Leisure entertainment in kindergarten. Travel entertainment scenario in kindergarten for older children

Regina Yakimova
Perspective plan of leisure and entertainment in the senior group for a year



“Farewell to summer. Congratulation of summer birthdays "



Tatiana Dyagileva

Summarize ideas about summer. Create positive emotional mood. Cultivate friendships between children.


"Being a pedestrian is not easy"



Svetlana Kolchenko

Strengthen knowledge of the rules of the road. Develop attention, speed of reaction, coordination of movements.


"Journey to Kukland"

Musical and educational


Encourage improvisation. Develop visual memory, perseverance, imaginative thinking. Play ability to listen to other children.

Fruits. Garden.

Entertainment-staging based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev "A bag of apples"


Create a joyful mood, cultivate friendly relationships, a desire to participate in theatrical performance.


Vegetables. Garden.

"Mysteries in the Garden"

Cognitive leisure


Yakimova Regina

Consolidate knowledge about vegetables. Create a positive emotional atmosphere, entertain and amuse children.

Mushrooms. Berries.

V. Suteeva "Under the mushroom"

Fairy tale dramatization

To develop artistic talent, to teach to be liberated, not to be afraid to speak to the public.

Gold autumn. Forest.

"Autumn Walk"

Fun game

Online school "Learn by playing"

Scenario #21

Create conditions of psychological comfort. Develop children's creativity.

Birds in autumn.

"Happy Tourists"



Contribute to the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle. To give children the joy of participating in the "campaign".


Cloth. Shoes.

Fairy tale "Mitten"

Table theater in Spanish. children

To teach children to portray the characteristic features of the behavior of characters, to cultivate the ability to act in concert.

Animals in autumn.

How animals prepare for winter



Larisa Polonskaya

Encourage active participation in games and competitions. Improve physical qualities


"Visiting Grandma Fedora"

puppet show


Vlaskina Alena

Develop the ability to build a line of behavior in a role using hand-made attributes.


"Festival of the Russian stove"



Natalia Fedorinina


"Queen Name Day"



Regina Yakimova

Create an upbeat, joyful mood in children. Arouse the desire to actively participate in games and competitions.



"Journey to the land of fairy tales"

Pozn. – entertain.

Abstract flash drive

Develop speech, resourcefulness, ingenuity. To instill partnership skills in group work.

wintering birds

"Letter from Lesovichka"

competitive program


Abanina Anna

To consolidate knowledge about wintering birds, their lifestyle in the winter. Develop speech, the ability to act on a signal.

Winter fun

"Winter Fun"

sports relay races


Tatiana Petrova

Develop agility, strength, endurance; to cultivate endurance, mutual assistance, to give children the joy of communicating with each other.

Christmas tree

"New Year's concert for dolls"

Musical and literary improvisation

Develop artistic abilities, solo singing skills. Encourage independence.



The Snow Queen"

Quest game

"Holiday with your own hands" Scenario No. 31

Encourage active participation in group games. Create an upbeat, joyful mood in children


A holiday of an outdoor game on the theme of the week.


Develop dexterity, the ability to act on a signal. To form a positive attitude towards outdoor games.





Ovchinnikova Elena

To consolidate children's knowledge about pets; cultivate a caring, attentive attitude towards nature and others.


forest animals

Mathematical leisure according to the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man"



Clarify children's knowledge of numbers, numbers and geometric shapes. Encourage the desire to help those in need.

Animals of the North


watching cartoon

Contribute to the formation of an emotional attitude towards the cartoon characters.

Military professions

"My dad and I are best friends"



Corned beef Julia

To promote the development of physical qualities, the ability to act collectively. Create a favorable emotional background.


Winter birthdays visiting Maslenitsa



Thymus Ekaterina

To acquaint with the rites and customs of the Russian people. Create conditions for physical activity of children.


Professions of mothers

"Little Red Riding Hood"

theatrical performance

Belichenko Lilia

Maintaining interest in theatrical play. Development of children's creative abilities.

Early spring

Quiz "Spring is knocking on the windows"


Abstract flash drive

To consolidate knowledge of spring signs. To form curiosity and logical thinking, to train memory.

Transport. Professions.

"Four forces"


"Holiday with your own hands" Scenario No. 15

Raise respect for nature and the environment. Arouse the desire to actively participate in games.

Urban transport. City.

"Faster, higher, stronger"



Belkina Elena

To acquaint with sports games with elements of competition, with relay race games. Develop speed, endurance, agility.



"Evening of tricks"



Elena Smelyanskaya

Develop imagination, fantasy, sense of humor. Develop confidence in your own strengths and abilities.

Trees in spring.


Quest game

Online school "Learn by playing"

Strengthen knowledge about space. Continue learning to work in a team. To develop the ability to listen and hear other children.

Birds in the spring.

Musical Rhythms»

A selection of games by Natalia Chistokletova To develop a sense of rhythm, the ability to convey the nature of music through movements. Develop children's creativity.

A country. Motherland.

"Russia is my homeland"



Novak Svetlana

To attach to the origins of gaming folklore. Contribute to the cohesion of children in the team. Cultivate love for the motherland.

Victory Day.

"Victory Day"


Poyarkova Irina

Contribute to the cognitive development of children. Cultivate a sense of pride in their homeland, patriotism.


"Flower Day"

game program


Berezkina Svetlana

To consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe diversity of the world of flowers. To continue to form the skills of environmentally-literate behavior in nature.


"My cheerful, sonorous ball"

sports entertainment


Baranchukova Maria

To involve in active participation in collective games, competitions. To improve the skills of children in ball games.

Seasons. Summer.

"Bubble Festival"

Spring birthdays day


Valentina Kovalchuk

Create an upbeat, joyful mood in children. Develop the need to show the positive. Emotions during physical activity.

