How to increase the body's energy. How to develop healthy energy

And today we’ll talk about how to increase vital energy.

In my research on vital energy, I rely on Igor Isaev’s book “Energy Practices of Yoga and Qigong.” And also on the experience of Natalia Solonenko, a woman who has been involved in spiritual practices and issues of vital energy for 30 years.

Even ancient philosophers argued that man is a microcosm - a reflection of the macrocosm, that is, the entire Universe. Consequently, all the laws that work in the universe will work in man himself. This is exactly what the famous saying “Know yourself and you will know the whole Universe” says.

Before we understand how to increase vital energy, let's understand where vital energy comes from. The first thing that is important to understand is that the entire universe consists of a synthesis of three aspects of existence - information (consciousness), energy and matter.

Both the entire Universe and man act and develop due to the presence of flows of dynamic balance of three levels of reality - metabolism, energy exchange and information exchange.

These processes occur in us constantly and almost always automatically. We can only realize and feel, and, consequently, influence the most coarse and dense metabolic process. Therefore, it is the most studied and understood.

We know practically nothing about the other two processes that directly operate in our bodies, as well as in the entire surrounding universe - the exchange of energy and information, since our senses do not perceive these processes.

This is why modern science recognizes that a person uses only 10% of his brain. What is the other 90% needed for? In order to manage your higher energy information processes.

So, we know nothing about these energy-informational processes working in us. We do not consciously work with each of them. These processes occur in us on their own, with little efficiency and intensity, and even under the distorting and suppressive influence of unfavorable physical and emotional (energy) states into which we, out of ignorance, plunge our body.

We fall because of improper nutrition and breathing, lack of physical activity, bad habits, inability to interact correctly with other people and correctly assess the events of the surrounding reality.

Naturally, in such a situation, all our potential capabilities are realized in a tiny fraction, and even average physical health, not to mention serious emotional and spiritual well-being, seems to most of the inhabitants of the Earth to be an unrealistic possibility.

From here it becomes clear why the possible lifespan of the physical body, calculated and proven by modern science at 140-160 years, is completely unrealistic for each of us.

Sources of vital energy

Where does vital energy come from and how does it manifest itself in our body? Everything, from our thoughts to sensations in the body, originates in the energy-informational field and then manifests itself on the physical level.

All energy information flows in our body move through energy channels and energy centers. Energy channels-orbits-meridians of a person are called hita (or nadi), and energy centers are called chakras.

Where does the average person spend mental energy in everyday life? It turns out that not only vital processes such as maintaining normal heart function, muscle contraction and other automatic processes. The main consumer of vital energy is the nervous system and the psycho-emotional sphere associated with it.

We already understand that a person is not only a physical body (material category), but also an emotional and mental component (energy category), as well as consciousness (information category). And all these levels of personality require a constant flow of energy and information for their functioning. The more intense they are, the more they spend.

It is known that all scientific works indicate that mental work, of all others, requires the most tension and effort from a person. That is, even classical medicine recognizes that an actively working consciousness and the nervous system associated with it require a large expenditure of physical and mental strength.

Therefore, it is important to know how to increase your vital energy. Especially if you do mental work.

How to increase vital energy?

There are 2 ways to increase your level of vital energy (prana)

1. Do those things that give energy, and NOT do those things that take away energy.
2. Engage in energy practices that pump energy.


1. Earth Element: There are foods full of prana (vital energy): natural grains, cereals, ghee, honey, fruits, vegetables. Be in nature, contemplate nature, walk barefoot on the earth. Sleep from 9-10 pm until two am (at other times the nervous system does not rest, no matter how much we sleep). Play sports, love, do what you love.

2. Water element: Drink a lot of water, preferably from wells or streams, swim in a river or sea. Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks and alcohol. Douse yourself with cold water, especially in the morning.

3. Fire Element: Stay in the sun and eat foods that contain sunlight.

4. Air element: This is the most important element of receiving prana through inhaling clean air, especially in the mountains, forests and seashores. Smoking and being in crowded places deprives a person of prana.

5. Ether element: Cultivating positive thinking, kindness, good mood. And this level is considered basic. For even if a person lives in nature and eats right, but at the same time walks around irritated and angry, then, on the contrary, excess prana will destroy him even faster.

On the other hand, a harmonious person, that is, good-natured, fearless, can last quite a long time in the city if he is forced to live there. But even such a person needs to watch his diet and periodically “break out” into nature. In cities, the source of prana is churches, temples, and monasteries.


