Children's counting rhymes in Russian. Funny counting rhymes: have fun while developing

counting- This is a great speech therapy material. They have no equal in terms of rhythm! In counting rhymes, the main thing is not the plot (that's why they sometimes surprise with their absurdity), but the rhythm, the ability to speak or shout all the words separately, chant. This material contains popular counting rhymes that will serve well in the development of your baby's speech, help in difficult to pronounce sounds and automate them in speech. As you know, a good result is achieved with repeated repetition. What else, if not counters, are best suited for this! One way or another, during the game they are often repeated, while they are quickly remembered, having a beneficial effect on the development of the speech apparatus and speech breathing of the child.

It is easier, of course, for children to memorize short counting rhymes consisting of several words, but over time they will remember new, longer ones. Presenting vivid images of counting rhymes, the baby develops imagination and fantasy. Or maybe he wants to compose a poem himself ...

It is impossible not to note another, no less important role of counting rhymes. Rhythms are indispensable helpers in the game. Thanks to them, discipline is established, a clear construction and observance of the rules, disputes are resolved when determining the leader. In addition, counting rhymes help in solving many everyday situations (to whom to clean toys, wash dishes, etc.), they teach children to communicate.

In the yard, a child who knows a lot of counting rhymes is respected by other children, since it is he who can competently and jokingly distribute the players into roles.

It is interesting that the roots of counting rhymes go back to distant pagan times, when many types of work were not only very difficult, but also life-threatening. But someone still had to do this dangerous work. Whom to appoint? It was then that they came up with a way to distribute work - counting rhymes. And even in ancient times, hunters believed that counting the killed game would bring failure in future hunting. Therefore, the direct account was replaced by allegorical forms. Hence the “ena-bena-rumarena ...” Later, when human life changed and people stopped being afraid of nature, counting rhymes began to distribute roles in a children's game, so much so that everyone had fun and did not offend anyone, but something magical in they still have:

Rhyming rhymes endow with a feeling of good luck, because whoever she points to is lucky;

Rhymes contribute to the emergence of a friendly disposition. When counting, it is customary to touch the chest of small players with your hand. Hand touch carries a charge of trust;

Rhyming rhymes teach children to adhere to the rules of the game, because the driver is chosen fairly, without deception. This helps develop qualities such as honesty and camaraderie.

Does your child still not know a single counting rhyme? Play hide and seek with him, and before you start the game, take our book and introduce the kid to counting rhymes.

Aty-bats - the soldiers were walking,

Aty-baty - to the market.

Aty-baty - what did you buy?

Aty-baty - samovar.

Aty-baty - how much does it cost?

Aty-baty - three rubles.

Aty-baty - who comes out?

Aty-baty - you and me.

(The one who ends the count comes out)

On the golden porch

Sat: king, prince,

king, queen,

Shoemaker, tailor.

Say please,

Who are you?

Speak quickly

Don't delay the good

And honest people.

(A long time ago there was such a role-playing game. Unfortunately, the essence of this game has been lost, and now it is just a counting rhyme.)

A man was driving along the road

Broke a wheel on the doorstep.

How many nails do you need?

Speak quickly

Don't detain our people.

(The one on whom the count has stopped says any number, for example: five.)

(The count continues until the named number.)

One two three four five.

(The fifth comes out.)


Ate dumplings.

Eniki-beniki - a dump!

The curly-haired sailor came out.

(We count 2 fists for each player.)

The cuckoo walked past the net,

And behind her are small children.

Cook-mac, cook-mac,

Remove one fist.

(The one whose fist is left drives.)

The sack rolled

From a high hump.

In this bag: bread,

Salt, water, wheat.

With whom do you want

Speak quickly

Don't delay the good

And honest people.

(To whom the score falls, remains, but points to one of the participants, and he leaves. Then the score continues. Leads - the last one!)

There are bream in the river

You go look for them.

It's hard to drag the bream

One two Three -

You lead!

The hare ran through the swamp,

He was looking for a job

Didn't find a job

I cried and went.

The counting starts.

A jackdaw sat on a birch,

Two crows, a sparrow,

Three magpies, nightingale.

