How to discover your abilities. Every person can develop unique superpowers.

It is very difficult to stop comparing yourself to others. We look at other people and admire their strength, confidence, courage or beauty. Or perhaps we envy their intelligence, resourcefulness, kindness or cunning. We often notice in others exactly those qualities that we really want to develop in ourselves. This kind of psychological exercise has its own value. However, we often forget (or don't realize it at all) that each of us is born with a unique set of abilities and strengths that are waiting for you to use them. Identifying your own strengths is not the easiest task, but taking the time to figure it out is definitely worth it.

Very often, it is our innate abilities that allow us to move forward in our endeavors, as they are associated with a certain type of activity. You may be a natural athlete, writer or politician. However, your strengths may be less obvious. For example, the ability to remain calm in stressful situations, easily cope with difficult problems, or remain optimistic during difficult periods of life.

But how to discover your natural abilities and talents? No one has yet been able to find a simple and clear way to solve this problem. However, there are several effective methods that can help you find clues that point to your talents and strengths. Here are three main ways that are different from each other, but also have incredible value in finding your natural abilities.

1. Interview friends and family

This item is at the top of the list for a reason. Perhaps this is the simplest, most reliable and natural way to discover your strengths and talents. Take some time to talk with your closest friends, family members, and colleagues with whom you have worked for a long time. This list can also include other people from your environment whose opinions you trust. Ask each of them what talents they see in you. You can also ask their opinion about your weaknesses, since this information, when used correctly, is extremely useful for self-development.

Remember that you are not looking for people who will flatter you. You need honest and constructive answers from people who know you well.

This method works great for the same reason that we don't notice our own shortcomings. We are so self-absorbed that it is not easy for us to objectively assess our abilities. But someone else's gaze is able to discern strengths and weaknesses much more clearly.

2. Identify moments when you are in a state of flow.

Sometimes we are not surrounded by a lot of people who are around us all the time. Or we have no desire to ask others questions about our talents. If you recognize yourself, then the second and third points are right for you.

Monitor your state while performing certain actions and determine the moments of maximum immersion. In other words, the time when you are so involved in the work process that you simply do not notice what is happening around you. The state of flow is a signal that you are well versed in this type of activity and have a certain level of understanding and ability.

Can you remember a time when you didn't notice time flying while you were working? Perhaps you've put together puzzles, shared thoughts in a personal journal, or graphically designed flyers for a local event. These are valuable tips that you should pay attention to if you are looking for your strengths.

3. Find your passion

Usually, your innate abilities and talents are closely related to things that you love and also enjoy devoting your free time to. When a person truly enjoys something, it does not require much effort from him. And if we easily cope with a task, then we try to do it even better.

When you do something with a particular passion, you will achieve mastery in that area much faster and easier than the average person. Our talents do not always coincide with our favorite activities, but most often this is exactly what happens. Regardless of whether you have a predisposition for a particular activity, passion can be the fuel that will accelerate your progress. There are many examples where only passion and enthusiasm helped people achieve fantastic results.

Discovering your strengths and talents is essential to understanding how to become the best version of yourself.

Therefore, take time to analyze your own capabilities and abilities in order to use them as effectively as possible to realize your plans and desires.

In our crazy and cruel world, where everything is subject to the laws of fashion, consumption and competition, it seems strange and old-fashioned to yearn for people who remain themselves and do not lose their individuality. We are not ancient Greeks and do not live in barrels, but often, like Diogenes, we are looking for a Man, reaching out to someone who we could call a person. And we seek his advice, support, love or understanding, not because he is “like everyone else,” but because he stands out in some way and this “something” was appreciated by our mind and in some inexplicable way felt by our heart . What to hide is that we ourselves are pleased when, for the same reasons, other people begin to reach out to us. Every time some special property, ability, or subtle “feature” of our soul changes something in their consciousness or makes the strings of their heart vibrate, we rejoice not only because we were appreciated. We are happy because we became needed by someone and understood what we needed. And because the traits and properties that were revealed in us found a response in others and revealed the treasures of their hearts and minds.

