Ecological game “We are going on a hike. Project of the event “We are going on a hike We are going on a hike

Theoretical lesson “Getting ready for a hike”

Koshevaya Oksana Nikolaevna, primary school teacher, Municipal Educational Institution “School No. 97 in Donetsk”, Donetsk People’s Republic
Purpose: The purpose of tourism activities as a means of promoting health, a healthy lifestyle and preventing crime is to create conditions for attracting as many children as possible to tourism. This development is designed for primary schoolchildren and can be used by primary school teachers, counselors, teachers of school and country camps.

Target: creating conditions for developing interest in tourism.
expand knowledge about tourism; learn to navigate the terrain; introduce basic safety rules; deepen knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature.
develop memory, attention, observation, cognitive interest; ability to analyze and draw conclusions; dialogical speech, ability to negotiate.
cultivate love and respect for all living things; desire to help others; introduce to a healthy lifestyle.
Equipment: Power Point presentation, ball.
Progress of the lesson
I. Organizational moment. Emotional mood
We're in a great mood
And smiles are a common thing.
Let's wish each other well,
It's time for us to start talking.
II. Introduction to the topic
1. Working on a crossword puzzle.
Guys, to find out what we will talk about today, I suggest you solve the crossword puzzle.
Fill in the names of the items on the tree. Vertically you can read the topic of our lesson.

II. Work on the topic
1. A story with elements of conversation.

Today we will talk about tourism.
- What does the word “tourism” mean? (Children's answers).
Let's turn to the dictionary.
- Type of sport – group hikes that physically condition the body.
- Type of travel made for recreation and self-education.
And who doesn't like to travel? The thirst for learning new things is probably inherent in each of us.
People have been traveling since ancient times.
Even ancient tribes, in order to find the best places to live, were forced to make long marches and journeys.

There are different ways to travel. How? (Children's answers).

In order for the trip to go well, you need to draw up a route in advance, that is, a planned route to follow.
Find synonyms for the word “travel”.
(Path, road, expedition, hike, excursion, cruise, etc.)
To always be healthy,
We need to go on a hike,
Relax in nature.
Breathe fresh air.
- Guys, why do people go hiking? (Children's answers).
(Temper the body; develop strength, endurance; get acquainted with the nature of your native land, sights; admire the beauty of nature; lift your spirits).
2. Work on the riddle.
Guess the riddle. What do they call people who go on a hike?
He carries the weight on himself,
And if he gets tired, he will throw him to the ground.

Anyone who wants to become a real tourist must know and be able to do a lot: how to navigate the terrain, how to set up a tent, make a fire; understand plants and mushrooms; know the habits of animals and birds; environmental safety rules; providing first aid.
We're on a science trip
Let's go today.
Attention, ingenuity
We'll take it with us.
3. Work in groups “What do we take with us on a hike.”
The journey may be long or may take several hours. When going on a hike, tourists should know what to take with them.
Let's go on a hike
Guess who's coming?
No, not guys with backpacks
And not aunts with bowler hats,
And not the older brother with the mustache...
No! We are going on a hike ourselves!
I. Roslova
Imagine that you and I are going on a hike in the nearest forest, without spending the night. Make a list of what you need to take.
(The guys make lists of necessary things for the hike).
(Discussion of answers)
If you are going on a hike,
Don't forget to take your backpack,
Without him on any trip,
There is no way around it.

And you also need a compass,
Mug, spoon, knife, axe,
So that you, having cut the branches,

They could have lit a fire.

You can take your gear with you.
To catch fish,
And also a bigger boiler,
To cook fish soup in it.

You still need a tent,
To have somewhere to sleep,
And a hammock to swing
And take a nap in the shade.

And, of course, products
For about six days,
You need to take your mother with you,
Prepare you something to eat.

Need a carrying bag
My favorite dog sits in it.
And of course dad,
So that he can carry it all.

And so that happiness is complete
I'll give you one more piece of advice:
Be sure to put
In your backpack there is a bag of sweets.
I. Butrimova
4. Game “Edible - inedible”.
It is important to eat well while hiking.
We definitely take food with us, but suddenly the unexpected happens.
You call those who are ready to help you your friends. Not only people, but also plants can be friends! They feed and clothe us, help us study and treat us.
What do you think you can eat if you are left without food?
The teacher throws the ball to the children, calling out the names of edible and inedible berries and mushrooms.
(Strawberries, boletus, fly agaric, rose hips, raspberries, boletus, blueberries, toadstool, chanterelles, lingonberries, wolf's bast, boletus, porcini mushroom, false honey mushrooms, blueberries, raven's eye, camelina, russula, satanic mushroom, lily of the valley, milk mushroom)
Remember dangerous berries and mushrooms.

