How to remember information faster? Memory training. Do you need to quickly remember a large amount of information? Then forward to the main secrets! How to remember information 100%

The ability to quickly remember information is not only the key to successful studies. It will always be useful in life: there is a huge amount of information now, and it is quite difficult to cope with it without a good memory. But we can.

We develop all types of memory

The brain is also an organ and also needs training. How to learn to quickly remember information if you have poorly developed visual or auditory memory. Repeat out loud, divide the information point by point and put it together in memory. You can record it on a voice recorder and listen to it while you sleep. It will help too.

Another good way to remember and learn something is to put it into poetry. Poems can be memorized by setting them to the tune of a song and singing them out loud.

How to quickly remember information using visual memory? Visualize everything you hear. This is the first. Second, sketch out all the information in the form of pictures or diagrams. This will make it much easier to remember. You can also use bright images. For example, when studying laws, you can imagine yourself as a deputy who passes these laws.

You can highlight different topics with different colors. When preparing for a history exam, we highlight in red everything that concerns Peter the Great, in blue - everything that concerns Alexander III, etc. Now look at everything for each color separately and rewrite these points until they remain in your memory.

Connect information to art objects. If possible, associate the date or fact with a movie, book, piece of music, or piece of art. For example, if you know the history of cinema well, you can associate historical dates with the years of release of a particular film, etc. So the subconscious mind itself will open the floodgates for effective memorization.

Repeat the information you need before going to bed. And after that too. Synthesis of information occurs very actively during sleep and this must be taken advantage of. In the morning all you have to do is repeat it. The main thing is to get enough sleep.

We use mnemonics. This includes the search for rhymes to information, and clues, for example, replacing numbers with objects similar to these numbers, and more complex techniques.

Take in everything you read and hear. Try to understand and sort everything out for yourself. You can form your own opinion about the information. Use logic as well as associations. They will definitely remain in your memory.

Getting ready for the exam

Most people once have a question about how to quickly memorize a large amount of information before an exam. Here are some tips of varying degrees of interpretation:

  • Move! While studying tickets, poems or topics in English (history), do not cram them while sitting, but actively move around the rooms and make circles. Movement does activate your brain and increase your ability to remember. Changing the situation will be no less effective. If you are preparing for two exams at once, it is better to study tickets and topics in different rooms. This way they will definitely not get mixed up and will be stored on different “shelves” in memory. And one more important point. Any aerobic exercise will help you remember anything faster, because it improves memory and blood circulation in the brain. So, before you sit down for your tickets, do some fitness or dance.
  • Sleep and get distracted. Even if there is a lot of information, you don’t need to learn everything late at night. In addition, you need to periodically give your brain a break. Take a conscious break, for example, for 30 minutes to call your friends or watch a cartoon. Otherwise, you will be distracted all the time and will not learn anything. By the way, you can also be distracted by writing down all your sad thoughts and all the negativity that has fallen on you lately.

    Not the most joyful way, but it works. The point is that we remember all bad information much better and faster. Therefore, the information that enters our brain after such outpourings of the soul will be automatically perceived by the brain as negative, and accordingly, it will be remembered easily and “with pleasure.”

  • More expression. And artistry too. When learning languages ​​and more, invest emotions in all information. Depict everything you are trying to remember with movements or gestures. Perform mini-plays and skits if you need to learn too much. Besides, it will be much easier to remember everything if you shout. Shout out foreign words, poems you are learning, your report. By the way, there is no need to yell at the whole house. Just say everything clearly and loudly. This will also improve memorability.
  • Exercise in nature. Everything is simple here. Fresh air also drives blood to the brain, which means everything is remembered easier. So, we are preparing for the most extreme exam at the dacha. If you don’t have a summer house, you can simply look at photos of nature for a quarter of an hour before starting to prepare for the exam.
  • Throw words around. More precisely, in letters. Let's do it like this. We rewrite the text that needs to be learned, but only without the first letters at the beginning of each word. We learn while at the same time trying to remember these words. At first, however, you will have to look at the original regularly, but then you will only have to look once at the cut version of the text, and you will remember everything right away.
  • Structure. If you are too lazy to type or write, everything you need to remember can be sketched out as a diagram. The most important thing is to read the information before and thoroughly understand it. When you have some kind of “flags” in front of your eyes, it will be easier to remember everything.
  • To remember an impressive text, you can try dividing it into parts. But not logical, but simply ten stanzas each. There is no need to learn them by heart without comprehension. Take a deep dive and then make a plan for this text. Then you can read the text again in two hours.
There are many ways to remember any information, but the main thing is to believe in the capabilities of your memory. If you underestimate this thinking tool, it will not work to its full potential. And one more thing: instead of stupid cramming, it is better to spend time comprehending the entire amount of information that you have to learn. Believe me, it is more productive and more effective. Don't let your intellect dry up.

