How to wash a down jacket so that the fluff does not get lost and there are no stains. We wash the down jacket by hand - the rules of home cleaning

If it is necessary to wash a jacket, a large number of questions usually arise about how to wash a down jacket without damaging an expensive item.

It is important to understand that cleaning can also be done in a washing machine, with precautions and subject to following the advice of professionals.

Manufacturers of winter jackets with natural or synthetic filling give washing recommendations, but only in dry cleaners.

If you can’t use such services, you can try to wash the thing yourself, but following the instructions given in the article. So the down jacket will retain its original appearance.

You can wash the down jacket in the machine only after preliminary preparation. Here's what to do:

Checking pockets

In the pockets of a person, unnecessary items often remain, which, when washed, can damage the fabric of the jacket. Also, there may be money or documents that cannot be restored after a reaction with a detergent.

Unfasten fur parts

Fur parts must be unfastened before loading into the drum of the machine. Faux and real fur can warp from reacting with water and chemicals, losing their attractiveness and shape.

We wash stains

If the jacket has heavy dirt, stains, stains, they need to be washed. As a rule, the most worn places are the sleeves, areas on the bends of the elbows, the hem and the collar.

Washing in the machine will not get rid of old stains in problem areas. For washing, you can use a stain-removing soap.

Powder stain remover for downy products should not be used - they foam well, washing does not require a lot of foam, as it will be difficult to wash it, there will be a risk of strong stains.

Turn the jacket inside out and fasten all fasteners.

Now, after completing all the steps, the jacket is fastened and turned inside out, as hooks or damage may form on the outside. It is also important to fasten all buttons, Velcro and fasteners. This will keep them intact and not damage the jacket.

Washing rules

To understand whether it is possible to wash a down jacket in a washing machine is very simple. It is important to decipher the symbols on the tag - these are the basic rules for cleaning and drying, helping to maintain the durability of the jacket.

For things that cannot be washed in a certain way, this information is almost always encrypted on the tag.

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Usually, to wash a down jacket, it is enough to follow these rules:

  • Wash the jacket separately from things and other outerwear;
  • use a liquid cleanser;
  • rinsing is required at least 2 - 3 times;
  • place 3-4 tennis balls in the drum to prevent the formation of lumps from the filler;
  • it is desirable to dry it in the open air, so that direct sunlight does not fall on the jacket, it is also possible in a room away from heating appliances;

Down jackets are good for everyone in the cold season - both warm and comfortable, and they suit everyone, adults, children, businessmen, and students. Until the question arises, how to wash a down jacket at home. Washing down jackets scares inexperienced housewives.

What to do with him? Is it possible to use an indispensable assistant - a washing machine? Or will you have to wash it with your hands and ruin your manicure? In the end, how to wash a down jacket at home, especially if stains of fat, lipstick and something else, completely incomprehensible, were found on it from nowhere?

There is no need to panic - this is the same clothes as any other, which means that you can wash it yourself, without the services of specialists. You just need to follow certain rules so that the first wash of a down jacket at home does not become the last. Answers to all the most common questions about washing outerwear with down filler with your own hands are below.

Perhaps this is the most frequent and most pressing question - what will happen if you wash a down jacket in a typewriter? Will all the fluff come out of it and will it shed? We hasten to please - no. If everything is done correctly and consistently. First of all, you need to read the information on the product label.

Usually it indicates the composition of the material from which it is sewn, and the recommended care. If your down jacket is made of polyester and synthetic filler, then there is nothing to worry about at all, washing in an automatic machine will not spoil it.

Be careful with natural fillers. But even in this case, it is possible to wash it in a typewriter, and in order for everything to be successful, follow the following instructions:

  • set only the delicate washing mode - no experiments with the “quick wash” or “economy” modes;
  • wash the down jacket separately from other things, it will be better for him, and for other wardrobe items, and for the typewriter;
  • the water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees, but it is better to set 30 at all;
  • it is better to use liquid detergents - they dissolve well even in cool water and rinse out faster;
  • it is recommended to put two or three tennis balls into the drum along with the clothes. It is tennis, not plastic or just rubber. They will break down the fluff during the washing process and prevent it from churning into a solid lump.