It is impossible to imagine a stay in a kindergarten without joyful holidays, touching matinees, friendly tea parties and fun starts. Activities organized by the teacher as part of leisure activities give preschoolers vivid impressions that will last a lifetime. And at the same time, in a fun way, the guys get new knowledge and reveal their creative abilities, become more proactive and independent.

The value of organizing leisure activities in kindergarten

Leisure activity is a complex social area in which a person restores his psychological state through rest, realizes the need for physical activity, communicates and develops himself. An adult independently plans what to do with his free time, the child needs help in this, to direct his activities. Since leisure is a synthesis of entertaining activities and cognition, it is organized by teachers as part of the social order - the comprehensive development of the child's personality.

Leisure is a synthesis of various activities, for example, physical, musical, entertaining and educational.

The purpose and principles of organizing leisure in a preschool educational institution

Leisure activities in the preschool educational institution are aimed at the formation of a healthy, active, harmoniously developed creative personality.

The purpose of organizing leisure and entertainment for preschoolers is to instill in children moral and aesthetic values, love for traditions and the desire for cultural recreation. This is a special area of ​​the educational process in kindergarten, which takes into account the needs and interests of the children. Using various forms and methods of organization and taking into account the individual characteristics of pupils, teachers saturate cultural and leisure activities with moral content, while observing the principles:

  • positive tension: creating a friendly atmosphere, positive emotions, getting joy from communication and collective activities;
  • independence: creation of conditions for self-development and disclosure of the creative potential of each pupil;
  • complexity: taking into account all components of a healthy lifestyle;
  • integrity: the development of children's self-awareness.

Having fun, children join the folk traditions and history of the country


Activities within the framework of cultural and leisure activities can be divided into thematic blocks:

  • Sports:
  • Musical:
  • Literary:
  • Theatrical:
  • Art:
  • Intellectual: conducting quizzes, games of ingenuity and didactic games (brain ring, KVN, “I want to know everything”, “Field of Miracles”).

    Participation in intellectual games develops intelligence and the spirit of healthy competition

  • Ecological:
    • formation of ecological consciousness in children,
    • education of love for nature and native land,
    • excursions to the park, agricultural town, farm,
    • participation in environmental campaigns.

Activities can integrate different areas of children's activities, such as physical and speech

Table: tasks of cultural and leisure activities in kindergarten

  • Introduction to various types of art: music, dance, theater, painting, etc.
  • Creation of positive motivation for active knowledge of the surrounding reality.
  • Involving children in the preparation of events.
  • Attracting preschoolers to participate in dramatization games, sports and intellectual competitions.
  • Formation of the need for creativity (singing, dancing, fine arts).
  • Creating a favorable emotional atmosphere in the group, a sense of security for each pupil.
  • The development of teamwork skills, attentive attitude towards each other, mutual assistance.
  • Education of patriotic feelings.

Types of leisure and entertainment in the preschool educational institution

Work within the framework of cultural and leisure activities is carried out daily. The educator organizes independently, with the involvement of a music director or a teacher in physical education, and establishes interaction with parents. Free time should not be filled exclusively with rehearsals for children's matinees, there are various types of leisure activities for preschoolers.

  • Rest. After a strong mental stress, the child needs to restore the balance of power, rest. The ability of self-regulation (determining the need to relax, change the type of activity) is formed by the senior preschool age. The prevention of overwork among pupils of junior and middle groups is organized by the teacher. Recreation can be carried out in a passive form: children look at pictures in books, have calm conversations, play quiet games, listen to a teacher reading a book. If the child is not able to relax with traditional methods, psychological support can be provided (for example, play with the child in the "Magic Room" or in the "Water and Sand Center"). Active recreation implies physical activity: participation in outdoor games, gymnastics, riding while walking on a bicycle, scooter, sled, etc.

    Children can rest on their own, using the resources of the object-spatial environment in the group.

    Active recreation involves relieving stress through physical activity.

  • Entertainment. This type of cultural and leisure activity compensates for the routine, unemotional moments in everyday life. Entertainment causes a sense of joy in children and genuine interest. At the same time, there is an incentive to receive new information, and if the child is a participant in an entertaining action, the practical skills acquired during classes are improved and consolidated. In kindergarten, preschoolers can only be spectators (watching a play, a science show, a musician's performance). Parents of pupils are involved in the entertainment (conducting creative master classes, musical and literary leisure activities, cognitive and sports quests for family teams). Entertainment varies by subject:
  • Holidays. Holding events dedicated to public holidays and important events in the life of the kindergarten: Autumn Festival, matinees in honor of Mother's Day, New Year, International Women's Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, festive concerts for Cosmonautics Day, Victory Day, graduation. In this cultural and leisure activity, preschoolers are active participants, demonstrate their talents, and also help in the preparation and design of the premises.

    For festive events in kindergarten, pupils prepare creative performances, and also participate in the creation of scenery and props

Leisure and entertainment in the preschool educational institution

The teacher should remember that leisure is a compensatory type of children's activity, entertainment and cultural recreation are opposed to routine activities. Therefore, activities in their free time have a bright emotional focus, children should be in a good mood.

Discussion of the heroes and plots of Russian folk tales stimulates children's interest in creative activities

Motivating start of a lesson on cultural and leisure activities

Classes within the framework of cultural and leisure activities contain an obligatory structural component - a motivating beginning. To attract children's interest in the upcoming event, to activate their curiosity, various methods of motivation are used:

  • study of visual material:
    • reviewing thematic posters,
    • pictures,
    • reproductions,
    • illustrations in books
    • layouts,
    • mini-exhibitions in the corner of knowledge;
  • conducting cognitive and heuristic conversations;
  • creating surprises;
  • conducting didactic and outdoor games, including in the game situation:
    • visiting a group with a fairy-tale character,
    • imaginary journey to a fantasy land,
    • transfer to a fairy tale (for the performance of a dramatization game);
  • reading poems, stories, small folklore forms (chastushkas, jokes, riddles, proverbs and sayings);
  • use of ICT: viewing presentations with photo and video materials, musical accompaniment.

