How to check if the coil is real. Physical properties of the coil

The modern name for the stone is serpentinite, although most people still know it as serpentine. “Serpent” means “snake” in Latin: the color of the stone resembles snake skin, hence the name “serpentine”. And its history is shrouded in legends.

According to one of them, it is believed that the serpentine is the fossilized skin of the fiery serpent - the Great Snake, who guarded the entrance to the cave with gold. Anyone who finds a coil in the mountains will certainly find a treasure.

Another legend says that Adam, tempted by the persuasion of the Tempting Serpent and tasting an apple from the Tree of Knowledge, choked and spat out the piece on the ground. He turned into stone, which turned out to be serpentine. It is because of this that some consider the serpentine stone to be a stone of knowledge, while others talk about it as a dangerous mineral that can cause trouble.

The stone has one incredible property: with special processing, it splits into elastic fibers, like threads. It is known that fire-retardant fabric was woven from such threads back in the time of Peter I. Nikita Demidov (1656–1725), a famous gunsmith, demonstrated fire-resistant stone fiber in action by throwing it into a fireplace and coming out unharmed, greatly surprising the Russian Tsar.

Physico-chemical properties of the coil

Serpentine is a fairly dense rock with a very fine fibrous structure. Color varies from yellowish-green to almost black. The spots on the stone can be large or small, striped or round, depending on the composition.

Usually serpentines are opaque, but there is a variety called “noble serpentine” and is radically different in appearance from the bulk of the stones. The latter have a beautiful yellowish-green color, are perfectly polished and translucent around the edges. “Noble Serpentine” is very reminiscent.

Hardness on the Mohs scale ranges from 2 to 4, and density does not exceed 2.6 g/cm 3 .

Serpentine deposits (serpentine)

Serpentine is classified as an ornamental stone and is not uncommon. It is mined on an industrial scale in India, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, New Zealand, Great Britain and Italy.

In Russia, serpentine is mined in the Urals, Altai, Orenburg and Yakutsk regions.

Healing and magical properties of the serpentine

The coil has long been endowed with special properties. It is not for nothing that previously only shamans and sorcerers wore it. It is believed that with the help of serpentine it was possible to cause damage or the evil eye, to bewitch a lover, and even to take a husband away from the family.

Recently, esotericists have begun to talk more and more about the protective properties of the stone. The serpentine should definitely be worn by those who have serious enemies. In addition, the mineral is an absorber of negative energy.

Lithotherapists advise storing medicinal solutions in bubbles made from a coil; they claim that the stone has universal antiseptic properties. Serpentine bracelets help normalize blood pressure. Jewelry can relieve severe headaches.

It has been noticed that coil owners have a faster recovery after surgery and injuries.

Who is the serpentine coil suitable for?

If we talk about astrology, the serpentine is very suitable for Virgo and Capricorn. It promotes the development of intuition and memory.

Serpentine amulets help women become more sensual and seductive. However, it is recommended to wear the stone no more than once every 4 days. After removal, you need to rinse it in running water to remove the negative charge of energy accumulated during the day.

The coil is not at all suitable for Pisces and Cancer due to different energies.

Inexpensive decorative mineral of the serpentine group. Serpentine stone is widely used to decorate jewelry in arts and crafts, and is also endowed with a large number of magical and healing properties.


Serpentine (serpentine) is a mineral valued for its color diversity and non-standard pattern on the surface. It comes in different greenish shades from light green to grassy with dark green non-repeating inclusions and spots. The color is very reminiscent of the skin of reptiles and snakes as well.

It has a silky glass luster, opaque; in rare cases, translucent specimens are found. The hardness of this ornamental material varies from stone to stone and ranges from 2.5 to 4 on the Mohs scale.

Types and their differences

There are about 20 types of serpentine stones, which differ in color and physical characteristics. The most common:

  1. Satellite - has a fibrous structure, cat's eye color.
  2. Bowenite is translucent with a glassy sheen, light green in color, similar to jade.
  3. Ricolite is a green main color with a clear striped pattern.
  4. Nigrescite has a dark green color, almost black.
  5. Antigorite - has an olive color with a yellowish tint and a waxy sheen.
  6. Ophite is light green in color, often with a predominance of gray-blue shades, with a fibrous structure.

