How to make a doll at home. Finished products, textile dolls

Not infrequently, the desire to make a doll is inhibited at the first difficulties. Because the creation of this kind of small masterpiece is a long, expensive and meticulous process, in which you certainly need to get your hands on it. However, there are techniques for creating a doll specifically for beginners and there are a huge number of them - from the simplest to the more complex.

How to make a doll with your own hands at home

This master class will show you one of the easiest techniques for creating a puppet product, in which you will need a minimum of money and time.

Materials for creating a doll with your own hands:

1. Nylon tights (light);
2. Fabric (any);
3. Threads (woolen);
4. Thread with a needle (white);
5. Cotton wool;
6. Scissors;
7. Satin ribbon;
8. Black marker (or felt-tip pen);
9. Transparent superglue.

After we made sure that we have all the necessary materials, we get to work:

1. First we make the head. We cut off a piece from the tights and put the required amount of cotton wool in the middle.

2. We twist into such a bow and fix it with a thread (sew).

3. Cut off the tail.

4. We sew the back part again.

6. Cut out the triangle, leaving a small neck for the head.

7. Turn the cut fabric over with the reverse side (inside out) and sew by hand. At the same time, we do not touch the neck.

8. Now, through the same neck, turn the fabric right side out.

9. We fill the dress with cotton (if necessary, pushing it with scissors).

10. We sew the neck.

11. We attach the head with a thread.

12. Now we make two bulbs 4 times smaller than the head - these will be the handles of the doll.

13. We also cut off the ponytails and sew to the dress on both sides.

14. We coped with the main stage.

15. We take woolen threads, determine the length of the hair (at our discretion) and glue on the top of the head with transparent superglue.

As you have seen, making a doll with your own hands is very simple, even for those who do not have any skills for this.

Dolls are addicted not only to children, but also to adults. They can be bought not only in the store, but today handmade dolls are widespread and they are even more popular than store ones. You can make them from various improvised materials, and special ready-made kits are sold for sewing dolls. In general, this is a very exciting and interesting activity to create a doll with your own hands. Such dolls will be interesting both for children's games and for decorating the interior, and there are also special connoisseurs of puppetry - these are doll collectors. Therefore, dolls can be created for different categories of people and for different purposes, and all of them will be in great demand.

Do-it-yourself dolls can be made from nylon, textiles, felt, felt and other fabrics and materials. Today we will look at master classes of fabric dolls from textiles.
Also see master classes with patterns of felt dolls

I have been dreaming of a handmade textile doll for a long time and therefore I want to collect clear and detailed master classes for my piggy bank, so that when the time and opportunity arises to create a doll with my own hands, and all the necessary patterns, templates, step-by-step lessons and various secrets for making, are always under hand for easy searching.
I had to wander through the back streets of the Internet to find understandable master classes. I don’t have links to the masters, but the author can be recognized from the photo, many are signed.

Patterns with a doll pattern. Do-it-yourself tilde dolls, step-by-step master classes.

The template can be saved to your computer and resized in any editor as you wish. You can print the template or attach a white or translucent sheet of paper to the computer screen and lightly transfer all parts of the doll onto the sheet with a pencil, then cut out the details of the doll.

We transfer all the details to the fabric in the right amount, do not forget about the seam allowances, calculate the size of the details in advance.

All details are cut out very carefully and also carefully stitched so that all the bends are even and look beautiful from the outside.

A small hole is left on all parts so that they can be turned out. You can turn it out using any thin and long object.

After turning out, fill the parts tightly with any suitable filler.

The remaining hole is sewn up with a blind stitch.

On the sole of the foot we find the middle, mark it and fit it to the seams on the lower leg.

We cut off the legs of the lower sole with the shin with pins

We flash

Turn out and fill with filler.

The next part of the work is the head, for its manufacture you will need a foam ball, they are sold in needlework stores of different diameters. As well as a rectangular piece of synthetic winterizer or other filler.

We wrap the ball with synthetic winterizer

And we put the resulting ball into the cut-out part of the head with the body, we sew the head on top.

For static for the body, we wind the filler onto a wooden toothpick smeared with glue.

We tuck the pattern of the body and insert the wound filler inside the body

All details are ready

On both sides, it is necessary to mark the same distance where the hands will be sewn.

In order to sew the details to the body, we need small buttons.

The legs are sewn in a similar way

Slavic hand-made amulet dolls have always played a significant role in the lives of people in Rus'. In addition to their main purpose - to protect and protect, children played with dolls, they decorated the decoration of the house. Our ancestors were sure that amulet dolls have an impact on the life, health, fate and well-being of people. Therefore, dolls were made as symbols of the rite or the keeper of the hearth, they were often presented as gifts. Such dolls were made from various materials, for example, from fabric, leather, clay or straw.