In this article, you will learn how to better remember information using reliable methods that have already helped many people with their studies, reading and learning in general.

Whether you're reading non-fiction to study a specific topic (say, investing or internet marketing) or to study for exams, there are a few rules that will help you consistently increase your ability to remember and recall the material.

Use these rules every day and increase your learning potential.

How to remember information better:

Rule No. 1: Quick reading first, detailed reading later

People usually try to remember all the details of the material they read in one sitting, but the best way to learn complex information is to divide the reading process into two or three stages.

First, skim over the text you need to read (two or three pages will be just right), reading superficially. Don't force yourself to remember anything the first time you read it.

Now go back to the same material, reading slowly this time. Say difficult words out loud. Underline difficult words or key concepts.

If you still feel puzzled, go through the material a third time. You will be amazed at how much information fits into your head!

Rule no.2: Take notes

When learning new material (in a lecture, webinar, just reading something), take notes.

After some time, copy your notes into a notebook, collecting and summarizing all the information. You will notice that you probably wrote down some information or material that seemed very important to you during the lecture, but is no longer of interest.

Build on concepts you have written down but not clearly explained by writing down your thoughts. Look up keyword definitions and external resources. Write down the information you find in a form that is convenient for you. This will cement the information in your memory.

Rule no.3: Teach others

We remember best when we teach others. This is why study groups can be very effective if used correctly. Instead of using your group only to complete some tasks, ask your partner to “chase” you through the material you have covered, to force you to verbally repeat what you have learned.

Find someone in your class who is struggling academically and become an informal mentor for them.

If you can't find such a “student,” tell your partner or roommate what you learned in class. Don't repeat material you already know well.

Choose information that you have trouble understanding and force yourself to explain it to someone over lunch or while walking the dog. This will allow you to truly understand the essence of the material you have been learning.

Rule #4: Talk to yourself

Believe it or not, listening to your own voice will make it easier for you to remember new facts. Record yourself reading keywords and definitions out loud and listen to them later. This trick will make your self-study more effective. You'll use multiple senses at once—auditory, verbal, and visual—plus you'll be more attentive, since reading aloud requires concentration.

There is another funny trick. It consists of making a “phone handset” out of flexible PVC pipe that you could hold to your mouth and apply to your ear while reading aloud. Believe it or not, the concentrated sound of your own voice passing through this “phone” will be easier to remember than your normal voice while reading material out loud.

Rule #5: Use visual cues

Many of us remember everything through the visual channel. You can actually imprint an image of a formula, definition, or concept in your mind and be able to easily recall the information you need during a test or when needed.

Use this function of your memory by drawing pictures on flash cards or using different colored markers when writing down the information you need to remember.

For example, if you need to remember the Latin or Greek root of a word, you can draw pictures that symbolize the meaning of these words. The Latin word "aqua" means water, so you can write "aqua" with a blue marker and draw a drop next to it. The Latin word "spec" means to look, so you can draw glasses nearby.

Flashcards are also a useful tool for visual memory, especially if you use pictures and colors to make them. You may actually remember a word or formula simply because you remember how you agonized over whether you should write the definition in orange or green. Color can trigger your visual memory, which will help you access information.

Watch an interesting video about visual notes that help you quickly remember information:

Rule #6: Use a shocking stimulus

Have you ever felt while studying that you were simply unable to remember important information?

Believe it or not, using some shocking physical stimulus will help you understand and then remember complex material.

