How to choose sunscreen. Sunscreen: features of choice and application

The appearance of the sun after a gloomy winter is always a joy. But do not forget that ultraviolet is very insidious. In large quantities, it can not only warm, cheer up and give a beautiful bronze tan, but also provoke serious skin problems. In this case, a huge amount of funds is released annually, much needed in the beach season. Among them, SPF 50 sunscreen is in particular demand. Which is the best one on offer today and what should be considered when choosing?

What is it needed for?

Experts distinguish two types of ultraviolet radiation: UVB and UVA. The first contributes to the manifestation of sunburn. The second is able to penetrate deep into the skin, cause early wrinkles (photoaging) and serious cellular changes. It is especially dangerous when this exposure contributes to the development of cancers. More often, the female half of humanity is subject to this.

Sunscreen cosmetics have a special property - to reflect being a kind of shield for human skin. It protects her not only from burns, but also from negative processes that can make themselves felt after a while. However, when choosing such a tool, you need to pay attention to the level of protection.

What do the numbers mean?

As a rule, on a tube of sunscreen there are numbers: 5, 15, 25, 30 or 50. These are indicators of the degree of protection from the sun. SPF 50 sunscreen has the highest level. Which is better to choose? Anyone with a similar marking. It protects the skin from harmful sun exposure. According to the percentage table, it corresponds to 98%. However, not all people need such an indicator. It all depends on individual skin pigmentation.

skin type

Dark and swarthy skin is the least susceptible to ultraviolet exposure. Nature has given people with such pigmentation a special resistance, so they do not need special cosmetics. The lighter the skin, the more its need for quality, which guarantees SPF 50 sunscreen. Which one is better for blondes with light eyes and white skin (Europeans)? Only with maximum protection! Alas, this type is at risk. Therefore, he simply needs a powerful block filter of ultraviolet radiation.

Which to choose?

The range of sunscreen cosmetics today is incredibly wide. Understanding the levels of protection is not a problem. But each brand has certain chips in the composition or rules of use. That is what you should pay attention to. So, the consistency of the cream is an important selection criterion. It should not be very dense, but not liquid either. When buying, you can take a small fence and evaluate the absorption properties without leaving the counter. For many buyers, the cost of the cream is also important. Ideally, when the price matches the quality of the product.


Sunscreen cosmetics can have a different set of components. In addition to the main substances or filters that protect against solar radiation, some creams, for example, add oily substances, wax, silicone. And this is contraindicated for problem skin. Allergy sufferers also need to be careful: natural ingredients like honey, citrus and herbal extracts can cause irritation. Today one of the leading places is occupied by the cosmetic brand "Aven". Sunscreen SPF 50 from this manufacturer contains mineral components that allow the skin to breathe. The natural screen also has excellent moisturizing properties. It lays down evenly and perfectly protects the skin from the sun.

Sun Energy is a sunscreen designed specifically for problematic and sensitive skin. The series includes not only UV-reflecting products with different levels of protection, but also a soothing after-sun milk. Another brand that is in demand is Bark. Despite the natural composition, sunscreens from this brand are considered hypoallergenic. They are great for sensitive skin types.

For face

It is necessary to distinguish between such cosmetics and their purpose. So, there is a sunscreen for the face SPF 50, which has not only protective, but also moisturizing and matting properties. It was created specifically in order not to overload the dermis and give it the opportunity to breathe. Such universal means include products from the Faberlic company. The cream block masks age spots, freckles, redness, wrinkles. But most importantly, it perfectly performs its main function - it protects against ultraviolet radiation.

The Babor company, in turn, offers a unique sunscreen SPF 50 for the face with a micro-peeling effect. It contains mineral particles that prevent premature aging of the skin, giving it a natural, radiant appearance. And the products from the company "Mathis" are aimed at protecting, whitening and moisturizing the skin of the face. It has a light texture and is suitable for all skin types.

For body

SPF 50 from the cosmetic company Avon has good protective properties. However, allergy sufferers should carefully study its composition. Since customer reviews indicate that this product may cause irritation. A series of funds from the promoted professional brand "Garnier" also boasts a high level of UV protection. Moreover, the products are designed for the body and face of people of all ages.