Clouds, clouds, clouds, clouds,

galloping horse

Big, powerful.

He rides through the clouds

Who does not believe

Get out!

There was a car in the dark forest

For some interest.

Inte-inter-interest -

Come out on the letter "C",

The letter "C" is not good,

Come out on the letter "Sha".


The bastards called.

Digi digi digi dong

Get out soon!

Tiki-tiki, tiki-taki

Crayfish are walking in our river.

They go backwards!

Looking for crayfish in the river ford.

Crayfish began to drink water.

Come out! You lead!

A suitcase floated on the sea,

There was a sofa in the suitcase

And an elephant is hidden in the sofa,

Who does not believe

Get out!

The mice came out once

See what time it is.

One two three four,

The mice pulled the weights.

Suddenly there was a

Terrible sound -

The mice ran away.


Sat on the roof.


I took it and left.

The crocodile walked

Smoked a pipe.

The tube fell and wrote:



Deo-deo-krasnodeo. Bang!

The German came out of the fog,

He took out a knife from his pocket:

I will cut, I will beat,

You still have to drive.

Ena bena rumarena,

zucker booker,

cook tena,

Az-baz-rubabas -

And sour kvass comes out.


Quinter minter zhets,



Grandmother Ezhka and Koschei

We boiled cabbage soup in the grove.

And let's feed everyone.

You are the leader.

We are to play!

One two three four five!

We need to look for a siskin.

Where do you live,

Yellow siskin?

Get out of the circle. Shh!

One two three four five,

The bunny went out for a walk.

Suddenly the hunter runs out,

Shoots directly at the rabbit.

Bang Bang!

Oh oh oh!

My bunny is dying.

They took him to the hospital

He stole a mitten there.

They brought him to the ward

He stole some chocolate there.

They brought him home

He turned out to be alive.


The cat sat in a taxi

And the kittens clung

And ride for free!

The seagull warmed up the kettle,

Invited eight seagulls:

Come all for tea!

How many seagulls?

One, and two, and three, four.

Just jump on the table.

I jumped and jumped

She broke her leg.

Mom saw me

And whipped with a rope.

Dad saw me

And he sent for the doctor.

The doctor rides a horse

Balalaika on the back

And the guitar on the nose:

The Doctor loves sausage.

dora, dora, tomato,

We caught a thief in the garden.

Began to think and wonder

How can a thief be punished?

We tied our hands and feet

And let them go down the road.

The thief walked, walked, walked

And I found a basket.

In this little basket

Got lipstick and perfume

Ribbons, lace, boots -

Anything for the soul.

What children's group game can do without a counting rhyme. Rhymes are passed by children by word of mouth, often altered and supplemented. A rhyme is a genre of oral folk art and a waggon in ancient times. Rhymes helped to redistribute work and had a magical meaning, allowing chance to choose who will do the work.
Over time, counting rhymes began to be used in the game to select the leader. So that the case decides who will drive and there is no resentment and questions: “Why me?”. Stitalochki are rhyming-rhythmic texts created in a playful form, developing memory, humor, a sense of rhythm and the ability to find compromises in society.

Sat on the golden porch

On the golden porch sat:
King, prince, king, prince,
Shoemaker, tailor -
Who will you be?
Speak quickly
Don't delay
Good people!

Stitalka "Aty-baty"

Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking,
Aty-baty, to the market.
Aty-baty, what did you buy?
Aty-baty, samovar.
Aty-baty, how much does it cost?
Aty-baty, three rubles
Aty-baty, what is he like?
Aty-baty, golden.
Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking,
Aty-baty, to the market.
Aty-baty, what did you buy?
Aty-baty, samovar.
Aty-baty, how much does it cost?
Aty-baty, three rubles.
Aty-baty, who's coming out?
Aty-baty, it's me!

Siwa, willow

Siwa, willow,
oak, maple,
Got out!


One two three four five,
Nowhere for a bunny to jump
Everywhere goes the wolf, the wolf,
He clicks with his teeth, click!
And we hide in the bushes
Hide, bunny, and you.
You, wolf, wait,
How do we hide - go!