According to a study conducted on the topic: “How to remember better,” putting your hand in a bowl of ice water while studying will help you remember and then recall the information you need. This happens because negative stimuli activate the part of your brain that deals with memory (presumably this is to help us remember negative experiences better so we don't repeat them, but it works just as well for normal memory retention).

You can use ice water, something hot, or mild pain to help you remember difficult information. Try pinching your arm while holding an ice bag, or holding a cup of hot tea while studying to stimulate your memory. The main thing is not to really harm yourself!

Rule #7: Chew gum

Teachers may prohibit gum chewing in their classes because they don't want to have it ripped off from under their desks, but the act of chewing gum can help you study better and do better on tests.

One study looked at the effect of chewing gum during a test in graduate students. A study found that chewing gum helped students finish a test 20 minutes earlier.

Another study was conducted on eighth-graders taking an annual math exam. The results showed that students who chewed gum scored 3 percent higher on the test than their peers who did not chew gum.

How does chewing gum help you remember information better?

Chewing gum stimulates blood flow to the brain and helps you stay alert.

Which chewing gum works best?

It doesn't matter whether you chew gum with or without sugar. It's the taste that matters. Switch to mint-flavored gum, as mint acts as a mental stimulant and will help you feel calm and focused.

Rule #8: Participate in class even when you feel uncomfortable

Having trouble with a certain concept?

Most of us prefer to sit in a corner somewhere and remain unnoticed in the classroom until all the material is sorted out for us. But this habit will always interfere with your learning process. Raise your hand, ask a question, or volunteer to participate in a discussion about a topic you are having difficulty with.

Don't you attend group classes? Find someone who understands the topic you are interested in and ask for advice or help. Let it bother you that you don't understand something.

The discomfort you feel while performing these activities will increase your memory abilities. You will receive answers to your questions and will easily be able to recall the material later, when you need it most.

Rule #9: Highlight and paraphrase what you read

When reading a text that is difficult to understand, it may seem to you that the letters are already floating before your eyes. Underline and highlight key words and concepts as you read.

Say the words or concepts out loud as you highlight them, and then write (and paraphrase) the material in your notebook. This will help you digest all the information rather than just skim through it.

Rule #10: Make up rhymes or songs

You won't need to do this trick with most material, of course, but you may find it useful to come up with poems, rhymes, or catchy songs to help you remember particularly difficult formulas.

You may find it easier to remember the formula if you come up with a musical setting for it.

How do formulas help you remember information better?

Many formulas do not make any sense to us. They look like a list of random numbers and letters, or they seem like a bunch of random instructions that lack a cohesive element.

If you turn a formula into a song or poem, you will become aware of what once seemed irrational, and this comprehension of the material will allow your brain to better perceive the information and store it in a way that it can be easily accessed later.

Rule no.11: Look for associations

Likewise, the association method can help you find connections between dates or individual facts that you need to remember in a certain order.

Find a way to connect the date and name so that it makes some sense, using numbers or words. You've probably done something similar before, when you needed to remember a password or phone number.

Find a way to connect the number to the name in a way that makes sense to you and the question of how best to remember information will not be so pressing for you.

Rule no.12: Take breaks while studying

If you study consistently over a long period of time, you may notice that your productivity drops the longer you study. Research shows that you should take a 10-minute break every hour while studying to maximize productivity.

Why should such a break consist?

Be sure to get up, go to the toilet, drink something or have a snack. It is best to leave the room you are sitting in and move around a bit to improve blood flow. If you have the opportunity, jump or stretch to get an adrenaline rush and perk up. After that, you can get back to work.

Rule no.13: Find a practical application

Having trouble remembering a formula or theory?

The problem is that you probably haven't found a practical application for this concept in life, so your brain still doesn't want to remember it.

Imagine how this formula or concept could be used in practice to solve a real-life problem. If possible, role-play or mentally imagine the impact of the problem in a practical way. This will help you understand the formula or concept and, if necessary, easily recall it.

Rule no.14: Create a Physical Image

Some concepts are difficult to understand until you see a physical image of them or an illustration of the idea.