It turns out strange: in order to open up to other people, to become closer to them, to feel and understand them better, you must first discover yourself, your individuality and learn to express it. There is no person without individuality, philosophers and psychologists assure - it exists, even if we know nothing about it or have long forgotten it! Each of us has unique, inimitable traits and abilities, our own “highlights”, thanks to which we can constantly discover something new in ourselves and the world around us. And when these special properties begin to manifest themselves - in a variety of forms, others discover us.

Those whom we consider unique and unrepeatable people have left us a lot of valuable advice, but whether they will help depends only on us. If our criteria for individuality are limited to the size of “90-60-90” or pumped up biceps, the thickness of the wallet, the number of plastic surgeries, amorous adventures or the number of overtaken competitors, these valuable tips are unlikely to be useful, and are unlikely to be taken into account. How to find your individuality? The advice that great people have given us, based on their own experience, is unusual, but surprisingly simple. However, by deciding to follow these simple tips, you can discover enormous riches in your inner world and the world around you.

There is one most important key that helps to unravel the mystery of human individuality. “My secret... is very simple: only the heart is vigilant. You can’t see the most important thing with your eyes,” Saint-Exupéry said so simply and poetically about him in “The Little Prince.” In each of us there is a mysterious “mediator”, a mysterious connecting link, a thread that connects us with the whole world, with other people, with nature and God - our heart. From time immemorial, it has been associated not only with emotions - in some ancient cultures, the heart was considered the center of spiritual life, the seat of consciousness, will, love, reason and soul. It has always been seen as the “meeting place” of a person with God and with another person. The teaching about the heart permeates all the traditions of the past: it was sung, revered and believed that only it is the true source of wisdom and knowledge. “Heart” is a key term associated with spiritual awakening and the awakening of individuality.

Only “with the eyes of the heart” can one see the true essence of any being and phenomenon, and only the heart knows the measure and value of each of our judgments and actions. In ancient times, wisdom was valued not from books, but from the heart, because it was believed that truth was transmitted only “from heart to heart,” apart from any words, any theories and instructions. “The sages of past times and the present are in unity, for they convey not the teachings of the wise, but his heart,” wrote the 12th-century Chinese thinker Wang Pin. “In fact, they convey not even the heart of former sages, but their own heart.” For my heart is no different from the heart of the sages. It is vast and boundless, it contains within itself all the darkness of things. To expand your heart means to pass on the path of the former sages.” As Confucius taught, a person only finds in himself, in the “inner cell of the heart,” in the depths of heart experience, the most durable, the most real, the most sublime state of his being. That is why he saw the highest achievement of life in the ability to “follow the dictates of the heart without breaking the rules.” And the Neo-Confucian philosopher of the 15th-16th centuries, Wang Yangming, believed that “there are no things outside the heart.” He saw the main calling of man on earth in the work of the spirit, which he called “straightening the heart,” and contrasted it with both abstract reasoning and vain businesslike activity. “If, after reflecting on the words, I do not find them true, then even if Confucius himself spoke them, I will not consider them true. The main thing is the instruction of one’s own heart,” wrote the philosopher. If we were Archimedes, we could joyfully shout: “Eureka! We found!" Here it is, the secret of youth, beauty and individuality! It is not in the achievements of plastic surgery or in the mindless following of fashion (this is how we, on the contrary, lose ourselves) - but in our heart, in our ability to follow its dictates. The most striking features and traits of a person are associated with his ability to see, hear, feel, understand, know and create with his heart! When your heart works, you see, feel, think and understand differently and - most importantly - act differently. You become a person without boundaries, because for the heart there are no obstacles and conventions, restrictions and dogmas, no matter how strong they may be. Your criteria, values ​​and priorities also change. To discover yourself is to awaken your heart. Its manifestations are limitless and multifaceted - you will suddenly discover that an artist, a poet, a musician, a philosopher, a psychologist, a fearless adventurer and a sensitive, loving, understanding person live inside you - all together!

