Thin with big hips. Wide hips in women are a sign of health, scientists say

In many African tribes, large hips are considered the key to a happy family life; in ancient China, when choosing a bride, they always took into account the size of the hips and pelvis... Modern Western fashion dictates different standards - thin models with a boyish figure are revered, and those with an hourglass figure have complexes because of their parameters. However, this does not apply to 39-year-old Los Angeles resident Mikel Ruffinelli.

Mikel is simply delighted with her hips, which, moreover, are recognized as the largest in the world - their volume is 2 m 54 cm. The American has a loving husband who idolizes her, and four glorious children. Of course, her life is not without difficulties: for example, narrow doorways, a small selection of clothes or the high cost of traveling by plane (you have to buy tickets for two seats, which is quite expensive). Wherever Mikel appears, those around her do not leave the woman unattended - be it criticism, jokes or admiration. When asked if she would like to lose weight and get rid of her “flaws,” Mikel states: “I feel great in my body and don’t even think about dieting.”

(Total 9 photos)

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1. Mikel Rufinelli poses for a photo while sitting on a chair, Los Angeles, California, USA. (Laurentiu Garofeanu/Barcroft Media)

2. 40-year-old Reggie Brooks measures the width of his girlfriend's hips. (Laurentiu Garofeanu/Barcroft Media)

3. Mikel plays with his children. (Laurentiu Garofeanu/Barcroft Media)

4. An American woman demonstrates how she has to negotiate doorways. (Laurentiu Garofeanu/Barcroft Media)

5. Mikel driving a truck. There is not enough space for it in public transport and cars. (Laurentiu Garofeanu/Barcroft Media)

6. Believe it or not, Mikel Rufinelli is a model. It can be seen in specialized magazines and websites about plus-size people. (Laurentiu Garofeanu/Barcroft Media)

7. Family dinner. On average, Mikel eats 3,000 calories a day. (Laurentiu Garofeanu/Barcroft Media)

8. Mikel doesn't wear a bikini, but that doesn't bother her. She already has a very flirty bra. (Laurentiu Garofeanu/Barcroft Media)

9. The couple pose for a photo while walking along the Pacific embankment. (Laurentiu Garofeanu/Barcroft Media)

Women's complexes

Many teenagers have complexes about their own appearance. They are dissatisfied with one thing or another. Especially girls, having seen enough of fashionable images, look for flaws in themselves. What most often causes you to feel dissatisfied with your appearance? This may include the following:

Very small or very large breasts;

Uneven legs;

Very wide hips;

Short or very tall.

The solution is competent masking of shortcomings

Nowadays, hiding such shortcomings is not difficult. For example, to give small breasts an expressive look, you need to choose a padded bra that will make your petite breasts look appetizing. For large breasts, you need a bra that will support them well and give them a beautiful shape. In the end, some people perform operations, but these are already extreme and expensive measures, and we will not dwell on them. Curvature of the legs is usually a defect that is inherited, nothing can be done about it. Therefore, you will have to choose clothes that hide the shape of your legs. Wide hips in women are also a very common phenomenon that begins to bother girls as they approach their twenties. But who said that this is a disadvantage? On the contrary, it is quite normal. But most girls and women want to get rid of this, as it seems to them, shortcoming. Physical exercise, diet, and the right clothes will help here. And growth is not a problem at all and not a reason for frustration. If you are not tall enough, heels, platforms, wedges will help, and if you are tall, shoes with flat soles will help.

How to hide wide hips

Wide hips in women mean beauty, femininity and sexuality. Especially if the lady has a thin waist. However, everything is good in moderation. If they are very wide, you will have to adjust them using suitable clothing. It is very important to understand which styles should be worn and which ones should not be worn. This process needs to be taken seriously, approached creatively, thinking through everything down to the smallest detail.

Adjustment techniques

There is always a way out. You can make your shoulders appear wider. Or try using clothing to expand the areas of the body adjacent to the hips so that they appear narrower. Wide hips in women should not be emphasized even more: you need to choose the right style of clothing so that it does not narrow the shoulders or widen the hips.

Physical exercise

Sports will always come to the rescue! To make wide hips look beautiful and neat in women, you need to work on them. There are various exercises that can help your thighs become slimmer and firmer. Here are some of them:

A well-known exercise, popularly called “bicycle”: you need to lie on your back, raise your legs and imitate pedaling;

Exercises with swings and rotational movements of the legs, lunges;


Various exercise machines.

It really works

Physical exercises for the thighs and buttocks are very effective if done regularly. But you don’t need to ignore cosmetic body care. The conclusion is that only comprehensive care, including proper nutrition, exercise, cosmetic care and the ability to dress correctly, will make wide hips look beautiful!

