How to make hair stiff at home. How to make hair soft and silky in a week

Every woman dreams that her hair is not only healthy, but also outwardly beautiful and well-groomed. But someone is naturally gifted with soft and silky curls, and for someone hard hair becomes a big problem. Of course, there are some advantages to this type of hair. So do not be too upset, but it is better to resort to actions that will help change the structure of the hair and definitely soften it.

Benefits of tight curls

Oddly enough, but coarse hair has some advantages, namely:

  • are not exposed to external negative effects of the environment;
  • are never brittle;
  • you can wash coarse hair much less often, since oily sheen appears 4-5 days after washing;
  • curls are not prone to falling out;
  • coarse hair tends to be very thick.

Disadvantages of coarse hair

But besides the positive side, hard curls also have disadvantages such as:

  • laying problems;
  • the hairline becomes naughty;
  • hairstyle is difficult to fix;
  • hair is badly combed.

Rules for the care of coarse hair

In order for the hair to become obedient and soft, it is necessary to follow a few rules for the care of hard curls. If these recommendations are followed daily, then you can even forget about such a problem.

  1. Refuse to dry your hair with hot air. That is, practically do not use a hair dryer. If this is not done, then the curls will become even tougher than they were before. Therefore, it is best to dry your hair naturally. In addition, you should forget about irons and curling irons and do not use them for styling. It turns out that all thermal devices actually only aggravate the situation and will not bring any benefit.
  2. Wash your hair once every three days, but no more. The hair brush should be changed to a regular comb so as not to injure the hair once again.
  3. For owners of coarse hair, it is best to put curls in knots or braid braids. In addition, you can make a short layered haircut.
  4. When buying hair care products, you should pay attention to shampoos and balms that are designed to care for coarse hair. After water procedures, the use of a conditioner is simply vital to soften the hair as much as possible.

How to soften coarse hair at home?

In addition to the above recommendations, it is worth paying attention to additional products that can make hair soft and silky. These are primarily essential oils and natural homemade masks that need to be used regularly to achieve a good result.

To soften coarse hair will help:

Essential oils

Usually they are added to homemade masks or used in their pure form. The following oils are best suited for this procedure:

  • Shea Butter;
  • jojoba;
  • avocado;
  • peach pits;
  • grape seeds.

thermal protection

If you can not refuse thermal appliances for hair styling, then you should take care of protecting curls. That is, with each use of a hair dryer or ironing, it is necessary to apply protective agents to the hairline that will protect the hair from hot air.

Homemade natural masks

In order to somehow help coarse hair, it is not necessary to immediately run to the salon for help. At home, you can make a hair mask that will not only soften curls, but also saturate the hairline with vitamins and nutrients.

filtered water

For coarse hair, it is best to use filtered purified water. Water runs from the tap, saturated with various metals, which penetrate the structure of the hair and make it hard.

Natural remedies to soften stiff curls

Masks that are made from natural ingredients give a much better result than purchased products. After all, they contain all the nourishing and moisturizing ingredients that help soften the hair and give it a natural shine.

Honey Olive Mask

We take honey (2 tablespoons) and pour olive oil (2 tablespoons) into it. Mix the mass and distribute over the curls. It is advisable to use this mask half an hour before washing your hair. Owners of long hair need to increase the amount of ingredients, the main thing is to maintain a 1: 1 ratio.

Vitamin herbal mask

First, prepare the herbal decoction. To do this, take chamomile (1 tbsp), linden (1 tbsp), nettle (1 tbsp) and pour a glass of boiling water (200 ml). Infuse the decoction for 40 minutes. Then strain through medical gauze. Add an egg (1 pc.) And two drops of vitamins A, E, B12 and B1 to the infusion. Then leave the mixture to infuse for 20 minutes. Then apply to hair with a comb and leave for one hour. In addition to softening, the mask also strengthens the hair and prevents curls from falling out.

Vinegar-honey mask

In order to smooth and soften tough curls, you can prepare a mask based on apple cider vinegar. To do this, take honey (1 tbsp), apple cider vinegar (1 tbsp) and wheat germ oil (2 tbsp). Mix the whole mass and apply the resulting composition to curls. For the best effect, the hairline can be wrapped with a film. Remove the mask after 40 minutes.

