Icelandic women. Beauty Secrets of Icelandic Girls 

The country of active volcanoes, hot springs and geysers - Iceland will captivate with the unique beauty of nature. This island-state is lost in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean near the Arctic Circle. It attracts tourists from all over the world with its natural attractions that you will not see anywhere else in the world.

(Total 15 photos)

1. In Iceland, there is practically no such thing as a surname; mostly they are citizens of foreign origin (10% of the population). The analogues of the surname are the patronym (a form derived from the name of the father) or matronym (the form derived from the name of the mother) with the prefix son for men and dóttir for women. For example, Björk Gudmundsdottir (daughter of Gudmund) is a famous Icelandic singer and composer. In rare cases, there is a combination of patronymic and matronymic. (Ben Husmann)

2. Crime in Iceland is practically zero. The police here do not bother to carry weapons, and mothers leave strollers with children right on the street. Therefore, do not be surprised if you see babies sleeping in a stroller near cafes or shops. (Sveinn Joelsson)

3. Locals prefer to leave their babies outside so that they can sleep peacefully and breathe fresh air. (Cassiano Rabelo)

4. The Icelandic Parliament is the oldest in Europe. For the first time, the so-called Althing (from Icelandic “general assembly”) took place in 930 on the territory of the modern Thingvellir National Park, which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Meetings here continued until 1798. (Joe Michaels)

5. Now the Althingi Iceland building is located in Reykjavik. It is a unicameral parliament with 63 deputies. (Sergio Morchon)

6. Iceland is a country with a unique landscape. This is a volcanic plateau with peaks up to 2 km, hot springs, active volcanoes, geysers; 11.8 thousand km² out of a total area of ​​103 thousand km² are covered by glaciers. (Vincent Moschetti)

7. Despite the photographs of the mountain peaks of Iceland that you may have seen, there is actually not a single full-fledged mountain in the country. If you look closely at the photographs, you can see that almost all the mountains and hills have a flat top, because they, like their valleys, appeared due to glaciers. Iceland has been literally "carved out" by glaciers that have formed deep valleys and high mountain ranges. The country is also home to a number of volcanoes that the uninformed observer might mistake for mountains. (Trey Ratcliff)

8. Iceland is one of the most environmentally friendly countries in the world. It is full of volcanoes, allowing the locals to use geothermal energy sources. In addition, Icelanders can also use abundant waterways as sources of energy. The country practically does not burn fossil fuels. (frigersson)

9. Iceland is one of two places on the planet where you can observe the divergence of plates (North American and Eurasian) not only under water, but also on the surface. Every year the gap between them increases by about 2 cm. Also, in the region of the northern coast of the country, divers have the opportunity to swim in the place of their fault. (Diueine Monteiro)

10. From 1915 to 1989, dry law was in effect in Iceland; at the same time, for the last 54 years, it has extended only to beer. Therefore, after the lifting of the ban, beer gained unprecedented popularity in the country. Beer Day is celebrated annually on March 1st. As part of the celebration, Icelanders consume a huge amount of this drink. It is also worth noting that beer can only be purchased at state-run liquor stores. Independent sellers are prohibited from selling alcohol in the country. (Didier Baertschiger)

11. In addition to beer, Icelanders are not indifferent to sauces and gravies, which are added to almost all dishes. (Chris Zielecki)

12. No matter what the temperature is outside, Icelanders barbecue. The grill here is not hidden in a closet even in winter, it is used all year round. And of course, grilled foods will be generously drizzled with your favorite sauces or gravies. (Mike)

14. Pause and talk out loud. You spoke on the exhale, right? Another thing that distinguishes the Icelanders is that they pronounce some words and even whole phrases not on the exhale, but on the inhale. This is typical of other Northern European languages ​​as well. (Trey Ratcliff)

We tell you how to “freeze” your youth, how shark fat and volcanic lava are useful, what jokull is and why beauty contests are banned in Iceland.

"No" bikini

Girls in Iceland, like most Scandinavian women, age late - all thanks to the climate. Regular cold really prevents the appearance of deep wrinkles, which are typical for residents of hot countries. Given that in Iceland, even in summer, the temperature rarely rises above ten degrees, the girls do not have to lose much weight: they do not often wear skimpy bikinis. Icelandic women feel quite sexy in woolen sweaters.