In order to more clearly show what kind of amulets were made for a specific occasion, we will give a few examples.

For holidays associated, for example, with the change of seasons or harvesting, appropriate ritual pupae were made. Each had its own role and its own fate - some were burned, others were kept - stuffed with cereals and placed in the house to attract prosperity.

Lovebird dolls were made for the wedding for the newlyweds, which symbolized the integrity of the family.

If there were no children in the family, but the spouses really wanted to become parents, then they made a doll-amulet for pregnancy - “Moskovka”. It was believed that it symbolizes the spirit of motherhood and family unity.

Even for the speedy birth of a child, women made a “pregnant” doll for themselves. Its peculiarity is that it is an ordinary doll, in the hem of which the doll "Plenashka" is hidden. It was also believed that this amulet removes damage, the evil eye and other troubles from the newborn.

Dolls "Chappies"

Charms "Bunnies" were made for children. They helped the kids not get bored if they had to be left alone.

The doll "Kubyshka" served as a talisman for health. She was supposed to sit on a bag of medicinal herbs. And if someone was sick, it was necessary to go with the doll around the house, rubbing this bag with your fingers, and then put the doll in bed with the sick person in order to expel the spirit of the disease.

For prosperity, they made the Krupenichka doll and the Rich Man doll.

So that the house would not be left without an owner when he left for a long time, a protective doll was necessarily planted in its place.

You can watch a video from the First Museum of Slavic Mythology, which tells about the manufacture of amulets dolls.

There are many other amulet dolls. We get to know each of them in more detail in the article Slavic dolls-amulets made of fabric: their meaning and how to make them with your own hands

Rules for creating protective pupae

And in our time, protective dolls are made. But before you make amulets with your own hands, check out some significant rules!

1. Calm down, concentrate, read a prayer or slander

First, calm down, retire and concentrate on what you will be doing. You should be in an exceptionally good mood and calm state. Turn on some relaxing music or sing a good song yourself. You can also read a prayer, a conspiracy, or just speak out loud for whom and why you are going to make this doll.

For example, when making a Six-handed doll, you can say:
“I make you in order to succeed in all matters and do them well. I turn this handle so that there will always be order, peace and comfort in my house. I turn this handle so that my husband is always well-groomed, fit and happy with everything ... etc. ”

You can twist the head of the doll with your fingers and say:
"Light head, clean, filled with goodness, love."

When breastfeeding a doll, think about happy motherhood so that the family does not need anything.

In general, you can pronounce any text of the slander, the main thing is that it leads to the desired result.

2. Only women can make amulets

During the manufacture of amulets, there should not be men in the room, that is, “male energy”. And if, nevertheless, the presence of boy children is inevitable, then first keep them busy with your own affairs, and then start working with the doll. Boys should not stand nearby and see the process of work!

3. Puppets are made on their knees

Make a charm doll on your knees or, as they said before, “in the hem”, that is, in your personal space. The table is a common place and only the fabric and tools used in the work can be placed on it.

4. Amulets are made from natural materials

To create dolls, take only natural fabrics, such as cotton, linen or wool. Do not use knitwear! Fabrics should not have edges or old seams. If you are making a doll for a gift, use new fabric or fabric from the old clothes of the person you will be making the doll for. For yourself, take fabric from things that were used by your family.

Mandatory rule: the face of the doll should be white so that no one can transfer evil thoughts to the owner of the amulet through it. In addition, white color symbolizes the purity of thoughts.

5. Do not use a needle and scissors in work

When making shore dolls, do not use needles, knives, glue and scissors. In the old days they said that the doll should be “not cut, not chopped” so as not to harm the health of the one who is being amulet.

Tear the fabric with your hands. If you are making from thick fabric, then first cut the edge of the fabric, and then tear it by hand. Do all the manipulations with the knife and scissors before starting work with the doll. Tie the body for the doll, do not sew.

The only exception is the bag for the Krupenichki-Zernovushki doll, which is sewn on the side.

Moreover, clothes for dolls also need to be made without using a needle. And you can decorate it with lace, embroidery and braid.

Break the threads with your hands or bite with your teeth.

6. Sacred number - 3

When you tie the strings, tie them 3 times. The number 3 has always been magical for the Slavs and they believed that in addition to reliability, 3 knots give reliability to slander, and also serve as protection against any negativity.