Vinegar rinse

Apple cider vinegar can be used not only for making masks, but also used as a hair rinse. To do this, take water (2 l) and add apple cider vinegar (50 ml) to it. After washing your hair, you need to rinse your hair with the resulting composition and do not rinse.

Cosmetic clay mask

This tool will help to perfectly soften the hairline. Cosmetic clay must be diluted with water to a mushy consistency. You can apply such a mask only on wet hair and only for five minutes. Then rinse and apply balm to curls.

With regular care for coarse hair, you can achieve good results. Curls will not only become soft and silky, but will also become very obedient.

Every woman wants to look good. This is a known fact. And the overall picture is made up of neat clothes, a well-groomed face, and, of course, shiny and neatly styled hair.

Seeing a woman with gorgeous hair, few people think about what this beauty cost her. Many people think that this is all from nature. But that's not the case at all. Even if the girl inherited the perfect mane, the ecology and junk food will fix it. Therefore, every woman should know how to make her hair soft and silky.

The cosmetics industry has been studying hair problems for a long time. All new products for the treatment and restoration of hair are being developed, natural and plant components are used. But you need to figure out which means will help make your hair soft and manageable, and which ones will not benefit or even harm you.

It doesn't matter the color or length of the hair. They all need good care and attention. Suitable for all types of hair, especially for dry, overdried, damaged and dull.

The main feature of this particular tool is the method of manufacture. Oil is extracted using a screw press in a special room in compliance with certain temperature conditions. As a result, it is possible to retain all the nutrients that are so necessary to restore and maintain healthy hair. You can also choose, which, thanks to the cold pressing method and the absence of the use of chemicals, has retained all natural properties and has a pleasant natural aroma.

Coconut oil penetrates well into the hair structure, so after the first application the result is visible - the hair becomes stronger, softer and acquires a beautiful shine. So that the effect is not long in coming, it is best to apply the oil at night and gently rinse with running water in the morning.

It is also important to pay attention to nutrition. As a rule, many of the fair sex either go on diets, or, due to the frantic working rhythm, skip lunch altogether - the main meal. Therefore, often the hair begins to fall out, becomes dull and hard due to improper and unbalanced nutrition. In this case, dietary supplements, which are presented on the iHerb website, will help. Today, special complexes from Country Life have become a bestseller. They include B vitamins, biotin, organic sulfur (MSM), which together improve the condition of the hair, make it soft and manageable. Must try

or a stronger supplement with a double dose of biotin. It is important to note that the result is cumulative, the result will be noticeable in a month. In addition, the condition of the nails, as well as the skin, will improve.

Attention! Below are a few ways to make your hair soft and shiny.

How to make hair soft and shiny?

You don't have to be a stylist to learn how to make your hair soft. You just need to follow a few rules:

  • Do not comb your hair immediately after a shower. This may damage the hair.
  • use hair conditioner. It will help make the mane obedient and soft. You just need to apply it to your hair after washing and wait a couple of minutes. Then rinse them with warm water.
  • Try to minimize the use of hair dryers, irons and curling irons. They are very harmful to the hair due to their temperature during operation.

How to make hair soft at home with the help of traditional healing?

To the question: how to make hair soft at home, there is a simple answer: use folk remedies.

Hair rinse recipe. Dissolve a spoon in boiled water. Additionally, add strong brewed green teas or lemon juice there. After application, the effect will be noticeable as from a purchased air conditioner.

Recipe for a mask for oily hair. two eggs mixed with 1 teaspoon of water and 1 teaspoon of alcohol. Mix well and apply to hair. After application, the hair will remain cleaner for a long time.

Hair mask recipe. Mix half a spoon of corn oil and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. The resulting solution should be applied to the scalp and hair and wrapped with a warm towel. Walk like this for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse your hair thoroughly with clean water.

Dull and coarse hair can spoil any, even very stylish and fashionable, image. They are very difficult to lay and give the desired shape, so you have to say goodbye to the hairstyle.

Sooner or later, but every woman who takes care of herself asks herself: How to make the hair on the head soft? Due to the constant exposure to sunlight, staining with chemical compounds, the use of fixatives, our hair weakens and deteriorates.