Natural cryotherapy

The beautiful skin of the inhabitants of the island is due to natural cryotherapy. True, strong icy winds can harm the skin if not protected. Therefore, fatty creams and textures are here in every girl's cosmetic bag.

In Icelandic stores, light and airy fluids and flowing serums almost do not come - there is no demand. The most popular is the Icelandic national remedy Shark Cream, that is, a cream made from shark oil. It not only protects the skin from frost, but also heals, soothes, tones it.

Blue Lagoon

Iceland is an amazing place with unspoilt nature, incredible cliffs and a huge amount of geothermal healing springs. The most famous is the natural pool called the Blue Lagoon. It is distinguished by a rich azure milky color and thermal water of 36.6 ° C. Naturally, the Icelanders have a cult of water, they are not averse to spending all their free time in hot springs.

Tourists are usually embarrassed that Icelanders drink water straight from the tap. The fact is that it undergoes complete purification, but still it is taken from thermal springs, and therefore has a characteristic smell of hydrogen sulfide. But Icelanders firmly believe in the benefit of their water.

Take care of your nerves!

Icelandic women are perhaps the most calm girls, while one of the happiest. Let the world be obsessed with plastic, beauty injections, weight loss and trips to psychoanalysts.

Icelandic girls believe that these complexes are a manifestation of self-dislike. They accept themselves for who they are. Icelanders are tolerant: in 2011, they refused to host the Miss Iceland national pageant, believing it was discrimination. Perhaps that is why they look better: in their life there are no stresses and complexes based on appearance.

Always in moving

In Iceland live strong tall girls with mostly blond hair and full lips. Interestingly, they cannot imagine life without sports: cycling, climbing, rafting, swimming, horseback riding, handball, golf - all this in the fresh air among the beautiful Icelandic landscapes.

Jokull and volcanic lava

Icelanders are "the richer, the more happy." Women support the domestic manufacturer by choosing cosmetic products made from volcanic lava, shark oil and jokull, as the Icelanders call the water obtained from the iceberg.

Melt water, like lava, becomes a component for scrubs and tonics. By the way, despite the constant cold, creams with SPF are also a must-buy here: snow reflects the sun and enhances its effect on the skin.

Of course, the main heroes of EURO 2016 were the players of the Icelandic team, who managed to snatch the victory from the England team, and, perhaps, this is the only team in the Championship, which is warmly treated by fans from all over the world. Today we publish a selection of 30 interesting facts about what kind of country Iceland is, and what kind of people live there.

1. Iceland is one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world, with a little over 320 thousand people, and before the Second World War the population of the island was only 50 thousand people. About 30,000 fans came to the European Football Championship, that is, about 10 percent of the country's population.

2. If you paid attention, then all the names of the players of the Icelandic national team are similar, they end in "son". The thing here is that in Iceland patronymics are used instead of surnames, in fact, this is an analogue of our patronymic. For boys, the particle "sleep" (son) is added to the name of the father, for girls - "dottir" (daughter). Thus, for example, if there are two children of different sexes in a family, then they will have different “surnames”, for example, the girl Palmarsdottir, that is, the daughter of Palmars and the son of Palmarsson, that is, the son of Palmars. In 1925, Iceland even passed a special law prohibiting citizens of the country from acquiring surnames in the classical sense. By the way, in the event that the father for some reason does not recognize the child, then the son or daughter receives a matronym as a surname, that is, the same patronymic, but by the name of the mother.

3. However, this does not mean that the Icelanders do not at all strive to keep the surname, they just do it in a peculiar way, some give the same names to children through the generation, that is, they call the child by grandfather or grandmother, so that, so to speak, one can trace the line kind.

4. The classic names of the Icelanders are well known to many of us, because we met them in the ancient Scandinavian sagas. Yes, Ragnar, Sigur or Aðalsteinn, which means “main stone”, in Iceland the same normal human names as Ivan, Dmitry or Alexander in Russia. The most popular names in Iceland are: male - Jon and female - Gudrun.

