How to freshen up a black coat. How to properly clean a coat at home? How to clean leather, cashmere, wool and drape coats

Coats are not cheap. Therefore, such a purchase is designed for several years. And in the conditions of modern life, a thing becomes dirty already a few weeks after it has been put on. Therefore, the care of such a garment includes the daily removal of dust from the surface, the periodic treatment of stains and general cleaning at the end of the season.

Coat care includes daily surface dusting, occasional spot treatment, and general cleaning at the end of the season.

For some products, dry cleaning is the only option to restore a decent appearance. This remark is true for snow-white things, stains of engine oil or fuel oil on them. Dry cleaning services should also be used if the owner is not confident in his own abilities, the product is expensive, or the manufacturer indicates this condition on the label.

In other cases, self-cleaning is possible. Its methods will directly depend on the material and the degree of contamination. It is necessary to consider this in more detail.

Types of coat cleaning at home and product preparation

  1. For daily care of a product dry cleaning of clothes is used. It includes brushing with soft or hard bristles, exposure to contaminated areas with dry powders and aerosols.
  2. Wet cleaning is used both for heavily soiled areas of clothing, and for the care of the entire product. It includes the use of cleaning products that are washed off with water, steam treatment using special units.
  3. Washing can be hand or machine. Read the label carefully before using this method, as this procedure may not be allowed.

Several ways to clean a leather bag

To clean outerwear yourself, you should decide which cleaning method is more appropriate for a particular product.

Before you get down to business, you need to take a few important steps. First, you need to check the pockets for foreign objects that may suffer themselves or interfere with cleaning. Secondly, you need to examine the thing in a sufficiently lit room from the outside and from the inside. Particular attention is required for heavily soiled areas, which are usually located in the area of ​​​​the collar, sleeves and pockets. They can be still on the lining and in other places.

For some products, dry cleaning is the only option to restore a decent appearance.

Now you need a brush to brush off the settled dust before working with cleaning products. The label will give the hostess the necessary information about the type of product (composition and quality of the fabric) and how to clean the coat. In order for the result to be really pleasing and without unforeseen consequences, it does not hurt to try this tool on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing. This is especially important if the product is black or another dark color, because all imperfections are more visible on it.

Drape coat cleaning

In the production of outerwear, drape, tweed, cashmere and other types of wool are most often used. All these materials require careful handling and cleaning. It must be remembered that under the influence of hot water, they tend to sit down (reduce in size). Therefore, you need to consider in more detail how to clean different types of wool.

How to clean the washing machine yourself from dirt

The main advantage of drape is the preservation of color under the influence of light. This coat does not shed or wrinkle. It is a heavy but durable material. When deciding how to clean the drape at home, you need to know that it is advisable to clean such material only using dry methods. First you need to clean the dust with a stiff brush.

For woolen items, exposure to hot water is prohibited due to their deformation or shrinkage.

An alternative would be to use a bread crumb that needs to be crumbled onto the surface and rolled until hard balls form. The rest must be brushed off.

Stains on the drape coat can be removed by wetting the soiled surface with a cleaning agent for 5-10 minutes and removing the remaining substance with a sponge. Washing such a product is undesirable, but if necessary, only a manual version is possible in water at room temperature. After wet cleaning methods, the drape coat needs to be thoroughly dried. You need to hang it by the shoulders in a well-ventilated area and shake it often. This is necessary so that the thing does not lose its shape.

How to clean a cashmere coat (video)

Removing stains from tweed and cashmere

A feature of tweed fabric is resistance to pollution. Therefore, such a coat can be cleaned by drying the stain and rubbing it with a brush. And only with stubborn dirt, it is possible, although undesirable, to use soapy water treatment or hand washing. Dry such a product in a horizontal position. From above and below it is covered with towels. This is the only way to keep the color and avoid warping the fabric.

How to clean crystal glass at home

Since cashmere is made from the soft undercoat from the sides of fluffy mountain goats, it is especially sensitive to external influences. Therefore, the question of how to clean a cashmere coat at home should be taken seriously.