5. Surprises of a forest clearing or “Hike troubles.”
An accident could happen to someone while hiking.
You can fall behind the group and get lost, get hurt, or get bitten by an insect or snake.
Game “Say the Word.”
There is no end to the line
Where are the three dots?
Who will come up with the end?
He will be great.
Making my way through the bushes
Stand back a little.
And to the one who is ahead,
Don't go too close.
Otherwise it's accurate
It will hit the eye... (branch).
Don't drink water from the river,
Microbes swim in it
But much worse
Drink from a dirty... (puddle).

Look at the good guys:
Cheerful and lively,
Dragging from all over
Material for construction.
One suddenly stumbled
Under a heavy burden
And a friend rushes to the rescue -
The people here are good.
Without a job, for the life of me
Can’t live... (ant).

She keeps buzzing, buzzing,
It circles and circles above the flower.
She sat down and took the juice from the flower,
Honey is prepared for us... (bee).

Missed my ear
It looks like a fly, but not a fly.
This fly didn't buzz
Guys, she has a sting!
If it stings, it will be “ouch”!
Who is this? Guess it!
A fly with a sting? Miracles!
Everyone knows that this is... (wasp).
There is a gap between the windows
A furry... (bumblebee) flew into the gap.

The rope is crawling along the ground.
Here is the tongue, the open mouth,
I'm ready to bite everyone,
Because I am... (snake).
If trouble occurs, you must be able to provide first aid to yourself or a friend for minor injuries: wounds, burns, bruises, splinters, bites.
Let's remember the rules of first aid.

6. Drawing up a memo “If you get lost.”
Hasty path
He keeps his way from afar.
A path winds through the forest,
Like a thread from a ball.
You stared at a beautiful butterfly and fell behind the group. What to do?
(Children's answers).
- Don't panic, try to calm down.
- If you have a phone, call.
- Try to remember what noticeable places you met along the way. (Power lines, stream, special trees, etc.)
- Try to attract attention by shouting loudly.
- Don't run through the forest! Stay in one place!
- Rest assured, they will definitely find you.
So as not to get lost on the way,
Don't suddenly fall behind the group,
The compass will definitely come in handy.
Know where is north and where is south.
A. Nevzorov
What if there is no compass? Every tourist should be able to navigate the terrain; you need to know natural signs that will help you do this.

7. Game “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.” Rules of behavior in nature.
Guys, if you agree with the content of the lines, then you unanimously answer, “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends,” if not, then we say, “This is not me, this is not me, these are not my friends.”
When I saw the fly agaric
I'm passing by friends.

The chick fell out of the nest,
We can't touch him.

Who collects lingonberries?
Does it pull out the bush by the roots?

Who walks along the path,
Don't step on bugs?

We don't break branches,
When we walk through the forest.

We saw a hedgehog
And they took him home.

We will find the anthill
Let's watch and leave.

We took the tape recorder into the woods
And they drowned out the birds' voice.

We'll take the dogs into the forest,
The birds will be calmer in it.

I'll pick lilies of the valley in the forest,
I'll bring it to my mom for the holiday.

We trample and knock down edible mushrooms,
And we collect the inedible ones in a basket.

You, man, loving nature
At least sometimes feel sorry for her:
On pleasure trips
Don't trample its fields.
M. Plyatskovsky
III. Summary of the lesson. Reflection
Guys, our journey has come to an end.
Well, now the time is up
It's time to go home.
A lot of impressions
Nature gave it to us.
N. Machneva
Complete the sentence:
- Today I found out...
- it was interesting…
- I realized that...
- I wanted…

Class hour in grades 5-7.

Goal: To instill in students skills and knowledge about the difficulties that lie in wait on the hiking trail.

Teach children to take care of nature.

Foster a love of nature, a sense of collectivism, and responsibility for one’s actions.

Travel around the world


P. Marik.

Leading teacher: Dear guys!

Summer is a time for exciting hikes. Would you like to go hiking in your native land? In order for all of us to become seasoned tourists who know and love nature, we need to go hiking. But first, let's play, arrange some fun competitions to see if you're ready for the hike.

So, 2 groups will set off.

