How to get rid of oily hair at the roots. Pharmaceutical remedies for oily hair

The saying that the disease is easier to prevent than to cure applies to the problem of oily hair. It is not always possible to get rid of this trouble. But this is subject to the presence of skin diseases such as seborrhea, seborrheic dermatitis, eczema. In other cases, it is possible to correct the work of the sebaceous glands, followed by getting rid of excessive oily hair.

The general condition of the hair depends on many reasons. - from the work of the sebaceous glands, which are located in the scalp. If they perform their function too actively, the appearance of increased oiliness of the hair is inevitable.

To normalize the process of sebum secretion, care products are used based on traditional medicine recipes, cosmetic and perfumery preparations.

In order to prevent oily hair from increasing, you need to follow the recommendations:

  • do not comb your hair too often, as this stimulates the sebaceous glands;
  • give up
  • wash your hair no more than once every 5-7 days;
  • wash your head and hair with warm, not hot water;
  • exclude from the diet products that stimulate the production of sebum: smoked meats, fatty meats, fatty sausages.

After washing, it is advisable to rinse your hair with decoctions that have a drying effect. This is chamomile, nettle, sage. However, this method of preventing overactive sebaceous glands is not suitable for those who have naturally brittle hair. These people should not use herbal decoctions and masks with drying properties.


Treatment of increased sebum secretion requires an integrated approach. It is often impossible to achieve a positive result only by means of external use:,. It is necessary to take vitamin complexes and drugs that normalize the work of the endocrine system.

Medical treatment is prescribed by doctors. For home use, you can use over-the-counter pharmaceutical preparations.

Effective in order to prevent oily hair masks based on cosmetic clay.

A similar effect is recommended by dermatologists "". It is applied to the scalp 1 time per week, the time intervals of exposure are indicated in the instructions. For prevention, it is necessary 1% paste. Preparations with a higher concentration of the active substance are used in the treatment of very oily hair.

Supports the normal functioning of the body intake. One of the best:

  • "Omega-3";
  • "Vitrum Beauty";
  • "Undevit";
  • Jarrow Formulas;
  • B Right.

Traditional medicine recipes

Proven centuries of application, folk methods of getting rid of oily hair, will provide invaluable assistance. Many recipes include not harmless substances and herbs. All of them have a healing effect. Therefore, before use, you must make sure that there are no allergies and contraindications to the components of the cosmetic product.

Effective masks for very oily hair

The yolk and protein of a chicken egg contain substances that depress the sebaceous glands. This is exactly what you need to eliminate excessive oily hair.

Therefore, everything that includes yolk or protein, both in combination and individually, is extremely useful.

One of the best is the following:

  • the yolk is separated from the protein and released into a clean container;
  • in small portions, with constant stirring, add 1 tablespoon of alcohol or vodka;
  • add 1 tablespoon of pure water.

The mass is applied to clean scalp, kept for 15-20 minutes. Then wash off with warm water.

Another useful mask:

  • the protein from 2 chicken eggs is shaken to a state of stable foam (use a blender or whisk);
  • apply to clean scalp and leave to dry completely;
  • wash off with warm water.

Remedies for oily hair based on mustard

It has a cleansing, stimulating blood circulation, warming, exfoliating effects. It is impossible to overestimate the benefits of this powder for oily hair. It is recommended to wash your head and hair at least once a week with the following composition:

  • 3 tablespoons of powder are poured into a container with a volume of more than 1 liter;
  • gradually, trying to avoid the formation of lumps, add 100 g of warm water;
  • add water until 1 liter of mustard liquid is obtained;
  • thoroughly wash the head and hair with this product;
  • rinse with warm clean water;
  • dry the hair with a towel (do not use a hair dryer, this will dry the hair and increase it).

Masks for oily hair based on mustard:

  • 2 tablespoons of powder + 1 egg yolk + 2 tablespoons of burdock oil + 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar + 1 tablespoon of pure water;
  • 1 tablespoon of powder + 2 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon of honey;
  • 2 tbsp cosmetic clay + 1 tsp powder + 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar + 1 tbsp arnica tincture.

All types of hair masks are applied after shampooing and drying the hair. Keep for 20 minutes and wash off with warm water.

Causes of dandruff

Dandruff- a frequent companion of hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands of the scalp. White flakes of dead skin appear due to the accelerated process of its aging, fungal infection, dysfunction of the sebaceous glands.

  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • violations of the digestive tract;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • frequent use of a hair dryer;
  • metabolic disease.

To normalize the diet, it is necessary to include foods containing vitamins A, B6, E, C. These are greens, bananas, carrots, potatoes, nuts.