L'Oreal branded SPF 50 products are no less in demand. The line includes various products: milk, oil, cream, spray. They can be used on the body and face with any skin type. Sunscreen with protection level 50 has a light texture, is quickly absorbed and spreads over the skin. It prevents burns by helping the body get an easy and safe tan.

For children

Cosmetics for children have long been a rarity in the Russian beauty market. Its range is also wide in terms of price and quality. Children's sunscreen SPF 50 is used for babies with delicate white skin. It is also necessary for small allergies with sensitive dermis.

One of the most popular today is the cream "My sun" (sun protection SPF 50). It blocks the sun as much as possible, retaining moisture and preventing burns. It contains safe filters, vitamin E and calendula extract. For children's and young skin, SPF 50 sunscreen from the popular Nivea brand is also suitable. It has a light texture and moisturizing properties. Contains natural ingredients.


An important role in the choice is played by the cost of the product. There is an ingrained stereotype: bad products are cheap, and vice versa. However, today there are products with an ideal price-quality ratio. These include the brands "Clean Line". Their average price is 200 rubles. They contain herbal extracts and other natural ingredients that do not cause allergies.

Vichy products are considered inexpensive and of high quality, in particular SPF 50 sunscreen. Its price, as a professional cosmetic product, is quite affordable - about 400 rubles. In return, the buyer receives maximum UV protection and skin hydration. The cheapest and not inferior in terms of protection is products from the Chudo-Lukoshko company. The domestic brand produces SPF 50 with other levels of blocking filters. It has a pleasant smell, a standard recipe and has high hypoallergenic properties. Its cost does not exceed 250 rubles.

As a comparison, here are a couple of expensive brands involved in the production of block creams. Biotherm is one of them. Signature body sunscreen SPF 50 reliably protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation and has a convenient package. However, its cost is several times higher than the average price indicators - 1000 rubles. Another luxury product is the cream block with filter 50 from L'ERBOLARIO. Despite the oil base, it has a fairly light texture and is quickly absorbed by the skin. However, prices for it exceed 900 rubles, depending on the region. Among children's cosmetics on the price scale, the most affordable is the cream "My Sunshine" (sun protection SPF 50) - only 130 rubles.


Cosmetics blocking ultraviolet radiation have special rules for use, which must be followed in order to obtain the most positive effect:

  • Sunscreen SPF 50 should be applied approximately 20 minutes before sun exposure. During this time, he manages to absorb and begin to act favorably on the skin.
  • Any product of this type has a water-repellent property. In practice, it looks a little different. The top layer of the cream is washed off, while the bottom layer protects the skin from sun exposure. However, if a person is at the beach, in an outdoor pool and spends a lot of time in the water, then the product (especially children's sunscreen SPF 50) should be applied every two hours.
  • It is better to take a tube of protective cream and spend it in one season. Even if there is enough product left in the package, it should be discarded. In a few months, the cream may deteriorate and lose its blocking properties. And this is fraught with burns and other unpleasant consequences.


Many buyers ask when choosing an SPF 50 sunscreen: "Which is better to take?" The seller, of course, will be based on the price or popularity of the product. However, UV cosmetics are a matter of health. Therefore, it is better to consult a dermatologist for advice. It is he who will give the correct guide to the choice, taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin.

What should be a good sunscreen, what ingredients provide optimal protection and what criteria should be used to protect against harmful UV rays.

In summer, a cream with an UV protection factor is a must for everyone, but those who take special care of themselves, and in particular about preventing premature skin aging, and in winter also use a cream with SPF, as UV rays destroy collagen in skin cells.

The best sunscreen - what should it be?

Now the market for sunscreens is being reformatted a little, as new scientific research and requirements for the spectrum of protection have appeared.

So, if earlier it was considered sufficient to simply provide protection against UVB rays, today there is an increasing demand for products that can provide protection against UVA rays.

What are UVA and UVB?

UVB are the same rays that cause burns. We feel the destructive effect of these rays almost immediately. The SPF factor on the packaging of the cream indicates protection against these rays.

UVA - ultraviolet rays, the effect of which is felt over time. They are considered the main culprits of premature skin aging. UVA does not cause burns, but it penetrates deep and destroys collagen. It has been proven that 90% of age-related changes in the skin occur due to ultraviolet rays.

