Physical education leisure in the junior group "Kolobok". Physical education leisure in the second junior group “Travel to the country of Vitamin

Software tasks: exercise children of the second younger group in various types of walking, running, jumping; develop coordination of movements and balance; increase the functional activity of the visual and auditory sensory systems; strengthen leg muscles; cultivate kindness towards each other.

Material and equipment: toy Lamb, tambourine, 8 braids, 2 gymnastic benches, 5 hoops, 6 soft modules up to 7 cm high, rope, 4 bells, a pipe, cubes 20-25 cm high according to the number of children.

Place of physical education: gym

Progress of the event

Head of physical education (R.f.v.). Don't you hear anything, children? Is someone crying?

Who's sitting there in the corner?

Who is looking at us so sadly?

(Finds the Lamb toy.)

Lamb came to visit us. What's happened? Why are you crying? (He brings the Lamb to his ear and listens.)

The Lamb has no horns

Who will help him?

He needs to play sports

Be filled with strength and vigor.

Then his twisted horns will grow,

New, beautiful, gilded.

Look how beautiful the Lamb is. Do you want to play with him?

Game exercise “Fast and strong legs”


On the lawn in the morning

We started a game.

I am a lamb, you are a lamb.

Don't break our friendship.

Get all in a circle

I am a friend and you are a friend.

(Children stand in a circle, holding hands.)

One two three four,

Spread the circle wider.

(They separate without letting go of their hands.)

Let's turn to each other

(They let go of their hands and turn into a column.)

Let's stand in an even, even circle.

And we walk along the path,

Raising your legs high.

(Walking in a circle with high knees.)

Quick legs walk along the path.

(Walking at different paces, changing direction and stopping at a signal.)

Quick legs run along the path.

(Running at different paces, changing direction and stopping at a signal.)

Jump-jump along the path

Our legs are jumping.

(Jumping forward.)

And now, mischief makers,

Let's run the race!

(They run out of the circle in all directions.)

R.f.v. Well done!

Game “One step, then a jump”

Children line up in a column.

1. A “path” is laid out on the floor from 8 braids at a distance of 30 cm from one another. Children keep their hands on their belts and step alternately with their right and left feet through the pigtails. Keep your head and back straight. (Repeat 2 times.)

2. Place 2 gymnastic benches in a row at a distance of 2 m from each other. Children keep their hands on their belts and walk along the first gymnastic bench, maintaining their balance, along the second bench - with a side step. (Particular attention should be paid to the softness of the dismount and landing from the toe to the heel.)

3. Place 5 hoops close to each other. Children jump from hoop to hoop without pause. (Repeat 2 times.)

4. Soft modules up to 7 cm high are laid out in three lines at a distance of 50 cm from each other, children jump over obstacles. (Repeat 2 times.)

5. At a height of 15-20 cm from the child’s raised hand, bells are hung on a rope. Children jump up, trying to touch the bell with their hand. (Repeat 2 times for each hand.)

R.f.v. No, they don't ask for porridge

White lambs -

Nibbling grass in the meadow

Yes, they look at the rainbow.

Outdoor game "Lambs and the Shepherdess"

They choose "shepherdess". At the signal from the pipe, the “lamb” children begin to run and jump around the hall, saying “be-be.” Then the “shepherd boy” runs out and tries to catch the “lambs”, which quickly climb onto the cubes. The one who is caught becomes a “shepherd”. (Repeat 3-4 times.)

R.f.v.(shows the children the Lamb toy). Well done!

The Lamb's legs jumped and ran,

His horns began to grow,

He will grow up dexterous and strong,

He will grow up healthy, beautiful,

He says to all of us: “Thank you!”

Physical education activities in the second junior group were prepared by L. Glazyrina

Club "Mom's School"


physical education

in the second younger group with the participation of parents

Subject: "Children's health"

(via usingunconventional methods)

Prepared by Goffman T.A.,

teacher of nursery school No. 111.

Target: To establish relationships and mutual understanding between children and their parents in motor play activities.

Objectives: To promote health, the manifestation of motor skills. To foster a sense of mutual assistance, to unite children and parents with common joyful experiences. Introduction to a healthy lifestyle.

Equipment: emblems for each family, jump ropes, scarves for playing, a wolf costume, serving glasses of herbal tea for each participant.

Leisure activities

Children and parents enter the gym wearing sports uniforms and each team has an emblem. Music is playing. Presentation of the emblems of each family.

Leading: Is everyone here? Is everyone healthy?

Are you ready to run and jump?

Well then, pull yourself up

Don't yawn or be lazy.

Get ready to warm up!

1. Motor warm-up"Bears"

The bears woke up and stretched (stretching).

Greeted your friends (bending forward, arms forward, stretching). Wash your face (self-massage of face and body).

We went out into the clearing (walking on the outside, on the inside of the foot, rolling the feet).

Our bears love to dance (rhythm: 2 claps on the hips, 2 claps in the palms)

The presenter invites parents to carefully look at their children to see if they can recognize their child by touch.

2. Game “Get to know your child”

He invites several parents, blindfolds them, spins them around, and the parents must find their child by touch.

Amazing! Let's praise ourselves. Well done!

Now let’s check how dexterous and fast our children are.

