How to get a girl who is very angry with you to forgive you. How to make a girl forgive me - questions for women

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Forgive me if possible, because my repentance knows no bounds. My soul is restless, and my conscience has simply gnawed at my consciousness, reminding me of the strength of my guilt...

I may not be worthy of being forgiven by you. But I know how generous you are. You have a big and kind heart that cannot remain indifferent to my requests for forgiveness.

Asking for forgiveness in words is easier than sincerely repenting in your soul. Believe me, I deeply regret what happened. Don't be angry with me, you are dear to me.

Apologies to the girl

I don’t need anything else except your forgiveness now! Just don’t get angry, let go of the offense, cool down from your anger. A smile addressed to me suits you so well!

* * *

You were offended, and my world collapsed, the sky around me darkened, and clouds of black melancholy gathered overhead. Forgive me, give me back the light and joy of life!

You are a wise and kind girl, please try to understand and forgive me like a woman. And I will try never to do that again.

With the hope of a speedy reconciliation with the sweetest girl in the world, I offer my most sincere apologies.

I know that you have a wide soul and a huge heart in which there is no place for resentment and anger, so you will definitely forgive me, right?

Apologizing to a girl in your own words

I can’t understand how it happened that I managed to offend you! I am very sorry. Let's make peace already, please?

If only I knew how to make amends to such a sunny creature like you, but I don’t know, and so I just ask for forgiveness.

Darling, I admit my guilt, I swear that this will not happen again, and I apologize a thousand times, just stop looking at me with such offended eyes, my soul can’t stand it!

I just want to tell you: “I’m sorry.” It would be a sin to offend such a girl. I'm a sinner, I repent.

Please forgive me for upsetting you. Your resentment is a stone on my heart.

Saying “sorry” is difficult, but it is even more difficult to forgive. I hope that you will meet me halfway...

* * *

Please accept my apologies for the hurt you suffered because of me. I look forward to your step towards me more than anything in the world.

Achieve, achieve and achieve again.

If he doesn’t want to talk, write a letter (SMS will not help in this case). Meet and see off. Perhaps he will forgive...

Although, naturally, it all depends on what kind of offense and what kind of character the girl has...

What needs to be done to make a girl forgive?

It depends on what she has to forgive... She may not forgive at all. But you can try. Firstly, explain how THIS (spree, betrayal, setup, deception, etc.) happened, find compelling arguments. Secondly, swear to promise that this will not happen again in the future. Moreover, NEVER!!! At the same time, be sincere and believe in what you say. Thirdly, gifts, gifts and more gifts!!! Or do something (positive!) that will impress her (for example, do something that you promised a long time ago - to quit smoking or swearing, or something else - you know what). You can publish an apology in a newspaper (for example, Metro).

As a gift - not necessarily gold and diamonds, but something that she would be pleased to receive or dreamed of. Perhaps something super-original or, on the contrary, just cute - like a bouquet of cornflowers...


Write her a letter.
Send by email, contact, or regular mail.
If we were talking about a stranger whose habits you do not know, then the letter may not always be understood correctly. But you know your girlfriend))) what is written is often perceived more clearly and understandably.
Analyze the situation yourself, namely, find the main reason why you allowed yourself to offend the girl. Why did you do this? And explain this to her.
Don't forget about self-criticism. Scold yourself a little. Don’t miss the opportunity to mention a mitigating circumstance (for example, you care, that’s why... there are so many emotions, etc. :-))

About gifts. If the girl is simple and doesn’t think much, then overwhelm her with them, if she is a thinker and puts relationships first, and then everything else, then first you need to explain yourself. It’s easier with gifts, but I repeat, if the girl is not a “doll”, then you will have to use your brains.


The following can be said about this.

1. It all depends on how and with what you offended her. If the offense was very serious (they cheated on you, insulted you), then perhaps they won’t forgive you.
2. Before offending a girl, you should think about the consequences (which, in fact, happened. This is inexperience - it happens in youth and nothing can be done about it).
3. If in fact you are to blame, then you need to seek her forgiveness in every possible way (this can take a very long time).
4. Know that if there is love (meaning mutual), then he will forgive (except for 1 point). Your job is to achieve this. It's your fault.
5. If this happens often and you don’t feel guilty, then your girlfriend is the initiator. She plays on your feelings and doesn't love you.
In this situation, you need to leave this girlfriend and not get your hopes up. It's pointless, you'll only suffer.
And in general, very valuable advice!
If quarrels between partners occur very often, then you need to mercilessly break off the relationship. This is not your person. PROVEN!

