How to sign a birthday gift. Boxes of chocolates

Here are examples of ready-made texts for a dedicatory inscription on a book. Most texts include wishes, they are quite universal and can be addressed to both a man and a woman, as well as to a colleague, girlfriend (friend), boss, etc. All names are used only for convenience of presentation, do not forget to change them to the ones you need.

If you want to add even more wishes to the text, you can select them from.

  1. With love and faith in you, your abilities, your talents and your bright mind.
  2. Dear Sidor Sidorovich Sidorov in memory of joint project to strengthen social ties between representatives various groups. Best wishes.
  3. To a man with a capital letter, dear friend and like-minded person Kharitonov Khariton Kharitonovich. With wishes of longevity, success and happiness.
  4. To precious Alla Semyonovna from Irina and her family, as a sign of great respect and friendship.
  5. From creative team Please accept this wonderful chronicle of the history of the Volga region as a gift. And let it inspire you to new noble deeds, instill confidence in your strength, because a region with such a history truly deserves a wonderful future.
  6. WITH sincere wishes personal growth, development and new victories.
  7. To the respected chief from the team of the 3rd department with sincere gratitude for optimism, determination, humanity and high ethical principles.
  8. This book is a sign of my admiration for your attitude to life, work and the world around you... Always remain the same thoughtful, sincere and inquisitive. And let your deeds speak better than you about your virtues.
  9. May you always have the determination to change your life. With love, your friends.
  10. Don’t count the years you’ve lived, it’s better to re-read this book... and just move forward without looking back.
  11. This book will make your evenings even more comfortable, and your inner world- even deeper.
  12. I want your path to success to be easy and that’s why I’m giving you this book. It will help clarify some things that will help you achieve your dream.
  13. Let all the doors you need always open before you, just as this book opens - easily and on demand.
  14. Let this book help you find your place in the sun and take it forever.
  15. This gift is a sign that I always remember the day you were born and consider this day my personal, great holiday.
  16. Dear Pyotr Petrovich! I admire your erudition and fantastic hard work. Best regards and good wishes, Maria Ivanovna Sidorenkova.
  17. For outstanding academic achievement and exemplary behavior. Let all your plans come true. With love, mom.
  18. In good memory of happy days spent together, in which there was time for everything.
  19. Please accept my sincere admiration for your culinary abilities and this book so that your talents develop further.
  20. Accept this gift to your magnificent brain so that it will always have food.
  21. Dear Ivan Ivanovich, with gratitude for your constant support.
  22. Alyonochka, with gratitude for the beauty, the gift of warmth and the joy of communication.
  23. Svetlanochka! This book is a gift from someone who loves you. I sincerely hope that you like it and help you realize your dreams. I put my soul and love into this gift... Accept them, don’t refuse. Live happily. Your faithful friend.
  24. Let your life be like this wonderful fairy tale. Loving you, mom and dad.
  25. Dear Vika! We wish that the wizards you meet on the pages of this book will teach you how to work miracles. With love, mom and dad.
  26. With gratitude for your friendship and interesting communication. Everything will work out!
  27. To Nikita's son from his father, as a memory of Kamchatka.
  28. A feisty, independent and stunning friend who became a sister to me. With the most warm wishes happiness.
  29. To my best friend, inspirer and mentor, with gratitude to fate for our meeting.
  30. May there never be a burden in your life heavier than this book.
  31. To a unique person, with gratitude for the good done, which I will never forget.
  32. I want your clear mind, broad education and unerring taste to be the judge of this book.
  33. The generosity of spirit you have shown has been a great support to me. This gift is a small part of my gratitude to you.
  34. “Let the thoughts contained in a book be your capital, and the thoughts that arise in you after reading it be a percentage of it” (quote: Thomas Aquinas).
  35. I give you this book because I want food for your mind to be not only tasty, but also healthy.
  36. A book before your eyes is a guarantee that your brain will not dry out and grow old. I wish eternal health and longevity to your sharp mind.
  37. Perhaps this book will become for you the shoulder that will help you realize yourself in the profession.
  38. My dear friend! thanks for long memory O spiritual beauty and kindness.
  39. Accept this source of priceless emotional space as a gift and let it bring only happy moments. Enjoy reading!
  40. The stories in this book are amazing... But I wish you that your own story will surpass in brightness and beauty everything ever described in books.
