How well do you know your mother? The dark side of the wife

If you want to find out what kind of mother you have, answer the questions of this simple test.

1. Does your mother know your friends?
a) she knows all her friends;
b) knows only those closest to him;
c) is sometimes interested in them;
d) she doesn’t care who I’m friends with.

2. Does your mother help you with your homework?
a) can sit next to you;
b) thinks it’s my job;
c) helps and even checks them;
d) sometimes she explains everything, and sometimes she doesn’t have time for it.

3. If you say that you will most likely stay at a party until midnight, your mother:
a) will ask you to call;
b) he will scream and will not let go;
c) will say that she never acted like that;
d) will warn that she is coming to visit.

4. What will mom do if you and your friend swear loudly in her presence?
a) make a remark;
b) will make it clear by all means that this is bad;
c) make a joke somehow;
d) simply won’t notice.

5. If you ask for money, she:
a) will give, but ask why;
b) may or may not give;
c) declare that it’s time for you to work;
d) will say: “When you go to work, you will return it.”

6. You tell your mom that you dream of becoming a fashion model, and she responds:
a) this is not for you;
b) how long will you last?
c) this cannot be the main profession;
d) I also dreamed about this.

7. If you had a fight with one of your relatives, she:
a) will ask you to tell her everything in detail several times;
b) will try to reconcile you with them;
c) will say that adults are always right;
d) will take your side.

8. What reaction will your mother have if she sees an expensive ring on your finger?
a) will definitely find out: who, when, for what;
b) will force you to return it back;
c) will ask if you are getting married;
d) will ask you to wear the ring.

9. You say that you want to go to study in another city, and mom:
a) will let you go, but will lament for a long time;
b) won’t let go;
c) will approve one hundred percent;
d) will ask you to think carefully again.

10. Does your mother often say that she loves you?
a) not very often;
b) spoke when I was little;
c) talks about it often;
d) can speak every day, and then remain silent for a year.

Count which letters there are more in your answers.

A - “MOM-FRIEND”. As a rule, a “mom friend” is interested in everything and everyone. She knows your classmates well and is always aware of your entire school life. If a friend comes to you, your mother takes part in your conversation with great enthusiasm and knows how to make you happy to open up with her. If she has at least some opportunity to accompany you on a walk, then she will certainly take advantage of it. And don’t be surprised if even the guys from your company consider it theirs. Sometimes it seems that there is nothing wrong with this, but there is one “but”: your mother will not change her behavior, and how will your relationship develop when you are twenty? Therefore, tactfully ask her to give you the opportunity to be alone with your friends.

B - “MOM-CONSCIENCE”. This mother always puts pressure on her love for you and on your sense of responsibility to her. If you want to go to a disco, you will probably hear that only hooligans go there and something will certainly happen to you. Then she'll cry and you won't go anywhere. The words “think about dad and me” will be so ingrained in your consciousness that you won’t be able to take a single step without consulting with your mom. Therefore, when you are faced with the task of making any important decision, it may happen that you cannot cope with it. “What if this upsets my mom?” - you will think and... you will not do something very important.
Try to convince her that in the evenings you are in the company of good, loyal friends who will not let you be offended, and the inability to make independent decisions will greatly harm you in the future.

B - “MOM-TEACHER”.“This should be done this way, and this should be done like this, and you did this completely wrong,” the teacher mother constantly repeats. You may get the impression that everything you do is bad. For her, order should be everywhere: at home, at school, in her personal life. Firstly, the list of your chores is growing every day. Secondly, you still won’t have to rest if your mother, say, moves the furniture alone. An exemplary daughter should help! And if you try to tell her that her instructions are interfering with your life, you will certainly hear that you will be grateful to her later.
Of course, you should help your mother, but remind her that in addition to household responsibilities, you also have classes, friends, hobbies, so everything should be within reasonable limits. In addition, life according to a strict schedule is reminiscent of a maximum security colony, and small deviations from it will make your existence much more pleasant.