Dejection, dissatisfaction with fate, regret about the past and fear, rejection of the future
- setting and pursuing selfish goals
- aimless existence
- resentment, guilt or shame
- binge eating
- uncontrollable wandering of the mind, inability to concentrate
- when we eat fried or old food, food prepared by a person in anger or experiencing other negative emotions, when using a microwave oven, foods containing preservatives, chemical additives, grown in artificial conditions, using chemical fertilizers
- eating food devoid of prana: coffee, black tea, white sugar, white flour, meat, alcohol
- eating in a hurry and on the go
- smoking
- empty talk, especially if we criticize and condemn someone
- communication with negative people, conflicts, disputes
- incorrect breathing, for example, too fast and deep
- exposure to direct sunlight, from 12 to 4 pm, especially in the desert
- promiscuity, sex without desire and, especially without love for a partner
- excessive sleep after 7 am, lack of sleep
- tension of mind and body
- greed and greed

That's all for today. Next time we'll talk about energy practices. I would be glad if you share your experience of receiving vital energy.

"an article about how to develop and strengthen energy. With the goal, of course, of improving your life.

How to develop and strengthen energy? First we need to decide what exactly we will develop. To develop what is needed and not reinforce any nonsense. Since there are a lot of exercises on the Internet for developing energy, we will not copy them (gymnastics, yoga, qigong, khi kong wushu, and so on). Let us dwell on very important points that should precede any energy development exercises. Without these points, you will waste your time (and even health money) in vain.

Let's start with the definition. Energy is what creates movement. So, there are physical characteristics - agility, speed, weight, strength. And there are energy ones. For example, no matter how strong a person is, if he has little energy, then he cannot do anything. Unless you fall without strength and without. That is, energy is what allows movement, what gives rise to movement.

Accordingly, the rule is: the more active a person is, the stronger his energy.

The more he lies on the couch, the weaker it is (even if this person claims that he has super developed his energy). Accordingly, a more active person does more useful things - and lives better. So to develop and strengthen energy for real, not in the imagination, is a very, very useful thing.

Having dealt with the definitions, let’s move on to the key points in the development of energy. And we'll start with the body.

Since we are physical beings, the body plays a very important role in human energy. Simply put, a person can control the energy that his body can withstand. Accordingly, first of all, before starting to develop the energy sector, it is necessary to improve:

  • a) energy capacity of the body (its ability to contain a certain amount of energy)
  • b) energy conductivity of the body (its ability to conduct energy without delays or obstacles).

Otherwise, no matter what methods you use, you will not get more benefits than your body allows. But more harm, please. Energy flows that are too strong for a given body can lead to various breakdowns in the body. It's like with an electrical circuit - too much current causes the wire to melt, short circuit, and so on.

On the other hand, energy intensity and energy conductivity increase when a person uses his energy regularly and incrementally. That is, energy intensity and energy conductivity are trained. The basic rule for this is:

Exceeding the energy capacity and energy conductivity of the body should not be critical.

That is, a slight excess is good, it encourages the body to rebuild. But a large excess is an overload and the road to various problems.

The second nuance we will focus on also concerns the body. But not only. Thus, many techniques for developing and enhancing energy involve visualization when performing exercises. We have previously touched on what visualization is and how it works. So we won't repeat ourselves. Let's just say that there are two types of exercises to work with energy.

  1. The first type is the visualization of, say, the flow of energy, in the form of a mental picture.
  2. The second type is the visualization of the same flow of energy in sensations in the body.

The first type is nothing more than a waste of time. Energy does not depend on how vividly you can imagine the picture. It doesn't depend on your imagination. It does not depend on images in the mind.

Energy is connected to the body, energy passes through the body, energy accumulates in the body. Therefore, any visualization when working with energy should take place in sensations in the body. And not in a picture in the mind.

That is, if in an exercise you need to feel the fiery point in the tailbone, then

  • it is useless to draw a picture of the coccyx and a fiery point on it;
  • you need to FEEL this very fiery point in the tailbone.

Naturally, the choice is yours. But now you know the truth, so the responsibility for your results lies with you :)

And the third point we will focus on. So, there are two large classes of energy development exercises. Both classes assume that there is a lot of energy around a person that can be accumulated, conducted, and so on.

  1. However, the first class of exercises involves a person as a consequence.
  2. And the second class of exercises is the reason.