The path along the forest paths is difficult, many dangers await you, and the team that will be the first to complete this path will win our game.

Warm up.

Host: Here's the first surprise. Imagine that in front of you is a marshy swamp, which can only be overcome by jumping from hummock to hummock one by one. (On the way there are “bumps” - circles made of cardboard). And on the other side of the swamp there is a spring covered with leaves and flowers, on each leaf there is a letter written. The tourist, having overcome the swamp, must take one leaf, clearing the spring. Moreover, the next player should not start moving until the previous player takes his piece of paper. When the spring is cleared, make up a word from the letters written on the pieces of paper. This word is the name of your team. So, let's start!

(Teams complete the task).

Guys! Let's find out the names of your teams. (“Backpack”, “Compass”).

In competitions, for each correct answer, teams will receive cards with the corresponding number of “km”. (“1 km.”, “2 km,” etc.). Let's summarize at the end. The team that has walked more than “km” will be the winner.

Now the team is the first to determine the name of its group.....It receives

The next test is “We need to get ready for a hike.”

What would you take with you? Now we will find out

"Necessary things on a hike."

A) Teams take turns solving riddles and receive 1 “km” card for the correct answer.

1. We all need it on our hike,

He is very friendly with fires,

You can cook fish soup in it,

Boil the fragrant tea. (bowler)

Dwarves live.

Such good-hearted people -

They hand out lights to everyone. (matches)

3. I am small and remote,

It's worth looking at me

And immediately you will know the way. (compass)

4.Two belts hang on me,

There are pockets on the back.

If you go on a hike with me,

I'll hang behind you. (backpack)

5. I keep things hot

I keep it cold

I have both the oven and the refrigerator.

I’ll replace it for you on your trip. (thermos)

6. Guess easily and quickly:

Soft, fluffy and fragrant.

He's black, he's white,

And sometimes it’s burnt. (bread)

7.Long-tailed horse

She brought us sweet porridge.

The horse is waiting at the gate -

Open your mouth wider. (spoon)

8.This eye is a special eye,

He will quickly look at you,

And will be born

The most accurate portrait of you. (camera)

B). Puzzles.

(guess puzzles about what to take on a hike, but among them there is one thing that is not taken on a hike) (piano)

It is very important to eat tasty and varied food while hiking. The culinary skills of individual travelers often turn into a hobby that is also enjoyable for fellow hikers.

Forest kitchen.

(for correct answers, participants receive 2 “km” cards)

Questions for the Backpack team.

1.Name which plants can be used to make strong, aromatic tea while hiking. (Ivan tea, oregano, St. John's wort)

2.What method do tourists usually use to cook baked potatoes with a golden-brown, crispy crust?

(method 1: washed and dried tubers are buried in hot ash.

Method 2: Pour clean, dry sand into a large tin can or bucket, bury potatoes in it and cover it with hot coals; in about an hour the potatoes are ready.)

Questions for the Compass team.

1.Name the plants that can be eaten immediately in a forest or meadow, without cooking?

(sorrel, bitter radish, horsetail)

2.How to bake fish on a camping trip using wooden or metal rods?

(Place the fish on the rods and place them over the burning coals of the fire)

Host: You can also use mushrooms for cooking while camping.


(each team represents mushroom experts and uses the illustrations to identify edible and inedible mushrooms)

1a-chanterelle 2a-boletus 3a-fly agaric 4a-russula

1b - honey fungus 2b - pendant 3b - russula 4b - boletus

(While experts identify mushrooms, we solve environmental problems with fans or teams).

Environmental tasks.

(for the correct answer you get 2 “km”).

1. A mushroom picker found one boletus and dug up all the moss and litter around, looking for small mushrooms. What harm did he do to nature?

(This mushroom picker destroyed a mycelium that could be 3 years old)

2. Kostya and Misha took baskets and went into the forest to pick mushrooms. Arriving in the forest, they dispersed in different directions. Kostya picked up a full basket of strong boletus and went to the appointed place. Coming out into the clearing, Kostya saw his friend who had a basket full of fly agarics in his hands.

Why did you pick up fly agaric mushrooms?” Kostya asked in surprise.

“I collected them so that others would not get poisoned,” Misha answered.

Did Misha do the right thing?

(No, Misha has deprived the forest dwellers of food and will not eat the collected mushrooms himself.)

"Living Water"

(correct answer is 1 “km”)

1.Everyone bypasses this place:

Here the earth is like dough;

There are sedges, hummocks, and mosses.

