skin, the treatment of which is a whole complex of various measures, should be examined by many specialists. Dermatologists with the involvement of endocrinologists and neuropathologists, allergists and infectious disease specialists, surgeons and oncologists can confirm or exclude this diagnosis.

Scars located below the level of the skin, which appear as a result of trauma or medical procedures, burns, chicken pox or acne, should be shown first to a dermatologist.

Treatment Method

Treatment options for this disease depend on a number of factors:

  • etiology and localization of the destructive process, age, state of health and perseverance of the patient.

Skin atrophy after hormonal preparations (including the use of external agents in the form of ointments) can occur after a long time (up to several months!) After completion of treatment by an endocrinologist.

In order to activate the process of tissue repair, it is necessary at the initial stage to stop taking drugs containing corticosteroids.

When is the help of a surgeon required?

It is needed for excision of small atrophic scars, with multiple or large boils, carbuncles, deep purulent processes in tissues, as well as for skin grafting.

Consultation with an oncologist is necessary if various neoplasms appear on the surface of the foci (warts, papillomas, and others).

With the help of a biopsy, the nature of the growths is determined in order to prevent the occurrence of oncological problems.


Modern medicine has many different methods for getting rid of an unaesthetic defect, such as atrophy of the skin of the face or any other part of the dermis. In the arsenal of professionals there are:

  • surgical excision of the lesion;
  • mesotherapy;
  • microdermabrasion;
  • laser therapy;
  • chemical peeling;
  • subcision or cutting of scars;
  • cryotherapy;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • enzyme therapy;
  • moisturizing;
  • treatment with special creams and ointments.

Depending on the degree of the disease, its etiology, the age of the patient and the presence of chronic ailments, the clinic specialist selects the optimal set of procedures.

The standard treatment regimen for skin atrophy includes:

  • taking multivitamin complexes that stimulate immune and regenerative processes in the patient's body;
  • physiotherapy procedures that promote the activation of the blood supply to the affected areas of the dermis, as well as injections or taking the drug "Pentoxifylline" (commercial name - "Trental"), which improves blood microcirculation.

At the aesthetic surgery clinic

Considering the various ways to treat this ailment, for optimal results, a dermatologist may recommend surgical correction of scars to make them as neat and inconspicuous as possible.

For this purpose, a laser or a scalpel is used, which lifts the edges of the affected area or transplants skin from healthy areas.

Another method is subcision

It involves cutting and lifting the connective fibers produced by the body at the site of the scar, using a special needle. Raising the bottom of the focus, the needle releases it, leveling the damaged surface of the dermis.

Other ways:

  • microdermabrasion (skin resurfacing with microscopic crystals);
  • mesotherapy (injections of therapeutic cocktails into the middle layer of the skin to stimulate the synthesis of collagen fibers, correct scars and age-related atrophic changes);
  • chemical peeling (with the removal of the upper layers of the skin - from superficial keratinized to median and deep);
  • enzyme therapy; moisturizing (preparations based on hyaluronic acid); laser therapy.

The methods can be used both to correct scars and to improve the appearance of the skin as it ages.


Hardware methods for the treatment of destructive processes in tissues can be practiced in combination with the use of external agents.

How is the right ointment selected?

Skin atrophies are diseases of the dermis, which should be treated exclusively by a specialist! Self-treatment of scars and pathologically altered areas of the dermis can lead to a deterioration in their appearance and condition.

To solve an individual aesthetic problem, the doctor prescribes gels and ointments that improve blood circulation in the tissues, their nutrition and oxygenation, have anti-inflammatory and stimulate tissue regeneration properties:

  • Contractubex, Kelofibrase, Stratoderm, MedGel, Dermatix, Scarguard and Kelo-cote, choosing the most suitable preparation.

Traditional medicine in the fight against destructive skin changes

Treatment of skin atrophy with the help of home baths, lotions and healing oils, taking tinctures, decoctions and infusions from medicinal plants is allowed with the permission of a doctor in combination with traditional methods.

