Where is the most temperamental woman? Sexuality of men of different nationalities

If you are a single man, free from a relationship, and for the coming holidays you want to go somewhere with friends, but have not yet decided where, we suggest that when choosing you focus not on the climate, attractions and gastronomic delights, but on the beauty and sexuality of local women . They will delight the eye and excite your consciousness, because while on vacation with friends, you will be able to turn your head around and enjoy the contemplation of beauty without any hindrance.

Source: LiveInternet
Photo: Tumblr

1. Amsterdam, Holland. Slender, athletic, tall, fashionably dressed blondes are everywhere on the streets of this city. And the most pleasant bonus is that most of the fair sex do not drive cars, but bicycles, gracefully pedaling. They are quite relaxed and are always willing to meet people.

2. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. As soon as you go down to the beach, you simply won’t believe your luck to be among such beauty. Without a doubt, this is exactly the place where you will find the hottest women in the world. Brazilian beauties are good because nature and parents, representatives of different races, mixed the best in them! Here you have chocolate skin, gorgeous hair, and delicious shapes!

3. Kyiv, Ukraine. It's hard to believe that such beauty even exists! Yes, and for every taste. There are sultry women with curvaceous figures, and there are fragile, slender women. There are blondes with blue eyes, and there are also burning brunettes with eyes the color of gooseberries or cornflowers. Almost all women have beautiful thick hair, long eyelashes, beautiful well-groomed skin. They are sociable, cheerful, seductive, alluring.

4. Caracas, Venezuela. Venezuela is the country that has given the world the largest number of Miss Universe winners. This alone suggests that there are enough beautiful women here. Women from Venezuela are not only beautiful, but they are very easy to talk to and know how to have fun. They are very temperamental and passionate: they love - they love so much, they hate - they hate so much.

5. Los Angeles, California, USA. These women differ from American women in all other cities in the way they look, and they look simply stunning, because not having a slim figure, perfect hairstyle or manicure is bad manners for locals. Therefore, in Los Angeles, if not every first, then at least every second is a beauty. That's why all Americans want to move to California, and all Californians dream of living in Los Angeles. But more often than not, either the beautiful or the rich succeed.

6. Varna, Bulgaria. Truly Slavic women. Well-mannered, polite, and at the same time taking care of their face and body. Beauty and charm are a distinctive feature of Bulgarian women. It's worth seeing with your own eyes.

7. Buenos Aires, Argentina. There are a huge number of beautiful women in this city, and they are beautiful. They are not always natural - this is due to the fashion for plastic surgery and the increase in everything that can be increased - but at the same time they are still very harmonious, active, charismatic and desirable. These women are constantly looking for the right man. For this purpose, the city has many clubs where you can easily meet local beauties.

8. Copenhagen, Denmark. Residence of blue-eyed blondes. Copenhagen is also a city that, compared to other cities in the world, has the largest number of sexually liberated women. There are many of them, they are everywhere, and they are always ready to go to a bar with you, drink a different cocktail, and then continue getting to know each other. It's very pleasant to be in Copenhagen because you will almost always catch the eye of several women at once. If you are not used to disappointing ladies, it is quite possible that you will not be drinking cocktails one-on-one, but in a small group. No one will judge either you or these women here.

9. Stockholm, Sweden. It seems that every woman in Stockholm is beautiful. You walk into any store or cafe and see behind the counter a top model from the cover of a glossy magazine. And so it is everywhere. In addition, these women know a lot about parties and how to receive and at the same time give pleasure to their partner. They are educated, sociable, friendly, they all speak English and have no inhibitions about sex. These women are created to give a man pleasure. Tall, blond and blue-eyed - try to find such a concentration of female beauty and sexuality anywhere else!

If you are a single man free from a relationship, then when choosing a place for a future trip on vacation or on an excursion, you can, as an option, focus not on climate conditions or attractions, or even gastronomic delights. You can determine the vector of travel by the beauty and sexuality of local women. After all, they will delight the eye and also excite the mind. Definitely, while on vacation, a man will be able to turn his head to the sides without any obstacles and enjoy the aesthetic pleasure of seeing the fair sex.


