How to get your hair color back after dyeing? Hair coloring techniques, using home methods. Rapid recovery of gray hair color

Every girl at least once in her life dreamed of changing her image, for example, hair coloring. Those who still dare to take this step often face the problem of returning a natural tone. How and in what ways to do this without any harm - read this article.

How to restore the natural color of brunettes

Owners of blond dyed hair who want to return their natural dark color can achieve what they want in 1-2 trips to the salon. The colorist will have to work hard, because getting exactly tone on tone is very difficult. To do this, you will have to calculate the amount of the desired pigment (red, brown, black).

Bleached hair does not have its own pigment cells, it is dry, porous and absorbs dye like a sponge. The first dyeing often does not give the desired result, the color turns out to be unsaturated, faded, due to the fact that dried hair “eats” it. Re-toning and applying individual color nuances will fix this problem.

Note, when properly stained, the growing roots will completely merge with the length and look natural.

How to go back to natural blonde

Brunettes who decide to return a natural, light shade will be much more difficult. Especially if the hair has been dyed several times.

The only way to return the native blond is clarification, with a preliminary wash. It is important to understand that getting out of black or other dark shades is a laborious process that includes from 3 to 5-7 bleaching procedures, with breaks of 1-2 months.

At a time when the hair will rest from aggressive compounds, hairdressers are advised to do caring procedures aimed at restoring and nourishing (for example, keratin straightening, biolamination).

If the hair has been dyed in a dark shade for a long time, it is likely that it will not be possible to completely return the natural tone. In this case, the only way out is to grow your color, gradually cutting off the length.

Advice. Fatty, nutritious products will help get rid of the pigment. For example, masks, balms, conditioners aimed at recovery.

Ways to restore natural color

A haircut

The first thing that comes to mind for a girl who wants to return her natural color is a haircut.

You can decide on a radical change in image, cutting off most of the length, let it grow from scratch. Asymmetrical, with or without bangs - the master will help you choose a hairstyle that will help you look stylish even with short hair.

The second option is to grow, gradually cutting off the colored part. Suitable for those who do not want to drastically change their style, as well as lose length or change the style of the haircut.

It pays to be patient, because growing is a long process that will take a lot of time. The main advantage of this method is its low cost. As well as the opportunity to try on many other images while your hair grows.


Folk methods

Vegetable oils will help to wash off the artificial dye and restore the natural color. They penetrate deep into the structure, and, due to the high content of saturated acids and vitamins, help wash out the pigment.

Best suited:

  • coconut;
  • Shea Butter;
  • argan;
  • almond.

Advice. Before use, the oil needs to be slightly warmed up in a water bath. Apply a warm mixture to the length and roots of the hair. Remove under a warm cap or plastic bag, keep from 1 hour to the whole night. Repeat the procedure 2-4 times a week.

Vegetable oils can be used as a base for other homemade masks:

  1. Cinnamon. It will take: 2 tsp. cinnamon powder, a few tablespoons of olive oil (cold pressed), lemon juice, 2-3 drops of cinnamon essential oil. Heat the base oil, dissolve the ether and the rest of the ingredients in it. Apply to hair and root zone, leave for 30-40 minutes. The mask washes away dark shades well, and with frequent use it can lighten hair by 2-3 tones.
  2. Honey. In heated oil (almond and peach), dissolve a few tablespoons of fresh, flower honey. Apply the resulting mixture to the length, remove under cling film, leave for 20 minutes.
  3. Restoring. You will need: coconut oil, a few drops of your favorite ether, the pulp of one banana, honey. All components are mixed together, the fruit is puréed in advance. Apply the mixture to the entire length, leave for several hours, rinse with warm water.
  4. Vegetable oils go well with ingredients such as cognac, red pepper, ginger. They have a warming effect, helping all the useful components to penetrate deeper into the structure. It is enough to add 1 tsp. in any mask.

The modern beauty industry is developing extremely rapidly, coming up with more and more new technologies and formulas that allow you to quickly return to your natural shade. The main thing is to be patient, do not forget to properly care for your hair, and then the result will not be long in coming.

Useful videos

How to restore natural hair color?

How to get your hair color back?