Since the leading activity of preschoolers is a game, children are happy to join in game situations and participate in a variety of activities.

Table: examples of a motivating start to a lesson for different topics

Topic of the lessonMotivating start option
"Journey to the land of fairy tales" (leisure-entertainment)
  1. Creating a surprise moment.
    A dove brings a letter to the group from a magical land, in which Vasilisa the Wise tells that she was kidnapped by Koschei the Deathless and is being held in custody in a high tower. Vasilisa asks the guys for help and encloses a map of the Kingdom of Far Far Away with the letter.
  2. Inclusion in the game situation.
    The guys agree to help Vasilisa. The teacher asks the pupils to join hands, stand in a round dance and utter a spell with him that will take everyone to the Far Far Away Kingdom. So the guys find themselves in a fabulous dense forest, where they have to complete many exciting tasks for dexterity and ingenuity from magical characters.
"Visiting a Russian folk tale" (theatrical leisure)
  1. The study of visual material.
    The teacher shows the children in the library corner a large beautiful book - a collection of Russian folk tales. The children are invited to consider the colorful cover of the book:
    • What fairy tale characters do you recognize?
    • What stories are they from?
    • What did the illustrator depict in the dense forest? (A hut on chicken legs, a house of three bears, a teremok, a stream with living water, etc.)
    • What magical items did you notice on the cover? (Stupa of Baba Yaga, egg with Kashcheev's death, rejuvenating apples, frog skin.)
  2. Creation of a problem situation.
    The teacher asks what story the children would like to hear. Having received an answer, he opens the book, the guys see that all the pages of the collection are empty. Between the pages, the children find a note from Miracle Yud: it stole all the fairy tales, in order to return them to the book, they need to complete the task - to show that the fairy tales are not forgotten, but are alive and loved by the children. Pupils are involved in a dramatization game based on a fairy tale plot.
"Australia! Australia! Beautiful mainland "(sports leisure)Studying visual material and conducting an informative conversation.
The children are invited to study the map of Australia, which shows representatives of the flora and fauna, and answer the questions:
  • What surrounds Australia? (Water, ocean).
  • How do you imagine the Australian climate? (Sunny, hot).
  • What animals did you see on the map that live in Australia? (Koala, kangaroo, wild dog dingo, kiwi bird, ostrich, wombat, echidna, possum).
  • Can you talk about the features of some Australian animals? (Kangaroos have strong legs and a tail, they are jumpy, the cubs are carried in a bag on their stomach. Koalas look like teddy bears, they have long sharp claws for climbing trees, they feed on eucalyptus leaves, they carry cubs on their backs. The ostrich is the largest bird, he does not know how to fly, hides its head in the sand when threatened, runs fast, people breed ostriches on farms).

The teacher offers to get to know the features of the mainland and its inhabitants closer by participating in thematic outdoor games.

"Joyful colors of winter" (musical leisure)
  1. Creation of a problem situation.
    The guys find a letter from the Snow Queen in the music room, the teacher reads out: the mistress of the snow kingdom complains that it is joyless and boring in her possessions, everything is white and cold in winter, but you want fun. The teacher invites the children to cheer the Snow Queen and show that in winter it can also be joyful.
  2. Listening to the song "It's winter, it's white all around."
  3. Conducting a conversation.
    • Guys, what winter fun was this song about? (About sledding down the mountain).
    • What else can you do outside in winter? (Skate and ski, play snowballs, make snowmen, build a snow fort).
    • What holiday fun do you know in winter? (New Year and Christmas festivities, round dances and carousels, caroling, fireworks).

Event planning

Conducting classes within the framework of cultural and leisure activities is given free time in the educational process in the morning and evening. Leisure activities should be systematic and thoughtful, carried out according to calendar and thematic planning. In the classes, the principle of frequent changes in the types of children's activity is observed (observation, conversation, physical education, creative, speech, motor activities).

The frequency of cultural and leisure activities is determined by the age and individual characteristics of the pupils, the scope of the tasks set and the breadth of the content of the holiday or fun. Sports and creative leisure activities are held 1-2 times a month, sports, musical and literary, theatrical holidays and concerts - 2-3 times a year.

A separate place in the planning of leisure and entertainment in kindergarten is occupied by folk and church holidays, street festivities and rituals associated with the folk calendar: harvest festival, Christmas evenings, Christmas festivities, carnival fun, seeing off winter, Palm Sunday and Easter, Honey and Apple Savior . Acquaintance with traditions and ancient customs introduces children to the culture of their native country, fosters a reverent attitude to the preservation of history.

Introduction to folk traditions is an important component of the educational process in preschool educational institutions

Long-term planning involves holding events together with the music director, physical education teacher, teachers of additional education (heads of theatrical and visual activity circles, dance studio, sports sections). During the school year, consultations are held for parents, which indicate the tasks of organizing leisure and entertainment in kindergarten, outline a plan for future cultural events, encourage parents to take the initiative in preparing and participating in events, give a list of recommendations for organizing home leisure (reading, drawing, experimenting). , educational walks). Thus, parents are given the opportunity to cooperate with the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution and become equal participants in the educational process.