We're here to play
Well, who should start?
One two Three,
you start

Counting "weed"

The gray hare tore out the grass.
He put her on the bench.
Who will take the weed
He will go out.

The king sat on a bench

The king sat on a bench
I counted my pins:
One two Three,
You will be the queen!


One two three four five,
We're here to play.
Forty flew to us
And I told you to drive.


An apple rolled on a dish,
I won't drive

Rock Paper Scissors

Rock Paper Scissors,
Pencil, fire, water,
And a bottle of lemonade
And an iron hand.
Karmane-barmane, tsu-e-fa.

Counting kittens

Our kittens were born
One two three four five,
Come join us guys
View and count.
Once a kitten is the whitest
Two kitten - the most daring
Three kitten - the smartest
And four is the noisiest
Five is like three and two
Same tail and head
Also a speck on the back
He also sleeps all day in a basket.
We have good kittens
One two three four five
Come join us guys
View and count!


One, two, dash, four,
Five, six, seven
Eight nine ten.
Comes up
White month!
Who reaches the month
He's going to hide!


We shared an orange
There are many of us, and he is one.
This slice is for the hedgehog,
This slice is for a swift,
This slice is for ducklings,
This slice is for kittens,
This slice is for the beaver,
And for a wolf - peel.
He is angry with us - trouble!!!
Run somewhere!


Clouds, clouds, clouds, clouds,
A big, mighty horse is galloping.
He rides through the clouds
Who does not believe - get out!

Tryntsy, bryntsy, bells

Tryntsy, bryntsy, bells,
The daredevils called
Digi, digi, digi, dong
Get out soon!

A hare ran through the swamp

The hare ran through the swamp,
He was looking for a job
Didn't find a job
I cried and went

Annie, benny, ricky, do

Annie, benny, ricky, did,
Boule, boule, boule, koraki, shmaki.
Eus, beus, krasnadeus - bam!

Horse (trading)

zealous horse,
Rides across the field
Rides the field.
Who is the horse
Togo will catch
With us in the halls


There are cars in the garage
Volga, Seagull, Zhiguli,
Which one do you get the keys from?

Dora, Dora

dora, dora, tomato,
We caught a thief in the garden.
Began to think and wonder
How to punish the thief.
We tied our hands and feet
And let them go down the road.
The thief walked, walked, walked
And I found a basket.
In this little basket
There are drawings and pictures.
One two Three,
Whoever you want, donate!

Eniki-Beniki counting

Eniki-Beniks ate dumplings
Eniki-beniki - a dump!
The Russian sailor came out.

The German came out of the fog

The German came out of the fog
He took a knife out of his pocket
I will cut, I will beat -
Who will you be friends with?
A month came out of the fog
He took out a knife from his pocket.
I will cut, I will beat -
You still have to drive!


A suitcase floated on the sea,
There was a sofa in the suitcase
An elephant rode on the couch.
Who does not believe - get out!


An apple rolled past the garden,
past the garden, past the city,
Who will raise, he will go out


Over the seas, over the mountains,
Behind the iron pillars
On the hillock Teremok,
There is a lock on the door
You go for the key
And unlock the lock.


The countdown begins:
A jackdaw sat on a birch,
Two crows, a sparrow,
Three magpies, nightingale.

Three funny little ones

Three funny little ones
They went to the market in a crowd,
And bought three watermelons -
Dark, light and pockmarked.
Who brought the pockmarked watermelon,
He leads! All by the nose.


Bunny is a coward
Running across the field
Ran into the garden
Found a carrot
Found a cabbage
Sitting, chewing
Go away - the master is coming!

fox counting rhyme

The fox walked through the forest
The fox was screaming.
The fox was tearing the little ones,
Fox bast shoes weaved -
My husband has two, I have three
And the kids on the bast shoes!
Who will find lapti
He will drive.

Hooligan counting))

In our small company
Someone got really pissed off.
One two Three-
That's right, you will.


Ah, ah, ah, oh
Masha sowed peas,
He was born thick
We run, and you wait!


One two three four,
The mice lived in the apartment.
A friend came to them
The cross is a large spider.
Five, six, seven, eight
We ask the spider:
"You glutton, don't go!"
Come on, Mashenka (Mishenka, Katenka ...), drive!

holes in cheese

One two three four.
Let's count the holes in the cheese.
If there are many holes in the cheese,
So the cheese is delicious.
If it has one hole
So it was delicious yesterday.