The presenter offers to play the game “Hares and the Wolf”, the children will be the hares, and the parents will wait for them in the “house”, where the children run after the signal: “Wolf”

3. Outdoor game “Hares and wolves”

Target: learn to run without bumping into each other, agility, and develop motor activity.

A “wolf” - a costumed adult - runs out.

Wolf: ABOUT! Who was it that called me?!

I'm a shaggy gray wolf!

I know a lot about bunnies!

All of them - just a jump and a leap - will get into my teeth.

Ah-ah-ah! There you are!

Trying to catch children.

Leading:“Wait wolf! You're playing wrong. Stand here at the end of the platform and wait. You only need to catch when the hares come close and I say loudly: “Wolf!”

The hares galloped:

Hares are jumping -

Hop, hop, hop!

On the green, on the meadow,

They pinch the grass, eat it,

Listen carefully

Isn't the WOLF coming?

When the game is repeated, the wolf falls and crawls on all fours.

Presenter: “You wolf probably don’t do physical education and don’t do breathing exercises? That’s why he’s so weak.” Offers to do the exercise.

4. Breathing exercises

Target: increasing lung volume, restoring breathing.

Hug yourself

IP: standing, arms down, legs together, arms around your shoulders - inhale, return to IP. - exhale.

The wolf suggests playing a game with your hands.

5. Finger gymnastics “Palms up”

Palms up! Clap! Clap!

Slap on the knees! Slap!

Now give me a pat on the shoulders!

Slap yourself on the sides!

We can clap behind our backs!

Let's clap for ourselves!

We can go right, we can go left.

And let’s fold our arms crosswise!

The wolf runs away.

Leading:“The wolf probably felt ashamed; he didn’t catch anyone, so he ran away.”

6. Jumping rope

Host: “Now, let’s find out who is the best at jumping rope. Who wants to show off their skills? Calls 4 – 5 parents.

“Let's clap for the best jumper!”

7. Gymnastics for the eyes

For the next game we need attention, let's train our eyes.

Exercise "Clock"

IP: Standing with your feet together, hands on your belt. Turn your eyes up, then lower them down, your head remains motionless, while saying: “Tick-tock!” Repeat 5-6 times.

Exercise "Rain"

IP: Standing with your feet together, hands on your belt. Look with your eyes to the left, then to the right, saying: “Drip-drip-drip!” Repeat 4-6 times.

Exercise "Mosquito"

I.p.: Standing with your feet together, one hand on your belt, the other extended in front of your chest, with your index finger extended.

Let’s put a “mosquito” on our finger and look only at it. Bring your finger closer, touch your nose with it, keep looking at your finger - “a mosquito sat on your nose”, extend your hand again “the mosquito flew away” - “Z-z-z.” Repeat 3-4 times.

Exercise "Blind Man's Bluff"

IP: Standing with your feet together, hands on your belt. Close your eyes tightly for a few seconds - “hide”, then open. Repeat several times.

8. Outdoor game “Traps with ribbons”

Target: development of dexterity.

Parents and children are attached with ribbons - “tails”, and are asked to save their “tail” and take as many “tails” as possible from other participants in the game.

Parents and children clap for the most skillful players.

9. Breathing exercises


I.p.: Standing, legs together, one arm lowered along the body. Raise the other one up and lower it at shoulder level, take a deep breath through your nose, and as you exhale, imitate the signal of a steam locomotive, pronouncing the sound: “Too-too” as long as possible. Repeat several times.

Leading: Have you played? Did you dance? Have you worked up an appetite?

Now it won’t hurt you to have some food.

Have a treat! Drink to your health!

Participants go to the herbal bar to drink herbal tea.

10. Feedback – filling out leaflets.

Physical education "Bobik visiting the guys" for children of the younger group

Vitskova Marina Viktorovna, teacher of the State Autonomous Educational Institution JSC Secondary Professional Education "Chernoyarsk Provincial College" Kindergarten "Golden Fish" of the Astrakhan region, Chernoyarsk district.

This material will be useful for educators, physical education instructors, and parents when spending fun leisure time with children of primary preschool age.

Target: Exercise children in walking, raising their legs high, in climbing and descending on a gymnastic board. Strengthen the ability to complete a task according to the teacher’s instructions. Learn to act together.

Tasks. Create a joyful mood in children and a desire to play with the teacher. Develop aesthetic and musical taste.

Scenario of physical education in the younger group

Material and equipment. Gymnastic bench or board, basket, chairs, climbing frames. Cubes, cones - two for each child. Toys - a dog, a little squirrel.

Leisure activities

The teacher greets the children and calls them affectionately by name.
If there's no one somewhere
That means someone is out there somewhere.
But where is this someone?
And where could he have climbed? (Squealing is heard)
Someone was hiding in our group. Let's look for him.
Children walk around the hall, crawl under the gymnastics bench, climb over chairs. They find a sleeping puppy (toy).
Educator. Hey guys, who is this? (dog, puppy) Yes, he is sleeping!
Let's wake him up.
Children They wake up the puppy. What's his name, guys?
Children. Bobik. The puppy wakes up and stretches.
Bobik.(growls) They don’t let you sleep: they make noise, stomp, shout...
I'll go look for another place where I can sleep peacefully.
Don't follow me, don't wake me up!
He walks across the hall, the teacher and the children sneak behind him, raising their legs high. Bobik suddenly turns around and growls. Children run away
Educator. Don't scare us, Bobik, it's better to play with us.