So far, there are no ratings that can measure the level of protection against these types of beams. But still, today many manufacturers indicate on the packaging if the cream also protects against UVA rays. Western firms write "Broad Spectrum" and Asian PA ++ (the more pluses, the higher the level of protection).

For most people, a factor 15 cream is enough to get the optimal level of UVB blocking. More is needed only when the skin is very fair and sensitive.

A cream with a protection factor of 30 does not filter UV rays 2 times better. Factor 15 - blocks 93% of the rays, and factor 30 - 97%. As you can see, the difference is small.

The main criteria for choosing a cream with SPF

  • SPF factor not less than 15, but better than 25-30;
  • In addition to protecting against UVB rays, ingredients that block UVA rays must be present (next point);
  • The list of ingredients must contain at least one of the following ingredients: ecamsule( Mexoryl SX ) ,avobenzone, oxybenzone, titanium dioxide, sulisobenzone, zinc oxide.
  • Sunscreen should not come off when a person is bathing, or at least when sweating. On the packaging, be sure to look for the inscription "waterproof".
  • For children, use titanium dioxide or zinc oxide creams as these mineral blocks are not absorbed but provide protection by remaining on the surface of the skin.
  • Many manufacturers, in addition to ingredients to protect the skin from harmful UV rays, add caring and moisturizing substances. Additional ingredients such as natural oils, herbal extracts or hyaluronic acid for hydration are always welcome in a sunscreen.

Knowing how to choose the right sunscreen is very important, since not everyone fulfills their tasks, as the manufacturer promises. So, according to statistics, at least 30% do not provide the necessary protection.

When and how to apply sunscreen

Choosing the right remedy is very important, but it is equally important to use the remedy correctly. Few people know that sunscreen must be applied in large quantities to the skin. Manufacturers recommend using at least one teaspoon of face and neck cream. But that's not the only thing you need to know:

  • Sunscreen should be applied at least 20-30 minutes before going outside;
  • When applying, do not ignore the lips, skin around the eyes, ears;
  • Sunscreen needs to be updated every 2 hours, but only if you were outside during these 2 hours;
  • The production date is very important. The fresher the cream, the better, as sunscreen loses its effectiveness over time;
  • Sunscreen is needed even when it's cloudy outside. Ultraviolet rays can easily penetrate clouds.

In the summer, using a good sunscreen is not enough, don't forget glasses, hats and sleeves when you're going to be outside for a long time.

Don't worry about vitamin D, a UV protection cream does not interfere with the synthesis of this vitamin in the skin cells, because, again, no cream blocks 100% of UV rays.

Do you work in the beauty industry?.

After plastic surgery.

With photodermatosis.

General recommendations for choosing sunscreens for residents of mid-latitudes

On weekends, we often want to go for a walk: go to the park, take a walk along the sea coast or go on a picnic. A pleasant walk should not be neglected, however, for the skin, it is worth choosing a product with SPF 20-25 protection - it will protect against possible problems during prolonged exposure to the sun.

If the skin undergoes serious cosmetic procedures or is prone to hyperpigmentation, in the spring and summer, day creams with serious protection should be used - SPF 25-30. By the way, when applying several products with different degrees of protection, the numbers are not summed up. If you put on a day cream with protection 10, and on top of a sunscreen with SPF 15-20, then a stronger one with protection 15-20 works.

Sunscreen for children, how to choose

The skin of children is especially delicate, and therefore it is important for parents to take care of its protection. Let's note some important rules.

Babies can be under the sun without protection for no more than 10 minutes.

Special means are used from 3 years of age. This is no coincidence, since it is believed that sunbathing before this age is quite dangerous. Some cosmetic companies produce products that can be used from 6 months.

While on vacation near the sea, you should take care of light clothing that will reliably protect the skin of the child - a panama hat, a shirt made of thin fabric and loose trousers will not restrict movement and allow the baby to tinker in the sand.

You can not take sunbaths from 10 to 16 hours - the sun is most active at this time of day. You should also limit outdoor activities during this time.

Special products for children should not contain alcohol, flavored fragrances.

RAD SPF 15 Environ (from 6 months), Nivea Sun Care, Biocon, Bioderma, LaRoche-Posay, Leirac and many others can be recommended as effective sunscreens for children.

How to apply sunscreen correctly?