Most women are constantly trying to change their appearance, they are supporters of change, which also applies to changing hairstyles.
After dyeing the hair, the result of the owner of the hair is not always satisfied, they begin to regret dyeing, and many of them hope to return their natural hair color. Often, the hair color that you expected to see in the mirror does not live up to expectations.
Don't panic about this. Masters from beauty salons have a special tool that is suitable in this situation - a hair color restorer. This tool returns hair color without negative consequences. Washing helps to remove dye from the hair, while providing a caring effect.

How can a color restorer help?

Hair wash is a universal tool for removing unwanted color and returning hair to a unique shade from nature.
Restore hair color at home and in the hairdresser. The process of hair restoration is called decapitation.

Home decapitation

With the right preparation of a natural hair color restorer, your curls will look healthy and attractive.
Women often use a natural wash of unwanted hair color. Washes are prepared from kefir, cognac, beer.
To return the hair to its original high-quality appearance, distribute any of these components on the hair, then rinse with water, apply one of the natural oils to the curls: vegetable, olive and burdock.
This procedure helps to restore the natural shade and strengthen the hair.

Salon decapitation

The most gentle on the hair is a natural wash of paint. There are other types of paint removers. It is a bleaching wash with a deep action and an acid wash with a superficial effect on the hair. These hair washes are the most harmful.
Washing the dye with a bleaching effect contributes to hair loss and disruption of their structure. But, despite these unpleasant moments, these washes promise a noticeable result.

Acid color restorer includes emollient components in its composition. It does not contain ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.

Acid wash is applied if necessary to correct or even out hair color.
Deep decapitation will give you a more noticeable result. A bleaching wash is used when the hair has been dyed several times and the color is uneven (spotted).

Color restorer with lightening effect can lighten hair up to four shades at a time. It is not a fact that the first time the hair will be the shade you need.
To reduce the stress on your hair, repeat the color wash after two weeks. After two procedures, you will achieve approximately the color that you need.
Be aware that washing off the color with this washer should be done by an experienced master.
There are times when a bleaching effect wash is applied after an acid wash has been applied. This happens in cases where the master has not achieved the desired result. The deep pickling agent contains an oxidizing agent.
When the hair is treated with a color restorer composition, with color heterogeneity, the composition must first be distributed to those areas in which the color is darker (spots), and then along the length of the hair.

Decapitation and restoration of curls

When you have had such a procedure as decapitation, the hair must be restored. Strengthening masks are distributed on the hair.
They are also prepared at home. A very effective mask with tincture of hot pepper. To prepare this mask, you need to take hot red pepper and dilute it with water in the same proportion. The resulting mixture must be distributed over the root zone.
If you want the effect of the mask to be stronger, you need to insulate your head with polyethylene and a warm scarf.
It is necessary to wash off the mask after twenty minutes. A mask of burdock oil, kefir and aloe, taken in the same proportion, also helps to restore the structure of curls, accelerate their growth, and help strengthen the hair follicle.

The timing of the appearance of gray hair is due to genetic predisposition. Too early graying is influenced by many factors that a person faces: it can be severe stress, lack of vitamins, illness, long-term medication. These and various other damaging factors can cause the hair to lose its own coloring pigment.
If the appearance of gray hair is associated precisely with damaging factors, then in order to restore the body as a whole, including the natural hair color, it is necessary to begin to apply a set of measures, among them the mandatory intake of vitamins and nicotinic and folic acids, as well as riboflavin and methionine.

Causes of early gray hair

Most often, trichologists associate the manifestation of gray hair with a lack of B vitamins and such useful components as zinc, chromium, copper, and iodine in the body. These useful substances for the body are washed out of the body under the influence of caffeine, so coffee should also be drunk in moderation.
Early graying is a signal that you need to change your eating habits and lifestyle.

It is believed that the number of hair follicles is laid in the womb, and then the hair grows only from some part of the follicular reserve, while the rest is in a dormant state. All modern methods of restoring hair growth and color are based on this theory.

How is high stress related to graying? Negative emotions cause a spasm of blood vessels in the human body, thereby preventing useful substances from nourishing the hair follicles. Hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy can also lead to graying.