5. In Iceland, in everyday life, especially long and complex names are abbreviated, for example, a young man named Aðalsteinn can simply be called Ali, Guvrun - Gunn, Stefan - Steppi, Jon - Nonni, and so on.

6. Until recently, it was generally accepted that the Icelanders are the descendants of the Vikings from Norway and Sweden, but a recent genetic examination has established that the gene pool of modern Icelanders is dominated by the genes of the Irish, who in Iceland in ancient times existed in the position of slaves. On the other hand, this is in perfect agreement with the local belief that the Icelandic Vikings stole all the beautiful women from England and Ireland for the purpose of love leaks, and, well, for reproduction.

7. The Icelandic language, due to the long isolation of the island from the rest of the world, has evolved very poorly compared to other Scandinavian languages, that is, the percentage of words borrowed from other languages ​​is extremely small in it. Because of this, Icelandic is very close to the very language of the northern peoples, which the Vikings spoke in ancient times, and the ancient sagas of Icelanders can even read, as they say, without straining.

8. Icelandic everyday sagas, unlike other works of folk art, are a dry enumeration of facts, because of this, it is sometimes quite difficult for a modern reader to perceive them. That is, in the sagas there is no description of the feelings of the heroes or experiences, only a meticulous enumeration of events: he went there, conquered that, married such and such, killed such and such, was killed by such and such. At the same time, much attention is paid to where exactly this or that event occurred, and in what period of time it happened. Previously, largely due to the meticulous manner of presentation and the lack of an emotional component in the descriptions, many researchers considered the Icelandic household sagas to be historical documents that did not require careful verification and historical reconstruction, but now the sagas are perceived by scientists, rather, as works of art, and the facts stated in them are subject to verification.

Pictured: Hallgrimskirkja Church in Reykjavik

9. Another reflection of this feature of national thinking is the names of geographical objects. In fact, complex and multi-stage words are simply a definition of the place in question. So, Reykjavik means “smoking bay”, the name of the city of Kopavogur stands for “bay of a young seal”, and the difficult-to-pronounce name of the famous volcano Eyyafyadlayokyudl, as “Island of mountain glaciers”.

10. At the same time, 90 percent of the country's population is fluent in English. No less curious is the following fact - in order to find a job in Iceland, a foreigner does not need knowledge of the Icelandic language - fluent English is more than enough. For this reason, many immigrants who have settled in Iceland do not speak Icelandic even after 10 years in the country; English is more than enough for both life and work. Another interesting thing is that if a citizen of another country has lived in Iceland for 6 years, he can apply for Icelandic citizenship and get it without any problems.

In the photo: the priest of the church Ásatrúarfélagið and his follower

11. Including because very few people live in Iceland, there is practically no crime. As a result, young mothers, for example, easily leave their babies to sleep in strollers on the streets of Reykjavik, while they themselves go with their girlfriends to drink coffee in a cafe, car keys are often left in cars, and the Reykjavik prison is empty, and sometimes tourists even spend the night in it, not managed to find a room in a hotel. In addition, the police in Iceland do not carry weapons, and Iceland does not have armed forces, their functions are to some extent performed by the coast guard.

12. Today, the neo-pagan religion Ásatrúarfélagið, which is a slightly modernized cult of the Scandinavian gods, is very popular in Iceland. Priests of Ásatrúarfélagið are allowed, for example, to perform a wedding ceremony, it is considered an official procedure in the country, while clergymen can also marry homosexual couples.
Today, 2,400 people officially rank themselves as followers of the Ásatrúarfélagið cult, and even now in Iceland a full-fledged temple of the Scandinavian gods is being built, this will be the first such building since the Vikings.

In the photo: stones in which, according to legend, spirits live

13. The traditional date for the adoption of Christianity in Iceland is 1000, which is curious, after that Icelandic Christianity developed without the close supervision of Rome, as a result, the Icelanders retained their ancient beliefs and traditions. For example, here they still believe in trolls (giants) or Hidden inhabitants (elves). Elves are huldufoulks, these are creatures that live in round stones of a certain type, mere mortals cannot see them, except in those cases when the spirits themselves decide to appear to people.
The presence of such a stone, for example, at the construction site of a road or a house can cause problems, because huldufoulks should not be disturbed unless absolutely necessary. Therefore, before moving the stone, it is recommended to perform magical manipulations on it.