The cream is applied 30 minutes before sun exposure.

The product is applied again after each bath. If the cream is waterproof, then you need to renew the layer every 1.5-2 hours.

Means are used even on cloudy days.

For a more even tan, lightly exfoliate the skin before applying sunscreen.

Sunscreen with SPF 50 is applied to moles and age spots.

Choose sunscreen cosmetics depending on the light type of the skin. Do not assume that a higher degree of protection will allow painless exposure to the sun for a long time.

Despite the fact that creams can protect the skin, you should not neglect the basic rules of sun exposure. For example, doctors do not recommend being on the beach from 11 am to 4 pm - it is at this time that the sun is most active, and instead of relaxing, you can easily get sunstroke as a result of overheating, as well as reduce the body's natural defenses.

If you go on vacation and plan to get a beautiful tan, choose products with different protection: stronger and weaker. A cream with stronger protection is used at the very beginning of sunbathing, in the first days of tanning. Together with the first tan, the skin acquires natural protection and it will be much more difficult to burn later. It is at this time that you can choose a cream with lighter protection, which will allow you to maintain a beautiful and even tan. Last but not least, you can apply oil to the skin, which will carefully care for the skin and save a beautiful shade.

Sunscreens: rating and review

La Roche-Posay Sunscreens (30, 50+ SPF)
La Roche-Posay thermal water facial sunscreen, formulated with both physical and chemical filters, protects against broad-spectrum UVB and UVA rays.

Sunscreen Garnier(Garnier Ambre Solair SPF 20, 30 and 50) - combines reliable protection against sunlight and premature aging. Creams are easy to use: easy to apply and quickly absorbed. The composition includes a protective formula Mexoryl, which blocks the destructive effects of UVA and UVB rays.

Sunscreen Shiseido(SPF 30, 50) - effectively protects against ultraviolet radiation and blocks the appearance of new wrinkles, reduces the manifestations of photoaging and pigmentation. It is water repellent.

(SPF 30) - the ideal cream for UV protection, blocks the appearance of age spots. Thanks to the content of vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, as well as karanha, avocado and coconut oils, it provides reliable nutrition and hydration of the skin. The cream is easy to use.

Sunscreen Bioderma(Bioderma) - the series includes products with various degrees of protection designed to care for sensitive skin. The composition includes minerals, vitamins, plant extracts, as well as special highly active complexes that prevent the formation of wrinkles and slow down the aging process.

Sunscreen Vichy(Vichy Ideal Soleil) is a light fluid spray that is conveniently applied to the skin and quickly absorbed, providing reliable and lasting protection (SPF-30). The series also contains creams and serums with varying degrees of protection.

(SPF 50) - effectively protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation. It contains peptides that enhance the synthesis of collagen and hyaluronic acid, penetrating into the deepest layers of the skin. The special component Chromabrite prevents the appearance of age spots, and also evens out skin tone. Vitamins E and A protect against the effects of free radicals. The cream is easy to use.

L'Oreal Sublime Sunscreens(SPF 15, 20, 30) - products do not cause allergies, prevent photoaging, the formation of age spots and wrinkles, nourish and moisturize the skin. The perfect texture leaves no sticky or greasy residue.

Nivea Sunscreen Series(Nivea Sun 20 and 30) - products combine a care program for adult skin, and also provide reliable protection against ultraviolet rays.

Oriflame Sun Zone Sunscreen SPF 30 - saturates the skin with vitamins, moisture, and also provides reliable protection against sunburn and harmful radiation.

Sunscreens Sisley(Solaire Global Anti-age SPF 15, 30 and 50) - combines effective protection against UVA / UVB rays while actively fighting age-related changes in the skin. Such a cream can be advised to women suffering from first wrinkles, lack of moisture and hyperpigmentation.

Sunscreen La Mer SPF 30 - thanks to a light formula, they are ideally applied to the skin and protect it from harmful radiation. In addition, the formula is enriched with algae extracts that care for problem skin.

Clinique Sunscreens SPF 35 and 50 - a small stick (35) ideally protects especially sensitive areas of the body (lips, skin around the eyes, ears, moles). The cream is easy to apply, perfectly absorbed, nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Sunscreen actively protects the skin of the face and body from hyperpigmentation.

