How to get rid of “women’s diseases” forever? How to get rid of diseases overnight.

As long as humanity has existed on earth, various ailments have existed for exactly the same amount of time. Modern medicine, of course, has achieved unprecedented progress and is capable of curing the vast majority of currently known diseases. But in the old days, our great-grandmothers turned to the help of exclusively folk medicine and often combined it with village magic, using healing . This unconventional method of getting rid of illnesses is still used by some people today.

Conspiracy against diseases and its main varieties

No one will deny that any disease, even a minor one in the form of a banal mild cold, knocks a person out of his usual rhythm of life and causes a lot of inconvenience. If the disease proceeds in a severe, complicated form, it weakens the sick person not only physically, but also morally.

But what to do with special cases when traditional medicine refuses the patient, when drug treatment does not produce any results, when doctors just shrug their shoulders in confusion? In such a situation, many remember ancient healing methods, tested by more than one generation of people - various healing spells and rituals. Turning to the help of healing magic sometimes becomes the only hope for a person stricken with illness.

Conspiracy against diseasesrepresentsa magic spell that aims to eliminate an illness from which the performer or the customer suffers. It can also be used with prophylactic purposes .

There is a wide variety of witchcraft spells that help cure this or that ailment. Their classification varies depending on the area affected by the disease and the symptoms bothering the patient. In general, several main types of healing rituals can be distinguished:

  • preventative spells - protective rituals that help prevent the development of any ailments. They can be read even if a person is absolutely healthy and does not observe any symptoms;
  • universal rites- similar conspiracies can be cast for any illness;
  • spells cast to treat a specific disease- act in relation to individual diseases;
  • healing rituals used in the treatment of childhood illnesses - they are placed in a separate group, since the plot for a sick child is read, most often, by the mother or grandmother.

Since the disease plot is aimed at getting rid of illness or pain and normalizing well-being, it is recommended to read it during the period of the debilitated moon. The energy of the night luminary at this time helps to eliminate any negativity. In special cases, a magical ritual can be performed in another phase, but all the conditions of the instructions must be observed.

Preventive and universal conspiracies for diseases

Preventive spell for any illness

This short conspiracy is a protective prayer that helps prevent the development of any illness. You can say it for yourself, for your children, for your relatives. The amulet is spoken until dawn:

Universal conspiracy against diseases

This is a conspiracy accompanied by a ritual. The first part of the ritual is carried out within the walls of the church, the second - at home. First you need to visit God's temple, buy there3 candles and dial holy water. You should also definitely light candles in front of the icons (any), pray, ask for help from God and his saints, ask the Lord for a blessing for recovery, then cross yourself and go to your home.

At home you need to calm down, light candles in any quantity, place icons of saints and a container of blessed water nearby, focus on healing and read the words of the spell over the water (at least 7 times):

The water on which the conspiracy is whispered must be added a little bit every day to the patient’s food and drinks, and this must be done for 2 weeks. If after all the manipulations the illness does not leave the sick person, the ritual and conspiracy must be repeated.

Conspiracy to reprimand a serious (fatal) illness

If the patient has been suffering for quite a long time, and drug treatment does not bear fruit, you can try to reprimand his illness using the following plot. The words are spoken on the patient’s T-shirt or shirt in which he slept (there is no need to wash it). Requirements for the performer:

  • read the spell in the open air (forest, field);
  • perform the ritual in absolute solitude;
  • complete silence throughout the entire day when the ceremony was carried out.

Suitable days are all except Monday, Saturday and Sunday. Text of the report:

When the conspiracy against illness is read on a T-shirt, it must be immediately set on fire and, without waiting for it to burn completely, leave the place where the ritual is performed. There is no looking back.

A conspiracy against diseases if doctors cannot make a diagnosis

This conspiracy is used if the nature of the disease is unknown, and doctors are unable to clarify the diagnosis. The text should be read by the patient himself before going to bed, 12 times:

Conspiracy for a speedy recovery

In order for a quick healing from the disease to occur, the sick person himself or the person who wants to help him, during the waning moon, should go out into the open air after 12 o'clock at night and, looking at the night star, say the words of the conspiracy:

Useful information about conspiracies against diseases and examples of effective healing rituals can be found in this video:

Conspiracies for the treatment of specific diseases

Cold and flu spell

The spell helps get rid of colds and eliminate the symptoms of colds. The words of the healing spell are read inhoney(specially purchase a new jar of bee honey for this purpose). The ritual can be used for both adults and young patients. Its text is pronounced exactly 7 times:

The enchanted bee product must be eaten one teaspoon 3-4 times a day. For sick children, the sweetness should be diluted in water (or tea) and given to the child, also 3-4 times a day.