G - “MOM BY HER OWN.” Such a mother can be identified like this. She asks you: “How are you?” You answer: “Okay,” you take a breath to continue the conversation, but... mom is already gone. She doesn't get involved in anything and isn't interested in anything. She believes that you should decide everything yourself, and for her the main thing is that you are shod, dressed and fed. There seems to be nothing to be offended by. You fill your own bumps, but somewhere deep down you feel sorry for yourself. You would have talked to your mother, but her constant indifference created too much of a barrier between you.
Explain to your mother that the most important thing for you is her participation in your destiny, affection and good advice. Take an interest in her affairs, work, friends, caress her.

There comes a time in every person's life when he realizes that he is ready to become a parent. It’s wonderful when this realization is followed by a desired pregnancy. But often the reality is more insidious, and many couples are faced with the fact of pregnancy before they realize that they want more than anything to have a child. In this case, a period of painful search begins in a woman’s life for an answer to the question: am I ready to become a mother, can I raise a child correctly? We suggest you take tests for mothers, and your husbands can answer the questions " ".

Test No. 1

What kind of mother are you: test with table

We all know from childhood that “all kinds of mothers are needed, all kinds of mothers are important.” But what to do if your style of communication with your baby is criticized by everyone?

First of all, look at yourself from the outside: what if something is really wrong? Our test will help you do this.

  1. Deep down, you are sure that your baby:

A) the only normal child you know;
b) the most intelligent, talented, beautiful;
V) individuality that must be protected;
G) ordinary, like all children;
d) is not developing quite correctly.

  1. What do you like most about buying for your child?

A) everything is expensive;
b) educational toys, gadgets;
V) goodies, clothes;
G) something economical so as not to spend extra money;
d) healthy food and/or medical and cosmetic services.

  1. Today you can buy used children's clothes cheaply. Do you allow yourself to do this?

A) never;
b) only if these are some special things;
V) I buy only those things whose prices in regular stores I consider unreasonably high;
G) yes, often;
d) Yes, it’s just a pity that you rarely come across something decent.

  1. What in your baby's behavior irritates you?

A) never and nothing;
b) refusal to eat;
V) whims;
G) causeless screams;
d) sloppiness.

  1. How much time a day do you spend communicating with your child?

A) if he’s not sleeping, I’m always with him;
b) several hours;
V) less than half an hour;
G) all the time that remains from other matters;
d) less than we would like.

  1. Do you consider the birth of a child to be the main achievement of your life?

A) and the only one;
b) one of the main ones;
V) There are many good things associated with a child, but this is not the main thing;
G) I don’t consider it an achievement, it just brings a lot of joy;
d) I don’t think so, because giving birth is not as difficult as raising and teaching.

  1. Is your child difficult for you?

A) yes, it was terrible;
b) how difficult it must be for everyone;
V) easier than many;
G) I was lucky - there were and are no particular problems with him;
d) the main problems begin after birth.

Calculate your points using the table

A b V G d
1 0 3 10 4 5
2 0 3 7 10 5
3 0 3 10 7 5
4 0 7 10 5 3
5 0 10 5 7 3
6 0 7 5 10 3
7 0 7 10 5 3

From 0 to 20 points - mother hen. Usually sacrifices his personal life, career, hobbies for the sake of his baby. His every whim is fulfilled, but the mother’s expectations are too high: she is subconsciously sure that now the child owes her his whole life.

From 21 to 34 points – mother-producer. Subconsciously strives to squeeze the maximum out of the child’s abilities. She wants to see his superiority in everything over his peers. Most likely, the woman herself in the past had a hard time realizing that she was imperfect.

From 35 to 48 points – mother-actress. She considers the child a pleasant decoration of her life. She caresses him when she likes him, and pushes him away if she is busy. Such mothers have a phone number full of nannies; they always need assistants, grandmothers, and wise advice from friends.