The first class exercises offer you to feel how energy fills you, how it pours in, how higher beings pour it in. That is, the reason is external. Man is a consequence. He says something like “energy come, fill me, make me stronger...”.

The exercises of the second class assume that the person himself directs the energy. He absorbs it, he emits it, he transforms it in one way or another in accordance with his tasks.

Guess which exercise class is more effective :)

If so, here's a hint. How will you react to a person who, wanting to study physics, will say to a physics textbook: “Oh, knowledge, penetrate me! Enter my mind and fill my body!” How much does such a person know? Naturally, nothing. But if he started reading, thinking, creating examples, solving problems, then he would study physics.

It’s the same with energy: either you ask for it, or you control it.

Thus, how to develop and strengthen energy? It's very simple - with the right exercises.

Well, after reading this article, you can easily determine whether the exercises in front of you are correct or not.


Set goals.
Clear, motivating, realistic goals are invariably communicated to the body energy for their successful achievement. Connect a creative view of everything that exists, fill your goals with positive emotions. To do this, imagine that you are already safely towards the intended task: how do you feel? What do you see and hear around you? What do you think about yourself at this moment? Are you ready to set your next goals and be ready to achieve them? Every time you lose faith in yourself (i.e., decrease in internal energy), imagine yourself as a winner again and again. It helps, verified.

A high-quality one can accumulate a huge amount of invigorating energy. Alas, our life today and the term “stress” very often become synonymous. We do almost everything in a state of extreme tension - we work, move, even sit and lie. At the same time, a danger signal is constantly sent from the body to the brain, working to switch to readiness mode for the worst, and a colossal amount of energy is allocated to this function. Is it possible in such a state to talk about creativity, good intentions, vitality, and good health? Of course not. The only way out is relaxation - conscious, regular, high-quality. Everyone chooses ways and methods for themselves; these can be meditation, music, floating, massage, passive rest, communication with animals, etc.

Get enough sleep.
Sound sleep invariably fills our body with energy, promotes cell renewal, restoration of the central nervous system and normalization of the functioning of all organs.

Eat right.
Eat more energy-dense foods (giving energy) – vegetables, fruits, nuts, . And reduce to zero the consumption of products that take away energy, - semi-finished products, chips and various “chemicals”, an abundance of which can be seen on the shelves of our stores. Drink plenty of clean water.

Breathe correctly.
Read specialized literature, you will find many breathing techniques there. Choose what you think suits you best. Having mastered the technique of proper breathing, you will save yourself from many health problems, and then the energy previously spent on fighting diseases will be directed to creative and positive work.

Even light physical exercise brings amazing results. It is known that after active training, i.e. physical activity, the body relaxes as much as possible, which serves as a trigger for energy production. The main thing is not to overdo it. Do not bring the body to the point of overwork and exhaustion, during which all the energy accumulated earlier will be gone.

Fall in love.
Love gives life a special meaning, thereby filling the body and mind with creative energy. It is no coincidence that during periods of love a person can move mountains.

Thank the universe (God, nature, universe) for the life given to you.
Gratitude and a sense of the joy of being, as you know, makes it possible to exchange energy with other people and even the universe (cosmos, the divine principle). Here is the law: if you gave a lot, you received even more. Know how to create a positive attitude.

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  • how to increase energy

What does a person need for normal life? Of course, energy. But where and from what to draw this vital force, especially when it is weakened by frequent colds, stress, harmful radiation and other negative environmental factors. But it turns out that energy sources are present both in a person and around him. You just need to be able to use them.


Energy body depends largely on lifestyle and the environment. This includes nutrition, breathing, movement, purity of mind and body, harmony with nature. Use these factors wisely and you will always be full of energy.

Eat right! Nothing deprives the body of energy more than frequent and plentiful meals. She focuses all her energy body around the digestive organs. That is why after a hearty lunch or dinner you especially feel weak and drowsy. But light food, which is without feeling, brings completely different sensations.

Breathe fully! Proper breathing affects the condition of everything body and can cure many diseases. However, most people don't even notice how they are. Meanwhile, their breathing is superficial, it ventilates only the upper, sometimes middle lobes of the lung. While the lower lobes suffer from chronic oxygen deficiency, which inevitably affects the functioning of the brain and other vital organs, depriving them of energy.

Keep moving! It is not necessary to exhaust yourself with active physical activity in order to raise energy body. Daily and long walks are quite enough, which will disperse the blood and lymph, and also strengthen the musculoskeletal and muscular system.