All the best to you!

What needs to be done to make a girl forgive?

If he doesn’t want to forgive, it means he’s offended you more than once, or he’s offended you seriously... The best way is not to offend, then you won’t have to forgive, especially if you love, why offend?

You can write a letter, it will be read and maybe forgiven, but where is the guarantee that you won’t offend again?! First, you need to admit your guilt, draw conclusions about why you were offended, how serious it is, change for the better so that you no longer make mistakes and offend, and not ask for forgiveness with words, but with your actions and behavior, with your attention and care.

What needs to be done to make a girl forgive?

It depends on what you’ve done, if you’ve just offended me for nothing terrible, then roses will do, but there are things that can’t be forgiven at all, and won’t help anything.

Place her name under her window with flowers

When a girl is offended, you need to act immediately and ask for forgiveness, otherwise you can lose her. But sometimes it’s not easy to do this, but you should decide to take this important step, since tomorrow it may be too late. There are several ways to ask a girl for forgiveness, but none of them guarantee a positive result, since all people are different.

Sincere words

For a girl to forgive, first of all, sincerity in words is necessary. You should not say cliched phrases, as she may simply consider it all a farce. First of all, repent of your mistake and say that you were wrong. Girls love it when they are right, it flatters them. If she reacts positively, then the conversation can be continued by explaining the reasons that prompted her loved one to take such a step. Here you need to make serious arguments, otherwise she will not forgive, but will lose faith in her boyfriend even more.

When explaining the situation, you should not shift your own blame onto the girl, this will only make things worse. Here, on the contrary, you need to take responsibility for everything, then your beloved will understand that her boyfriend can admit his mistakes and answer for his words. It is recommended to end the conversation with words of love; in this case, the girl will understand that this is a real knight in front of her and will forgive his offense.


Sometimes words are not enough and something more serious needs to be done. It would be a good idea not only to ask for forgiveness, but also to read a poem about love; a poem would also do. You can learn an excerpt from the immortal works of Shakespeare, such a gesture will make a huge impression on her, and she will definitely forgive her boyfriend. You can support your speech with a bouquet of flowers, so the beloved will see that the guy really cares, she is dear to him, and he will fight for her to the last. But the bouquet must be huge so that everyone turns around in her wake. If you have a voice, then you can sing a love song after the apology. Such a gesture will definitely not go unnoticed, especially if you do it not in private, but in front of witnesses.

When asking a girl for forgiveness, there is no need to be afraid to show your emotions, because the fair sex lives by them. It is this kind of recognition that she will appreciate, because often men seem dry to them, but they need tenderness, the guy should demonstrate it, and then he will earn her forgiveness.

Girls, of course, are people too and are very similar to men. But many men feel awkward when a girl approaches them, especially if she looks impressive and generally matches the ideal image of a particular person. Some men are literally paralyzed by panic as soon as an attractive person is nearby. How to answer girl so that you don't have any regrets later?


First of all, you need to take control of your body's reactions. Almost everyone has heard about the need to breathe deeply. But not everyone knows that simply breathing deeply is not enough; you need to exhale as long as possible before inhaling. When a beautiful woman is next to you, there is no time to inhale and exhale for a long time, so combine your breathing with conversation, saying a long phrase as you exhale. That is, try to make your first line as long as possible, besides, in the eyes of a man who explains himself in long phrases, he looks smarter. So you will kill two birds with one stone - both calm down and impress.

Among the qualities attractive in the eyes of women, one of the first places is occupied by wit. Don’t be afraid to joke; a reasonable and kind girl will support you, rewarding your remark with a slight smile. If a girl approaches you first, she is already tense, and humor will defuse the situation. You can joke about the situation, laugh at yourself, but only in a kind way. Never joke about the girl herself; this is only permissible for very close relationships. An experienced man can laugh at himself and her at the same time. This approach brings people together. Although this is a very subtle game, and inexperienced men need to be very careful when making such jokes.


Before asking for forgiveness, try to understand what exactly offended her. If you managed to get her to talk, then this is already half the success. Do not put pressure on her or use harsh words. Find out what you did. It’s worse if the girl doesn’t want to explain anything or talk to you at all.