Activities involving children with moms and dads have a therapeutic effect on family relationships

Table: card index of topics of cultural events

Thematic focus of cultural and leisure activitiesLeisureHolidays
  • Group activities:
    • How many ball games do you know?
    • "Sport in human life"
    • "Olympic Games".
  • Leisure on walks:
    • "Rolling down the hill"
    • "Jump Rope Games"
    • "Gorodki Tournament".
  • "World Gymnastics Day"
  • "Athlete's Day"
  • "The Capture of the Snow Fortress"
  • “Mom, dad, I am a sports family.”
Creative (musical, theatrical)
  • Leisure:
    • "Day of Surprises"
    • "Beauty Day"
    • "Journey to Far Far Away"
    • "Colors of Music"
    • "Let's Draw Autumn"
    • "Visiting a fairy tale"
    • "Shadow play".
  • Dramatization games:
    • "Teremok",
    • "Three piglets",
    • "Grey Neck"
    • "Visiting a fairy tale."
  • "Day of music",
  • "Big Concert"
  • "Star Factory of our kindergarten",
  • "Environmental Fairy Tale"
  • Leisure activities dedicated to the work of writers:
    • A. S. Pushkin,
    • A. Barto,
    • N. Nosova,
    • G.-H. Andersen,
    • Brothers Grimm and others.
  • Evenings of poetry reading:
    • We are not cold in winter
    • "Toys in the window"
    • "Spring, spring on the street!".
  • Literary and musical concerts:
    • "Pushkin's Tales"
    • "Yesenin's Russia".
  • Dramatization of literary plots:
    • "Fables of Krylov",
    • "Fedorino grief",
    • "Chuk and Gek".
  • Didactic games:
    • "Land of Knowledge"
    • Vitamin World.
  • Quizzes:
    • "Vegetables",
    • "Furniture",
    • "Human",
    • "Trees",
    • "Fruits".
  • Themed activities:
    • "Tea Traditions in the World",
    • "What is bread?"
  • Educational and entertaining quests:
    • "primitive people"
    • "Space World"
    • "Mysteries of Planet Earth".
  • Skill competitions:
    • "Merry KVN",
    • "Field of Dreams".
  • Group activities:
    • "Friendship",
    • "Birthday",
    • "Rights of the Child"
    • "In the family".
  • Visiting city sites and exhibitions:
    • "Safety Week"
    • "Autotown"
    • "Let's keep the planet clean."
  • "Knowledge Day"
  • "Day of the Elderly"
  • "Mothers Day",
  • "National Unity Day"
  • "Children's Day"
  • "Police Day"
  • "Women's Day",
  • "Russian Independence Day",
  • "Victory Day".
Folk, Christian
  • Thematic leisure activities in the group:
    • "Halloween"
    • "Folk omens"
    • "Easter table"
    • "Customs of our country",
    • "Trinity Day"
    • "Honey Spas".
  • Walking activities:
    • "Seeing off winter",
    • "Wish Tree"
    • "Vesnyanki",
    • "Games for Ivan Kupala".
  • "Folklore holiday" (for small genres of UNT),
  • "The carol has come"
  • "Fun Fair"
  • "Celebration of Russian Folk Games".

Table: an example of a summary of cultural and leisure activities in the preparatory group

AuthorZhilina E. V., MDOU D / s "Vasilyok" b. Mullovka village, Ulyanovsk region.
Name"Journey through fairy tales"
Program content
  • To improve the ability of children to recognize fairy tales from literary and illustrations, keywords.
  • To develop the artistic abilities of children through theatrical activities.
  • To form emotional responsiveness, empathize with the state, mood of the characters.
  • To activate the names of fairy tales, the names of fairy-tale heroes in the speech of children.
  • Raise an active interest in fairy tales.
preliminary work
  • reading fairy tales,
  • viewing illustrations,
  • playing out fragments of fairy tales.
  • musical accompaniment,
  • illustrations for fairy tales
  • flower petals of different colors.
Lesson progressThe melody "Come visit us" from the fairy tale "There, on unknown paths" sounds.
Presenter: Today, guys, I want to invite you to travel to an amazing land of fairy tales. It is generously inhabited by various good and evil heroes: gnomes and trolls, sorcerers and goblin, Baba Yaga and Kashchei the Immortal, Ivan Tsarevich and Elena the Beautiful. It is not difficult to get there, you just need to close your eyes for a few moments and imagine that we are flying on a magic carpet, through the seas and oceans, forests and steppes. Here it descends lower and lower, and before us is the first fabulous stop.
Here is someone's letter, and you will find out who sent it by guessing the riddle.
  • He wears a hat
    Cheerful cap.
    And he's only tall
    With a kid's shoe.
    With a flashlight and with a song
    He walks in the forest at night.
    You can't go wrong if
    You will say: - This is ... (Gnome).

Right. And now we find out what the gnome wants. (Reads the task: guess the tales from the illustrations). You have to learn fairy tales. I will show you illustrations for famous fairy tales, and you must say exactly the name of the fairy tale and its main characters. (Shows 6–7 illustrations.)
You are great! Completed the task and get a magic petal. (Gives the children a red petal).
Well, let's fly on. The journey continues. (Music sounds).
And here is the next stop. Guess who it is:

  • The grandmother loved the girl very much,
    She gave her a red hat.
    The girl forgot her name.
    Well, tell me, what was her name? (Little Red Riding Hood).

From Little Red Riding Hood, the station is called "Guess". I will read to you excerpts from fairy tales known to you, and you must guess their names.

  • He hit the copper basin
    And he cried out: "Kara-baras!"
    And now brushes, brushes
    They crackled like rattles
    And let me rub
    "My, my chimney sweep
    Clean, clean, clean, clean!
    Will be, will be a chimney sweep
    Clean, clean, clean! ("Moydodyr").
  • Ku-ka-re-ku! I walk on my heels
    I carry a scythe on my shoulders,
    I want to kill the fox
    Get down, fox, from the stove,
    Come on, fox, get out! ("Zayushkina's hut").
  • Are you warm, girl?
    - Warmly, Morozushko, warmly, father. ("Frost").
  • And then the herons called:
    - Send, please, drops:
    We have eaten frogs today,
    And our stomachs hurt! ("Telephone").
  • Here in the hut the corners cracked, the roof shook, the wall flew out, and the furnace itself went along the street, along the road, straight to the king. ("By pike command").