No water support. (swamp)

2.Falling from a great height,

He roars menacingly.

And breaking on the stones,

He gets up foaming. (waterfall)

3. Doesn’t burn in fire, doesn’t sink in water. (ice)

4.Born in the evening, lives at night, dies in the morning. (dew)

5. It grows upside down,

It grows not in summer, but in winter. (icicle)

6.What summer holiday is associated with water, water games, swimming?

(Ivan Kupala Day, July 7)

A ). Quiz about birds.

(correct answer is 1 “km”)

1.What birds breed chicks in winter? (crossbills)

2.What birds spend the night burrowing into the snow? (grouse, hazel grouse)

3.Which bird turns white in winter? (Ptarmigan)

4.What is the largest bird in the world? (African ostrich)

B). Puzzles.

1. All migratory birds,

Cleans arable land from worms.

Jump back and forth across the arable land.

And the bird's name is……. (rook).

2. On the pole is a palace,

There is a singer in the palace.

And his name is ………….. (starling)

3. The brothers stood on stilts,

Looking for food along the way,

Whether running or walking, they cannot get off their stilts (cranes).

4.He looks gray

But he's famous for his singing


Physical education minute.

There are two frogs in the swamp,

Two green girlfriends

In the morning we washed ourselves early,

Rubbed with a towel,

They clapped their hands,

Leaned to the right, to the left

And they returned back.

That's the secret of health -

Hello to all physical education friends!

Quiz about animals “Why and why?”

(for the correct answer “1 “km”).

1.What does it mean “the feet feed the wolf?”

(The wolf chases down its prey, rather than guarding it in ambush).

2.Can elephants swim?

(Yes, when plunging into water, they put their trunk above the water)

3.Where do crayfish spend the winter?

(In coastal burrows in the sand)

4.Does cancer always move backward?

(only when swimming, but moving forward towards food)

And, of course, you can’t do without medicinal herbs on a hike, let’s see if you know them.

(for the correct answer 2 “km”)

1. Thin stem near the path,

At the end of it is an earring,

There are leaves on the ground -

Small burdocks (plantain).

(Treats wounds, cuts; used for stomach diseases, coughs).

2. Sisters are standing around -

Yellow eyes, white eyelashes (daisy).

(Rinse your throat if you have a sore throat, drink it as a soothing tea)

3. They call it a wild rose,

How is the medicine taken (rosehip).

(Its syrup is rich in vitamin C)

4. Don’t touch the plant -

It burns painfully like fire (nettle)

(The decoction is used to wash the hair; it is useful when eaten fresh. Stops bleeding)

During a hike, you can predict the weather using various signs. Can you do this?

“What will the weather be like?”

Task for the "Backpack" team.

(for the correct answer - 1 “km”)

1. Ants close the passages in the anthill (towards rain).

2. Heavy dew in the morning (the weather will be fine during the day).

3. Birds are bathing in dust (It will be hot).

Assignment for the Compass team.

1. Swallows fly low above the ground (to rain).

2. It’s raining and there are bubbles in the puddles (It will rain for a long time)

3. The white water lily closed during the day (for bad weather, rain).

Presenter: Well done! I think that bad weather will not take you by surprise.

Tourism and weather are inseparable concepts. Nature is beautiful, it itself makes the lives of those who love it, who know how to look at it with kind eyes, more beautiful, brighter, richer. It is important not only to stand up for the protection of wildlife yourself. It is important to convince your comrades of this, it is important to be able to say “no” when necessary.

"Rules of behavior in nature."

Host: After the phrase I said, you must say the corresponding word “impossible” or “necessary.”

It is impossible to destroy natural and cultural monuments………..

It is necessary to equip and clean rest areas…………….

Breaking plants, picking flowers…….is prohibited.

It is impossible to pollute the natural environment.

It is necessary to protect and feed animals and birds……….

It is forbidden to disturb animals, destroy anthills, bird nests........

It is forbidden to dig up plants……….

Protecting plants, admiring the beauty of flowers in nature, walking along paths……… necessary.

Well done! All your statements can be presented in this form.

(The poster “It depends on each of us” is displayed).

Guys! You have passed the test. Now let’s check how many “km” each team has covered.

(Points are counted).

We love the forest at any time of the year,

We hear the rivers speaking slowly.

All this is called nature.

Let's always take care of her!

