How to become the best mistress of a married man. The Rules of the Perfect Lover

If you are a lover who wants to keep a relationship with a man who has a permanent partner, then you need to know what to expect. Don't expect the relationship to develop into something more and stop being what it is now - a way to have a good time and not worry about the future. By becoming a mistress, you put everyone involved in this situation at risk. Take time to think about how you feel and how another woman might feel if she finds out about you. To be a lover, you must know what to expect, be able to play this role, and also think about the consequences of your actions.


Know what to expect

    Keep everything under wraps. It is very important to keep this relationship as secret as possible. Ideally, only you and your partner should know about it. Your close friend may also guess, but, nevertheless, try not to tell anyone else about your status as a mistress. Don't tag your partner on social media, don't invite them to holiday get-togethers with guests, and don't invite them to vacation together.

    Be prepared for changes in plans. Understand that your partner already has a close person whom he should put in the first place. It is likely that he will go to great lengths to keep the truth from coming out, so be prepared for a sudden change of plans. For example, you can agree on a joint dinner, but at the last minute a person can cancel everything if his significant other needs it.

    • It is useless to get angry or upset about canceled plans. It will most likely become commonplace.
  1. Don't ask where this relationship leads. There are circumstances due to which your partner does not leave his missus. There could be many reasons for this. For example, they have created a way of life from which it is difficult to get out. Or he wants to build a future with his soul mate, and he only needs you to have a good time and relax. Don't ask where your relationship is headed. The answer may disappoint you.

    • If you want to be in a relationship that has a future, consider finding someone who will put you first.
  2. Focus on time spent with your partner. Try not to think about the past or the future. Focus on the present. Enjoy the time spent together. And when you are not together, do not think about this person and do not wonder what he is doing now.

  3. Don't fall in love. It's natural to have feelings for someone you're romantically involved with. However, falling in love is likely to turn into mental anguish. Try to keep feelings light, even if it seems difficult. Feelings cannot be controlled, but you can make an effort and not give yourself completely to the relationship.

    • If you do fall in love, tell your partner about it. If he reacts negatively, it's best to move on. You can tell him: “I think I'm starting to have strong feelings for you. Do you feel the same? If not, how do you feel about what I just said?

    act like a lover

    1. Give your partner space. You do not need to write to him all the time and be the initiator of all your meetings. Most likely, he does not want to have several main partners in his life. He already has one, and your role should be different from hers. You have to be the one to whom they come to have a good time. Let the person take a break from you when you are not together.

      • Meet your friends. Have a good time. Don't worry about contacting him every five minutes or he'll start thinking you need more.
    2. Stay interested. When he writes to you, keep up an interesting conversation. The main duty of a mistress is to be cheerful and attractive. Short answers and indifferent behavior will make a man want to do something else or even just spend time with his main partner. Tell him funny stories. Ask how he feels. Surprise with plans to do something exciting.

      • Try to maintain a positive attitude. Most likely, the escape from reality is one of the main reasons that this person is with you.
    3. Don't ask questions. Look at spending time together as the only time your partner is your concern. If you are expecting a relationship to continue, don't ask, "Where have you been?", "Why didn't you call me?", or "Why are you always so busy." It's none of your business.

      • You yourself put yourself in this position, and there is no point in being jealous or surprised, because, getting involved in this, you already knew what was happening. Jealousy will only complicate the situation for both parties.
    4. Don't expect your partner to celebrate the holidays with you. If he cares enough about you, he might hang out with you the day before or after the event, but for the most part, don't expect any gifts, appreciation, or whatever. These days are usually reserved or reserved for the main girlfriend or wife. It might be okay to text him a Happy New Year/Christmas/Happy Birthday, but you definitely shouldn't call.

      • Do not try to contact him on Valentine's Day (if they celebrate this holiday with the missus).

    Consider Consequences

    1. Use protection when it comes to sex. Chances are your partner is still in a sexual relationship with their significant other. And they may or may not protect themselves. If you enter into an intimate relationship with this person, take care of your safety. Use the contraceptive that works best for you. Get tested immediately if you fear your sexual health is at risk.

