How to spend a birthday at home - the best ideas. How to organize any holiday yourself

0 September 20, 2016, 11:45

Organizing any holiday is a rather labor-intensive process. After all, we all want the long-awaited birthday, bachelorette party, theme party or any other important day to be perfect and, most importantly, unusual.

Some turn to professionals for help, while others decide to organize everything themselves. And at this moment the main thing is to understand how strong your nerves are, whether you have enough patience and whether everything will go to waste due to the lack of the necessary options. The company selection service has collected some useful tips and also selected unusual places for a holiday that will be remembered for a long time and not only because of the headache from preparation.

Key points

Decide right away what you want from the event - a warm friendly meeting or cheerful large-scale celebrations of the rich and famous. Based on this, it will be possible to determine the number of guests. Check with your friends right away whether they will be with children or whether you can count on an exclusively “adult holiday” with that same “blackjack”.

Create a general chat in a messenger convenient for you to save time on explaining in detail to everyone the important points from the program of the upcoming holiday.

Take a responsible approach to budget allocation and be sure to think about unforeseen expenses that arise at the most inopportune moments. For example, someone may come +1 without warning and you will urgently have to solve the problem of having enough drinks or food. Having decided on the number of guests and the theme of the upcoming event, you can begin to search for a suitable venue.

Look at the light

A cafe, restaurant, bar, banquet hall or country club - there are now a lot of suitable places for holding a holiday or party, and you won’t immediately understand which one is better. In this situation, you can only rely on the opinion of visitors. For example, on the Flamp service you can find a bar in the area you need and select a suitable place based on rating, location, average bill, cuisine and other parameters.

However, you can celebrate well at home. Therefore, if you are organizing a small holiday “for your own people” and your house (apartment) allows you to organize a home party, then why not take advantage of it? For example, you can arrange a regular friendly meeting with cocktails and pleasant music. Just take care of a sufficient number of light snacks in advance and try to surprise your guests not only with excellent musical accompaniment, but also, for example, with an unusual punch.

Costume parties also do not lose their relevance. And Halloween doesn’t necessarily have to be the reason for this. There are many places in Moscow where you can rent carnival costumes and feel like Superman, Andy Warhol or Marie Antoinette for one evening.

Non-standard approach

When none of the restaurants and cafes are suitable, and a “home party” does not fit into your interior and plans, then you can organize a party in a photo studio. Many Moscow studios work around the clock and provide their premises for events. And so that your guests don’t go hungry, order catering that will take away all the worries about preparing food. So, by organizing a holiday in a photo studio, you will get a cozy and atmospheric place, the opportunity to get beautiful photographs as a keepsake and save yourself from the unnecessary hassle of organizing.

In striped swimsuits

If your holiday does not coincide with beautiful sunny weather conditions, and you really want a marine theme, then you can go to a water park. A few hours spent on steep slides will set a cheerful mood for the holiday. After this you will immediately want to continue the fun in some good bar or nightclub. You can, of course, choose a cool place in advance, book a table there and leisurely go there after the water park. Or you can trust fate and act according to the situation. For example, find a suitable establishment nearby using the Flampa mobile application (0+).

Pleasant trifles

On the eve of the holiday, you should take care of sending out invitations to all guests. Whether they are electronic or printed is up to you. Numerous printing houses and photo centers will help you print beautiful invitations; they can print invitations either according to your sketch or create a completely new and original version. Sometimes, guests receive not just an invitation to a holiday, but also some kind of pleasant surprise. For example, you can additionally send out cupcakes or macaroons to everyone.

Thinking about ourselves

A few days before the holiday, take some time for yourself. The most enjoyable part of the preparation is going to the beauty salon to shine at the holiday. You should not experiment with yourself on the eve of the event. Go to trusted professionals and do the usual procedures to avoid unnecessary irritation, redness on the skin and not hide unsuccessful coloring under a hat.

As you can see, organizing a solemn and unusual event is not so difficult. The main thing is to know where to look for everything you need. You can, of course, choose suitable places on social networks, follow the recommendations of friends, go to the websites of the establishments you like, call them... But, you must admit, in this way it can take a lot of time to prepare the holiday. It is much more convenient if all companies of interest are collected in one service - with search, reviews and a complete list of services offered.