For example, when the initial signs of white atrophy appear (small foci of round or irregular shape in the color of white porcelain), herbalists advise grinding chestnut fruits (100 g) and pouring 0.5-0.6 liters of alcohol on them. Infuse the remedy for a week in a place closed from light rays. Take chestnut tincture inside 10 drops 3 times a day.

A similar homemade nutmeg remedy (prepared in the same way) is used 20 drops at the same frequency.

External folk remedies for skin disease

Powder from dried leaves (string, yarrow, thyme, birch and eucalyptus buds) is diluted in almond and peach oils, taken in equal proportions (50 ml each), and one tablespoon of glycerin is added.

From skin lesions associated with burns, traditional medicine suggests using chamomile flowers, calendula, nettle leaves, yarrow and St.

Decoctions for lotions from these herbs can also be used, in the form of a powder mixed in rosehip, sea buckthorn or corn oil. The addition of yellow beeswax to homemade "ointments" with vegetable oils and medicinal herbs has a beneficial effect on the skin.

Prevention and improvement of skin appearance

There are several specific measures to prevent the occurrence of destructive skin changes in adults and children:

  • carefully use hormonal drugs,
  • avoid prolonged contact with direct ultraviolet rays,
  • monitor the general health and skin condition,
  • carry out immediate sanitation of foci of infection in the dermis and in the body as a whole.

Skin atrophy after hormonal ointments requires stopping their use and contacting a doctor. Regular examination and timely detection of serious diseases (diabetes mellitus, dangerous infections, disorders in the hematopoietic system) will also help to avoid problems with the destruction of the skin structure.

Moisturizing your belly during pregnancy with creams, olive oil, or gels will prevent stretch marks. and regular visits to the beautician will help rejuvenate and accelerate the regeneration of the dermis. For all types of atrophy, sanatorium-and-spa treatment is indicated for the prevention and disposal of the disease: sulfuric and hydrogen sulfide baths, therapeutic mud, as well as vitamin restorative therapy.

Medical characteristics of atrophic bands

The length of atrophic bands is from one to several centimeters, the width is from 1 to 10 mm and more; the shape is fusiform or elongated, often wavy. Crimson-red or bluish-red color of fresh scars often turns into pearly white; sometimes, on the contrary, they appear excessively colored. They have sharp edges; the surface can be smooth, folded or divided into large diamonds; to the touch give a feeling of softness and, as it were, emptiness; it seems that thinned skin lies on soft and elusive tissues, such a serious one.

Atrophic streaks are almost always multiple and mostly symmetrical; can appear in a wide variety of areas, most often on the stomach, but are also found on the thighs, lower back, above the knees, on the sides, buttocks, breasts, etc.

The direction of the scars corresponds to the so-called "skin splitting direction" and is perpendicular to the line of greatest tension, which apparently served as the cause of their formation;

  • on the abdomen they are usually vertical, as well as in the region of the greater trochanters and deltoid muscles, on the sides, on the lower back, above the knee they are transverse, on the mammary glands they diverge in the form of rays.

Linear scars with epidermal atrophy are much more common in women, even regardless of pregnancy. The most common cause of them is pregnancy; 9/10 pregnant women have them; some women don't get them even after 10 or 15 pregnancies. Among other causes, obesity and typhoid fever are most often indicated.

Thinking to reduce their appearance to a purely mechanical process and seeing the cause in the gradual or sudden stretching of the skin, which certainly plays a large, but not exclusive role, they pointed to the influence of growth, general dropsy, voluminous tumors and injuries.

But it is quite obvious that there is some other influence besides the action of stretching. Indeed, atrophic streaks may be completely absent in huge dropsies of the abdominal cavity, or in cases of very large hernias; it is also unlikely that with the appearance of fullness or with growth, however rapid, there was an actual stretching of the skin; finally, atrophic streaks also appear after weight loss, in typhoid, tuberculosis, other serious infectious diseases and certain nervous diseases.

When an artificial pneumothorax is applied, the scar bands are almost always located on the opposite side or on remote parts of the body. There is an abundance of them in many cases of hirsutism, which is dependent on increased secretion of the adrenal cortex and occasionally manifests itself to a mild degree during pregnancy.