Such differences are associated with different quantitative composition of microelements, conditions and place of formation, and also depend on where it is mined. One of the popular and very beautiful varieties of this green mineral with large black spots up to 3 cm in diameter is mined only at the Chukovskoye and Koyulskoye deposits in Kamchatka. And the one mined at the Malyshevsky mine has inclusions of mica and is distinguished by a special shine and shimmer in the light.


Serpentine is a stone that is distributed throughout the world in large quantities. Deposits are located in different countries; large quantities are mined in the USA, Argentina, England, Germany, India, and Mongolia.

Large mines are located in the Urals, the Caucasus and Kazakhstan. The largest deposits in the Urals:

  • Akhmatovskaya mine;
  • Green slide;
  • Bonfire;
  • Mount Cuckoo;
  • Chukovskoe.

It is mined by open-pit mining, the layers are opened with excavators, and then the layer is cut into blocks with saws. Serpentine deposits occupy large areas and are often adjacent to amber and marble.


The history of its use by humans began many centuries ago. Archaeologists have found products made from coils dating back to 3 thousand. BC e. made in ancient China. Even then, decorations, various containers and paraphernalia for rituals were made from it. Such finds were discovered in South America, India, and Europe.

A coil is a stone whose properties allow it to be used to make various souvenirs. According to the description, it is moderately hard and plastic, which allows it to be widely used as an ornamental material.

In the interior

The following are made from the coil:

  • vases;
  • caskets;
  • tables;
  • candlesticks;
  • ashtrays;
  • figurines and figurines;
  • chess.

The production of vases and souvenirs from this mineral can be classified as a separate form of art; they are distinguished by their particular sophistication. And a box made of serpentine stone is similar to jade, but is more affordable at its price.

The discovery of large springs made this gem cheaper and it began to be used as a facing stone for walls, floors, stairs and other building elements. Used for decorating baths and oven cladding. They also make tombstones.

In jewelry

Serpentine is an ornamental stone that is used in costume jewelry, sometimes framed in silver or cupronickel; very rarely it can be seen framed in precious metals. Such jewelry has a low price, but looks very impressive thanks to the color and variety of patterns on this mineral.

  1. To make bracelets, processed polished mineral is used in the form of smooth round beads of different sizes.
  2. Pendants and earrings are decorated with round or teardrop-shaped cabochons, and also use untreated plates, which are especially decorative.
  3. Rings are decorated with large oval or round polished inserts, often combined with zirconium or other inexpensive gems.

A correctly selected beautiful piece with a coil is well suited for an everyday look, and some unique pieces that look no less impressive than precious stones can complement a festive look.

Magic properties

This mineral is credited with magical significance and special power; this is associated with the legends of the origin of this stone. There are two legends about the origin of the serpentine, and both are associated with snakes, which have long been associated with evil spirits.

  1. One says that when in the Garden of Eden Adam tried the apple offered by Eve, he choked and a piece of the fruit flew out of his throat and turned into stone and it was a coil.
  2. In another, the coil is the skin that was shed by the Serpent Polozon, who lived in the Ural mountains and guarded treasures.

The frequent use of black magicians and shamans of different tribes in rituals of paraphernalia made from this mineral also left its mark. In ancient times, only sorcerers and shamans had the right to own such a stone. And according to legend, he could bring madness and misfortune to ordinary people.

The magical properties of the coil are that it can absorb negative energy, protect its owner, and also endow him with intuition. They also believe that the serpentine stone has the magical property of remembering accumulated information. And he needs to be left as an inheritance so that he does not leave the family and can help already knowing how to deal with emerging problems.

Medicinal properties

The ability of the serpentine to enhance the healing properties of herbs and medicines. Healing ointments and tinctures are stored in containers made from coils.

This mineral is used to treat and prevent many diseases. To be effective, the stone must be close to those organs that require treatment.

  1. Wearing earrings with this mineral will help with severe migraines and headaches, hypertension, and impaired blood flow in the vessels.
  2. Rings and bracelets will help with fractures, open wounds, problems with joints and the musculoskeletal system.
  3. Beads, necklaces, pendants should be worn for colds, inflammatory processes, infections of the genitourinary and blood systems.

It is also recommended for accelerating the removal of toxic substances from the body, cleansing toxins, improving the functioning of the nervous system, and strengthening the immune system. They also give it the ability to calm and relieve irritability and anxiety.