Various mechanical damage to the hair can also lead to early graying: frequent use of irons, hair dryers, etc., which can also damage the structure and pigmentation of the hair. Frequent coloring, as you know, also does not have the best effect on the pigmentation of the hair. The paints contain substances that are not at all useful for hair, which can cause early graying. Those who do not like to wear a hat in the cold should think about the fact that this is also fraught with a violation of microcirculation and, as a result, can lead to the formation of gray hair.

Is it possible to restore the natural color of hair without resorting to dyes?

It is possible, but such methods are suitable if there are still few gray hairs and the process of graying is associated with disruption of the body.
Apart from taking vitamins and amino acids, good to do head massage from crown to forehead and back.

Essential oil of rosemary aromatherapists often advise against gray hair. In industrial products, rosemary extract is often included in hair care products. But pure essential oil will be many times more effective. Rosemary helps to enhance the process of hair pigmentation.

You can make oil masks by rubbing rosemary essential oil mixed with a base oil, such as amla oil, into the scalp. amla oil very common in India, it is able to thicken the hair shaft, accelerate hair growth, make them thick and smooth.

Essential oil of sage It is also considered an excellent tool for the prevention of early gray hair.
The restoration of natural color is also facilitated by active use of herbal decoctions for hair: acorns, onion peel, infusion of dill seeds and burdock roots, ginseng. These decoctions should be carefully rubbed into the scalp after washing.

Modern technology with the help of laser beams can also cope with the problem of graying. This procedure improves blood circulation and helps restore hair pigmentation.
Also, when graying, trichologists often prescribe courses of magnesia injections, taking mineral and vitamin complexes, and they can also prescribe a local “treatment” using special shampoos.

Specialists also use a number of other medical procedures: mesotherapy, darsonval, laser and electrical stimulation. These procedures are also able to enhance the production of their own pigment.

To prescribe this or that procedure, the specialist will first conduct a diagnosis by making a spectral analysis of the hair. And based on the results, he will select certain means and procedures. The effect of such procedures will depend on how many dormant follicles wake up after activation.

And “for dessert” I will give a very simple, interesting and slightly funny method used by naturopaths and Ayurveda specialists. The method is to rub the nails against each other. The simplicity of this method is that no auxiliary means are needed and this method has no side effects. It is necessary to fold the palms, aligning the nails of both hands against each other and make friction with quick movements.

The aforementioned experts claim that such a procedure will increase the flow of skin to the head and help strengthen the roots. The procedure should be done twice a day for 5 minutes. How quickly will results appear? In about a month, and after six months, you can be surprised at the result. This method helps with hair loss, promotes increased growth and the return of natural color. How to treat it, decide for yourself, but it definitely won’t get worse)

What to do if there is a lot of gray hair, simple methods of restoring the natural hair color do not help and you need to resort to frequent dyeing. What means to choose so as not to harm the hair? More on this in the next article.

Often we paint, but in the end we get not what we wanted. Or the shade is right, but it doesn’t suit us at all. Therefore, we want to consider how to return your hair color at home after dyeing, lightening and highlighting.

Back from dark shades

The most difficult thing is for fair girls who decide to return to their natural hair color. You need to be prepared for the following troubles:

  • light roots from afar will look like bald patches;
  • you can not use chemical brighteners, blondes have very thin curls, they can simply deteriorate after bleaching;
  • this is a rather lengthy procedure.

First you need to wait a few weeks from the moment of staining, at least two, this is a mandatory requirement. After we make an appointment with the hairdresser, and he, based on the type of curls, their condition and general color, will begin to draw conclusions and prescribe the procedure. Most often, it consists of a simple one in several stages, between which a break of a week is also taken.

We can advise at home to wet your hair with lemon juice, diluted with water, and dry it with a hair dryer. The paint from the oxidizer will wash off a little, the strands will brighten.

Become a brunette again

No less often, brunettes decide to radically change their image and become blondes. This, of course, is much simpler, because you can buy paint at home that matches the color of the curls as much as possible and tint it.

You can also return your natural hair color from a blonde using simple henna, but be prepared for the fact that she has very unpredictable reactions to perhydrol colors. You can become either brown or red, or green.