If the girl hasn’t said a word, and every remark you make causes hysterics, then stop trying for now - talking is useless. Wait until the wave of emotions subsides.

When you have found out the reason, then you can think about how to ask for forgiveness. The reasons for grievances can be adequate or inadequate. When analyzing, keep in mind that you and she may look at the same things differently. Don't judge from your own bell tower.

When you understand what you did wrong, go ask for forgiveness. Whatever the reason, you need to behave firmly, without babying or slacking, as you can give the girl a reason to take advantage of your temporary weakness. If you've done something really serious, talk to her first and explain why you did what you did. In order for the quarrel to be resolved, it is necessary for each of you to understand the position of the other. This way you can find a compromise faster. If you are still wrong, then here are a few ways to make amends: - Write under her windows that you love her. Let others say that this is banal, but she will be pleased, because no one has ever done this for her. - Do something that has never been done before. This could be a home-cooked dinner or a massage that will make your girlfriend melt.

Give flowers. This is a universal way to apologize. Even if the girl frowns, know that she is pleased.

Give her yourself for the whole day or evening. This will work especially well if she knows what it cost you not to go to the match of your favorite team.

Video on the topic


  • apology to the girl you love - so that she melts and cannot resist)

Apologies to a girl in your own words

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Forgive me if possible, because my repentance knows no bounds. My soul is restless, and my conscience has simply gnawed at my consciousness, reminding me of the strength of my guilt... * * *I may not be worthy of being forgiven by you. But I know how generous you are. You have a big and kind heart that cannot remain indifferent to my requests for forgiveness. * * *

Asking for forgiveness in words is easier than sincerely repenting in your soul. Believe me, I deeply regret what happened. Don't be angry with me, you are dear to me.

Apologies to the girl

I don’t need anything else except your forgiveness now! Just don’t get angry, let go of the offense, cool down from your anger. A smile addressed to me suits you so well! * * *You were offended, and my world collapsed, the sky around me darkened, and clouds of black melancholy gathered overhead. Forgive me, give me back the light and joy of life! * * *You are a wise and kind girl, please try to understand and forgive me like a woman. And I will try never to do that again. * * *With the hope of a speedy reconciliation with the sweetest girl in the world, I offer my most sincere apologies. * * *

I know that you have a wide soul and a huge heart in which there is no place for resentment and anger, so you will definitely forgive me, right?

Apologizing to a girl in your own words

I can’t understand how it happened that I managed to offend you! I am very sorry. Let's make peace already, please? * * *If only I knew how to make amends to such a sunny creature like you, but I don’t know, and so I just ask for forgiveness. * * *I haven’t eaten all day, I’m thinking about how I’ll live further if you don’t forgive me. Ease my torment, tell me you’re sorry, and let’s go celebrate this occasion together at your favorite restaurant! * * *

Darling, I admit my guilt, I swear that this will not happen again, and I apologize a thousand times, just stop looking at me with such offended eyes, my soul can’t stand it!

* * *I just want to tell you: “I’m sorry.” It would be a sin to offend such a girl. I'm a sinner, I repent. * * *Please forgive me for upsetting you. Your resentment is a stone on my heart. * * *Saying “sorry” is difficult, but it is even more difficult to forgive. I hope that you will meet me halfway... * * *

Please accept my apologies for the hurt you suffered because of me. I look forward to your step towards me more than anything in the world.

Read also: poems of apology to a girl

How to ask a girl for forgiveness: 5 ways

5 effective ways to ask your girlfriend for forgiveness so that she stops being angry and forgets about your mistake forever.

We are all people, we are all human, which means we make mistakes and mistakes.

Most often, it is their beloved girls and wives who suffer from the mistakes of men.

Naturally, you won’t be able to avoid mistakes (again, because you’re alive and not a robot), but any gentleman can master ways to ask a girl for forgiveness so that she stops being angry and forgets about your mistake forever.

How to ask for forgiveness from your loved one? Vasya is smart, Vasya knows!

Vasya is the name of my friend’s cousin - a tall, black-haired, dark-eyed handsome man who was in great demand among ladies from the age of fifteen.

It cannot be said that Vasya is such a complete womanizer or a scoundrel, but his attitude towards young ladies was slightly specific - he often makes mistakes.

Naturally, each time he had to hone his skills in order not only to ask for forgiveness from his beloved, but to be guaranteed to receive it.