For example, you can appreciate the importance of microscopic analysis by looking at an image of a DNA strand or the anatomy of a cell. If you can't create a physical image or picture, find an image online. This will help you visualize the problem clearly.

Rule no.15: Read important information before bed

Our brain continues to work even when we sleep. Read your notes again before going to bed so that your brain can better absorb the material while you sleep.

Don't read anything that makes you anxious or upset (you risk disturbing your sleep). Instead, use this trick to reinforce concepts and information you'll need later.

Rule no.16: Practice breathing exercises

Stress suppresses your ability to concentrate and makes it difficult to access information you've already learned.

This is why you can easily understand a concept in class, but then get stumped while writing a test. You know that information is somewhere in the back of your mind, but you just can't access it. This happens because stress shuts down your ability to concentrate on anything, leaving you with only the fight-or-flight response.

To combat stress, do this for three to five minutes.

Find a quiet place, set a timer, close your eyes, and then focus solely on your breathing. Inhale as deeply as possible, hold your breath until you feel slight discomfort, and then exhale slowly until you feel complete relief.

Repeat in this manner, without worrying about anything and focusing all your attention on how good it feels to simply breathe, until the timer rings.

Try the above methods of memorizing information and find the most effective ones for you.

Good luck learning new information!

This might interest you:

Human memory performance depends on many factors. The performance of the brain is based on the individual habits and rhythm of life of a particular person.

There are general rules for brain performance based on time frames. However, the peak of its activity and the rise in memory must be determined more accurately subjectively.

Brain performance also directly depends on the type of biorhythms. Today we are accustomed to dividing people into “night owls” and “larks”. After all, some people really have higher labor productivity during the day, while others only have higher productivity at night.

But most of the “owls” are mistaken about their biorhythm, since an active life simply forces them to join the squad of “night inhabitants”. The same thing happens with larks.

People who like to sleep during the day are simply forced to wake up early in the morning and go to work. Therefore, their real “daytime” biorhythm simply changed into a night one.

In order to really understand at what time your performance is at its peak, you need to conduct an experiment yourself.

To do this, you should write down time periods throughout the day in which you can do one thing with full concentration on work. It is these time frames that will allow you to understand when performance reaches its peak.

After intense work, always give yourself a couple of hours of rest. Otherwise, the next peak of activity may not occur.

American scientists have long figured out how to better remember the necessary information. They came to the conclusion that a book read before bed whose plot is much easier to remember in the morning than if you read it throughout the day.

Psychologists explain this phenomenon by saying that good sleep improves memory quality. This happens thanks to the hormone melatonin.

If it becomes difficult to fall asleep, then you can treat yourself to a light dinner before bed, which will contain foods rich in... It is this amino acid that is responsible for the production of the hormone we are looking for.

Among such products, nutritionists highlight hard cheeses, cottage cheese and milk, and sesame seeds. A sandwich with cheese and sesame bread will fit perfectly into your late dinner and help you fall asleep.

Melatonin itself reaches the brain within an hour, so you need to eat no later than an hour before you go to bed.

The main rule regarding the digitalization of information in sleep is the exclusion of caffeine from the diet taken at night. It negatively affects sleep and impairs memory function. Also, don't overeat or undereat before bed.

Stick to a balanced work and rest schedule. Then there will definitely be no problems with sleep and your memory.

For those who live on a regular schedule, below is information about brain activity will be very useful.

1) From six to eight in the morning he copes well with tasks long term memory. At this time, the information received will be remembered by you easily, quickly and for a long time. There will be something that you certainly won’t be able to get out of your head for a long time.

2) From eight to nine in the morning, various tasks related to analyzing and memorizing information are best solved. At this time it comes into effect logical thinking.

3) From nine to ten in the morning is a good time to work with mental activities. By nine o'clock the body has completely recovered from sleep and is ready to begin serious work. This is the time of the most productive work.

4) From eleven to twelve it is better to give the brain a chance to rest. At this time, there will be no sense in the work done. At best, you'll have to do it all over again.

Do some exercise, snack on a cereal bar, take a walk in the park with friends.

5) From twelve to fourteen it is necessary to give the body food to recharge. This time is exclusively for lunch. There can be no talk of any intellectual load.