Do you want to be full of energy throughout the day? Below are 6 ways to boost your energy and look great without coffee or energy drinks. Our lifestyle and nutrition are directly related to the feeling of vigor. Lightness + a sea of ​​energy or heaviness + the desire to lie down? The choice is yours.

1. Eat more vegetables and fruits

Ice cream, cookies, Coca-Cola, chips not only destroy our health and beauty, but also deprive us of energy! Sugar charges the body with quick energy for a short period of time, after which there is even less energy left. After a few hours, the desire to snack on cookies or Snickers appears again. If you exclude such foods from your diet, your body will not waste precious energy digesting empty, heavy food with zero benefit.

It's better to eat a bowl of brown rice or whole grain pasta (if you are not sensitive to gluten) with a large serving of vegetables, which will provide the body with slow-burning energy throughout the day. Don't forget about superfoods for an energy boost - bananas, almonds, ginger, green vegetables and hot peppers.

2. Eliminate caffeine

Caffeine stimulates a surge of energy, while at the same time depriving us of energy. Coffee, energy drinks and Coca-Cola are physically and psychologically addictive. One cup of coffee is not enough to give you energy from morning to evening, so after a few hours the desire to drink a cup arises again. Coffee provokes side effects such as headache, fatigue, irritability. The more coffee you drink, the stronger the side effects.

Try drinking a green smoothie made from greens and fruits, which are full of vitamins and minerals, instead of coffee for breakfast several times a week.

Green smoothies are easily absorbed by the body, unlike heavy foods, and make us more beautiful and healthier. The nutritional composition of such mixes gives you energy for the whole day!

3. Get enough sleep

Sleep is essential for physical and mental health. You can read more It is very likely that you lack energy due to insufficient sleep.

Monitor your feelings immediately after waking up! It is very important to fully recover at night. And wake up with new strength and the desire to move mountains.

A few hours before bedtime, put away electronic devices that can disrupt your daily biorhythm. And on your day off, turn off the alarm, trust your body and sleep as much as you want.

4. Drink water

Dehydration reduces our energy levels. Drink clean water, herbal teas, and eat fresh vegetables and fruits to nourish your body and maintain hydration. Sometimes add lemon slices for taste.

5. Play sports

Did you know that physical activity increases energy levels many times more than caffeine? Just a 40-minute walk before breakfast will fill you with energy for the whole day! Regular physical activity makes us stronger, more positive and energetic.

6. Don't be nervous

When we are emotionally and psychologically tired from daily tasks and stressful situations, we feel physically tired. Stopping for a few minutes throughout the day to calm your mind will help you completely reboot. Taking a few deep breaths before answering a call, meditating for 2-3 minutes on the way home, or taking a bath after a weekday are small steps that each of us can try.

Switching from a restless mind to your body will save precious energy and radically change you and your way of thinking! You will become calmer, more balanced, peaceful and feminine. Thanks to moments like these, you find answers to your pressing questions, and any problem turns out to be easy to solve.

Take the first steps, gradually changing your usual lifestyle. Several times a week, replace your morning coffee with a glass of freshly squeezed green juice or smoothie. Try snacking on fruit instead of candy when your energy is low. Always listen to your inner feelings.

When we nourish our bodies with healthy foods and dedicate a few minutes a day just to ourselves, we not only feel a sea of ​​energy and internal balance, but we also look great! After all, beauty reflects physical health! There is no other way.

With love,

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Sooner or later there comes a time when we have difficulty waking up in the morning, it is difficult for us to do any work and we come home broken and tired.

This means that the level of internal energy of the body has decreased and with age this is felt more and more strongly. How to increase the vitality of the body, add strength and energy in order to feel at your best again, feel joy and happiness, accomplish more and always be successful? After all, only those who have a lot of vitality become successful and happy, i.e. high level of internal energy. In this article you will learn everything. I will also tell you who takes the most energy from us, and where it goes from us. I assure you that what you will learn today, you have never heard, few people talk about it. It's time for everyone to know about it.

Why increase your internal energy level?

If the level of our internal energy is low, both the psyche and the whole organism suffer. We quickly get tired, feel a lack of strength, and only negative thoughts and emotions rummage around in our heads, devouring the remnants of our energy.

It turns out to be a vicious circle from which there seems to be no way out. If we do nothing for a long time, we will develop mental problems, such as depression, panic attacks, and all kinds of physical illnesses.