Bobik. Okay, I'll play with you.

The game "Shaggy Dog" is being played

The children sit on one side of the hall. One child on the opposite side of the hall pretends to be a dog. Children quietly approach him in a crowd

And the teacher at this time says

Here lies a shaggy dog,
With your nose buried in your paws,
Quietly, quietly he lies,
Either he's dozing or he's sleeping
Let's go to him and wake him up
And let's see if something happens?
"The dog jumps up and barks loudly. The children run away, he catches them.

Bobik. Well done, you know how to run well. I didn't catch up with anyone!
Do you know how to walk on a log?
Children. Yes!
Bobik. Then follow me, everyone.
Children follow the dog along the log, repeating the movements of the teacher.
Bobik. That's how great you are! You have fun. You are fast and dexterous.
Presenter. Now go play with the guys.

The game is played: "We stomp our feet"

We stomp our feet
We clap our hands.
We nod our heads
We'll raise our hands
We give up
We shake hands
(Children join their hands to form a circle)
And we run around
And we run around
(Everyone runs, the teacher says “Stop.” The kids stop.
Bobik. Well done guys, you have fun! Aren't you bored with me?
Children. No!

Educator. Let's look for someone else!
Children walk around the hall, crawl under arches, climb over a log, find a baby squirrel (toy)

Little squirrel. Hello, children. My name is little squirrel Tim. And you?
Children say their names.
Little squirrel. Can you help me collect the cones in a basket?
Children. Yes!
Children collect cones and put them in a basket.

Little squirrel. Thank you guys for your help! Now let's play.

The musical and active game "Quiet and Loud" is being held.

Children sit on chairs. The music director plays the composition, the children first clap quietly, then louder. Then they “bark” quietly and loudly, and at the end they perform movements using spoons.

Educator. Thank you little squirrel for the fun game!
Bobik. Let's go, kids, and maybe we'll find something else!
Children find a box with cubes. The little squirrel shows how to play with them and perform various exercises.

Bobik and the little squirrel(together) Thank you guys, we had a lot of fun playing.
It was very interesting for us to play. We want to treat you with sweet candies.
The children thank the dog and the little squirrel, say goodbye and leave.

"Journey to the Fairytale Forest" physical education entertainment for 1st junior group.

Goal: Development of emotional interest in motor activity

To instill in children the need for movement.

Strengthen the ability to perform basic types of movements: snake running, walking in a column one at a time, throwing at a vertical target.

Develop endurance, agility, and ingenuity.

Equipment: Round soft modules, sports sleeve, silhouettes of animals, pictures of forests, snowballs sewn from fabric and cotton wool.

Participants: teacher, children, music director.

Progress of entertainment.

You guys come over

everyone look at me

We'll go for a walk with you

Visit the animals in the forest

But this forest is not just a forest,

This forest is a wonderland

Children line up in a column one at a time and follow each other.

We're walking, we're walking,

Right along the path

We raise it well

Raise our legs!

Children try to walk, raising their legs high, as shown by the teacher.

Here we are guys in a fairy forest.

He sleeps in a den in winter,

Little by little he snores,

And he wakes up, well, roar,

What is his name - (bear).

Let's climb into the den like bears

Crawling on all fours under an arc.

Loves red carrots

He gnaws cabbage very deftly,

He jumps, now here, now there,

Through forests and fields,

Gray, white and oblique,

Who say he is - (hare).

Guys, let's jump like bunnies.

Jumping on two legs.

The wind blows in the forest

(Children perform the “Wind” exercise: I.p. - legs shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. On the count of 1-3, tilt to the right; on the count of 4, take the I.p.)

- About me, about Tricky-Eyes,

Do you know poems and fairy tales?

My tail is as bushy as a braid!

I'm beautiful....

So that the bunny is not afraid of the fox, let's scare the fox and she will run away.

Children perform the “Throwing at a vertical target” exercise, taking turns throwing balls at a model of a fox.

We drove the fox away.

Well, we wandered around a bit,

We've already visited all the animals

It's time, guys, to leave.

But what should we give to the forest?

Let's all go

We'll give you different balloons.

Before we give them away,

We'll fool them first.

Children do a breathing exercise.

The air was inhaled - One balloon was inflated.

Once again we took in air - The second balloon was inflated.

And we took our last breath - We inflated the third balloon...

Before we go,

We need to thank everyone

Because it was great, because it was fun.

A beautiful forest-wonderland!

We tell you - thank you!

And now they're behind me

And everyone walked home

Physical education for children of the 1st junior group



Exercise in walking and running in a column one after another, walking with high knees,

Strengthen running in all directions, jumping on two legs, moving forward, pushing off with both legs at the same time.

Develop agility, speed, endurance and attention, balance.

To evoke a positive emotional response to sports exercises in children, to instill a love of physical education.

Equipment and materials: herringbone, arcs of different heights, cubes.

Progress of the lesson.

Children enter the gym and line up.

Instructor:“The kids are having fun. It’s snowing - it’s been snowing since the morning.

The holiday is coming - New Year,

The Christmas tree will come to visit us.

Both the boys and the animals are looking forward to the holiday.

But the animals live in the forest.

We’ll go visit them today” (Yes)

Walking in a column one at a time in a circle to the music. accompaniment.