Well, how could I, while preparing this article for you, pass by such a valuable expert?

That's right - no way.

Therefore, here are some useful tips from Vasya:

    Never go into an open flame, give the girl time to cool down.

    Usually a day is enough for the angry young lady to calm down a little and realize that your offense is not so terrible.

    And at this time you appear in the arena with a request and forgiveness.

    The rule “The best defense is an attack” doesn’t work well with girls.

    If you start asking for forgiveness using the phrases “And you yourself?”, “You, too, are not without sin!”, you risk creating much more serious problems for yourself than in the beginning.

  1. Feign remorse with all your appearance - girls love it.
  2. Prepare a beautiful speech, more kind words and compliments.

    If you hum, slow down and stutter, you will only drive the girl crazy: “You were able to mess up easily, but you can’t ask for forgiveness normally?!” Brrrrr!

    It is better to try to ask for forgiveness from your beloved with a beautiful bouquet and a small gift.

    If you have committed a serious offense, you can support your request for forgiveness with something similar, for example, coming to her work with a huge bouquet of roses (let your colleagues choke themselves with envy) or an exquisite dinner prepared personally.

    80% of girls love to ask a question in a tragic tone: “Well, why, why did you do that?”

    The best answer to this stupid question: “Because I’m a fool!” or “Sorry, I was stupid.”

    Don't forget to promise that you will never do anything like that.

    Lie, gentlemen, lie, this is the only way to earn the forgiveness of your beloved!

Vasya, of course, is still a cynic, but many of his tips are really useful.

Both as a girl and as a psychologist, I confirm this.

5 surest ways to ask a girl for forgiveness

My advice to readers: before making mistakes, study your loved one thoroughly to understand what she loves, what she hates, and whether she is even capable of forgiveness.

You can, of course, look for a simpler young lady, but what about love?

When making a plan on how to ask a girl for forgiveness, focus on her tastes, habits, and character traits.

Don’t think that any girl will be overwhelmed with happiness and forgive anything if you serenade her in front of the window.

For example, one of my friends does not tolerate all this romantic nonsense, and considers public declarations of love to be the eighth deadly sin.

Therefore, think carefully about how to correct your mistakes in order to calm her down, and not irritate her even more.

Here are the 5 most popular ways to ask for forgiveness, aimed at different girls:

  1. Verbal honey.
  2. With the help of a bribe.
  3. Romantic.
  4. Creative.
  5. Simple but sincere.

Let's figure out what each of them means.

Method number 1 to ask for forgiveness from your loved one

I called it verbal honey, because you will cajole your lady of your heart and beg her for mercy exclusively with words.

But these speeches must be beautiful and sincere to melt even the iciest heart.

Do not skimp on affectionate words, original compliments, declarations of love, assurances of how lucky you are to meet such an extraordinary creature, etc.

How to get your girlfriend back?

If your girl is one of those who love with their ears, then after such an ardent tirade she will definitely forgive you.

This method, however, is not suitable for everyone, but only for those who are tongue-tied, because you cannot become a super speaker in a day if you are tongue-tied.

Method number 2 to ask a girl for forgiveness

In fact, being moderately selfish creatures, we girls are ready to forgive a lot for a beautiful bouquet of flowers or a box of favorite sweets.

And if our guy doesn’t spare money and gives us something really worthwhile (jewelry, designer accessory, branded perfume, a trip for two, etc.), then the scales will almost certainly tip in his favor, especially if the offense wasn't too serious.

There is no doubt about victory if you, having given your beloved a gift, are able to make her dream come true.

For example, a week ago she told you that she fell in love with a handbag in the window of such and such a boutique, and today you, with a repentant look and this handbag in your hands, find yourself on the threshold of her house.

Well, how can you not forgive such a wonderful guy?

Method number 3 to ask for forgiveness from your loved one

If during the relationship your beloved demanded more romance from you, then the surest way to beg for amnesty is to do it romantically:

  1. Sing a serenade under her window.
  2. Write with chalk or paint on the asphalt or fence in front of her windows “Forgive me Lena/Katya/Olya...”.
  3. Send her a huge bouquet of flowers and a card asking for forgiveness at work or school.
  4. Lure her to a romantic candlelit dinner or some other romantic date: a boat ride, a hot air balloon flight, etc.
  5. Place a huge bear in front of her door holding a heart with the inscription “Forgive me.”