Therefore, if you have been experiencing signs of low energy for a long time, it’s time to take charge of yourself and increase it. After all, you want to be healthy and happy.

What benefits will you get by increasing your energy levels:

  • vitality will increase and performance will increase;
  • you will become more confident;
  • your wishes will come true;
  • you will stop being afraid of life’s difficulties, your resistance to stress will increase;
  • many diseases will disappear from you, your health will improve;
  • many psychological problems will go away;
  • you will experience more positive emotions and a feeling of satisfaction from life in general.

And there are a lot of such bonuses that can be listed.

I think you understand why you need to increase your vital energy.

And in order to understand how to increase it, let's find out where it goes, leaving us without strength.

Reasons for the decline in our energy

There are many reasons for decreased vital energy.

This includes poor nutrition, the introduction of an unhealthy lifestyle, poor ecology, sitting for a long time in front of the TV and everyday life. Much has already been written and retold about them. And I won't repeat myself.

I’ll tell you about those factors that few people talk about, but they, in fact, consume the lion’s share of our energy, which means we need to get rid of them first. Having freed yourself from them, you will finally regain most of your energy and become truly healthy and... And having become stronger, you will no longer be so afraid of the environment, stress, or other unfavorable factors. People forget about them because many people don’t benefit from people knowing everything; some people simply don’t talk about them. The system needs obedient people. And a person with strong energy becomes smart, wise, and therefore free from the system. He rules his own destiny. How you want to become strong or weak, free or slave, is up to you to decide.

Alcohol consumption

Many people think that alcohol is not as harmful as they write about it. Others believe that, on the contrary, it gives us strength, while others are confident that moderate consumption does not destroy the body. All these opinions are wrong.

Alcohol is a terrible poison that takes away a lot of our strength, depletes the body, destroys the brain, deprives us of willpower and freedom of action, and makes us obedient puppets. And he does this gradually, unnoticed by the drinker himself, even if you just drink on weekends, relieving stress after work. Many people benefit from people drinking alcohol.

On this blog you will find many articles on the topic of alcohol. Read them and you will understand to and.

If you want to become completely healthy and find happiness, you must regain most of the energy that alcohol takes from us. This means stop using it even in small doses.

Unhealthy and wrong sex

What does it mean? Sex itself is very good for health, which means it gives us strength and energy, but only under certain conditions that you must remember.

If you have sex very often without taking into account your energetic constitution, you will only lose energy and not gain it. How often, it is different for each person, it all depends on the state of the body’s energy, age, time of year and other factors. Some people can and want to exercise every day; for others, once a week or even once a month is enough. How to find out the correct frequency of having sex? Everything is very simple. If you passionately want sex, if your body is filled with sexual energy and wants exactly this, and not you, with your thoughts, inspired sexual desire in it, then do not hold back, let your body enjoy sex, and from pleasure you will only increase your vitality.

It’s just that today, as a result of the emancipation of society, the availability of one-night stands and the overcrowding of vulgarity on the Internet and on television, we have sex not when the body asks, but at the call of our perverted thoughts. Or we are simply forced to do it, and we really don’t want it. This kind of sex takes away our strength.

Look at older former prostitutes. They are scary to look at, they all look older than their years. These are all signs of low energy.

But what to do if our partner wants sex, but we don’t want it. This is where other rules come to the rescue.

There are certain sex techniques in which energy is not wasted, but rather gained. Nowadays it is easy to find information on Tantric and Taoist sex. In short, a man should not lose semen during sex, both partners should direct the energy upward and also give it to the partner. In general, sex mainly gives a woman energy, while a man loses it when he loses sperm.

In order to accumulate more energy when having sex than it loses, you also need to follow the most important rule.

Sex must be accompanied love.

Love is everything, it is what gives you an unlimited amount of energy, no matter what you do. Sex without love is depleting and drains your strength, even if it seems to you that it brought pleasure. Why this happens is a separate long conversation. You can read a little about this in this article.

Also, perverted sex, same-sex sex, masturbation and other types of sex that I don’t want to talk about mostly take energy rather than give it.

There is little talk about sex when the topic of increasing vitality and gaining energy is discussed. But it is so important in matters of the body’s energy that by forgetting about it and having sex incorrectly, we only undermine our health, instead of becoming healthier and happier.