Photo Arina Mostovshchikova

It happens that we want a special celebration, but how can we organize a celebration ourselves? After all, you need to think through a lot of little things, it is clear that a lot of nuances arise. And you need to somehow fit all this into your head. The most important thing is to start everything in order.

First you need to think about what day to gather the invited guests. Most likely it should be Friday or Saturday. This is necessary because the next day you will have time to clean the apartment/house, and your guests can get a good night's sleep. If you live in an apartment, then before the celebration, warn your neighbors about your holiday, so that later unpleasant questions arise, as well as disgruntled knocking on the wall. Invite your friends and acquaintances in advance. You can send a written invitation or send a newsletter via Internet mail. But, nevertheless, it is better to talk in person by phone and clarify the time and date of the event. Also let your guests know exactly what the treat will be.

Celebration organization

The most important thing is to come up with a name for the holiday. If you need to know how to throw a birthday party, then you can simply come up with a dress code for the party. For example, you will have a “pirate” birthday, all guests must come with any pirate attribute. The menu should also contain a certain marine touch, for example, you can present to guests in advance the names of dishes, such as “pirate’s kiss” or “pirate cocktail.” Also think about how to decorate the room in which the holiday will take place. It could be a flag, a prop ship in the middle of the table. Plus you yourself must be the main “pirate of the evening”. Also at your service is on-site costume photography, believe me, it will be remembered for a long time. Each guest will take with them a piece of the holiday that will stay with them for many years.

Nowadays, the pace of life is very fast and you may not have enough time to think through the holiday program on your own, then you can invite professionals or perhaps your most cheerful friend to help. The assistant will help organize the program, script and active entertainment.

It is also worth calculating how many seats you have in the room; this determines how many guests you can invite. Start preparing for the holiday in advance to meet the deadlines. Also think about how best to seat the guests so that there is no discussion or possible quarrel when discussing any topic.

When you are thinking about the answer to the question of how to organize a party at home, then know that it is considered a sign of bad taste if you only pay attention to one of the guests; it is also unacceptable for the host of the evening to ignore any of the guests. It is very important to introduce guests to the location of the apartment and show where the toilet and bathroom are.

Lighting also plays a big role in the celebration. You should not brightly illuminate your apartment/house, as this will irritate your eyes. Lighting should be pleasant and comfortable for visitors.

How to organize a children's party?

If you have a family holiday, for example a holiday for a child. It’s worth relieving the owner of the house. If she manages to cope with everything planned on time, then a good mood among the guests is guaranteed. The child should get a good night's sleep before the holiday. Use more balloons and bright accessories when decorating your room. You can invite a clown. It will also be interesting for the child to spend the holiday away from home. Perhaps you can organize it in a children's cafe or in nature.

If you want to know how to organize a party at home. It’s just a holiday, a party on Friday, then you can just download good music, and invite each guest with their own dish, and at the end of the evening, rate all the cooks and give funny gifts.

Holiday for your loved one

If you want to know how to arrange a holiday for your loved one. First of all, you need to understand what your significant other likes and what she doesn’t like. If, for example, he does not like a noisy party, have a romantic evening at the cinema. You can simply have an evening with candles and romantic music, but be sure to do something original, this could be the menu, your outfit or even your talent that you can demonstrate to him.

How to arrange a holiday for mom?

A pastel-colored tablecloth will help create a gentle mood. Color may vary. And of course flowers. Field flowers will look better; it is possible to use crocuses, lilies of the valley, daffodils, and tulips. The most important thing is that mom doesn’t guess that a celebration will soon be arranged for her. Therefore, if you want to please your mother, arrange a holiday out of turn, that is, not on a holiday, but just like that. This is what mom will appreciate most. You can buy a beautiful bouquet that your husband or your child can give. Then cook only those dishes that mom likes, or even get away from home cooking and order something unusual in a cafe. You can also order a branded cake with a beautiful inscription “to mommy”. Choose the music well, mom should like it, and not you at all, remove the drums from the player so that it sounds even softer and more gentle.

We hope that our article will be useful to you in creating an unforgettable evening.