    Call and hide so that she doesn’t see you. The method works flawlessly on young girls.

How to make a girl fall in love with you?

In general, look and find a romantic way that will make a lasting impression on her.

Method number 4 to ask a girl for forgiveness

If you messed up, be healthy, but you have trump cards in the form of good imagination, courage, for which, in fact, your girlfriend fell in love with you, then it is best to ask her for forgiveness creatively:

  1. By purchasing advertising space on a billboard along her route to work/study, placing her photo there, a declaration of love and a request for forgiveness.
  2. By calling a radio station or TV channel to tell her a lot of beautiful words live and order a romantic composition.
  3. By shooting a video or making a photo presentation of your photos together, accompanied by beautiful texts about love and pleas for forgiveness.
  4. Having come up with some creative and romantic declaration of love in front of an amazed audience.

In general, do whatever you want, even call a folk choir to her windows, the main thing is that all this has an effect on your girl.

Interesting and creative options for how else you can ask a girl for forgiveness,

presented in the video:

Method number 5 to ask for forgiveness from your loved one

If your girlfriend doesn’t like all this tinsel, then act as simply as possible: ask for forgiveness during a sincere conversation.

Repent of your sins, ask for forgiveness for them and promise that you will never do anything like that, because you don’t want to upset the one you love so much.

A bouquet of her favorite flowers will not be out of place.

Decide for yourself how to ask for forgiveness from your loved one so that you are guaranteed to be forgiven.

At the end of the day, it's your girl and you should know best which method will work best.

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How to apologize so that a girl forgives

Quarrels are an invariable component of all love stories. Perhaps they are the ones who give the acuteness of feelings. However, after discord, reconciliation must follow.

  • Preparing to apologize
  • How to apologize: general recommendations
Of course, this sounds a little strange. However, before asking for forgiveness, you should first prepare well. First of all, it is necessary to understand why the quarrel occurred and where its origins are located. Knowing this, you can avoid repeating such scenes in the future. Understand and accept that in any quarrel both sides are to blame - do not look for those to blame. Try to forgive her and yourself, do not evaluate the situation critically and tune in to an apology. During the apology, try not to remind about the reasons for which the quarrel occurred, otherwise you may quarrel again. Sometimes it’s enough just to say: “Forgive me,” sometimes something more is required. In any case, before asking for forgiveness, it is worth considering the text of the apology. Words must come from a pure heart. You should not fake feelings, because all women are very sensitive to lies. If she considers the apology to be false, then there may not be a second chance. Choose the right moment to apologize. You should not ask for forgiveness immediately after a quarrel, since often the girl is simply not able to forgive yet. This is explained by the fact that women are more emotional creatures and, being at the mercy of feelings (just after a conversation in a raised voice), she will not be ready to perceive the situation soberly. Therefore, you should wait for the moment when the girl relaxes and her emotions subside. In any case, do not immediately demand an answer, she may want to think or say that she needs to sort out her feelings. Respect her needs and don't insist on immediate forgiveness. After all, the main thing is that she agreed to listen to the apology, which means that this relationship is also dear to her. The most important thing in this matter is attitude and sincerity. You should apologize from the bottom of your heart, but without pretense or excessiveness. In this matter, the main thing is not to go too far, otherwise everything can only be ruined even more. So, the attitude should only be positive and constructive. Don’t think that apologizing to a girl is something out of the ordinary and now she should feel obligated. This is not true at all, no one owes anyone anything, and it doesn’t matter who decided to apologize first, what’s more important is that the first step has been taken.

It is best to apologize in person, because in this case you can directly contact her: touch, exchange tender glances, hug. And simply, with personal contact it is much easier to assess her condition than when talking on or in ICQ. You can invite her on a date and come with a gorgeous bouquet of flowers or invite her to a movie, to your favorite restaurant, or to a concert.

Girls love with their ears, so it is important for a man to choose the right words in verbal and non-verbal communication. This is especially true for situations when a girl is offended by a man for something and does not want to communicate with him. In this case, the ideal way to reconcile would be an apology letter to the girl you want to return. All that remains is to compose the text correctly, choose the appropriate format and words.

In modern society, there are several ways to write a letter to a girl. This could be a message on paper, sent to a mailbox, or it could be a message on a mobile gadget or on social networks via the Internet. The main thing is to follow the principles of honesty, frankness, sincerity and straightforwardness. If you know the basic phrases of what to write to a girl so that she forgives, you can soon improve your relationship with her.