  41. I give you this book so that you always have something to replace communication with an empty person.
  42. You may not find anything new in this book, but know: in the book of my life, all the best chapters are about you.
  43. In gratitude for the gift of unforgettable impressions, wise thoughts, grandiose plans, dreams of long journeys, for brilliant reasoning, magical moments and funny incidents. I wish that all of the above never leave your life.
  44. I give this book to the rarest person, meeting with whom I consider the most a generous gift fate.
  45. Reading is not harmful, but not reading is harmful (Russian proverb)
  46. If this book does not teach you anything new, it will help you better see what is already inside you... I wish that what you see will make you happy.
  47. If you follow a book, you will gain wisdom (Russian proverb).
  48. This is not just a book, but a magical tool for imparting wisdom. Enjoy it for your health.
  49. I wish you not only to read this book, but also to chew it, and then digest it... It deserves it.
  50. “...A house in which there are no books is like a body in which there is no soul” (quote by Mark Cicero). Start small and embrace this book, which will hopefully be the start of a large home collection.
  51. By reading an author who writes well, you will get used to speaking well...
  52. This book is ready to open to you new era of your life.
  53. Knowledge is formed from grains of what you read, just as molecules are made from atoms, and a ruble is made from kopecks.
  54. Books read decorate a person... I make my contribution and give you this injection so that your beauty becomes brighter.
  55. Scientific literature saves from ignorance, and elegant literature from rudeness and vulgarity (quoted by N. G. Chernyshevsky).
  56. This book will always give you kind and selfless advice.
  57. This collection of Asian recipes made me dream that you would make them come true and invite me to a tasting.
  58. This book, like any good literature, sharpens the mind, enlightens, strengthens the soul and dispels confusion in thoughts.
  59. In the book you will find what others have found with great difficulty in everyday experience. She will help you understand everything.
  60. This book will take you behind the scenes of the life that interests you.
  61. I give you this storehouse of wisdom. I want to squeeze all the juice out of it, skim all the cream and get fat profit for my inner “I”.
  62. This gift is a sign of my affection.
  63. This book is my compliment to your intelligence.
  64. One smart scientist said that only the Universe is infinite and human stupidity... and I would also add to his list the endless path of self-improvement. This book will help you on the path of internal transformation and will make you even closer to the ideal.
  65. They say that a book chosen by a person is the right way understand his mind and character. Both are beautiful in you... Therefore, I will make my contribution to your collection and leave a memory of myself in the form of this unusually interesting tome. I wish you and him to become good friends.
  66. Not every experience needs to be gained at the cost of your mistakes. Life is learned from books and objects of art, perhaps more than from life itself... Take this chance, accept this book. She will explain a lot to you.
  67. This book deserves to be a heartfelt companion in life.
  68. When you read this book for the first time, you will realize that you have found a new friend. And when you read it again, you will see that you met an old friend. May each of your meetings be joyful and bring you new impressions.
  69. I'm giving you not just a book, but... an amusing trip... And most importantly, you can go to it without leaving the couch... and return to the places you like again and again, at any time you want.
  70. With the help of this book, you will be able to talk with the best person of the past, and at the same time he will tell you only his best thoughts.
  71. This book is a real savior. She will always console you if necessary, relieve you of boredom, save you from unpleasant communication, help you forget unpleasant people and laugh at them. But, most importantly, it will open the door to a wonderful world.
  72. The merit of this book lies in the subtlety of its observations of the nature of man and things. No matter how many times you re-read it, you will always discover something new.
  73. This book has immortalized a lot of wisdom. I want her to share this valuable treasure with you, because it is important for me to know what you think about everything that is written in it.
  74. People who read books will always control those who watch TV... And so I wish you to belong to those who read.
  75. This book is your assistant. He is beautiful:
  • always silent;
  • always ready to answer questions on your topic;
  • “goes silent” as soon as you stop needing it;
  • lies quietly on the sidelines, not demanding attention and waiting for people to remember about him.