The great Leonardo da Vinci, who possessed all the qualities of a bright individuality, knew this very well; it is not for nothing that he is called the ideal man of the Renaissance. He was a comprehensive and harmonious personality, he felt equally free in the spheres of arts, sciences and philosophy. His interests extended to many areas of knowledge and creativity.

Yes, Leonardo is “not a match for us”, we are too far from him. However, you can learn a lot from the great Master, because simple exercises that are also available to us helped him polish his genius. Judging by his diary entries, only one thing distinguishes an extraordinary person from an ordinary person: “An ordinary person looks but does not see, listens but does not hear, touches but does not feel, eats but does not taste, moves but does not feel his body, inhales the air, but does not smell any bad odors or incense and speaks without thinking.” An extraordinary person is not blind or deaf, in every sense of the word. He is alive, truly alive, because his heart notices and responds to what our cold mind and physical senses do not notice or do not consider worthy of attention. He has special sensitivity, special perception and understanding, for the heart makes it possible not only to reason, but to live. He doesn't just play, listen to or compose music - he lives it, each time in a new way. His poems, paintings, words, ideas and reflections are never the fruit of the mind or imagination alone - he suffered for them, he searched for a long time and experienced many failures. He knows that people, animals, plants, objects and phenomena have a soul, that everything in this world is full of deep meaning - and these are not beautiful words, but experience acquired in communication with everything that exists - from heart to heart. Everything becomes part of his inner world, his soul, which is never empty, but is always filled with something. An extraordinary person cannot be indifferent and cold. He is not an outsider, a passive observer - he is a participant in what is happening. How else? This special approach to life, to people, nature, the Universe, to details and nuances, seemingly insignificant, is visible not only in Leonardo’s paintings, but also in his inventions, in his music, poetry, philosophical reflections, even culinary recipes, in all the facts of his biography. Some modern authors, based on Leonardo’s notes and methods, even highlight the principles of forming a harmonious, multifaceted, creative personality.

Each of these principles is explained and defined more than once - vividly and figuratively - in the maestro’s diaries, his drawings and paintings. They are remarkably similar to the advice many prominent people give.

Here are just a few of them that might come in handy.

How to discover yourself.

Don't let your need to learn fade away. May the thirst to learn, expand your horizons, grow and become better never be quenched - this is a source of new discoveries, chances that should not be missed if you want to change your destiny. It’s never too late to learn and there is always something to learn: there is always something to improve, and you can discover new facets in everything. “Just as iron rusts from disuse and as stagnant water rots and decomposes, and in the cold turns into ice, so our mind is wasted in vain if we do not find proper use for it,” wrote Leonardo. Philosophers advise striving not only for knowledge, but for wisdom - to look for meaning, basic principles, keys of knowledge. After all, as Helvetius said, “knowledge of certain principles easily compensates for ignorance of certain facts.”

Look not for success, but for the meaning of life. It is very important to know for whom and for what you live, and even more important to know for whom and for what it is worth living. “Believe in the fact that there is something to live for, and your faith will help this fact come true,” advised William James. And Erich Fromm wrote: “There is no other meaning in life than what a person himself gives to it, revealing his strength, living fruitfully.” One instructive parable speaks about this - about three people who built the cathedral in Chartres.

Once a traveler met a worker with a heavy wheelbarrow loaded with bricks and asked him: “What are you doing?” - "Do not you see? - he answered. “I’m carrying bricks.” After walking a little more, the man saw another worker rolling the same wheelbarrow, and repeated his question. In response, he heard: “I earn my bread.” And again the traveler met a worker with a wheelbarrow, and again asked what he was doing. “I’m building Chartres Cathedral,” was the answer.

Don’t get tired of asking yourself important questions and don’t rush to answer them right away- let life itself and your heart prompt the answer, then it will be tested by your own experience and confirmed by those who have already walked this path.