From 49 to 70 points – mother-friend. From the outside it may seem rather indifferent to the child. So he fell and burst into tears, and she said with a smile something like “he’ll heal before the wedding.” She constantly teaches the child something, but as if gradually, unobtrusively. Allows him to make mistakes and take risks within reasonable limits.

Test No. 2

What kind of mother are you: from pregnancy and childbirth...

The birth of a child is one of the most important events in the life of any woman. And everyone wants to be the best mother for their baby, and for him to grow up smart, kind and happy.

Psychologists have been working for many years on the problem of what qualities a woman should have to become a good mother. For example, a good mother is her child’s best friend, she will never betray, she will always understand and the child can always talk to her. A good mother accepts her child for who he is. She is loving, but fair, pitying, but not justifying any action, devoted, but not sacrificing her life for the sake of the child. This is a person who will be a support for the child all his life. We offer you to take an online psychological test for free, without SMS and without registration, and determine how good a mother you are. Experience shows that it is impossible to understand which mother is better and which is worse. The main thing is that she is a mother tuned in to her child. A child is the most precious thing you have. Let the phrase “I love you” from his lips be the best reward for you.

So, the test...

1. When it’s time to go to the maternity hospital:

A. You pack at the last minute.
b. You prepared everything a few weeks ago.
V. You prepared everything months ago.

2. You are breastfeeding:

A. As long as he asks for it.
b. Before going to work.
V. Just a few days: you are worried that your milk supply is low.

3. At 8 months:

A. You give your baby store-bought baby food.
b. You alternate between store-bought and home-cooked meals.
V. Every time you prepare vegetable puree for him yourself.

4. Photo album of your child:

A. Looks like a shoebox with all the photos piled up in it.
b. Reflects only the most important events (birthday, etc.).
V. Filled with photographs, small memories, comments.

5. Your baby is 11 months old. At night his temperature suddenly rises. You:

A. You give him a children's dose of paracetamol and go back to bed.
b. Give him a child's dose of paracetamol and stay close until his fever subsides.
V. Call your pediatrician immediately.

6. At 5 o'clock in the morning your six-month-old baby starts screaming:

A. You will take the baby into your bed for the rest of the night.
b. You wait a few minutes before approaching and then explain to him that he needs to sleep.
V. You will approach him and stay next to him until he falls asleep.

7. What do you do when your baby drops his pacifier on the floor?

A. You wipe it with a paper handkerchief.
b. Rinse with water.
V. Wash it immediately with hot water and then sterilize it.

8. Your nine-month-old baby grabs onto pieces of furniture and tries to touch everything:

A. You allow him to do this, because he discovers the world for himself!
b. You tell him “no” every time he goes near something dangerous.
V. You cleared the entire space beforehand, fearing that he would get hurt.

9. Toys you buy for your child:

A. Creates the least amount of noise.
b. They entertain him the most.
V. Most educational.

10. On your baby's first birthday, you:

A. Place one candle in the cake and take photos.
b. Bake a sweet pie and invite your friends.
V. Prepare for three days of celebration.

Now count which answers you have more - a, b or c.

"Cool" mom

If your answers are predominantly “a”, you are “cool” mother (in other words, a supporter of free education).

Such a mother is a woman who follows her instincts. During pregnancy, she did what she wanted (continued to have fun in the evenings, make love until the last day). Her own mother was a supporter of permissiveness (and to this day also serves as an example for her) or, conversely, too strict, and such behavior is a kind of protest. She dotes on her child. Having read the entire Françoise Dolto from cover to cover, she considers him a little man who knows what he needs. She breastfed him (because it was not difficult for her) for as long as he asked (up to two years and longer). She does not have clearly expressed principles of education. She doesn't strive to be a good housewife: if the baby doesn't want lunch, let him eat chips.

Her strengths: Cheerfulness, energy. The child looks like her and blooms like a sunflower in a field.