Sunflower of sunny color,

One that makes everyone happy to live.

All this is called nature,

Let's be friends with nature!

Snowflakes are flying, ringing, from the sky,

Smoke swirls at the dawn of fog...

All this is called nature,

Let's give her our hearts!

(The winning team is awarded the “Experienced Tourist” diploma.

And the second team, which also successfully completed the journey, received “Beginner Tourist” diplomas.

Now you are real tourists!

Happy travels to you!

Ecological game "We're going on a hike."

(For students in grades 5-7).

Each region is wonderful in its own way,

And if you want to see a miracle,

Travel around the world


P. Marik.


A game

"We go to


Diploma. Diploma.

Awarded to an experienced tourist Awarded to a novice tourist

…………………………………………, …………………………………………………..,

for winning the environmental game for participating in the environmental game

game "We're going on a hike." "We're going on a hike."

Municipal educational institution "Katanda Secondary School" 2010. Municipal educational institution "Katanda Secondary School" 2010.

Event project

"We're going on a hike"

Tourism is an excellent and effective means of raising a healthy and seasoned person. It may not provide such muscle development as other sports, but the health of a tourist can be the envy of many. He is not afraid to get his feet wet, he is not afraid of catching a cold in the wind, or getting wet in the rain. Tourism strengthens you like no other sport.

Tourism activities develop in a person a number of very valuable qualities. A tourist knows how to walk correctly, light a fire, cook porridge, navigate correctly and not get lost in the forest, and quickly mend clothes.

During schoolchildren's tourist trips, much of the knowledge acquired in the lessons of geography, biology, mathematics, astronomy, and local history comes to life and receives a completely new meaning, which is sometimes acquired formally and remains a burdening memory ballast, unsuitable for any use. But tourism is not only a means of physical and applied education. The role of tourism in moral and spiritual education, socialization and development of communicative qualities of schoolchildren is great.

Relevance The fact is that the topic of schoolchildren’s health has recently been widely discussed in the press by specialists of various profiles. Problems are identified and specific recommendations for getting out of the current situation are offered. Although educators have long considered nature to be an eternal source of thoughts and good feelings for children, in school practice the educational and cognitive opportunities of communication with nature are used extremely unsatisfactorily. Hiking can be recommended as an accessible means of developing environmental ethics in children and promoting health.


· Testing the child’s knowledge of tourism skills, namely: the ability to pitch a tent, properly pack a backpack, and provide first aid.

· Physical education of children, instilling a love of work and the ability to work, acquisition by children of the skills necessary for camping life.

· Give children the opportunity to master all the intricacies of hiking.

· Developing students' endurance, attentiveness, perseverance in overcoming difficulties, agility, ingenuity, and determination.

    to promote the new GTO complex and, on its basis, ensure further mass development of tourism, involvement of schoolchildren in hiking trips, travel and orienteering competitions.


    Formation of interest in travel, introduction to the romance of camping life.

    Raising an active, creative personality striving for harmony with oneself, with other people and with nature.

    Forming a child’s self-confidence and supporting a passion for tourism.

    Promotion of health, development of motor abilities of children.

    Formation of skills of correct behavior on the street, in the forest, instilling a caring attitude toward nature and responsibility for its conservation.


    training participants on issues of autonomous survival in natural conditions;

    practical study of various orienteering techniques;

    mastering the skills of obtaining water and food, building a home, making simple household items;

    development of resistance to psychological stress;

    mastering in practice various methods of self-healing;

    developing skills to ensure personal safety.

Event position

"We're going on a hike"

    Goals and objectives:

    • popularization of tourist competitions as a means of improving health and providing leisure time for students;

      development of mass sports tourism;

      identifying the best teams and athletes.

    Time and place:

The event takes place on ___ September 20___ on the sports ground Program:

The program includes:

1. Tourist obstacle course;

2. Orientation on the terrain according to the control point;

3. Tourist competitions:

4. Creative competitions;

    business card;

    competition for the best tourist song.

6. Sports games and relay races:

  • tug of war.

5. Local history quiz;


The general management of the meeting is carried out by the school administration. The direct conduct of the competition is entrusted to the chief judge ________________


Students from grades 5-11 take part in the competition. Teams of 6 people take part in tourism competitions, competitions, and local history quiz.

    Team application:

A preliminary application is submitted at a meeting of team representatives.

    Conditions for admission of participants:

Participants are located in the field.

