How the first contractions begin during 6 births. Emotional components of contractions, sensitivity to pain

He who is forewarned is forearmed. That is why we want to answer all the questions that concern pregnant women or women planning pregnancy.

The most common phobia among pregnant women is fear of contractions! Perhaps only a woman who is facing at least her fifth birth can calmly expect contractions. And for pregnant women for the first time, the fear of contractions haunts them until the “X” moment. Sometimes fear is worse than the contractions themselves.

According to statistics, it is precisely those who know nothing about them who are afraid of contractions.

What is this - contractions?

Contractions are rhythmic contractions of the uterus designed to push the baby through (expel the fetus). During pregnancy, the cervix should normally be tightly closed. Before childbirth, with each contraction, the amniotic sac and the baby's head press on the uterus, due to which it opens more and more each time.

Labor contractions may resemble pain during menstruation, but the main difference from the above is that contractions have a beginning and an end, and between them there is a period of complete calm (no pain).

Sometimes lower back pain may occur first, and then contractions appear.

False contractions

Starting from the 20th week, women may experience some tension in the uterus, so-called false contractions.

How to distinguish real contractions from false ones?

False contractions can occur after physical exertion or fast walking. This is a kind of preparation of the body for future childbirth.

The main signs of false contractions:

  • false contractions are usually painless;
  • the intensity of false contractions does not change or fades away;
  • the frequency of false contractions is irregular;
  • the intervals between false contractions range from 10 to 30 minutes;
  • false contractions are not accompanied by the passage of the mucous plug.

How to recognize real contractions?

Labor contractions usually start with a slight pain or tension in the abdomen, intensify, reach a peak, weaken and stop until the next contraction. They appear at certain intervals, and these intervals become increasingly shorter.

Along with contractions, mucous discharge may occur. A little blood in them is perfectly acceptable. There is no need to be afraid of this. This is a mucus plug that blocked the entrance to the uterus. But severe bleeding requires urgent examination.

The amniotic sac ruptures under pressure when the uterus is fully dilated.

It happens that the amniotic sac bursts even before contractions begin. In this case, go to the maternity hospital immediately after amniotic fluid has broken.

First stage of labor (preparatory) takes about 12 hours for first-time mothers. For repeated births, this period may be 2-4 hours shorter.

When contractions last about 2 minutes, and the painless phase lasts about 1 minute, you know that labor is coming soon. Begins the last stage of labor pains. It is considered more painful, and many mothers fear it more than the birth itself. At this stage, pushing is added to the contractions. Pushing is a contraction of the muscles of the abdominal wall and diaphragm.

How to behave during labor pains?

  • Try to relax. Being in a tense state, the muscles compress the uterus and interfere with the natural process of childbirth. Therefore, you should try to get rid of feelings of anxiety, worry and fear, as they cause tension in all muscles. The pain during labor is bearable, especially since nature provides for the body to release its painkillers specifically for this process.
  • Try to sleep if you can. This also helps to relax the body, which means alleviating unpleasant sensations;
  • You can also get rid of pain using special breathing exercises. During contractions, it is very important to breathe properly. The baby really needs oxygen now. Today there are many courses for expectant mothers that help them learn proper breathing during labor and childbirth;
  • Take a comfortable position: lying on your side, on all fours or knees. You can dance, do circles or jump on a ball;
  • Walking is especially helpful at the initial stage. Walking promotes the dilation of the uterus by 30%, and therefore reduces the duration of labor;
  • Regular emptying of the bladder also stimulates labor contractions;
  • Ask your husband to massage your lower back. There are different methods of massage that help relieve painful sensations, which are also taught in courses;
  • You can take a warm bath, it helps to relax and relieve discomfort;
  • Listen carefully to the midwife and follow all her instructions.

What can't you do?

  • During contractions, it is not recommended to lie on your back or sit;
  • Screaming is also undesirable: it does not relax, but on the contrary, it strains the muscles. In addition, it deprives the child of necessary oxygen;
  • It is forbidden to eat;
  • Never take analgesics and antispasmodics (medicines against pain and spasms) without a doctor’s prescription;
  • You should not stay at home if contractions become regular, with an interval of about 5 minutes.

Remember that contractions are an absolutely natural process for the body, the result of which will be your meeting with the baby. Be confident and positive and help your baby be born!

What were your contractions like? How did you understand that these were exactly the same prenatal contractions?