Perfectly darkens the hair mask of cognac and black tea. Mix the ingredients in half and rinse your hair with them, leave for an hour under a towel. You can repeat the procedure every other day.

Fighting gray hair

It is very difficult to restore gray strands after unsuccessful staining. Every day on the streets there are women whose curls have become yellowish-gray, and not ashy, due to prolonged coloring. Vinegar will help here (although our grandmothers believed that it also gives yellowness).

We can also recommend using lemon juice, it is completely without any chemistry.

A honey mask is also suitable for gray-haired women, it is done every other day for 40 minutes, and the effect will be noticeable after the third or fourth session, it all depends directly on the ingrained dye pigment in the hair.

Home ways to bring back the color

We considered the toughest options, but fortunately, not all girls decide on such a drastic step, and first they check their color type with different tint means. If you have touched up with henna or any other tint paint, then you can use the following to restore options:

  • kefir;
  • lemon;
  • orange juice;
  • chamomile decoction.

The principle of action is simple: wash your hair, then apply, for example, lemon juice, wait 20 minutes, wash your hair again and dry your hair. Let's see the effect. If necessary, you need to repeat, at a time you can carry out a maximum of 5 such procedures, each of which will help us become half a tone lighter, you see, the effect is not bad.

Photo - Two hair colors

WITH kefir we do exactly the same, but it can only be used once a day, it somewhat irritates the sebaceous glands, as a result, you can get rid of the hated hair color and get oily roots.

We recommend a very good recipe if the hair has turned yellow or darkened after repeated highlighting. We mix honey, lemon juice and a decoction of green tea, heat it up, use a very thick comb to spread the solution over the strands, leave it under a towel for half an hour, rinse with chamomile decoction or the same green tea.

Good folk remedies created based on burdock oil and lemon juice, this is a good mask not only for lightening, but also for giving strands shine and strength. We mix two tablespoons of ether and one chamomile, heat it up, apply it on the curls with a thin film, leave it for 40 minutes, you can do it every day.

The easiest way to deal with the consequences of such unsuccessful experiments is in the summer, since the sun itself washes out coloring pigments quite quickly, and if you also live near the sea, then salt water will greatly contribute to this. Of course, in three days you won’t return from black to white, but after about two weeks you will become much lighter without harm to curls.
Video: how to use Estel Color Off wash to remove hair dye

professional tools

Photo - Applying a hair wash

Home remedies are not suitable for everyone due to the fact that they take some time to manufacture, and the result will not appear immediately. How to return your natural hair color with purchased products? Very we recommend a wash from Londa, is a leading paint company that sells specialty color restoration products.

For example, if you need to quickly return the old hair color after bleaching, then simply swipe over the clarified or, conversely, darkened hairs with a sponge with lightening paint. Be sure to read the instructions before use.

Often after washing, you can not use a hair dryer or iron for a while, also try to avoid re-staining in the period of two weeks after the procedure. The advantages of this method:

  • after washing, the strands smell very good, and are absolutely not confused;
  • their structure is restored to some extent;
  • the only remark - do not use after henna, it can cause another unsuccessful attempt at transformation.
  • this is one of the few ways you can quickly return a white tint from a dark one at home.

The easiest way is to return the real red color and dark blond to the hair, the fact is that the red-haired beasts have a special pigment in the strands, which practically does not wash out at all and cannot be completely lightened. And after staining, you just need to wash your hair three or four times in a row, it’s checked - it works!

If you have found the best option out of all the suggestions on how to return your hair color, be sure to try it, but first we recommend reading reviews on the Internet and viewing a photo of the effect. We wish you successful reincarnations!

Hair color depends on the melanin pigment, which is synthesized less and less every year. However, this happens differently for each person. Many become completely gray at 35, others have a natural color until a very old age. Therefore, the restoration of gray hair is sometimes simply extremely necessary. Indeed, in people, especially young people, the appearance of the first bleached hair causes many complexes.

IMPORTANT! Some people, when they see a couple of gray hairs, pull them out, hoping that a non-gray one will grow in their place. This won't happen. In their place will appear the same gray, but coarser hair, so they will begin to stand out even more.

Methods for solving the problem of gray hair

Without melanin, hair becomes colorless, coarse. There are several ways to restore the color of gray hair, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. The easiest way is to start taking vitamins, as well as nicotinic, folic acids, methionine and riboflavin. ()

With their help, you can stop graying. However, if gray hairs nevertheless appear and they spoil the appearance, then you should think about restoring the natural color.

This will help:

  1. Cosmetical tools

Professional dyes will hide gray hair, but do not forget that they all contain chemicals that weaken and damage the hair structure. You will have to tint your hair every two weeks, as the roots become visible. Is it possible to do highlighting on gray hair? Of course, but first you should try to return the hair color in more gentle ways.

If there is not a lot of gray hair yet, then you can use a tint balm or shampoo, the color of which should completely match the natural shade of the hair.

Cosmetics include:

  • shampoos - toners to give natural hair color,
  • conditioners - toners that enhance the effect of shampoo,
  • creams - toners that continuously restore gray hair from tips to roots, as they penetrate into the hair structure, protecting it from damage,
  • sprays - toners for gray hair almost immediately give a visible result, transform even weak and thinning hair. Pigments evenly color the hair along the entire length, giving the graying strands a rich and vibrant color, nourishing them.
  1. Diet

Trichologists (specialists in the treatment of hair and scalp), both domestic and foreign, believe that the body of a graying person lacks B vitamins (B6, B2, B1, B12), zinc, chromium, selenium, copper, iodine, pantothenic and paraaminobenzoic acids. Some of these substances are washed out of the body by high doses of caffeine or diuretic drugs.

What to do? At the moment, scientists have found that for complete health, a person needs to receive 600 nutrients. Many don't even get a fifth. Therefore, it is necessary to diversify the diet as much as possible.

The table shows the necessary elements that will prevent gray hair and foods that need to be included in the diet.

The most useful products
Required Items Products
Manganese Oats, soy and soy products, cranberries, rose hips, chestnuts, wheat bread. BUT! A high content of this element disrupts the absorption of copper and iron.
Copper seafood, fish, bovine liver, wild rose, hawthorn, wholemeal flour, legumes, blackcurrant, pumpkin, zucchini.
Zinc wheat grains and wheat bran, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, fish and cattle liver. To a lesser extent found in squid, brewer's yeast, egg yolks, nuts, onions, garlic, beans, peas.
Cobalt , tea, milk, beef kidneys, liver, rose hips, beets, black currants, eggs.
Tyrosine liver, cereals, bread, poultry meat, sesame, seeds.
Para-aminobenzoic acid Yeast, kidneys and liver of animals, as well as birds. A smaller amount is found in milk and almost none in vegetables.
  1. Folk remedies will help

Restoring hair color from gray hair is possible with the help of natural dyes. For brunettes and brunettes, a decoction of acorns is well suited. A reddish tint will give a decoction of onion peel. Its concentration should depend on what shade you want to get. Nettle gives a chestnut color, and a golden hue is obtained from a decoction of chamomile.

Many argue whether henna paints over gray hair or not, about this in ours with real recipes, reviews and a survey.

You can stop the graying that has begun. For this, an infusion of dill seeds and burdock roots is suitable. It is necessary to mix two tablespoons of the ingredients, pour them with a liter of boiling water and close the lid. Let it brew for three hours, then strain.

Rub the resulting infusion daily into the hair roots, massaging the scalp lightly. It is better to do this in the morning and in the evening for two months. If desired, the course can be continued for longer. Such a tool will help stop graying for a while and make your hair shiny and strong.

You can use a decoction of ginseng. It is necessary to grind the ginseng root, pour it with a glass of boiling water and cook on low heat for about 15 minutes. The broth is cooled, filtered and regularly rubbed into the scalp.

The following mask will help remove the yellow tint. Mix a tablespoon of coconut oil with half a glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Such a mask should be rubbed with massaging movements into the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hair roots every other day. You can rub cabbage, raspberry or apricot juice into the scalp. (and a complete guide about “ “, it is currently being updated and supplemented.)

Gray hair, especially early gray hair, is a signal that something needs to be changed in life. Review your diet and habits. After graying hair, it is very difficult to return them to their previous color. It is much easier to tackle your hair at an earlier stage.