Cat and mouse counting

One two three four five.
The cat is learning to count.
little by little
Adds a cat to a mouse.
The answer is:
There is a cat, but no mouse.


One two three four five!
Let's count fingers!
Strong, friendly, all so necessary!
On the other hand again -
One, two, three, four, five!
The fingers are fast, though not very clean.
A lot of trouble for fingers -
sometimes they play patty, then for some reason they climb into the mouth,
grandmother's books are torn.
Having redone everything
pull the tablecloth off the table
Friendly fingers, all so necessary!

Counting "Boy to the girl's servant"

One two three four five,
Six seven eight nine ten,
A clear moon has surfaced,
And after the month the moon
The boy is the girl's servant.
You, servant, give the carriage,
And I'll sit down and go.
You, servant, give me a broom,
I'll sweep in the carriage.

Horse lights

Horse lights
Sitting on the balcony
They drank tea
In Turkish they said:
- Chobi, achobi,
Chelyabich and chobi,
Chelyabich and chobi,
The game is over!
We took water in our mouths
And they told everyone:
- Freeze!

Sheep walked along the road

Sheep walked along the road
Wet feet in a puddle
They began to wipe their feet:
Who with a handkerchief
Who is a rag
Who has a holey mitten!


Our Masha got up early
She counted all the dolls:
Two nesting dolls on the window,
Two Tanyas on a pillow,
Two Irinkas on a feather bed,
A parsley in a cap
on a green box.

Counting Apple

The sun rose over the mountain
An apple fell from the sky
Through the azure meadows
Rolled right to us!
It rolled, it rolled
Fell into the river from the bridge,
Who saw - do not sleep,
Hurry up and catch him!
Whoever caught, well done
After all, the counting is over!


I threw my ball easily.
But my ball fell from heaven
Rolled into a dark forest.
One two three four five,
I'm going to look for him.

Don't hold people up

One two three four,
Five, six, seven, eight -
Grandma walks
With a long nose
And behind her grandfather.
How old is grandfather?
Speak quickly
Don't stop people!

hide and seek

One two three four five,
We will play hide and seek.
Sky, stars, meadow, flowers -
You go, lead!

The mice came out once

The mice came out once
See what time it is.
One two three four,
The mice pulled the weights.
There was a terrible ringing -
The mice ran away.

naughty baloons

naughty baloons,
Run out into the yards
Get to play
Voivode to choose.
Voivode - from the people,
Get out of the circle.
And you, good fellow,
Get to the very end!


Tomorrow will fly from the sky
Blue-blue-blue whale
If you believe, stand and wait
If you don't believe me, come out!

Sat on the golden porch

Sat on the golden porch
king, prince
king, queen,
Shoemaker, tailor,
Who will you be?
Speak quickly

Do not detain honest and kind people!



Stork-stork, stork-bird,
What do you dream about at night?
I have swamp edges,
- What else?
More frogs.
Catch them, don't catch them.
That's all, you drive!

The ram walked along the steep mountains

The ram walked through the steep mountains,
Pulled out the grass, put it on the bench.
Whoever takes it will go out.

Many parents know that the basis of speech is largely determined by how often we communicate with our baby and what kind of communication this has. Rhythms are a universal means to develop in a child not only competent speech, but also a sense of rhythm. The game form and unobtrusiveness of the process provide interest in teaching children of different characters and temperaments. A rhyme as a genre is a small rhyme, a form of drawing of lots, with the help of which it is determined who drives in the game. In organizing a counting rhyme, rhythm is very important. In the article, we will consider counting rhymes for both the smallest listeners - babies up to a year old, and for grown-up children 2–3 years old, in whose texts an account is used.

A selection of counting rhymes for babies up to a year

For babies up to a year old, the texts of counting rhymes are as simple and rhythmic as possible. At the same time, it is good to perform any actions next to the child: at first, clap your hands, later - “count” the baby’s favorite toys. This will be an excellent training not only for memory, but also for the rhythm of the baby.