Doctors focus on proper hair washing. In order for any dandruff remedy to work, you first wash your hair with regular shampoo. And only after that they apply masks, balms, or wash the skin again with shampoo, but this time with a therapeutic one.

Cosmetical tools

Shampoos "" and "Dermazol"

These cosmetics have a healing effect. They contain substances that prevent the development of fungal infections of the scalp. For dandruff, a 4-week course of treatment is recommended. Shampoo is applied to clean hair and scalp 2 times a week. Massage for a few minutes and rinse with water.

Lotion "Bifon"

The composition of this cosmetic product includes many substances that are beneficial for the health of the scalp, but the most important is bifanozol. He actively fights the fungus that causes the formation. To achieve a positive effect, the lotion is used for a month 3-4 times a week. The liquid is poured into the cap of the vial and applied to the scalp. Distribute with fingers along the entire length of the hair. Do not wash off.

Shampoo "Fridem"

This drug actively suppresses pathogenic microflora in the scalp, helps to eliminate the process of dandruff formation. Shake well before use and then apply to damp hair. Rub in until foam is formed. Massage for 1-2 minutes and rinse with warm water. The course of treatment is 1-1.5 months. 3-4 procedures are carried out per week.

Folk remedies for dandruff

Traditional medicine offers many ways to get rid of dandruff. Among them are 3 most popular and effective.

  1. Brew 1 tablespoon of stinging nettle in 1 cup of boiling water. Close the lid, leave to infuse for 24 hours. For 2 months, rub the infusion into the scalp. Do not rinse hair. Among the accompanying effects is an improvement in the appearance of the hair (the appearance of shine and elasticity),
  2. 2-3 times a week they make masks based on fermented milk products: kefir, sour cream, yogurt. Any of these products are applied to the hair, rubbed into the scalp and left for 30 minutes. Then wash off with warm water.
  3. 1-2 times a week make baking soda. Rub it into the scalp for 1-2 minutes, then rinse off.

Is it possible to permanently get rid of oily hair?

You can permanently get rid of oily hair if the disruption of the sebaceous glands is caused by acquired causes. For example, oily hair has increased due to hormonal imbalance caused by nervous strain or prolonged stress. After the cause of the pathology is eliminated, the consequence also passes.

If diseases of the nervous (in this case) system are cured, the hormonal background will normalize and the function of the sebaceous glands will be restored.

If the cause of increased sebum secretion is at the gene level, then the hair is oily by nature. And there's nothing you can do about it. In that case, you need to choose a complex of cosmetics that will help correct the process of sebum secretion and make your hair less greasy.

For the treatment of oily hair, trichologists recommend paying attention to professional cosmetics, among them there are many that have a therapeutic effect. These are shampoos, balms, lotions, masks. To solve the problem, you need to choose drugs that include zinc oxide. Some of the best shampoos

  • FREEDERM ("Friderm");
  • "KetoconazoleZink2";
  • "Zinc and birch tar" from the "Green Pharmacy";
  • DHS Zinc Shampoo.

This hair care regimen will help reduce their oily sheen. during the day.

Make a schedule for washing your hair. Of course, shampoo removes oil from the hair, but it can also wash away the protective layer, without which the hair will become dry and damaged. If you notice that your hair is brittle or constantly split ends, you may be shampooing too much. Make a "schedule" that will indicate when you need to wash your hair. Thus, you can wash off the fat from the hair without damaging the protective layer.

Choose a shampoo. Find a shampoo designed for oily hair. Most shampoos, unfortunately, contain sulfates, which in some cases can damage the skin and hair. Of course, you can try these shampoos too, but it's better to switch to sulfate-free shampoos, especially if you find regular shampoos irritate your scalp and "dry" your hair.

  • If you can't find an effective sulfate-free shampoo, you can replace your shampoo with one of these home remedies:
  • Do not buy shampoos whose manufacturers promise incredible hair shine.
  • Try dry shampoo. Dry shampoo is a fragrant powder that, when applied to the hair, absorbs oil without damaging the protective layer. Hold the spray bottle at a distance of 15 cm from the hair, spray the shampoo on the roots of the hair and other greasy places. Then massage your head with clean hands. Use this shampoo every time you notice that your hair has become greasy.

    • Don't overdo it! If you use dry shampoo too often, a white powder, like dandruff, can appear on your head (usually it appears at the roots of the hair).
    • Dry shampoo is available in powder or spray form. Choose what suits you best.
    • Some home remedies are good at absorbing fat: baking soda, talc.
  • Be careful when using hair conditioner. Conditioner makes hair soft and silky, but does not protect against oil. Use conditioner immediately after shampooing them. Squeeze out some conditioner (about the size of a coin) and apply it to the ends and middle of your hair, because the roots are already quite smooth.