Leaves healthy shine, cleanliness and softness. All that remains is a hard tow instead of healthy hair. There can be many reasons for this. One of them is hard water. Does it happen that after a shower you feel an unpleasant tightness on the skin? So, the same fate fell to the hair. To save your hair, you need to wash it with boiled water. Thus, it will be possible to put your hair in order.

Below are some ways to make your hair soft.

  1. If you love natural ingredients in cosmetics, then you can make these products yourself. For example, there is a recipe for hair conditioner, which consists of all natural ingredients and is inexpensive in terms of money. Squeeze the juice from several apples, apply an egg white to your hair, then rinse your hair under water and then apply the squeezed juice. Wrap the head with a film and leave for 20 minutes. Then, rinse your hair thoroughly under running water. You will immediately notice how the hair has become smooth and shiny. This was due to the high content of various acids in apple juice.
  2. In order to improve hair, many herbal ingredients in masks are suitable. For example, an Egyptian rose or a hibiscus will help you deal with dandruff and make the ends of your hair soft. In addition, you will get rid of their section and activate the rapid growth of hair. To achieve this wonderful effect, you need to pour 5 tablespoons of dry hibiscus petals with a glass of water and insist for 1 hour. Then grind the decoction with the petals in a mixer and add 2 tablespoons of olive oil to it. Apply the resulting mixture to the hair, wrap with a film and leave for 15-20 minutes. Important!!! Due to the coloring pigments contained in the plant, this mask can only be used by those with dark hair. This infusion will turn fair-haired beauties into Malvin.
  3. If you are not afraid of bold experiments, then you can use lemon juice. Grind two large onions in a mixer until a semi-liquid consistency. 2 tablespoons of lemon juice are added to them. Before bath procedures, on dirty hair, apply the resulting composition. Wrap your head in polyethylene and leave for 10-15 minutes, then wash your hair well with shampoo. The smell may remain on the hair. After using this recipe, you need to wash your hair with extreme care. Well, if the next day you are not going to leave the house. Therefore, during the week, try not to use this remedy.

Recently, it has become popular among men to wear beards. If you think that this is due to the fact that men are simply too lazy to shave, then you are deeply mistaken. In fact, it takes much more time than occasional shaving.

Many men wonder: how to make beard hair soft? Of course, when the beard is stiff, it begins to prick and cause discomfort. Remember a few rules:

  • beard needs to be washed regularly! Simply washing is not enough.
  • do not wash your beard with soap. From this, it will become even rougher and tougher.
  • use quality shampoos and conditioners.

Facial skin is more delicate than scalp. Therefore, cheap and low-quality shampoos can harm her.

In any case, you wash your hair or beard, remember that you can not save on care products! Cheaper products are prepared from poor quality raw materials and often do not bring the desired result. In rare cases, they can even be harmful. Good shampoos and conditioners are not cheap.

If spending large amounts on them is not included in your plans, then you can cook them yourself from natural ingredients. And the effect will be no worse than from the purchased ones.

How to make hair softer with homemade shampoos?

The most popular recipe based on natural ingredients: you need to take 2 eggs, add 50 g of water and 6 drops of vegetable oil, mix thoroughly and distribute over the hair and scalp.

When applied to the head, massage the hair roots with your fingertips, rinse with running water after 40 minutes, and you can rinse the strands, sage, calendula and St. John's wort.

To prepare mustard shampoo, you need to take 50 g of dry, dilute with liquid, rub the resulting mixture into the head, and after 5 minutes rinse with warm water, rinse with a decoction of nettle and mate-and-stepmother.

Take care of the gifts of nature and do not self-medicate! Be always in a great mood and others will give you a lot of compliments!

You like soft and silky hair because every girl dreams of such hair, so find out below in the article how to make hair soft.

Girls with curly and curly hair are simply obsessed with making their hair silky and smooth. They tend to rely on smoothing and various other chemical hair treatments. Straightening and curling options are available to make your hair look better than before. However, these drugs have so many side effects that you will regret your decision.

Before you begin the procedure, you first need to understand your hair type. Our hair type can be dry, oily, normal or dandruff. And there may also be another infection of the scalp, which also affects the type of hair.