Her weaknesses: Some carelessness, particularly in terms of food safety and hygiene.

"Ideal" mother

If your answers are predominantly “b”, you are an “ideal” mother, Madame, “who does everything right.”

Such a mother makes a lot of efforts to succeed in everything. She constantly tries to find a middle ground: she is strict, enthusiastic, but in moderation; prudent, but not alarmist; organized, but without fanaticism. She doesn't worry about trifles. Surely she already has some experience with children: perhaps she took care of her brothers and sisters. She breastfeeds her baby until the end of maternity leave. She has strict principles: you only eat at certain times and with certain foods! At the same time, she knows how to be flexible and buys products that make life easier (for example, ready-made baby food).

Her strengths: Sticks to the golden mean and tries to follow the principles of common sense.

Her weaknesses: The methods are good, but perhaps a little old-fashioned.

Worried mom

If your answers are predominantly “c”, you are a worried mother.

This lady is restless by nature, and when it comes to a precious baby, then her anxiety knows no bounds! Sleepless nights during pregnancy (she often dreams that her little daughter is born with a beard!), anxiety during childbirth (“Tell me, doctor, is it normal that 72 hours have passed?”) and real panic when she holds in the hands of your baby. She wants to do everything right, but she can’t get rid of the anxiety: why didn’t he eat everything from the bottle? Why is he capricious? The poor thing constantly torments herself with questions, and sooner or later the child begins to realize this. She takes too much care of him, literally shaking over him. She poisons her life with questions about whether she is a good mother and whether she correctly follows the recommendations of the pediatrician.

Her strengths: Food hygiene, cleanliness. Child safety is at its best.

Her weaknesses: With a nervous mother, the child also becomes nervous.

Test No. 3

What kind of mother are you in the eyes of a child?

All women with children are interested in the question, what kind of mothers are they? Strict or kind, hard or soft, cheerful or boring? And most importantly, what kind of mothers they are in the eyes of their own children. You can find out about all this by answering the questions specified in the test.

The fact is that some teachers are sure that there are three types of mothers. To find out what “type” of mom you are, you need to answer the test questions. It offers 10 different, fairly typical situations. For each of them, three possible options for the mother’s behavior are given to choose from. Choose one of them as if it were about you and your child. Mark your answers and then look at the results in the Transcript section.

We hope that by answering the questions you will be able to understand your mistakes, strengths and weaknesses.

1. Seven-year-old Mashenka returns from the yard crying and complains that she got into a fight with her peers who were bothering her. You, in turn:

a) you go into the yard with your daughter to judge who is right and shout at the guilty;

b) advise her to return to the yard and try to make peace with the children herself;

c) tell her to stay home and play alone.

2. Three-month-old Dima lies in his crib and cries, despite the fact that he is fed, dry and healthy:

a) calm him down, give him a pacifier;

b) take the child in your arms and talk to him affectionately;

c) wait for him to scream and fall asleep.

3. Six-year-old Anton ruined his younger sister’s doll - crying, screaming, scandal, you, as a mother, must resolve the conflict, how:

a) Anton must apologize to his sister and give her one of his own toys;

b) try to fix the doll together with him;

c) take away his favorite toy as punishment.

4. Eleven-year-old Vitya secretly took 100 rubles from his mother’s wallet and spent it with friends:

a) have a serious conversation with him, while at the same time increasing his pocket expenses;

b) in a serious but calm conversation with Vitya, you decide that he will return the money he took in parts from his pocket expenses - other people’s money must be returned. But no other punishment will follow;

c) Vita gets a decent scolding, and in addition, he will not receive any pocket money in the near future.

5. Fifteen-year-old Vera was at a friend’s birthday party and returned an hour later than she was allowed:

a) you are so nervous that for the next two weeks you do not allow Vera to go anywhere - not to her friends, not for a walk, not to the cinema;

b) discuss what happened about Vera, taking into account her arguments; set a new, later time for her mandatory return home, provided that the delay will not happen again;

c) you think that being an hour late is not a problem: after all, Vera is already a teenager, not a small child.