    Discard various additional hair products. It is not surprising that different mousses, balms and gels do not bring any benefit in the fight against fat. If you have a special occasion and need to apply styling mousse or hairspray to your hair, don't forget to wash your hair at the end of the day.

  • If needed, switch to a deep cleansing shampoo. But be careful: these are very powerful tools. They are quite harsh and can damage the hair, so use this shampoo every other time.

    • Never use a deep cleansing shampoo if you have colored hair. Dyed hair is especially vulnerable to damage.
  • Oily hair is perceived by many as a disease, some simply as a cosmetic defect, but no one denies that this problem requires decisive action. The most unpleasant thing is that it is quite difficult to get rid of excessive oily hair, despite the abundance of various cosmetics on store shelves. The fact is that excessive oiliness of the hair is a consequence of the malfunction of the sebaceous glands located on the scalp. In general, these glands should normally produce some amount of fat to prevent overdrying, thinning and brittle strands. But if the sebaceous glands begin to work "in an enhanced mode", then the hair becomes dirty too quickly, acquires an unpleasant shine and hangs in untidy strands, breaking out of any hairstyle.

    If the above condition is ignored, it can lead to mass and appearance in large quantities. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo a course of specific treatment aimed at normalizing the activity of the sebaceous glands. And in order to choose a truly effective treatment regimen, you must first find out the reasons for such a sharp change in the work of the sebaceous glands.

    Causes of excessive oily hair

    In general, there are a lot of reasons that lead to increased oily hair. Some of them can be solved with a simple nutritional correction, some can be solved with the help of special cosmetics, but in most cases, you will need the help of a qualified trichologist.

    Factors that provoke excessively active activity of the sebaceous glands on the scalp are:

    All of the above causes of increased oily hair can be found out on your own - you just need to analyze your lifestyle. If none of the causes is present, then you should seek help from a trichologist. In any case, oily hair requires a more attentive attitude, it is necessary to follow the rules for caring for them.

    Oily hair care tips

    First, you need to purchase special products for washing oily hair, and you need to do this at a pharmacy. Most often, doctors recommend washing oily hair with tar shampoo, but various oils, silicones and proteins with lipids in shampoos are a contraindication for the type of hair in question. Such detergents will make the curls heavier and greasy. And one more little tip - shampoo for oily hair should be transparent, not creamy.

    Secondly, completely forget about conditioners: oily hair does not need them at all. But the head must be washed as often as possible, at the first sign of contamination, because in this way sebum is washed out from the hair roots and the strands themselves. And this hygienic procedure with hair should be carried out in the morning or in the morning - the sebaceous glands are especially active at night.

    Thirdly, it is strictly forbidden to expose the hair with the problem under consideration to too high temperatures. For example, you need to wash your hair only with warm or even cool water (not hot!), You must stop using a hair dryer, tongs and ironing for styling hair. In addition, it will be necessary to exclude the weaving of tight braids and the use of "elastic bands" and tight hairpins.

    Note:The first rule for the care of normal hair is frequent combing and massage of the scalp. But in the case of excessive oily hair, this rule should be abandoned, because such procedures lead to increased sebum production.

    If you constantly follow the above rules / recommendations, then after a short time the hair will no longer be too greasy. But this is not enough! It will also be necessary to use special products that will make the hair roots less greasy, and the “activity” of the sebaceous glands on the scalp will be normalized. Moreover, these products can be prepared at home.

    Home remedies for oily hair

    You can stop too active production of sebum and restore the beauty of your hair with the help of home-made products that will provide additional nutrition to the hair roots.

    Herbal rinses

    Rowan, coltsfoot, plantain, horsetail, oak bark, sage, aloe, chamomile, St. John's wort and rosemary can regulate the production of fat by the sebaceous glands on the scalp. It is necessary to take one of the listed herbs, or prepare a herbal collection from several, mixing them in equal proportions. Then 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials are poured with a glass (250-300 ml) of boiling water and infused for 20 minutes.

    This decoction is used as follows: the finished product is filtered and added to a liter of clean, filtered and warm water, with which the hair is rinsed.

    Cosmetic clay masks

    You will need to purchase green clay (available in pharmacies), then take 2 tablespoons of this remedy and dilute the same amount of pure water or herbal decoction from the recipe above, add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. The resulting mass must be rubbed into the roots with soft massaging movements, then the prepared clay is distributed along the entire length of the hair. Before the procedure, you do not need to wash your hair with shampoos - the hair should be dirty and dry. Be sure, after applying the clay, it is necessary to cover the head with polyethylene and wrap it with a towel. The duration of "wearing" a mask with cosmetic clay is a maximum of 40 minutes.