      • Ask your partner if they have had an STD. This is a delicate topic to talk about, but a very important one nonetheless. Check if he has ever been tested for sexually transmitted diseases. If he answers no, ask if he is ready to take tests. You can offer to do it together.

A woman is a combination of a riot of elements. From the calm and peaceful elements of the air, to the burning touch of a hot flame. A woman is a vessel of passion, contradictions and desires. Desirable is that woman who is for a man one of the embodiments of the most frank fantasies and dreams.

Have you often noticed that representatives of the opposite sex do not always turn their attention to beauties? And some frankly not attractive women have a dizzying success with men.

It is impossible to be born into the world as an ideal lover, but almost every woman can become one. Even in those ancient times, covered in the twilight of history, men adored women who knew how to endear themselves, create an entourage of sensuality and mystery, and realize all kinds of fantasies and ideas in sexual relations. Remember at least geishas. A professional mistress had to satisfy a man in all plans. Physically and spiritually. The girls went through the strictest selection to become a skilled priestess, to have not only a beautiful appearance, but also an excellent education, the ability to conduct a dialogue and even play traditional musical instruments.

At different stages of human development, there were women who overshadowed the mind and heart with their splendor. Recall at least the courtesans, the brightest of them is Diane de Poitiers, who lived in the fifteenth century. This lady, with her mind, tenacious sexuality and charisma, was able to keep the king of France, Henry II, on a short leash, until his death, the king was fascinated by this woman. Have you already understood for yourself that you want to succeed in the art of seduction? Then you have to follow certain rules.

Competent presentation of oneself is the key to a third of success. A woman is not a means of satisfying a man's needs. This is, first of all, a psychologically and physically formed personality, with a certain psychotype and a model of behavior in society. Men love women who know their worth. Do not think that by playing the weak link in your tandem with a man, you will be desired by them. You must adapt to the mood of your partner. But don't bend over. Maneuver in difficult situations. Repeat to your man more often how extraordinary, strong, and brave he is.

Your appearance is your trump card

No matter how much you want to put on a soft, cozy robe and build a direct bun on your head, you should not do this in the presence of a man. After all, he "loves" with his eyes, and you must keep yourself in shape, beautiful underwear, good makeup, a slender figure. You should smell of perfume that excites him, you should look not just neat, but stunning. Not only in male society, but in general in life. Then success will await you.

A man will not like a radical appearance in the form of piercings or a large number of tattoos on the body. Remember Marilyn Monroe? This is a role model for you. Modest, but flashy sexuality. Follow the latest fashion trends and draw inspiration from them. First of all, you must have well-groomed hair, skin and nails, you must carefully monitor general and intimate hygiene, and if possible, visit beauty salons.

Learn and know.

Beauty alone is not enough to delight. Of course, at the initial stage of a relationship, you will keep a man with sex and your attractive appearance. But then he will get fed up and he will want new sensations. Men don't like pacifiers. You must be able to competently build your thoughts, express your opinion, have the knowledge to maintain a quality conversation.

You can be interested in the latest business trends, read something about hunting or fishing, maybe your lover is into astronomy, and you could discuss one of the works of Stephen Hawking. Even if you are not particularly interested, you still need to understand what hobbies and preferences your man has. Then it will be easier for you to strengthen your connection. A person, feeling that you are interested in the same thing, and he will like you.

There is no modesty in sex.

Sex is not just a missionary position a couple of times a week. If you want to keep a man, you must learn new techniques and sex positions. If he asks you to try anal sex, don't turn him down right away. Perhaps you will discover new facets of pleasure. Try role-playing games, or a change of scenery. Even if you don't get multiple orgasms, don't show it to your man.

The first rule of strong attachment is to keep falling in love. Each of your sexual contact should be bright and intense. Show how much you enjoy foreplay, make it clear that you are passionate about sex with this person. Change positions for sex, create an entourage with subdued lights and scented candles, have different sets of erotic lingerie, use devices or sex toys if your partner likes to experiment in bed.

Say "no" to a bad mood.