7. The doll must be neat and stuffed tightly.

Remember that the amulet doll should be neat and dense. The filler in all parts of the doll's body must be laid in an orderly manner. Make the body especially strong and dense. Roll a twisted doll, for example, with your palm on your knees until it becomes tight.

If something doesn’t work out, the doll is disheveled or falling apart, it’s better to redo it all over again. Do not leave loose threads, divergent ends and disheveled armpits. Be sure to inspect the doll after finishing each detail in order to immediately correct, fasten the thread, tuck the excess inside. The more accurate the doll, the more protected it is from negative external influences.

If suddenly during the work the thread breaks accidentally or you can’t straighten the fold in any way, say: “Misfortune will come to the doll, and I (or the name of the one to whom the amulet is being made) will bypass.”

8. When creating a talisman, a good message is important

In the process of work, put bright images into the amulet doll - this is much more important than the manufacturing technique. Therefore, it is very important to make amulets only to those to whom you sincerely wish good, to those whom you love! And if you need to make a charm for someone else, then first imbue the image of this person, wish him well, and only then proceed to manufacture.


The doll can become not only a decoration for the house, but also a favorite toy for your child. This article tells the secrets of sewing this product and offers patterns.

For a long time the doll was not only a toy, but also a talisman for a child. The doll was not brought from the store, but did it yourself. It was believed that a thing made by one's own hands was conspired to achieve a certain result: to make a person happy, healthy, to help him find his own path in life or love.

What dolls - protectors of children, has long been forgotten and lost its meaning. Modern toys are made from different materials: plastic, wood, textiles, porcelain. The appearance of modern dolls is sometimes not only surprising, but even shocking: monster dolls, Barbie doll, Winx and even zombie dolls.

For those who wish to please the child at any age, to instill in him a love of toys, a love of beauty and give him a “faithful companion” for all his childhood, will come in handy patterns and tips for self-creation of a textile doll.

For work, you can absolutely come in handy any textile material from what is available at home or purchased in a store: linen, cotton, synthetics, felt, lace and ribbons for decoration. The doll's hair is made from woolen threads, and buttons and embroidery can be used to create facial features.

In this craft, you can express all your creativity. You can make a doll realistic or create a famous fairy tale character. It was previously believed that the doll (in order to become a protector) should repeat the features of your child: the same eye color, hair, favorite clothes, smile and so on.

IMPORTANT: A simple and understandable pattern will help you plan your work correctly so that you get a neat product.

Patterns for a homemade textile doll, step-by-step creation

Finished products, textile dolls:

Unusual doll "nanny"

Realistic gardener doll Little teenage doll

Fleece dolls

Textile fairy dolls

DIY doll

Motanka doll - a talisman for a child Popular Rag Doll Style Doll

boy doll Textile doll in a lace dress Fidelina doll

Waldorf doll

Video: "Master class" We sew a textile doll "review"

How to sew a beautiful fabric doll: instructions for beginners

Recently, they have become increasingly popular dolls made of combined materials. To create the face and limbs, modern needlewomen began to use flesh-colored capron. This material easily fits the base, the doll acquires the “correct” color, and with the help of sewing secrets, she can give the necessary shape(even make facial features).

On the other hand, if you are not very experienced in this needlework, you can use a simple pattern and create detailed features using acrylic paints(quick dry, water resistant). You can sew doll patterns using sewing machine- it's fast and high quality. If you don't have one (or just don't know how to use it) All work can be done manually.

Pattern for a textile doll:

simple pattern

Step work. First stage:

  • Print the pattern on the printer or accurately copy the shapes.
  • Cut out a pattern from paper and attach to the fabric
  • Choose nude and beige fabrics to make your doll look natural and aesthetic.
  • Attach the patterns to the fabric, fix them, circle them with a pencil and cut out the figures, leaving room with a margin around the edges.

Paper cutting

Cutting patterns from fabric

Step work. Second phase:

  • Fold the cut fabric patterns together
  • Each pattern should be stitched, leaving one side intact (for filling the doll).
  • To turn out the arms and legs, which are too thin, as well as stuff them, use a pencil.
  • All details turn inside out
  • All details must be ironed

Sewing fabric patterns

Turning to the front

Ironing details

Step work. Third stage:

  • It is necessary to stuff the doll from the head
  • You can stuff the doll with padding polyester, cotton wool and scraps of fabric.
  • We stuff the head very tightly and sew it with a thread
  • A body pattern should be put on the head and stretched down.
  • We sew the body to the head from the wrong side and only then stuff it.
  • After that, the arms and legs are stuffed, sewn neatly to the body.
  • The doll's face is painted with acrylics. You can sew or glue blanks from the store: eyes and sponges.
  • Knitting threads are folded in bunches and sewn to the head.
  • From the remnants of multi-colored fabric, sew a dress or any other clothes for the doll, decorate with decorative elements: lace, ribbons, beads.