Many pregnant women often wonder about the upcoming date childbirth, and women who are about to give birth for the first time are especially worried. As a rule, they are very afraid of not recognizing the onset of labor in time and confusing it with a temporary illness. In many cases, a woman's careful observation of the changes that occur in her body will help resolve these worries.

Already at 38 weeks, the prenatal period begins, when the first precursors of labor and the first, still irregular (training) contractions occur. Such contractions appear irregularly, and they go away after a change in body position or a short rest. In first-time mothers, such training contractions of the uterus can last five, and in some cases even more, days before giving birth. When they appear, there is no need to worry and urgently go to the maternity hospital, but the expectant mother should inform her doctor, family and friends about such changes in her body.

When the first signs of leakage or rupture of amniotic fluid appear, which may indicate the onset of labor or premature labor, the woman should immediately notify the doctor or independently contact a medical facility to decide on further hospitalization.

If a woman has learned to recognize training contractions, then she will be able to distinguish them from the onset of labor, or true contractions. These sensations are difficult to confuse with any other symptom, since they are characterized by periodicity and rhythm. For example, a contraction lasts 20-30 seconds, and then there is a 20-minute pause - this is repeated many times in a row, and the time intervals hardly change.

At the onset of labor pains, the woman in labor or her relatives must notify the doctor about the onset of labor, call an ambulance, or go to the maternity hospital on their own.

Reasons for the onset of labor

By the beginning of labor, many complex processes occur in the body of a pregnant woman, which, being in close interconnection, ensure the beginning of such a reflex act as labor.

The main reason for the onset of labor is the readiness of the uterus for the birth of the unborn child and the maturity of the fetus.

Uterus ready for childbirth:

  • gains sufficient weight and size;
  • her neuromuscular system is ready for contractile activity;
  • The placenta matures completely.
2 or 3 weeks before the onset of labor, the uterus is freed from an excess of some nerve fibers. This reduces pain during childbirth and increases the contractility of the uterine walls.

The process of onset of labor is influenced by several factors:

  • neuro-reflex – as a result of decreased excitability of the brain, increased excitability of the spinal cord and increased sensitivity of the muscle fibers of the uterus to oxytocin, increased contractile activity of the uterus is produced;
  • hormonal- at the end pregnancy the production of progesterone decreases and the production of the estrogen complex increases, which stimulate the onset of labor;
  • neurohumoral – at the end of pregnancy, the woman’s body increases the synthesis of oxytocin, prostaglandins, serotonin and other bioactive substances, which increase the sensitivity of the uterus to substances that cause active contraction of its muscles;
  • bioenergy – a sufficient amount of substances (glycogen, ATP, phosphorus compounds, electrolytes and trace elements) accumulate in the mother’s body, which make the uterus capable of enhanced contractile activity;
  • mechanical - a mature uterus loses its ability to stretch, and in response to the motor activity of the fetus and an increase in the level of oxytocin-like hormones, it begins to actively contract;
  • trophic and metabolic – the accumulation of certain waste products in the body of a mature fetus leads to its active movement, and degenerative processes in the mature placenta and the complete maturation of the muscle fibers of the uterus contribute to the onset of labor.

The state of the nervous system of the woman in labor is of primary importance in the formation of all mechanisms for the onset of labor, since it is she who ensures the readiness of the uterus for natural childbirth.

All of the above factors, being closely interrelated, contribute to the appearance of contractions, which are replaced by pushing and end with the expulsion of the fetus from the uterine cavity and the birth of the placenta.

Harbingers of the onset of labor

Precursors of labor are a set of signs that indicate the imminent onset of active labor. There are many precursors to the onset of labor, but for each woman their totality is individual and depends on the characteristics of the expectant mother’s body.

Harbingers of childbirth:

  • Abdominal prolapse.
    This change, which is determined by an outwardly slight downward displacement of the abdomen, is individual for each pregnant woman and cannot always be noticed independently. In primiparous women, this precursor may appear 2-4 weeks before the day of birth, and in multiparous women, a few days or immediately before birth.

  • Gait changes.
    The nature of the gait changes after the abdomen drops. The woman begins to waddle due to the pressure of the baby's head on the pelvic bones and the fundus of the uterus.

  • Changes in urination and bowel habits.
    A drooping abdomen may cause increased urination or urinary incontinence as the uterus puts more pressure on the bladder. The mechanical impact of the pregnant uterus on the intestinal walls can provoke constipation, and in some cases, diarrhea, several weeks or days before birth.