    Determination of the winners:

In tourist competitions, the winner is determined by the shortest time to complete the distance (within the allotted control time).

In the local history quiz and competition program - according to the highest number of points scored by the team.

In sports games, winners are determined according to the results of the games.

The overall standings among classes are based on the sum of places in individual events.

The winner in the overall standings is the class with the least amount of places in all types of competitions.

In each event, the best result among the teams is determined.


Winners in individual events are awarded certificates and prizes. The overall winners are awarded a certificate and a special prize.

I was taught as a child, I remember exactly:

No matter how much you change the order of the numbers,

But in total there will be no more of them.

And I naively believed in this myth!

I threw a sleeping bag and sneakers into my backpack,

Socks, toothbrush and pants,

T-shirts, matches, a spoon and a windbreaker,

Only the edge of the saw does not fit.

I suffered this way and that for a long time,

Until I remembered this simple lesson:

There is no point in moving objects.

Then I decided to go without boots.

My backpack is lopsided and too heavy to lift,

Something slammed into my back with an edge,

And I confess to you, I am pleased with myself,

He left, leaving the room in chaos.

But a faithful friend said to me, smiling:

“The backpack, brother, is not an example of first class.

It’s necessary to be neat and tidy here.”

And he folded everything easily and evenly at once.

What is it like?

Now it’s not easy to fool me!

Everything in life turns bad,

When it’s the wrong thing, the wrong thing, the wrong thing to put together.

You can't fold shoes with noodles,

Lies and a bold disposition do not stick,

Luck and idleness do not coincide,

And if you are strong, it does not mean you are right.

The days passed, and Danka and I continued to dream of peaks, we even started listening to bard songs to soak in the atmosphere. We also learned to make a fire, tried to sleep on the floor and carried all sorts of heavy things. In general, we prepared as best we could. But at the second meeting it turned out that this was not what we were preparing for, and no one would just let us into the mountains. In June, the whole group will go to a special sports camp, where they will learn everything in the world: how to pitch tents, make a fire, cook food on it, and even not get lost in the forest. Although the camp was not in the mountains, but in a nature reserve on the shore of a lake, we decided that it would be fun. After all, among other things, there you can go kayaking, play table tennis and volleyball, watch by the fire at night and even live on a desert island!

And at the second meeting we received our first task: pack a backpack! We were given lists of things to take with us, and after a week we had to come to school with our backpacks to be checked.

I immediately gave the list to my mother. She knows better where my things are. I wanted to ask her to pack the backpack, but then dad intervened:

Which one of you is going on a hike? A? How are you going to pack in the morning?

Well, dad... - I started to finish, but he looked at me sternly, and I stopped short.

To be honest, I didn’t see any problem in throwing things into the backpack and cheerfully got down to business.

First of all, I took out the sleeping bag I had bought specially from the closet. It was in a blue case and looked like a ball, only soft. I jumped on it a little, and then untied the strings and pulled it out into the light. The sleeping bag was good! Soft and shiny. I insisted that we buy a one-color one, without pictures, because I was going to become a serious tourist, and not just anyone! Grabbing a flashlight, I climbed into it headlong and began to study from the inside. The flashlight picked out islands of fabric and awakened the imagination. I saw monsters lurking in the corners, and with a hiss I fought them off with my feet. Having overcome all the evil spirits and having sweated thoroughly, I climbed out into the light and began to push the sleeping bag back into the cover. But for some reason he didn’t want to stuff himself in! The sleeping bag was clearly much larger than the bag.

How is that possible?! - I asked him indignantly. - You were placed there ten minutes ago!

The doorbell rang - Danka came. I threw down my sleeping bag and rushed to open it.

Danka entered the apartment and, without taking off his backpack, fell to the floor. His face was red and sweat was streaming down his forehead.

What are you doing? - I asked in amazement.

Give me something to drink,” he whispered.

Having somehow recovered my friend, I began to find out what had happened to him. It turned out that he was tired of carrying a backpack. I tried his backpack on myself, and it didn’t seem heavy at all. But I didn’t tell Dana this. Why upset?

“I have a problem,” I said.

Danka made a surprised face. That kind of thing, you know, with raised eyebrows and bulging eyes.

My sleeping bag won’t fit back in,” I explained.

Danka took the case from me and for some reason looked inside.

Why did you even take it out?


Danka looked into the cover again, sighed and began to stuff the sleeping bag into it. After suffering a little, he said: “We need to fold it,” and began to carefully turn the sleeping bag into a parallelepiped.