He has no lectures, no complaints, you won’t feel guilty with him if you forget about him, and most importantly, you won’t get into trouble with him, but he will definitely bring benefits. I give it to you with the warmest wishes of happiness, love and success.

  • When signing a book, in addition to your wishes, you can include parting words, holiday congratulations (if the gift is dedicated to any holiday), words of gratitude, and something that will be interesting to read many years later.
  • You can use texts from the collection not only to sign the book, but also as verbal accompaniment when giving a gift.
  • At the end of each inscription it is customary to put a date and a signature. The date may be shortened, leaving only the month and year of the gift, or only the year. However, if the gift was made on a birthday, then the date is not shortened, it is written in full (day, month, year of presentation).
  • When signing a book by hand, try to make the text legible (it’s better to in block letters)… It would be a shame if the memorable text turns out to be unreadable for the person to whom it is addressed.
  • When creating your own text, use it, it will help you choose suitable characteristic specifically for your book.
  • If you don't find what you need on this page, use the collection.
  • If you sign a gift for a manager (boss), you must maintain subordination and avoid familiarity. Address yourself as “you” and do not use the word “beloved”, replacing it with “respected”. Avoid excessive flattery.
  • Before writing a message on a book, double-check and make sure that the text is not ambiguous for a specific person.
Maya Taturevic October 17, 2018

If someone’s birthday is approaching, and you’ve already gone through a lot of options for what you can give, stop at something so interesting, exciting and useful gift like a book.

No wonder they say that a book is best gift. After all, it will suit absolutely any person, since now there are millions of options and themes.

So, you are now faced with several tasks: what literature to choose, what to rely on when choosing, and how to beautifully sign a book as a birthday gift. Let's look at everything in order.

What should you consider when choosing a book?

Selecting gift literature is quite a responsible task. You can't give a small book With newsprint! So what should you pay attention to?

Books as a birthday gift

Important Details when preparing a gift:

  1. The first factor is the recipient, in our case the birthday boy. It all depends on what gender your friend is, what age, what position he or she has. Who is the recipient: friend, relative, colleague, teacher, etc.
  2. Budget. The price range of any literature varies greatly, up to several tens of thousands of rubles. Indicate immediately the amount you ready to spend on a gift. This way, you will know what to start from and what will definitely not suit you.
  3. Preferences and hobbies are the most important point on which your choice will be based. You do not need to know exactly the book preferences of the birthday person, but awareness of hobbies and hobbies is what you need.
  4. Impressions and emotions - remember what recently greatly impressed your friend, what he argued furiously about or was delighted with. Think about what emotions and sensations are typical for him or her, and what genres of books/movies/games/events dominate the list of favorites. Understanding these things will also help you get on the right track.
  5. Edition. As already mentioned, a pocket volume with bad paper is not the best gift. Please contact attention to binding, font, page quality and tactile sensations.

Another condition when preparing a presentation is its design.

How to sign a book beautifully?

Having the purchased collection in hand, you need to sign it so that the recipient does not forget about who gave this book and, of course, to “leave your own mark.”

Signing a book as a birthday gift

According to the rules of etiquette, only the author himself can sign a book when he gives it as a gift. And the signature of someone else’s work is considered bad manners. Many people in this case decide to invest greeting card into the book, but again, the postcard may be lost along with the “imprint” of the giver. That's why I found new exit: sign a greeting card and glue it to the flyleaf.

Of course, you don’t have to follow these signs and calmly sign the book with your own hand on the cover cover

The signature must be done carefully, beautiful handwriting , so if you're unsure about your calligraphy skills, have someone else sign the gift.