Ritual for skin diseases

This spell is effective against any dermatological diseases. Used in the ritualfoggy glass or mirror . The patient should first move the index finger of his right hand along the foggy surface, and then wipe the sores on the skin with the same finger, saying:

The healing spell is read three times. The first results will appear after a few days.

Conspiracy for the treatment of female diseases

This spell is used for the purpose of healing from gynecological diseases (including female infertility). The spell is pronounced for exactly 7 days. without interruption and with faith in recovery. The words are read after 12 o'clock at night, in the light of 2 burning candles (the performer's gaze should be directed at their flames. The text is pronounced three times:

Having spoken the plot the required number of times, the candles should be blown out. On the second and subsequent days the ritual is repeated with the same candles. On the seventh day they must be allowed to burn out to the end.

If a child is sick

The above spell is a conspiracy against childhood illnesses. It helps protect a sick child from possible complications and strengthens his immunity.

You need to give the child the spoken water, 3 drops each - in its pure form, or adding it to other drinks. This should be done every 3 hours. Water should also be mixed into the bath when bathing, and sprinkled with it in the corners of the children's room. It is advisable to moisten the window sill and threshold with it.

Any spell against illness is a useful witchcraft ritual that will help cope with a wide variety of diseases, because it has long been proven that the word has healing powers. When using healing rituals, you must exactly fulfill all the necessary requirements and believe that magic will help you achieve recovery.

Hello, dear friends and comrades!

We see that scientific medicine looks at any cause of aging as a way to make money, no matter what words are used to cover it up.

We also see the result in doctors: they live 1520 years less than other people. The inability to withstand stress and adapt to life takes 15-20 years of life from doctors.

Remember the common expression: " doctors fought for the patient's life". Who did you fight with? Illness, if perceived spiritually, is a blessing.

Official medicine, represented by its leaders, prohibits self-medication and has declared some kind of strange and terrible monopoly on the health of other people that does not belong to it.

If the patient suffers from pain, then they give him a pill; if the tumor grows, they offer radical methods, namely surgery. Even if this does not help, then radiotherapy and chemotherapy are used.

The problem in medicine is still a lack of understanding of what a disease is, what its causes are and what needs to be done to prevent it from occurring.

Although, some thoughtful doctors who want to sincerely help the patient are beginning to look for alternative methods of healing. Today, interest in Eastern medicine has increased, where treatment is focused specifically on the entire body, and not on a single organ, and doctors have had to study concepts such as energy meridians and channels.

The idea of ​​the body not only as a physical system, but also as an energy system, gradually began to enter the understanding of every doctor.

Eastern medicine views a person, first of all, as an energy system that interacts with the whole world.

The development of official medicine has led to the understanding that the cause of diseases is a decrease in immunity, and even the basis of cancer is a violation of the immune system.

The immune system is closely related to human energy and depends on it, therefore, by increasing the body’s energy, we increase immunity.

One single cause of all diseases!!!

Illness is a measure of ignorance, they say in the East.

There is Divine consciousness and there is human consciousness.

There is a Divine picture of the world, and there is a human picture of worldview.

There is a Divine plan, a plan, and there is ours, personal - human.

And how far we have deviated from the Divine in our individual consciousness, we will be forced to pay through the humiliation of the body (illness).

A person is a cell of a huge Universal Organism (body), and if this cell works for the benefit of the whole organism, then it receives everything necessary for its happy and healthy existence, and if it turns into a “cancerous” one and begins to work only for itself, it causes harm to others, then it must be destroyed, eliminated, the tumor cut out, the disease given to rethink your way of thinking and behavior.

Violation in organs and tissues is a consequence. The causes of diseases lie in the subtle bodies, and the subtle bodies reflect a person’s worldview: his thoughts, feelings, desires.

It follows that voluntarily bringing your worldview and attitude in accordance with the Creator’s plan is the fastest way to get rid of all diseases.