Instructor: “We are walking through snowdrifts

Raise your legs higher!

We are walking through the snowdrifts

And we don’t get tired at all.” Walking with high knees.

Instructor:“It’s cold in the forest in winter -

Everyone ran after me!

Running will be more fun

We will be warmer with running." Fast running in a column.

Instructor:"We walk along the path,

We warm our hands." Walking with clapping every step.

Instructor:“Here is a clearing, here is a forest,

Here’s a tree that reaches the sky!”

Formation into a circle. A Christmas tree is placed in the middle of the circle.

General developmental exercises.

Here is the tree reaching to the sky.

That's what she is like

The Christmas tree is big!”

Raise your arms up and stretch.

Bright toys.

There are candies and balloons here,

Gingerbread cookies, crackers.

Get out the toys

Decorate the Christmas tree together."

Tilt down (take a toy), stretch your arms forward (imitation of decorating a Christmas tree).

I started showing off.

And the boys and girls

They began to smile.

All the guys like it

Beautiful Christmas tree."

Spread your fingers, turn your body to the right, left, arms to the sides.

And does he move his ears?

Who is quietly crying under the tree?

And trembles quietly?

We sat down and stood up together,

They didn't see anyone.

We sat down, stood up together,

Suddenly they saw a bunny.”

Squats, arms along the body.

The star is burning above.”

Sitting, arms resting behind. Raise your straight leg up one at a time.

Yes, call your friends.

Here the bunnies came running,

We saw a miracle Christmas tree,

They started jumping and having fun

And spin around yourself.”

Jumping on two legs, around its axis.

Instructor:“Animals (foxes, hares) will come to the forest New Year tree for the holiday.

Basic movements.

Children line up in two columns.

Crawling on all fours under arches.

Jumping on two legs while moving forward.

Outdoor game “Magic Christmas trees”.

The children freeze, depicting a beautiful Christmas tree. At the signal: “Night”, the children scatter around the hall, at the signal: “Forester”, they freeze in the shape of a Christmas tree. The forester walks around the Christmas trees and selects the straightest ones.

Breathing exercises “Clapperboard”.

Inhale through your nose, spread your arms to the sides, exhale through your mouth, clap your palms on your legs.

Instructor: “We decorated the Christmas tree, all the animals were ready for the holiday. Now they, like us, will celebrate the New Year cheerfully and amicably. And it’s time for us to say goodbye to the winter forest and go to the group.”

« Journey to the land of fairy tales."

1 ml. group.

Program content:

Strengthen the ability to walk in a column one at a time; walk and run, coordinating the movements of the arms and legs; walk on an inclined board while maintaining balance; practice running after each other without getting out of line; teach to jump from an inclined gymnastic bench, on half-bent legs.

Involve children in joint outdoor games; develop the ability to play together; cultivate a sense of mutual assistance.

Equipment: cubes according to the number of children, an inclined gymnastic bench, buckets according to the number of children.

Characters: Cat, Wolf - children of the preparatory group.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Let's gather friends,

It's time to hit the road.

Fairy tale open the door for us

And let our guys in.

The doors open

The fairy tale begins.

1 fairy tale “Teremok”»

Educator: There is a tower in the field.

Oh yeah, how good we are,

You won't understand who lives in it.

Let's show who lives in the mansion.

Children perform imitative movements:

mouse - norushka (walking on toes)

bunny - runner (jumping on toes)

frog - croak (squat down and say “kva-kva-kva”)

clubfoot bear (waddling)

Part 2.

KOU with cubes

IN caregiver: In order for us to move on to the next fairy tale, we need to complete the following exercises:

I.p.: feet width apart. The cube is in both hands below.

1-2 raise your hands up

3-4 lower down

2. “Forward bends”

I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, cube in hands in front of chest

3. "Sitting"

IP: sitting, legs crossed, cube in hands.

Also to the left

(4 times each)

4. Squat.

5. Jumping.

I.p.: legs together, hands on the belt, cube on the floor.

Jumping around a cube on two legs.

Main types of movement

(Children walk in a circle, stacking cubes on top of each other, building a house. The teacher places a drawn fire near the built house.)

2 fairy tale "Cat's House"

Tili-tili! Tili - bom

Koshkin's house caught fire.

The cat jumped out!

Her eyes bulged.

Cat: Help! Save!

Put out the fire

(Children take buckets placed near the wall, run after the cat in a column one after another and draw water from an improvised well, pouring water on the fire one by one) 2-3 times

Educator: One! Once!

And the fire went out!

The cat takes the children to the next fairy tale (showing movement)

1) walking on an inclined board.

2) jumping from an inclined board

3 fairy tale “Seven Little Goats”

P/game "Wolf"

Educator: Oh, this is the same wolf who wanted to eat the kids.

What do we do? Let's try to escape from him.

(Carry out 3 times)

3 Part. Low mobility game “Find the kids.”

Children walk around the hall and find 7 hidden goats. They plant it near a tree that stands near the Cat’s house.

Forming a circle. Summing up.

Walking in a group

Physical education in the younger group

Topic: "Happy Journey"

Tasks: 1) Expand children’s understanding of the habits of animals (how they move, how they “talk to us”).

2) Practice jumping on two legs in place, around you, from hoop to hoop.

3) Strengthen the ability to walk, walk on the entire foot, and one after another in a column.