For convenience, you can line the page with a simple pencil, and when finished, erase.

How to sign a book:

  1. The degree of closeness with a person plays an important role - on the basis of this, as a rule, a congratulatory text. You can mention memorable moments from your time together and indicate how much you appreciate the birthday person.
  2. The text will turn out more interesting and impressive if you link a congratulatory message main idea speech books or plot.
  3. Avoid hints at age, a person’s shortcomings, any delicate moments and other inappropriate expressions: “despite the fact that you are already over ... (age)”, “you are still dear to me”, etc.
  4. Do not write clichéd phrases and congratulations from the Internet. The recipient will feel that you are not fully invested in the gift, and a fake congratulation is always visible to the naked eye.
  5. If desired, use quotes about books and their importance in society to reinforce the value of your gift.

You can find examples of how to sign a book in this article, just below.

Example of a signature on a book

What books can you give a man for his birthday?

As was said earlier, great importance The choice of book is influenced by whether it is a man or a woman, since there are some features and characteristically suitable options.

What kind of book can be given as a gift to a man:

  1. A book for careerist men. This is a very relevant category of book gifts: business literature, success stories and world famous companies. For example, N. Isdell, D. Beasley “Inside Coca-Cola” (N. Isdell, D. Beasley), “Yandex.Book” (D. Sokolov), “It’s not about the coffee. Starbucks Corporate Culture" (D. Goldstein and G. Behar), books about time management, the most popular publications about the specialty or profession of the birthday person. Don't forget about Henry Ford's famous book: “The Billionaire's Code. Today and tomorrow".
  2. Classic is an option that never fails, but even here you shouldn’t point your finger at the sky. Take a closer look at such authors as Salinger, Remarque, Jack London, Pelevin, Hemingway.
  3. Books on psychology and philosophy - Goethe, Nietzsche, Kafka, Kant. To clarify, you can mention “How to Understand a Woman”, “Psychology of Lies”, books on NLP.
  4. Collector's Editions. You may have heard about your favorite childhood author, a raving story about a new release, or the recipient's long-time dream. Birthday - it's time to fulfill them!
  5. Publications about weapons and in general about military themes. Many men are also interested in history.
  6. If the birthday person is a religious person, give him the appropriate literature in a chic, beautiful edition.

And also everyone’s favorite detective stories, travel books, books on art and politics.

Jack London book as a birthday gift for a man

Books as a gift for a woman on her birthday

A book is something you can give to a friend for her birthday, especially if you know her well. If not, keep in mind that when choosing books for a woman, you should rely on a different assortment.

What kind of book gift can you give a woman on her birthday?

  1. Of course, first of all, it’s worth talking about novels. Who else but women appreciate this wonderful genre, devouring one collection after another. If you decide to present your novel, pay attention to the publications Remarque, Bronte sisters, Bulgakov, Bradbury, Marquez and Teffi.
  2. Cooking. Don't neglect cookbooks. After all, you can choose, as an option, not the banal “10 best recipes", and choose publications about pies, o confectionery, about proper table setting, etc. Books on this topic can also be found in the publication “MYTH”.
  3. Career books. Not only men work in our world, but they also engage in entrepreneurship. And now quite popular books – success stories, also written by women – can help strengthen a woman’s ambitions and zeal to create her own business. For example, "GirlBoss".
  4. Publications about your favorite pastime. This can be attributed to: fashion - literature, special publications about music, cinema, art, handicrafts, culture various countries and peoples, etc.

In addition to all the options above, consider educational books for both men and women. It is likely that in our time such publications are not in great demand, because everything can be found on the Internet. But sometimes it's much easier study from books, or from necessary topic, there is “that” publication that cannot be found in the public domain.

Remarque's book as a gift for a woman's birthday

Having minimal information about a person, you can choose an excellent book, and if you put a little effort into the design, you will succeed great gift, which will be pleasant both to give and to receive.