In this case, a very rapid restoration of the subtle bodies occurs, and the disease is deprived of its informational cause, but since Since the physical body is material, it will take more time to restore the tissues and organs of our body, depending on the degree of damage, but this is the only true and fastest way to recovery.

(To be continued)

Hello! This post will be dedicated to the topic “Improving the body according to the system of Seraphim Chichagov”. Here I posted a video of a practicing doctor Ksenia Pavlovna Kravchenko. I think these videos will not leave anyone indifferent, because... everything that is told in the film contradicts the usual opinion about the correct treatment of diseases. All advice is practical and has been practiced for decades.

When I watched the video with Ksenia Pavlovna for the first time, I was struck by her statement: “Practice and vast experience show that there is no disease that can be cured faster than cancer.” Ksenia has a huge number of patients who were cured of diseases that are considered incurable. In her speeches, Ksenia says that if you switch to the regime that she talks about in her films, then a person will never get sick!

I transcribed the video and wrote down the main ideas from her two speeches. The first Conversation is a theory about the causes of diseases and what can each of us do to restore our health? You can watch and download the film.

The second part is specific practical advice on how to quickly help yourself; the most common diseases are discussed. You can view and download in full.

The main idea of ​​the first film is that ANY DISEASE is due to dirty, viscous blood, and it is dirty and viscous due to the fact that the stomach does not work correctly.

It is the stomach that maintains a certain quality of blood. If he does this correctly, the person does not have any diseases, including cancer.

The stomach is the main organ that reveals the essence of Seraphim Chichagov’s system.

Under normal conditions, the stomach produces hydrochloric acid and pepsins. All this makes up gastric juice. Hydrochloric acid and pepsins are very strong acids that dissolve organic matter (for example, a piece of raw meat).

The stomach produces 10 liters of gastric juice per day. Of these, only two liters are involved in digestion. The stomach digests animal proteins: eggs, fish, meat, dairy products. The pancreas digests everything else, dissolving carbohydrate foods and producing alkali.

Of the ten liters of gastric juice, eight liters are absorbed into the blood daily. During normal functioning of the stomach, the human blood contains predominantly gastric juice.

That is why blood, like tears and sweat, has a salty taste. All fluids in our body are sodium chloride (0.9%) or saline. The stomach must constantly maintain a certain percentage of sodium chloride in the blood.

Chlorine is a disinfectant. It thins the blood, dissolves blood clots, plaques on blood vessels, dead cells, microbial flora, sand and stones in the gall bladder and kidneys, moles, papillomas, warts, cysts and tumors anywhere in our body.

And in general, treatment, as such, does not exist at all. No matter how much you would like, you can never cure anyone with any system: neither herbalism, nor homeopathy, nor acupuncture, you can only relieve the symptoms.

Some are more dangerous, others less dangerous for humans, but only the symptoms are relieved. Modern medicine gives a pill that relieves the symptom, but does not cure.

When relieving symptoms, a person often does not think about the cause of the symptom. The disease accumulates, and as a result, as a result of these accumulations, which were turned a blind eye, a disease such as “cancer” arises.

Any tablet entering the stomach causes certain complications and side effects. The drug, while relieving the symptom, has a huge number of side effects and effects.

If the causative factor of circulatory disorders in the body is poor secretion of hydrochloric acid, poor functioning of the stomach, and the drug that gets there further worsens this situation, then by relieving the symptom, we are aggravating the causative factor.

The Lord created man perfect; our body system is capable of self-healing. But the recovery mechanism often breaks down.

When children are born, there are no moles on their body; they appear after the children are given antibiotics, injuring the stomach with chemicals. This causes disturbances and leads to the appearance of moles.

Colds, high temperature (FLU, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections)


This happens when the stomach, in addition to digestive, does not also perform a barrier function, i.e. allows any infection into the intestines. The level of hydrochloric acid allows this infection to enter the intestines.

This infection multiplies in the intestines, because there are all the conditions for this. Everything from the intestines immediately enters the bloodstream. After the infection enters the blood, our temperature rises.

Fever is not a disease, it is a normal reaction of the body to the presence of an infection in the blood, and the more evil it is, the higher the temperature.

If the stomach does not produce enough hydrochloric acid and does not maintain the concentration of chlorine in the blood, then the blood does not have a disinfectant property, i.e. chlorine is not a harmful environment for infection.

How to quickly help yourself:

1. The temperature should never be brought down using any antipyretics or antibiotics, because this is a normal natural fight of the body.

2. While there is a temperature, it is necessary to completely exclude food and water until the temperature subsides. At high temperatures, you usually don’t want to eat or drink; the body itself tells you what it needs.

3. It is necessary to increase the concentration of chlorine in the blood; to do this, you need to suck on a grain of salt every half hour. At high temperatures, the body really likes it.

4. To increase the concentration of chlorine in the blood, which has a detrimental effect on bacteria and viruses, you need to take one Lasix tablet if you are an adult and half a Lasix tablet if you are a child.

The drug works after 10-15 minutes, a diuretic effect begins, which removes excess potassium and the concentration of sodium chloride in the blood increases.

This all works flawlessly; under such conditions, any infection dies within a few hours. According to statistics and practice, the flu goes away within 4 hours!

5. The last stage, it is necessary to make iodine grids under the right and left hypochondrium, where the liver and spleen are located. When there is a cold, the iodine nets disappear before our eyes in minutes, and we make them as they disappear.

Then, when all this passes, all people’s kidneys will already be replanted, because... the stomach does not work correctly. And the kidneys are not able to actively remove the dead infection.

The kidneys need to be helped; for this, on the second day, when the temperature has already dropped, we introduce propolis tincture. Because alcohol tincture, it must be dissolved in the infusion, 5 drops of alcohol per 50 grams of water, drink every 2 hours, and then leave it 3 times a day for 5 days, just in case, so that the infection goes away completely from the kidneys.

Because, as a rule, when the temperature drops, a low-grade temperature begins to remain, which means that the infection has settled in the kidneys, like in a filter, because this filter is weak and is not able to completely remove it.

This temperature cannot be corrected, it lasts very long and does not respond to anything. Propolis helps to complete this task very quickly and gently.

This is a tactic for managing any cold.

Conclusion: If the stomach works well and we do not eat after 18-00 and the stomach produces strong hydrochloric acid, then no infection or illness is possible.

High pressure


These are hormonal problems, the hormone enters the blood and the vessel either narrows or expands, i.e. the pressure either increases or decreases. All this is influenced by the endocrine hormonal system.

The reason for high blood pressure is non-filtering kidneys; when pressure increases, the vessel narrows. The vessel narrows because urea salts remain, the kidneys have not filtered them out so that it does not get into the head, the vessel narrows and the pressure increases.

High blood pressure consists of two numbers, the top number is renal pressure, the bottom number is cardiac pressure.

To lower the upper number, we give a diuretic and it immediately drops; to lower the lower number, it is necessary to replenish the thyroid gland with iodine, i.e. It is enough to pour iodine onto your hand and rub it in the heart area as it is absorbed after 10-15 minutes. the bottom number falls.

How to quickly help yourself:

1. It is necessary to expand the vessel; the vessels narrow not only in the head, but throughout all the vessels in the body. Therefore, when the pressure rises, the extremities become cold. What needs to be done?

You need to take hot water, put your feet in warm water and slowly add hot water so that your feet get used to it. After this, the vessels begin to expand very quickly and the pressure begins to drop quickly. This very quickly helps to remove the upper pressure number.

The lower pressure figure can be removed by making iodine grids or simply pouring iodine into your hand and rubbing it in the heart area after 10-15 minutes. cardiac second pressure drops. Both the upper and lower pressure numbers are adjusted.

Conclusion: In order to prevent this from happening, you need to restore your stomach, eat often and in small portions, do not eat anything after 18-00 and reduce the amount of fluid you drink.

During the day, up to 500-600 ml., in general, save the stomach and remove hydrochloric acid. Natural pressure returns to normal after 2 weeks.

drink 1.5-2 liters of water a day, it would be true if we had water in our vessels and the kidneys filtered plain water, the more water you drink, the cleaner the kidneys.

But I filter my kidneys not with water, but with sodium chloride, a 0.9% saline solution. If the concentration of chlorine is low, the stomach does not support it, then the kidneys will not filter it and they begin to become clogged: salts, sand, stones, because chlorine is both a disinfectant and a solvent.

If chlorine does not dissolve salts, sand, stones, then urea salts remain, are deposited in the spine, joints and walls of blood vessels and give the upper pressure figure.

Varicose veins on the legs


This is one of the functions that the thyroid gland does not perform.

The thyroid gland triggers 500 functions of the liver, one of these functions is the rise of venous blood from the lower extremities of the small pelvis to the lungs for enrichment, against the laws of gravity.

This function is performed by the liver in the presence of thyroid hormone.

If the veins in the legs are blue, there is stagnation of venous blood in the lower extremities and pelvis.

How to quickly help yourself:

— It is enough to feed the thyroid gland with iodine, because there is severe iodine deficiency. To do this, from 20 to 22-00 you need to do iodine grids, you need a large amount of iodine.

The thyroid gland goes out of order usually due to an emotional factor (anxiety, irritation, stress, taking everything to heart, etc.) After 30 minutes. after stress, the thyroid gland is completely depleted of iodine.

If iodine is not added, the thyroid gland fails, but it does not hurt and does not manifest itself in any way. On the emotional factor, this is usually fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, i.e. The thyroid gland causes chronic fatigue syndrome.

— You need potassium iodide, it can be prepared at home, for this, take 1 liter of water, take a level tablespoon of potato starch, add it to cold water and put it on fire.

Slowly brew the jelly, then cool and pour in 1 tablespoon of iodine. You can add sugar or lemon juice to taste. We store the jelly in the refrigerator. Drink half a glass 3 times a day without meals, the last dose between 20:00 and 22:00 during thyroid function. There is no such thing as an overdose.

— We use aspirin bandages, take 4 aspirin tablets, grind them into powder, pour them into a glass and fill them with hot water, because aspirin does not dissolve in other water.

We take two rolls of a wide bandage, immerse it in a glass and squeeze it out so that it is wet, but does not drip. And starting from the tips of the fingers, wrap the leg in a spiral like a stocking and leave it for an hour and every day for an hour.

Within a few days, the color of the veins changes and the swelling goes away, aspirin thins and relieves inflammation. This is external until the thyroid function starts the liver function.

Conclusion: It is necessary to check the thyroid gland for efficiency; to do this, in the interval from 20 to 22-00, do iodine grids on the wrist and see how quickly the grids disappear. If the thyroid gland is not working, replenish the thyroid gland with iodine.


True diabetes mellitus occurs when the pancreas is injured, i.e. there are no cells that produce insulin - this is insulin-dependent diabetes, of all diabetes this is 8% percent, the rest is insulin-independent diabetes.


According to its origin, this is gastric diabetes, for example, a person eats any carbohydrate product and after digesting the carbohydrate product, our blood sugar rises, but after 2 hours the sugar has risen, it should fall back to normal.

The stomach, after it has digested the food and lowered it into the intestines, continues to produce hydrochloric acid with pepsins and this all goes into the blood and reduces the level of potassium (sugar) in the blood to the norm, which is normal for us on an empty stomach.

If the stomach is not working, then after eating our sugar is high, we are drawn to sleep, because the sugars are high, in order not to get into the brain, so that it does not burn, the blood vessels begin to close, and we begin to feel drowsy.

And if the stomach cannot remove sugar to normal, then the body tries to do it roughly how? We begin to feel thirsty, the mucous membranes dry out, the body tries to ask for water and, as a rule, we drink not sweet water, but plain water, at least somehow reducing the concentration of this sugar by simply drinking water.

Because the main task is not to release this excess sugar into the blood so that the brain tissue does not burn.

Conclusion: If after eating there is no cheerful good feeling, if we feel bad, we become weak, drowsy, lethargic and begin to want to drink - this is blood sugar, the second most common type of diabetes.

How to help yourself:

— Often eat in small portions until 18-00, if you don’t eat after 18-00 for several days, this situation will go away immediately

— The volume of a single meal should not exceed the volume of two folded palms, and it does not matter what you eat. If you start eating like this, then a person will definitely not feel thirsty or drowsy.

Everything is determined by the amount of food and the ability of pancreatic and stomach enzymes to digest this food. The less this is, the less the amount of food eaten should be. Considering that almost everyone now has squashed stomachs, almost everyone needs to eat this way.