The host praises the children and gives them another petal. The journey continues. (Music sounds).
Presenter: And here is the next station: riddles-troubles. Guess and answer quickly!

  • Who turned Vasilisa the Wise into a frog?
  • Who did Kolobok leave?
  • What was the name of the smallest girl?
  • What was the name of the bears from the fairy tale "Three Bears"?
  • Which girl lost her shoe at the ball?
  • What did the fox feed the crane?
  • What words usually begin Russian fairy tales? (Gives a petal.)

Presenter: I see, and you really know a lot about fairy tales. Well done! Now let's go to the next station. (Music sounds).
Contest "Tell the Word"
Presenter: Many heroes of fairy tales have unusual and very interesting names, let's remember them. I give you the beginning of the name, and you try to continue it. Two teams participate in this competition at once, whoever answers the fastest wins this competition. Begin!

  • Tom Thumb).
  • Nightingale ... (Robber).
  • Sister ... (Alyonushka).
  • Fox ... (Patrikeevna).
  • The Scarlet Flower).
  • Swan geese).
  • Tiny ... (Havroshechka).
  • Brother ... (Ivanushka).
  • Baba ... (Yaga).
  • Sivka ... (Burka).
  • Little Red Riding Hood).
  • Sleeping Beauty).
  • Zayushkina ... (Hut).
  • Winnie the Pooh).

Presenter: We coped with the task, we go further. (Music sounds). And here we are waiting for a magic chest, let's see what's in it. (In a chest of masks for playing out the fairy tale "Teremok").
Now let's say the magic words:

  • Clap twice
    Stomp three times
    turn around yourself
    And find yourself in kindergarten!

(The song “Tales Walk Around the World” by M. Plyatskovsky sounds).
Presenter: Here we are again in our kindergarten. And from the petals we got a magic flower. Our journey is over. Did you like it? It was interesting? Funny? (Answers of children).

Temporary lesson plan for cultural and leisure activities

The duration of leisure and entertainment depends on the age and individual characteristics of preschoolers.

Leisure time:

  • in junior and middle groups - 25–30 minutes;
  • in the senior and preparatory groups - 45–50 minutes.

Holiday duration:

  • in the first junior group - 20–30 minutes;
  • in the second junior group - 30–35 minutes;
  • in the middle group - 45–50 minutes;
  • in the senior group - 60 minutes;
  • in the preparatory group - up to 1 hour 30 minutes.

The duration of the festive event depends on the age and individual characteristics of the pupils.

Duration of street fun and festivities:

  • in junior and middle groups - no more than 1 hour;
  • in the senior and preparatory groups - up to 1 hour 30 minutes.

Let us consider the approximate duration of the structural components of specific cultural and leisure activities.

Folklore and physical culture leisure "Cause - time, fun - hour" in the senior group

  1. Organizational moment - 2 minutes.
  2. Surprise moment - 5 minutes.
  3. Mobile game "Horse" - 7 minutes.
  4. Game exercises "Guess" - 10 minutes.
  5. Mobile game "Cat and Birds" - 6 minutes.
  6. Round dance "Sun" - 4 minutes.
  7. Sports game "Catch the ball" - 8 minutes.
  8. Summing up the results of leisure - 3 minutes.

Musical holiday for the Defender of the Fatherland Day in the preparatory group

  1. Greeting guests of the holiday - 2 minutes.
  2. Performance of the song "Defenders of the Fatherland" - 3 minutes.
  3. Performance of the song "We will serve in the army" - 3 minutes.
  4. Intellectual warm-up for the boys' team and the dads' team - 8 minutes.
  5. Dance "Sailors and sailors" - 4 minutes.
  6. Competition for adults and children "Strongmen" - 6 minutes.
  7. Reading poems - 5 minutes.
  8. Performance of the song "Our dads" - 3 minutes.
  9. Game for children and guests "Sandwiches" - 7 minutes.
  10. Poetic congratulations to the boys from the girls of the group - 5 minutes.
  11. Game "Obstacle" - 7 minutes.
  12. Musical game "Girls hee hee, boys ha ha" - 7 minutes.
  13. Dance "Stars" -3 minutes.
  14. Congratulatory words from the host of the holiday, presentation of postcards and gifts - 7 minutes.

Leisure with the participation of parents "Maslenitsa" in the middle group

  1. Organizational moment - 3 minutes.
  2. Excursion to the past (using ICT: informative slide show) - 10 minutes.
  3. Competition "Know-it-all" - 5 minutes.
  4. Contest "Guess" - 5 minutes.
  5. Competition "Folk Games" - 5 minutes.
  6. Obstacle racing competition - 4 minutes.
  7. Competition "Fistfights" - 4 minutes.
  8. Musical competition - 8 minutes.
  9. Summing up the results of the competition, an invitation to a tea party with pancakes - 4 minutes.

Examples of organizing leisure and entertainment in kindergarten

Video: music day in kindergarten

Video: literary holiday "Days are flying"

Preparing and conducting collective leisure activities in kindergarten creates a sense of group cohesion. Making decorations for the holiday, distributing roles in a dramatization game, mastering the skill of choral singing, participating in team competitions and quizzes, preschoolers interact positively with each other. In joint activities, the traditions of the group are born, the emotional atmosphere improves. Participation in collective events brings up an active and morally oriented personality in every child.