For children up to a year, counting rhymes are combined with clapping

Examples of counters:

A variety of counting rhymes and short poems develop the baby's memory well.

Rhymes for children 1–2 years old

From the age of one, babies should gradually be introduced to the count, starting with 3–4 digits, gradually increasing to 10. Also, 1–2 years is the period when the child begins to repeat the counting rhymes after the adults: first the end of the phrases, and then completely rhymes. It is recommended to take counting rhymes for children of this age not too long, it is especially important to pause before the last word in each line while reading. So in a playful way, the child will gradually memorize the text.

One-year-olds with the help of counting rhymes master their first numbers

Examples of counters using the account:

Finger counting and games develop fine motor skills and speech of the child in their unity and interconnection.

Rhymes help children acquire knowledge about the world around them. A child will easily perceive a story about animals if it is framed in a "counting" rhyme:

The plant world is also “amenable” to study through counting rhymes:

Not only objects of nature can be studied with the help of counters, they are perfect for memorizing colors:

Video: counting song (count up to 5)

Video: a girl tells a counting rhyme about fingers Video can't be loaded: Children's rhyme through the mouth of a child. (

A selection of counting rhymes for children 3 years old

Children of three years old can already pronounce simple counting rhymes themselves - mainly those that they learned at 2 years old. But parental participation is still important, now adults can tell the child more complex texts. Gradually, the baby will remember them. During this period, an adult can simply say or hum the text, and the child himself makes counting movements with his hand and, if possible, “helps” in those episodes where the count is going on.

Three-year-old children "help" parents tell counting rhymes

Examples of counting rhymes for three-year-olds:

Three-year-olds perfectly copy the intonations and gestures of adults when reading rhymes and poems

If the child is already familiar or is currently getting acquainted with complex numbers - two-digit and three-digit, counting rhymes will help him consolidate new knowledge in a playful way:

A little apart are the counting rhymes, consisting of "abracadabra" - words that do not exist in nature. But they should also be studied and told to the child, because such counting rhymes develop memory (it is more difficult to remember a word without being tied to an image), and also, thanks to a specific set of sounds, they actively train the baby's diction.


Arithmetic and mathematics for kids are boring sciences. But you still need to teach your child the basics of counting! But how to do this if the little fidget is not ready to just sit down and learn the numbers? A game will come to the rescue, that is, arithmetic in a playful way - children's counting rhymes.

A rhyme for children is a chanted rhyme that accompanies the distribution of the participants in the game (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova, Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language).

In order to determine the leader in the game or the retiring one, children's counting rhymes were always used. But counting rhymes were not always children's cheerful and perky rhymes. Their appearance goes back to ancient times, the times of the pagans: the hunters then believed that when counting the killed game, they would bring bad luck to subsequent hunts.

Currently, children's counting rhymes are actively used by both toddlers and quite adult children in collective games. Counting rhymes for children 4 years old are short rhymes with the basics of counting, which are used to select roles in any of the games. In this case, the number of participants in the game is not important.

Reading rhymes for preschool children develop not only the ability to count, but also other important qualities:

  • correct speech and diction;
  • memory and attention;
  • fantasy (especially if the children themselves come up with counting rhymes);
  • the basics of the Russian language and the correct pronunciation;
  • sense of rhythm;
  • ability to pick up a rhyme;
  • The counting rhyme helps to determine the roles in the team game.

Even if there are only two participants in the game, the counting rhyme helps to understand who will play their role. Reading rhymes for kindergarten are especially needed: since many children participate in a team game, only a children's rhyme will help to distribute roles.

Rhymes for kids, for children 3-4-5-6 years old

Rhyming rhymes for children 3 years old, 4 years old are short rhymes aimed at developing speech and memory. They can also be used in . Such counting rhymes for kids form the concept of rhyme and teach the Russian language. Children's counting rhymes are aimed at better memorizing the poetic form of arithmetic operations (the well-known "One, two, three, four, five, the bunny went out for a walk ...").

In addition, children's counting rhymes form in children the elementary concept of the simplest mathematical account. Especially useful are counting rhymes for children 4 years old, for preschoolers, since it is in this form that they remember the score well. Yes, and memory is also trained.