In the production of coats, drape, tweed, cashmere and other types of wool are most often used.

After the standard dry dust removal, you need to move on to stain treatment. Sweat and fat residues remaining on the lining can be removed using a small portion of refined gasoline, then covered with talc and finally brushed. To remove sweat stains, the surface of the fabric should be wiped with cotton wool soaked first in soapy water, then in ammonia. And to complete the cleaning process, remove the remaining substances with a damp cloth. Dirt of unknown origin can be removed by mixing equal parts glycerin and ammonia. Remaining liquid after processing can be removed with a cloth.

Washing a cashmere coat is undesirable, and in some cases prohibited by the manufacturer. Drying a thing is similar to the action with a tweed product. If the coat needs to be ironed, only steam treatment is possible without the use of an iron.

How to clean a coat (video)

It is possible to clean a woolen coat at home, even if the hostess cannot accurately determine the type of fabric. To eliminate contamination in such cases, you need to use the following standard recommendations:

  1. You can use a brush or roller with adhesive tape to remove dust.
  2. A soiled black coat can be treated with strong black tea to bring the material back to its original luster.
  3. Ammonia and salt in a 4:1 ratio can be used to clean problem areas on the collar and sleeves.
  4. The direction of movement of the hand during operation should be from the edges to the center. In this way, divorce will be prevented.
  5. To remove greasy stains, refined gasoline can become a universal remedy.
  6. Traces of alcohol are removed with a mixture of vinegar and alcohol.
  7. For other stains, the following mixture should be used: for 100 ml of warm water, 1 tbsp. l. liquid soap and ammonia. The contaminated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe material must be wiped with a cotton swab moistened with this composition, the remaining substance must be wiped off with a damp cloth.
  8. If the manufacturer allows the product to be washed, it must be hand-washed. In extreme cases, this can be done in the machine in the delicate wash mode. After the procedure, do not twist the tissue.
  9. Drying of the product is carried out in a well-ventilated area, most often in a horizontal position. The coat is covered on both sides with towels. Thus, it is possible to prevent deformation of the wet material.

Much depends on the quality of the material from which the coat is sewn. There are quite a few ways. In this text we will try to tell you the most proven methods that are truly effective in cleaning a wool coat.

Caring for wool and wool blend coats

Many of us have such a model made of wool in the closet, which after some time, due to spools or dirt, loses its presentability.

If you accidentally notice a stain, you need to remove it immediately. Pellets, hair, threads that are collected in lumps, it is advisable to clean several times a week.

Dry cleaning methods

At home, cleaning most often occurs dry, as it is more convenient and faster. You can use a brush or a Velcro roller. The brush should be gentle so as not to damage the surface of the fabric.

However, if you still decide to wash, be sure to read the label. So it will immediately be clear whether this coat can be cleaned wet or not. If not, then it is better to take it to the dry cleaners and the problem will be solved.

For easy cleaning of the product, hang it on a hanger and go over it with a brush. Instantly, all the threads and spools will be on Velcro. If desired, before cleaning, you can wet the brush or roller with water, this will improve the process of getting rid of the collected dirt.

Look at the coat - if there are stains, it is advisable to remove them immediately, as over time it will be more difficult or even impossible. Detected stains must be cleaned from the edges to the center, so there will be no traces of rubbing.

After cleaning, we leave the coat on a coat hanger so that the fabric dries and acquires its freshness. It is advisable to keep clean outer clothing in special cases. Thus, the thing will last longer and always look great.

There is not always time to wash the product, but it is possible to clean the clothes with dry methods. For this you need:

  • Place the product vertically on the shoulders;
  • Clean with a Velcro roller, then brush in the direction of the villi;
  • The stain can be treated with soapy water. Soap can be liquid or solid, if it is solid, grate it and dilute it with clean water. The proportions are as follows: mix a spoonful of soap in one liter of water and stir well until foam is obtained. After applying this solution to the stain itself, if it is difficult to remove, leave for 5-10 minutes and then rinse;

  • Grease stains can be removed with starch, gasoline or talc;
  • A fresh food stain can be easily removed with vinegar and alcohol;
  • A white coat will save salt and ammonia;
  • A permanent stain can be removed with a special wool product, which can be easily purchased at the store;
  • Ventilation will greatly help in cleaning the product. For example, this way you can get rid of the unpleasant smell of sweat. Hang the coat on a hanger and take it to the balcony, it is desirable that the sun does not shine on the thing.