4) Develop the need for physical activity.

5) Develop creative motor activity.

Individual work - individual practice of jumping on two legs (on the spot, around oneself, from hoop to hoop). Practice imitative movements with an accurate representation of the image of the animal, with sound accompaniment.

Teacher preparation: in free time from classes, introduce children to animals - a hare, horse, cat, chicken, and talk about their habits. Help in decorating the entertainment room.


The hall is decorated as a spring clearing (trees, flowers), in the clearing there are various soft toys (bunnies, bears, dogs), and a “station” is built from large cubes.

Children enter the hall and line up one after another like a “train”, their hands are placed on each other’s shoulders, whoever stands as the leader bends his arms at the elbows - he is the main engine, the rest of the children are carriages.

Leading- Now, you and I will turn into a train and carriages and go on a fun journey to our friends - toys, together with them, we will play and perform the movements that our toys love to do.

Leading- And now it’s time to hit the road, signal the engine (the child screams

“Tu-tu-tu”) and the children move forward like a train one after another, to the tune (phonogram - “Kukaracha”, collection “Around the World”), and say at the same time - “Chukh-chukh-chukh”).

Children walk one circle around the hall like a train, one after another, and stop at the “station”, where there is a picture of “Bunny”.

Leading- So, we have arrived, at this station they live - Bunnies. Let's jump and spin around with them. Children perform jumping on two legs to the music, arms folded on the chest, legs together

"made friends"

Perform jumps around themselves, legs connected together;

- “The bunny is knocking on the drum” - children lightly hit themselves on the stomach, as if on a drum, while saying “boom - boom - boom.”

Leading- And now, the bunnies decided to have a little mischief and jump in the puddles! (jumping from hoop to hoop, hands on the belt, feet together).

Presenter - We have such wonderful bunnies, they were jumping very high, and were probably tired. Let's cup our hands like I did and blow away the leaves (inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth).

Well, it’s time for us to hit the road, visit our new friends, let’s wave to the bunnies, get on the train and move on.

The children line up one after another like a train and continue walking around the hall. They say “choo-choo-choo”, and the train says “tu-tu-oo-oo”. They stop near the “station” where there is a picture - Chicken and Duckling.

Presenter - We came to visit the chickens and ducklings, let's play with them:

Walking on your heels with rhythmic movements of your arms to the sides;

Tilt your back forward, but without lowering your head, raising your arms up - “like wings” and working with your fingers;

Walking in place with high knees and arms out to the sides


Leading- And together with the ducklings we will dance (the soundtrack sounds -

"Dance of the ducklings")

Presenter - the ducklings danced so well, and are probably tired, let's breathe through our noses like "Cockerels" (inhale through the nose, mouth closed, exhale through the mouth -

“Ku-ka-re-ku”, and raise your “wings” - hands up).

All the “cars” lined up behind our “train” and we moved on.

Children walk in a circle around the hall, accompanied by a soundtrack. They stop near the “station” where there is a picture - Horses.

Leading- Children, do you know how horses say hello? They wave their heads and hit the ground with their hoofs. Let's say hello to the horses (children do exercises).

And now, let's ride horses - the game "Let's ride a horse." The children are given the reins, one child is the rider, the other is the horse, to the words: “But” - running with a change in tempo. - “Whoa” - sliding taps with the right and left feet. Then they change places.

Leading- What wonderful horses we have! They jumped around the hall like real people and loudly “talked” to us. Let's say goodbye to our horse friends and go visit again.

Children line up like a train and walk around the hall to a soundtrack. They stop near the “station”, where the picture is of Kitties.

Presenter - We came to visit little pussies. And they really want to look at us and get to know us. Let's show the kittens what we can do. Children perform: - crawling with support on their hands and knees;

Stretch on the front legs and hind legs;

The pussy is “washed” while sitting on all fours, with the hand as if “washing” the muzzle and nose with the paw - they “jump” after the mouse, sitting on all fours, jumping forward and upward.

We really liked our new friends - pussies. Let's play the pussies on the pipe. Breathing exercise - “pipe”.

Leading- Well, now it’s time for us to return to the group. Let's sit in our "cars", the "locomotive" will whistle for us and go to the group.

Walking around the hall like a train and leaving the hall

Theatrical - musical entertainment with a show

Fairy tales "Kolobok"

Target: 1. Recall folklore works with children - familiar nursery rhymes, riddles, jokes;

2. Teach children to experience with the characters of a fairy tale;

3. Arouse positive emotions in children.

Preliminary work:

1. Reading the fairy tale “Kolobok”;

2. Examination of the illustration;

3. Drawing a shape - a circle;

4. Repetition of familiar nursery rhymes;

5. Children's games in the music corner.

Methodical techniques:

1. Children playing musical instruments;

2. Singing a familiar song with the children;

3. Didactic game “Who is screaming?”;

4. Conversation with children (questions and answers)

5. Independent work;

6. Individual work;

7. Analysis of entertainment (result).

Progress of entertainment:

1. Buffoons come in, play musical spoons and sing Russian

Folk song “Ladushki-ladushki”. They involve children in collective singing and give them ringing rattles.

2. Buffoons: “Hello, guys! We are funny buffoons, we love

Do you love it?

Children: Yes!

Buffoons: “You played and sang so well, and your fingers can

play with you?