Don't ask for family leave. Even if you feel bad and cats scratch your soul, you can’t show this man. Your problems remain only purely yours. He can listen to complaints constantly and at home from his wife. For him, you are a kind of outlet from sometimes difficult and burdened family relationships. Be kind to him, gentle, speak affectionate words. You should not pull information out of him if he is in a depressed mood. Do not demand to leave your wife every day.

You must become for him the ideal of femininity and beauty. The man himself, gently pushed by you, must come to the realization that he wants to leave his wife. There must be a mystery in you, do not reveal yourself completely to a man. Men are hunters by nature. Who likes prey that climbs into its paws on its own? Try to surprise your beloved, make small surprises, gifts. A man should see you as a holiday. A fountain of energy, cheerfulness, not despondency or tears.

Don't show financial interest.

This is one of the main rules. Let a man give you gifts, flowers, jewelry, but clearly realize that you should not beg for anything yourself. Especially at the initial stage of development of relations. Make it clear to the chosen one that you do not need money, and you can afford to buy something yourself. But do not refuse gifts, over time, when affection for each other is stronger, you can get what you want with hints.

Do not complain about your financial problems, do not cry in front of a man. And if you were given, for example, financial assistance, you should not get carried away and ask again and again for money. A man will consider you too mercantile and will be afraid of relationships. Know that everything given to you by your partner is not your property, but his will.

Try to give back as well. It is wrong if you are given gold jewelry, and you get cheap deodorant in return.

Not tricky rules, right? But it is they who will lead you to success, and you can become the perfect lover for your man. You will be admired, you will be desired, the partner will feel a strong attachment not only on a sexual level, but also on a psychological level. Relationships will grow stronger. And what is important, you will be able to feel yourself on a completely different level, liberated, sexy and majestic. Becoming the only one for a man is not so difficult, and it is quite within the power of every woman.

As one folk wisdom says: "A woman should be the mistress in the kitchen, the lady in the living room and the passionate lover in the bedroom." The first and second can be easily learned, but if there are cooking courses and etiquette lessons, then the third is not taught anywhere.

That is why we invite you today to cast aside all prejudices and begin to comprehend the science of passion. And for this, we suggest that you take a look at the list of points, following which you, if you do not become an ideal lover, then get very close to her image.

A woman is both an apple and a snake

The ideal lover always feels and knows what her partner wants. She knows how and where it is better to caress him, what to whisper in his ear. Of course, she does not have the talent of a clairvoyant, she takes her knowledge from him, through a long conversation "about it." A lover is a woman who always exudes desire, she knows how to caress her partner and make love with pleasure, and not because she “must”. She wants to reach the highest point just like him, she wants new sensations and does not tolerate boredom.

She can always offer to try not only new positions, but also new places.

The lover should be well-groomed, charming, smart and a bit reckless. Otherwise, she will keep the man for the night, and she needs to remain in his memory forever. The most famous courtesans were Cleopatra, Josephine, Madame de Pompadour. You can always read their biography at your leisure and pick up something worthwhile for yourself.

The mistress makes her partner feel like a real man. Even weak men want to manage the situation at least in some way, which is why such an alliance is very strong.

There is a difference between a mistress and a wife, she considers her man a real holiday, while for his wife he has long become commonplace.

Love yourself! Unconditionally and unrequitedly, once and for all. The secret of geisha, who are considered one of the most skillful mistresses, is self-love. Admire yourself more often, tell yourself how beautiful you are and repeat that you are the best.

The woman was too smart, but this lack was compensated by her beauty.

Love your body the same way you love yourself. Not all of the fair sex have an ideal figure at all, you should not go on a year-round diet and starve yourself, find the weight in which you are comfortable. Love yourself, your legs, thighs, hair color.

A sparkle in the eyes always attracts a man, try not to walk tired all the time, but radiate energy and cheerfulness. A mistress always exudes desire, so you try to radiate at least something.