Make a list of the most important and pressing issues for you. Curious what most of them are about? About business? about money? about entertainment? about human relationships? about the meaning of life? about purpose? So you will quickly understand what your criteria, values ​​and priorities are, and judge for yourself - have you lost yourself or are you still “keeping afloat”? This is important, because what constantly occupies our mind and heart extremely accurately reflects our purpose and significantly affects the very quality of our life and, oddly enough, determines our destiny. Pay special attention to questions beginning with the mysterious word “why,” for “he who knows why he should live can bear almost any how.” Friedrich Nietzsche.

Don’t give in to routine, inertia, passivity, break stereotypes, change old habits, get rid of prejudices and preconceived opinions. Learn to see different sides in everything, grasp the relationships and deep kinship that exists between phenomena. Look for extraordinary solutions to any problem, give free rein to your intuition and imagination. Don't forget that brilliant ideas are always simple and most often come unexpectedly, not when you are waiting for them while sitting at your desk, but when you are calm and inspired.

Learn from nature - she will tell you everything you need.

Leonardo saw the idea for the magnificent spiral staircase for the royal castle in Blois in the intricate twists of sea shells that he collected on the northwestern coast of Italy. When developing the design of a wind musical instrument like a recorder, he took into account the structural features of the human larynx, which he had previously studied. In a more recent era, Alexander Graham Bell, trying to create a working model of the human ear, invented the telephone.

Know that there are no insurmountable obstacles and nothing is impossible, for, as Marcus Aurelius said, nothing happens to a person that he is not able to endure. You have such virtues, talents and strengths that can only be revealed when you overcome difficulties and cross the threshold of your own limitations.

And don’t be dramatic: your shortcomings, weaknesses and problems are not as terrible as they seem. Remember, there is one miracle cure for them - a sense of humor. “Complaining about an unpleasant thing is doubling the evil; to laugh at her is to destroy him,” said Confucius.

Don’t forget that your greatest wealth is the kindness of your heart, the ability to give the best you have and demand nothing in return, for giving is joy, it is the natural state of man. “If you have done good, good will be done to you. Your future will bring you as much success as the good you have done in the past and present”; “If a poor person is in great debt to you, divide his debt into three parts. Forgive him immediately for the first two, but leave the third, but tell him that he will return it when he can. This is the only way you will find your true path in life,” advised the Egyptian priests. “By caring for the happiness of others, we find our own,” said Plato.

Be attentive and caring to the people who surround you. Do not pay attention to the imperfections of their many “masks”, try to discern what is hiding behind them - their soul and heart. Every person can teach you something. “I certainly find a mentor in each of my two traveling companions. I choose what is good in them and follow it, and I avoid what is bad in them,” said Confucius.

Look for friends and kindred spirits and cherish the ties that bind you with them like the apple of your eye, for “we breathe deeply only when we are connected with our brothers and have a common goal; and we know from experience: loving does not mean looking at each other, loving means looking together in the same direction. Comrades are only those who, as a single team, like climbers, climb the same peak - this is how they find each other. Otherwise, in our age—the age of comfort—why are we so happy to share our last sip of water in the desert?” ( Saint-Exupery).

Never stop discovering love, for “if you want to be loved, love” (Seneca). And don’t forget that “there is only one remedy for love: to love even more” (G. Thoreau). Love elevates, brings out the best in you. It enriches and gives the ability to see the world in a new way: “... the whole Universe expands and deepens, illuminates with the radiance of those values ​​that are seen only by those who love. For it is well known that love makes a person not blind, but sighted” (Viktor Frankl). “Thanks to the love that people have for you, your work can continue forever,” taught the wise Pharaoh Merikara.

Learn to see, hear and feel with your heart, absorb and remember. Communicate from heart to heart. Try to hear the voice of everything that exists - the voice of silence, the voice of a drop of dew sparkling in the sun, the voice of a star twinkling in the sky, the voice of the shining eyes of a loved one... Rise above cruel realities in your thoughts, do not be cynical, too mundane. "All will pass. Suffering, torment, blood, hunger and pestilence... but the stars will remain, when the shadow of our bodies and deeds will not remain on earth... So why don’t we want to turn our gaze to them? (M. Bulgakov); “If you want to build a ship, then do not gather your people in order to get timber, prepare tools and distribute the work, but teach them to yearn for the endless expanses of the sea” (Saint-Exupéry).