  • Changes in the nature of discharge from the genital tract.
    Vaginal discharge becomes more abundant and thin under the influence of hormonal changes. In some cases, to exclude the discharge of amniotic fluid, an obstetrician performs a special test.

  • Removal of the mucus plug.
    This harbinger of labor can occur 2 weeks before the onset of labor, or several hours before it begins. In some cases, the mucus plug does not come off entirely, but in small portions. In practice, this sign looks like the discharge of vaginal discharge (sometimes mixed with a small amount of blood). A pregnant woman should inform her obstetrician-gynecologist about the passage of the mucus plug.

  • Reduced body weight of the expectant mother.
    A few days before giving birth, a pregnant woman may notice that she weighs 1-2 kg less. This weight loss can be explained by the removal of excess fluid from the body under the influence of changes in hormonal levels.

  • Decreased number of fetal movements.
    The fetus moves less often a few weeks before birth. This is due to its rapid growth. The unborn baby becomes cramped in the uterine cavity, and his movements are difficult.

  • Training contractions.
    Closer to the date of birth, the uterus begins to increasingly become more toned, which is expressed in the sensation of training contractions. They differ from labor contractions in a number of features: short duration, irregularity, mild pain (reminiscent of pain during menstruation), spontaneous disappearance after a change in body position or rest.

  • Manifestation of the "nesting" instinct.
    Many women in the last days and even hours before giving birth begin to prepare their home for the upcoming birth of a child. These actions can be expressed in the fact that a woman begins to diligently clean, do laundry, and may even start repairs.

  • Changes in the cervix.
    Only an obstetrician-gynecologist can notice such a harbinger of an approaching birth when examining a woman in a gynecological chair. Under the influence of estrogen hormones, the cervix shortens and becomes more elastic by week 38. The external os of the cervix begins to open before the onset of labor contractions.
Precursors of childbirth in primiparous and multiparous women have their own characteristic features.

Harbingers of the onset of labor - video

Signs of the onset of labor

Reliable signs of the onset of labor are:
1. Contractions;
2. Rush of amniotic fluid.

These two signs always indicate the onset of labor and every pregnant woman should know how they proceed.


True, or labor contractions, are contractions of the muscle fibers of the uterus, which occur at regular intervals and which a woman cannot control. It is this sign that marks the moment of the onset of labor.

The first true contractions are accompanied by minor pain, which most women compare to pain during menstruation. The pain is tolerable and can radiate to the lower back or be localized in the lower abdomen. Most women in labor begin to feel contractions at night. Some women note that during labor, the “uterus turns to stone,” that is, if during labor a woman in labor puts her hand on her stomach, she can feel the hard, tense uterus.

You can determine the truth of contractions using a stopwatch. Their frequency and constant occurrence, which is not eliminated by changing body position, taking a warm bath or rest, indicates the onset of labor.

At first, contractions occur at intervals of half an hour (in some cases more often). With each contraction, the woman in labor begins to feel not only pain, but also rhythmic contractions of the muscles of the uterus. Gradually, contractions become more noticeable, and their frequency, duration and intensity increase. With each contraction, the amniotic sac and fetal head press against the fundus of the uterus, causing the cervix to gradually dilate.

Rush of amniotic fluid

In the classic course of labor, the amniotic fluid is released after the cervix is ​​dilated to 3-7 cm. Under the pressure of the fetus, the amniotic membrane ruptures and part of the amniotic fluid flows out.

A woman in labor, with a classic rupture of water, may feel as if she has involuntarily urinated. In some cases, water pours out gradually, in small portions. In this case, a woman may notice the appearance of wet spots on her underwear or bed linen and experience sensations similar to vaginal or menstrual discharge.

Sometimes the discharge of amniotic fluid can occur before the onset of regular contractions and dilatation of the cervix, or much after the complete dilatation of the cervix. These conditions do not always mean that pathology of labor or the fetus will be observed, but usually gynecologists use various special tactics for the further management of such labor to prevent possible complications.

Signs of the onset of labor - video

Contractions at the beginning of labor

Obstetricians-gynecologists distinguish three phases of labor pains:

Initial (hidden) phase:

  • contraction duration – 20 seconds;
  • frequency of contractions – 15-30 minutes;
  • dilation of the uterine pharynx – 0 or up to 3 cm.
The duration of the initial phase is from 7 to 8 hours.