14. Christmas in Icelandic will be Yule, that is, it is a direct tracing-paper from the word "Yule" - the ancient holiday of the winter solstice among the Germanic peoples, so it is not surprising that Santa Claus is an unpopular character here. Here, Yule Lad works for him at Christmas, but they do not give gifts to children, on the contrary, the heroes of folklore are the evil spirits of winter. There are fifteen spirits, and they come from the very Hidden inhabitants of the huldufoulks. Spirits come to the cities strictly on schedule, the first to descend from the mountains on December 12 are Gryla and Leppaludi - mom and dad of thirteen Yule Lad. In this case, dad is a lazy and overweight male spirit, and his wife is an evil old woman, an analogue of the Russian Baba Yaga, by the way, she also has a stick. Following their parents, one by one, their children come to the cities - the evil spirits of Yule.
Each of the spirits, according to beliefs, is engaged in sabotage to the best of his ability and ability: one steals dishes, another blows out candles in houses, a third steals sausages, a fourth licks milk supplies, a fifth entangles wool from sheep, in a word, everything is in business. The evil cat Yolokotturin accompanies the spirits, according to legend, she steals small children and eats them. Yule Lad figurines in Reykjavik can be seen on Christmas Eve on every corner, their images are also pasted on Icelandair aircraft, and projections with them are broadcast on shop windows and house facades.

15. It is believed that the national dish of Iceland is haukarl - rotten Greenland shark meat cut into small pieces. The Greenland shark has no urinary tract, its meat contains poisonous ammonia, therefore, in order for the meat to become edible, it is left to rot under the ground or in the basement for three months. The taste (and smell) of haukarl is pure urea, as it usually stinks in some dirty public toilet. So, in fact, modern Icelanders almost never eat haukarl - this is entertainment for tourists, many of the locals have never tried this muck, as they say, one smell was enough to fully understand the scale of the disaster.

16. But the fried breast of a dead end bird, on the contrary, is a popular local dish, a kind of delicacy. Puffins are caught in the summer when they arrive on the island to nest, puffin meat is very tasty, but it’s a pity for the bird, look how cute they are, they even know how to kiss! In a word, ate and cried, ate and cried.
It is also shocking to many that in Iceland they eat whales, which, by the way, taste like steak. But, according to Icelandic anglers, if the whale population is not thinned out, they multiply very quickly, and then eat all the commercial fish. Iceland regularly violates whale slaughter quotas, and animal rights activists, and indeed the whole of Europe, are regularly unhappy with this.

In the photo: the national Icelandic dish Plokkfiskur

17. In general, if we talk about Icelandic cuisine, then cod, haddock, smoked salmon, lamb in a variety of forms are popular here, especially lamb fillet, small lobsters (they are slightly larger in size than large shrimp) and, of course, herring . Of vegetables, of course, potatoes are popular, by the way, the delicious local dish Plokkfiskur is prepared from the remains of haddock and potatoes.
In addition, Icelanders are very fond of pouring ketchup and mayonnaise on their food, the most popular local drink is Coca-Cola. Of the sweets here, sweets and licorice candies are held in high esteem, and in the summer, locals lean on berries, which are all good in Iceland. But there are no McDonald's restaurants in the country, the latter closed in 2008 during the crisis.

18. Even in Iceland they eat horse meat, and this is also a little sad, because local horses are a real miracle of nature. They are short, hardy, and in winter they are covered with thick wool. At the same time, Icelandic horses are not scared, there are no predators dangerous for them on the island, so horses are not used to fear for their lives, they easily approach strangers, allow themselves to be petted and fed.

There is still debate about how the horses originally got to the island. In ancient times, the Icelanders assumed that all local horses were descendants of Sleipnir, the eight-legged horse of the god Odin, historians believe that the Vikings brought horses to Iceland in the 9th-10th centuries AD, and geneticists claim that the horses were brought to the island from the coast of Scotland. Even in Iceland, hippotherapy is popular - the treatment of neurological disorders through communication with horses.