6. Twelve-year-old Galya has recently received a lot of bad marks and hid them from her mother. This soon became clear. Vera cries and despairs:

a) be angry with your daughter not only because of the bad marks, but also because she hid them. You decide that in the evening she will not leave the house and will sit over her homework;

b) calm her down, decide to talk to the teachers to find out where school difficulties stem from and how to help the child;

c) talk sternly to Galya, threatening that if she continues to study poorly, she will not get into the institute she dreams of.

7. Nine-month-old Anya throws her toys out of the crib with delight and enthusiasm, and when they are all thrown out, she begins to cry:

a) take Anya in your arms and play with her;

b) collect the toys and put them back in the crib;

c) calmly endure her screams, believing that when she gets tired, she will shut up on her own.

8. At 10 pm, seven-year-old Pasha gets out of bed for the third time and enters his parents’ room, complaining that he cannot sleep:

a) send him back, promising ice cream for tomorrow if he falls asleep right away;

b) you decisively send him to bed, promising, however, that on Saturday he will be able to sit longer with adults;

c) send him to bed, warning him that if he does not fall asleep, he will be punished.

9. Seven-year-old Kostya is capricious during lunch - he doesn’t want to eat something he doesn’t like, although he used to love it:

a) prepare something else for him in return;

b) you allow him to leave the table on the condition that he gets the same thing for dinner;

c) you sternly warn that you cannot tolerate whims and that Kostya will not leave the table until the plate is empty.

10. Six-year-old Natasha rides with her mother on the bus, behaves very rudely, and when her mother makes a remark to her, she becomes embittered and shouts at her:

a) do not react to Natasha’s screams: after all, she is a child;

b) restrainedly but decisively reassure her;

c) give her a spanking, warning her that you will punish her again at home.

Decoding answers

Count your “mommy” answers. Which category do you have the most answers?

If more answers are “a”, you belong to the type of mother whose main mistake is a lack of trust in their own child. You often interfere in his affairs. Tossing between being too lenient and being too harsh. You try to remove all obstacles in the child’s path. You constantly decide everything for him, you are always afraid that he might do something bad, bring trouble upon himself. You treat him like a slave, and a privileged one at that - you pamper him, but keep him in a cage. You demand that the child trust you limitlessly, but you yourself don’t really trust him. When loving, you often do not understand the child and his real needs.

If more answers are “b”, you are the type of mother who is reasonable and understands her child. Imagine him having exactly as much freedom as he should at his age. You understand that the child himself must gain life experience, even if this experience is upsetting, that he must, perhaps, learn to take responsibility for himself and his actions earlier. As a mother, you do not tyrannize the child, but surround him, however, with vigilant, albeit restrained guardianship, trying, first of all, to understand him in any situation and at any age.

If there are more answers in category “c”, then you are a “convenient” mother for the child. This means that you are more willing to use those methods of education that do not require special effort from you and an understanding of the interests of children and their psyche. You are inclined to relinquish responsibility for the child, to give him freedom, perhaps even excessive, just so as not to burden yourself with unnecessary worries. You firmly believe that the best way to raise a child is through punishment; Do you think it’s good to scare a child sometimes? You don’t try to understand him, because you don’t think that this is necessary for the upbringing process.

Test #4: Are you raising your child correctly?


  1. My children are the most important thing in life for me.
  2. For the sake of the children, I am ready to give up my personal life.
  3. I always think only about children - their illnesses, affairs, friends.


  1. My children always know how to get what they want from me.
  2. I spend significantly more money on my children than on myself.
  3. I don't understand how anyone can get tired of the company of their children.


  1. My children have more household responsibilities than others.
  2. My older child always looks after the younger one.
  3. I willingly delegate difficult tasks to my oldest child.