What is the idea of ​​congratulations: idea to create an inscription under washable paint. You know, the results of winnings in instant lotteries are covered with an erasable layer, the account replenishment code for mobile phone and so on. So, now I'll tell you how to create such a coating at home and how to use it.

Let's start with the second point, so as not to run too far away from the photo at the beginning of the article.

On the postcard there is a question:"Are you lucky in love? (let's check - erase the coating on one of the hearts and read the inscription)"

This idea is essentially unusual option forfeits You can use bonus gifts for your loved one as inscriptions (for example, breakfast in bed or sex, that is, coffee in bed, kisses, and so on)

You can go another way: break the gift into parts or buy the main gift, and several additional inexpensive ones. Gifts should be wrapped and numbered. And write numbers on the hearts.

Hide the gifts and present them in the order that appears when the layer is erased. I put it confusingly, but I hope you understand

We did this (I may have already mentioned this), and one of the additional gifts was Magic wand(the kind that glows and is sold in children's toy stores)
It was said about the wand: “In fact, this is the most important gift, because It was with his help that we generated (created) all the others."
It turned out funny)))

Another option: write "How do I feel about you?" or “What do I think of you?”
And in the hearts are the answer options (all good, of course! I love you, I love you dearly, I adore you, and so on)

And another option: again about the order of your actions. Let’s say you plan to 1) sit in a cafe 2) take a walk (although it’s cold now, of course) or go ice skating 3) give a gift 4) go to Entertainment Center play something and so on

Your loved one erases the cover, and you implement the specified item, then another heart is erased and you give a gift (for example)

Of course, it’s better to somehow warn that, say, for these few hours, time will be magically distributed so that your loved one is ready for this (he has his own plans and ideas, right?)

So, we are done with the topic of how to give and how to play with such a congratulation, Let's move on to the practical part.

Download a template for printing a postcard (without inscription - add inscription manually)

To make washable paint, the website recommended mixing acrylic with dishwashing detergent (2:1). And I wanted to experiment and make sure that this recipe works.

I had construction white acrylic and gouache. I added pink gouache to the acrylic to give it a tint. I printed out the hearts and wrote “I love you!” inside. and painted it like this:

Clean paint

Paint with Fairy and

With pure paint, which I applied to previously coated paper chapstick.

photo 7darov

Once dry, I took a coin and tried to wipe off the top layer of paint. The result is in the picture. Acrylic applied to chapstick won!

photo 7darov

The paint washes off very well. I don’t know why it didn’t work out with gouache, maybe of course the paper was coated better with acrylic... I don’t even know. But there is a difference.

So here is a recipe for creating washable paint at home - apply a layer of chapstick on paper, carefully remove any lumps and cover with acrylic (remember, I used regular construction acrylic)

photo 7darov

This article mainly contains postcards, but there are a few exceptions))

For example, idea romantic gift number 61. Valentine's pillow with a pocket for a card.

More articles with pillow ideas.

Now let’s go through the ideas for postcards and postcard installations (which can be laid out from objects and notes on the table or on the floor)
We have collected ideas for such cards mainly in two sections: postcards and romantic cards

Romantic gift idea number 62. Cut a piece of paper into strips and write on each strip what love means to you. Or what kind of lover is he? Or your beloved (girlfriend, wife). And using double-sided tape, lay out the heart on paper.
The execution of the idea in terms of beauty (in the photo) did not turn out very well, but I think the main thing is that the idea is clear, and you can always make it more beautiful!


Romantic gift idea number 63. Postcard installation made of garnet. We buy two pomegranates, take large leaf paper and place the grains on it in the shape of a heart.
We put a whole pomegranate on the left. Sign:


By the way, you can specially take an unripe pomegranate as a whole))

Romantic gift idea number 64. If your girlfriend (or wife) loves to cook, make a garland of cookie cutter hearts. You can diversify the garland paper hearts(after all, we sell mostly unpainted red molds, so color accent need to be added)

Found on

Romantic gift idea number 65. Give a beautiful large format notebook, write a declaration of love on one of the pages and include a flower.
Tie carefully with ribbon. Pack it. When the layer of paper is removed, it will become clear that this is a notebook, and that there is a flower inside - it will be a little surprise


Romantic gift idea number 66. Gift idea similar to
Only here we will do it a little differently. draw a heart on your feet. Take a photo. print it out and sign it something like this: “With you, I feel supported in this world. Love gives me strength. Thank you for being there and being with me.”