19. Iceland stands on thermal springs, so renewable energy sources are mainly used here. As a result, thermal water flows from the tap, which, however, smells very strongly of hydrogen sulfide, but you gradually sniff it, houses are also generously heated, and since pipes with hot thermal water in Reykjavik are laid right under the sidewalk, the streets of the Icelandic capital can never icy, so it makes no sense to sprinkle them with chemistry.

In the photo: Icelandic jeep for winter off-road trips

20. But, do not think that everything is so beautiful. Outside the cities, many roads in Iceland become impassable in winter: there are icing, drifting snow, and snow blockages here. Therefore, the most popular type of car used if you need to travel from Reykjavik to Akureyri in winter is a jeep, and the more the better. On excursions to national parks or to geysers, tourists are taken on such monsters as in the photo below.

21. But what is really beautiful in Iceland is the thermal pools with hot water built in the open air. Of course, everyone has heard about the famous Blue Lagoon, built near the thermal power plant, but this is more entertainment for tourists. The Icelanders themselves most often go to ordinary thermal pools, which are open in an amount of approximately one for every 10 houses. Everything is simple there: you go in, wash yourself, climb into the outdoor thermal pool. When buying a subscription, the cost of visiting is around 2 euros.

Curiously, when visiting the thermal pool, guests must wash their hair, and since most of the pools are located in the open air, the very fact that the locals bathe with a wet head and do not get sick cannot but cause admiration. In general, visiting the thermal baths in Iceland is the same evening leisure option as going to a bar, it is here that young people most often invite girls on a first date. It turns out very convenient, and cheaper than going to a bar, and you can immediately see the person in all the details.

22. In fact, in Iceland in winter it is not as cold as we used to think, the temperature here rarely drops below minus 6 degrees, but the piercing and sometimes knocking down wind fully compensates for this. But in the summer in Iceland it is never hot, the air temperature here rarely rises above 20 degrees, and the wind is still the same, do not forget about the wind.

23. If, until recently, Turkey was the most popular resort for Russians, then the Canary Islands still perform the same function for Icelanders. The reasons for the Icelanders' love for the Canary Islands are prosaic: nature is similar, flying is relatively close, by Icelandic standards it is very budgetary, but, most importantly, it is warm, and the fact that the water in the ocean is cool does not bother them at all.

Pictured: Northern Lights over Reykjavik

24. Winter in Iceland is not just dark, but very dark, on December 21 - the shortest day of the year - dawn comes at 10.30, and the sun sets already at 16.00. But in winter you can regularly observe the Northern Lights here, in Iceland it is usually green, and there is even a website that shows the probability of the appearance of the Northern Lights in a particular area of ​​the country, its address is: .
In the summer, long nights are replaced by long days, compared to which the white nights in St. Petersburg are simply nothing, in June in Iceland the sun sets for only a couple of hours.

In the photo: the building of the Icelandic Parliament

25. The government of Iceland is based on democracy, and these are not empty words. Here it is worth referring to the history of the country: as the island was settled in the regions of Iceland, tings were formed - an analogue of the ancient Russian veche. At the Things, courts were held, disputes were resolved and collective discussions of vital issues relating to the community took place. Once a year, at the beginning of summer, representatives from each community gathered for a general meeting - the Althing, in order to regulate relations between the regions. As a rule, successes during the Althing were achieved by those who had the strong support of wealthy landowners. The first Althing was held in Iceland in 930, and this year is considered to be the beginning of the era of democracy. True, in the thirteenth century Iceland fell under the rule of Norway, until the forties of the twentieth century it was under the rule of Denmark, in 1940 the island was captured by Great Britain, which, in turn, transferred Iceland to the USA. The country gained independence from the United States only on June 17, 1944. So, the victory over the England team for the Icelanders is a kind of revenge for the years of occupation.
However, the Icelandic Althingi was re-assembled in 1845, and today it is considered the oldest parliament in the world. In finalizing the last text of the Constitution of Iceland in 2012, the entire population of the country took part, the proposals of citizens were accepted through social networks and even through youtube. But, the most curious thing, with all this, the country has had one and the same president for the past 16 years - Olavur Ragnar Grimsson. He ruled the country from 1999 to 2016. For the second term, Grimsson remained due to the lack of applicants for the post of head of state, for the third time he won during the voting, for the fourth term he went again due to the lack of candidates for the presidency, and for the fifth time he again won the elections. On June 26, 2016, 48-year-old history teacher Gudni Johannesson became the new president of Iceland.