  1. The main thing you need to teach children is to obey.
  2. Children should respect their mother more than anyone else in the world.
  3. You can't show your weaknesses in front of children.


  1. It is good for children if they not only love, but also fear their mother.
  2. For the sake of the children themselves, their misdeeds cannot be left unpunished.
  3. It happens that the best punishment is spanking.

Now please mark those statements with which you can agree. If you have checked 2 or 3 points in any section, there is a risk of some “excesses”.

  • A - perhaps you imagine your child to be more helpless than he really is. Try giving him more independence!
  • B – do you spoil your children too much? You are still a young woman yourself!
  • B – perhaps you are a little more demanding than the child can bear. Doesn't this lead to tension in the family?
  • G – the impression is that your children “can’t do everything.” Try to choose the most necessary ones from your requirements!
  • D - do not think that strict punishments are the best method of education. There is a risk that the child will stop responding to requests that are not supported by a threat.

If you find that you have exceeded your authority in your relationship with your child, at least be glad that this happened in a timely manner - an attentive mother is always ready to admit her mistakes.

Test No. 5: Am I ready to become a mother?

There comes a time in every person's life when he realizes that he is ready to become a parent. It’s wonderful when this realization is followed by a desired pregnancy. But often the reality is more insidious, and many couples are faced with the fact of pregnancy before they realize that they want more than anything to have a child. In this case, a period of painful search begins in a woman’s life for an answer to the question: “Am I ready to become a mother?” We propose an algorithm for determining readiness for the birth of a child.

First of all, procreation is a natural process, therefore the first stage - conception - depends on the state of health. If a woman's reproductive health is satisfactory and has reached the stage of maturity, this is the basic basis for her becoming a mother in the future. In a healthy woman with a stable menstrual cycle, in the absence of hormonal disorders or diseases of the reproductive system, an expected pregnancy can occur within the first 3 months of active sexual life without protection.

But the physiological readiness to continue one’s family must be supported by psychological confidence in this. An adequate assessment of what awaits a couple with the birth of a child, what changes will occur in their life, should be formed long before his birth.

People who are ready to become parents do not necessarily have to be like fans who are able to renounce everything for the sake of their idol - a child. On the contrary, they have a good idea and feel the strength to harmoniously develop the baby...

So, questions...

1. Pregnancy is associated with a natural change in a woman’s figure, which of the following statements is similar to your attitude towards this?