Lack of sleep and poor sleep-related daily routine

A busy work schedule in modern living conditions leads to the fact that we often do not get enough sleep, go to bed late and sleep little. And the overloaded brain continues to work at night, we sleep poorly, and we dream about episodes of past stressful events. There is no question of a normal rest.

Today, the employer often squeezes all the juice out of the employee, who sacrifices themselves for some work, does not get enough sleep and leads an incorrect daily routine.

Sooner or later this will lead to overexertion and illnesses of the mind or body.

Everyone has probably seen when in a film a hero is praised for staying up all night performing some professional duty. For example, an investigator investigates a chain of crimes day and night, catching criminals. But it’s only beautiful in the movies. In fact, lack of sleep and constant non-compliance with the daily routine sucks all the energy from the body and turns any super hero into a decrepit and sick person.

Of course, sometimes you have to stay awake for some task. Don't take everything literally. But if such a regime occurs frequently and constantly, it will certainly lead to dire consequences.

Employers today take advantage of what people have been taught about the correctness of a heroic attitude towards work and the employee’s sacrifice for it.

Lack of sleep takes a lot of energy; the body and psyche need proper rest. Natural laws don't really care about the laws of modern society.

Therefore, if you want your vitality to always be at its best, sleep the required number of hours. For a person this is 7-8 hours.

But it’s not enough just to get a good night’s sleep.

There is such a thing as natural human biorhythms. If, for example, you went to bed at 2 am and got up at 10 am, you have disrupted your natural biorhythm, even if you slept for 8 hours, which means you have lost energy. If you don’t have such a regime often, of course, there’s nothing to worry about. But if this happens constantly and often, you will lose a lot of energy, which means sooner or later you will simply get sick.

Go to bed at 10-11 o'clock and get up at 6-7 and then your energy level will always be high and you will feel great.

And it doesn’t have to be perceived as something mystical and spiritual. Treat meditation as a regular exercise to control your psyche. The main thing is to do it correctly and then the results will not keep you waiting. Your body will gradually become more energetic and healthier. Previously, energy went to the ego, now it will finally go to the body. and read my articles.

Full shavasana is also used to stop the ego. In general, relaxation is the suspension of the psyche, the release of tension, when we calm down, stop experiencing bad emotions, and energy returns to us.

That is why it is so important to be calm always and everywhere, not to get nervous over trifles, and to have a philosophical attitude towards life. And then we will not waste our energy on unnecessary experiences. To achieve this, apply it in everyday life. This is a state when emotions do not overwhelm us, and we can look at them from the outside, thereby controlling them. By gaining awareness, we begin to look at the world with a sober, unclouded look and stop making mistakes. This is how we regain our energy all the time. But awareness is difficult to achieve just like that; this state is developed in meditation and is gradually transferred to everyday life.

To increase vitality, it is very important to relax the body well in meditation and during relaxation sessions. This is how we remove internal clamps and blocks that have formed as a result of improper functioning of the psyche. They are the ones who do not allow vital energy to flow inside us, depriving us of strength. Dissolve blocks by turning your attention to them and observing them from the side. You can read more about how to do this in.

So, do meditation and you will increase the amount of internal energy, Strength will come to you.

Once you master meditation, you can further increase your energy, become even stronger, healthier and happier.

To do this, you can do hatha yoga or qigong practice. And you don’t have to devote a lot of time to them. A short set of exercises, such as those described, but performed correctly, greatly increases internal energy. There are also safe, wonderful techniques that help increase vitality, such as mula bandha, pole standing,.
We will talk about them in separate articles.

Now let's summarize the article.

To increase vitality, increase the amount of internal energy, you need to stop drinking alcohol, learn how to have sex correctly, lead a healthy lifestyle and monitor your sleep patterns. But the most important thing is to stop experiencing negative thoughts and emotions - nervous, worried, afraid, envious, angry, sad, etc., i.e. stop giving most of your energy to our ego.

Remember, all, or rather most diseases, as they say, are caused by nerves. But you cannot help but experience them as long as you are identified with the psyche and do not know another mode of perception, do not know what silence of the mind is.

Only by looking from a bird's eye view, where the soul lives, at your thoughts, feelings and emotions, can you disidentify with your mind and stop feeding it with your energy.

And you can do this only in meditation.

Remember, if you look at your mind from the outside, then you are not the mind, you are something more. You are the soul, the real awareness.

And that's all.

See you soon, friends.

Gain Strength and become healthy and happy.

And finally, music to lift your mood, and therefore raise your energy:
