Quotes about animals owned by famous people. Animal-related expressions

We offer you a selection of statuses, aphorisms and quotes about animals. Philosophical sayings will help you rethink your attitude to nature, and funny phrases about pets will cheer you up.

Animals are an integral part of nature. Some of them represent the world of wildlife, others feel like the owners of human homes.

Is it possible not to love animals? After all, they amaze us with their devotion and ingenuity. Unlike people, pets do not betray. They patiently listen to their masters and keep their secrets. Someone gets a pet in order not to feel lonely, someone to discipline themselves, someone so that their children do not get bored. And someone, maybe, was just walking down the street, saw a fluffy lump and took him to himself. Not many people can take such a step. Most still prefer to have purebred cats and dogs, royal pigs or fish. In fact, the breed of your pet is not important, if you sincerely love him, he will definitely reciprocate.

Most often, cats, dogs, fish, parrots and turtles are brought up in city apartments. The most loyal of them are dogs, the most affectionate - cats. A pet is not only fun, but also care and responsibility. Animals discipline their owners. They often act as an alarm clock, and they are not very interested in the fact that you need to wake up at 7, and not at 5 in the morning!

The only disadvantage of a KITTEN is that sooner or later it turns into a CAT.

Children have this disadvantage

How much more beautiful life would be if we were all the way our dogs see us.

If every person had a pet, society would be more responsible and kinder.

Whoever says you can't buy happiness has never bought a puppy.

Or a kitten...)

If dogs spoke, people would lose their last friends.

We are friends with animals because we do not hear from them the truth about ourselves ...

Honey, let's get a kitten!
- No, you know I'm allergic to animal fur.
- It's strange, is there an allergy to a cat, but not to a mink coat? ...

You don’t need to feed the fur coat and you don’t need to clean up after it either ...)

The only member of my family who has a personal fitness trainer is my dog!

Practice and don't be jealous!

Good thing my cat can't talk - she knows too much!

Pets are like a diary: they know everything, but they won't tell anyone)

The guinea pig is a unique animal. It has nothing to do with the sea or pigs.

People also have nothing to do with deer, but some walk with horns ...)

Can pets be thrown away? If you got a cat, a dog, no matter who, they become a member of the family! It's the same as throwing your child out on the street!

Having an animal at home is taking responsibility for its life.

A dog only brings pain when it dies.

The death of a pet is equivalent to the departure of any of the family members ...

Judging by the nature of the cat, Ozverin and Tsarapun are added to Whiskas' food.

It would be better if Antibloch was added there)

About man and animals

Only someone who had never been a beast himself could come up with signs forbidding them to be fed.

If people were allowed to feed animals at the zoo, can you imagine what they would bring them? Chips, popcorn, cotton candy...)))

My wife loves animals.
- And my vegetarian.

Mine loves to take care of them, but not to eat ...)

They say that a dog is a man's best friend. I hope this huge rottweiler without a muzzle runs to see how I'm doing...

In the meantime, look for a tree and climb it...)

Do you know how nice it is to wake up not because the silence is piercingly blown up by the alarm clock, inflating your nerves from the very morning, but because the cat purrs in your ear, sings its cat song ...

And the refrain of the song sounds like this: feed me, feed me ...)

Do you know why the oceans and seas are salty? The ocean is salty from the tears of sharks who just want to cuddle, but no one understands them!!

Say also that they just flirt with people, and do not attack them ...)

The Beast knows who he is and accepts it. A person may know who he is, but he questions everything. He dreams. He hopes. Is changing. Grows.

Animals always have specific goals. Man would do well to learn from animals...

In fact, at the zoo, children get their first lesson in cruelty. Take a closer look at how the ponies look there, especially those that ride children. Tormented, old, sick, unfed. Because no healthy horse or pony would allow a child to be put on it. And it is necessary to instill disgust for the circus from the earliest years. The circus teaches children to have fun, looking at the suffering of other living beings. I don't want my son to go to shows whose numbers are built on the humiliation and mockery of other creatures. When our children become adults, there will be a different world around, better and more humane, and you can’t drag old cruel fun into it. (A. Nevzorov)

And we have the opposite: cruelty turns into a spectacle and brings pleasure to everyone.