Found on flickr

Romantic gift idea number 67. The idea is to connect two circles symbolizing you and make an inscription at the intersection

You can implement this idea both in Photoshop and using colored paper.

source lost


Romantic gift idea number 68. Postcard "Your breakfast is waiting for you in bed." It is clear that you yourself should be waiting for your soul mate in bed at the moment of presenting the card))


Romantic gift idea number 69. Postcard for IT people))


Romantic gift idea number 70. The card is simple, but that’s not the point. The idea is to write “You make me happy” instead of the traditional “I love you”


Romantic gift idea number 71. Postcard "You are the most important person for me"

Romantic gift idea number 72. Postcard using quilling technique. easy and very effective

How to make this and other postcards using the QUILLING technique (and it’s very simple!) read in this article

How do you like the idea of ​​coming up with a crossword puzzle for your loved one?
With tasks such as “What is the name of the person I think about when I go to bed and when I get up in the morning”
The highlighted cells may contain a message. The easiest way when composing is to write out this message and just make sure that the next word horizontally contains next letter your message.

The idea of ​​

Romantic gift idea number 73. Something similar has already been written about, but I’ll say it again: I REALLY like the idea of ​​taking a photo with a piece of paper, on which you can then write an inscription in Photoshop. For example this one:

Source Martha Stewart

Romantic gift idea number 74. Cool card with an envelope and a heart, made using the origami technique

Materials(three sheets of paper):

  • with a pattern - 300x300 mm (for an envelope)
  • red 150x150 mm
  • beige 138x138 mm for a note with congratulations

Romantic gift idea number 75. Heart made of two parts. Presented with the words: " You and I are one!"

Photo Country of Masters

For anyone who wants to give a loved one such a gift or decorate a postcard with such a heart, signing " you and I are one"

Another interesting origami heart

Romantic gift idea number 76. The idea of ​​filling the heart with words. First, an idea that I already wrote about:

Photos and ideas B a r c a

And another one: “you” and “I” is called. Blank fields are left for names

View in larger size

Source etsy

Another postcard idea from Barca -

Romantic gift idea number 77. Postcard in the shape of a four-leaf clover. (or four hearts)

According to legend, each of the plates of the four-plate sheet represents something specific: the first - hope, the second - faith, the third - love, and the fourth - luck.

You can sign the postcard like this, or you can say this:

"People often waste time searching magic symbols. It can take years to find a quatrefoil...

And to save your time and effort, we made this four-leaf clover for you, putting all the energy of our love into it!

You - wonderful person and we wish you to quickly realize everything you dream of!”

Romantic gift idea number 78. And this is not just a postcard! This postcard game!

I am a history and social studies teacher at a school near Moscow. I have many hours, that is, classes, many classes and students. And for all the years of work, I know in advance what they will give me. Of course, I appreciate the attention, although I don’t love my job and my children for the gifts. But some things have already become annoying over the years of work - they are completely unnecessary. I want to talk about such gifts. If you decide to give your teacher a gift, opt for something else.

For those preparing for the main school exam

Tea or instant coffee

Small bags from “Coffee Cantata” are given as gifts all the time. But why does everyone think that tea " Spring scent» with blend three types tea and lemongrass (whatever it is), orange zest, candied fruits, ginger, coconut flakes and sunflower flowers should definitely make us happy? I see a whole bunch of things here that a lot of people just don't like the taste of. An impersonal gift, the kind you can give if you don’t remember the teacher at all. Okay, tea is nothing. But cans of instant coffee? First of all, it's undrinkable. Secondly, many people are hypertensive (and schoolchildren’s blood pressure is not so high), they don’t drink coffee at all.