Active phase:

  • contraction duration – 20-60 seconds;
  • frequency of contractions – 2-4 minutes;
  • dilation of the uterine os – 3-7 cm.
The duration of the active phase is from 3 to 5 hours. Usually it is in this phase that the amniotic fluid is discharged.

Transition phase:

  • contraction duration – 60 seconds;
  • the frequency of contractions is 2-3 minutes;
  • opening of the uterine pharynx is 7-10 cm.
The duration of the transition phase is from half an hour to one and a half hours.

Labor contractions occur in the first stage of labor (dilation period).

The onset of labor in first-time mothers

Possible precursors of labor in first-time mothers have their own characteristic features. As a rule, they have a more pronounced time difference between the day of birth and the date of the appearance of precursors. Some expectant mothers are overly emotional and take any slight ailment as a harbinger of childbirth. If they are unaware of this or that sign, they may not notice them.

Pregnant women are most afraid of contractions, especially those who have not given birth before and only know about contractions from the stories of “experienced” women. And what do women in labor usually tell about this phenomenon (or, most likely, what do all pregnant women willingly and undeniably believe in)? Firstly, contractions are the beginning of labor - and this is a correct statement (although not completely, since there are so-called “false contractions”). Secondly, almost all women in labor remember the incredible pain during labor (although in fact few people remember this pain, since it is forgotten and it is impossible to compare it with anything) and most importantly, all pregnant women are in the last trimester of pregnancy ( or even much earlier!”) expect painful contractions. And try to tell them that your contractions were almost painless and that in fact not everything is so scary - they will never believe it. Moreover, already at the beginning of pregnancy they will agree with the doctor about labor pain relief.

Fortunately, there are few such pessimists, and most expectant mothers still expect “tolerable” pain, although they fear the contractions before childbirth. Ignorance is always scary, and, as a rule, contractions certainly do not come of our own free will (unless, of course, we resort to inducing labor). So how do these contractions begin? How not to lose sight of them? And what actually lies in this “terrible word”?

What does it feel like when contractions start?

Contractions are called contractions because they cause a feeling of grasping, sharp compression. When it comes to the upcoming birth, cramping sensations naturally occur in the hip joints.

In fact, contractions are a very complex “biochemical process”, since they involve the baby’s pituitary gland and the placenta itself, which begin to produce special substances, which in turn contribute to the opening of the cervix, which is accompanied by contractions.

During contractions, the uterus contracts, its muscle fibers thicken and shorten, which helps open the cervix to the extent that the baby's head can squeeze through it. Full dilatation is recorded when the cervix is ​​dilated by 12 cm, and the intrauterine pressure also increases, as a result of which the amniotic sac ruptures and the amniotic fluid drains.

How to know if contractions have started

When can a pregnant woman expect contractions? We have all heard about the threat of premature birth, which also begins with contractions, but along with these signs of impending labor, the woman also experiences other symptoms. In any case, cramping pain requires special attention from the expectant mother. Practice shows that the contractions themselves and the sensations during them are different for all women. Even false contractions, which doctors love to talk about, are not noticed by all pregnant women. Moreover, the expectant mother can only find out about real labor pains when she has a desire to push. We have also heard about rapid labor, when contractions can no longer be confused with anything.

Ideally, everything happens something like this: starting from the 20th week of pregnancy, the body begins to “rehearse” the upcoming birth by contracting the muscles of the uterus. The woman feels that something is wrong with the uterus: it turns to stone and relaxes with chaotic frequency. So, a woman can “grab” for a whole minute, then the pain subsides and disappears without a trace, and soon resumes, but the regularity of such contractions cannot be noted. We are talking about false contractions - harbingers of the upcoming birth. But not all women experience this condition, and their labor begins on time with real contractions.

How to recognize them? Again, ideally, the first contractions go unnoticed by the woman, except that very little discomfort is felt in the abdomen or lower back, and a strong premonition that childbirth is about to take place (it’s difficult for women’s intuition to find an explanation, but almost every woman subconsciously knows : it's time!).

Gradually, the second, active, phase of contractions begins, when they occur at a precise interval, which is shortened all the time: cramping attacks are repeated more and more often, last longer, not only the frequency and duration increases, but also the degree of pain. This goes on until one contraction lasts more than two minutes, and the second occurs after 60 seconds. At this time, you should already be in the maternity hospital, because in 30-40 minutes the birth itself will begin. The last stage of contractions is the most painful, as the woman has an overwhelming feeling of going big. But if the uterus is not open, she will have to hold back her efforts so as not to harm herself and the baby.