Talisman and amulet

The ability of a talisman to serve as a talisman in different life situations. The role of a talisman can be a decoration, a souvenir or a simple beautiful cabochon from a coil.

  1. By placing a product made from this mineral on your office desk, you can avoid intrigue, envy and anger from your colleagues.
  2. The amulet can protect a person from physical injury whose activities involve danger and physical activity (athletes, police officers, firefighters, rescuers)
  3. It will become a good assistant for a person who knows what he wants to achieve and how to develop, and is moving towards his goal. The stone will clear the way from competitors and reveal the ability to learn new things.
  4. Suitable as a talisman for children, it will help reveal abilities, improve logical thinking and memory.

For love relationships

The coil won’t help you find love or find a couple because. which applies to single stones, but will help solve problems or protect against them.

  1. In combination with opal, it is able to notify about betrayal by giving information in a dream.
  2. With obsidian and shungite it will protect relationships from envious people and ill-wishers.
  3. A talisman in combination with emerald and jasper, which should be kept in the house, will help protect the family from relatives who want to destroy it.
  4. To get rid of an unwanted gentleman, a ring with serpentine on your right hand will help.

Influence on zodiac signs

According to the zodiac sign, the serpentine is suitable for Capricorn and Virgo. In Virgos, this magical mineral can awaken energy, a desire to interact with the environment, help to correctly assess life situations, and give confidence and attractiveness in the eyes of others. But for Capricorns, its action will have the opposite effect. He will be able to pacify him a little, calm him down, and help him focus on specific goals. It will make you more calm and balanced, and careful in communicating with others.

Among those Cancer and Pisces are those for whom the serpentine stone is categorically not suitable according to the horoscope. They are emotional and sensitive signs of the zodiac, and the influence of the serpentine is quite strong and intense. Under energetic pressure, Cancers and Pisces may experience depression, apathy and neuroses. And prolonged wearing leads to a tendency toward bad habits and emotional overstrain.

It has a neutral effect on other zodiac signs and manifests itself in a slight corrective effect:

  1. Aries. Without reducing a person’s emotionality and energy, it makes him more calm and tolerant.
  2. Calf. It will allow you to be more open without being at risk, and will also have a positive effect on your health.
  3. Twins. It will encourage you to make changes in your life, give you confidence, and stimulate you to make new acquaintances.
  4. A lion. It will influence leadership qualities, give confidence in new endeavors, and help cope with many assigned tasks.
  5. Conclusion

    The serpentine stone differs in its properties and magical meaning from many other minerals. It is not expensive and widespread, but it amazes with the variety and beauty of its shades, and its magical powers attract and fascinate. It looks like expensive jade and has a great influence on a person; it will serve as a good talisman and protector for those for whom it suits.

Origin and properties of the coil

Serpentine stone got its name in honor of a creeping reptile - a snake. It is from the Latin word serpens, which translates as snake, mineral coil and it happened. The mineral itself is nothing more than an ornamental variety of serpentine stone. The coil has other names, here are some of them, the most common: toligor, Korean jade, serpentine, flywheel, antigorite.

From a chemist's point of view, coil is a magnesium silicate. There is a noble coil, which differs from the usual one by its characteristic dense structure; it is this coil that is used in jewelry. Noble bright green or green interspersed with dark veins, the serpentine is very similar to jade stone. However, the coil has less hardness. On the Mohs scale it is 2.5. The density of the coil stone is 2.6 g/cm³.

Coil color and painting

Typically, most often, the coil has a greenish-yellow or dark green color. Its crystals are opaque and have a silky, glassy sheen. The structure of the stone is dense, the color is always accompanied by the presence of various inclusions of other colors, which makes the appearance of the stone similar to snake skin.

Mineral deposits

There are a very large number of coil deposits. The mineral is one of the most common ornamental materials and due to its large amount in the earth's crust, its cost is not high. Buy a coil You can do it both in online stores and in regular souvenir shops, and even at exhibitions of semi-precious stones. Quarries for the extraction of serpentine stone exist in Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Cuba, New Zealand, and Mongolia. Many deposits are located in Asia. India and Afghanistan are famous for their jade-like serpentine.