It is impossible to wring out and dry the washed down jacket in the drum of the washing machine, it is also better not to joke with this. No matter how much you are in a hurry, remember one thing - such an appeal will forever destroy your down jacket and there will simply be nothing to go to an important meeting. How to properly dry such products will be described in detail below.

How to wash in the machine step by step

So, we have already figured out the washing mode and other subtleties. What to do next?

  1. Prepare the down jacket itself - first inspect it, and if stains are found, gently wipe them with a sponge moistened with soapy water. You can use store-bought stain remover if it doesn't contain chlorine. Then the down jacket is buttoned up and turned inside out. If any removable parts are provided on the product - hoods, belts, collars or cuffs - then they are removed and placed in the drum along with the down jacket. However, this is not important, you can wash them separately by hand.
  2. Place the down jacket first in the mesh bag, and then in the drum of the washing machine.
  3. Make all the necessary settings for safe washing and turn on the machine.
  4. Wait until the end of the wash and rinse cycle, and run the rinse twice more - this is necessary to completely wash out all traces of the detergent composition.
  5. Remove the jacket or coat from the washer immediately after washing and hang it vertically to drain.

That's all wisdom! While water will drain from the washed down jacket, prepare a large clean sheet, bedspread or terry towel - they will be needed to properly dry the down jacket.

What you need to know about drying down-filled items

It seems to you - what could be special here? I hung it on the balcony on a rope and go about your business calmly. But no! Everything is much more complicated. It is improper drying that often leads to the fact that spots and stains appear on the product, it loses its bright color and shape, loses volume and no longer warms up in cold and cold weather. What is the secret?

The rules for drying a down jacket are not so complicated.

  1. Immediately after all the water has drained from the washed item, it is laid out on sheets or a bedspread, wrapped in it and squeezed lightly - but not twisted! This will be enough to remove most of the moisture from the down filling.
  2. Then the product must be straightened and with your hands, section by section, knead all the lumps of wet fluff. You should not rush - how carefully the lumps are separated depends on how beautiful the down jacket will be after complete drying.
  3. Then the thing is hung on hangers, shaken and taken out to a room with good ventilation, where it will dry out. You can turn on the heater if you want, but don't push it too close to your down jacket, much less hang your wet jacket on radiators.
  4. Every 1.5-2 hours you will need to check your down jacket, shake it, turn it right side out, then inside out and constantly knead, knead and knead the downy lumps. Then the jacket will dry qualitatively and evenly.
  5. Do not forget to smooth the surface of the product with your palms. the fact is that after washing, folds and creases inevitably form on the fabric, such a thing does not look very attractive and neat. Ironing down-filled clothing is strictly prohibited. Therefore, in order to correct a small defect, you will again have to work with your palms.

If, after drying, your down jacket is still a little lost and has lost its shape, a regular beater will help bring it back to its previous form.

How to deal with stains and stains on a down jacket

Sometimes a standard machine wash is not enough to deal with old, stubborn stains. What to do with them? Taking a thing to dry cleaning just for the sake of removing one stain is long, troublesome and expensive. Therefore, it is worth trying to cope with annoying pollution on your own.

Most often you have to deal with stains from fat. It can be a drop of sauce, a trace of lipstick or foundation, and sometimes from fuel oil. In any case, after washing, an ugly mark remains on the clothes. How to remove it?

  • dish gel. It is diluted in equal proportions with water and a clean sponge wipes the stain. After a few minutes, the product should be washed off with a clean, damp cloth and wait for it to dry. If it doesn’t help, you need to move on to more aggressive means;
  • refined gasoline. It can be bought at a hardware store, a hardware supermarket, or in a tobacco shop - lighters are filled with such gasoline. Be careful, as such a tool, along with traces of grease, can also remove paint from the fabric. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a test for the sensitivity of the material and its dye to gasoline. If the test is successful, you can wipe off the contamination with a clean cloth or cotton swab dipped in gasoline. Then the necessarily cleaned area is wiped with a damp sponge;
  • ammonia is no less effective in dealing with pollution. Two tablespoons of ammonia are added to a glass of soapy water and all stains are rubbed with the resulting mixture.