The best option would be to take the coat outside in the cold if you have a private house, or to the balcony and leave it there for a few days. It is believed that frosty air destroys all extraneous odors.

  • A great solution is to clean the coat with a steamer, very easy and fast. A couple of movements - there is no smell and no stains. Of course, if there are old stains, you first need to process them and only then go through hot steam.

When using laundry detergent, always pay attention to how the fabric behaves, it is advisable to experiment on the back of the item so as not to damage its front side.

How to wash?

The product can be washed if it is not 100% wool, otherwise it is prohibited. Before washing, be sure to read what is written on the label so as not to make a mistake and not spoil the thing.

For washing, there are special products that will carefully remove all stains and dirt. You can use a balm to rinse, so that the water will become softer and the fabric too.

In the washing machine be sure to wash at a temperature of 30 degrees, in the "Delicate wash" mode. Before washing, the item is placed in a special bag for washing, so as not to damage anything. A gentle wash will keep your coat fresh and smelling good. You can also wash the product by hand. It will certainly take more time and effort. You can wash it in cold water under a large jet, so the washing powder is washed out more easily. Rinse preferably two or three times until the water runs clear. You can’t push hard, everything should be in moderation.

The drying process is also very important. Products must be hung vertically on a coat hanger and straightened, leaving to dry. Do not use a hair dryer or dryer, the fabric will deteriorate.

How to clean a white or light coat?

White and light coats have the same procedure as colored ones, the only difference is that they need to be rinsed more thoroughly than products of other colors, as yellowish marks may remain that will spoil the attractiveness of the product.

Dry cleaning

The easiest way to clean a coat is to take it to the dry cleaners. They will quickly and efficiently remove any stain and put the coat in order. With the right knowledge and with all the necessary tools at hand, they can easily take care of the product. After dry cleaning, most often the thing takes on a new life, it feels like you just bought it. The advantage of this solution is saving time and no worries about the coat.

Minus - high prices, which sometimes bite very much.

There is one tricky and easy way to easily tidy up a coat. Run hot water in the bathroom and close the door to form a kind of steam room. Take your coat, hang it on a hanger, and take it into the bathroom, where there is already a lot of steam.

Leave it there for about 20 minutes, then work the fabric with a gentle clothes brush, scrubbing out any dirty spots. Open the door wide open to let everything air out, but do not take the coat away, it should cool and straighten out. If desired, later, when the product is dry, you can iron it, but very carefully - through gauze or thin cotton fabric.

Wear woolen coats, it is warm and beautiful. Fashion does not stand still and in the store you can find many unusual and attractive models, different colors and styles. Do not be afraid to buy them, because now you know how to care for them.

How to iron a coat at home, see the following video.

It is very convenient to clean the coat in dry cleaning. Usually, dry cleaning your coat is even better than cleaning your coat at home. But if you don't have the time or money to dry clean, you can clean your coat at home with little effort and with great results.

Many housewives doubt whether it is possible to clean the coat at home with high quality, and whether cleaning the coat will spoil the appearance of the product, because, as you know, the material from which coats are made is quite capricious in use.

In this article, we decided to collect useful tips on how to clean a coat at home, as well as answer questions on how to clean a coat from grease, coffee or tea stains, how to clean a coat carefully, how to clean a coat made of cashmere, wool, drape.

How to clean a coat at home: how to clean a coat

Cleaning a coat or any other product should begin with a review of the information on the product label. Manufacturers briefly tell the user how to clean the coat, and how to wash the item.

To clean the coat from stains, if a small part of the product is dirty, it is better to partially, because frequent washing of the coat can quickly spoil its appearance.

The shelf life of the coat is approximately five years. If you take good care of your coat and don't wear your coat often, you can easily carry your coat longer.