In the photo: Hafthor Bjodnson as Grigor "Mountain" Kligon

26. In Iceland - socialism, here everyone gets about the same salary and lives in the same houses. At the same time, it is believed here that “all professions are needed, all professions are important”, that is, it doesn’t matter if you work as a waiter or a scientist - you are equally worthy of respect. It is curious that many local celebrities, before fame fell on them, worked in not very honorable positions, for example, Hafthor Bjödnson is the most powerful person on the planet and who plays the role of Grigor "Mountain" Kligon in the Game of Thrones, like many Icelanders , for a long time not only engaged in bodybuilding, but also worked part-time in a restaurant.

In general, almost all Icelanders have not one job, but two, the first - for money, the second - for the soul. That is, almost every waiter or bartender here is also an artist, decorator, photographer, designer or jeweler.

27. And the local population is very fond of reading, today, according to some reports, the Icelanders are the most reading people in the world.

28. In Iceland, absolute tolerance for everything, gay marriage has been allowed here since 2010, the percentage of open bisexuals in the country is also very high, and a gay parade takes place in Reykjavik every summer. At the same time, all couples, regardless of whether they are hetero or homo, try to maintain friendly relations when parting, because the country is small and it will still not work to completely stop communication. Icelanders easily marry and divorce easily, in the event of a divorce, children, as a rule, live 50/50 with each parent. At the same time, almost all Icelandic girls are feminists, they do not allow to pay for themselves in restaurants, they themselves carry bags without any difficulties, make repairs, nail and so on. True, the pluses of tolerance give rise to minuses, in Iceland with personal space - it is extremely difficult, because everyone knows everything about everyone.

29. Iceland exists practically according to the rules of the Austrian economy, which is based on self-reliance and the construction of a system of closed reproduction of the community with minimal dependence on exchange with the external environment. No, of course, you can buy Western food here, but they cost several times more than local ones, and the choice is small. With wine, in general, it’s funny, it’s expensive regardless of the type, that is, a bottle of decent wine and frank chatter will cost about the same. Clothes are also mostly locally produced. And the main national thing that is in the wardrobe of any Icelander is lopapeysa (lopapeysa) - a knitted jacket made of sheep's wool with a recognizable national pattern. By the way, lopapeysa is quite expensive, but the thing is worn for years.

30. Iceland, according to statistics, is one of the most active countries in
in social networks. Almost all of its inhabitants have accounts on facebook, however, in addition to facebook, the country also has a local social network, where all Icelanders, young and old, are registered. When registering on this site, users indicate not only their first and last name, but also their phone number, address and place on the map where their houses are located. So if you want to meet one of the Iceland national football team players and he still lives in the country, look for him on, he will definitely be there.

The first day of the month Harpa (Harpa) according to the ancient Icelandic calendar is the First Day of Summer (First Day of Summer/Sumardagurinn Fyrsti). If the previous two months were devoted to the husband and wife, respectively, then the meeting of the first summer month belongs entirely to unmarried girls.

The origin of the name of the month Harpa was lost in the centuries, but with the light hand of the romantics of the 19th century, Harpa began to be depicted as a young girl, the daughter of Torri and Goa - the last winter months. By the way, according to one version, Harpa is considered the female name of one of the forgotten goddesses.

In some villages in Iceland, there are special traditions associated with unmarried girls. For example, in some localities, every day of the month was dedicated to one of the unmarried girls (according to the established procedure, depending on the place of residence). The weather that day was the reason for the "hairpins" to the girl's temperament. Another fun was that the girls drew out the names of unmarried guys who were supposed to come on the first day of the next month - the Lonely Month.

The people did not forget about the unmarried and, alas, middle-aged: the elder bachelor of the village "received" the first unmarried girl who came to visit. The next day, the same was true for the second in seniority, and so on.

You can probably compare this holiday with Valentine's Day, because he also served as an occasion for acquaintances and the beginning of a romantic relationship. This tradition continues to this day, especially today, when such ways of expressing feelings as flowers, chocolate and champagne are available in Iceland.

As a continuation, I propose to look at the gallery of photos of the daughters of Iceland, and if you believe the ancient legend, the daughters of Siegfried and Brunhilde!

The island nation of Iceland is located in northern Europe. An interesting fact is that Iceland is one of the last inhabited places on the planet, mastered by man. Its settlement took place only in the 9th century AD and it is not as cold here as it is customary to think about this country. For 1000 years, the Icelandic language has not actually changed.

Iceland is a country of geysers, descendants of the Vikings and fabulous elves. Icelandic women are famous for their attractiveness not only in Europe, but also in the world. So, at the Miss Universe contest, the representative of Iceland became vice-Miss, at the Miss World contest, Icelanders won three times, at Miss International once, and at Miss Europe, representatives of Iceland became vice-Miss four times.

Branja Jonbjarnardottir(Brynja Jónbjarnardóttir) (born April 15, 1994 in Kopavogur, Iceland) is an Icelandic model. Appeared on the covers of: Edelweiss Switzerland (2012). Works in Milan.

Berglind Aisi(Berglind Icey) (born June 4, 1977, Hafnarfjordur) is an Icelandic actress and fashion model. She was a professional swimmer. She made her film debut in 2001. In 2004, she was recognized as the Girl of St. Pauli (the model whose image is placed on the label of beer bottles of the same name). Filmed for the magazine "Maxim". In 2013, she starred in the TV series "Siberia". Unmarried. Currently lives in Los Angeles.

Edda Oscars(Edda Oscars) (born 1991) is an Icelandic model.

Halla Viljaulmsdottir(Halla Vilhjálmsdóttir) (born January 30, 1982, Reykjavik, Iceland) is an Icelandic actress and singer. Films with her participation: Bullyers (2001), Astropia (2007), Ghost on the Web (2009).

Anita Briem(Anita Briem) (born May 29, 1982, Reykjavik) is an Icelandic actress. She made her debut in 2004 in the TV series "Doctors". Known for her roles in The Nun, The Tudors, Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D and Dylan Dog: The Vampire Chronicles.

I have never seen so many natural blondes per square meter anywhere. The hair of Icelandic women is luxurious: very thick and usually long. They lie in a natural wave, braided or gathered in a high tail.

What you don’t see in Icelandic women is the styling of Stifler’s mother, whom our women love so much.

In the photo - Miss Iceland 2015.

I would not say that she is much more attractive than most Icelandic women. Every second girl in my gym looks like this.

Icelanders are really pretty in general: 7 out of 10 have good skin, strong hair and a neat upturned nose, like Grace Kelly.

According to my - perhaps not entirely accurate eye - the height of the average Icelandic woman is about 170 cm. I have not yet met very short women here, while tall ones come across more often than in Russia.

In my opinion, Icelanders are plump. Strong, athletic, but a layer of fat on them is decent.

Miss Iceland 2015 refused to continue participating in the international beauty pageant when the founders advised her to lose weight before the final.

Photo: Social networks

The girl said that in her country the body is considered beautiful, not fat, that the average Icelandic woman looks like this.

This is true. Miss didn't lie.

Icelandic women are strong, athletic and well-fed. They have long, strong legs and often broad shoulders. Icelandic women train hard and eat after a workout - also on the conscience.

Miss Iceland - in a rocking chair:

Photo: Social networks

What I really like about Icelandic women is the complete absence of women's competition.

They don't judge each other with their eyes. They do not try to understand who is the most premium female here. They don't clutch their boyfriends frantically when a beautiful woman enters the room.

Icelandic women are relaxed, friendly and pleasant to talk to. They see each other not as rivals, but as friends. And this is precisely what our women, who are proud of the fact that they are, should learn from them.

Although I think it is in this that our women are hopeless. They will always have an unloved, albeit sluggish, but male genital morel, as well as their own golden vagina, on their gods.

What do you think? Do our women have a chance to unhook, finally, from the members and stop competing with each other for the right to suck and attach their pussy warmer?