Uriage sun protection series includes various products (milk, oils, creams, sprays) that have varying degrees of protection against UV rays. Separate cosmetics can be used for children over 4 years old.

Sunlight, in the spectrum of which 10% is ultraviolet rays, has a powerful biological effect. They contribute to the formation of vitamin D, which is necessary for the absorption of calcium, improve blood circulation in the skin, increase immunity, have a bactericidal effect, etc.

However, the effect of solar radiation is twofold. The recommendations of dermatologists and cosmetologists to use sunscreen for the face and body are aimed at reducing the negative effect of sun exposure on the skin and the human body as a whole. It is necessary to understand how to use and which protective agent to choose.

Negative effects of sunlight

Their negative effect is mainly due to exposure to excess ultraviolet radiation. In particular, it leads to the accumulation of free radicals and reactive oxygen species that have a destructive effect on tissues, to the destruction of the water-lipid mantle, damage to elastin and collagen proteins, resulting in dry skin, reduced elasticity and firmness, folds and wrinkles, etc.

In addition, taking certain medications, improper use of perfumes, various cosmetics, which include lavender, rose, bergamot and other oils, even some sunscreens, an unfavorable ecological environment - all this greatly increases the degree of damaging effects of solar radiation.

So, as a result of excessive insolation:

  • photoaging of the skin is accelerated;
  • weakened general and local immunity;
  • allergies are provoked and the course of autoimmune diseases is exacerbated;
  • there are photodermatoses and skin ones, including;
  • existing dermatological and general somatic diseases are exacerbated.

What is solar radiation and how can one explain the twofold contradictory nature of its effect on the body? A general idea of ​​its types and the mechanism of action of various protective agents helps to understand how to choose a sunscreen so that it not only neutralizes the negative effect of the sun, but does not cause any complications itself. This is especially important for problematic facial skin.

The sun's rays consist of electromagnetic waves of different lengths that make up the visible spectrum, infrared and ultraviolet. The most dangerous for the skin in terms of damaging effect is ultraviolet (UV), which, in turn, also consists of waves of various lengths: UVC - 200-280 nm, UV-B (short) - 280-320 nm, UV-A (long) - 320-380 nm. The first, the most dangerous and generally destructive for all living things, are almost completely absorbed by the protective ozone layer of the Earth and almost do not reach its surface.

UV-B radiation mainly affects the surface layers of the epidermis and, in small doses, promotes tanning, stimulates the synthesis of vitamin D in the body, improves blood circulation due to moderate expansion of the capillaries of the dermis. But in higher doses, it leads to sunburn, induces the secretion of EGF (endothelial growth factor), which provokes the further development of melanoma and various other forms of precancerous and malignant neoplasms.

At the same time, UV-A rays are much more aggressive: if UV-B rays are almost 90% delayed by the epidermal layers, then 50-60% of the dose of the former penetrate into the dermis (reticular and papillary layers). In addition, their action is characterized by a cumulative effect. Long-term UV-A exposure to open areas of the skin is the cause of the formation of pigment spots and dystrophic changes in the connective tissue structures. Even more dangerous are the damaging effect of UV-A rays on the DNA of cells and the processes of mutation in them, leading to the development of melanoma and other tumors.

Composition of sunscreen

It must meet the following basic requirements:

  • absorb or reflect UV-B and UV-A rays as much as possible;
  • have a low degree of penetration through the stratum corneum;
  • must be resistant to light and temperature;
  • should not irritate the skin;
  • must be non-toxic and preferably hypoallergenic.

It includes ultraviolet filters, or screens. Depending on the chemical structure and the principle of the protective effect, sunscreens may contain components that combine three groups:

  1. Compounds of mineral origin, or inorganic, which include mainly zinc dioxide, titanium dioxide and iron oxide (only in day colored cosmetic creams and in decorative cosmetics). They, without penetrating into the dermis, function immediately after application and it is on the surface, in the epidermal layer, refracting and reflecting the sun's rays, like a mirror.
  2. Chemical, which are organic compounds. They form a thin film on the surface, penetrate deeper, absorb ultraviolet rays, which are transformed into photoisomers. As a result of the reverse reaction, the energy of the latter is released in the form of harmless long waves. The action does not begin immediately, but 20-30 minutes after the application of the drug. These substances include octoprilene, cinnamates, mexoril, oxybenzone, camphor derivatives, avobenzone, or parsol, benzophenone, and some others.
  3. Antioxidants that are not sunscreen in the truest sense. But they help the body's defense systems of the same name to eliminate the harmful effects of sunlight.