Step by step creation of a doll

How to sew a doll face?

The easiest way to "make" a doll a face is paint it with acrylics. As already mentioned, they are resistant to water and moisture, dry quickly, leave a rubberized film on the fabric surface, have a large number of colors and are pleasant to work with.

Painting a puppet face with acrylic paints:

Doll's facial features painted with acrylic paints

Drawing a doll's face with a marker and acrylic paints

Another way to create features on the face is to tighten with a needle and thread. To do this, you first need decide on the filling of the doll: cotton wool, holofiber, synthetic winterizer.

The head of the doll is made of white fabric, the pattern is stuffed. The head is again covered with flesh-colored nylon. By compressing the folds, the needle is threaded through the material, the thread is pulled together and fixed.

How to make a doll face step by step:

How to make a doll face?

Painstaking and detailed work to create the doll's facial features

Video: “Face tightening and creation of doll facial expressions”

How to sew a soft toy doll: pattern, photo

A doll made for a child with their own hands from textiles may well become his favorite soft toy, which he will take with him to sleep, travel, kindergarten, for a walk. A doll will be able to please a child when it conveys some pleasant emotions or suggests associations.

For example, you can dress up a doll in a dress made from your personal wardrobe item: a bathrobe, an old dress, a blouse. Another option is to sew dresses from the same fabric for the child and the doll.

IMPORTANT: Ask in advance which dolls your baby likes: tall, small, with long legs or baby dolls, fairies, sorceresses, angels, and only then start looking for a suitable pattern.

Soft toy pattern: angel doll Finished product: angel doll

How to sew a textile toy doll: pattern

Any needlewoman can sew a textile doll. To do this, it is absolutely not necessary to buy a large amount of materials. You can use the ones you have at home. You can get a neat and beautiful product only with the help of a similar pattern.

Patterns for textile dolls:

Pattern for a textile doll, option number 1 Pattern for a textile doll, option number 2 Pattern for a textile doll, option number 3

How to sew a Russian folk doll: pattern

Folk dolls are very simple to perform. They have very simple patterns, but quite complex detailed costumes. You will need to pay attention to any little thing: braids with ribbons, scarves, ruffles on skirts, lace, buttons and bows on suits.

IMPORTANT: If you have the opportunity, choose materials for tailoring dolls that are as similar as possible to folk costumes: floral and floral prints, Khokhloma, polka dots.

Patterns for sewing folk dolls:

A simple pattern for sewing a folk doll No. 1

A simple pattern for sewing a folk doll No. 2 Motanka doll, patterns

Finished products, folk dolls:

Proskovia doll

Simple folk dolls without a painted face

Motanka doll

How to sew a large life size puppet: pattern

Large life-size puppet, as a rule, is used for performances for children. The limbs of the doll can be attached to the hands and feet of a person, as a result of which the doll literally “comes to life”.

You can sew a growth doll according to the patterns of an ordinary toy, but increased several times. You can give the doll any appearance and features of a fairy-tale character. Such a doll must have tightly stuffed head and torso and the arms and legs should be thin and light enough to be easy to move.

Big puppet

Video: "How to make a life-size puppet with a human face?"

How to sew a Snow Maiden doll: pattern

The Snow Maiden doll will become a favorite toy on New Year's holidays. She will evoke pleasant associations in the child, she will be able to decorate the house. You can also put the Snow Maiden under the Christmas tree. Snow Maiden doll with kokoshnik Tilda doll in a romantic way

Doll Tilda blonde and doll Tilda brunette

Video: “Sewing a Tilda doll”

You can embody all your idea of ​​​​beauty, create a true friend for games for yourself or for your daughter, if you make a doll at home. It may not be as perfectly beautiful as those toys that are sold in the store, but it will be 100% yours, unique and inimitable.

By the way, you can buy a doll inexpensively!

Make a doll at home master class

In addition to the fact that the toys that we make with our own hands always turn out to be different from others, they also carry a huge amount of positive energy for the game. They are made with great love, they are created like real masters, so the dolls are obtained in the end, each with its own character. It will be easier for small children to play with, they can be easily squeezed in their hands, they will not get hurt when playing. Older girls will surely like the beautiful dolls made of clay or cold porcelain. Games with them are not so active, but with the help of these materials you can make a doll at home. A master class on creating these toys proves that homemade porcelain toys can give a hundred points ahead to store-bought dolls.

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