Children: Yes!

Buffoons: Then let's play the game "B" together. guests to the thumb...?

Children: Show finger play.

  1. Buffoons: “Guys, when we went to you, we found this wonderful

pouch." What does it contain?

Let's get a look? They take the bag and take it out from there

kitten (he meows).

Buffoons:" Who is this?"

Children: Cat.

Buffoons: “How does she scream?”

Children:" Meow meow".

Buffoons: Who knows what nursery rhyme?

Children, with the help of an adult, tell nursery rhymes:


"The cat went to Torzhok"

Buffoons: Is there anything else in the bag? They get it from there

Rooster (he crows)

Children: Rooster.

Buffoons: “How does he scream?”


Buffoons: What nursery rhyme do you know?

« Cockerel, golden comb cockerel"

Buffoons: Isn't the bag empty? Look, children

what kind of vegetable?

Children: Cucumber

Buffoon: “What color?”

Children: Green.

Buffoons: Do you know a nursery rhyme?

Children, with the help of an adult, tell a nursery rhyme:


  1. Buffoons: “Well done guys, now relax, sit down

chairs, and we will show everyone a fairy tale.

  1. Fairy tale "Kolobok" with bibabo dolls.

Russian folk tale "Kolobok"

Once upon a time there lived an old man with an old woman. The old man asks:

Bake a bun, old woman.

What to bake from? There is no flour.

Eh, old woman! Scrape along the box, mark along the bottom; Maybe you'll get enough flour.

The old woman took the wing, scraped it along the box, broomed it along the bottom, and collected about two handfuls of flour. She kneaded it with sour cream, fried it in oil and put it on the window to let it sit.

The bun lay there and lay there, and suddenly it rolled - from the window to the bench, from the bench to the floor, along the floor and to the doors, jumped over the threshold into the entryway, from the entryway to the porch, from the porch to the yard, from the yard beyond the gate, on and on. .

The bun is rolling along the road, and a hare meets it:

Don't eat me, little bunny! “I’ll sing you a song,” the bun said and sang:

I'm scraping the box

By the end of the day it's swept away,

Mixed with sour cream,

Yes, there is yarn in butter,

It's cold at the window;

I left my grandfather's

I left my grandmother's

It's not smart for you, hare, to get away!

Kolobok, Kolobok! I will eat you!

Don't eat me, gray wolf! I'll sing you a song!

I'm scraping the box

By the end of the day it's swept away,

Mixed with sour cream,

Yes, there is yarn in butter,

It's cold at the window;

I left my grandfather's

I left my grandmother's

I left the hare

You, wolf, can't escape cleverly!

Kolobok, Kolobok! I will eat you.

Where can you, clubfoot, eat me!

I'm scraping the box

By the end of the day it's swept away,

Mixed with sour cream,

Yes, there is yarn in butter,

It's cold at the window;

I left my grandfather's

I left my grandmother's

I left the hare

I left the wolf

You, bear, can't escape cleverly!

And he rolled away again; only the bear saw him!.. The bun rolls and rolls, and a fox meets him:

Hello, bun! How cute you are! And the bun sang:

I'm scraping the box

By the end of the day it's swept away,

Mixed with sour cream,

Yes, there is yarn in butter,

It's cold at the window;

I left my grandfather's

I left my grandmother's

I left the hare

I left the wolf

The bear has left

From you, fox, I’ll leave even more!

What a nice song! - said the fox. - But I, little bun, have become old, I can’t hear well; sit on my face and sing louder one more time.

Kolobok jumped onto the fox's face and sang the same song.

Thank you, Kolobok! Nice song, I'd love to hear it! “Sit on my tongue and sing for the last time,” said the fox and stuck out her tongue.

The gingerbread man foolishly jumped on her tongue, and the fox - ah! - and ate it.

6. At the end of the show, a peg rolls out from behind the screen, and in it lie

sweets, buffoons treat children

Summary of musical entertainment "Mishka's Birthday"

Program content:

  • Enrich musical impressions, create a joyful mood.
  • Develop a sense of rhythm, practice the rhythmic performance of familiar musical rhythmic movements (claps, stomping, springing, circling around oneself, in pairs to music, continue to learn to move in accordance with the contrasting nature of the music, improve natural movements.
  • Encourage children to sing along with an adult, conveying the intonation and character of the songs,


A house for a toy bear, 2 Christmas trees, 2 benches, a toy hare, a toy dog, a barrel for honey, scarves for dancing according to the number of children, treats for children.

Progress of entertainment:

Children enter the hall; in the center of the hall there is a house, next to it there are benches and Christmas trees.


At the edge of the forest you can see a painted house. He is not Belkin, he is not Zaikin, this house-house is Mishkin. It’s Mishutka’s birthday, there will be dancing and food. On the porch at the door Mishka is waiting for his guests.

Guys, let's go up to the house and knock. In music classes with young children, you can observe how kids who did not show much interest become more active, excited ones calm down a little, and almost all the children enthusiastically play and complete tasks to musical accompaniment. Unfortunately, there is not enough methodological literature that offers interesting notes on music lessons for children from 1 to 3 years old. The proposed lesson allows you to solve not only the problems of musical education of children, provides interaction with classes on sensory development, but will also allow you to organize a small holiday for the kids.