In this case, the fragility of the skin and especially the network of its elastic fibers would be explained by a violation of the intrasecretory activity of the adrenal cortex, which does not exclude the significance of poisoning caused by an infectious principle, or self-poisoning.

The pathoanatomical picture well explains the clinical features of these scars. The epidermis and papillary layer are stretched or folded; connective tissue fibers of the dermis are parallel and atrophied.

The most significant change is the disappearance of elastic fibers, fragments of which, tightened and twisted, are visible on both sides at the border of the scar.

The described scars do not show the slightest inclination to restore normal tissue. No treatment works right; Nevertheless, the appointment of fish oil and preparations of the endocrine glands is indicated. It is doubtful that restraints, pregnancy belts, etc., are of any use as a preventive measure; to neglect them would still be a mistake.

Maculae atrophicae or vergetures rondes, the latter name is inaccurate due to the contradictory meaning of its constituent terms, refers to a disease, which, moreover, is referred to as atrophic spots or post-syphilitic streaks, in all but form, this disease is completely similar to atrophic streaks.

It consists of retracted, flat or raised spots, which, depending on the greater or lesser tension of the skin, can be smooth, flabby or folded; and depending on the prescription of existence, lilac or white; in all cases very sluggish and pliable under pressure. These spots, round or oval in shape, ranging in size from a point to a lentil, are randomly scattered, mostly in significant numbers, on the sides, chest, back and shoulders.

The greatest grounds have an assumption about the connection of maculae atrophicae with syphilis; they appear in the secondary period, sometimes combined with a rash of papular syphilis or with pigmented syphilis of the neck. Sometimes it was possible to trace their development behind the lenticular papules and in their place. But there have been cases when in the atrophied areas it was impossible to establish any traces of previous lenticular papules or at least roseolous spots, the presence of which was definitely denied by the patients themselves.

Their structure is exactly the same as that of linear atrophies and treatment is equally unsuccessful.

Skin atrophy is a pathological condition in which physiological processes on the surface of the integument and in its deep layers slow down or even stop altogether. In the absence of proper treatment, the situation can be greatly aggravated, and terrible consequences will arise against its background.

What is skin atrophy?

This term, used in dermatology, combines a whole group of diseases. It is important to understand in detail the question of what atrophy is, because this pathological condition can occur at any age. Yes, and it occurs equally in both sexes. In medicine, the term "elastosis" is often used to identify such a disorder. This name perfectly reflects the processes taking place on the skin: the epidermis loses its former elasticity and becomes thinner. At the same time, connective tissue degenerates.

There are several types of atrophy:

  • senile;
  • strip-like;
  • steroid;
  • spotted;
  • lipoatrophy;
  • idiopathic with a progressive character;
  • poikiloderma;
  • neurotic;
  • Rothmund-Thomson syndrome
  • white.

According to the nature of the development of pathological changes, skin atrophy occurs:

  • diffuse;
  • disseminated;
  • local.

Skin atrophy - causes

Physiological and pathological factors can be the basis of such a violation. Developing forms of atrophy directly depend on the reasons by which they are provoked.

More often, thinning of the skin on the hands and other parts of the body is due to:

  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • inflammatory processes provoked by fungi, viruses or pathogenic bacteria;
  • radiation injury;
  • genetic failure;
  • contact with aggressive chemical compounds;
  • long-term use of corticosteroids;
  • traumatic mechanical or thermal effects;
  • violations of metabolic processes;
  • excessive insolation.

Cicatricial atrophy of the skin and other types of elastosis are more often observed in such groups of people:

  • the elderly;
  • those who have harmful working conditions;
  • genetically predisposed to the occurrence of such a disorder.

Atrophy occurs in two subspecies:

  • congenital;
  • acquired.

Steroid skin atrophy

This type of pathological change occurs with prolonged and unreasonable use of hormonal drugs. Glucocorticosteroids inhibit the activity of enzymes responsible for protein synthesis and other substances that affect skin elasticity. In most cases, skin atrophy after hormonal ointments is local.