In the modern world, this kind of celebration has almost lost its popularity. Nowadays, rarely does anyone organize a feast at home, since it is more convenient and much easier to order the organization of a festive table in a restaurant or cafe. However, I know several families who, as before, organize fun parties at home.

My mother has always been a very good housewife, she was the one responsible for the table and its setting, I learned a lot from her, and she, I think, in turn, learned everything from my grandmother.

1. Menu

My mother always starts planning the menu as early as possible; it also happens that the list of dishes is ready a month before the event itself. In general, such a trait as taking care of everything in advance helps a lot in the fight against stress; you will have enough time to take into account all the features of the holiday, adjust the menu for all the guests, think through the dishes to the smallest detail, and so on.

Write down all your favorite recipes and think over a plan for serving the dishes. Most often, our menu includes several salads, main dishes, meat and vegetable appetizers and, of course, dessert. Try not to repeat yourself, for example, do not allow salads, hot dishes, and snacks to be made from the same type of meat or fish. Then guests will not be able to really appreciate the taste of the dishes, since they will all merge together. so that the table is varied, interesting and memorable.

Each family, of course, cooks differently, but lately we have been trying to prepare as few dishes as possible with mayonnaise and other fatty ingredients. It's summer, stores are gradually filling up with fresh vegetables and fruits, you shouldn't load yourself with heavy high-calorie dishes. If you just can’t live without mayonnaise or dressing, make it yourself. On the advice of my friend, my husband and I now always add low-fat yogurt to our salad, seasoned with vinegar, spices, olive oil and mustard or garlic. The taste is almost identical, and the calories are minimal.

2. Buying groceries

After you write out the menu in detail, also carefully consider how many ingredients, and therefore food products, will be needed to prepare it all. Usually mom buys food with a small surplus, so as not to have to run to the store again and save money when preparing dishes.

My mom has a thing for making lists of groceries to buy; she affectionately calls them estimates. In them she describes what needs to be bought, the quantity and the approximate cost of everything. This really helps to get an overall idea of ​​how much the holiday will cost financially.

The purchase of necessary products from us also always begins in advance, to the extent possible to store them. You can buy canned food even a month in advance, nothing will be done to it, they will just sit on the shelves in the store. As for vegetables, fruits and some meat delicacies, of course, it is better to buy them last, but not so much that on Friday evening you sadly wander between the display cases and realize that everything has already been sorted out. Freezing can also be purchased in advance; it does not matter in which refrigerator it is stored.

3. Evening preparations

I don’t have many holidays that I organized on my own together with my husband, and all the ones that happened weren’t very crowded. That's why I always start cooking on the day of the holiday itself. But in the family where I grew up, there were always a lot of guests, so preparations began in advance, an evening earlier. Usually at this time all the vegetables and other ingredients that would be used for salads were cooked.

Of course, you can cook them on the day of cooking, but, you must admit, this way you will avoid much more stress, and you will also be a little less tired before the feast itself. Peel the vegetables (here, of course, they also do everything as usual) and cook everything you need, cut it if possible. This is useful because everything will definitely have cooled down by morning, and salads that should be cold will not be uncomfortably warm.

4. Help

Never refuse help! My mother, basically, likes to do everything herself, and she does everything, of course, perfectly, but usually because of this she is very driven and tired. But the mother-in-law, on the contrary, always gladly accepts help. Of course, it’s up to you, but you must admit that the second approach has its advantages if you distribute responsibilities correctly. Involve even your smallest helpers, they can lay out napkins or make sure that everyone gets their dishes.

6. Babysitting

It so happened in our family that I always looked after the children of the guests. In fact, it is very important to assign some responsible person to them who will not drink throughout the evening. This is important not only for children; in fact, it doesn’t matter to them who they play with. The most important thing is that guests who come with children can really relax and enjoy the evening, without worrying that their little hooligans will break something somewhere if they just turn away.

7. Smoking guests

Even if you are against smoking and have never even put a cigarette in your mouth, you will have to come to terms with the fact that some of the guests will at one point stand up and ask: “Where can I smoke here?” They cannot smoke on the porch and in the entrance of your house (unless, of course, the house is completely yours), so you should make sure that they have the opportunity to do this somewhere else, for example, in the kitchen. You can be completely and completely against smoking, then at least provide guests with information about where they can smoke without harming the surrounding guests, for example, in a designated place on the street.