Shampoo and conditioner

Try using shampoos and conditioners that are free of silicone and sulfates. Sulfates make hair brittle and dry, and hair growth needs to be controlled. You can buy an herbal brand for it as they contain less chemicals and maximum natural extracts.

Avoid hair dye

Hair coloring causes dryness and roughness of the hair, and this leads to severe hair loss and. To get soft and silky strands, avoid dyeing your hair. If you can't resist hair dye, then use a good shampoo and conditioner for color-treated hair. if you want to have a reddish tint in your hair. Henna or mehendi also gives a very natural hair color without damaging the hair.

Use of heat

Whether you're going to a holiday party or hanging out with friends over a cup of coffee. Do not use hair styling tools without using a hair serum because it also reduces the harmful effects on the hair.

How to make hair soft with heat treatment

To get smooth and silky hair, you need to lubricate your hair with oil. This simple massaging treatment will significantly enhance the natural texture of the hair and repair damage. Hair damage can be due to chemical treatments, sun exposure and infections.

  • In order to do a hot oil massage treatment at home, you need to take some essential oils. Such as almond oil, castor oil, coconut oil and olive oil. You can use any 2-3 oils you like.
  • Heat them up in a saucepan and let them cool down a bit, then use them when they are warm.
  • Apply the oil to the roots and therefore to the ends. Wrap your hair with a plastic cap for 2-4 hours.
  • Wash with a mild shampoo and conditioner, and it's great if you can keep the oil on all night. This will also have the added benefit of providing you with soft and silky hair.

Spa for smooth and silky hair

Due to pollution, dust and improper hair care, our hair becomes dry and rough. How to make hair soft with ? Hair needs proper nutrition and proteins to grow healthy. You can give deep nourishment to your hair by doing an at-home spa.

It consists of the following steps:

  • Give your hair a hot oil treatment at home by mixing 2-3 oils and then massage into your hair and scalp.
  • Exposing the hair to steam using a steamer or wrapping a towel soaked in hot water.
  • Simply soak a towel in hot water, then wring it out and tie it over your head.
  • Keep this for 30 minutes and then wash your hair and apply conditioner.
  • Please note that the hair has become softer and silkier. But I try to do this hair spa at least once a week to get soft silky hair.

Home remedies for soft silky hair

Apple vinegar

After each wash, apply a small amount of apple cider vinegar mixed with water to condition your hair. It will give you maximum results and super smooth hair so easily.

Egg white and olive oil

Egg whites help to reduce frizz and dullness, and it also repairs damaged hair. It contains Omega-3 fatty acids, which makes hair smooth and velvety. Olive oil is the best natural oil that comes from olives. It is widely used in spas and for personal care.

How to use?

  • Take out the egg white from 2 eggs.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil to it.
  • Beat it all with a whisk until a homogeneous mixture.
  • Apply to the scalp and to the ends of the hair.
  • Keep it for 40 minutes and rinse it thoroughly with shampoo.
  • This remedy will give you soft silky hair.

Aloe Vera Gel and Lemon

In order to have silky and soft hair, aloe vera gel solves this problem. It also helps in providing moisture to the hair and heals damaged hair. Lemon helps in clearing the scalp of dandruff and AIDS. In addition, it also treats itchy scalp and removes excess hair oil from the scalp.

How to use?

  • Add aloe vera gel to a bowl.
  • Add half a tablespoon of juice to it.
  • Now mix this together and massage your scalp.
  • Keep it on for 2 hours and wash it off with shampoo and conditioner.
  • It is good for creating soft silky hair when the hair is oily or the scalp is itchy.

Curd and castor oil

These two things make for a wonderful hair mask as well as providing essential proteins to the hair and repairing hair damage. This excellent hair mask is great for getting soft and silky hair.

How to use?

  • Take 1 bowl of cottage cheese and beat it well.
  • Add 3 tablespoons of castor oil to it.
  • Apply this natural homemade mask to your hair and ends.
  • Wash your hair using mild or herbal shampoos after you have soaked the mask for 45 minutes.

So, these were the natural methods to make your hair soft within a week. You must do them regularly to keep your hair healthy. Try the hair spa after 2 days and then after 2 days try the home remedies we shared. This will help you make your hair silky in a week.