Education - higher philological, master's degree in philology. Specialty - teacher of Russian language and literature, teacher of history. Studying the contemporary literary process is part of my life. As a teacher in recent years, I have more often interacted with preschool children, so I actively explore the experience of preschool teachers, study the latest developments in teaching preschoolers.

Program content:

  • Strengthen children's knowledge of fairy tales.
  • Correctly evaluate the actions of heroes.
  • To form ideas about justice, kindness, friendship, courage.
  • To develop the creative manifestations of children, expressively convey game images (a cunning fox, a proud rooster, etc.).
  • Evoke an emotional response from children.

Event progress

On stage, the silhouette of a fairytale forest. A storyteller appears in her hands, holding a large book with the inscription "Tales".

Vasilisa. Hello guys!

Hello dear guests!

I am the storyteller Vasilisa,

Invited you to remember

Old tales and listen to new ones.

Today we are visiting fairy tales,

There is a swarm in the book of fairy tales,

This is where my friends live with me.

All the characters in every story

They love songs, games, dances.

Anything can happen in a fairy tale

Our fairy tale is ahead.

A fairy tale knocks on the door

Tell the guest to come in.

(The sad Masha enters)

Storyteller. Hello Masha, why are you so sad?

Masha. Aunt Vasilisa, brother Ivanushka disappeared. Wherever I just did not look for him in the forest, and in the garden, and went to Baba Yaga herself, he is nowhere to be found. Has Ivanushka got into trouble, what kind?

Storyteller. Wait, Masha, grieve. I will help you.

Here I give you a pen

After all, it is magical.

The feather will shine

Open doors to fairy tales.

Masha, your brother must have gotten lost in some fairy tale.

Look, what a big book with fairy tales. The kid will only knock on the children's book "Knock-knock-knock" and now you look, the pages will come to life. Wave, Masha, a magic feather and it will take you to any fairy tale.

Masha. Shine your pen bright!

Light up the pen hot!

A new fairy tale begins

My dear brother, find yourself!

(Masha leaves).

The storyteller opens the book:

Grandma kneaded not a bun, not a pancake.

I took out of the oven neither a pie nor kalachi,

As I put it on the table

He left his grandmother

He left his grandfather.

Who runs without legs?

It's a round bun! (shows an illustration)

What fairy tale did Masha get into?

Children. Kolobok.

(Gingerbread Man, Wolf, Hare, Bear, Fox come out of the book, go in a circle, Gingerbread Man sings)

Kolobok. I'm sweeping the box, sweeping the barn.

I have a ruddy side, who am I, children - (kolobok).

Game "Kolobok".

Masha. Kolobok, have you seen my brother Ivanushka?

Kolobok. No, he is not from our fairy tale.

Storyteller. Do not be sad, Mashenka, start a new fairy tale.

Masha. Shine your pen bright!

Light up the pen hot!

A new fairy tale begins

Find my dear brother!

Storyteller. I wonder what fairy tale Masha's pen has now transferred to?

(Three little pigs run out to the music)

1 Piglet. We know a lot about songs, dances,

We are not afraid of the gray wolf.

We are three funny brothers

And our name is ...... (pigs)

Storyteller. Children, what fairy tale did Masha get into?

Children. Three piglets

2 Piglet. We are three funny brothers

We love to run and play

We invite you guys

Dancing together.

The song "Starting Krakowiak"

Masha. Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf, have you seen my brother?

(the pigs answer that they have not seen and leave)

Storyteller. Do not be sad, Mashenka, wave your feather.

Masha. Shine your pen bright!

Light up the pen hot!

A new fairy tale begins

Find my dear brother!

(The song of Little Red Riding Hood sounds in the recording)

Little Red Riding Hood. And here I left the picture, I carry gifts in a basket,

Butter pot, yes a delicious pie.

Storyteller. Children, who is this girl and from what fairy tale?

Children. Little Red Riding Hood. (Sits down to the children. A howl of a wolf is heard).

Wolf. Where is she? Where is she? It must be here somewhere. My lunch will be delicious. Have you met her?

Children. No.

(Looks for her, finds her, drags her by the hand to the middle.)

Storyteller. Shame on you wolf!

Little ones began to be offended.

Isn't it a shame

They don't want to play with you.

Would you come to us as a guest,

Let us into the house both in the rain and in the cold.

This is very good,

If everyone plays together.

Enough, wolf, you growl,

Invite everyone to dance.

Dance "Polka". (Wolf dances with Little Red Riding Hood in the center)

Masha. Tell me, please, have you seen my brother?

Wolf. No, he is not from our fairy tale.

Storyteller. Don't be discouraged, Mashenka, let's look some more.

Masha. Shine your pen bright!

Light up the pen hot!

A new fairy tale begins

Find my dear brother!

Storyteller. Cockerel with spurs

His tail is patterned.

This tale is about

Like a rooster saved by a cat. What kind of children is this fairy tale?

(cockerel runs out)

Rooster. Ku-ka-re-ku, ko-ko-ko.

There is a fox nearby.

What should I do, that's the problem.

Hide me somewhere.

Storyteller. Don't be sad cockerel

Get into the bag quickly.

And don't be afraid, be brave

We will reconcile you with her.

(hides in bag)

Fox. Oh, it smells like cock in here!

Now we are hiring offal.

Petya, Petya, Cockerel,

Where are you, little friend?

I brought for you

Both peas and wheat.

Rooster. You fox, don't rush

You find me first.

Fox. Here's a bag!

Maybe it has a rooster in it.

(Rooster jumps out, runs)

Rooster. Kitty, brother, help me out!

Cat. What's the noise, what's going on?

Who is screaming, who is being caught here?

Rooster. It's me, your cock

Help me out buddy!

Cat. You see, Petya, how many times

I gave you orders.