Before you clean your coat at home, inspect the coat. Most often, this type of outerwear gets dirty on the sleeves, elbows, collar area, pockets, in places where buttonholes and fasteners are located.

Using a coat stain remover, before cleaning the coat, test the product on a piece of the product, turning the coat inside out.

It is necessary to clean the coat from stains from the outer edge of the stain to the center of contamination. If you clean the coat from stains otherwise, stains may remain.

Cleaning the coat will be effective if you put a cloth under the soiled area on the coat. By using a backing cloth, you will collect any excess liquid.

To clean the coat on the collar, take salt and ammonia, preparing the product in a ratio of 4/1. A cotton swab dipped in the solution is used to wipe the greasy collar over the pile. So you perfectly clean the collar on the coat.

Another way to clean a coat on the sleeves and collar from small dirt involves the use of soapy water, an iron and cotton fabric.

Place the fabric marked in the solution on the spots on the coat. Then iron over the fabric using the temperature provided for the coat. The dirt is absorbed into the fabric and your coat stays clean.

The spots on the coat can be large. In this case, use a brush to dry-clean the coat first.

Many may be interested in the question of how to clean a suede coat. We answer, you can clean a suede coat with rubber sponges or brushes.

If you spill coffee or tea on your coat, don't worry. Try cleaning your coat for coffee or tea stains with a prepared glycerin and ammonia cleaner. Prepare such a solution in the proportion of 2 tsp / 1 tsp.

To clean tea or coffee stains, housewives recommend using a solution of vinegar mixed with alcohol in a 1/1 ratio.

Cleaning the coat from greasy stains. How to clean a coat from grease stains

You can use talcum powder or baby powder to remove grease from your coat. Apply a layer on a greasy coat and leave for 12 hours for the grease to be absorbed into the talc or powder. After the talc (powder) cleans the stain, you need to remove the talc with a dry brush. If grease stains are ingrained, carry out the procedure several times.

The second effective way to remove grease and greasy stains from your coat is to use quality gasoline.

To clean a grease stain with gasoline, prepare a cotton cloth and cover the stain. Then wipe the greasy or greasy stain with a gasoline-soaked swab, using circular motions. It is important to clean the stain with gasoline from the edge of the stain to the middle of the stain.

You can clean greasy stains with an iron, but only if the coat can be ironed.

To clean the coat with an iron, you need ordinary napkins. Place a paper towel over the stain and iron. You can change the napkin several times if necessary until the napkin absorbs all the dirt.

How to clean a cashmere coat

Although the cashmere coat is not cheap, the material from which it is made is quite versatile. It is quite possible to clean a cashmere coat at home.

You can even wash your cashmere coat using the optimal temperature setting.

You can clean cashmere from stains at home using a special store-bought product for cashmere items. Do not forget that after washing or cleaning a cashmere coat, you need to hang it up so that it returns to its usual shape.

An easy way to clean a drape coat

Drape coats can also be cleaned at home. For a good cleaning of a drape coat, place the coat in an upright position. Take a brush and gently shake off the dust and dirt.

Then the drape coat should be sprinkled with washing powder. Using a coarse-grained sponge, wipe the coat. Next, take a stiff brush to clean the powder from the drape coat.

You need to complete the procedure with an iron. Steam the coat from the drape with an iron, drying it.

How to clean a wool coat: rules for cleaning wool products

Woolen coats must be cleaned carefully so as not to spoil the color of the coat. Test any wool coat cleaner on a small portion of the coat, turning the coat inside out.

To clean a wool coat at home, it is better to purchase a special product in the store, improving it with two tablespoons of ammonia.

We hope that our tips on how to clean a coat from grease, coffee, tea stains, as well as how to clean a coat made of cashmere, suede, drape, wool, will help you clean the stains on your coat, and you, with a clear conscience, put it in the closet for the next winter.

Proper care and timely cleaning of the coat will increase its service life. Your best bet is professional dry cleaning. But it is not always possible to use the services of specialists. How to clean a coat at home, read our article.