The content of the article

Not every girl is happy. Often nature rewards girls with wide hips. And this is normal, because they help women cope with their main task - bearing and giving birth to a child without any risk to health: both their own and the future baby. However, girls with such a figure often experience discomfort and consider their wide hips to be a disadvantage. However, if you choose the right clothes, you can turn this disadvantage into an advantage.

The main problems of girls with wide hips

It is difficult to find the right trousers so that they fit perfectly on the hips, but are not wide at the waist.

It can also be difficult to choose shorts. They should be chosen so that they do not cut into the body.

Not suitable for this figure.

Some women experience irritation or chafing on their inner thighs.

Often such women compare themselves with others and suffer from an inferiority complex.

It is difficult for such girls to run, because the contact of the thighs causes rubbing, which causes severe pain.

The figure seems disproportionate, and problems arise with choosing clothes.

Unfortunately, the problem of wide hips is difficult to correct through exercise. Of course, if fullness in the hips is the result of obesity, then you can cope with it with the help of exercise. However, if a woman has a wide bone, then neither exercise nor diet will help. To balance the proportions of your body, you just need to learn how to dress correctly so that your clothes mask your figure flaws.

Of course, just because your hips are wider than your shoulders doesn't mean you should give up your favorite clothes. You can safely wear skirts, skirts and even shorts. The main thing is to choose the right style.

How to choose the right clothes?

When choosing a jacket, you should consider its length. You should choose elongated models or at least those that go below the waist.
Do not use models that have decor along the hip line: all kinds of pockets, ruffles, flounces, etc. They can only make your hips even wider.

When choosing for yourself, opt for models that have a dark bottom and a light top. This way you focus attention on the upper part of your body.

Pants should be straight and loose at the hips. The trouser fabric should not wrinkle, so that folds do not appear on the hips, adding volume.

As for blouses, it is best to choose them with a vertical pattern to visually make your hips slimmer.

Wide hips with a narrow waist can hardly be called a disadvantage. Visually, this only confirms your femininity and beauty. And with your clothes you need to emphasize this even more. Therefore, you should opt for dark trousers, which will visually narrow your hips and make you look slimmer. You should choose a blouse with a V-neck in any light color. In your case, the bottom should always be darker than the top. You can use voluminous style decorations, for example, voluminous ruffles or flounces.

Wide hips can also be hidden by a dress that has a smooth transition between the waist and hips or a high-waisted dress model. You can also use a large brooch. As for sleeves, it is best to choose dress models with three-quarter sleeves. And shoes should be chosen with high and stable heels.

Skirts suitable for you are the godet type, with wedges, as well as flared ones. For example, leather skirts are especially fashionable this season. You can also afford straight jeans. And you can balance the upper and lower parts of your body with a chunky knit sweater made in light colors. You can complement your look with large beads or a necklace.

With a height of 166 centimeters, American Mikel Ruffin, who has a degree in psychology, at 39 years old has the widest hips in the world. According to the latest measurements, their circumference reaches 2.4 meters and continues to increase. The record holder's weight is 190 kilograms, but this fact does not bother her at all; moreover, according to Mikel, every man is ready to take any steps in order to achieve her favor.

A resident of Los Angeles does not consider it necessary to fight excess weight, she simply does not consider it unnecessary: ​​“ I love my figure, I have no health problems, so I don’t see a single reason to go on a diet. Men don't like skinny girls; their hearts gravitate towards hourglass shapes.

With all this, Mikel’s figure cannot be called disproportionate, since her waist has a diameter of “only” one meter and is located where it should be, slightly above the level of the diaphragm. Overall, the woman's appearance really is something of an hourglass with a feminine upper part and an impressive lower part. This circumstance inspires the current husband of the record holder, Reggie Brooks, who just turned 40 years old. Every day, throughout the 10 years of marriage, the loving husband reminds Mikel of his ardent love and, according to him, the main reason for this love is his wife’s voluminous hips.

It is clear that Ruffin’s appearance was not always like this; in her youth, her weight was 56 kilograms. She was a harmoniously developed girl, but her reeds were still somewhat large, apparently due to heredity. Mikel's first marriage took place when she was 21 years old, and a year later she gave birth to her first child, Andrew, who is already 19. It was then that a steady increase in weight began, which increased from 70 kilograms to 100. After that, she met her current husband and in the next 10 Mikel gave birth to three more children. The youngest of them, Justy, is now 7, Autumn is two years older (9), Destiny turned 13. During this period, her weight increased to its current value, respectively, wider than steel and hips.