What to do if contractions start

When the first contractions begin, you should stop any activities and try to rest. Many people find it helpful to walk around the room; others sit down and stand up. As soon as the contractions intensify and begin to repeat more often, immediately go to the maternity hospital. Particularly suspicious people may go to the hospital earlier.

Don't worry about anything: the doctor delivering the baby knows exactly what to do and when. If it’s too early to push, he will certainly notify you about it.

The main thing now is to relax as much as possible. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, try to let go of all worries and fears. Panic will not lead to anything good, and, strictly speaking, there is nothing to be afraid of. The birth you've been waiting for so long begins. There are only a few hours left before meeting the baby. Whether you can help him overcome the difficult path into this world now depends on you. Breathe evenly and deeply, trying to relax and “let go” of the pain. Excessive tension in the muscles will increase pain, and therefore it is important to relax them as much as possible now.

Listen to your body, remember breathing techniques during childbirth - use them as different periods of the birth process occur. Shallow “dog” breathing will help restore strength and not harm the child between attempts. At the doctor’s command, smoothly take a full breath of air so that in the next minute you can push productively.

Think about the baby, you just have to calm down, tune in to a productive birth and listen carefully to the instructions of the medical staff.

Is the pain during contractions terrible?

So we ourselves scared you by describing the “most painful” last stage of labor. I myself was waiting for it and was afraid of it more than the birth itself, but I was never able to understand why women in labor were crying and screaming so much, because it turned out that the pain was tolerable, moreover, even pleasant. You may not believe it, but the pain during contractions was quenched by the thought that this is how a little man, my little blood, is born.

It turns out that my feelings were scientifically confirmed. In fact, labor pain is not hidden in the uterus, since its contraction is a natural process, which means that pain receptors (and there are very few of them in the muscles of the uterus) do not give a signal to the brain about any violations (the meaning of any pain is precisely consists in “notifying” the body of “problems”). But the real feeling of pain arises in the muscles that surround the uterus, and in order to overcome it, it is only important to learn to control their relaxation, since muscle tension interferes with the normal physiological course of labor. Moreover, fear, anxiety and worry aggravate muscle tension. Hence the simple conclusion: a pregnant woman who is afraid of childbirth experiences great pain from the first contractions. But many women do not even know what labor pain and pain during contractions are, so learn to properly tune yourself to the inevitable process - childbirth, namely, know how to relax; do not waste your energy, as you will need it during the period of expulsion of the fetus; talk to your baby; don’t try to overcome the pain, but simply take it for granted.

I think that if you consciously prepare for the process of childbirth, then you will not need information about epidurals, nitrous oxide with oxygen, promedol and other ways to relieve pain from contractions and childbirth.

If contractions don't come

As always, there is a flip side to the coin: the woman waits for contractions, waits, but they never come, even after the pregnancy has expired. We have to stimulate them. Contractions will be artificially induced if they do not appear at 41-42 weeks of pregnancy, and the fetus is found to have any abnormalities that threaten its life. The most common methods of inducing labor are: injection of Cerviprost (a hormonal drug that softens the cervix) into the cervical canal; intravenous administration of a hormonal drug (also promotes uterine contraction); opening of the amniotic sac (after which contractions begin).

Do not rush to “try on” the worst of yourself. Believe that everything will happen naturally for you, without pain, without complications, and most importantly, without fear. A woman ready for childbirth will immediately understand: here they are, contractions! Just a little more - and the most desired treasure will appear!

Especially for Tanya Kivezhdiy

The long-awaited moment is getting closer and closer when the most beloved and desired miracle - your baby - will finally be born. Do you want to be prepared and feel confident, understanding what processes are happening now with you and your baby and when everything will really begin? Then let's figure out how to recognize contractions, determine whether they are true or false, and whether there is a difference between contractions during the first pregnancy and in women who have already given birth.

What are contractions?

Contractions are so called because a sharp contraction of muscles occurs and the pregnant woman experiences cramping pain. This process is primarily a signal that the birth canal is ready for the birth of a child. Normally, due to complex physiological interactions between the body of the child and the mother, hormones and biologically active substances are released that promote the opening of the cervix and the onset of contractions. At this time, the muscles of not only the anterior abdominal wall and perineum contract, but primarily the uterus itself.