If the composition of the coat is mixed, rely on the presence of natural fibers. Synthetic fibers improve the fabric and make it easier to care for, while materials of natural origin are more demanding to clean.

When is dry cleaning necessary?

Cleaning a coat at home is not difficult, but there are situations when only a professional approach can save a thing. If you find a problem that you have encountered in the list below, do not hesitate to take the coat to the dry cleaner:

  • if the manufacturer recommends only professional dry cleaning (see the label);
  • if you have a white coat. Most manipulations will further stain the product or make its color dull;
  • if there are stains on the coat from machine oil or fuel oil. They are very difficult to remove, and there is a risk of spoiling the product;
  • if there are greasy spots on the leather coat. Solvents will damage the integrity and color of the skin, and degreasers will break its protective film;
  • if you are not confident in your abilities or you have a very expensive product in front of you.

If you are not confident in your abilities or you have a very expensive item in front of you, take your coat to the dry cleaner

Coat cleaning by fabric type

Draped coat

Drap is a dense heavy woolen material. It is durable, does not wrinkle and does not shed. You can clean the drape coat at home using dry methods. Drap, like other products made of natural wool, shrinks in size and loses its shape from exposure to warm water. Traditional washing can only be used if there is a corresponding mark on the label.

Woolen coat should be cleaned at least 2 times a year: before and after the season

To remove dust, walk with a clothes brush in the direction of the pile. Can be cleaned with both dry and wet brushes.

Rye bread will cope with dust. Spread the coat on the floor and crumble the bread crumb on top. Roll it over the surface of the material until small balls form. Shake the coat to remove any remaining crumbs.

You can clean the coat from stains without washing. Dissolve detergent in water and wet the stain. Leave on for 10 minutes and remove soap particles with a sponge.

After wet cleaning, the drape must be properly dried. To keep the coat in shape, hang it on a coat hanger and let it dry completely.

A light coat cleans Vanish dry powder well: sprinkle it on the product, and then brush off the powder with a clothes brush

Tweed coat

To clean a tweed coat from dust, you can use a damp brush, a clothes roller or a vacuum cleaner.

To clean the coat from dirt, wait until the stain dries, go over with a brush and wipe with a damp sponge. If dirt has ingrained into the material, moisten the stain with soapy water and comb through with a damp brush.

Tweed is an elastic wool material with a small pile. It is practical, wear-resistant, gets dirty a little and does not wrinkle.

Washing tweed is highly discouraged. If necessary, wash it by hand at 30℃ and keep it in water as little as possible.

Dry the tweed coat by laying it flat on a soft cloth (towels). You need to iron the tweed from the wrong side, laying a damp cloth between the material and the iron.

Cashmere coat

Cashmere is a delicate and sensitive material, so it must be handled delicately.

Cashmere is thin, soft and warm. It is woven from the undercoat of mountain goats of a special breed.

You can clean the coat from dust with a clothes roller or a damp cloth.

Refined gasoline and talc will help get rid of greasy stains. Apply a little gasoline to the stain and sprinkle with talcum powder. When the composition dries, brush off the residue with a brush and wipe with a damp cloth. Repeat if necessary. Hang your coat in a well-ventilated area to get rid of the smell of gasoline.

You can quickly clean a cashmere coat at home with soap and ammonia. This solution removes sweat stains. Treat the contamination first with soapy water and then with ammonia. Wipe the coat with a damp cloth.

To remove stains of unknown origin, mix ammonia and glycerin in equal proportions and wipe the stains. Wipe off excess liquid with a damp cloth.

Read the label: Not all types of wool are machine washable

If the coat can be washed, choose a delicate cycle, no spin, temperature no higher than 30 ℃, and use liquid detergents.

Cashmere should not be rubbed or twisted, otherwise it will lose its shape.

To properly dry your cashmere product, lay it out on a horizontal surface. You can not dry the coat on the hangers, otherwise it will stretch. Do not dry cashmere near heaters or in direct sunlight.

Creases in cashmere can be steamed without touching the surface of the material with an iron.