Easily! Let's talk about how to make your hair soft at home.

Water briefing

To stop wondering how to make your hair soft and shiny, always wash your hair (or at least rinse at the end of washing) with cold water. This method not only invigorates the spirit: unlike warm water, cool water closes the hair scales and prevents their brittleness.


After a shower, do not aggressively rub your hair - this will only damage and electrify it. Better gently blot the strands with a towel.

It will be hot

How to make hair softer? Do not abuse styling devices. Curling irons, hair dryers and flat irons are the culprits of hair stiffness. And this is not surprising, because hot air contributes to the loss of moisture and damage to the cuticle and hair shaft. If you can’t completely abandon them, be sure to prepare curls by applying a good heat-protective spray or special serum to them.

make ends meet

Even if you dream about long hair, this is not a reason not to go to the hairdresser. After all, first of all, the hair should be healthy - so they will grow faster and look cooler. So do not run the tips and visit the stylist every month and a half.

The same fruit

To prevent dry strands from looking lifeless, pamper them with avocado guacamole. This fruit is rich in vitamins and proteins, which are useful not only for the body, but also for hair. To do this, thoroughly rub (so that there are no lumps) an avocado, 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 tablespoons of honey. Apply the paste with a wide-toothed comb for 10-30 minutes and rinse.

Salute, faith!

It turns out that aloe vera helps not only with burns. This plant contains enzymes that promote the growth of healthy strands, and also has a softening effect. And all because aloe has a structure similar to keratin (and this is the main building protein of the hair), so it penetrates the curls without any problems, sticking them. Just mix a couple of drops of aloe vera gel in warm water, comb your hair with this mixture, leave for 30 minutes and rinse. For this, fresh gel squeezed from a homemade aloe leaf is best. If none of you are a gardener, buy such a gel at a pharmacy, most importantly, check that it does not contain alcohol.

Purely done

How to make coarse hair soft, and also thoroughly wash it from styling products and dust? Apple cider vinegar will help in this difficult matter. In addition to cleansing, this trick will restore the PH balance of the strands and seal the hair scales. Mix a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar in one glass of water. After you wash your hair with shampoo and balm, rinse the curls with this mixture. Rub the solution well into the roots and along the length of the hair, and then rinse (of course, with cool water).

On the crest

Do not comb wet hair - this will only damage it. The strands must be dry. And in order to keep the tips soft, use a comb with rare teeth. After dividing the hair into sections, start combing them at the roots, moving the comb vertically. For those who always complain about the sensitivity of the scalp and tangled strands, we advise you to apply a softening leave-in-conditioner to the curls before combing.

banana republic

You can make your own super softening mask. Mash one banana with two tablespoons of yogurt (do not limit yourself - choose the one that is fatter). And now attention: rub the finished paste into the scalp, and do not eat it (although the temptation is great). Put on a hat. Wash off the nourishing cocktail from your head after an hour. Voila, your hair will be soft and shiny.

Wash off in time

Of course, everyone decides for himself how often he needs to wash his hair. After all, it depends on the type of hair. For example, thick and dry hair stays cleaner longer, while fine and oily hair requires more frequent washing. But the more often you wash your hair, the faster it will get dirty. Plus, it damages the strands, especially if you use shampoos containing sulfates and other chemicals. So without fanaticism - wash your hair at least every other day.

Air pocket

When blow-drying your hair, make sure you hold it properly. First, don't forget to put a diffuser on it. Secondly, direct the air stream from top to bottom, then the hair will remain soft and smooth. And if you dry your hair with a flow directed upwards, then they will immediately fluff up and look careless.

We dream of beautiful hair that will not only look great, but also be pleasant to the touch - soft, silky. Hair structure is an innate, genetic property of every person. For some, they are thin and light, for others, on the contrary, they are hard and heavy.

The owners of such hair are often not very satisfied with them, but by nature coarse hair is usually also thick, elastic, perfectly withstands various external influences, remaining healthy and strong. However, they are often naughty, difficult to style, and often women prefer a simple, short haircut so as not to strain with styling.

Properly caring for coarse hair will help it become softer and more manageable.