Boxes with chocolates

No, I have no complaints about the Raffaello box, they are delicious. But your teacher’s class is not alone. A lot of them. By the end school year These boxes can be used to prop up furniture, and chocolate will make everyone at home turn up their noses.

Books by teacher's profile

They often think that the teacher should be given another book by Stephen Hawking or another “ZhZL” about the famous writer. But a teacher spends most of his life talking about his subject. He has the right to take a little break from it. Believe me. I love studying catalogues. My daughter jokes that I first shock any sales assistant in a photographic equipment store, and then torment him with questions about pixels, the amount of built-in memory and other details. Like, this from a woman pre-retirement age for some reason they are not waiting. I just have this interest, why not buy a certificate for the store? I'll be happy to add it to my savings and buy something. But no, I'm a history teacher. I urgently need another volume of Akunin.

One piece tea set

You know, after graduation, two classmates boasted that they had set a goal in five years of study to visit all the restaurants in Moscow and steal some cutlery from each one as a souvenir. And they packed a large suitcase full of forks, spoons, and table knives. Different. Not a single item was repeated, everything from different sets. I remember this story every time I open a closet and see sets in boxes: a small coffee cup, a small saucer and a shaped spoon next to it. Full closet. The wallet does not allow each teacher to buy sets of two cups, let’s give one at a time. The teacher probably doesn’t have anyone with whom he can drink good coffee. Let's take some more instant coffee for the kit. And the parallel class will give you chocolate.

Notebooks teachers

Firstly, they are not convenient for everyone. Everyone has their own way of recording information, everyone who discussed whether to take a dated diary or one without dates knows this. Secondly, there are a lot of them. The teacher simply cannot write them all down. And children turn up their noses: they don’t hire people like that at university to record lectures or for jobs. So they accumulate, the pages turn yellow, dust accumulates. Well, and most importantly: with this diary you tell the teacher who remembers your children “like this” and taught the multiplication tables with him: “You are a teacher. I only see you in this role. Here’s a teacher’s diary, you have nothing else to write down except lesson plans.”

At the end of the text, of course, you will say that I am unfair, and in general it is not clear what to give if you don’t like everything. I don't want to hurt your feelings in any way. I'm just writing what it looks like from the other side. Your teachers, just like you, saw how your child grew up and became smarter, passed on knowledge to him and taught him to reason. It was the teachers who saw how your child made mistakes, quarreled with classmates and made peace. How your son fell in love with the first beauty of the class, and your daughter sighed for the main bully of the school. Teachers try to help your child. There are, of course, colleagues who are not the simplest in character. But many sincerely want only the best for your child.

I think they deserved something more than another box of Korkunov and a cup and saucer. Just try talking to the teacher

What kind of person is this, what is he interested in? There are many teachers, but there are more parents in the class. Just ask what the person is interested in. Or ask what he would like. Someone will ask for a manual (they are always needed), someone will just ask for a box of chocolates. Even just handing out certificates to cosmetics stores is better than buying a set of shower gels that will have an unloved smell. Let's break the tradition of impersonal gifts for teachers.

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The book has always been considered a good gift, especially if it interesting book, is given to a person who loves books and knows a lot about them.

A colorful book for a child is especially valuable as a gift; this gift will bring a lot of impressions, perhaps it will become a favorite book and determine the interests of the child, as has happened more than once.

I have already written in success stories how books turned the minds of fully grown, accomplished people upside down and radically changed their lives.

One of these stories is about my friend, mentor, very good man- , tells how one day a book about “sight” changed his destiny and made him what he is now, successful, rich and happy.

So those who think that a book is not a gift are laughing in vain! The main thing is to choose the right book, and not just “just something to give.”

It's funny to give a cookbook as a gift football fan, or even a woman who can’t stand “cooking.”