Before using any cleaning method, test on an inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric.

If you do not know what type of wool or down the coat is made of, follow the general recommendations for the care of wool products.

A few tips for cleaning wool coats:

  • a black coat can be "revived" by wiping it with strong black tea;
  • frayed places on the sleeves and collar can be treated with a mixture of ammonia and salt (1: 4). Treat problem areas and remove the remnants of the mixture with a brush;
  • alcohol stains can be removed with a mixture of vinegar and alcohol. Mix the components in equal proportions and wipe the dirt;
  • you can clean a woolen coat at home with soapy water and ammonia (100 ml of warm water + 1 tbsp liquid soap + 1 tbsp ammonia). Treat the stain with the solution and wipe the coat with a damp cloth;
  • to avoid stains, clean the stains from the edges to the center;
  • treat dried stains with steam to facilitate mechanical cleaning;
  • if the coat is washable, use a hand wash or a gentle cycle in the washing machine. The water temperature should not exceed 30℃. Use products marked "For wool";
  • to avoid creases and deformation, do not rub or twist the coat;
  • to prevent the coat from stretching, dry the product horizontally, laying towels to absorb moisture.

Leather coat

You can clean such a coat from dust with a damp cloth, and a solution of ammonia and soap (1-2 tablespoons per glass of warm water) will help get rid of light dirt. Clean the product with a sponge soaked in the solution, and then wipe with a damp cloth. This cleaning is recommended to be carried out regularly to maintain the appearance of the leather coat.

Leather is a versatile, durable and flexible material. Leather coat is comfortable to wear and easy to clean

Greasy places on the sleeves and collar are wiped first with alcohol, then with lemon juice, and then with a solution of glycerin.

Table vinegar will cope with stains from salt, it will not only wash away traces, but also give the skin a shine.

A leather coat is not recommended to be soaked in water, and you will have to try to wash the lining. Turn the garment inside out, dampen and lather the lining, wash the stains by hand and rinse the fabric gently using as little water as possible. Hang coat on coat hanger and leave to dry completely. Do not wear wet leather items as they may stretch.

Suede coat

Ammonia will help remove dust from suede. Moisten a cotton swab and wipe the product in the direction of the pile.

Glossy places and greasy spots are treated with milk and soda. Dilute 1 tsp. baking soda in 100 ml of milk, apply the solution to the coat, leave for a few minutes, and then brush the product with a suede brush.

Suede is a velvety durable tanned leather. Despite the delicacy of the material, you can clean a suede coat at home

Starch will help clean the coat from greasy stains: sprinkle contaminated areas with it, leave for 2 hours and brush the coat.

Stains on suede can be removed by wiping them with a bread crust or eraser.

Heavy soiling can be removed by hand washing. Suede should not be soaked, rubbed or twisted. Gently rinse the coat first in warm (30℃) soapy water, then in clean water. To prevent roughening of the suede, wipe the coat with a solution of glycerin (0.5 tsp per 1 liter of water), and then dry the product.

The suede coat is dried by laying it out on a horizontal surface. To remove excess moisture, blot the coat with a towel and leave to dry completely.

Suede can only be ironed from the inside and at a minimum temperature. Creases are removed by steaming.

Faux suede cannot be washed. Such a coat is cleaned with a soap solution: applied to dirt, rubbed with a sponge, and then soap residue is removed with a damp cloth.

polyester coat

You can clean such a coat from dust with a brush or a clothes roller.

Polyester is a synthetic fabric made from polyester fibers. Such material practically does not wrinkle, holds its shape well and is easy to wash.

You can clean the coat from stains with table salt. Treat the dirt with salt (sprinkle and leave for 30 minutes), and then wash off the residue with soapy water.

Stubborn stains can be removed with a 10% solution of borax: apply the liquid to the coat, leave for 5 minutes, then wipe the stains with lemon juice and remove the residue with a clean, damp cloth.

Do not wash polyester in hot water, and do not use bleach - this will damage the fabric.

Polyester can be washed by hand and in the washing machine (delicate wash). The water temperature should not exceed 30℃. When washing, set the minimum number of revolutions (400) and use mild liquid detergents.