The Guinness Book of Records record holder believes that the main reason for the growth of the loin was her pregnancy: “I think it’s because of the pregnancies. I don't know how much more I'll gain because I eat a lot. Yes, there is such a sin" Mikel does not suffer from lack of appetite; her daily minimum intake is 3,000 calories. At first, she tried to fight weight gain and even used a milk diet for this, but soon realized the futility of these attempts. But soon a way out was found: “ As I've gotten older, I've learned to love my body and now I'm not afraid to show it off." And the current 3,000 calories are not a big problem for her: “ 3000 calories sounds like something fatal, like it’s a lot. In fact, everything is individual. I can eat two eggs with sausage and lard and a handful of potatoes for breakfast. I have fried fish and chips for lunch, but dinner is my biggest meal!- says Mikel. – I like chicken with rice or mashed potatoes. I also love peanuts and chips».

The record holder’s impressive hips contributed to an increase not only in her self-esteem, but also in the size of her bank account. After all, reputable magazines and Internet sites, in particular Big Beautiful, they pay her $1000 just for one shoot. By the way, domestic women with curvaceous figures can also get on the covers of fashion magazines; to do this, just buy these plus-size clothes in Moscow and walk down the street.

But every coin has a downside, and Mikel's wide hips also sometimes cause discomfort. This applies to driving in passenger cars, and she has to cross some doorways sideways. The home environment is somewhat simpler, but even here Mikel has her own metal chair, and the bed is reinforced with special brackets. There are also problems with clothes: “ I have two seamstresses who create my clothes. While I can easily find clothes to fit my upper half, below the waist is a challenge. To tell the truth, I don’t want to gain weight anymore, but I don’t want to lose weight either. I look great. I hope to inspire other women with my look, so that they think: “if she is happy with her body, then I can be doubly happy with mine!" Mikel can serve as an example for all women of how a possible physical disability can become a source of positivity.

I propose to take a closer look at the female pelvic area, understand its structure, choose the perfect skirts for it, and discuss a little about the patterns of these skirts for those who sew.

Let me make a reservation right away: I am not a doctor and all observations about body structures interest me solely from a stylistic point of view. Obstetricians, for example, have their own pelvic shapes, and forensic doctors. Experts are interested in how to determine the sex of the pelvis. And here I am writing about the shape of the pelvis, so that this pelvis can be beautifully dressed up with a suitable skirt.

So, if we take only the pelvic region, then its shape depends on the relative position of two bones, the iliac crest and the protruding part of the femur, which is called the greater trochanter. These bones may contain more or less muscle and fat, but the location of all this will be subject to the location of the bones.

The relative position of these two bones form 4 types of pelvis: heart (when the trochanter is located low and far to the side of the most protruding part of the iliac crest), circle (when the trochanter is located high and to the side), square (when the trochanter is located almost under the iliac crest) and triangle ( when the trochanter is located closer to the center relative to the outer edge of the ridge)

And here are photos of real pops from the website of a plastic surgery clinic.

But I tried to find among the models different shapes of the pelvis in a slender form.

(pictures from Asos)

The Heart and Circle pelvis have a low hip (the greater trochanter protrudes strongly to the side, while the Square and Triangle have a high hip (the trochanter is hidden under the pelvic bones and this makes it seem like the leg starts from the ilium). Figures with a high hip have a more similar shape on the male pelvis.

The actual shape of the legs depends on how much the greater trochanter protrudes to the side. No matter how much weight girls with low hips lose, their hips will still taper towards their knees. And girls with high hips can pump up their muscles as much as they want, but they won’t get a smooth lateral line of the pelvis. (But both of them with equal success can pump up the gluteal muscles themselves, which will stick out beautifully back and not affect the perception of the shape of the pelvis from the front side).

According to my subjective observations, the rarest pelvis shape is a triangle (it is found in the Apple and Rectangle body types). It is followed by a circle shape (for Pear and Hourglass). The heart shape is more common (also in Pear and Hourglass), but the square pelvis is the most common and can be found in all 5 body types.

Choosing a skirt

And now we have decided on the shape of our pelvis and now we need to buy or sew the perfect cover for it - a skirt. There are very, very many models of skirts, but here I want to discuss only 1 type - the basic straight pencil skirt. Typically, such skirts are worn so that the top edge is slightly above the iliac bones, and the length is, for example, a palm above the knee.

And so I drew these skirts on all the butts and you can see that on figures with low hips such a skirt looks very massive. The butt looks wide, and the shape of the skirt does not look like a rectangle at all. On figures with high hips, such a skirt looks immediately like home.