A special aura always hovers around the ideal lover, and it is she who is able to create the appropriate entourage in the bedroom. Pay special attention to your appearance, underwear, aromatic oils, all this can either increase the desire of a partner, or completely shine it on “no”. Think also about the colors that your man prefers, everything in you should kindle his passion, if for this you have to cook dinner in a negligee, there is nothing reprehensible in this.

It's time to surprise the man. It can be, for example, an unusual dinner, sparkling wine, goodies that he can lick off your body, but you should not overfeed your partner. With a full stomach, he is unlikely to be capable of a stormy night.

Pull pleasure, even if your man is already pretty inflamed, change positions, relax during lovemaking. After such outbreaks, even a relationship that has been drawn out by a routine can ignite with renewed vigor.

Every woman in the era of Alexandre Dumas dreamed of being a courtesan, now times have changed, and a bad lover, according to men, is much better than a good wife. Try to convince your man that he is the best and wonderful, and others simply do not notice this. Sometimes indulge your man with such piquancy as a striptease. Let from time to time a man conquers you again, what he got with difficulty is valued much higher.

Psychology 0

Hello everyone, lovely ladies! A true woman will make a lot of efforts to always. However, one cannot succeed in everything, and not everyone is a priestess of love, but in every person there is an excellent lover somewhere inside, despite decency and shyness.

Men's opinion

In this matter, the most important is the opinion of men, because girls are trying only for their day. I will dispel the myth that knowledge of postures is of great importance. In fact, they do not care how many positions and sexual techniques their chosen one knows. Unfortunately, women tend to forget about the elementary.

What should be a dream woman? Men's view.

  1. Shy woman with thoughts of a harlot. A similar type is to the liking of many representatives of the stronger sex. They are essentially hunters, and they are lured by a certain closeness. Such a person is a mystery to a real man, who, as it were, challenges him to solve it.
  2. A lady who knows how to take the initiative. Many representatives of the weaker sex believe that the first step should always be for a man. Based on stereotypes, I will dispel this myth. Of course, we want to see the perseverance of the conqueror. However, a man is the same person who wants to connect his fate with a lady who knows how to achieve her own. In no case should you run on the heels of the subject of adoration. Here work their feminine tricks. A lady should be interested in something new in a relationship, be able to express her feelings by speaking directly about them. Write to your chosen one at the end of the working day: “I am all in anticipation and burning with passion. Your playful kitty.
  3. Spontaneity and desire for sexual variety. Everyone has long known that married couples who have lived together for many years must work on relationships in order for them to develop. Each spouse will appreciate some spontaneous gift from his wife. You can try to have unexpected sex in an unusual place, visit a sex shop, or a sexy lingerie boutique. This allows you to brighten up everyday life, awakens desire and helps to let go of the most secret feelings out.
  4. Game lover. In many continents, a survey of men was conducted on this topic. Statistics show that this is one of the most secret desires. In this situation, a woman uses her talents in the game, turning into a sensitive conqueror of the heart of her chosen one. If your spouse is fond of computer games - it does not matter. Transform into a sexy heroine from his favorite game. Come up with an interesting plot. For example, 10 wishes that the main character needs to fulfill in order to win his lady of the heart.
  5. Confidence. It is probably no secret to anyone that men are attracted to self-confident ladies. And indeed it is. It is such a person who will not think about what kind of woman he will quickly get bored with, she will do everything possible to diversify her intimate life. Of course, if you use all the chips of a skilled priestess all the time, very soon it will turn into a boring everyday life. Sweets, as they say, should be in moderation. Only in this way will you turn your relationship into something amazing.

Learning to Express in Dance

Often, the fair sex simply does not fully understand the meaning of body movements, namely dance. First of all, it is an expression of one's emotions and experiences.

Men really like striptease: graceful, feminine and sexy body movements will not leave indifferent any, even the most closed, male. A huge plus of such hobbies is the correction of the figure, because in this case the area of ​​the hips, waist and décolleté is tightened.

Some ladies believe that these nuances are not so important and have nothing to do with the ideal lover. But you understand, dear readers, that this is completely absurd. With the help of simple methods, you can save a woman from complexes. It is the base on which everything else depends.