A. It’s great that there is such a pleasant opportunity to update your wardrobe.

Q. A child is worth any sacrifice.

S. I will make every effort not to lose shape.

2. What image would you like to appear in front of your child every day?

A. The best mommy (the best daddy).

B. Reliable support, support, friend.

3. What basic principle will you follow in raising a child?

A. The basis of everything is love

B. Education without restrictions,

C. It is necessary to learn from life

4. How much of your life are you willing to devote to raising a child?

A. Until he reaches adulthood.

B. For the rest of your life

C. All time free from work, personal life, work and main hobbies.

5. How are you going to prepare for welcoming a child into your home?

A. No, all the main things will be done after his birth.

Q. My child should be surrounded by all the best, so he will be raised in the most beautiful environment.

S. Simplicity is the key to success! The main thing is not luxury, but purity and simplicity.

6. Do you think the problem of fathers and children will affect you in the future?

A. Undoubtedly, since the denial of everything old is inherent in everything young.

Q. Such a problem simply does not exist, it is a myth.

S. This is a small P problem that is quite easy to deal with.

7. What answer do you have ready for your child’s question about where children come from?

A. Children are brought by a stork in its beak.

Q. You will not answer, citing the fact that the child is still small.

S. You can easily find what to answer

8. What reaction will you receive from your spouse’s decision to put off the idea of ​​adding to the family for a while?

A. We waited a long time and we’ll wait a little longer.

Q. My significant other will not ask for this.

C. The solution will appear in the process of general discussion of the problem.

9. What is your main goal of having a child?

A. Give love to a small creature.

B. Catch up and overtake girlfriends and friends.

C. Create a full-fledged family.

10. What do you personally expect from your child?

A. That he will continue the family line.

B. It will become the reason for the long-awaited wedding.

C. Will be a source of various cash payments.

11. Who do you want your child to be in the future?

A. To those who realize all my unfulfilled hopes.

B. A person who is capable of finding a way out in any situation.

S. It doesn’t matter, as long as the person is good.

12. Which of the following phrases would reflect your thoughts?

A. We are ready to have a child.

Q. It’s time to expand the family

S. We are waiting for an addition.

Calculate your points

1 question - A(3), B(5), C(1)

Question 2 - A(1), B(3), C(5)

Question 3 - A(3), B(1), C(5)

Question 4 - A(5), B(3), C(1)

Question 5 - A(1), B(5), C(3)

Question 6 - A(5), B(1), C(3)

Question 7 - A(1), B(5), C(3)

Question 8 - A(1), B(5), C(3)

Question 9 - A(3), B(1), C(5)

Question 10 - A(3), B(1), C(5)

Question 11 - A(5), B(3), C(1)

Question 12 - A(1), B(5), C(3)

By calculating your points, find out how psychologically prepared you are for the birth of a child. So, if you score from 12 to 24 points, then we can say that you are not yet ready to approach the birth of a child with all the necessary responsibility.

But it cannot be said that this verdict is a contraindication to having a child at this stage of life. On the contrary, your spontaneity and emotionality will allow you to become a true friend for your child, because these are the qualities that will be common to you.

Children's games - this is the element in which you will be indispensable for your child? But, plunging into it, remember that outside the game you will have to constantly sacrifice your spontaneity, an easy attitude to life, since a child, in order to feel confident and calm, must always see in front of him parents who treat themselves seriously and responsibly, and therefore , and to others.

If your score fluctuates from 24 to 48 units, you can be congratulated: internally you are ripe to become a parent. You have a clear idea of ​​what the child needs and what parenting methods are most optimal. Your calmness, optimistic attitude, caring attitude, combined with a reasonable attitude towards life, will certainly make your child happy. You understand that immense love for a child must be combined with the necessary restrictions. You are able to step into the shoes of a child and look at the world through his eyes. The main difficulty that awaits you is to put the theory into practice, or at least to bring the actual as close as possible to the desired. We hope that difficulties will not stop you.

And finally, the sum of points from 48 to 60 says that in your desire to raise your child to be the best of the best, you are ready to sacrifice everything. You belong to that category of people who make their children a means to achieve their unrealized goals.

Stop and try to reconsider your rigid stance on parenting. You have many advantages - you are responsible, practical, and capable of becoming a reliable support for your child. But your willingness to dissolve in it will not lead to anything good.

Only by seeing before his eyes an accomplished personality with his successes and failures will a child successfully form his position in life.

Therefore, before becoming a parent, you still have to work on yourself. It is not too late to do this even if your child has already been born.

American comedian Steve Harvey claims to know the signs by which you can tell "whether the man standing in front of you is really giving his all." And continues to divulge this secret information from the men's camp.

The man provides

As soon as we have claimed our rights to you - and you have responded in kind, we begin to earn our “bread and butter”. Simply put, a man who loves you will bring money into the house to ensure that you and the children have everything you need. This is our goal.

This is the essence of a man's calling - to be a breadwinner and provider.

Society has told us men for thousands of years that our primary purpose is to support our families: no matter what happens, no matter how we feel, the people we love should not want for anything. This is the essence of a man's calling - to be a breadwinner and provider. It all comes down to this. If the ability to provide for loved ones financially or in any other way is in doubt, male pride suffers severely. The more a man is able to provide for his woman and his children, the more significant and fulfilling he feels. It sounds too simple, but that's the truth.

As a breadwinner, a man pays for housing, heating, electricity, a car, food, and school tuition. He takes care of other family expenses as well. He won't waste money on trifles, but on the other hand, he won't skimp on you. A man who truly loves will never force you to ask him for money for the most necessary things. He will make sure that you have everything and that you lack for nothing. Because every pat on the back for bringing more money into the house, every kiss for giving money to buy school uniforms, food and toys, every praise for keeping the house in order increases his importance as a man. . That is why, if he is a real man, his responsibility to provide for his family will mean much more to him than satisfying his own needs.

A man who truly loves will never force you to ask him for money for the most necessary things.

His need for a new set of golf clubs or expensive shoes or a cool car or whatever else men like to spend their money on pales in comparison to his desire to provide for those he loves because golf clubs can't get him to straighten his shoulders like that. How can praise from a woman's lips do this? Consequently, everything he does will boil down to trying to provide his beloved woman with everything she needs.

Now I know that expecting a man to take care of you financially in this day and age where women are taught to be financially independent from us men is confusing. If you've been taught all your life to pay for yourself and constantly told that you can't rely on a man to do anything for you, then it's understandable why you can't comprehend this simple idea. But remember what motivates a man: real men do what they have to do so that their loved ones receive enough attention, are clothed, have a roof over their heads and are more or less satisfied. If they do less than that, they are not men - or let's say they are not your men, because they will end up doing it for some other woman.

Of course, too many men shirk this responsibility, either out of selfishness, stupidity, sheer incompetence, or all three. But some simply lack the education, resources, and means to earn the amount of cash they need.

If a man cannot provide for his loved ones, he does not feel like a man and runs away from a terrible feeling of inferiority.

Even if you and your partner raised three children together (by the way, whose are they?), it’s not a fact that you know each other’s habits well. But without this knowledge, relationships will never be as productive and happy as possible, says Dr. John Gottman, author of Seven Principles That Make Marriages Work. From this book we borrowed a test that we recommend that all couples take. Does your girlfriend think that you are not interested in her life? Thanks to our test* you will have the opportunity to prove that this is really the case!

How the test works

You will need five sheets of paper and two pencils. Okay, from one sheet - it's extra - make a paper boat. And pencils can be replaced with pens or, who knows, with felt-tip pens. You will take the test one by one. One asks a question out loud, both silently write down the answer, without looking at each other’s papers. For example, you ask a girl: “What am I most afraid of?” She writes down her answer: “Giant spiders with tentacles and lights.” Meanwhile, you write down your correct version: “Your mother.” And so you report on all twenty-five questions. Then turn the papers over and set them aside.

Take the next two pieces of paper and carry out the same procedure, but with the girl as the defendant. She asks, “What am I most afraid of?” You silently write down: “Your mother.” The girl silently writes down: “My mother.” And so on for all questions.

Having finished questioning each other, turn over the pieces of paper and compare the results (but first, of course, be horrified by the answers). Count the number of exact matches. Precise in the semantic meaning, and not in the form of the statement. For example, if when asked about your hobby you answered “badminton”, and the girl answered “a ridiculous game with a net, rackets and such funny balls in skirts” - this is still a coincidence. Counts. For each correct answer - 1 point.


1. My favorite dessert

2. What is my shoe size?

3. What am I most afraid of?

4. How old is my mother?

5. What is my blood type?

6. What turns me on sexually?

7. Name two of my closest friends

8. Do I have a hobby? Which?

9. What will be the first thing I take away from a fire, besides you, documents and pets?

10. My favorite movie

11. My most unpleasant childhood memory

12. What time of day do I like to have sex most?

13. How do I prefer to spend my evenings?

14. How do I want to be buried?

15. The dish I can’t live without

16. What gift would I like best?

17. What food do I hate?

18. My favorite music group

19. What kind of coffee do I prefer?

20. What club did I attend as a child?

21. What literary genre do I like?

22. What do I want to do before I die?

23. My favorite weather?

24. Continue the phrase “You hate it when I...”