(To the music, the bear leaves the house, waddles around, looks at the children.)

Children and Leading: Hello, Mishenka, my friend!

Bear: Hello my children, my dear guests!


Happy birthday, Mishka! All the children congratulate you. The owner is happy, the guests are happy, all the people are having fun. Everyone needs to sing and dance together, start the round dance! Song “Birthday” by Yu. Slonov (performed twice)


Mishka felt so happy that he went to dance and choose a friend. Game “The Teddy Bear Comes to Visit” M. Rauchwerger (The Teddy Bear dances with the children)

Leading: Let the children say together: “Congratulations!” Congratulations!” (Put Mishka in the center of the circle and sit around him) Dear Mishka, accept cheerful congratulations from all the children. Song “Ladushki” r.n.p. arr. G. Frida (sp. twice)

Leading:(leans Mishka towards his ear) Mishka whispers in my ear, he wants to dance again. Mishka dance. r.n.p. "Polyanka". (children clap).


And now we’ll dance for you, Mishka. Dance "Fingers - Hands" r.n.m arr. M. Rauchwerger.

Leading: That's how fun they danced, and now we'll play. Come on, my friend Mishenka, look for the kids’ hands. Game “Where are our hands” by T. Lomova.

Bear: You guys are funny, I'm interested in playing with you. I have handkerchiefs, let's play with them.

Game “Hide and Seek with Handkerchiefs” by G. Vikhareva

Children sit on chairs. There's a knock on the door. The Bunny and the Dog run to the music.

They approach Mishka.

Bunny: Happy birthday, dear Bear!

Dog: Happy birthday, our friend!


We brought it, guess what? Fragrant honey, golden. Very tasty and thick. Help yourself, Mishka. (Mishka takes the barrel, tries it and says:) Thank you, it’s very tasty. I'll treat everyone with honey.

Leading: What funny friends our Mishka has. Come to us, we will sing songs about you

Songs: “Bunny” r.n.m. G. Lobachev “Dog” by M. Rachverger (toys are played out while singing)

Bear: Thank you guys, you know funny songs about my friends, and now we’ll all play catch up together. First we will catch up with the Dog.

Game "Catch up""(the game is repeated and the children catch up with the Bunny)

Leading: Bear, Bunny and Dog, catch up, guys!

The game is repeated again.

Bear: Well, you clever people, we haven’t caught up with anyone. And now on my birthday I will be handing out treats!

The bear and the presenter hand out treats to the children. The children thank you and leave the room.

Summary of entertainment on traffic rules in the first junior group "Don't play on the road" Purpose: - To introduce children to basic traffic rules. - Learn to answer questions based on the text. - Create a good mood, a positive emotional state. - Enrich your vocabulary. Vocabulary: Traffic light, zebra crossing, pedestrian crossing, Equipment: Steering wheels, zebra crossing, road sign. Progress: Ved: - Guys, today a cat named Purr will come to visit us. He really wants to play with you. Let's clap our hands loudly so that he comes to us soon. (Children clap. The cat enters). Cat: - Hello, guys! My name is Murlyka. I am a cat who walks on his own, where he wants and when he wants. Ved: - Dear cat Purr, do you always follow the rules of behavior on the roadway, i.e. on road? Cat: - I don’t know any rules and I don’t want to follow them. I just love to walk. Ved: - Oh, guys, I’m afraid for Murlyk, lest he get into trouble! After all, he doesn’t know the rules of a pedestrian. Cat: - Let's go for a walk? Ved: - Well, let's go. You just need to walk on the sidewalk. Cat: - Well, why should I only walk on the sidewalk? Ved: - Guys, let's play the game “Cars” with Murlyka? (The children take the steering wheels in their hands and move with the teacher in a circle, periodically pressing an imaginary sound signal. The cat runs scared among the children.) Ved: - Well, let's all go to the garage. Cat: - Wow, I was scared. Cars were coming from all directions, I had no time for a walk, how could I stay safe myself. Ved: - You see, trouble almost happened to you, you could have gotten under the wheels of cars. We must walk on the sidewalk! Cat: - Well, okay, I'll walk along your sidewalk. What if I need to cross to the other side of the street, what should I do? Ved: - You need to look for “Zebra”. Cat: - Zebra? She lives in hot countries. Ved: - Zebra lives in Africa, very striped. He drinks water, chews grass, and wants to frolic. And on our street, here at the intersection, it’s like a zebra, just right, a striped transition. Cat: - Well, why do I need it? Vedas: - “Zebra” is a section of the road along which pedestrians are allowed to cross the street, indicated by wide white lines: a white stripe, a black stripe and again white, etc. Cat: - Now I understand where the zebra is. You need to cross the road at the zebra crossing. Ved: - Yes, there is also a sign here. Guys, what geometric figure depicts a person walking along a pedestrian crossing? Children: - square. Cat: - And if I don’t find such a sign and this zebra of yours, then I shouldn’t cross the street? Ved: - Let's start talking about the three-eyed traffic light. It’s not in vain that it burns with colorful lights above us! Cat: - What kind of animal is this? Ved: - A traffic light will help you cross the road. He will say you can

Scenario for physical education “Our insect friends” in the second junior group.