The process of the contractions themselves is very clear, and the answer to the question of how to recognize contractions during childbirth is simply necessary.

Painful contractions

Unfortunately, there is no universal gradation of the intensity of pain during contractions. Since each person has his own pain threshold, pain of the same intensity is felt differently by different people. Some women note the appearance of aching pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, similar to menstrual pain. They can occur long before the preliminary date of birth, starting from the third trimester of pregnancy. These are the so-called false, or training, contractions. It is especially difficult to identify such contractions for first-time women. Despite the fact that doctors tell and warn how to recognize contractions when they first appear, many pregnant women may not notice them or mistake them for discomfort associated with muscle pain or, for example, an imbalance in the digestive system. At the same time, others may perceive a simple movement of the fetus as contractions that have already begun.

It’s a completely different matter when they are true and indicate the beginning process of giving birth to a child. In this case, there are much fewer questions about how to recognize contractions, because the pain no longer leaves any doubt that the process has begun. At the same time, the intensity and severity of the pain syndrome increases. The woman feels not only discomfort, but also tension in the uterus. Most people describe this condition as follows: the uterus becomes like stone.

False, or training, contractions

Let's figure out how to recognize false contractions and why they are needed. It's not for nothing that they are called training exercises. They are really aimed at preparing the woman’s body for the upcoming birth. Periodically arising and contracting the muscles of the uterus, they thus train it. Normally, such contractions do not cause the opening of the cervix, but, on the contrary, compress it. They are irregular and not intense.

How to recognize real contractions?

The distinctive characteristics of true contractions are the frequency of their occurrence, increasing intensity and duration. First, pregnant women feel discomfort in the abdomen and lower back, then a nagging pain occurs. Gradually (as it increases), its severity increases, and the periods between contractions shorten.

Pregnant women often share information with each other about how to recognize contractions. The first birth is a long-awaited event, and women try to learn as much as possible about the upcoming changes in their body and the development of the child.

Phases of true contractions

To navigate and know how to recognize contractions, you need to familiarize yourself with their main three phases:

  • Phase I - hidden, or initial. On average, a contraction lasts up to 20 seconds and occurs no more than once every half hour. As a rule, by this period the cervix is ​​shortened and smoothed, but there is still no opening of the pharynx or it is minimal (up to 3 cm). This is the longest phase and can last up to eight hours.
  • Phase II - active. During this period, the duration of contractions increases to one minute, they occur much more often (every 3-5 minutes) and the pharynx gradually opens, reaching seven centimeters in diameter. As a rule, it is in the active phase that amniotic fluid is discharged. As for its duration, it ranges from three to five hours.
  • Phase III is transitional. This is the shortest phase (lasts no more than an hour, on average 30-40 minutes), but at the same time the most productive and intense. During this period, contractions become more pronounced and painful, last about a minute and repeat every two to three minutes. The pharynx opens up to 8-10 cm.

How to behave?

Having learned how to recognize contractions before childbirth, you need to learn the correct behavior during them. First of all, you need to calm down and relax as much as possible. Put everything aside, take any position that is comfortable for you, even if from the outside it looks ridiculous and funny. The most physiological and comfortable position, primarily for the child, is the knee-elbow position. It helps remove excess pressure and tension in the uterus and abdominal muscles. Smooth, circular, rocking movements on the fitball are recommended.

How to recognize contractions and choose the right psychological attitude?

During contractions, it is especially important not to waste additional strength and energy, which you will soon really need. If possible, lie down and try to get some sleep or at least rest. Scientists say that women who are self-confident and have a positive attitude towards childbirth go through the stage of labor less painfully than those who are tormented by fear and anxiety about the process of childbirth itself.

If these are training contractions and they occur long before childbirth, do not cause pain and are not accompanied by other symptoms, then there is no need to worry or take any action. However, if you often feel contractions of the uterus, you are worried about malaise, or other symptoms arise that were absent before (especially spotting), you should immediately contact your obstetrician-gynecologist, as these may be the first signals of premature labor.

A pregnant woman who knows how to recognize the first contractions is unlikely to miss their onset. Having noted their occurrence, you need to take a sheet of paper, a pen and a watch. To objectively assess labor activity, you need to record the following parameters of contractions: how often they occur and how long they last. If you see that the duration of contractions is increasing and the interval between them is decreasing, then calmly collect all the necessary things and documents and go to the maternity hospital.