— It is necessary to temporarily remove foods containing potassium from the diet until the stomach is restored, because when the receptors in the vessels are triggered, the stomach will automatically replenish this whole thing with hydrochloric acid.

After this, the body will begin to react correctly; after eating something sweet, it will demand to eat something salty. This means that the self-healing system is working and the body is pulling itself out of difficult situations.

It is necessary to remove products containing yeast, because this is a huge amount of potassium (yeast-free bread, pita bread, crispbread, there are many recipes on the Internet), dried fruits and fruits in large quantities (grapes, bananas, nuts, seeds)

— Try to drink as little as possible; when diabetes occurs, the feeling of thirst is very high. You can suppress the feeling of thirst with a grain of salt (since this is not insulin-dependent diabetes).

After we have eaten, half an hour or an hour later we need to suck on salt, after which the unconditioned reflex is triggered and the body begins to produce hydrochloric acid, which is absorbed into the blood and the sugar level drops and the feeling of thirst goes away immediately.

Conclusion: Eat in small portions, and before 18-00, drink less, up to 500 ml. per day, reduce intake of sugar-containing foods. The more strictly a person observes all this, the faster it all goes away for him.



If the kidneys are not working well and have not removed the urea salts, then in order to save the brain, the blood vessels narrow and a headache occurs, a spasm.

How to quickly help yourself:

— A Lasix tablet helps remove excess potassium (sugar), sodium increases, the impulse through sodium passes through potassium and the headache goes away. This applies not only to headaches; if something hurts anywhere, Lasix quickly relieves everything.

- You can do the same with Gamasio. Take sesame seeds, white seeds (sold where they sell seeds and nuts), pour them into a dry frying pan without oil, lightly fry, when the seeds begin to turn yellow, cool.

And in the proportion of 5 tablespoons of sesame seeds, one tablespoon of salt and all this is ground through a coffee grinder, the result is salted halva according to taste and smell. When you have a headache, just suck one tablespoon in your mouth and the headache goes away.

Conclusion: the problem is in the stomach, since there is no strong hydrochloric acid that does not cleanse the kidneys. Do not eat after 18-00, drink less, eat in small portions.



This is usually the reflux of bile into the stomach, i.e. After each meal, bile (alkali) is thrown into the stomach from the intestines. A bacterium living in an alkaline environment, all this lives in the stomach because there is no strong hydrochloric acid.

- Gastritis and eating ulcers, i.e. it is necessary to eat small and often. Because the stomach starts working at 5 am, producing strong hydrochloric acid and pepsins (stomach juice), which dissolves any protein.

The gastric mucosa is also injured and dissolved, so by 5 pm there is neither hydrochloric acid left in the stomach nor the mucous that produces it. And so that the mucous membrane is not corroded by its own pepsins, it is necessary to eat often and not starve during the day.

— Do not eat after 18-00

- Do not eat very hot food, because the secretion of hydrochloric acid is disrupted, digestion worsens, food should not be higher than body temperature.

If the stomach has not digested food, then a person begins to develop a tendency to constipation.

Pancreatitis is treated by fasting.

Conclusion: If the hydrochloric acid in the stomach is strong, the bacteria will not be able to live there. Do not eat after 18-00, etc.



Non-filtering kidneys, they do not remove salts, are deposited primarily in the spine, joints, and vessel walls. First of all, in the spine, but not on the vertebrae themselves, but on the ligamentous apparatus that holds the vertebrae.

Due to this, the ligamentous apparatus sags, they stop holding the vertebrae steadily and tightly. The vertebrae begin to move and dangle, during any physical activity, heavy, uneven, when we take something with one hand, our vertebrae are displaced, the ligaments do not hold them, they press on the nerve endings, lumbago and pain occur.

If constant excessive physical activity occurs and the ligaments do not hold the vertebrae, then between the vertebrae there are cartilaginous discs that begin to move out and a hernia appears.

Those. If the kidneys are not filtered, osteochondrosis, scoliosis and Schmorl's hernia appear. This is because the kidneys filter the wrong blood, and the quality of the blood is determined by the stomach.

How to quickly help yourself:

— Aspirin bandages, they thin the blood and relieve inflammation. Dilute 4 aspirin tablets into a glass, wet the bandage, and spread this bandage in width from the first cervical vertebra to the tailbone in several layers (3-4 layers are obtained) and leave for an hour and the pain quickly goes away.