But no matter how much he suffered, the sleeping bag was larger than the cover.

Let’s go the logical route,” Danya said his favorite phrase and fell silent.

Let’s go,” I said. - Why are you standing there, logician?

How about we just put it in the backpack, without this stupid bag?

We stuffed the sleeping bag into the backpack, and I kept looking at the cover with regret. It was a shame to leave such a useful thing at home. “You never know?” - I thought and threw it on top.

The packing of things has just begun, and Danka and I are already pretty tired. But there was no time to rest; time was running out before the meeting. I gave Danka the list and, under his dictation, I looked for the things I needed and threw them into my backpack.

There were a lot of stupid things on the list. Tell me, why should I take two pairs of woolen socks with me? It's summer! I don’t even wear them in winter, I’m not small. And also leggings or warm woolen pants. Wow! It’s like we’re going on an expedition to the North Pole!

But the scarf on my head finally finished me off. Here I could not stand it and was indignant out loud:

What other scarf? Maybe we got the lists mixed up?

Why did they mix it up? - Danka was surprised.

Headscarf! So, the list is for girls! Tell me, did you take the scarf?

“I took it,” Danya answered quietly and lowered his head.

Which? - I was stunned.

“In a flower,” Danya stammered even more quietly.

Danka, where did you get your flowered scarf? - I didn’t believe my friend and laughed.

Things... Dan, maybe we can take it out, huh? They'll laugh.

This is how Danka’s backpack turned out to be unpacked. The scarf, as luck would have it, lay at the very bottom. He was so cute that I couldn’t resist and immediately tied him on my head.

I'm Alyonushka! - I giggled and began to curtsey.

You are an idiot! - Danya giggled. - Give it to me.

We started rushing around the apartment. I ran away, and Danka tried to take my mother’s scarf.

We were distracted from this activity by Olya’s phone call.

Are you ready? - she asked very sternly.

I looked around the room. The entire floor was littered with things, and Danka stood in the middle, victoriously clutching a handkerchief.

Almost,” I answered evasively.

Half an hour left, why are you bothering?

“We don’t have a sleeping bag here,” I began to make excuses. Don't tell her about the scarf!

Where is he not going?

Doesn't fit in the case.

What is yours like?

No, what kind of stupid questions are these? What a Spalnikovsky!

Blue,” I answered out loud.

No, flannelette or cotton?

Olya, why are you bothering me? A sleeping bag is like a sleeping bag. I don't have time, by the way.

Give me Danya,” she answered offendedly. I handed the phone to Danka.

He made a serious face and just nodded. Then he said: “Got it.”

“I found out what we should do with the sleeping bag,” he said joyfully, hanging up.

It turned out that it had to be rolled up by squeezing out the air. He, you know, is taking in air.

We spread the sleeping bag on the floor and began to roll it into a tube, crawling on our haunches and pressing it with our knees. On the third attempt, we still managed to stuff it into the case.

I'll never take it out again! - I threatened the sleeping bag.

How will you sleep? - Danya giggled.

But I won't! - I answered proudly and immediately became shy.

Danka just shrugged his shoulders.

Okay, let’s get ready, it’s time to go out,” he reminded.

Somehow we loaded all our things into our backpacks. True, Dankin doubled in size. I was surprised by this, but there was no time to ask questions, we ran to school. It was visible from my window, so we got there quickly and without incident. The whole company was already assembled. Vovka and Valerka were jostling and making faces at each other, Olya was trying to get Svetka to talk, and Egor and Svyatik were having an important conversation with Igor Petrovich about something.

Well, finally,” he smiled when he saw us. - So, take out all your things, we’ll learn how to pack a backpack.

For what? - Vovka was indignant.

“We just put them there,” Valerka supported him.

Screwed up, you say? I see, I see exactly what they screwed up. Give me your backpack.

Valerka proudly brought the backpack and placed it in front of Igor Petrovich. He began to feel him here and there.

Look, there’s something hard here on your back. How are you going? This thing will dig into your back. And then, it tilts to the right, see? It will outweigh you along the way! Remember,” he turned to us, “as soon as you pack your backpack in the morning, the whole day will go by!”

We spent the next two hours obediently taking things out and putting them back. They're tired, it's terrible. But you know, what’s interesting is that each time our backpacks became smaller and smaller. I even started looking around, thinking maybe someone was carrying things. But no, everything was in place. And what's the secret? Who knows?

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