In the Russian Federation, serpentine is mined in the Urals and Siberia. Ural stone has a wide range of varieties. For example, in the Malyshevskoe deposit, bright green coils with inclusions of mica are mined, which give a juicy, sparkling shine to the appearance of the stone. This type of coil is suitable for making souvenirs and figurines. And in the Shabrovsky deposit there is a light green coil with small white veins, which is usually used for facing purposes.

Coil application

Coil application depends on the quality and color of the stone. Higher quality samples, with rich colors, shine and high density, are used in jewelry production and for the manufacture of souvenirs, boxes, interior items, and all the rest are used in construction, in the cladding of buildings, facades, etc.

Serpentine and zodiac signs

The coil is most suitable for people who were born under constellation Virgo. The stone helps to overcome apathy and detachment from the outside world, which is inherent in Virgos. It also awakens in them an interest in understanding the world around them and in nature, especially living ones. Capricorn and serpentine also suit each other, especially energetically. The stone encourages Capricorns to lead an active lifestyle, travel and sports, although they are naturally endowed with increased activity.

Those born under the signs of Cancer and Pisces are not recommended to contact the serpentine, as these people are too emotional and are not able to withstand the energy of the stone. The serpentine can cause nervous breakdowns, depression and even lead to a state of moral decline in these signs. All other signs are neutral to the serpentine.

The magical properties of the serpentine

The magical properties of the coil have two sides, which contradict each other in one sense or another. For example, one point of view speaks of the danger and insidiousness of the serpentine. It comes from the legend of the tempting serpent with which the stone was associated. According to which it is believed that the serpentine is capable of serving people who have dirty intentions, seek to deceive others and lure innocent people into their networks. They also say that only sorcerers, witches and magicians can resort to the services of a serpentine, since the serpentine begins to harm an ordinary person, confronting them with temptations, various difficulties and trials.

The other side speaks of the powerful energy of the coil, which is capable of protecting its owner and balancing his state of mind. Since ancient times, the serpentine has served as a talisman and talisman for people who help other people. We are talking about doctors, doctors, homeopaths, massage therapists and healers. The serpentine interacts quite well with people seeking new knowledge. It promotes successful learning and physical development, and helps athletes overcome stress more easily.

The serpentine also helps business people, businessmen and lawyers achieve success. The stone is a very strong purifier of the surrounding space, as well as the human soul and body. It is highly recommended to use the coil as a talisman against the evil eye and damage. There is an opinion that if a coil encounters a strong negative energy field of its owner, it may even split into several parts.

The coil very actively absorbs negative energy, so it must be cleaned with running water, preferably cold. Cleansing must be done at least once a week.

It is not recommended to give talismans, amulets, or indeed any objects from the coil to other people, since the stone becomes very attached to its owner, to his energy and will not be able to adequately serve another owner. It’s a completely different matter when an object made from a serpentine stone is passed down from generation to generation, because in this case the properties of the stone are only enhanced. This is explained by the fact that the serpentine is already familiar with the problems of the family and the entire clan, and this facilitates the work of the stone.

The healing properties of the serpentine

The second name of the coil is apothecary stone. He didn't get it by accident. Ancient healers used containers and mortars made from coils to prepare medicines, as it was believed that in this way the medicines were endowed with greater healing power. Modern lithotherapists claim that better than a coil, no other cleanses the human body from negativity and neurosis. In terms of body health, the coil perfectly removes toxins, giving a feeling of lightness.

Doctors recommend using the coil for migraines and blood pressure disorders. The stone also helps to recover from severe injuries such as fractures, dislocations and bruises. So use the coil to your advantage and always be healthy!

A wonderful, unlike other stones, serpentine stone (scientifically serpentine or magnesium silicate) is called so because its color is very reminiscent of snake skin. Many people like its alluring green hue, but not everyone can tame this treacherous stone. It can tempt and test its owner's strength. But a person who successfully passes the test of the serpentine acquires strong magical protection in it for life.

In earlier times, wearing jewelry containing serpentine stone , could only be afforded by the most powerful sorcerers, who thoroughly knew all its magical properties and knew how to neutralize their negative component. However, times pass, people are born and die, stones pass from owner to owner. There are practically no coils left with their original energy, since throughout human history they have absorbed information from all their owners.