Conclusion: it is necessary to free the kidneys, dissolve the salts, sand, stones that have formed there during life. To do this, suck salt 5-6 times outside of meals, do not eat after 18-00, reduce the amount of liquid you drink.

Code Get rid of diseases

So, if you want to get rid of your diseases, you should use the following codes.

"Abide." The first of the codes that work for your health is aimed at preserving what you have, be it health, love, work or anything else. To be in a comfortable state is the meaning that this code carries.

In addition, it also works to get rid of bad, negative thoughts and helps you “stay” cheerful, happy, loved, and successful. It also works to protect against the influence of others: vampirism, love spells, damage. However, there are various nuances here.

If a sorcerer working against you performs a ritual, you need to go to the magicians and get rid of the “gift,” the code will not work. But it can protect against ordinary, weak negativity. That is, you will have a healthy aura, not susceptible to magical attacks and external negativity.
When you feel good and feel happy, try to record this state in your memory. In a moment of despair, pain, depression, call it out with an effort of will, envelop yourself in the memory of that moment and say the code “Abide.”

You yourself won’t notice how your mood will change, and fate will definitely help you by giving you new pleasant impressions. Try to look at the world with joy, treat others kindly, ignore negative “injections”, then diseases will stop attacking you. I know this from my own experience.

"Change" . Change the existing state of affairs, set the body up for healing, change diseased cells into healthy ones, change your karma by removing interfering blocks - that’s what this code means. When pronouncing it, you need to think about what in your life you need to change, what to get rid of, what to realize in order for your health to return to you.

Diseases don't just happen. This or that damage to the physical body means problems existing in the subtle, energetic bodies. Unresolved problems weaken the body’s energy, as a result the immune system suffers, the body’s defense system is unbalanced, which leads either to a lack of necessary vitality or to the degeneration of healthy cells into mutating, defective ones.

Following the weakening of the immune system, a person’s will and intuition suffer, which leads to an increase in numerous everyday troubles, growing like a snowball and absorbing the patient under a veil of specific troubles.
If you understand that your illness is a blessing, a sign for changing the whole situation as a whole, if you accept it as a test leading to a qualitatively different, new life, the illness will go away. You yourself will become the creator of your future, create your own picture of the world and learn to manage events, building them at will. Patience and will are your main helpers.
Most importantly, you need to “change”, streamline the internal chaos that unbalances you and interferes with a harmonious state, a state of peace.
Making decisions in a state of depression, depression, aggression, emotional outburst means making a deliberately wrong decision. Why?

Precisely because the influence of emotions or grievances is far from the best adviser. Only calm and balance will help you weigh and evaluate various associated factors and look at the situation from a detached perspective.

"Take it." This code means removing what interferes: illnesses, fears, complexes, failures. They need to be “taken” beyond the threshold of your home, swept away like dirty laundry. You can speak the code in relation to everything that bothers you. Mentally sweep the existing negativity and illness out the door and say “Take it away.”

Every time you remember the disease, when relatives, friends, acquaintances, doctors remind you of it, say the code, don’t let negativity get to you and remember, your faith can work miracles. We should not forget that thought is material.

If you want to be healthy - be! Although you also need to listen to the recommendations of doctors. By healing your energy bodies with codes, you must help your physical body with medications and a healthy lifestyle.

“Abolish.” This code will help you get rid of negative character traits and eliminate what bothers you. It can be attributed to different areas of life, be it charisma or financial well-being.

Negative character traits may well affect your well-being. By getting rid of internal poison, you will heal and make your life brighter and more beautiful.
"True". The truth is always beautiful, but seeing things as they are is sometimes extremely difficult. What is the truth? How to see her? How to realize? How do you understand that negativity can be transmitted by another person, close or random?

You can get rid of bad thoughts and insults using this code. Say it if you suddenly realize that you are angry and life seems to you like a horror film or a bad comedy. You will immediately feel better. If you analyze your successes and failures in detail, it will probably turn out that there is still more good, which means there is no reason for anger. A person is initially healthy. Nature designed it that way. Any deviations and diseases are brought about by the environment, climate, parents...

We always don't have enough time to take care of ourselves.