Reasons for changing the structure of the hair

There are several factors and phenomena that make hair look like a wire:

  • The wrong shampoo. The product may not suit your hair type and overdry them unnecessarily. Surfactants, such as laureth sulfate or lauryl sulfate, dry out the hair and make it stiff. Choose sulfate-free products or alternatives with coconut sulfates.
  • Lack of proper care. Hair should be regularly nourished with vitamins using masks. If they are not done, then the hair will be stiff. You should try oil masks or products with shea, aloe, argan or chamomile.
  • Daily use of curling irons and irons also negatively affects the condition of the hair.
  • Very often, girls are faced with the problem of hard tips. This sign is the first harbinger of a future section, so you need to take action now. Often thinning becomes the cause of hard tips.

Hair stiffness is a completely fixable problem, you just need to pay a little more attention to hair care.

Almost the first recommendation that is usually given to those who want to make their hair softer is to use less hair dryer and other thermal styling devices (curling irons, irons for straightening curls). Hot, dry air will only increase the stiffness of the hair, so it's best to let it dry naturally. If you do blow-dry, direct the flow of air and, accordingly, the strands of hair down - this way they will look smoother and shinier.

Not washing your hair every day is another tip for owners of coarse hair. In addition to the fact that the shampoo dries out the hair, moisture leaves them with each rinse.

Try making special softening rinses based on apple cider vinegar, chamomile, or nettle. Enough 1 tbsp. l. ready solution per liter of water. The resulting home rinse will close the scales and make the hair more manageable.

Use of leave-in conditioners for hair effectively helps. Professional products - emollient rinses and hair masks - are offered by many well-known manufacturers, both in the mass market segment and in the premium class. The main active components of such products can be all the same oils (including olive, shea butter), silicone and lanolin, hyaluronic and citric acid, various plant extracts and other substances.

Products with silicones or micro-oils also do a good job. Recommended beauty products are Mythic Oil by L'Oreal Profeccional, Crystal Shine Fluid by Kapous and Dual Renascence 2 Phase by Kapous.

Proven folk recipes

Folk recipes effectively help to cope with the problem of hair stiffness, make them smooth and shiny.

  1. Hair oils are perhaps the most effective way to soften coarse hair. Most often, burdock or olive oil is used for this purpose, although any vegetable oil is theoretically suitable. The oil is applied from the roots to the ends of the hair 15 minutes before shampooing.
  2. sometimes they give even more tangible results than professional care products. As a rule, any moisturizing and nourishing masks have a good effect on coarse hair. Below are some recipes for such masks.
  3. Mix honey and olive oil in equal proportions and apply to hair for 20 minutes to wash (suitable for dry hair).
  4. Mask with herbs and vitamins: take a tablespoon of chamomile, linden and nettle, pour one glass of boiling water, let it brew for half an hour and strain. Add an egg and a few drops of oil solutions of vitamins A, E, B1 and B12. After 15 minutes, the composition can be applied to the hair, and washed off after an hour. The mask gives an excellent firming effect.
  5. Softening and smoothing mask for coarse hair and hair with split ends: mix a tablespoon each of honey and apple cider vinegar with 2 tablespoons of wheat germ oil. Distribute the resulting mixture on clean, damp hair with massage movements and cover the head with a film. After 30-40 minutes, wash off the mask with a mild shampoo and rinse your hair thoroughly.
  6. A mixture of coconut oil and milk is a homemade moisturizing hair serum. It washes off easily and has a long lasting effect.
  7. Apple cider vinegar perfectly softens hair and can be used not only as a mask component, but also as a rinse. 50 ml of apple cider vinegar is diluted in one to two liters of warm water. Rinse your hair with this composition after washing and do not rinse.
  8. The cosmetic clay mask is especially recommended for coarse hair due to its wonderful softening properties. Cosmetic clay can be bought literally at any pharmacy. Clay is diluted with water to the consistency of gruel and applied for 5 minutes to clean, damp hair. After washing off the mask, you can still use a hair balm.

When the hair becomes coarse and lifeless, it is very frustrating. Some girls immediately go to the hairdresser - to radically solve the problem. In fact, the right decision would be to improve your diet, review your hair care program, do not abuse curling irons and irons, and do not wash your hair every day. Following simple recommendations will help maintain the health and beauty of your curls.