    All this “splendor” is washed off with a therapeutic shampoo with tar, the hair is thoroughly rinsed (this can be done using herbal decoction). It is recommended to carry out this procedure 2-3 times a week.

    Salt scrub

    Everything is simple here: coarsely ground edible salt should be rubbed into the hair roots in a circular motion for 3 minutes before each shampooing. You can also use sea salt for this, but just keep in mind that if there are any wounds / scratches on the scalp, then it is better to refuse a salt scrub - discomfort in the form of a burning sensation is provided.

    Pasta Sulsena

    Sulsen paste is dispensed in a pharmacy without a prescription and is an excellent tool for normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands on the scalp. Apply Sulsen paste to the hair roots after shampooing and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Then you need to lightly massage the scalp and rinse the paste with plain warm water.

    The effect of using this remedy will be noticeable after several applications, experts recommend doing 2 masks with Sulsen paste per week, and the total number of procedures should not exceed 10. If necessary, after 6 months it will be possible to repeat the procedures with Sulsen paste.

    To eliminate oily hair, you will need to follow the rules for caring for them, use home remedies and adjust your own lifestyle. If no positive changes occur within 3 months of regularly performed procedures, then it is necessary to seek qualified help. In any case, the problem under consideration can and should be solved.

    Tsygankova Yana Alexandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category


    Sebum gradually pollutes the hair - this is a completely natural process. It only causes trouble if there is a minimum period of time between washing your hair and the appearance of oily “icicles”. How to get rid of oily hair? An integrated approach will help you solve the problem.

    Finding the cause of oily hair

    To cope with the problem of oily hair is possible only if the true cause of this condition is identified. Increased oily hair may be the result of internal pathologies. Most often, the problem is provoked by hormonal disorders, as well as diseases of the digestive system. The hormonal background changes both due to natural causes (for example, in adolescence), and due to the use of hormonal drugs or disorders of the thyroid gland. Having passed the examination, you will be able to determine the cause and choose the optimal treatment regimen.

    Also, the cause of increased oily hair may be improper care: the choice of inappropriate cosmetics, the abuse of masks and balms, drying hair with a hot stream of air, frequent shampooing. The next important cause of the problem is the abuse of fatty and sweet foods. Do not lose sight of exposure to stress and genetic predisposition.

    Diet for oily hair

    How can you get rid of oily hair? If the medical examination did not reveal pathologies, it is quite acceptable to start solving the problem on your own. The first item can be a diet - the diet should be based on low-fat foods (lean proteins, vegetables, fruits, dairy products). Bran will help improve bowel function. Sources of fats should be vegetable oils, seeds, nuts (in limited quantities). Sweets, pickles, smoked meats, refractory fats, fatty foods, spicy seasonings, and alcohol are excluded. You need to eat often (up to 6 times a day) - this will normalize metabolic processes. It is mandatory to drink a lot of non-carbonated water (to cleanse the body and improve metabolic processes).

    Oily hair care

    By normalizing your diet, you are already halfway through the problem. Another part of success depends on how well you take care of your hair. Trichologists (doctors who treat the scalp) recommend washing your hair regularly, but not often (1-2 times a week). In this case, you need to use a special line of products (they incorporate plant extracts, vitamins, minerals). Frequent hair washing does not solve the problem, but exacerbates it. The fact is that the shampoo washes away the protective film, the skin dries out, the sebaceous glands begin to work even more actively than before.

    Wash your hair with cool or warm water, but never hot. Before washing, rub aloe or carrot juices, sour milk into the scalp - this will reduce the production of sebum. The duration of exposure to such products is 30-60 minutes (hair should be covered with a plastic cap). When using a concentrated shampoo, dilute it with water and only after that - apply to the hair (first of all, it must be distributed over the skin of the scalp). You can repeat the procedure if necessary. After the shampoo is washed off, rinse your hair with herbal decoction (you can use chamomile, oak bark and other herbs) or an acidic solution (vinegar or lemon juice are used - 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of liquid). Blot wet hair with a terry towel and let it dry without using a hair dryer.

    How to get rid of oily hair? The correct mode of life and optimal care will help to cope with the problem - in the absence of internal pathologies, such measures will significantly reduce the production of sebum.


    Everyone's hair gets oily over time. This is normal because there are sebaceous glands in the scalp. However, for some people, this process happens too quickly. It is not worth putting up with this state of affairs - it is much better to determine the causes of this unpleasant phenomenon.