Few people pay attention to the body’s urges when, at the first signs of illness, it informs the owner about this in various ways (fatigue, tingling, spasms, shortness of breath, cough, discomfort). We most often brush aside these messages and only when the disease manifests itself in all its glory do we immediately have free time, and we rush to doctors like crazy, pray to all the saints, and try to lead a healthy lifestyle. And as soon as the illness goes away a little, we immediately relax and begin to live as before.

But in fact, any disease is our best friend and helper. Each illness tells us certain information: “You are going the wrong way, stop, think!” But most often we don’t think about it, but swallow pills, suppress our body and continue to move further in the wrong direction.

So, what is real health and what does it depend on?

And the health of each person depends on just two factors:

1. A person’s thoughts, his worldview and feelings.
2. That which surrounds a person and in one way or another penetrates his body.

Yes, that’s right, a person’s thoughts, his worldview and feelings are in first place in terms of the importance of their influence on the human body. And only in second place is the environment, food and air consumed.

You are much more likely to live a healthy and energetic life if you begin to think positively, stop getting angry and offended at every occasion, and clearly know your near and far life goals.

A very high probability of body diseases can arise due to self-rejection. Almost all people don’t like something about themselves, aren’t happy with their appearance or certain character traits. This is a very common cause of various diseases.

Also, often illnesses, illnesses and depression can mean that you do not have specific goals in life. That is, you don’t know exactly what you want from life. Just sleep, eat, go to work and watch TV. And even if you read a lot of psychological and developmental literature, this does not mean at all that you have clear life goals.

But if you think that setting goals for yourself is stupid, and in life everything will still happen as planned by fate, then at least try to do it for the sake of experiment.

Of course, there are thousands of options for the cause of this or that disease. And here you don’t have to look for the answer in books or the Internet. You will not find a better advisor than your body anywhere.

There is a very simple and accessible way for every person to understand the cause of their illness or illness. We create all the events of our lives (including illnesses) ourselves. “No, I don’t want to have this disease,” you say. Or “I never wanted this to happen to me.” You think this because you don't realize how this principle works. For example, you are terribly tired at work, you are tired of everything, you don’t have a single free minute. And you say in your hearts: “I’m so tired of all this, I really want to relax!” The subconscious perceives your desire in its own way and decides to give you a rest. You “accidentally” catch a cold and can afford to rest with a clear conscience.

So, what does it take to determine the cause of your illness? To do this, you need to bring information about the cause of the disease from the subconscious to the conscious. You just need to ask yourself: “Why do I need this disease? What does my body want to tell me with this?” And listen carefully to yourself. The answer may come immediately or appear in the coming days. But he will definitely appear. The answer is within every person. If you do not receive or do not want to receive an answer, it means that you are comfortable with your illness today and you do not want to change anything.

If you have not yet fully understood how to communicate with your subconscious, in this case there is an excellent exercise, the correct implementation of which can save you from any illness.

1. Sit or lie down in a place comfortable for you. Relax. You can close your eyes. Think about what's bothering you.

Now ask your subconscious: Why did you have this disease? How to ask a question to the subconscious? And just like you ask a question to any person. Just ask a question.

The first thought that comes to your mind is the answer of the subconscious. Remember the answer. There doesn't have to be one answer.

2. Now ask the subconscious the following question: Why do I need this disease, and what do I want to tell myself with this disease.

3. Next question: What should I do to get rid of this disease?

Don't worry about the fact that you have never communicated with your subconscious mind. This exercise can be done by all people without exception.

And this action does not even have to be called communication with the subconscious. You can call it, for example, “communication with your inner self.” In fact, you already know why you got this disease and how you can get rid of it. You just need to express a desire to know this information, and it will immediately open to you.

Is it really necessary to completely abandon medicine, you ask? No, you don't need to do this at all. But you should consult doctors and take pills only when you urgently need help and just having a positive attitude and working on yourself will not instantly change anything (bleeding, fracture, emergency surgery). But at the same time, after overcoming the crisis, it is imperative to work on your thoughts on your own, to figure out why you have such a situation. After all, nothing happens by chance. Every unpleasant incident, accident, injury, even a scratch reflects some of your wrong thoughts and actions. And by turning to doctors and not changing your consciousness, you are thereby preparing the ground for another such unpleasant incident.

Therefore, take care of your health, love yourself and your body, and you will always be full of health and energy.