Seize moments of happiness and don’t look too far for it: it’s nearby!“Imagine a true music connoisseur sitting in a concert hall and absorbed in the noble sound of his favorite symphony. He is overwhelmed by the same emotional awe that we experience in the face of pure beauty. Let us now try to ask him at this very moment whether his life has meaning. And he will definitely answer that it was really worth living - if only to experience such a moment of spiritual ecstasy. For... the greatness of life can be measured by the greatness of the moment" ( Victor Frankl).

Dream not theoretically and not abstractly. Try to make your dreams come true. Don't expect from others what you can do yourself. “A lucky person is a person who did what others were about to do” ( Fenar).

Dare, hit the road, discover new distances and remember that “that same Munchausen” lives in you too! Let the words of Vladimir Vysotsky be your motto:

Among the less traveled paths
One way is mine
Among the unclimbed frontiers
One is behind me!

How to develop clairvoyance? Does this require some special gift or innate ability? In fact, this is inherent in everyone! Unleash your potential!

Some amazing clairvoyant powers!

Clairvoyance¹ is a person’s extrasensory ability to see what is hidden from us, what is inaccessible in the normal range of perception; what we do not see, do not feel, do not hear.

  • Vision of the biofield.

All living beings and objects have their own energy field, an aura. It also consists of matter that is at a different vibration frequency: therefore the aura is invisible to ordinary vision. Psychics are able to see this subtle matter and determine the physiological and emotional state of a person from it.

They can see through the body and observe the functioning of internal organs; the aura itself, its colors and features, to see the character of a person, the causes of problems in his life.

Some people can develop clairvoyance to such an extent that they are able to read texts on sheets of paper hidden in envelopes, or observe objects in the next closed room.

  • Vision at a distance.

Clairvoyance also manifests itself in space: a psychic can see people, objects, places and incidents at a great distance.

One of the means of clairvoyance in space is the “astral tube”. It is like a telescope for which distance is not a hindrance. Thanks to the superpower of clairvoyance, a person creates a mental frame of a “pipe” through which he “clairvoys” the desired place in another place: within the city, the country and the entire planet.

Also, a superpower allows you to look through a “pipe” into the past or future events.

In order to create an “astral pipe” you need developed willpower, thoughts and clairvoyance itself.

Thus, the possibilities of this extrasensory ability are enormous:

  • see the past;
  • foresee the future;
  • discover secret knowledge and information hidden from you;
  • receive reliable information about events and people;
  • see other worlds;
  • see auras and high frequency energies.

Every person can develop clairvoyance, and now you have such an opportunity: on our website you can find many necessary techniques, and one of them is described below!

How to see the aura?

Exercise No. 1

It's actually simple. In order to develop clairvoyance and the ability to see the aura of objects and people, train in closely examining your eyelids and the outline of an object.

1. The practitioner takes a comfortable position, sitting or lying down, closes his eyes and relaxes the muscles of the body and face.

2. Soon this will bring him into a meditative state of consciousness, and the person begins to look into the darkness before his eyes.

This is actually called a "" or "psychic monitor" through which you can receive psychic information!

3. The practitioner observes what appears on the inner screen. He will see various figures, perhaps in color; These may be well-known forms, or they may be completely fantastic!

You need to watch this for 10 minutes. It is best to exercise in the morning, immediately after waking up, or before going to bed. The main thing is to remain aware and not fall asleep!

After 9 days of such classes, you can move on to the next exercise, with which you can develop clairvoyance.

Exercise No. 2

You need to study in twilight.