This material will be useful for educators, parents, and physical educators when conducting fun activities with children of primary preschool age.
Target: promote the formation of positive emotions and activity in physical activity in children.
Strengthen children's understanding of the diversity of insects;
Develop intelligence and imagination in the process of solving riddles;
Activate cognitive interest in nature and its inhabitants.

Leisure progress.

You guys come over
everyone look at me
We'll go for a walk with you
Visit insects in the clearing
But the clearing is not simple
This is a magical clearing.

Children line up in a column one at a time and follow each other, following the teacher as a snake.
Educator: So you and I have come, look, children, how beautiful it is here! You like?
Children: Yes!
Educator: Guys, look at the screen.
The world we live in
Bright and wonderful
A bright ray of sunshine
Heated everywhere.
There are many forests and seas in it,
Mountains and oceans
Rivers, lakes, deserts, fields,
Glaciers, volcanoes.
There are many birds and people in the world,
Various insects,
Many fish, many animals
Unfamiliar to us.
The world we live in
The sun warms us.

To feel comfortable in it,
Be kinder to him!
Educator: Oh, look what a beautiful clearing. Who lives in this clearing?
In the green tailcoat of the maestro
Soars over the meadow in bloom.
He is the pride of the local orchestra
And the best high jumper. (Grasshopper)

Blue airplane
Sat on a white dandelion. (Dragonfly)

It flutters and dances over the flower,
He waves a patterned fan. (Butterfly)

It's not a motor, it's noisy
Not a pilot, but flying, Not a viper, but stinging. (Bee)
Educator: Children, who lives in this beautiful clearing?
Children: Insects.

The game is played: “Bears and Bees”.

Children are divided into two equal groups, one is bears, the rest are bees. At a distance of 3m from the bees’ house, a forest is outlined where the bears are.
On the opposite side, at a distance of 8-10m, there is a meadow. The bees are located in their home - on an elevation (wall, bench, low log). At the teacher’s signal, they fly to the honey meadow and buzz. At this time, the bears climb into the hive and feast on honey. At the teacher’s signal “Bears! “The bees fly to their hives and sting (touch) those bears that did not have time to escape into the forest. The bees then return to the hive and the game resumes. When repeating the game, children change roles.
Educator: The bee flew and fluttered over the flower.
(Children slowly run on their toes one after another around the hall.)
She sat down, sat, and rested.
(The children sat down and shook their heads)
Flew further
(The children stood up, waved their hands, and ran on)

Educator: Is anyone still in a hurry to join us? But first, guess the riddle. (there is a picture of an ant on the screen)

He's dragging a straw
To the little one
He is stronger than all the insects
Our hard worker...(ant.)
Educator: Guys, why did you guess that it was an ant?
(Children's answers).
Educator: That's right, well done.
That's right, guys, the strongest are ants. After all, they can carry weights ten times heavier than their own weight. An ant can carry a load ten times heavier than itself. The ant, although small, is a real strongman.

The game is played: “Anthill”

Children are divided into ants and an anthill. Anthill: children join hands and form a circle. The ant children enter the circle, at the signal “morning” the ant children raise their hands up, and the ant children leave the circle and go to work. At the signal “evening,” the anthill children slowly lower their hands, the ant children rush to get into the circle before the “night” signal, when the anthill children lower their hands down.
Educator: Oh guys, a Grasshopper has flown into our clearing! (on the screen there is a picture with a grasshopper)
Let's sing a song about the Blacksmith.

Song “A grasshopper sat in the grass”

Educator: guys, try to guess the cat wants to fly to our clearing? (there is a picture of a dragonfly on the screen).

A helicopter flies past swampy swamps,
Goggles his eyes.
Transparent wings shine in the sun,
Frogs strive to catch a helicopter
A physical education session is held:
In the morning the dragonfly woke up (“we wipe our eyes”)
She stretched and smiled. (from a crouching position, gradual straightening of the torso, arms forward, upward).
Once - she washed herself with dew, (“we wash ourselves”)
Two - gracefully spinning, (spinning in place)
Three - bent over and crouched, (bent over and crouched)
At four, it flew. (“let’s fly” – we wave our arms like wings)
Stopped by the river (sat down)
Spun over the water. (they ran around the hall).
Educator: Dragonflies are one of the most beautiful insects. They can be seen on a sunny summer day over the water. They come in different colors: blue, green, black... The dragonfly has four mesh wings, this helps it fly quickly, and its elongated body, like a rudder, guides it in flight. Her big eyes shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow! The dragonfly is voracious and constantly hunts. It feeds on small insects: mosquitoes, beetles, flies, moths.

A round dance game is held: “Dragonfly”.

Children stand in a circle and say the words in chorus, accompanying them with movements:
I flew, I flew, I didn’t get tired.
(They wave their hands smoothly.)
She sat down, sat, and flew again.
(Go down on one knee.)
I found some friends, we had fun.
(Smooth hand waves.)
There was a round dance all around, the sun was shining. (They lead a round dance.)
Educator: That's how different insects are.
Do you guys remember what guests we had in the forest clearing today? Did you have fun?
Children: Yes!
Educator: Name the insects. (Children's answers).
Well done boys. You were very attentive and obedient today. Thank you. And I am sure that you will not offend insects, because we need them, you will protect them. Because some insects are pleasing to the eye, such as the butterfly and dragonfly,
others help people: (ladybug, and bees).
And for all this to always be with us, we must protect and love nature.