Sunscreens usually contain several natural ingredients containing plant bioflavonoids, vitamins “E”, “C”, “K”, minerals selenium, zinc.

The natural sunscreen includes filters only of the first and third groups, as they are neutral and do not enter into chemical reactions. How to replace them, especially in the presence of problematic facial skin? Recently, some companies have been producing preparations with natural vegetable oils that have an average and high degree of protection from the sun - sunflower, carangi, avocado, olive oils. You can use your own products instead of factory-made preparations - sunflower, olive, sesame, soybean oils. But the degree of their protection against ultraviolet rays, especially from UV-A, is rather low.

How to use

The effectiveness of any protective agent lasts no more than 1.5 - 2 hours, after which it must be applied again. It should be applied to dry skin, preferably half an hour before going outside.

Chemical filters can cause allergic reactions and skin irritation, contribute to the formation of free radicals, and reduce the antitumor protection of tissues. Effective creams should include at least two photoprotective components. People with allergic reactions and diseases, dermatitis of any origin should use only natural preparations.

In what form is it better to use such creams?

  • For oily or combination skin, gels, light texture emulsions or lotions with matting effects are more suitable;
  • for dry, especially in the presence of a different nature of dermatoses - products in the form of milk or a moisturizer containing hyaluronic acid and antioxidants or natural vegetable oils. The facial products additionally include other ingredients that protect the skin from aging, for example, some substances from age spots, light-reflecting, moisturizing ingredients, coenzyme Q 10, yarrow and chamomile oil, etc.

Which is better - sunscreen or spray?

The spray is very easy to use, evenly applied and distributed over the surface of the skin, does not stick to it, does not pollute the hands. Its main disadvantage is the lack of resistance to water. There are also waterproof sprays. But due to the high consumption, they are uneconomical, in addition, they contain mainly chemical filters, sometimes alcohols and can cause an allergic reaction, a feeling of dryness or irritation in case of problem skin.

How to choose sunscreen

It is desirable that it has a broad spectrum of activity and protects against UV-B and UV-A. It is imperative to pay attention to the expiration date of the drug and, in order to avoid negative skin reactions, do not use an expired product.

In order to decide which cream is better, in addition to individual characteristics, it is also necessary to take into account its compliance with your skin phototype through the index on the package. For phototype:

  • I corresponds to a cream with an SPF index of 50 units;
  • II - SPF 20 or 30 units;
  • III - SPF 15-20 units;
  • IV-VI - enough SPF 4 units.

The SPF index, or sun protection factor, is a rating that indicates the degree of protection against exposure to only short UV-B rays. The index number is the result of the ratio of the time of first redness on sun-protected skin to the time of first redness on unprotected skin.

That is, this index is an indicator of the increase in the time of possible exposure to the sun. Despite the large numerical difference, the difference between them in the absorption or reflection of rays is not so significant, for example, a cream with an index of 15 protects against 93% of UV-B rays, 30 - 97%, 50 and 50+ - 98-99%. For the face and other most sensitive areas of the body, it is recommended to use a cream with spf 50, especially for the nose, auricles, eyelids, thighs, décolleté zone, as well as in the first days of tanning.

A cream only labeled SPF can protect against burns, but not against the penetration of UV-A rays. To limit the latter, there are brands of sunscreen with ppd - permanent pigmentation darkening factor, or delayed secondary pigmentation. The number with this abbreviation means how many times less rays of this type will penetrate the skin.

The best option is to use sunscreens with both protection factors, the ratio of which is: SPF / PPD = 2/3. Creams with this ratio of factors provide the most effective protection against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

Currently, sunscreens are not only a necessary part of the treatment of dermatoses, their prevention and malignant neoplasms, as well as reducing the degree of premature skin aging, but, if these products are used correctly, they are an important component of cosmetic daily care for healthy skin. Is it possible to tan while using them? Yes, more than that, they provide a gradual uniform beautiful tan.

The main rules for choosing a good sunscreen. How often do you need to apply the cream on the face and what SPF is recommended to use.