1. The person also relaxes with the mindset of seeing the aura.

2. Now he begins to look intently, opening his eyes slightly: so that he can see both the internal screen and reality.

3. In semi-darkness, the practitioner concentrates on the outline of a small object that is nearby.

4. With regular practice he will begin to see subtle outlines surrounding the object.

At first it will look like a transparent border along the contour of the object; it will gradually expand and become clearer and take on a color.

You will be able to remember this state that occurs when examining the aura and easily reproduce it. Later you will begin to notice the energy shells of people, the colors of the aura and the characteristics of each person!

Using the search bar, you can find other articles and techniques on developing aura vision on our website.

Supernatural abilities can not only be inherited at birth, but also developed independently. Many psychics confirm this information with their own example. For everyone to understand whether they have it, they just need to try a few existing practices. According to existing information, every person has such a gift, it is just at different stages of development.

How to discover your superpowers?

To achieve results, you need to train regularly and intensely, performing different exercises. We suggest focusing on several proven options.

How to discover your superpowers and potential:

  1. Exercise for perceiving the aura. Sit on a chair and keep your back straight. Relax and get rid of all extraneous thoughts. Spread your arms out to the sides so that there is about 30 cm between your palms. Then slowly bring your hands together until they touch each other. Then separate them again and bring them together. Do several reps. After some time, a feeling of warmth and elasticity will arise between the palms.
  2. An exercise to develop the power of your gaze. To identify superpowers in yourself, you need to develop the power of your gaze, since it is a person’s eyes that allow you to learn a lot of information about him. Take a sheet of paper and draw a circle on it with a diameter of 3 cm. Attach it to the wall at a distance of 90 cm from eye level. Look at the circle for a minute, and then move it 90 cm to the left and right, and repeat the process. Gradually, the fixation time should be increased to 5 minutes, which will allow you to influence others with your gaze. To subjugate a person, increase the fixation time to 15 minutes.
  3. Exercise for prophetic dreams. People with superpowers can predict the future through dreams. When going to bed you need to tune in to what you will see at night

A person is capable of much that seems prohibitive to most. It’s just rare that anyone knows how to use their superpowers.

It should also be noted that these supernatural abilities do not fall on a person’s head out of nowhere - they need to be developed through regular and painstaking work. Often a person’s superpowers are simply suppressed in early childhood.

The amazing is nearby, no matter how incredible it may be

People with superpowers are increasingly appearing in the media. They surprise everyone with their ability to do things that an ordinary average person cannot do. These are amazing superpowers of people, the list of which includes the following supernatural qualities:

  • like regenerating flesh within minutes
  • weather control
  • erasing a person's memory

The absolutely incredible superhuman capabilities are beyond belief! This is, for example, chronokinesis- time travel telekinesis- instantaneous movement in space, the ability to reproduce light from nothing, which can blind a person, cause him unbearable pain, or, conversely, cure him of incurable ailments.

The list of human super abilities is long. But the main ones can be presented for discussion.

The simplest exercises for clairvoyance

Of course, not all supernatural abilities can be discovered in oneself without a God-given gift. But developing clairvoyant abilities can be a very real challenge.

For example, rarely will anyone give up such a skill as clairvoyance. It turns out that a person’s seemingly incredible superpower to predict the future can and should be developed with special exercises.

Dream Diary

You need to start developing the ability to foresee what is going to happen... by keeping a diary! The page of the notebook is divided in half, on one half of the sheet the dream seen is written down, on the other half the bright events of that day should be briefly noted. Be sure to put a date.

Unfortunately, people often do not remember their dreams. This happens because after waking up, other thoughts come to mind, which crowd out the night images. Therefore, the diary should be laid out in such a way that it immediately catches the eye. And the recording must be done immediately, lying in bed, briefly rewriting some vivid images and impressions.

Later, after a few months, it is worth re-reading the notes in order to draw certain conclusions for yourself. Surely, in dreams there were recurring images that in reality corresponded to certain events. The development of any person’s superpower for clairvoyance - predicting the future - lies in the ability to project certain impulses sent from the outside onto real matter - life.