It manifests itself as follows:

  1. The skin becomes covered with small folds and becomes thinner (outwardly it becomes similar to papyrus paper).
  2. Such an epidermis is easily injured, therefore, traces of hemorrhage and scars are often visible on it.

Senile skin atrophy

This condition is provoked by age-related changes in the body. It is caused by a slowdown in metabolic processes, due to which tissues adapt worse to the effects of negative external and internal factors. More often, atrophy of the skin of the face and other parts of the body occurs in people 70 years of age. However, sometimes strong age-related changes can be observed even earlier, for example, at 50 years old.

In this case, we are talking about premature aging, accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • thinning of the skin;
  • staining of the cover in a grayish or brownish tint;
  • peeling;
  • the formation of numerous folds.

Spotted skin atrophy

This disorder is also known as anetoderma. Although to this day the reasons for the development of such a condition have not been precisely established, experts still identify a number of factors that increase the likelihood of the onset of pathology. These include stress, infectious diseases and hormonal disorders.

There are three types of atrophy:

  • Yadasson;
  • Pellisari;
  • Schwenninger-Buzzi.

Idiopathic atrophoderma Pasini Pierini

It is also called superficial scleroderma. Young women are more likely to develop this disorder. In most cases, atrophy of the affected skin is concentrated on the back or abdomen. The focus can be single or multiple. It is large and brown in color.

There are such causes of atrophy:

  • infectious;
  • neurogenic;
  • immune.

Idiopathic progressive skin atrophy

This pathology has an infectious nature of development. Experts agree that the violation occurs after the bite of a tick infected with Borrelia.

The factors that provoke the development of the disorder include:

  • failure in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • trauma;
  • hypothermia.

Idiopathic atrophoderma goes through the following stages of development:

  1. Initial- Reporting and redness of certain areas of the body appear.
  2. atrophic- the affected area becomes thinner, becomes dry and wrinkled.
  3. sclerotic- seals are formed.

Rothmund-Thomson Syndrome

This is a genetic pathology. In other words, the cause of thinning skin is hereditary. The female gender is more likely to suffer from this disorder. At the same time, the newborn looks completely healthy. However, after about six months (in rare cases, after a couple of years), swelling and redness of individual areas appear on the skin. Later observed. At the same time, such babies develop dental disorders, hair fall out and nails become thinner.

Skin atrophy - treatment

In the fight against violations, complex therapy is considered especially effective. If band-like skin atrophy or another pathological change is diagnosed, treatment is reduced to eliminating the cause that provoked the development of the disease. At the same time, they affect the affected area (strengthen local immunity) and the body itself (the defense system is strengthened). However, most forms of pathology, such as white atrophy of the skin, are an irreversible process, so a full recovery is impossible.

I have very thin skin on my hands (not the hands, but the area from the hand to the elbow), which, when it comes into contact with something hard, is immediately wiped off (sadines, wounds form) or bruises appear that do not go away for a long time. All this provides discomfort, wounds bleed. How to deal with this and which doctor should I contact?
Hello! You need to be examined by an endocrinologist, check your blood for sugar, and also contact a vascular surgeon.
I have very thin and sensitive skin on my face. All the wreaths, vessels are visible on it, all the time various reddenings and some kind of different complexion. And when there are situations when I have to cry, my eyes swell up a lot and my whole face is covered with large red spots that last for a day. It's horrible. Tell me please what should I do? What tonal creams and correctors for the face (or other means) can achieve a perfect, even complexion? Thank you in advance.
Thin sensitive skin requires special care. First of all, you need to use special cosmetics for sensitive skin, you should also avoid the use of hormonal creams and ointments. To improve the structure of the skin, it is recommended to carry out a biorevitalization procedure. You need to consult a dermatocosmetologist to discuss the course of procedures, taking into account your individual characteristics.
I have thin facial skin, capillaries are visible on the cheeks. How should I take care of my skin, so as not to harm even more? And is it worth taking a course of treatment? What skin care products can you choose?