Otherwise, you will not only miss an obligatory meal, but also cause enormous stress to your body.

6) From fourteen to eighteen begins the second and final apogee for productive work.

However, it is worth considering the fact that prolonged brain loads during this time frame can lead to exhaustion of the body. Subsequently, severe fatigue and sleep disturbance will appear.

7) From twenty to twenty-two is the best time to relax after a hard day of work. Take an evening walk, read a book or listen to your favorite music. The brain is not ready to solve any serious problems at this time.

8) From twenty-two to four in the morning is the best time for a healthy and sound sleep. During these hours, the body rests much better than if you slept from morning until lunch.

By accurately determining your biorhythm and adhering to the basic rules of the brain’s work schedule, you can easily build the effective functioning of your body and the full functioning of your memory.

A good memory is a source of pride. In the modern age, we perceive tons of information every day. It’s just that you can’t remember everything. Needless to say, lately people have become accustomed to putting everything into telephone memos. But still, the most powerful and reliable hard drive that cannot be hacked is our brain. However, to remember information, you need a good memory and following some tricks. However, first things first.

Memory usage

How to remember information faster? It is impossible to find the answer to this question without understanding your abilities given by nature. The thing is that almost all of us have developed several types of memory. But one of them is the strongest. So, here are all its types:

  • visual (visual);
  • auditory (hearing);
  • tactile (kinesthetic);
  • gustatory and olfactory.

The last type of memory is considered the least practical, because taste and smell are least likely to act as leading analyzers. However, all of these types are combined into one type of memory - figurative. Image, sound, sensation, smell and taste - all this contributes to the creation of a certain picture in our imagination.

There is also verbal-logical memory, motor (motor), emotional, voluntary, involuntary, short-term, long-term and operational. But, naturally, the first one on this list helps memorize.

Figurative method

If we talk about how to memorize information faster, then this method is worth mentioning first. Because it is the most effective.

Memorization is a process of searching for connections. Or their creation in an array of images. If you want to put something in memory, you need to find or create a new visual connection. Information, especially abstract information (ideas, thoughts), cannot be memorized.

Here's a simple example. Word sleeve, which translates from English as “sleeve,” you can try to get into your head for an hour, repeating it ad nauseam. But why, if you can really remember it in 5 seconds? It's simple! It’s enough to imagine the sleeve of a jacket filled to the top with plums. Strange? May be. But now you won’t even have to remember what the word means sleeve. And all thanks to the creation of a connection between him and the image.

This method is even used in teaching. Just remember math lessons at school. Yes, any person who completed it 10, 20 and 30 years ago, when asked what a bisector is, will answer - it is a ray dividing one angle into two. And why? Because a bisector is a rat that runs around the corners and divides the corner in half. All teachers used this simple rhyme to make life easier for students.


This method is similar to the previous one. How to remember information faster? Make up associations! These are groups of images that encode information. They always have a base and superimposed elements.

There is no need to even look for associations, since they surround us. The phone numbers contain birthdays that need to be remembered. In memorable dates - house numbers, addresses of friends. And, of course, words are the main assistant of each of us.

How to quickly remember the spectral types of stars? They are designated by letters, and not in alphabetical order - O, B, A, F, G, K, M. If you think a little, you can come up with a funny association by writing a word for each letter and combining them into a meaningful sentence: “One Blonde American Chewed Dates Like Carrots”. And using this scheme, you can remember almost everything - from dates to formulas.

In the process of learning

Most often, schoolchildren and students are interested in the answer to the question of how to memorize information faster. Those who need to learn something, and preferably quickly. The above methods are worth using, but they will be auxiliary in this case.

The most important thing is to establish a certain mode. The best time to absorb information is from 8:00 to 11:00 and from 20:00 to 23:00. However, it all depends on what time a person goes to bed and gets up. After analyzing your activity, it is not so difficult to find the best time for yourself.

Having chosen the time, you need to turn off the Internet and all electronic gadgets, provide yourself with silence or a non-distracting background music, and then concentrate, removing out of sight everything that may seem more interesting than studying. For many people this is the problem. But you can concentrate if you break the material you are learning into several parts and learn little by little.