The importance of sunscreen

Scientific research suggests that up to 90% of skin damage associated with early aging and wrinkling is caused by the sun. During tanning, aggressive ultraviolet rays penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, disrupting the normal functioning of cells.

It is important to use sunscreen on your face on any sunny day and even in the city, not just when you go to the beach. However, what parameters should you pay attention to when choosing a good sun cream and what level of SPF protection is best to use?

What is SPF?

SPF ( Sun Protection Factor, English: sun protection factor) is the degree of protection from the sun or the proportion of solar radiation that reaches the skin. Marking SPF10 means that when applying the cream, only 1/10 (or 10%) of ultraviolet rays will have an effect on it, SPF50 - 1/50 rays (or 2%).

In fact, 10 minutes of sun exposure without sunscreen is the equivalent of 300 minutes of tanning with a properly applied SPF30 lotion. However, the mechanics of applying sunscreen and reapplying it regularly are critical to your overall protection.

How to choose the degree of sun protection?

In most cases, for everyday use in the city, a face sunscreen with SPF15 protection is suitable, for the beach - a cream with SPF30 and above. However, for extremely light skin and in the first days of tanning, it is recommended to use a cream with an increased protective factor - up to SPF50.

However, you need to understand that a higher SPF does not always mean stronger sun protection. No matter how high the SPF is, sunscreen must be reapplied every two hours to maintain proper effectiveness. The thickness of the applied layer also plays a role.

How to apply sunscreen correctly?

For sunscreen to really protect the skin from UV rays, it must be applied firmly to the face - approximately 2 mg per square cm of skin. An amount of sunscreen the size of a 5-ruble coin is enough to cover the face, and about 30 g is required for the whole body.

Sunscreen should be reapplied after skin contact with water, towels or profuse sweating. Among other things, it is important to apply sunscreen not only on the skin of the face and body, but also on the ears, as well as use special lipstick to protect the lips and sunglasses.

Sunscreen - good or bad?

Cheap sun creams usually contain petroleum jelly and mineral oils. When such products are applied to the face, the effect of oily sheen appears and the pores are physically clogged, provoking acne. This is especially critical when using sunscreen for everyday protection.

Study the cream and avoid the following ingredients: isoparaffin, hexylene glycol, lanolin alcohol, hydrogenated vegetable oil, decyl oleate. Try to check the sunscreen on the back of your hand before buying - choose one that is completely absorbed.

Recommendations for choosing the most effective anti-wrinkle cream for men and a ranking of the top 5 brands.

The best sunscreen: the rules for choosing

When choosing sunscreen for your face, it's best to opt for 2-in-1 combination products that contain both SPF and moisturizing ingredients. At the same time, remember that the presence of sun cream on the skin does not prevent tanning, but only blocks the most harmful rays of the sun.
  1. Before buying, study the composition and test the cream. Cheap sunscreens contain petroleum jelly, mineral oils, and other comedogenic ingredients. Such a sunscreen does not absorb completely, leaving a sticky feeling and making the skin oily, leading to acne.
  2. Choose double protection. A good sunscreen should protect against both UVB rays, which cause redness and burns of the skin, and UVA rays, which damage DNA and affect aging. According to European regulations, this should be clearly stated on the packaging of sun cream.
  3. Choose the best sun protection factor. For everyday urban use, a sunscreen with SPF15 is enough; for tanning on yarn, a cream with SPF30 is recommended. For light, sensitive to burns and non-tanned skin, it is preferable to use SPF50.
  4. Apply the cream correctly and renew it regularly. Sunscreen is guaranteed to "work" only for the first two hours, after which it is recommended to reapply it. It is also important to take into account the fact that when in contact with water and a towel, part of the cream is erased from the skin, leaving it defenseless against the sun.
  5. Use scrubs after sunbathing. The nature of sunscreens is such that they physically reflect the sun's rays due to the presence of zinc oxide, titanium and other metals in the composition. After sunbathing, you need to wash your face and carefully remove the remnants of these products from the skin with a scrub.
Using sunscreen on your face every day is an important step in protecting your skin from aging. When choosing a good cream, it is important to avoid products with the presence of mineral oils and petroleum jelly - this provokes the appearance of oily sheen and leads to acne.