Alcohol, like all products, is best purchased in advance, since usually spending on it significantly affects the overall budget of the event. In addition, it can be easily stored at home; almost all drinks have a long shelf life.

According to etiquette, it is necessary to offer guests to place napkins or towels on their laps so as not to get dirty. This fact is also very important to take into account so that there are no awkward moments or upset guests later. Wash all the towels in advance, iron them and place them on the backs or next to the guests' plates so that they have a choice. Most likely, not all of them will be needed, but you, as the hostess, should offer them.

10. Musical accompaniment

This is also worth thinking about, since the overall mood of the holiday very much depends on what will happen when the conversations at the table die down. You can simply turn on music or the same TV on some neutral channel so that it works simply as a background, but does not attract general attention.

Every person has an important day in their life when they were born. Any company has such a day - the legal date of creation. Leaders, together with their teams, strive to make the organization memorable for employees. This is also required by the need to create a unified team to perform complex tasks. Clients, the media, senior management and business partners often participate in the celebration. Round dates and anniversaries are celebrated on a grand scale. This is a kind of report on what has been done over a long period, a parade of achievements and merits. Ordinary birthdays can be more modest and turn into a regular banquet, conference or picnic for employees.

Preparing for the celebration

The birth of an organization involves preparation for it. Planning a celebration begins with setting a day - this is not necessarily a legal date - and determining the scale of the event.

Direct preparation begins two to three months before the cherished date. It should include:

Choosing a venue (own premises, renting a hall, restaurant or camp site);
. determining the composition of participants;
. drawing up cost estimates;
. organizing preparations for awarding or honoring the best employees (identifying employee data, preparing applications for incentives, purchasing memorable gifts);
. preparation of video materials, stands, banners and other visual information that requires time;
. drawing up a scenario plan for the event;
. ordering personalized souvenirs for the participants of the holiday.

Festive decoration of the room

Proper design helps create a positive mood. The company logo must take pride of place, but you can recreate it with the help of balloons or three-dimensional figures. Fresh flowers are appropriate at any time of the year. They can be used to decorate tables or stages. Large rooms will require artificial flowers, which are advisable to decorate the room around the perimeter, using large floor vases or special stands.

On the organization’s birthday, to interest the entire team, it is advisable to prepare art objects with photographs of employees. It all depends on your imagination. It could be a chandelier, a book stand, or just a stand. You can prepare a special banner. It is often made with slots for the head. Employees can arrange a photo shoot by inserting their faces into the slots and taking photos in front of it. It is easy to prepare a photo booth with a logo or company name. Everyone can take pictures in it during the holiday.

Entertainment program

Surveys show that employees often treat company birthdays with a certain degree of indifference. Believing that they are needed only by the company's management. This is due to the weak involvement of the team in the preparation and conduct of the event. On the company’s birthday, in addition to a banquet and presentation of souvenirs, there should be a well-thought-out entertainment program for the staff, taking into account age and gender characteristics. It can be:

Concert program using the creative potential of the participants;
. sand or light show prepared according to the staff’s script;
. thematic quest;
. master classes in any entertainment areas;
. intellectual or sports games;
. professional competition with elements of humor.

Festive table

There are many ways to turn a congratulations to a company into a themed buffet, which will be a logical continuation of the idea of ​​the celebration. Among the most striking ideas are:
. special using branded napkins, dishes, holders with interesting photographs from the history of the company;
. using dishes prepared by the hands of skilled employees;
. decorating the table with drawings in the form of friendly cartoons laid out all over the table (if possible, the impression can be enhanced by special lighting);
. table setting in compliance with the special traditions of the organization;
. festive themed cake (in the shape of the company logo or the date of its founding).

birth of the company

What about the presents? When celebrating the organization's birthday, guests give gifts and honor the birthday person. The culprit of this celebration is the leader and those who led it earlier. The rule of good manners is a festive congratulations to the company addressed to these individuals by the team. During the entertainment program, you can arrange a show for them with the “arrival” of famous people or the presentation of congratulatory telegrams. An important point in order to celebrate the organization’s birthday is the creation of an organizing committee to prepare the event, which can be held either on its own or with the involvement of professional organizations involved in holding holidays. It all depends on the company’s budget and the availability of talented employees.