Serpentine stone magical properties does not lose them at all over time, but rather accumulates them. But at the same time, his wild, evil, primordial qualities are gradually weakening. Therefore, you should not be afraid to buy coils as talismans and amulets, as well as for medicinal purposes. If you are still worried that the coil may have a negative impact on you, or if your energy is noticeably weakened, pay attention to the ones that can endow its owner with increased prudence. It is enough for you to have a piece of agate at home to protect yourself from the possible insidiousness of the coil.

Which zodiac sign is suitable for the serpentine stone?

Serpentine is an extremely powerful stone. It is completely unsuitable for people born under the sign of Cancer or Pisces. The serpentine is too strong for them, it can drain all their spiritual strength from them, devastate them, and exhaust them spiritually. Other signs may well wear serpentine jewelry, but only for Virgo the serpentine stone will fully reveal its best magical properties and become a real talisman.

Both women and men can wear a coil, regardless of age and social status. This stone is capable of endowing the owner with amazing flair and an easy gift of foreseeing danger. For those born under the sign of Virgo, the serpentine stone allows them to penetrate deeper into the secrets of living nature and absorb the ancient power of the Earth. For Capricorns, serpentine can also be very useful. Especially those of them who are trying to achieve high results in big sports, especially if it involves running or overcoming obstacles.

For all others, except Pisces and Cancer (the coil is contraindicated for them and it is better to choose a more suitable one), it is possible to use the full power of this stone for medicinal purposes. It can greatly enhance the usefulness of drugs and traditional medicine. Since ancient times, it was customary to leave it next to medicinal herbs and decoctions. You can put a small serpentine pebble in your home or car first aid kit. This will be quite enough, subject to all the mandatory rules for storing medicines, so that they more effectively fulfill their purpose.

All signs, except Virgo and Capricorn, need to carry a coil with them no more than 2 days a week, so as not to harm their internal energy by the constant presence of too powerful an energy flow. This applies only to those talismans and jewelry that are worn directly on the body: amulets, rings, bracelets. You can carry the coil in your bag or pocket more often, but sometimes still take breaks or place a small agate nearby, which partially dulls the effect of the coil.

Are you in search of spiritual harmony and tranquility? Since ancient times, it has been believed that the serpentine stone has very strong energy. He treats mental and physical illnesses.

A type of serpentinite, which is used as an ornamental stone. Beautiful noble color and the ability to be easily polished are especially valuable properties of the mineral.

Its amazing properties

Due to the fact that the coil is easily polished, tabletops, apothecary bottles, and vases have always been made from it. The name of the stone comes from its color and characteristic snake pattern. If we talk about the chemical composition, the mineral is magnesium silicate.

Typical color is greenish-yellow or dark green. A gem that has a pure green color is called an ophite, and a serpentine with a spotted color is called a flywheel. Opaque, has a silky shine.

Large deposits are located in the North Caucasus, Siberia, India, Cuba, and the USA.

Magical and healing properties

The fact is that he often tempts a person, but if you tune in to his wavelength and make friends with him, he will take danger away from you.

  1. In ancient times, only sorcerers and magicians worked with this talisman, since it was believed that only they could cope with the temptations that the mineral pushes.
  2. It has the ability to enhance the effect of almost any medicine several times. That is why they preferred to store medicines in vessels made from this mineral.
  3. Relieves headaches.
  4. Stabilizes blood pressure.
  5. Relieves nervousness and increased excitability - in this case, earrings with a coil will help you.
  6. The coil has very strong energy.
  7. It gives its owner a sense of security and peace of mind.
  8. Able to remove negativity and negative emotions.
  9. If you put a talisman in your home, it will cleanse the space of bad energy. Regularly, and especially after guests visit your home, you need to rinse the stone with running water to remove all the negative energy that it has absorbed while cleansing your home.

For whom will it become an amulet?

The stone loves researchers and patronizes them. Moreover, you can both comprehend the secrets of the Universe and learn a new language - in any case, the serpentine will help you in your business.

If you have chosen a gem as an amulet and see that it works, under no circumstances should you give it to another person, even with good intentions. It is believed that he is monogamous and does not forget his master. However, if the amulet was inherited by you, then it will serve you, and in this case the power doubles.

The talisman can predict danger. If you need to know where to expect problems in a given situation, then you need to wear a snake jewelry, which will show the way. The gem protects a person from damage and from the eyes.

The serpentine's ability to strengthen mental strength and physical fitness has made it a talisman for athletes.