It makes no sense to choose a woman based on her mere affiliation with a particular place of residence. All people are different. Such comparison and comparison, as stated above, provides only a general characteristic that makes sense to take into account.

List of cities where passionate beauties live

Amsterdam in Holland

Slender and athletic, mostly tall, very fashionably dressed blondes are everywhere, literally on all the streets of this city. The main bonus is that most of the representatives of the fair half of humanity do not drive cars, but bicycles. They pedal very femininely and gracefully. Local ladies are quite relaxed, so they are always open to meeting people.

Rio de Janeiro in Brazil

As soon as you go down to the beach, you simply won’t believe the happiness that has landed. Of course, to be among an abundance of beauties. Undoubtedly, here are the hottest and most passionate ladies in the world. Brazilian young ladies are good, because in them nature, in the form of parents, mixed representatives of different races, and it turned out, I must say, the best. This includes chocolate skin, excellent hair, and also appetizing, rounded shapes.

Kyiv in Ukraine

It's hard to even believe that such beauty even exists. There are beauties for every taste here. There are very sultry ones, there are women with quite curvy figures, and there are also plenty of fragile slender women. There are many blondes with sky-blue eyes and burning brunettes with eyes the color of gooseberries or cornflowers. Almost all women have very beautiful and thick hair, as well as long eyelashes and very beautiful, well-groomed skin. Ukrainian women are sociable, cheerful, seductive and alluring. It’s hard to even believe that such beauty even exists. There are beauties for every taste here. There are very sultry ones, there are women with quite curvy figures, and there are also plenty of fragile slender women. There are many blondes with sky-blue eyes and burning brunettes with eyes the color of gooseberries or cornflowers. Almost all women have very beautiful and thick hair, as well as long eyelashes and very beautiful, well-groomed skin. Ukrainian women are sociable, cheerful, seductive and alluring.

Caracas in Venezuela

Venezuela is the state that has given the world the largest number of winners in the Miss Universe contest. This fact speaks in favor of the fact that there are more than enough beautiful ladies here. Women who come from Venezuela are also good because they are extremely easy to communicate with, they definitely know how to have fun. These are temperamental and passionate ladies, if they love, they do so with all their hearts, but they hate, they hate so much.

Los Angeles and California in the USA

Such women will differ from American women in other cities even in how they look. And I must say that they look stunning. Not having a slim figure, perfect hairstyle and manicure is bad manners for locals. That’s why in Los Angeles there are beauties, if not every first one, then certainly every second one. This is the reason why all Americans are trying to move to California, and all Californians want to live in Los Angeles. This is done either by handsome men or rich people.

Varna in Bulgaria

True Slavs, they are well-mannered, polite, and take very scrupulous care of their face and body. Beauty combined with charm is a distinctive feature of all Bulgarian women. You need to look at this at least once.

How to choose the woman who best suits your temperament?

Having become familiar with the characteristics and sexual behavior of representatives of the fair sex from different parts of the world, you need to decide which characteristics are most important to you.

Buenos Aires in Argentina

There are simply a huge number of beautiful women here. They are all beautiful, not always natural. This is due to the fashion and popularity of plastic surgery and the increase in everything that can be increased. True, they are still very harmonious and active, and also charismatic. This is what makes them desirable. These women are busy constantly looking for the right man. For this purpose, many city clubs have even been opened, where you can easily get acquainted.

Copenhagen in Denmark

Home to the vast majority of blue-eyed blondes. By the way, Copenhagen is the city in which, in comparison with other world cities, there is the largest number of sexually liberated representatives of the fair sex. There are many of them and they are literally everywhere. Why, they are always ready to go to a bar with you and have a cocktail or two, and then continue to get to know each other more closely in a quiet atmosphere. It’s pleasant to be in Copenhagen, because you will almost always catch the admiring glances of several women at once. And free behavior here will be received with a bang.

Stockholm in Sweden

It seems that in Stockholm, literally every woman is a real beauty. You can go to any local store or cafe, and you will see almost a top model behind the counter, as if from the cover of a fashionable, glossy magazine. Moreover, this state of affairs will be everywhere. In addition, such women definitely know a lot about various parties and how to simultaneously receive and give pleasure to their partner. They are very educated and sociable, and also friendly. It’s convenient that they speak English and have no taboos regarding sex. These women are literally created to give a man intimate pleasure. Tall and blond, mostly blue-eyed - they are simply goddesses.


No, and there is no exact guarantee in nature that if a woman comes from a certain region, she will necessarily have certain qualities. In this case, it is rather a characteristic that is present to one degree or another in the vast majority.

The most beautiful and sexy girls - video

It is hardly possible to make any objective ranking of the best and worst lovers in the world - everything ultimately comes down to luck and the personal qualities of a particular man. However, national temperament is a real thing and we can talk about trends.

Several years ago, based on surveys of women from around the world, a guide to good and bad lovers of different nationalities was compiled.

The worst lovers in the world

Germans who smell bad

Those surveyed put Germans in first place in the anti-rating of lovers. Their main negative quality, according to women, is insufficiently good personal hygiene. Without a doubt, smell is one of the most important criteria for attractiveness. The editors of uznayvsyo.rf advise: if you have a heightened sense of smell, do not get involved with the indigenous inhabitants of Germany.

Englishmen who don't try at all

Residents of cold England, according to the women interviewed, are lazy and incurious creatures. In bed you will have to do all the work for them. There are some advantages to this: for example, you can realize all your fantasies without encountering much resistance. But you should keep in mind that you won’t expect much enthusiasm either.

Swedes who are missing for a long time

The women interviewed spoke very disapprovingly of the residents of Sweden: in their opinion, the descendants of the Vikings complete the process too quickly. Fortunately, this is the 21st century, which means there are many devices and “magic pills” that can help. And if your partner is ready for dialogue, you can tell him a well-known joke about impotence, ten fingers and a tongue.

Dutch people who act too bossy

Contrary to the popular stereotype of the reserved and pragmatic Dutch, these pioneers of European democracy are too bossy in bed - at least according to the women interviewed. If you find yourself in a romantic situation with a Dutch resident, try to remind him of equality and freedom.

Americans who are too rude

It’s not for nothing that in the United States in recent years there have been so many scandals about sexual harassment and rape at university parties (The editors of uznayvsyo.rf note that Lady Gaga was nominated for an Oscar in 2016 precisely for the music for a film about violence in colleges. ).

The women's community is no longer afraid to say that their compatriots are too rude and forget about voluntariness and informed consent.

Greeks who are too sentimental

They say that gentle and sensitive men are rare, since mostly boys are taught to restrain their emotions. Greek lovers belong to this rare category of emotional partners. True, this is considered a disadvantage, not an advantage: according to the women interviewed, in bed with a Greek you risk drowning in his tears.

Scots that can make you deaf

The descendants of the warlike Picts were not used to holding back. This is probably why Scottish men express their feelings in bed so violently, as if they were uttering battle cries during battle, rather than expressing tender confessions to their beloved. Well, some people like it.

Turks who are too emotional

It seems that living in the mild Mediterranean climate takes its toll on men. Like the Greeks, their Turkish neighbors are overly emotional with their partners; however, unlike them, they are not distinguished by increased tenderness.

Russians who are too... hairy

The female part of the editorial staff of the site does not know where the foreign women surveyed saw Russian men with increased hairiness (are our hairier than the Greeks and Turks?). Perhaps some specific areas of the body were meant. Let’s agree here: intimate haircuts are not preached among brutal Russians.

The best lovers in the world: top 5


Irish men are often reproached for their modesty. Like, the Russians are much more decisive. But those who managed to break the ice and get closer to the Irishman say that it is difficult to meet more attentive men who treat their partners with respect.


Sex with Norwegians is exciting, but very dangerous, as they do not like condoms. At the same time, men from this country know how to make a woman feel like a queen. The editors of znayvsyo.rf still advise you to insist on using contraceptives - and enjoy it.


In addition to the ability to dance, sing bossa nova and play football, the people of Brazil are naturally famous for their sophistication in love. 82% of Brazilians say they make love three times a week on average - a practice that can teach you something. It is in Brazil that people lose their virginity before anyone else - but this is a dubious argument. It is not quantity that matters, but quality.

Often, intelligent women who behave modestly and chastely in public exhibit a wide range of acceptable behavior with their loved ones. Of course, this happens only in cases of absolute confidence in the adequacy of perception. Otherwise, this woman, feeling the man’s condemnation or bewilderment, will withdraw and become constrained - and the path to disharmony will be open.

Mostly men attach importance to how a woman treats the opposite sex. The more selective a woman is, the more desirable she is. But if a woman is not available at all, this is frightening, because to men she seems too serious. On a psychological level, people are attracted to a personality that punishes and then rewards. This “technique” has been used more than once by the best seductresses in world history!

Women's temperament manifests itself especially acutely in force majeure situations. To attract a man, it is enough to experience with him a circumstance of emotional upliftment - be it a rainstorm or a kayaking trip along a stormy river. Scientists have repeatedly confirmed the fact that adrenaline brings people together precisely by revealing the true temperament of partners in such situations. In force majeure circumstances it is difficult to pretend.

As a rule, temperamental ladies are sexy. They value men above all and consider them good friends. Sincere sympathy for people of the opposite sex is one of the secrets of sexual attraction.

In a number of surveys, it was found that men were more attracted to a woman who was serious at first, but by the end of the conversation began to be embarrassed and flirtatious. Therefore, dear ladies, do not be afraid to seem funny! - Be natural - “great in great and small in small” - as you are - REAL to the last drop!

Sexy young ladies are more playful. Don't confuse playfulness with stupidity. The ability to laugh at yourself and have fun is highly valued by men. An overly serious girl will scare away a man faster than make him fall before her cold beauty. Silly people who laugh for no reason are not attractive at all, moreover, most gentlemen simply consider them a burden.

So..., when discussing the social model of behavior, the issue of appearance is of increasing interest. How to determine a woman's temperament? It is known that we are a reflection of our inner world. Therefore, having studied the peculiarities of the underlying types, we will be able to imagine with some clarity the desired partner, comrade or life partner.

Temperament (from the Latin temperamentum - proper ratio of parts) is a stable combination of individual personality characteristics associated with dynamic aspects of activity - that organic soil that was given to us as an inheritance by our forefathers: the past of our race. It carries within itself the physical and mental capabilities of ourselves, containing character, appearance, and determines life expectancy.

Strength of feelings

The doctrine of temperaments arose in ancient times. Differences in the characters of people were explained by the superior influence of one of the four elements: water, fire, earth or wind.

The influence of earth, which represents cold, was attributed to the emergence of a melancholic temperament, water - the appearance of a phlegmatic temperament, fire - a symbol of ardor - influenced the temperament of sanguine people and, finally, choleric people should be grateful to the wind.

In the 5th century BC e. In Greece there lived the great scientist Hippocrates, in whose family there were seventeen generations of doctors. Experience and observation helped him describe the now well-known types of people, arguing that life on earth is in the harmony of the four elements, and the unity of the four principles is in a full life. Later, the Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov noted that the Greek genius captured the essential features in the variety of human behavior options.

Currently, the theory of Pavlov, who proved the dependence of the type of temperament on the properties of the nervous system, is generally accepted. However, to this day, the so-called morphological theory, which correlates temperament and appearance, is clearly popular.

Temperaments in appearance and behavior

Sanguine temperament
(sensory-ethical subtype) is a strong stable type of nervous system.
Such a person is increasingly known as active, cheerful and good-natured, and has a strong, balanced character. He is an optimist who, as a rule, is in a good mood. His reactions are always clearly expressed, easily and quickly replaced.
Personal characteristics: demonstrative, self-centered, anxious, attach great importance to love. Charming, optimistic... But they love to take revenge. Plastic.

Such people are energetic, lively, emotional with a variety and richness of facial expressions, a loud and fast pace of speech, good self-control, balanced, efficient, and confident in their abilities. Impressionable and sociable, they, as a rule, easily make contacts and quickly adapt to new surroundings, strive for frequent changes of impressions, and respond easily and quickly to surrounding events. Working for success, they know how to captivate others, maintain a good atmosphere in the team, and are witty. In difficult situations they become more collected, without losing their sense of humor. Prone to solving tactical problems. They often propose some ideas and achieve their implementation. They experience failures relatively easily and quickly.

Among the shortcomings are lack of concentration, lack of dedication, do not finish what they start (but are persistent if they get carried away by the task), unjustified haste in actions, superficiality. Tastes and interests are fickle.

Appearance has its own readable signs.

Women- the most feminine (tall, large breasts, rounded hips). The skin of the face is white, tender, sometimes blushing, with snub noses. The figures are usually picnic, round, streamlined, without sharp angles or athletic build.

They pay a lot of attention to appearance. They stand out with a kind of personal zest. They have good taste and want to please others. They need to be loved. They prefer hairstyles that are fluffy and light. They gravitate towards light hair color. They love jewelry and choose it with taste. Clothing styles - classic, romantic (stiletto heels, ruffles, frills, flared skirt).
Round shape, tall, rarely medium height.
The emphasis in the center of the body is on the rounded belly.
Convex muscle relief.
Low metabolic rate.
Wide chest.
The head and forehead are rounded.
The chin and cheekbones do not protrude.
The nose is not pronounced or slightly turned up.
The neck is weakly defined or short.
The legs are not long.

Representatives: Masha Rasputina, Alsou; Sophia Loren, Monica Bellucci, Dita Von Teese, Jennifer Lawrence, Salma Hayek.

Choleric temperament
(intuitive-ethical subtype) - a strong unstable type of nervous system. The type of nervous activity is mobile - unbalanced; excitation in such people usually prevails over inhibition. Emotions are bright, strong, but unstable. When making decisions for choleric people, the human factor, emotions and relationships come first.
Personal characteristics: aggressive, persistent, enterprising, risky, love changes in life, new experiences and communication. Energetic, impetuous, perky, courageous. Easy-going, loves effects. Demonstrative and extravagant. Friendly and non-greedy.

Confident, decisive, proactive, take on work with passion, at a critical moment they can work for a long time and uncontrollably with maximum concentration of strength, quickly solve problems and overcome difficulties, grasp information on the fly, quickly memorize it without even having time to realize it.

Among the shortcomings: however, they are quick-tempered, impatient, straightforward, self-confident, have poor self-control, do not know how to calculate strength and do not know the limits in anything. Lack of endurance when performing monotonous, slow work. Waiting or failure can make them angry. In an effort to achieve quick results, they begin to get ahead of events and fuss. They are especially depressed by the need to restrain their feelings and excessive activity. They are distinguished by sharpness, force of movement, and impetuosity. They are prone to sudden mood swings (from joy to sadness, from laughter to anger), inconstancy, are prone to emotional breakdowns, and are sometimes aggressive.

Appearance has its own readable signs, among which the fragility of its appearance stands out.

Women have a yellowish complexion, rough skin, prone to dryness, allergic reactions are possible. Facial features are sharp and rough. The physique is asthenic or athletic. Cholerics are athletes by image. They prefer a sporty style of clothing, variety and mixing of styles at once, short haircuts, and bold experimenters. They are defiantly unrestrained in makeup. They love jewelry, which they use without taste. Bright, phosphorescent colors predominate in clothes, and the deepest slits on skirts. Hair plays with all the tints of the rainbow. The look is direct, assertive.
Thinness and dry build.
Elongated body parts. The emphasis of the figure is on the limbs.
No tendency towards obesity.
High metabolic rate.
The chest is narrow.
Forehead without protrusions.
The upper part of the head is larger in volume, the parietal region is pointed. The chin is pointed.
Cheekbones are moderately or strongly expressed, protruding, pointed.
The nose has a pronounced shape - pointed, elongated.
The neck is long and thin.
The legs are long, thin, the knees are thin, angular.

Representatives: Liya Akhedzhakova, Yana Churikova, Anastasia Volochkova, Mylene Farmer, Reese Witherspoon, Jennifer Aniston, Charlize Theron, Natalie Portman, Uma Thurman.

Mela ncholic temperament
(intuitive-logical subtype) - weak unstable type of nervous system. Usually inert - unbalanced, characterized by inconstancy, excitability, high fatigue and indecisiveness. His senses are slow and unbalanced, and his mental faculties are usually as good as they are unstable.
Personal characteristics: aesthetes, have a keen sense of harmony and beauty. Pedantic, conscientious and careful.

Prone to unreasonable fears and worries; the majority are insecure, timid, lacking initiative, passive, fearful, touchy, suspicious, loneliness-loving, and depressed. They get tired quickly, do not easily adapt to a changing world, and have difficulty communicating with an unfamiliar social environment. The voice is quiet, the speech is slow. Submit to rules and authorities. They can work successfully, but in favorable conditions and not to the limit of their capabilities. They are thrifty and prudent. Under unfavorable conditions, increased emotional vulnerability, isolation, and alienation may develop. Therefore, more than others, they need the skills of psychological protection from overload - not only physical, but also intellectual and emotional.

Among the disadvantages: anxious, hidden aggressive. Owners. Jealous, vindictive and vindictive. In difficult moments, high mental sensitivity is lost, with a predominance of negative emotions.

Appearance has its own readable signs: modest, restrained, moderate.

Women- have sunken cheeks, a gray complexion, sensitive, thin skin. The look is mirrored. Introverts do not offer themselves to the whole world. Very gentle, neat, neat. Asthenics. The hair is smooth, but not loose, but arranged in the same hairstyle. Makeup, jewelry - everything in moderation. Classic style prevails in clothing. Heels are medium height, wide, stable. Conservative in clothing. Old clothes are loved more than new ones. They are “show-offs” on the inside, they like to show off (for example, an 18th century hairpin) - they like clothes that stand out, but bright colors are not for them. They take great care of their appearance - their dresses and suits are very neat. Very proud.
Refined facial features, fragility of appearance, thinness.
High metabolic rate, no tendency to obesity.
Elongated parts of the body, emphasis on elongated limbs.
Flat, weak muscles, flat chest.
Relatively wide pelvis and shoulders with a narrow waist.
High square forehead, the upper part of the head is larger than the lower, pointed parietal region.
The chin is pointed and protrudes forward.
Cheekbones are moderately or strongly pronounced and protruding.
The nose is pointed, protruding, pronounced.
The neck is long, of medium thickness or thin, often curved, appears to be separated from the head and body, and the Adam's apple is prominent.
The legs and arms are long and thin, the joints are sharp and angular, the feet and hands are narrow and elongated.

Representatives: Anna Akhmatova, Ekaterina Guseva, Kristina Orbakaite, Juliette Binoche, Jessica Bill, Keira Knightley, Victoria Beckham, Nicole Kidman.

Phlegmatic temperament
(sensory-logical subtype) - weak stable type of nervous system. He is usually even-tempered, calm, has weak emotions and a stable mood. He seems confident, but somewhat lazy and indifferent. Despite all the external slowness, the phlegmatic achieves the best results in terms of volume and quality of work.
Personal characteristics: restrained, moderate, demanding of themselves and others. Pedantic, conservative. Prone to manual activities. Productive and neat.

Balanced, patient, hardy, purposeful, productive, with a sense of responsibility, persistent and persistent workers - capable of long-term hard work, they are difficult to offend or enrage, they are slow. Difficulty in adapting to an unexplored environment and a new circle of rotation. A calm, even, usually constant mood prevails. Speech is calm, with expressionless facial expressions. They speak mostly to the point and do not talk idle talk. Enterprising, but after careful consideration. They often hesitate for a long time when making a decision.

Among the disadvantages: under unfavorable conditions, a passive lifestyle, lethargy, and indifference may develop. Aggression and vanity. Depending on their environment, they turn out to be both special lazy people and purposeful fighters.

Appearance has its own readable signs: 6–8% of the entire human population. They stand out from the general crowd as “black sheep”, because they act according to all the rules.

Women- people are often secretive - loneliness is comfortable for them. They have no energy, they are all within themselves. Picnic or athletic build, skin white and without blush. Hairstyles are simple and have not changed for centuries. They practically don’t wear jewelry. However, a wedding ring, like a totem, is a permanent attachment. They dress as they please, regardless of fashion and the opinions of others - moderately and casually, but adhere to the classic style. They always do as they want. Conservatives in everything.
Slow movements, calm, floating gait.
Square-rectangular body. Dense figure, angular shape.
Equal development of the body and limbs: the emphasis of the figure is in the center of the body, on the chest and rounded abdomen.
The muscles are massive, strong, strong. Short to medium round legs and arms.
Moderate or low metabolic rate. Tendency to obesity.
Wide chest.
Elongated head, slightly tapering forehead.
Cheekbones are weakly or moderately expressed.
The nose is straight, protruding, the tip is downward.
Relatively short, straight neck.

Representatives: Marina Tsvetaeva, Irina Muravyova, Tamara Gvertsiteli; Catherine Deneuve, Renata Litvinova, Renee Zellweger, Kate Winslet, Drew Barrymore, Sigourney Weaver.


Taking into account the influence of society and education, which largely shapes the worldview, women are not free from the formation of manifested temperament also according to their blood type.
- At first, or zero blood type: she is at the same time a very passionate and strong-willed lady. She can and knows how to make shy men blush; with her it is impossible to get fed up with intimate joys. ...on the other hand: she has a restrained character and a strong will - even experiencing passion, a scoundrel is unlikely to be able to seduce her. All the ardor and sensuality of this woman goes to her regular partner.
- With the second group Blood lady is most often busy with her own affairs and career. Intimacy worries her little; she more often gives in (you have to live like that!) to the requests and caresses of her partner. Reason and calculation more often allow her to achieve success in business than in experiments in bed. This is a more practical lady for family life - “storms on the side” are unlikely to be of interest to her.
- Third group intimate blood, in principle loves, but does not attach much importance. Such a woman often compares bed to a theater, playing the role of either a sexy lioness or untouched naivety... And she easily succeeds in any role. Treating everything lightly and free from any complexes, this woman goes through life “playing.” You shouldn’t make a lifelong road with her. Frequent changes of partners occur more and more out of curiosity.
- Fourth group representatives of the fair sex are able to “cure” any man of sexual complexes. This woman is sensual, achieves orgasm easily and loves sex. She can adapt to almost any desire of a man, and she herself is not at all opposed to experiments in intimate life. She takes love very seriously and rarely changes partners, but the man who managed to win her heart can not only allow everything, but she herself will stimulate a wide variety of sexual contacts, enjoying what her partner likes.

To sum it up...

Women most often experience two types of fantasies - sexual and romantic. But readers of romantic stories will be more inclined to experiment than girls who prefer more serious literature.

It is probably difficult for a wise soul to languish in the body of a choleric person, ... in everyday life to be sanguine, in important events - melancholic, regarding impressions and deep interests - choleric, and, finally, in the execution of decisions made - phlegmatic.

Such small tricks will allow you to maintain harmony - to find that very “opposite” XY chromosome (?), without which it is impossible to create a single whole.

Where does such confidence come from?.. You are not the first, and not the last!.. I wish you good luck... and I’m resting..., otherwise “... the dawn has already broken somewhere, although it’s early, but it’s summer...”.

Presenter of the "BEAUTY TEST" column
Based on materials from websites

The “hot temperament” of some peoples is not the fantasy of travelers, but a very specific national trait that should not be forgotten. We will talk about which peoples do not hide their emotions, and how you should behave around them.


Italians are born actors, and their whole life is a continuous game. As Martin Solli, author of the book “These Strange Italians” writes, they are always in public, only the scenery and spectators change: family, colleagues, friends, tourists... Charming and passionate, people who are lucky enough to live in “la bella Italia” - this is exactly what they consider Italians are themselves and this is how they want to appear in the eyes of foreigners.

They are also very emotional and, from the point of view of northern people, completely unrestrained. Personal space in Italy is a very relative and fluid concept. An Italian who is well disposed towards you will not be ashamed of his feelings. After five minutes of acquaintance, he can already pat you on the shoulder, hug and kiss you in a friendly way. Or, on the contrary, exchange critical remarks with you using the most obscene curses with which the Italian language is rich. Restraint and conventions among the Italians are thrown back, replaced by a special Italian “property of nature”: liveliness and emotionality.


As one Russian ethnologist D.E. writes. Eremeev: “Turks are southerners and their temperament is southern.” True, much calmer than the Italians. They are not fussy, not talkative and prefer to avoid excessive gesticulation, which the inhabitants of the Apennine Peninsula invariably resort to. But a sleeping volcano is easy to awaken, especially when it comes to wounded pride. For example, when there is a debate on pressing issues in the Turkish parliament, deputies can jump out of their seats and attack their opponents with their fists just because of one careless word. As Eremeev writes, the fight engulfs the entire hall in an instant. Books, briefcases, benches are flying. And after a minute or two everything calms down and work continues.

“The Turk is a fabric of contradictions,” says analyst David Hotman.

In his soul, pride and an inferiority complex coexist, indifference to the opinions of others about him and absolute intolerance of criticism addressed to him, apparent calm and incredible temper. Outwardly, they may be serene and unhurried, but if there are reasons for anger, they cannot be restrained. The hot temper inherent in all Turkic peoples often becomes the cause of quarrels, fights and stabbings.


Speaking about temperamental peoples, one cannot fail to mention the Georgians, among whom the Gurians, who today inhabit the historical region of Guria in Western Georgia, stand out. Even at the beginning of the 20th century, Russian ethnographers noted their temper, which often led to bloody reprisals. As Doctor of Medicine E.V. wrote in 1906. Erickson: “The Gurians are much more hot-tempered and irritable than the Georgians and even the Imeretians, their pride is more pronounced, and at the same time they are bold, courageous and cunning.”

He calls them poets at heart, who live by emotions and passions rather than by cold prudence.

Today, the Gurians are a small people living in the Lanchkhuti, Ozurgeti and Chokhataur regions of Georgia. Despite the low social conditions, they are true patriots of their region, confident in their own national exclusivity, which definitely should not be questioned.


In character traits, including temperament, Mexicans are very similar to the Spaniards, who during colonization mixed with the local population of Central America. They are a proud people whose representatives can flare up without any reason. Mexicans are also characterized by an almost complete lack of personal space - immediately after meeting you, they will try to reduce the distance separating you to arm's length or want to put their hand on your shoulder. At the same time, you should not shy away from their touches; for Mexicans this will mean hostility, and they will never forgive this addressed to them. Otherwise, Mexicans are very friendly people, whose hospitality is as famous as their ardor.