Readings for the driver

Readings for the driver are short funny rhymes that determine which of the team will be in charge, who will "drive" or search. They can be used for team games such as hide-and-seek, tag, all kinds of catch-ups. Rhymes for children are not only completely childish, but also for older children, for example, schoolchildren.

Elimination Counting

Counting for children 5 years old already have a different meaning - the choice of the driver or the one who leaves the game. Such a rhyming rhyme may not even make sense, but be a simple set of words or funny sounds. But counting rhymes for kids have a different meaning - to introduce the child to rhyme and rhythm.

The counting rhymes presented below for children in kindergarten can be used in team games.

Rhymes "I'm going to look for ..."

Hide-and-seek counters are essential to give the kids time to hide while the "water" counts. They can be used both in kindergarten and at school.

Children love to communicate with their peers, find new friends, share knowledge, play collective games. In a group game, it is important to choose a specific role for each participant; for this, the guys use counting rhymes. On whom the counting rhyme stops, the cherished role will fall out. On this page you will find great rhymes for students, and on other pages of the site you will find interesting counting rhymes on other topics, riddles, proverbs, poems for children, songs, ditties, jokes, tongue twisters.
The people composed many folklore genres intended for the development of the child. Rhythms occupy a special place in this list. Short rhymes with a cheerful meaning were very fond of the children. Kids easily memorize rhyming lines, so that later they can be used in the process of choosing a role for participants in collective games. Here are some fun rhymes for students:

One two three four-
I was taught to read:
Don't count, don't write
Just jump across the field.
I jumped, I jumped
She broke her leg
The leg began to hurt,
Mom began to feel sorry
Regretted, scolded
And she sent for the doctor.
Doctor rides a bull
With a balalaika in hand.

One, two, dash, four,
Five, six, seven
Eight nine ten.
Comes up
White month!
Who reaches the month
He's going to hide!

One two three four,
Midges lived in the apartment.
A friend himself got into a habit with them,
The cross is a big spider.
Five, six, seven, eight
Spider we ask
You glutton, don't go!
Come on, Mishenka, drive.

Our kittens were born
One two three four five,
Come join us guys
View and count.
Once a kitten is the whitest
Two kitten - the most daring
Three kitten - the smartest
And four is the noisiest
Five is like three and two
Same tail and head
Also a speck on the back
He also sleeps all day in a basket.
We have good kittens
One two three four five
Come join us guys
View and count!

Counting for schoolchildren is a fair and just choice. It doesn’t matter if you are the oldest or the youngest in the team, no external factors affect the choice, only an honest lot. The guys love to learn counting rhymes to brag to their friends about the knowledge of a new rhyme and to announce it before the start of the game, because this role is also important. Little children memorize simple counting rhymes from a couple of easy-to-pronounce words. The child grows up, goes to the senior classes of the school, over time he knows more and more of these works, they become more complicated and longer. Each child has his favorite counting rhymes, on occasion he gladly uses them, as if he assigns roles in the game. At the end of the article you will find the most popular counting rhymes for schoolchildren, which can often be heard at school breaks among high school and junior high school students. Some options are perfect for designing the title page of a student's portfolio in grade 1.

As soon as the baby has learned to speak, he begins to memorize counting suggested by parents and often says them out loud. It is very helpful for him. Memory and figurative thinking work, the child gets acquainted with letters and numbers. Diction is trained, the speech apparatus develops, the child begins to speak more clearly and expressively in everyday life, the phonetics of various words is assimilated. He has a sense of rhythm, which will be very useful in the future.

Children expand their horizons and learn a lot of new, curious information. Babies love to listen learn counting rhymes, since they are easy to understand, there is no hidden meaning, everything is extremely simple and accessible. Plus, telling a rhyme is quite fun, which is a determining factor in working with a child.

What could be better for a child than all-round development in a playful way. In this section of our site there are a lot of counting rhymes, you will find poems from your childhood and modern works. Give your child something new to think about. At an early age, children remember everything much better than us, accumulating knowledge for adulthood, do not miss this moment.

The best modern counting rhymes for elementary and high school students.
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