    Causes of dandruff

    The main factors that provoke increased oily hair include the following:

    • hormonal disorders - usually occur in adolescence, during pregnancy and in people who are overweight;
    • frequent stress;
    • diseases of the digestive system;
    • washing your hair too often
    • illiterate choice of cosmetics;
    • frequent use of a hair dryer;
    • permanent staining with chemicals;
    • excessive use of masks and balms;
    • eating disorders - the use of a large amount of sweets, alcohol, fatty and smoked foods;
    • hereditary predisposition.
    hormonal disorders - usually occur during adolescence

    The nuance of hair care

    Sometimes people themselves provoke problems with appearance, they are an exception. If you drastically change the rules for caring for strands, they may react negatively to this. Some people wash their hair in the winter and spring every few days, and in the summer they switch to everyday procedures. After such changes in the fall, you will have to wash your hair daily.

    The fact is that the skin and hair are accustomed to daily washing, which led to an intensive synthesis of sebum. To cope with such problems, it is worth gradually returning to the usual rhythm.

    To cope with such problems, it is worth gradually returning to the usual rhythm.

    If you have very oily hair, you should use these tips:

    1. Since nutrition affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands, you need to give up pastries, fried foods, and sweets. Do not consume too spicy foods and fatty meats.
    2. Avoid using a hair dryer as the hot air irritates the scalp. This leads to excess sebum production.
    3. Choose a quality shampoo from a professional line.
    4. Buy a quality vitamin complex. First, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
    5. Drink enough water.
    6. Do not apply balm to the hair roots. It is recommended to distribute the product at the tips and a little higher.

    To quickly cope with oiliness, you can buy dry shampoo. This product easily absorbs excess oil and dirt and is easy to use. An alternative to this product can be flour or dry mustard. However, before using them, it is worth doing an allergy test.

    Effective homemade recipes and folk remedies for excess fat

    To get rid of oily hair, you can use useful homemade masks. They will make your curls strong and healthy. In addition, you will be relieved of the need to constantly wash your hair. So, the most effective means include the following:

    1. Rub low-fat kefir into the hair roots. Warm your head with a film and a towel. Wash off after 20 minutes.
    2. Combine a couple of tablespoons of honey with 2 yolks. Leave the resulting mixture on your head overnight, wrapping it in a towel. Wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo in the morning. To get rid of oily hair, you can use useful home masks
    3. Grind the onion and squeeze out the juice with cheesecloth. Add twice as much vodka. Apply the solution on the head, wash off after a quarter of an hour. To get rid of the onion aroma, rinse the curls with lemon water.
    4. Add warm water to 1 tablespoon of yeast. Half an hour later, add beaten egg white to the mixture. Leave the mask on your hair to dry completely. Rinse with water.
    5. Beat the protein and mix it with a small amount of chamomile broth. Rub the product into the roots and wait for it to dry. Rinse your head well with cool water.
    6. Mix egg yolk with water and alcohol - 15 ml each. Mix all the ingredients well and leave the mask on your hair for half an hour. Rinse thoroughly.
    7. Pour boiling water over a slice of black bread and leave for a while. Knead and gently rub into the roots. Wash off after half an hour.

    Features of the choice of cosmetics: if the curls are very oily

    To get rid of oily hair roots, it is recommended to buy cosmetics at a pharmacy. In this case, medical cosmetics are useful, since oily hair needs adequate help. They are highly susceptible to the negative influence of external factors and temperature fluctuations.


    There are many types of shampoos for this type of curls. The main thing is to choose the tool that suits you. In the arsenal of some brands there are special therapeutic shampoos.

    So, the Natural Tech Rebalancing System. This shampoo effectively cleanses the skin, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and helps restore the structure of curls.

    However, this tool belongs to the category of elite cosmetics, and therefore not every person can buy it. Of the more budgetary and affordable options, it is worth choosing Schauma 7 herbs. This shampoo contains special substances that gently cleanse the hair and prevent irritation on the scalp. Thanks to the use of such products, the curls remain shiny much longer.

    Foreign brands offer quite a lot of useful products. So, the Dutch company P13, and the Londa brand advises using a product that contains liquid keratin. Due to this, the strands become soft and voluminous.

    At the same time, it is important to ensure that the chosen shampoo does not lead to weighting of the strands, but gently cleanses the hair of impurities.

    Oily hair is a fairly common disorder that causes people a lot of discomfort. They often force you to resort to water procedures and create many aesthetic problems. To cope with increased fat content, it is important to establish the causes of its occurrence. If you cannot do it yourself, it is better to contact a specialist.