Remember that you need to breathe properly during contractions. Breathing should be deep and even. Take a deep breath through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth. This will not only help you calm down and concentrate on breathing, thereby not thinking and not letting bad thoughts and experiences enter your head, but, more importantly, it will ensure the necessary delivery of oxygen to the body and have an analgesic effect (i.e., it will reduce pain due to oxidation lactic acid).

How does labor begin?

Reliable signs of the onset of labor are the appearance of true contractions and the release of amniotic fluid. These two processes are usually sequential, but their occurrence may vary. Some people experience contractions first and only then have their water break, while others may have their water break first and only then experience contractions. In any case, if the water has already broken, it is necessary to immediately go to the maternity hospital and not wait for the onset of contractions, since a long period without water poses a threat to the child’s life.

The onset of labor in a primigravida woman

A woman who has not yet given birth is much more emotional and more excited about any changes in her body. Many women perceive even the slightest discomfort as the beginning of labor. Along with this, not knowing what happens during pregnancy and not knowing how to recognize contractions, women may not even notice them.

If a woman is healthy and the pregnancy was uneventful, then contractions and rupture of amniotic fluid in first-time mothers take longer than during repeated births, and last about ten hours. And this is not surprising, because the body of a nulliparous woman requires additional time, her birth canal is less elastic, and it takes a little more time to prepare it.

Onset of labor in multiparous women

If a woman has already given birth, then signs of labor appear immediately before childbirth or a maximum of a week before it. Pregnant women know reliably how to recognize contractions during the second birth and how to behave.

The body of a multiparous woman is already prepared for the upcoming birth, so her period of contractions is less painful, exciting and prolonged. The cervix in such women smooths out more quickly and almost simultaneously with the smoothing of the external and internal pharynx.

What to do if contractions don't start?

In some cases, contractions do not begin for no apparent reason. This can happen both during the first pregnancy and in women who have already been in labor and know how to recognize contractions during the second.

The absence of contractions worries the expectant mother very much, and for good reason. After all, this can be not only a banal discrepancy between the timing of pregnancy and the preliminary date of birth, but also, what is much more important, pose a real threat to the baby’s life due to the aging of the placenta and lack of oxygen and other vital substances.

Of course, it is possible to stimulate and induce labor. But only a doctor can make such an important decision. Often, drug stimulation is performed or the pregnant woman is advised to independently induce labor. Non-drug methods of stimulation primarily include additional physical activity, prolonged exposure to an upright position, and sex. Orgasm and sexual arousal increase the content of endorphins in the blood, have a general tonic effect and cause uterine contractions. In addition, semen contains a large amount of prostaglandins, which soften the cervix and thus prepare it for the upcoming birth.

An additional stimulation of contractions can be massage of the nipples, during which oxytocin (a hormone that promotes uterine contractions) is released. It is also useful for preparing the breasts for upcoming breastfeeding.

In folk medicine, there are many herbs and remedies that also help tonify the uterus, but they should be treated with caution, because uncontrolled use can cause more harm than good.

Often, even experienced mothers wonder how to recognize contractions. The first birth is often remembered with a degree of apprehension and anticipation of experiences already experienced.


Contractions are a natural process designed to help you, not cause additional worry and pain. Even in times of despair and pain, remember: everyone has been through this, and so can you. It’s also not easy for your baby during this period, so don’t complicate the process with additional excitement and fear, follow all the doctor’s recommendations, and very soon your suffering will be rewarded, and the pain will be forgotten in a second as soon as you see your small and long-awaited miracle.

Contractions are involuntary contractions of the smooth muscles of the uterus. They are necessary for the baby to be born. With the onset of regular contractions, the first stage of labor begins. There are also false contractions, which can also be called training contractions. They prepare the woman’s body for the upcoming birth.

information If you imagine that the uterus is an inflated ball with a baby inside, then with the help of cramping contractions the knotted part of the ball is stretched and the baby is pushed out. In order for a child to be born through the natural birth canal, the cervix must smooth out and its canal expand to 10-12 centimeters. It is contractions that ensure this complex process.

How contractions begin

If a woman is about to give birth for the first time, she will not be familiar with the sensations during contractions, but during subsequent births they will not be confused with anything. How can you understand that contractions have begun before childbirth? The onset of labor can occur in different ways.