Neoprene coat

Neoprene (artificial foam rubber covered with fabric on both sides) is a durable and practical antibacterial material. Repels water and dirt well.

Non-breathable materials such as neoprene are not recommended to be worn for more than 3-4 hours per day.

Neoprene is machine washable. Use soft powder and delicate wash cycle (400 rpm and water temperature not higher than 30℃). Neoprene needs to be washed twice: first the outer surface, then the wrong side. The coat is also dried on both sides: periodically turn it inside out and do not leave it in direct sunlight.

Store your coat in a special bag to protect it from dust and insects.

If you properly care for the product, the coat will not lose its shape and will serve you for many years. Share your coat cleaning tips in the comments.1 Rating: 4.75 (4 votes)

Do you know that:

If the first signs of gestation in the form of untidy pellets appear on your favorite things, you can get rid of them with the help of a special machine - a shaver. It quickly and effectively shaves off clumps of fabric fibers and returns things to a decent look.

The threads of gold and silver, with which clothes were embroidered in the old days, are called gimp. To obtain them, the metal wire was pulled for a long time with tongs to the state of the required fineness. This is where the expression “pull (raise) the gimp” came from - “engage in long monotonous work” or “delay the execution of the case”.

The habit of using the washing machine “economically” can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor in it. Washing at temperatures below 60 ℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria from dirty clothes to remain on internal surfaces and actively multiply.

Before removing various stains from clothes, you need to find out how safe the chosen solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thing from the wrong side for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film can withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m 2 of its area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you can not be afraid of leaks from neighbors from above.

To combat moths, there are special traps. In the sticky layer with which they are covered, pheromones of females are added to attract males. Sticking to the trap, they drop out of the breeding process, which leads to a decrease in the moth population.

In the dishwasher, not only plates and cups are washed well. It can be loaded with plastic toys, glass shades of lamps and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without the use of detergents.

The easiest way to remove scale and soot from the sole of the iron is with table salt. Pour a thick layer of salt on the paper, heat the iron to the maximum and several times, pressing lightly, run the iron over the salt bedding.

Fresh lemon is good for more than just tea: clean stains from the surface of an acrylic bath by rubbing with a half of cut citrus, or quickly clean the microwave by placing a container of water and lemon slices in it for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt will simply be wiped off with a sponge.

A cashmere coat has always been considered a luxury and style item. Indeed, cashmere is a relatively expensive wool fabric that gives things a sophisticated and elegant look. Over time, any thing gets dirty, and the cashmere coat is no exception. In order to clean it, you should know the features of the fabric and the cleaning process itself.


Cashmere is a warm material, albeit thin. It warms well in the cold season and windy weather. With all this, cashmere is a delicate and sensitive fabric that does not tolerate washing well. Even if the manufacturer claims machine washable on the label, there is a risk that the coat will lose its shape and attractive appearance.

Therefore, cleaning a cashmere coat should be treated with care and preference should be given to dry cleaning.

If for some reason it is not possible to clean the coat from dirt, stains and dust using a professional method, then you can do it at home, To do this, you need to know the features of such cleaning:

  • First of all, you should carefully examine the product tag, familiarize yourself with the permitted types of cleaning, drying and ironing;
  • It is necessary to carefully inspect the item for stains, small dirt. To do this, the coat should be hung on a hanger or the back of a chair. The main thing is that it should be in a vertical position. You should carefully examine the "problem areas" - lining, collar, cuffs, armpits;
  • Use a cleaning brush designed for this type of fabric. As a rule, it has soft bristles. You can replace it with a foam roller or a soft cloth. Even using delicate cleaning products, do not rub the coat hard or brush off the dust with sudden movements. All this can lead to tissue deformation;

  • After dry cleaning, use only vertical drying, and for wet washing - horizontal drying. Such methods will help maintain the shape and attractiveness of the product;
  • After dry cleaning, you can leave the coat over a basin of hot water. Steam from the water will smooth out any wrinkles and refresh the color.