One of my friends doesn’t like to cook at all, but her husband does an excellent job with this task.

But choosing the right book is half the battle; you need to know how to sign a book as a gift. This is what we will talk about today.

How to sign a book as a gift signature sample

According to the rules of etiquette, only its author has the right to sign a book. Signing someone else's book is bad manners.

You will say that a postcard may get lost, a book without a signature will become an ordinary book, and soon you will forget where it came from and who gave it.

Of course, you are right, so we will do the following: glue a signed card with wishes onto a small drop of glue. The book is clean, the reminder will not be lost.

You need to sign the wish neatly, evenly, beautifully. If your handwriting is not very good, ask one of your friends or relatives to do it.

But, even with a “clumsy” handwriting, you can write good text from the heart. You can lightly line the sheet so that the lines do not jump on each other.

We come to the question of how to write a congratulation. Prepare a pen (or feather) with blue or black ink, make sure that it writes easily, does not smear, does not flow, but does not make gaps. In a word, to write “like clockwork.”

How to sign a book as a gift, a sample for a gift to friends, girlfriends

First of all, let's look at how to sign books as gifts for friends. The text of the congratulation should take into account the degree of closeness with the person to whom the book is given.

It is advisable to connect the wishes with the theme of the book. The text should begin with the name of the person to whom the gift is given, in honor of what the gift was made; at the end of the wishes, do not forget to indicate the date and put your signature.

By choosing this particular book, you somehow connected it with the person you decided to congratulate; try to express this relationship in words.


Dear (Beloved) Tatyana, Congratulations on the International Women's Day On March 8, I give you a collection of delicious oriental dishes, with the hope that you will invite me to taste them.

Your friend Ilya, (date and signature).

Write from the heart what you want to wish for the person, so that the words come from the heart. You can write a congratulation in verse, borrow aphorisms of famous people.

Show originality, maybe spice it up with a little humor, but without sarcasm or banter. Good book as a gift - it’s nice, and when it comes with the book original signature– doubly nice!

Your signature shows that this gift is from the heart that you have given Special attention, effort. If it’s difficult for you to find the words, or you’re not sure how the congratulations will be received, then you can get by by indicating to whom, from whom, in honor of what, and the date.

Or you can write short letter, containing parting words, wishes, instructions, just something that will be read with interest now, or many years from now.

Such a message will return to the moment when the gift was made. Your grandchildren will read it with interest when the book falls into their hands.

Expressions not recommended in book captions

There are expressions that it is advisable not to write when making a gift. Many are too banal and hackneyed, others have a “double meaning”.

The expression “for a long memory” is more appropriate as a gravestone inscription than for congratulations. And the “originality” of this “text” will not cause delight.

The expression “from the entire team, and from me personally” speaks of the excessive “modesty” of the donor. Leave the first part of the message, and give a separate gift from yourself.

You cannot make any hints about age, physical disabilities or other characteristics. For example, “my sweet bun (crumpet, doughnut, pie, etc.)”, “to my favorite botanist”, “despite the fact that you are already over..., you are still dear to me” and other “pearls”.

If the book is given in honor of a holiday not related to professional activity, then you should not sign “ the best teacher(driver, plumber, gynecologist).”

When giving a book to a woman close to you, there is no need to list her statuses as “beloved wife, cook, mother.” If you end the message with the words “from your husband and children,” you will get a complete epitaph on the monument.

Congratulations for the boss

Congratulations for the boss should be written in compliance with the chain of command. You need to address yourself, avoid familiarity and excessive flattery. The expression, “For the beloved boss,” sounds ambiguous, replace the word “favorite” with “respected” (fair, best, and so on).

Congratulations for children

When signing a book for children, express your hope that thanks to the gift, he will learn a lot of interesting things and discover new horizons for himself.

It’s better for the child to choose poetic congratulation, since in general, children like poetry more than prose.

I think you have understood how to sign a book as a gift, and you will cope with this task without difficulty. Now take a few minutes to read the articles:

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