What to write to a girl so that she forgives everything?

The effectiveness and prospects for future relations depend on the format in which the letter is written. Psychologists advise composing a message following several points in the specified schedule and chronology. Namely:

  • first you need to write about the events that prompted the man to write the letter;
  • Next, the impulses of the soul that inspired the writing of the letter are indicated;
  • now describes those actions and deeds that a man is ready for in order to reconcile and develop relationships;
  • You must definitely apologize for the pain and unpleasant feelings caused to the girl;
  • at the end the guy signs his name.

Do you use graffiti to declare your love?


So that the letter is not so formal and dry, but carries an emotional message, after signing the man can supplement it with a poem or a beautiful phrase about love. You can find them on the Internet and rephrase them according to your situation. The main thing is that the letter is sincere and convincing, as a result of which the girl will be imbued with it and believe in the man’s regrets.

Advice! It is better to write a letter by hand, regardless of the man’s handwriting and creative abilities. It is by this criterion that the girl will understand that it really comes from the bottom of her heart, and not dry text copied from the Internet.

Poems to get your girlfriend back

You can use poetry as a weapon to get the girl back. As practice shows, even the most down-to-earth and unromantic girl literally melts from messages in poetic form if in them a man tries to apologize and admit his mistakes. If he once had to offend and wound her delicate mental structure with a rude word, he can quickly restore the relationship with the help of apologetic and conciliatory verses.

On the Internet you can find many ready-made quatrains and long poems for men who need to ask for forgiveness from a girl. For example:

  • “I want you to shine with a radiant smile,

Forgive all my mistakes dear!”

  • “My bunny frowns,

Forgive me for my grief!”

Such ready-made poems can be used for reconciliation via SMS on a mobile phone. You can even write such lines under her windows or in a note attached to a bouquet of flowers. But the most effective and win-win option would be a poem of your own composition, in which her name will be used, the man’s guilt will be indicated and promises to rectify the situation. And even if the lines do not always turn out to rhyme, the main thing is that they are from the heart.

Beautiful words and phrases

It’s one thing to write or simply please her, and another thing to use a message during a quarrel for reconciliation. The burden of responsibility falls on a man’s shoulders on a larger scale, since the prospect of a future relationship may depend on one letter. Psychologists advise men who have offended their beloved not to delay attempts at reconciliation.

The message can be in the format of a message on the phone, on a social network, or a simple letter to an address, the main thing is that it is formatted in an apologetic and conciliatory manner. The text may contain the following content:

  • “Yes, I’m your fool, but the main thing is that this fool loves you with all his heart and soul”;
  • “Look out the window, it’s cold and cloudy outside, it’s all because of our disagreement. Let’s try to make peace, what if the sun appears?”;
  • “I’ll hug my sunshine, give you rings, maybe stop being offended, come to me in the evening!”;
  • “Forgive me for what I said, I got excited. Promising to improve if you give me a chance”;
  • “I’m standing under your windows in full combat readiness to apologize, just listen to me.”

Expert opinion

Elena Druzhnikova

Sexologist. Family relations expert. Family psychologist.

You can resort to non-verbal methods of apology through gadgets, the Internet and letters only if the girl resists one-on-one communication in every possible way. Although a live apology carries a much deeper emotional message, that is, it conveys the feelings of a man to a woman more strongly.

Sincerity is more important than words

Having learned how to get a girl back via SMS, correspondence on the Internet or a letter sent by mail, a man needs to remember that the message must be sincere. There is no need to use template phrases in their original form, as the girl will immediately feel the pretense. Ready-made poems, quotes and phrases can only be sources of inspiration and positive examples for a man, but not the truth in the first instance.

If a man admits that he is wrong, explaining the reasons for such behavior in his own words, this will be the key to success, since girls like to be right in controversial situations. We must not forget that they love with their ears, so in the message you can use diminutive words, like, my beauty, sunshine, bunny, beloved, etc. The main thing is not to shift part of the blame onto her shoulders; it is better for a man to make promises never repeat similar mistakes.


A letter to an ex-girlfriend can be written in simple words; poetry, beautiful words and phrases from famous quotes are also often used. Particular attention should be paid to how exactly to format an apology and reconciliation message in order to convey to the girl all your thoughts, promises and desire to reconcile. It is better to end an oral conversation with words about your feelings.