  • For some women, before giving birth, contractions begin in the form of pain in the lumbar region;
  • For others, they resemble menstrual pain;
  • For others, it is cramping, weak pain throughout the abdomen.

But what all these manifestations of contractions at the beginning of labor have in common is their regularity and inevitable end with the birth of a child.


At the beginning of contractions, the painful sensations are mild, short-term in nature, come after 15-20 minutes and last about 5-10 seconds. Usually for the first 2-3 hours they do not cause the woman much discomfort. At this time, it is better to rest as much as possible and gain strength. Further, the pain becomes more and more intense, and the contractions themselves become more frequent and longer. At the end of the first period, uterine contractions last about a minute, and the periods between them decrease to 1-2 minutes. What characterizes pain during contractions is their gradual increase, reaching a peak and the same gradual decline. In between contractions, a woman can take a breath and rest, as the pain goes away altogether.

At the end of the period of cervical dilatation, it seems that one contraction is followed by another with an almost imperceptible period of relaxation. Usually at this time, pushing is added (contraction of the muscles of the diaphragm, abdominal wall and perineum, which the woman can slightly control). They manifest themselves as a strong desire to push in response to the pressure of the fetal head in the pelvic area. With the advent of pushing and full dilatation of the cervix, the second stage of labor begins - exile. If before this the maximum pain was felt in the lumbar and abdominal areas, then with the beginning of the second stage of labor its peak occurs in the perineal area.

False contractions

Throughout pregnancy, a woman may experience irregular, mild, cramping abdominal pain. They can occur during physical activity, sudden movements, a full bladder, activity of the baby, or during sexual intercourse. There is no need to worry if these sensations do not last long and go away when the cause that caused them is eliminated.

The closer the date of birth, the frequency of cramping pain usually increases. However, what distinguishes true contractions during pregnancy from contractions is their regularity. If you experience cramping pain, you need to note the time of its onset, observe the interval between them, and their duration.

important A watch with a second hand will help you identify contractions. If these sensations continue for an hour or two, and the interval is at least 15-20 minutes with a duration of about 20 seconds, then you need to get ready for the maternity hospital.

What to do if contractions start

If you are about to give birth for the first time (and you have determined for yourself that the first signs of true contractions have begun), you have time to calmly get ready for the maternity hospital. It is better, of course, that the bag for the maternity hospital is ready in advance (from 34-35 weeks of pregnancy), since in a hurry you can forget something. What to do at home before giving birth:

  • Get in a good mood and have an easy birth. Think about the fact that very soon you will hug and kiss your long-awaited baby and put him to your chest. It is important to understand that it depends on you how the birth will go, and you must do everything to make it easier for the baby during this important period. Of course, pain during labor and childbirth is unpleasant, to put it mildly, but the end justifies the means. Try to do your best, and doctors and midwives will help you with this.
  • It would be nice to take a warm, relaxing shower or bath, and shave your genitals.
  • If there are no pregnancy complications, and the contractions are not yet too intense (after 15 minutes), then you can stay at home for a while, because a familiar environment will make it easier to cope with the pain. You can turn on pleasant music or a movie. At the beginning of labor, it is recommended to move so that everything goes faster. You can also cook food for your beloved husband. But you should not delay your trip to the maternity hospital if it is far away or you cannot reach it in a short time (half an hour).
  • If the doctor did not say that you have indications for a cesarean section, you can have a little snack: drink a cup of tea, juice or water, eat something light but rich in complex carbohydrates (pasta from durum wheat, banana, vegetables), because you will need a lot of energy.
  • While the contractions are not very strong, try to get more rest, especially if they started late in the evening, since you may have to give birth only in the morning.
  • Of course, if this is not your first birth, and the previous ones were rapid, then you should not delay your trip to the maternity hospital. It is better to call an ambulance immediately.


It is very important for both the woman and the child. It helps to cope with pain during contractions and pushing. Sometimes, when you feel severe pain, it seems that it is easier to bear it by holding your breath, but this is only an imaginary relief. If a woman holds her breath at the peak of a contraction, then at this time oxygen does not enter the body, and, as a result, fetal hypoxia develops (oxygen starvation). This is especially dangerous during the period of exile, because the child is already being squeezed by the bones of the mother’s pelvis. It can also lead to the production of large amounts of lactic acid in the muscles, which will result in even more soreness and weakness.