In fact, many people do not know how to properly wash a down jacket at home, although they do not believe in it. As a result, a good thing deteriorates, becomes unusable, stops heating and loses all kinds of appearance. This will never happen if you strictly follow all the recommendations in this article.

In general, a down jacket is a jacket filled with down from waterfowl. However, not everything that we now call so is stuffed with exclusively natural material. Therefore, Lifehacker will tell you how to wash a product with any insulation.

How to prepare for washing a down jacket,
  1. Read the manufacturer's information on the label of the down jacket. Often there are recommendations for the care of the product.
  2. The label also indicates what the down jacket is made of. For the top cover, synthetic fabrics that are resistant to external influences are most often used: polyester, polyamide, nylon, eco-leather. Fillers can be either synthetic (synthetic winterizer, holofiber) or natural (down, feather, wool). The latter must be handled very carefully and do not ignore the manufacturer's recommendations.
  3. Regular powders are not suitable for washing down jackets. Use liquid products instead. And to clean products with natural filler, it is better to buy a special product that protects the fluff from damage.
  4. If there is a down jacket, remove it before washing. If the fur does not come unfastened, it must be thoroughly combed with a comb with rare teeth immediately after washing and several times during the drying process.
  5. But if the fur is also dyed and very different in color from the down jacket, it’s better to go to the dry cleaner. Fur can shed and ruin the product.
  6. Make sure that the pockets of the down jacket are empty and there are no holes in it. Be sure to sew up the gaps, otherwise the filler may come out through them.
  7. Zip up the down jacket and pockets and unzip the hood. To prevent the product from deforming, nothing should hang out during washing.

As a rule, the most contaminated places on a down jacket are the sleeves, collar and hem. Before washing, they can be moistened, lathered with laundry soap and rubbed gently.

Turn the down jacket inside out before washing.

Put it in the washing machine. To prevent the filler from getting lumpy, add 2-3 special laundry balls or ordinary tennis balls to the drum.

Pour detergent into a special compartment. Calculate its amount using the instructions on the package. Additionally, you can use fabric conditioner.

Some machines have a mode for washing down jackets or outerwear. Modes for delicate items, wool or silk are also suitable. The water temperature should not exceed 30 °C.

If possible, turn on the extra rinse function or run it yourself at the end of the wash. This is necessary so that there is no detergent left in the down jacket.

The spin should not be too strong - 400-600 rpm.

At a higher speed, the filler of the down jacket can go astray or even crawl out of the seams.

Fill a large basin or tub with lukewarm water. The temperature should not exceed 30 °C. Dissolve detergent in water. Calculate its amount using the instructions on the package.

Soak the down jacket for 15-30 minutes. Then gently wash it with a soft brush or sponge. Rubbing the parts of the down jacket against each other, as when washing ordinary clothes, is not recommended.

Wring out the product lightly and rinse several times in clean water. You can also add some fabric conditioner. You can not twist the down jacket, otherwise it will deform.

Unfasten all fasteners, turn the product inside out on the face, pull out the pockets.

Hang your down jacket on a hanger. If you have washed by hand, place it over the tub for a while to let the water run. To speed up the process, you can periodically lightly wring out individual parts of the product with your hands.

In no case do not put the jacket on the radiator and do not dry it with a hairdryer, especially if the filler is natural.

High temperature destroys the structure of the down, it becomes brittle and loses its thermal insulation properties.

Leave the down jacket to dry completely. Beat the filler periodically and distribute it evenly by hand so that it does not crumple.

A down jacket is a very comfortable, light and warm type of winter clothing. Any clothing requires care and should be washed. They are no exception and have their own characteristics. In order to wear a thing for a long time and not spoil it, you must strictly adhere to certain rules.

at home?

Although most products that use down as a heater have a “dry clean only” icon, you can wash a down jacket at home. Dry cleaning is very expensive, but no one guarantees the result. If you follow a few simple rules, then washing a down jacket will absolutely not damage its appearance:

  • wash in the machine at the most gentle mode (manual or delicate program, depending on the model);
  • water temperature - 30 C (maximum - 40 C);
  • use liquid products for delicate or woolen fabrics;
  • the most thorough rinsing. You can run the rinse mode twice;
  • spin at 600-800 rpm. It can also be started twice, but the number of revolutions cannot be increased.

Before washing, you need to unfasten the fur, fasten all buttons and zippers. Failure to do so may damage the fabric or damage the zipper. Heavily soiled places (collar, cuffs, pockets, etc.) should be rubbed with liquid with a non-rigid brush. Right before loading into the drum, turn the product on the wrong side.

In the process of streaking, the fluff gets lumped and remains at the bottom of the squares on which the down jackets are quilted. To prevent this from happening, 3-5 tennis balls are added to the washing machine (not table tennis balls, but tennis balls). Washing a down jacket with them allows the fluff to be distributed more evenly and prevents it from gathering in lumps.

Pay attention to rinse the product thoroughly. To do this, you can set the double rinse mode.

How to dry a down jacket?

The main difficulty is not washing the down jacket, but drying it. You need to dry the down jacket in a buttoned state on a coat hanger or on a dryer. To evenly distribute the fluff, it is necessary to shake it regularly and very actively in different directions so that the fluff is located over the entire square. It is this frequent shaking during drying that causes the main inconvenience.

Sometimes the following procedure helps: put a slightly dried down jacket into the drum of the washing machine along with tennis balls and start the spin cycle (without rinsing). moving along the drum, distribute the filler more evenly.

If it was not possible to achieve a uniform distribution of fluff during drying, you will have to distribute it with your hands inside the squares on which the clothes are quilted. Most often, it becomes necessary to distribute the filler in the sleeves.

If the apartment is cool, move the heater to the down jacket or hang it closer to the heat source. If the drying speed is insufficient, an unpleasant “musty” smell may occur. Then you have to start all over again.

You can dry the down jacket on the balcony, but avoid direct sunlight.

How to wash fur from a down jacket?

As a rule, fur is washed much less often than a down jacket. It can be washed by hand in warm water using a detergent for delicate fabrics or any hair shampoo. After washing, hang up the fur and let the water drain. Then, periodically shaking it, dry it near heating appliances. You can comb the fur with a special brush or a regular hair comb.

Now you know at home. The rules are simple and easy. By following these recommendations, you can enjoy this convenient thing for a long time.

A down jacket is essential on cold winter days. It will save from frost and wind and at the same time you can look very stylish in it. For the winter, we purchase one model and wear it "both in a feast and in the world." Therefore, it is not surprising that you have to wash the down jacket often, especially models made of light fabric. To ensure that the product does not lose its thermal and external properties, it is necessary to properly care for it.

If the down jacket is not large, then you can wash it in the basin; if there is a long and heavy product, it is recommended to use the bathroom. It is recommended to wash downy things with liquid detergents, since it is very difficult to rinse out powder ones. You can wash the down jacket with ordinary liquid soap or shampoo.

In the absence of heavy dirt and heavy stains, the following steps are required:

  1. To avoid complete wetting of the product, it is required to wash with two people. So that one holds it over a bath or basin, and the second does the laundry. If physical abilities allow, you can wash alone.
  2. The part that is dirty is immersed in a soapy solution.
  3. The wetted surface is carefully treated with a sponge or brush, you can rub it with your hands.
  4. Rinsing is carried out under running water. Try to leave only the soapy part of the product wet.
  5. The wet part is carefully squeezed out by hand. You can hang a down jacket to drain over the bathtub.

This method of hand washing eliminates clumping of the filler, and the product dries very quickly.

In case of heavy contamination, it is necessary to completely dip the product in soapy water. It is possible to soak the down jacket, but not more than half an hour. Washing temperature - 30 degrees. The following actions are performed:

  1. We remove everything that interferes with the jacket, metal parts, including fur.
  2. We drop into the water.
  3. We wash especially dirty places on our hands.
  4. We rinse several times. Preferably in running water.
  5. We squeeze.
  6. We hang to drain and dry on a hanger.

Periodically, the product must be shaken and the filler broken. Use a carpet beater for this.

Machine wash method

For many, it is preferable to wash a down jacket in a typewriter. This method saves a lot of time and effort. In order for the product to retain its properties and attractive appearance after washing, it is necessary to adhere to the main recommendations.

Preparing a down jacket for washing

For washing in washing machines, the product must be prepared. All stains and places that, as a rule, are more heavily soiled, and these are cuffs, collars and pockets, are thoroughly washed. Stains are best removed with laundry soap. The down jacket must be turned inside out and fasten all zippers and buttons.

The fabric that is inside stretches well, but will not suffer from friction against the washing machine drum.

Choosing a detergent

In household chemicals, you can find different types of detergents. It is recommended to use special chemicals. Pay attention to labels. Choose those that are marked "for down jackets." Additives have distinctive features from conventional powders. They are well washed out and do not have a negative effect on the filler. Powder for washing a down jacket maintains the shade of the upper fabric, prevents the filler from being musty.

Tennis balls, tourmaline products

On sale you can find special devices, if they are not available, you can wash your favorite down jacket with shady balls. It is important to remove the dye with bleaching. Replacement will not affect the quality of washing in any way.

Tourmaline balls are a universal remedy for any clothes. Service life up to three years. Put their sterile machine with the product.

It is better to wash the down jacket in the usual mode for delicate fabrics, but without adding powder. The disadvantage is the high cost. But there is an opportunity to save on household chemicals.

Mode and temperature selection

It is strictly forbidden to use the mode for cotton products. Turn on "hand wash" or for delicate items. The peculiarity of the operation of the machine with such settings is the slow movement of the drum, long pauses.

Washing time and spin

Long-term rotation of the drum will not affect the quality of cleaning the down jacket, but it contributes to the jamming of the filler, therefore it is recommended to wash the product in the hand wash mode for no more than 40 minutes. Press at 800 rpm, if exceeded, fluff will crumple, and if reduced, the jacket will dry for a long time.

Stain removal - 4 ways

Before washing, it is required to treat especially dirty places and stains, but it happens that this does not help, so you need to resort to some tricks. It is possible to assess the degree of contamination and cleaning of the product only after the complete drying of the filler and the outer fabric. Before using any method, try it on the inside of the jacket.

Hydrogen peroxide

This substance is in the medicine cabinet of any family. The method is cheap and effective, it works for various types of stains. It is used with caution for bright and colored down jackets. Do a color wash test before use. Peroxide must be treated with a contaminated area and left for a few minutes to act. Then wash off with soapy water and rinse.


Works great on stubborn areas. Table vinegar is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 3. Cuffs and collars are treated with this solution.

After cleaning, it is washed off with running water. The smell on the product after drying will not remain. If desired, ventilate the product additionally.

Dishwashing liquid

Works well against greasy contaminants. Lather the product on the stain, leave for a few minutes to dissolve the fat. Rinse the lathered area thoroughly.

soap solution

You can remove greasy stains from a down jacket using a solution prepared from grated solid soap and warm water. Lather the solution on the product with a brush or hands and rinse it off. Soap without dyes is recommended, it is effective to use household soap.

What to do to avoid divorce

To wash the down jacket so that there are no streaks, it is necessary to observe the following rules:

  1. For washing, choose a liquid detergent that does not form a lot of foam.
  2. Observe the temperature regime.
  3. It is better to rinse the product several times until the powder is completely washed out.
  4. Dry the down jacket properly in an upright position to avoid churning.

How to dry the product

Washing down clothes is a very difficult process, but it is important to dry it properly after that. Avoid exposure to high temperatures, and you can not dry the product for more than two days, otherwise the filler will fade.

Method 1

It is preferable to dry the product in natural conditions. This method will take time, but the quality of the product will not be affected. To prevent fluff from straying after washing in a washing machine, the jacket must be constantly knocked down. Use your hands or carpet-beating sticks for this. Place the product on a hanger and every hour or half an hour go up to it and straighten it. It's important not to be lazy.

Method 2

When the down jacket needs to be dried faster, use improvised means, such as a hair dryer or vacuum cleaner. Gently blow the product with a hair dryer from all sides. Use cool air. Airing the down will speed up the drying and won't harm it. Hot air will not speed up the process, but there is a risk of melting the upper fabric.

It is necessary to blow the product with a vacuum cleaner. This method is possible if the vacuum cleaner has a reverse air intake function. Put the down jacket in a sealed bag and turn on the appliance. Thus, the fluff in the jacket is distributed evenly and dries faster.