You didn't listen and ran away

And got into trouble again.

I'll save you this time

And I'll ask the fox:

"Be kind and kind

Let go of the rooster."

Fox. I agree to be

I will live peacefully with you.

Storyteller. Children, so that they never quarrel, let's sing a song to them.

Song about Friendship

(Mashenka asks about Ivanushka. The cat replies that he has not seen)

Masha. What to do, Aunt Vasilisa? This was the last story.

Storyteller. Wait, Masha, cry, there is one more sheet left in my book. Look who's pictured here.

Masha. Yes, this is my Ivanushka. Where are you brother?

Ivanushka. I am here, Mashenka, visiting the children in kindergarten.

Storyteller. So our journey to the "Land of fairy tales" ended. And now it's time for me. Goodbye kids!

Masha. Wait, wait! Thank you, Aunt Vasilisa, for your kindness. And now I invite you all to the table, I treat you with pies. Ruddy pies with butter, sour cream.

Target: to summarize the knowledge of older preschool children about fairy tales (Russian folk tales, fairy tales of different peoples, author's fairy tales).

1. To consolidate the ability to distinguish between folk tales, tales of different nations, author's tales.

2. Cause positive emotions in children, develop fantasy, imagination.

3. Cultivate a love for the book.

Equipment: pictures - illustrations of fairy tales, exhibitions of fairy tale books, portraits of fairy tale writers, didactic material for games.

Event progress

Educator: Guys, today we will make a trip to the country of fairy tales, where our “Merry Train” will take us and visit fairy-tale heroes. Now, take your seats in the trailer. Our train is leaving. (Children sit on chairs lined up in several rows and sing a song.)

Steam locomotive buzzed
And he brought wagons.
Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo
I will drive them far.

Educator: We came with you to the station “Guess the fairy tale”. You must guess the riddles that hang on our cute apple tree.

There are apples on which riddles are written on a cardboard apple tree.

1. Red - the girl is sad,
She doesn't like spring
It's hard for her in the sun
The poor thing sheds tears. (Snow Maiden)

2. In the thicket of the forest in the windbreak,
In a new three-story house
No worries and no neighbors
There were three... (bear)

3. Like Baba has Yaga
Not one leg at all
But there is a wonderful
Aircraft… (Mortar)

4. She is the most important of all in a riddle,
Although she lived in the cellar:
Pull the turnip out of the garden
Helping Grandpa and Grandma... (mouse)

5. Waiting for mom with milk,
And they let the wolf into the house ...
Who were these
Small children? (Kids)

6. There is no river, no pond,
Where to drink water?
Very tasty water

In a hoof hole. (Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

Educator: Guys , What Russian folk tales do you still know?

Children's answers.

Well done boys! And now, we continue our journey.

Children sing a song.

Steam locomotive buzzed
And he brought wagons.
Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo
I will drive them far.

Children's answers.

The teacher reads the task and after the correct answer of the children, shows pictures: a goldfish, a shoe, a gold coin, a bird's feather, a scarlet flower.

1. Where did the old man live with the old woman from the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin? (By the blue sea.) What is the name of this fairy tale? (The Tale of the Goldfish).

2. Which of the heroes of the fairy tales of Charles Perrault had glass shoes? (Cinderella).

3. In this fairy tale by Leo Tolstoy, is the main character an unusual boy with a very long nose? (Pinocchio).

4. This duckling from the fairy tale by H.H. Andersen had no idea what he would become when he grew up

5. “Bring me a flower ...”, asked the youngest daughter of her father from the fairy tale by S. Aksakov (The Scarlet Flower).

Teacher: Well done guys! And now we are moving on.

Steam locomotive buzzed
And he brought wagons.
Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo
I will drive them far.

Educator: Station "Tales of different peoples." Why is she called that? To find out, you need to use the cut parts to make whole pictures.

On the tables are plates with split pictures-illustrations for fairy tales: “Ayoga” (Nanai folk tale), “Three sisters” (Tatar folk tale), “Cuckoo” (Nenets folk tale), “Hare, bear and fox” (Chukotian folk tale ), “Bogatyr Boy” (Tatar folk tale). Children's answers.

Teacher: Well done guys! Look, guys, there is an obstacle on our way - our train cannot continue its journey - we have “Magic Stones” in front of us.

There are figurines in the form of stones on the floor - one of them says “Word Game”.

Game "Tell me a word"

Guys! In almost all fairy tales, heroes are called by a double name, I will start, and you will continue:

Koschei the Deathless

Vasilisa - Beautiful

Sister - Alyonushka

Boy - with a finger

Ivan Tsarevich

Brother - Ivanushka


Tiny - Khavroshechka

Educator: Guys, our journey is coming to an end and we are met by the Musical station.

Children sing the song “Tales Walk Around the World” (music by E. Ptichkin, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky), imitating movements in the text.

1 Fairy tales walk around the world,
Harnessing the carriage at night.
Fairy tales live in glades
They roam at dawn in the mists.
The prince will love Snow White.
And Koshchei's greed will destroy ...
But still good wins!

2. The world, illuminating with miracles,
Fairy tales fly over the forests
They sit on the windowsill
They look into the rivers, as through windows.
And Cinderella will be rescued by the Fairy,
There will be no Gorynych Serpent ...
Let Evil play tricks,
But still good wins!

3. Fairy tales are with me everywhere,
I will never forget them.
It is worth closing my eyelashes -
In an instant, Sivka-Burka will dream.
And the moon will shine bright
In the eyes of Vasilisa the Beautiful...
Let Evil play tricks,
But still good wins!

Educator: So our journey through the country of fairy tales ended. Our steam locomotive arrived at the terminal station. While traveling, we remembered fairy tales that you already know. What stories are we talking about? (Russian folk tales, tales of different nations, author's tales). All fairy tales are instructive, they teach us kindness, mutual assistance, in them good always wins over evil. I want to end our journey, guys, with the words “a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it – a lesson for good fellows”!