If we imagine that this skirt is worn with tight-fitting jersey, then on figures with low hips we will observe an attempt by the T-shirt to slide up to the narrowest part of the waist and expose the stomach. In figures with high hips this will either not be present at all or will be weakly expressed.

In this picture, I redrawn the skirts so that the butts in them look as aesthetically pleasing as possible. For low-hip figures, I lengthen the hemline, raise the waist, and taper at the bottom. It’s already good for high hips, but I do it even better, shorten it and narrow it just a little for a square pelvis.

It even looks better with T-shirts.

On wide butts with a heart and a circle, to be honest, I really want to add some visual illusions to make the butts visually look slimmer. And on the triangular one, add pockets to make it at least a little wider. In fact, only the square pelvis remained with a pencil skirt, while the rest had skirts of other models.

And this is roughly what basic skirt patterns for different types of basins will look like. For those who have been sewing for a long time or know how to cut according to Zlachevskaya, there will be no surprise here. The picture shows the front halves of the skirts. The difference in the length of the skirt in the center and on the side for figures with a low hip is much greater than for skirts for figures with a high hip; the hip cap itself is of a different shape and the depth of the darts will be different.

To buy the right skirt for your butt, you also need to be guided by the pattern. Typically, straight skirts are sold designed for (and look best on) a square pelvis. And here, owners of a square pelvis can only take into account the convexity of their buttocks, which is quite simply solved by measuring the girth. But ladies with low hips need to choose such skirts more carefully and, most likely, will have to “finish them with a file.”

For example, we found a turquoise skirt in an online store. In the photo where the model is standing at full height in a beautiful pose, the skirt looks good and it seems that it is suitable for a completely round butt. But if you look at the photo from the back, you can see these creases, which indicate that the skirt was cut with a squarer pelvis in mind, and since the model’s pelvis tends to be heart-shaped, these parts on top remain empty and will always form folds and such strange ears. It makes sense to take such a skirt with a pronounced square pelvis. It won’t work with a triangular one either, all these ears will dangle freely, not filled with anything.

Or here’s an example: a young lady with rounded hips wants to find herself a simple basic skirt. And it seems like he finds such a good rounded model, the lines are smooth, the length is suitable, the skirt will sit at the narrowest point of the waist, the fabric is with elastane, which means it will tolerate fit errors. We look at the measurements, at size 46 the waist is 70-74, and the hips are 98-102. Size 48 has a waist of 74-78, hips of 102-104.

Let's imagine a really steep-hipped young lady who goes to the gym and has already managed to pump up a beautiful bulging gluteal muscle. And this young lady has a waist of 70, and a hip circumference of 105 cm. That is, if you take a skirt in the size of the hips (and this is the limit of 48, or better yet, size 50), then at the waist it will be 4-8 cm too big at size 48 and 8-12 cm at 50m. Usually ladies in such a situation take the skirt that is pulled tight at the hips and does not bulge more or less at the waist (in our case it would be size 46). And then they wonder why their skirt constantly rises and twists when walking. And this elastic fabric of the skirt contracts, creeps in the direction of least resistance and tends to gather at the waist like an accordion.

In order for such a skirt to fit well and not ride up or twist, it needs to sit a little loose at the hips and tight at the waist. Then, when you step, a small space in the hips + elastic fabric will give comfort to movements, and a tight waistband and a good fit at the top of the thigh will prevent the skirt from moving up and twisting.

In general, our young lady really needs to take a skirt size of 50, go to the tailor and ask her to fit the skirt to her figure at the waist so that when standing, the skirt does not stretch over the hips, but hangs close to the body.

On the other hand, if you buy such a skirt for a square pelvis, then the existing roundness of the skirt will wrinkle with folds on the hip, approximately as I drew.

Let's return to the first skirt and consider another fairly common situation when a girl with a heart-shaped pelvis wants to wear a simple straight skirt and a simple knitted top to look like in the photo. So, if such a skirt is not regularly adjusted on such hips, or even better, held with both hands when walking, then it will end up looking like the picture next to it. The skirt warps, the knitwear wrinkles asymmetrically. What should be done in this case? Either sew this skirt in at the waist (if there is enough width at the hips), or buy a new one.

We have now looked at only one body part and only one skirt model. It is also necessary to take into account the convexity and, in general, the very shape of the buttocks, the presence or absence of excess weight, the density and elasticity of the fabric, decorative or structural seams, thanks to which various visual illusions are created, the depth of darts, etc. Then you need to cross this skirt with the rest of the costume details and see what works together in terms of color, texture and style. And every part of the body and every detail of the costume can be disassembled in such detail.

Write, were you able to determine your pelvis shape, what is it like and what interesting stories do you have with your straight skirts?

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