Don't be afraid to experiment

Perhaps the most difficult thing in this is to step over your principles and good upbringing. But, think about what new opportunities will open up for you. Men are very welcome massage. Tie him to the bed when you please. Find an erogenous area on the body and work it out with light erotic movements.

Play role-playing games and don't be afraid of them, try yourself in the role of different characters.

Be desirable for your man

Stop constantly dressing in home clothes like bathrobes and slippers! An alternative to this can be modern tight shorts and T-shirts. Wear only spectacular underwear. Even being in her own house, a woman should always remain desirable for her husband.

Be playful with your partner, but not too approachable. Thanks to such manipulations, you will awaken passion in him. This is how a real woman looks in the eyes of a man.

love yourself

Stop criticizing yourself all the time. To be successful in a relationship, you must see the positive side of yourself. Agree that a woman dissatisfied with herself will look pathetic and will not cause desire.

When you repeat for the hundredth time in front of your chosen one: “I have cellulite”, you lower yourself in his eyes and force you to focus on your negative sides. Even if you do not see beauty in yourself, just keep silent about the shortcomings and work on them. Then the figure will be good, and the complexion will change, and the mood. You will like yourself and get rid of the complexes.

By and large, there is no such concept that allows you to determine what an ideal woman should be in bed. Each male sees his own individual preferences here. Focus on the desires of your chosen one, and not your girlfriend or neighbor.

And remember the golden rule: always be yourself. No need to play someone else's role in life. Always behave naturally, do not impose, exclude pretense.

What delights men more than sex?

Now you know the main secrets of how to become an ideal lover, watch this video in addition, I learned a lot of important and useful things from there, and I recommend it to you!

You can get sexual education in the women's development center, look for all the details Here.

Dear ladies, bookmark the blog to come back here again and don't forget to share useful information with your friends on social networks. Bye everyone!

How to become a good mistress: 12 basic rules + 3 main mistakes + 7 best books on the topic + 5 recognized seductresses and their secrets.

Dear ladies, we give a tooth: you, like us, are sure that no one, even the most spiritual man, is interested in lying in bed with a “log” - even the most dear, beloved and warm.

Not all of you to talk about the meaning of life and the fate of mankind. And in general: in winter it is cheaper to warm up, making love, than individual heating turned on all the way.

Therefore, we arm ourselves with information, how to become a good lover and go to bed- become goddesses of intimacy.

12 basic rules on how to become a good lover or Code of conduct for an ideal woman

Rule number 1. A good lover is not shy in bed with a man- not your tummy, not simple cotton panties, not your desires.

Whatever happens between two adults behind a closed bedroom door is great as long as it's fun for both of them.

And if the mistress needs one liter of honey, handcuffs and an hour of time for this, then so be it.

Rule number 2. A good lover to the toenails.

She, as a marine, cannot be caught off guard: manicures, pedicures, sugaring - everything is present and in all places.

Rule number 3. A good lover perceives intimate relationships with a man as a wonderful celebration of life, and not as military service.

You won’t hear the classic “My head hurts” from her, because even remaining “in the passive” she is able to please her partner.

Rule number 4. An experienced lover knows that all men are sure that the main negative quality of a woman is commercialism, therefore she plays in contrast: does not require fur coats and diamonds after the very first night spent together, does not spread rot for cheap wine and easily agrees to a walk out of town by bus instead of the promised Turkey.

At first, the poor fellows tense up: did they manage to get on a crazy feminist or a business woman “hit” on money?

But when they realize that no one is going to take out their brains, they break into smiles and are eager to set a date for the next date.

Rule number 5. Good mistresses know how for a man.

Candles, delicious dinner, good wine, light music - not only girls like everything to be beautiful. In the end, men also need to switch from the bustle of work to love-carrots, which you will agree is difficult if you are met with a rolling pin in your hands and a cigarette in your mouth.

Rule number 6 and colorfully talks about what unearthly pleasure he gives her.

This is the rare case when there is never too much praise. After all, a man gets high not so much from the undisguised sexuality of a woman, but from the fact that his mistress wants him.

Yes, even stinking of fish and barbecue from a picnic!

Rule #7- she lets him go into a big and dangerous world.

Oh yes, and does not lead to a heart attack in bed with the notorious: “ Do you really like me? Do you love me". No, what are you - he just walked past your bed and thought: " Let me jump in there!».

Rule number 8. The mistress is really good, she is not afraid to spoil her man, giving out "above the norm" of emotions, feelings, poses from the "Kama Sutra" or culinary skills.

Consider it your investment in the relationship.

Remember, to whom little children run more willingly - to a strict father or a pampering, affectionate grandmother? That's the same...

And it is not for us to explain to you that all men, in fact, are grown-up boys. Pamper your baby and you will be rewarded three times.

Rule number 9. A good lover understands that intimacy is not classical poetry, where for centuries everything remains invariably beautiful and not a military charter.

Therefore, such a woman hands, feet and other parts of the body for experiments in the intimate sphere - from massage oils to a change of scene.

Rule #10

She's awesome, who can compare to her? And she remembers that her beloved is not her property.

Rule number 11. Becoming a good lover for a man will not work if you cannot shut up and stop teaching him about life.

And it doesn't matter where - in business, in bed or in the garden. Wise lovers "grow" real men for themselves, allowing them to fill their bumps in life.

Didn't show up on time from work and didn't call back? No hysteria! The mistress herself is sleeping peacefully, but a man can not count on a hot dinner and no less hot sex today.

Life lesson learned! No scandal or drama.

Rule number 12. A good lover for a man is not a drama woman, but a holiday girl - cheerful, smiling and easy-going.

All her minor problems, somehow unbeaten carpets, broken taps and a “frozen” computer, are solved without the participation of a man. Such a lover turns to him for help only in the most extreme case.

You, too, would not like to be invited home not for amazing sex, right - wash shirts, bake cheesecakes?

How to become a good lover fail: 3 unforgivable mistakes

Hmm, well, since you now clearly know what you need to do to become a good lover, remember what you can’t do so as not to die as an old maid surrounded by a dozen cats:

    imagine that love relationships, including intimate ones, are as globally important for your man as they are for you.

    « First of all, planes, but girls - then ...” – just about this.

    And if a man thinks all the time about how much he loves you and where to get you a “scarlet flower”, then he will have no strength left to earn his daily bread;

    buy clothes, paint, comb your hair, etc. at your own discretion, without regard to the tastes of men.

    Hey, you want this particular person to want you, to become a good mistress to him! Do you think he'll "check out" a trooper Jane haircut or a half-back tattoo?

    to get her way from a man with screams, tantrums and scandals.

    Well, you are not a Druzhba chainsaw, and your beloved is not an insensitive blockhead. If a man categorically does not suit you, change the man and, as they say in Odessa, “do not make nerves” either for him or for yourself.

7 books on how to become a good lover: a little theory and fight!

In the question of how to become a good lover, practice with your beloved man is of key importance (this is what you will do next weekend), but, of course, you can’t do without theoretical knowledge:

  • Lou Page "How to be a great lover";
  • A. Kurpatov “7 intimate secrets. Psychology of sexuality”;
  • P. Joanidis "The Bible of Sex";
  • S.Beikos “The Art of Sex. Everything a woman should know about sex”;
  • A. and Y. Dincheysi "Secrets of a magnificent mistress";
  • I. Aub "Kama Sutra";
  • I.Kon “The Taste of the Forbidden Fruit. Sexology for all.

"To hell with books! Better tell me who to take an example from to become the best lover for a man! Do you exclaim angrily? Sure, not a problem! Catch a list of five famous women who definitely have a lot to learn.

Who is a mistress? The rules of an extra-class mistress.

Do you apply these rules in your relationship with a man?

Learning from the best on how to become a good lover: 5 recognized seductresses

And now imagine what an explosive mixture can turn out for the male mind, body and heart, if you take into service all the secrets of the famous seductresses? Then it will be right for you too lecture on "How to be a good lover".

Inspired? Then go ahead - to charm your beloved man with your mind-blowing sexuality.

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