An organization's birthday party with invited guests requires ethical standards to be observed during their meeting, seating and participation in the event. The holiday will be held at a high level if employees are identified who play the role of hospitable hosts in relation to the invitees.

When preparing for the holiday, draw up the evening program so that none of the guests are bored and a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere reigns at the festive table.

Traditionally, you should start with inviting guests. It is better, instead of a banal phone call, to send an invitation card to each of the invitees, indicating in it the day and hour of the celebration on the occasion of the birthday of the birthday person. Take care of decorating your apartment in advance: buy more flowers, balloons, greeting posters (you can make them yourself), make a wall newspaper. All this will help you create a festive atmosphere.

Let's move on to preparing the festive evening. You can use the following version of the celebration scenario, which is suitable for both celebrating a regular birthday and an anniversary. You can use it as a basis from which you will proceed, you can remake it, supplement it.

If you decide to do without inviting a professional toastmaster, then entrust the festive evening to one of your friends who is most suitable for the role of host.

So, according to tradition, the host of the evening, having invited guests to the table, gives the first word to the parents and other close people of the birthday boy, who must make a congratulatory speech.

After congratulating your relatives, you can organize an original auction competition for the most unusual and original congratulations for the birthday person.

The item put up for auction can be any thing that supposedly belongs to the person being congratulated. This could be his first diaper, his favorite car that he played with as a child, and other funny things.

The presenter announces the conditions of the auction competition: the winner will be the one of the guests who is the last to “reward” the birthday boy with a pleasant epithet addressed to him. Believe me, the auction will be very lively, and everyone present will take part in it. When the usual definitions are exhausted, the most interesting thing will begin: the guests will compete in their ingenuity, and then such unexpected definitions will sound... The main condition of the competition, about which the host must certainly warn all guests, is that the epithets that will be awarded to the hero of the occasion must be with a “+” sign, that is, touch on the merits of the birthday person, but not on the shortcomings. The motto of the competition is: “Let’s compliment the birthday boy!” Now the presenter can solemnly present the winner with the main prize - the first sliders of the birthday boy and award him with a commemorative cardboard medal “The most eloquent guest of the evening.” Then the presenter “gives” the birthday boy all the pleasant words spoken in his honor, and invites everyone present to raise their glasses to such an extraordinary birthday boy!

After a short break for a snack, the host announces a new competition: guests are invited to take part in a drawing for one very valuable prize, which has not yet been named. The quiz “How well do you know the hero of the day/birthday boy?” is announced. The host asks the guests questions about the hero of the occasion, and they receive tokens for correct answers (they can be replaced by candies). After the end of the quiz, the results are summed up: the guest who received the most tokens wins the main prize - an autographed photo of the birthday boy and a medal with the inscription “The most inquisitive guest of the evening.” The host offers to raise a glass to the health of the birthday boy.

Next competition- musical. The host invites the guests to sing the birthday boy’s favorite song. To conduct the competition, you need to prepare printouts of the text in advance. If the vocal abilities of the guests leave much to be desired or they are hearing this song for the first time in their lives, then it is better not to rely on them and turn on a recording of the song with the voice of its performer, and invite those present to simply sing along.

Next competition can be called “Ode to the Birthday Boy”. This is the game “Burime”, familiar to everyone from childhood, when participants are offered ready-made rhymes, according to which they must compose a verse. Choose funnier words for this competition - let the guests suffer!

To inspire newly minted poets, the presenter can demonstrate in advance the main prize - a bottle of champagne! While the poets are creating a masterpiece, take a short break. Guests can chat with each other, dance, and the hostess can make the necessary changes to the table setting.

After the announced break, the guests return to the table and the competition begins. Poets read prepared impromptu poems to the birthday boy. After reading the poems, the guests at the table should reward the daredevil with applause, based on the strength of which the presenter (or better yet, the birthday boy himself) will determine the best ode. The creator of the best ode is awarded a bottle of champagne and a commemorative medal “Poet of the Evening”.