For example, a student needs to prepare 40 tickets for an exam that will take place in 5 days. This means he will need to do 10 pieces every day. Five in the morning, the same in the evening, and during the day you can rest. On the fifth day, repeat everything. This will help. The main thing is to set a goal and follow a clear plan.


How to quickly remember “big” information? The question posed in this way worries all students on the eve of an exam or test. The volume of information (and not the most interesting) is large, but there is no time. What to do? The answer is simple. We need to get carried away.

Everyone has noticed how unnoticed time flies during walks, travel, and entertainment! And then we remember everything in amazing detail. All because it was interesting. When preparing for tomorrow's exam, you need to be passionate about the subject. “Why do I need him!”, “I’ll forget everything in a day!”, “There’s nothing more boring in the world!” - all these excuses are familiar to students. But you need to learn, so you have to convince yourself that the subject and information are of unprecedented interest. You need to try to find something catchy or maybe useful in it. Or convince yourself that today nothing other than studying this subject is available. And be sure to find motivation. You can promise yourself to have a celebration after successfully passing the exam. In anticipation, information is actually remembered better.

A thorough approach

There are people who are not interested in how to quickly remember a large amount of information. It is important for them that certain data is stored on their internal “hard drive” for a long time.

To do this, it is necessary to use a combined technique of quick and detailed reading. So, first, a detailed familiarization with the material. Some people read 2-3 pages to understand what they are dealing with. Others grab text from different parts of the book (notes or other source of information). However, this is an individual question. The point of superficial reading is not to memorize the text, but to become familiar with it.

But then comes the time for a detailed method. It involves a slow, thoughtful reading of all available information and its parallel analysis. You can highlight complex words or interesting phrases, re-read what you couldn’t understand the first time.

At the same time, it is advisable to take notes and even sketches. And also talk to yourself. Thinking out loud is very useful because it uses auditory, verbal and visual memory. In addition, attentiveness is more activated, because reading aloud is impossible without concentration.

Useful tricks

How to learn to quickly remember information? You need to learn one simple rule. You need to scream! It has been proven that information fits into the brain faster if a person shouts it out.

Emotions help too. Especially the expression. Gestures, phrases, facial expressions - and everything that can express it. You can even act out a scene in front of a mirror.

And yet, you can’t sit still. If you learn something while making circles around the room, you will be able to activate your brain and, accordingly, your ability to remember information.

By the way, if there is an opportunity to change the situation, you need to take advantage of it. And it is advisable to exchange the room for nature. Fresh air and the absence of four concrete walls will contribute to more active memorization.

Active repetition

This is another good way to quickly remember information and transfer it from temporary memory to long-term memory.

At the very beginning it was about images and connections. With their help you can really remember information faster. But! If a person does not use these connections, they will simply collapse over time. This is the reason why we forget what we previously remembered. And the weaker and more indistinct the connection was, the faster it will collapse.

That's why you need to use this method. Repeat connections, update visual images and make them more vivid. And here is the conclusion: memorization is not constant cramming and viewing external sources, but regular retrieval from memory of images that have ever been created. And it’s better to spend a little time coming up with them, and then remember the information for the rest of your life, than to memorize it for hours and forget it in a day.

Developing a Habit

There are people for whom quickly remembering the necessary information is a piece of cake. And all because they constantly follow the above-mentioned recommendations (and some others that they come up with themselves). These people train their memory and improve the ability given by nature. And for them the question of how to quickly remember information before an exam or what they saw briefly is not relevant. And this is the main secret.

You need to develop the habit of remembering or learning something every day. Moreover, using the above methods. They are effective, tested by many. In addition, they contribute to the development of thinking and verbal-logical memory.

Every person periodically faces the need to learn material of varying content and volume. This comes easily to some, but the vast majority of people face difficulties, not knowing how to quickly memorize a given amount of text.

The functioning of the human brain is still not 100% understood; we only know that we use a small part of the brain’s abilities. Psychological processes occurring in the human mind are amenable to daily training. Memory and other mechanisms of consciousness can be developed to unprecedented heights. A strong memory will allow you to achieve success in any area of ​​human life; it will be needed in everyday life, study, and will easily increase your intellectual abilities.

To learn text, artistic or scientific content, you will need constant memory training with exercises specially designed for this. Human memory is divided into visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory and tactile. It represents the ability to remember and store any amount of information.

Each type of memory develops differently in people. Some people find it easier to remember a text by saying it out loud, while others, on the contrary, learn it better after visualizing what they read. Therefore, it is important to understand which type of memory is better developed in order to use it for memorization in the future.

The same information can be learned well in several ways. There are three ways to remember the necessary material in a short time.

  • Method of rational memorization;

It is based on the use of logical memory. In the process of rational memorization, the semantic and logical connection of the material with life experience is consolidated in the mind. With rational memorization, awareness of the text read occurs and information is more easily perceived. This method helps to remember the material by heart, trains intellectual abilities and increases knowledge.

  • Method of mnemonic memorization;

This is the most interesting method of the three. It helps to remember non-semantic information by processing it into images and associative connections. Mnemonic memorization is based on life experience, translating the text into images familiar to consciousness. This method helps to remember a large amount of material that does not carry a semantic load. These could be dates, phone numbers, names, addresses. It helps combat everyday forgetfulness by increasing the ability to mechanically remember things that happen.

  • Method of rote memorization.

This method involves memorizing the material. It is considered ineffective and difficult to train, since it can fail at any moment, “falling out” of memory. As we age, our rote memorization ability declines.

Memorization techniques

To quickly assimilate text, different memorization techniques are used. One of the most effective methods of thoughtful reading. It is well suited for memorizing large and small volumes. This method is used by actors, for whom it is more important than anyone else to know how to quickly learn a text by heart.

  • First, we slowly and carefully read the text that needs to be remembered. It's better to read it out loud. When reading, you need to understand the main idea of ​​the text, its main plot, so that you can remember it faster.
  • If the volume of material is large, we break it down into meaningful parts. Each part must be learned separately, finding the main words or phrases in them. This will help in the future to restore all the text in order.
  • After this, you need to rewrite all the text manually. This must be done slowly, delving into the essence of what is written.
  • After everything is rewritten, we retell what we remember. You need to remember the smallest details, based on keywords. If you can’t remember a moment, it’s better not to look at the recording, but try to do it yourself. You can peek only as a last resort.
  • Next, we rewrite a second time only what we remembered without prompting.
  • At the last stage, we carefully re-read the text and retell it. It's better to do this before bed.

This memorization method is suitable for learning a text word for word. It will help students, schoolchildren and anyone who needs to know how to learn a large amount of information in a short time. Theater and film actors use this method to remember their roles.

Tricks for fast memorization

There are a few more simple but very effective tricks for memorizing the entire text, based on the nuances of our brain. To do this you need:

  • Highlight the main points in the text with a bright marker;

This will allow you not to be distracted by unnecessary text. Actors thus highlight their lines in the script.

  • Sing words or text;

This is a non-standard method of memorization. Having sung the material, it will be better embedded in your memory and you can recall it faster.

  • You need to read until the meaning becomes completely clear;

It is very important to feel the feelings and emotions that the characters experience if this is fiction.

  • After reading, you need to ask yourself questions about the content;
  • Read out loud with expression;
  • Write the text with the other hand;

If you are left-handed, write with your right hand, if you are right-handed, write with your left. This tricky trick will force your brain to spend more effort analyzing all the written material.

  • Find a training partner;

The actors rehearse in pairs, this helps in their work. You can also ask someone you know to test your knowledge of all the material. Learning by heart is more interesting and much easier in a company.

  • Record the text on a voice recorder;

Record the text on a recording device and listen to it throughout the day while doing your daily routine or while traveling. This will help you remember voluminous text without being distracted from other things and without wasting extra time.

Memory needs to be constantly trained. Memorizing information consists of encoding it and sending it to a special part of the brain for further storage. If the information is needed, it will be easily remembered. When it is not used for a long time, the brain will remove it as unnecessary. Forgetting is inherent in humans; it happens after a certain time. This is a natural mechanism of the brain and it helps not to overload the brain with unnecessary information and if it is not used, it disappears from memory over time.