Educator Kazantseva I.A.


1.Theme evening"Journey to the Land of Knowledge"

Purpose: Formation of motivational readiness of pupils for school, enrichment of children's knowledge about school.

2. Bubble Festival

Goal: Creating a favorable emotional state in children

3.Physical leisure"Forward to Knowledge"

Purpose: improvement of motor skills of children, development of speed, dexterity. Exercise in running with a snake, rolling the ball. Develop independence and initiative.

4.Musical entertainment"Adventure in the Clearing of Knowledge"

Purpose: Expanding children's understanding of public holidays, in the process of getting to know musical works.

1. Quiz "Visiting a fairy tale"

Objectives: to find out what kind of fairy tales and what kind of fairy-tale characters children know, to introduce new concepts of “folk” and “literary” fairy tales, to identify the best connoisseurs of fairy tales;

2.Showing a table theater fairy tale"Swan geese"

Purpose: to bring joy to children, to encourage children to actively participate in a theatrical game, to activate children's speech, to develop imagination;

3.Musical leisure: "Visiting Autumn"

Target: Add fun to children, create a joyful mood and a positive attitude, through songs, dances.

4. Physical culture leisure: "Autumn has come to visit us"

Objectives: To develop respect for health. Strengthen skills in overcoming various obstacles. Practice running. Practice developing dexterity. Develop group cohesion. Develop the ability to perform movements to music.

1. Evening of riddles."I'll guess a riddle - you guess a riddle"

Purpose: to continue to expand and enrich children's knowledge of surrounding objects, develop logical thinking, the ability to guess riddles and justify their answer.

2.Display n astronomical theater for kids"The Goat Who Learned to Count"

Purpose: Purpose: to bring joy to children, to encourage children to actively participate in a theatrical game, to activate children's speech.

3. Physical culture leisure "Long live running!"

Purpose: to form a conscious attitude towards one's health, to cultivate a desire to take care of one's health, to evoke an emotional response in children in the process of entertainment, a desire to participate in it.

4.Musical leisure"Autumn leaf fall"

Target . Enrich artistic ideas about autumn, create a joyful mood in children in the process of listening, singing, dancing.

1.Theme evening"Hello winter winter"

Purpose: To continue to acquaint children with the work of Russian poets, writers, artists who sing of the beauty of winter nature

2.Artistic creativity"Decorate Our Christmas Tree"

Purpose: Expansion and systematization of children's knowledge about the traditions of the New Year holiday, the history of the appearance of a Christmas tree toy, and the technology of its manufacture.

3. Physical culture leisure"In Search of the Christmas Tree"

Objectives: To increase the interest of children in physical exercises through play activities, to promote the emotional development of the child through motor and play activities.

4. Christmas tree matinee"Winter's Tale"

Purpose: To amuse, amuse children, continue to teach children to get used to the game situation.

1. Literary evening How is the New Year celebrated in other countries?

Target: Enrich ideas about the celebration of the New Year, about the symbols and traditions of the holiday in other countries;

2. Physical culture leisure"Naughty balls »

Objectives: To foster a sense of friendship, the ability to play in a team, stimulate the activity of children, ensure emotional well-being, instill interest and love for physical culture and sports.

3. Musical leisure"Cartoon Journey"

Target: Recall songs from your favorite cartoons.

1.Theme evening"Kindness rules the world"

Target: Education of friendly relations between children, to form such qualities as sympathy, responsiveness, justice, modesty, collectivism.

2. Watching educational cartoons"Three Heroes", "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent"

Purpose: To create a joyful mood in children; develop curiosity, interest in the environment.

3. Physical culture leisure « "Aty-baty"

Objectives: To promote the health of preschoolers, to involve children in physical education and sports, to improve motor skills and abilities, to increase the emotional mood in children, to cultivate a sense of patriotism.

4. Sports and musical leisure "In a healthy body, a healthy mind"

Goal: Strengthen the desire to take care of their health, lead an active lifestyle, through music games, dances, songs.

Target: Creating a festive atmosphere, a positive emotional background.

2. Theme evening"All professions are important, all professions are needed"

Purpose: to expand cognitive interest in professions; respect and value each of the professions; to form respect for the work of adults of different professions.

3. Physical culture leisure"Young Athletes"

Goals: To create a cheerful, joyful mood; improve the health of children through physical exercises and outdoor games; to cultivate friendly feelings, the ability to perform physical exercises in a team.

4.Musical quiz "This is how nature conceived, so that the weather would be different"

Purpose: To cultivate love for nature through listening to musical works.

1. Musical leisure"Smile, kids! Ha ha ha!"

Goal: Development of a positive sense of self associated with a state of emancipation, self-confidence.

2. Theme evening"Towards the Stars with Belka and Strelka"

Purpose: Formation in children of ideas about outer space, the solar system and its planets, space exploration by people.

3.Watching educational films This mysterious world is space »

Purpose: To develop interest in the scientific knowledge of social reality .. 4. Physical culture leisure"Young astronauts"

Purpose: To develop physical qualities: endurance, speed, reaction power; to carry out the relationship in the physical education of children between the kindergarten and the family.

1.Musical quiz"Day of music"

Purpose: To activate and enrich the musical culture of children.

2. Physical culture leisure"Victory Day"

Goal: To form a steady interest in doing physical exercises, to develop basic physical qualities. To cultivate purposefulness, perseverance and a sense of camaraderie when conducting collective relay races.

3.Drawing with crayons on asphalt"Colorful crayons"

Goal: Creating a favorable, emotional, joyful mood in children

4.Prom "How big we've become."