The second exercise that develops a person’s super abilities is daily meditation in combination with. At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing simpler than relaxing the body and ridding the brain of thoughts. But in reality this is a rather difficult exercise.

People who begin to practice this simply cannot immediately learn to immerse their brain in “silence.” Somewhere in the background, in the subconscious, thoughts will still arise from time to time: “Am I doing everything right? Am I already succeeding? or “How long, I wonder, can I last without thoughts?”

To learn how to meditate faster and more fully, you can imagine yourself lying on the seashore. You can mentally watch a wave rushing onto the shore and ebbing. To the beat of the waves, you should sing the syllable “om” or “a”, visualizing how this sound fills your head and “washes away” all thoughts.

If this exercise doesn’t start working out right away, don’t despair! Gradually, a person who has set a goal for himself will learn to “turn off” the subconscious itself. And then, “against a clear background,” he may suddenly have absolutely abstract “pictures” or images, thoughts that were incomprehensible at first. These images, thoughts and pictures should also be recorded in a journal similar to the first “Dreams”, but called “images during meditation”.

Exercises to develop the skill of “seeing through”

People with such super abilities as the ability to “see through” are interesting - this is only one of the aspects of clairvoyance. That is, they can easily guess the suit of the card turned upside down, the number of pencils in the box, the color of the pencil shown behind his back or by touch.

And these human superpowers can be developed. Actually, almost everyone knows the exercises for this - as children, we all played games such as “rock, paper, scissors,” and guessed in which hand this or that object was hidden. But, as they grow older, people give up these “stupid children’s” games - there are also more serious problems.

Meanwhile, it is by continuing to practice guessing the card suit, determining by touch the color of a pencil and the number written on the back of a sheet of paper that the person who has set a goal develops incredible abilities to “see through it.”

Exercises to develop the ability to listen to your inner voice

In scientific language, these guesses are called the beautiful word “intuition.” And these are not superpowers, because every homosapien has intuition. But over the years, people become so accustomed to suppressing their inner voice within themselves with the help of reasoning, reflection, and analysis that for some these abilities fade away before they even have time to develop properly.

A person’s super abilities should be worked persistently. The development of superpowers directly depends on data at birth, multiplied by daily activities. But you must first determine which paths the conscious and subconscious prefer to use.

The exercise is that, having relaxed, the individual begins to think about the first idea that comes to mind. At this moment, it’s worth asking yourself a few questions: “Do I see my idea and the way to implement it? Maybe I'm hearing this idea? Or do I feel it, feel it? Or perhaps at this moment several paths of consciousness are working at once?

This exercise should be done several times, 4 or 5, in order to make accurate conclusions about exactly how data is processed in the mind and how the brain receives information after processing it. Each time it is worth drawing conclusions: the answer to the question came the same way or another.

Then you should determine your level of mental powers in each of the four areas: sensory, auditory, visual or analytical. To do this, you need to pick up a pencil and paper and mentally ask yourself the question: “How great is my visual thinking ability on a scale from 0 to 100?” The first number that comes to mind should be written down on a piece of paper.

The same is done to find out the level of auditory abilities to receive information, then they ask the question what are the abilities to sense and feel the way to solve the problem. In conclusion, the level of analytical abilities is found, that is, the interaction of all three types of cognition.

Training helps develop intuition and clairvoyance

The development of a person’s unique superpowers to understand the impulses of one’s own intuition lies in daily training. Gradually, a person will develop the skill of a new worldview: he will have the ability to see or hear, feel or understand the voice of his own intuition at the moment of making a serious decision. Almost everyone can do it, but not everyone has the patience and perseverance to perform daily exercises. And the secret lies in regular and long-term training.

The development of superpowers of an individual person should be based on the individual characteristics of the individual. Therefore, it is necessary to develop precisely those super abilities, the beginnings of which are genetically inherent in the individual. It is absurd to try to develop such supernatural skills as levitation or teleportation, without having absolutely no predisposition to superpowers for this. But