Now there is another short break for food, after which the presenter announces a new competition - a dance competition. To hold it, there will be no need to move tables, since guests who decide to take part in the competition and demonstrate their dancing abilities to the birthday boy will perform the dance while sitting on chairs.

The presenter seats the players on chairs in a row so that all guests can see them, and turns on a pre-prepared phonogram, consisting of cuts of familiar melodies - waltz, gypsy, tango, twist, rock and roll, lezginka, etc. Each fragment should sound for 15-20 seconds, no more. Guests improvise to these fragments without lifting their butts from their chairs. After the delightful dance, there is thunderous applause from the grateful audience, which will be a well-deserved reward for the participants of the dance marathon, and the most temperamental dancer is awarded the medal “Best Dancer of the Evening” and receives a gift - a fiery hug and a kiss from the birthday boy.

After the competition is over, guests are invited to return to the table, and the host announces that a woman accidentally came to congratulate the birthday boy. This woman turns out to be a “gypsy” (an invited guest dressed in a bright gypsy costume). She offers to tell fortunes for the birthday boy. “Give me your hand, my (my) golden one! I will tell you my fortune, my light, and tell you the whole truth. I see the road - this is the road of life. It goes uphill all the time, you, my yacht, will be an important boss! Oh, women (men) will love you, but you will be unshakable, like a rock. You will also have a car, but I can’t tell whether it’s a white Mercedes or a blue Moskvich. And what a beauty along the line of your life does not retreat a single step! How good it is! All the men (women) keep their eyes on her (him), but she keeps trying to get closer to you. Wait a minute, my diamond, how come I didn’t recognize it right away - this is your wife (your husband)! And I also see that soon you will have a child - either a son or a grandson. Oh, my dear, I see the shine along the line of your life. This means you will be rich, you will have a lot of money. You’ll buy a three-story cottage outside the city, you’ll celebrate your birthdays there, you’ll invite all the guests to your place for every holiday, and now, my rich man, gild my hand for telling your fortune!”

The host thanks the “gypsy” for her predictions, invites her to join those invited to the celebration and presents her with a medal in the category “The Most Honest Guest of the Evening.”

The host gives the floor to the other half of the birthday boy, and first proposes a toast to her. After congratulating the other half, the host invites the guests to find out how the wife (husband) actually sees the birthday boy. To do this, the beloved is blindfolded and asked to draw a portrait of the birthday boy on a large sheet of paper. At the end of the competition, the presenter shows everyone present an “exact copy of the birthday boy”, which is presented as a souvenir to the hero of the occasion. The wife (husband), to the thunderous applause of the guests, is awarded a medal in the category “The most attentive wife (husband).”

After a short break, the host invites the guests to check how attentive the birthday boy himself is. Several women/men are invited to hold the competition (depending on the gender of the birthday person), among whom is the other half of the person being congratulated. The blindfolded birthday boy must identify his partner's hand by stroking it. To make the competition more fun and not put the birthday boy in an awkward position, the presenter must replace women/men with the opposite sex. All this is done after the birthday boy is blindfolded. The hero of the occasion is awarded the medal “The Most Attentive Husband (Wife)” for successfully completing the competition.

Now the host announces a musical break, the guests can dance, and the hostess can set the table for dessert.

Guests are again invited to the table, and the host continues the festive program. A new competition is announced, in which men - friends of the birthday boy - are invited to participate in order to demonstrate their best qualities.

First competition for “The Most Fiery Heart”: participants are given a piece of ice, which they need to melt as quickly as possible. This can be done with your hands, rubbed on your chest, etc. The one who melts the ice first receives a medal in the “Hottest Man of the Evening” nomination "

Second competition- for dexterity. The medal “The most dexterous man of the evening” is awarded to the participant who takes a bite of the apple first. To conduct a competition, the required number of apples should be tied to a stick, which is suspended high above the heads of the players. Participants, without using their hands, must jump to the apple and bite into it. The prize for the winner is an apple.

Third competition held in the category “The Most Persistent Man”. The presenter ties balloons to the seats of the chairs. Players need to sit on them as successfully as possible, that is, crush them. This is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. You are guaranteed healthy, cheerful laughter from both the spectators and the players themselves! The winner receives a balloon as a prize.