Animals know much more than humans. Dogs can sense an earthquake in advance. Birds fly halfway across the globe to find their nest. If people listened to animals more often, they wouldn't make so many mistakes. (Helen Brown)

People think they are smarter... naive.

But the fact of the matter is that for centuries man has been lifted above the animals and carried up not by a stick, but by music: the irresistibility of unarmed truth, the attractiveness of its example. (Boris Pasternak)

If animals could turn on music, they would listen to it too.

Quotes and aphorisms

Lion is the king of the animals. Until the lioness woke up.

The male leads everything until the female arrives.

A house without a cat is not a house, but some kind of doghouse!

And the house where there is a cat, a dog, a turtle and a parrot is like a zoo ...)

To understand whether animals have a soul, you must have a soul yourself. (Albert Schweitzer)

Animals feel and experience no less than humans.

Animals are very sweet friends: they don't ask questions or criticize. (George Eliot)

And instead of advice, they ask for food)

He who feeds a hungry animal feeds his own soul. (Charlie Chaplin)

To feed a homeless animal is to show everyone that you are capable of goodness.

Having got a dog, you will guard it, and it will walk you.

Walking a dog, a person first of all goes for a walk.

Chickens under one roof live in peace and harmony, and two roosters can never get along in one chicken coop - such is their nature.

And they say that female friendship does not exist ...)

The mouse is an animal whose path is littered with swooning women.

Mice, though small, but the cry through them comes out big.

Without a cat there is no home, without a dog there is no yard.

Animals should have benefits and rights to a greater extent than people, since in the natural world they play more significant than us. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

For some reason, I meet a crocodile smile much more often than crocodile tears. – Inna Veksler

Any animal after a certain portion of love and warmth becomes tame. People often run wild from love and attention. – Heraclitus

All the animals in this zoo were like a selection: thin, fit, sinewy. – Usoltsev

If we allow impunity in relation to animals, then we are not people at all, but non-humans! – John Galsworthy 1867 - 1933

The lion remains king of the beasts only as long as the animals exist.

Humanity is a fiction and a deceit. Of all the creatures on earth, only man kills for fun, for the sake of far-fetched needs. Only a person receives benefit, pleasure from the death of his own kind. Any, the most disgusting animal, will never do this.

Everything created by nature drinks water. And only a person needed alcohol.

Animals are the best friends. They always listen, do not ask unnecessary questions and sincerely love.

Read the continuation of the best aphorisms and quotes on the pages:

Cow: a creature chewing on the landscape. – Mieczysław Shargan

Recently, we are increasingly questioning the fact that man is the king of nature. Wise quotes about animals, in which famous and unknown, authoritative and not people, expressed admiration and gave preference to the animal world are confirmation.

Miniature poodle, nickname - Akatuy. – Shenderovich

Don't wake the beast in me - I can't meow! – Vladimir Borisov

You can become a border guard if you run after a dog for a long time. – Shenderovich

A cat is a creature that plays with a mouse and imagines that there is a person in front of it. — Leonard Louis Levinson

The righteous man takes care of his cattle, but the heart of the sinner does not know mercy. - Book of Proverbs of Solomon

Rabbits do not die at all - they become earflaps, fur coats, muffs and continue to live in our souls.

The cow looked at the Meat Plan stand with interest. – Shenderovich

Intellectual cows demanded: Stables and circuses! – Vladimir Pletinsky

Mark Twain once confessed: I studied the character and inclinations of the so-called lower animals and compared them with the character and inclinations of man. The results of this comparison, in my opinion, are extremely humiliating for me. For they force me to renounce my belief in Darwin's theory of descent from the lower animals, since it now seems obvious to me that this theory should be replaced by a new and much closer to the truth one, called the theory of the descent of man from the higher animals.

Microbes, when they find out the cost of treatment, begin to multiply out of pride.

Not to cause suffering to our smaller brothers is our first duty to them. But this alone is not enough. We have a higher mission to serve them whenever they need it. - Francis of Assisi, saint 1181-1226

What kind of bull is this? He has an udder. It's a cow, Vasechkin. – K-f ‘The Adventures of Petrov and Vasechkin’

Maybe this beast is good, only very big ... - Mf ‘Burenka from Maslenkino’

And let no one fully believe in his victory over nature, for nature can not make itself felt for a long time and come to life again on occasion or temptation, as was the case with the Aesopian maiden, turned from a cat into a woman; so why did she sit sedately at the table until a mouse ran past her! – F. Bacon

Rabbit: Who goes where, and I - to the boa constrictor! - Stepan Balakin

A person whose religion teaches respect for all forms of life can hardly be converted to a faith that does not consider life other than human life inviolable.

I don't care about human religion, where the welfare of cats and dogs is not taken care of. -- Abraham Lincoln 1809-1865

Horses never commit suicide, because, being deprived of the gift of speech, they do not have the opportunity to sort things out. – Vladimir Mayakovsky

Noble beast! .. Fur! Meat! I’ll fry the crackling! .. - M-f ‘Last year’s snow was falling’

The rabbit is a civilized hare. - Anthony Regulsky

The time will come when humanity will be humane to every creature that breathes. — Jeremy Bentham, 1781

Mouse: An animal whose path is littered with fainting women. — Samuel Johnson

Animals in a zoo are like a person in a zone. – Georgy Alexandrov

Why do I love animals? They are not as brutes as humans!

Snake: Hello! - Stepan Balakin

The cat that was castrated is a Stradamus cat. Vladimir Borisov

A crocodile is a creature that always has to choose: life or wallet. – Gennady Kostovetsky and Oleg Popov

If a friendship is established between a cat and a dog, then this is nothing but friendship against the cook.

I am always interested in: Why does some single-celled ameoba belong to animals - to living ones, and a plant that is more complex in structure, which can even feed on the same ameobes, bacteria, insects, birds, fish, and can even sometimes move, but is not considered an animal ? – Vladimir Borisov

To whom - a pig, and to piglets - mommy.

A lost sheep is constantly made a scapegoat. Yana Dzhangirova

A lion remains a lion, even if he is as stupid as a donkey. – Mikhail Genin

Don't believe that mice love cheese. They just eat it out of a sense of revenge towards the surrounding cats.

If the wolves knew that they were forest orderlies, they would have sanitized ... - Vladimir Borisov r1221

No one has yet proven that humans evolved from apes. But those who look like a monkey, especially mentally, abound. – Vladimir Borisov

Animals are very sweet friends: they don't ask questions or criticize. — George Eliot

I wonder if the scapegoat has its own horns, or did someone manage to instruct them? – Yana Dzhangirova

Discriminating living beings solely for the benefit of their own species is a form of prejudice. — Peter Singer

The cow only gives milk. They take meat from her.

Animals kill for food, and people for the soul. - Arkady Davidovich

the cat yells all evening, asks for food, it's good that it doesn't ask for anything else. – Igor Sivolob

The racist destroys the principle of equality by giving more weight to the interests of his race. An opponent of gender equality violates the principle of equality by giving preference to the interests of his gender. Similarly, one who discriminates by species allows the interests of his species to be placed above those of other non-human species. But in all cases the principle is the same. — Peter Singer

The only animal that will allow nails to be hammered into itself is a horse. – Pishekrui

Mom, why do you offend the snake? – Mf ‘Magic Ring’

To whom the hare is freshly caught - M-f 'Last year's snow was falling'

Chickens under one roof live in peace and harmony, and two roosters can never get along in one chicken coop - such is their nature. — Leonardo da Vinci

Animal life has its own purpose and is not a means to meet human needs. – Dr. Michael W. Fox

We pity dogs because they are just like people, and we don't pity people because they are just like dogs.

Message from the hedgehog: went into himself. – Shenderovich

Animals, which are few, were listed in the Red Book, and which are many - in the Book of Tasty and Healthy Food. – Faina Ranevskaya

It is strange that we have so little relationship with nature, with insects, with a galloping frog and an owl hooting in the middle of the hills and calling for its friend. It seems that we never feel sympathy for all living beings on earth. If we had a close relationship with nature, we would never kill an animal for food, we would never harm an animal... - Juddu Krishnamurti

People are getting dogs. And cats give birth to people, obviously they also consider them useful animals. — George Mikish

Rats were among the first to understand that it is profitable to live next to a person, but at the same time not claim the right to be called a pet. – Vladimir Borisov

Dr. House, with his usual bluntness, said: There is a reason why everyone lies. It works. This is what society is based on. The ability to lie distinguishes man from animal.

Minerals grow, plants grow and live, animals grow, live and feel.
Attributed to Carl Linnaeus

The crocodile is the most cruel animal after man.
Louis Boussinard

When an animal does something, we call it instinct; when a person does the same, we call it intelligence.
Will Cappy

The best thing about animals is that. that they don't talk much.
Thornton Wilder

Many people talk to animals, but few listen - that's the problem.
Benjamin Hoff

My favorite animal is a mule. The mule is much smarter than the horse. He knows when to stop eating and when to stop working.
Harry Truman

My favorite animal is a beefsteak.
Fran Lebowitz

Loving animals is a dangerous business: they live too short. It is even more dangerous to love people: they live too long.
Dictionary of Cynic Quotations

The question to be asked is not whether animals can think or speak, but whether they can suffer.
Jeremy Bentham

When an animal is beaten, its eyes take on a human expression. How much did a man have to suffer before he became a man.
Karel Capek

I think I could live with animals, they are so calm and introverted.
I stand and look at them for a long, long time.
They do not grieve, do not complain about their ill-fated destiny.
They do not weep at sleepless nights about their sins.
They don't harass me by discussing their debt to God.
There are no disappointed between them, no one possessed by a senseless passion for acquisition.
No one kneels before anyone, does not honor those like themselves, those who have lived for a thousand years.
And there are no respectable ones among them, and there are no unfortunate people on the whole earth.
Walt Whitman

There is no animal without cruelty.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Animals are not brothers or servants. These are other races, caught together with us in the net of earthly existence.
Henry Beston

Pigs are not subject to the temptations of imperialism. Tigers don't know pride. Whales do not despise anyone. The crocodile (whatever they say about him) is alien to hypocrisy. If you take a closer look at them, you will be surprised: why do we attribute such bizarre qualities to them? The worst sins are human sins.
G. K. Chesterton

Man is the only animal that blushes. Or should blush.
Mark Twain

Man is the only animal that is able to maintain friendly relations with victims until the last second. Until they are eaten.
Samuel Butler

Man is the only animal for which his own existence is a mystery that needs to be solved.
Erich Fromm

Humans are the only animals that have children for a specific purpose. True, there are also guppies - they love to feast on their fry.
P. J. O'Rourke

Man is distinguished from animals more by feelings than by reason. Watching a cat, you see the work of the mind rather than laughter or crying. Maybe the cat laughs and talks silently, to itself, but then it is possible that the crab also solves quadratic equations to itself.
Miguel de Unamuno

I believe that animals have feelings and other signs of intelligence, but no one has yet been able to prove this. Why, we can’t prove that other people are intelligent, where can we talk about animals.
Professor Joseph Ledoux
A neuroscientist, professor at New York University and a member of the science rock band Amygdaloids.

Even if all the brilliant scientists, all the outstanding inventors and all the creative people of the world united, they still would not be able to come up with anything as amazing and funny as the lobster.
Charles Kingsley

Ants are so human-like that it's embarrassing. They grow mushrooms, raise aphids as livestock, send troops to war, use chemical aerosols to scare and confuse the enemy, capture slaves, use child labor, tirelessly exchange information. In a word, they do everything that we do, only they don’t watch TV.
Lewis Thomas

The amazing thing is that I brush my teeth with salt every day, and yet there are not as many souls in all of the United Netherlands as there are animals in my mouth.
Anthony van Leeuwenhoek
He kept the technology he invented for making lenses a secret and remained for centuries the father of microbiology. Through Leeuwenhoek's lens, humanity first saw bacteria and spermatozoa.

Lisa knows a lot. Hedgehog - one thing, but the main thing.
Erasmus of Rotterdam

A snail is just a snot in a protective helmet.
Mick Miller

If an alligator suddenly spoke in a swamp, Tennessee Williams would have come out exactly the same.
Rex Reed

I don't think there is a person in the world who gets hit by a rabbit. Anyway, hit on purpose
Sir William Connor
Leftist journalist who wrote Cassandra's Daily Mirror column from 1935 until his death in 1967.

A voracious beast that pretends to be meek and timid, but if you touch it, it bites deeply and stings with poison to death. He has a fierce soul, harbors anger at everyone, and there is no such creature that he loves.
Edward Topsell
He wrote this about the shrew in the "History of four-legged creatures" (1607).

Did you know that squirrels are damn potholders?
Miss Piggy

The camel is a commission-designed horse.
Alec Issigonis

Camel: An animal that can work for a week and not drink anything, unlike a person who can drink all week and not work.
Julian Tuwim (updated version)

"Discrimination against living beings solely for the benefit of their own species is a form of prejudice."
Peter Singer

“It is strange that we have so little relationship with nature, with insects, with a galloping frog and an owl hooting in the middle of the hills and calling for its friend. It seems that we never feel sympathy for all living beings on earth. If we had a close relationship with nature, we would never kill an animal for food, we would never harm an animal ... ".
Juddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986)

“The racist destroys the principle of equality by giving more weight to the interests of his race. An opponent of gender equality violates the principle of equality by giving preference to the interests of his gender. Similarly, one who discriminates on the basis of species allows the interests of his species to be placed above the interests of other species (non-humans). But in all cases the principle is the same.
Peter Singer

“If we allow that we have the right to inflict suffering unnecessarily, then the very foundation of human society will be destroyed.”
John Galsworthy (1867 - 1933)

"Animal life has its own purpose and is not a means to meet human needs."
Dr. Michael W. Fox

“A person whose religion teaches respect for all forms of life can hardly be converted to a faith that does not consider life other than human inviolable.”
“Not to cause suffering to our smaller brothers is our first duty to them. But this alone is not enough. We have a higher mission to serve them whenever they need it."
Francis of Assisi, saint (1181-1226)

"The righteous man takes care of his cattle, but the heart of the sinner does not know mercy."
Book of proverbs

"I don't care about human religion, where the welfare of cats and dogs is not taken care of."
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)

“Philosophers have long asked themselves the question of what “good” and “moral duty” mean, how these two concepts are related to each other and to sensations of pain and pleasure.
They also asked if man, who is part of nature, can accept these principles and make his choice. It is common knowledge that in the end, after much deliberation, they did not come to any single conclusion. But for us it doesn't matter. We are sure that, using common sense, you will agree with the statement that all people are moral beings, and together we will consider the facts and main points regarding the treatment of animals, and decide what should be done.
P.Corbett, Master of Arts (born 1916)

“It seems incredible to us that the ancient Greek philosophers indulged in such deep discussions about what is good and evil, but did not notice the immorality of human slavery. Perhaps, in thousands of years, it will seem just as incredible that we do not notice the immorality of human oppression of animals.
The Sunday Times newspaper (1965)

“Vegetarianism, proclaimed in the most ancient times, lay under a bushel for a long time, but in our time it captures more and more people every year and hour, and soon the time will come when they will end at the same time: hunting, vivisection and, most importantly, killing for satisfaction of taste.
“Man is higher than animals, which can torment them, but because he is able to pity them. And a man pities animals because he feels that the same thing lives in them that lives in him.
“You can wean yourself from pity even for people, and you can accustom yourself to pity even for insects. The more pity in a person, the better for his soul.
"Drive away from yourself everything that prevents you from seeing your connection with all living things."
L.N. Tolstoy

“Nature has endowed man with a high and beautiful gift of compassion, which extends to dumb animals. And there is no doubt that the noblest souls have the greatest gift of compassion, and people who are narrow-minded and narrow-minded consider that compassion is not the quality that they need to show to other living beings; but the great soul, the crown of creation, always sympathizes.”
"Man must feel his closeness and his duty towards any form of life with which he comes into contact."
Francis Bacon (1561-1626)

"There is no essential difference in mental capacity between man and the higher mammal."
"The animals we have made our slaves we do not want to accept as equals."
Charles Darwin

“Animals can't speak their mind. It seems to us that we could be the ones who represent their interests.”
River Phoenix

“A person does not have those special connections with the outside world that would fundamentally distinguish him from animals: those components of the psyche that give him the right to be called a personality are also inherent in an animal.”
“All living beings seek happiness; so let your compassion extend to all.”

“In the last century it would have been called morality. Undoubtedly, every mind finds a moral to its liking, but I hope that here we put forward a moral as old as the Holy Scripture: that we and animals are blood relatives. There is nothing in man that animals do not have, even to a small extent; and there is nothing in animals that he does not have in one way or another in common with man.
E. Seton-Thompson (biologist, writer)

“Wild animals never kill for fun. Man is the only being for whom the torture and death of his fellows is entertainment in itself."
D. E. Froude (1818-1884)

"Cruelty to animals is only the first experience for the same treatment of people."
J. Bernardin
Here are some more beautiful quotes about animals.
“If you see children torturing a kitten or a bird for their own fun, you stop them and teach them pity for living beings, and you yourself go hunting, shooting pigeons, racing and sit down to dinner, for which several living beings are killed. Won't this screaming contradiction become obvious and stop people?
L.N. Tolstoy

“When a person destroys one of the creations of mankind in vain, we call him a vandal. When he destroys one of the Creator's creations in vain, we call him an athlete.
D. W. Kratch (1893-1970)

“He who harms animals out of a desire to please himself adds nothing to his happiness in this life and in the next: then, as he who does not harm animals; does not lock them up, does not kill them, but wishes good to all sentient beings, he experiences happiness all the time.”
From the Indian Law of Manu

"Instances of people condemned for enlightening the human race are almost as numerous in physics as in morality."
“Has not nature placed all these springs of feeling in the animal so that it can feel? Doesn't it have nerves so that it can suffer?
"What poverty of mind to say that animals are machines, devoid of understanding and feelings."

“Man is capable of both great compassion and monstrous indifference. And it is in his full power to nurture the first in his heart and eradicate the second.
There is nothing stronger than an act of a person at the behest of his conscience, which contributes to the manifestation of the conscience of all mankind.
Norman Cousins ​​(born 1915)

“Murderers…often begin by killing and torturing animals as children.”
S. Kellert, A. Felthaus, psychologists

“In terms of fidelity, devotion, love, many bipedal animals are lower than a dog or, say, a horse. It would be wonderful for thousands of people if they could stand before the judge and say; "I loved as sincerely and lived as worthily as my dog" And yet we continue to call them "low animals"!
Henry Beecher (1813-1887)

"A dog is a very unusual creature; it never bothers you with questions about your mood, it doesn't care if you're rich or poor, stupid or smart, sinner or saint. You are her friend. That's enough for her."
J.K. Jerome (1859-1927)

"There will never be peace among people whose hearts seek pleasure in killing other living beings"
R. Carson (1907-1964)

“Oh yes, how could it be without it! Great Morning Kill! All necks are twisted: all birds are dead! Once they could fly! Fly and swim! Fly and swim! And now everyone is dead and sold for next to nothing in the market!”
M. Corelli (1855-1924)

“A man is proud that he caught a poor hare, and another that he caught a small fish in a net, and someone - that he caught wild boars, and someone that he caught bears ... Don't they robbers?
Maurelius, Roman emperor and philosopher (121-180)

"... the art of fishing is the most cruel, cold-blooded, stupid occupation of all that claim the title of sport"

“Those joys that give a person a feeling of pity and compassion for animals will pay him back a hundredfold those pleasures that he will lose by refusing to hunt and eat meat.”
L.N. Tolstoy

“The meat industry is responsible for more deaths in America than all the wars of this century, all the natural disasters and traffic accidents combined. If you think that meat is real food for real people, I advise you to live really close to a real hospital.”
Neil D. Barnard

“Towards the end of their (calf) life, when they are about three months old, they are unable to turn around; they are kept in boxes. They come to the slaughter almost as babies, they are very small.
This is a difficult test even for an adult animal, and even more so for a baby, so this is almost the most cruel part of the whole procedure. ”
Many slaughterhouse workers hate her. “It should be banned, this is a clear bloody murder,” they told me at the slaughterhouse during my last visit. It is too painful when a confused little calf, just torn from its mother, sucks the butcher's fingers in the hope of getting milk, but receives human "kindness". It is a ruthless, merciless and brutal procedure.”
Alan Long, PhD (born 1925)

“Vegetarianism is one of the few individual actions you can take that will have an immediate impact. This is the first step towards ending the daily cruelty faced by farm animals. This is the first step towards the self-healing of our planet. But this act has a wider meaning. It is a political act and a clearly expressed belief that it is possible to do things differently and live in a different world - a better world."
Juliet Gellatly

That's all the beautiful quotes about animals that I know. If you still know beautiful quotes about animals, we will be glad to hear.

The time will come when humanity will be humane to every creature that breathes.
Jeremy Bentham, 1781

Animals are part of natural law, they have their rights because they are intelligent.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1754

Discriminating living beings solely for the benefit of their own species is a form of prejudice.
Peter Singer

It is strange that we have so little relationship with nature, with insects, with a galloping frog and an owl hooting in the middle of the hills and calling for its friend. It seems that we never feel sympathy for all living beings on earth. If we had a close relationship with nature, we would never kill an animal for food, we would never harm an animal...
Juddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986)

The racist destroys the principle of equality by giving more weight to the interests of his race. An opponent of gender equality violates the principle of equality by giving preference to the interests of his gender. Similarly, one who discriminates on the basis of species allows the interests of his species to be placed above the interests of other species (non-humans). But in all cases the principle is the same.
Peter Singer

If we allow that we have the right to inflict suffering unnecessarily, then the very foundation of human society will be destroyed.
John Galsworthy (1867 - 1933)

Animal life has its own purpose and is not a means to meet human needs.
Dr. Michael W. Fox

A person whose religion teaches respect for all forms of life can hardly be converted to a faith that does not consider life other than human life inviolable.

Not to cause suffering to our smaller brothers is our first duty to them. But this alone is not enough. We have a higher mission to serve them whenever they need it.
Francis of Assisi, saint (1181-1226)

The righteous man takes care of his cattle, but the heart of the sinner does not know mercy.
Book of proverbs

I don't care about human religion, where the welfare of cats and dogs is not taken care of.
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)

Philosophers have long asked themselves the question of what "good" and "moral duty" mean, how these two concepts are related to each other and to sensations of pain and pleasure. They also asked if man, who is part of nature, can accept these principles and make his choice. It is common knowledge that in the end, after much deliberation, they did not come to any single conclusion. But for us it doesn't matter. We are sure that, using common sense, you will agree with the statement that all people are moral beings, and together we will consider the facts and main points regarding the treatment of animals, and decide what should be done.
P. Corbett

It seems incredible to us that the ancient Greek philosophers indulged in such deep discussions about what is good and evil, but did not notice the immorality of human slavery. Perhaps, thousands of years from now, it will seem just as incredible that we do not see the immorality of human oppression of animals.
The Sunday Times newspaper (1965)

Vegetarianism, proclaimed in the most ancient times, lay under a bushel for a long time, but in our time it captures more and more people every year and hour, and soon the time will come when they will end at the same time: hunting, vivisection and, most importantly, killing for satisfaction. taste.

Man is superior to animals, not because he can torment them, but because he is able to pity them. And a man pities animals because he feels that the same thing lives in them that lives in him.

You can unlearn pity even for people, and you can unlearn pity even for insects. The more pity in a person, the better for his soul.

Drive away from yourself everything that prevents you from seeing your connection with all living things.
L. N. Tolstoy

Nature has endowed man with a high and beautiful gift of compassion, which extends to dumb animals. And there is no doubt that the noblest souls have the greatest gift of compassion, and people who are narrow-minded and narrow-minded consider that compassion is not the quality that they need to show to other living beings; but the great soul, the Crown of creation, always sympathizes.

Man must feel his closeness and his duty towards any form of life with which he comes into contact.
Francis Bacon (1561-1626)

There is no essential difference in mental capacity between man and the higher mammal.

The animals we have made our slaves we do not want to accept as equals.
Charles Darwin

Animals cannot speak their mind. It seems to us that we could be the ones who represent their interests.
River Phoenix

A person does not have those special connections with the outside world that would fundamentally distinguish him from animals: those components of the psyche that give him the right to be called a personality are also inherent in an animal.

All living beings seek happiness; so let your compassion extend to all.

In the last century, this would be called morality. Undoubtedly, every mind finds a morality to its liking, but I hope that here we put forward a morality as old as Holy Scripture: that we and animals are blood relatives. There is nothing in man that animals do not have, even to a small extent; and there is nothing in animals that he does not have in one way or another in common with man.
E. Seton-Thompson (biologist, writer)

Wild animals never kill for fun. Man is the only being for whom the torture and death of his fellows is entertainment in itself.
D. E. Froude (1818-1884)

Cruelty to animals is only the first experience for the same treatment of people.
J. Bernardin

If you see children torturing a kitten or a bird for their own fun, you stop them and teach them pity for living beings, while you yourself go hunting, shooting pigeons, racing, and sit down to dinner, for which several living beings are killed. Won't this screaming contradiction become obvious and stop people?
L. N. Tolstoy

When a person destroys one of the creations of mankind in vain, we call him a vandal. When he destroys one of the Creator's creations in vain, we call him an athlete.
D. V. Kratch (1893-1970)

He who harms animals out of a desire to please himself adds nothing to his happiness in this life and in the next: then, as he who does not harm animals; does not lock them up, does not kill them, but wishes good to all sentient beings, he experiences happiness all the time.
From the Indian Law of Manu

Examples of people condemned for enlightening the human race are almost as numerous in physics as in morality.

Hasn't nature placed all these springs of feeling in the animal so that it can feel? Doesn't it have nerves so that it can suffer?

What poverty of mind to say that animals are machines, devoid of understanding and feelings.

Man is capable of both great compassion and monstrous indifference. And it is in his full power to nurture the first in his heart and eradicate the second. There is nothing stronger than an act of a person at the behest of his conscience, which contributes to the manifestation of the conscience of all mankind.
Norman Cousins

Murderers...often begin by killing and torturing animals as children.
S. Kellert, A. Felthaus, psychologists

When it comes to fidelity, devotion, love, many bipedal animals are lower than a dog or, say, a horse. It would be wonderful for thousands of people if they could stand before the judge and say; "I loved as sincerely and lived as worthily as my dog." And yet we continue to call them "low animals"!
Henry Beecher (1813-1887)

The dog is a very unusual creature; she never pesters with questions about your mood, she is not interested in whether you are rich or poor, stupid or smart, sinner or saint. You are her friend. That's enough for her.
J. K. Jerome (1859-1927)

There will never be peace among people whose hearts seek pleasure in killing other living beings.
R. Carson (1907-1964)

Oh yes, without it! Great Morning Kill! All necks are twisted: all birds are dead! Once they could fly! Fly and swim! Fly and swim! And now everyone is dead and sold for next to nothing in the market!
M. Corelli (1855-1924)

A man is proud that he caught a poor hare, and another that he caught a small fish in a net, and someone that he caught wild boars, and someone that he caught bears ... Aren't they robbers ?
M. Aurelius, Roman emperor and philosopher (121-180)

... The art of fishing is the most cruel, cold-blooded, stupid occupation of all that claim the title of sport.
Byron (1788-1824)

Those joys that give a person a feeling of pity and compassion for animals will pay for him a hundredfold those pleasures that he will lose by refusing to hunt and eat meat.
L. N. Tolstoy

The meat industry is responsible for more deaths in America than all the wars of this century, all the natural disasters and all the traffic accidents combined. If you think that meat is real food for real people, I advise you to live really close to a real hospital.
Neil D. Barnard

Toward the end of their life (calf), when they are about three months old, they are unable to turn around; they are kept in boxes. They come to the slaughter almost as babies, they are very small. This is an ordeal even for an adult animal, and even more so for a baby, so this is almost the most cruel part of the whole procedure. Many slaughterhouse workers hate her. “It should be banned, this is a clear bloody murder,” they told me at the slaughterhouse during my last visit. It is too painful when a confused little calf, just torn from its mother, sucks the butcher's fingers in the hope of getting milk, but receives human "kindness". It is a ruthless, merciless and brutal procedure.
Alan Long, PhD

Vegetarianism is one of the few individual actions you can take that will have an immediate impact. This is the first step towards ending the daily cruelty faced by farm animals. This is the first step towards the self-healing of our planet. But this act has a wider meaning. It is a political act and a clear belief that it is possible to do things differently and live in a different world - a better world.
Juliet Gellatly