Knowing the feature of the product, you can easily cope with the removal of stains at home. Stronger soiling will help remove the two main ways to clean cashmere.

Cleaning methods

Cleaning a cashmere coat at home can be done competently and efficiently. To do this, you need to know the features and types of cleaning. In order to rid the coat of stains and dirt, as well as an unpleasant smell, you can use the following methods:

  • Dry (dry cleaning);
  • Wet (machine).

The first option involves cleaning the product without the use of water or using it in small quantities. This method is also suitable for everyday cleansing and giving a stately appearance. Removal of contaminants is carried out with the help of dry substances, and these can be both professional and ingredients that are at hand (bread crumbs, semolina, talc).

Based on the reviews, home cleaning in this way is not inferior to professional cleaning in removing debris and giving a fresh look.

This procedure looks like this:

  • Hang the product in a vertical position (it will be most convenient to do this on a coat hanger). Fasten the zipper and all buttons.
  • Carefully inspect the item for the presence of small debris, threads and hairs. You can remove them with a clothes roller. If it is not at hand, you can use wet rubber gloves or a soft sponge.
  • Sweep over the entire surface with a special brush for cashmere. You can gently shake it several times. Such manipulations will remove surface debris and dust.
  • For deep cleaning, sprinkle the coat with powder, talcum powder or a special detergent. Then, with a slightly damp brush, gently brush off the cleaning agents.

Wet washing involves the use of not only cleaning agents, but also water in sufficient quantity and form. Therefore, both steaming and wet wiping the coat with a brush or rag can also be attributed to wet washing.

Such cleaning is used in case of severe contamination, loss of a presentable appearance and the presence of an unpleasant odor. Still use laundry before storing clothes for a long time.

The main method of wet stain removal is hand or machine washing. If the label on the coat provides for this type of washing, then you can clean it in this way at home. Before machine washing, unhook the fur, if any, and fasten the buttons or zipper. You only need to set the delicate mode, set the temperature to no more than 40 degrees. The spin mode should also be disabled.

You can remove the dirt and manually. You will need a basin of cold water (not higher than 25 degrees) and washing gel. Particular attention should be paid to rinsing. This process should be carried out until all the cleaning agent has come out, otherwise stains may remain on the clothes. It also shouldn't be pressed.. The best option is to wrap the coat in a large towel so that it absorbs all the moisture. After that, the coat should be dried in a horizontal position in a ventilated room.

Types of stains and their cleaning

The result of cleansing largely depends on the type of stains that had to be dealt with. You can also remove dirt and stains from outerwear in the following ways:

  • Small dirt, especially on a light coat, is well rubbed with soapy water. To do this, the soap is dissolved in 1 liter of warm water, and a cotton pad is wetted in it. Then the dirty area is wiped several times with a clean, damp disc or sponge;
  • Talcum powder can be used to remove grease stains and freshen up a white coat. You will need to apply the substance to the stain in several layers and leave for several hours. The more time passes, the more effective the cleaning will be. Then you should remove the talc from the clothes with a brush;
  • Dirt, coffee and tea will help remove ammonia from the surface. It will take 0.5 teaspoon of alcohol and 1 teaspoon of glycine. Cotton wool or a sponge dipped in this solution wipes the stain until it disappears completely. You can also alternate alcohol and soap solution. Only after these procedures should the area be thoroughly rinsed with clean water so that no stains remain;

  • Dirt from food will help remove the vinegar and alcohol. You should mix the ingredients in a 1: 1 ratio and moisten a rag or cotton pad. Then remove the stain, just do not do it with sharp and rough movements;
  • Traces of fat or wine will help remove the salt. It is necessary to apply salt to this area and wait from 2 to 4 or more hours. After you need to shake off the salt with a brush and gently wipe the trace of the stain with soapy water;
  • Black tea brewing can be used to remove impurities from a black coat. You will need a cotton wool or sponge dipped in such tea leaves. She wipes the dirty mark several times, if necessary, repeat the procedure.

Care rules

Proper care of the cashmere item will increase the service life and keep the color fresh.
