How to conceive twins naturally. Pregnancy and childbirth of twins

Gemini means not only double difficulties, but also double joys. Therefore, many women dream of giving birth to twins in order to solve the issue of childbearing in the family in one pregnancy. In addition, such children are always very friendly. However, the chances of multiple pregnancy are low. The gynecologist's answers will help you understand the question of how to get pregnant with twins.

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    What is the difference between twins and twins?

    There are two ways to get pregnant with twins:

    • Twins are born from one egg, which splits into two parts early in pregnancy. In this case, children of the same sex are born, surprisingly similar to each other. The babies have the same set of genes, which makes them unusually attached to each other. Identicals account for 25% of all twins. There is no way to conceive twins. However, there are methods that can increase the likelihood of having twins.
    • How do you conceive twins? If several eggs are fertilized, you can conceive twins or even triplets. The children look like each other like ordinary brothers and sisters. Moreover, they can be of different sexes, and fertilization of the eggs does not necessarily occur on the same day.

    There are no methods for getting pregnant with twins. The likelihood of conceiving identical babies increases with genetic predisposition. Certain processes in a woman's body can also increase the chance of an egg splitting.

    Factors affecting multiple pregnancies

    Many women are interested in how to get pregnant with twins or twins. Most advice is purely advisory in nature due to the difficulty of controlling the number of eggs that mature in the ovaries and are fertilized.

    The only exception is IVF, in which several embryos are implanted into a woman’s uterus to increase the likelihood of a successful pregnancy. This is the easiest way to get pregnant with twins. In this case, not only twins, but also triplets can be born. However, the procedure is very expensive and requires a lot of tests and patience. Therefore, it is not recommended for women who do not suffer from infertility. And it makes no sense to use it only to increase the chance of conceiving twins. In addition, most women strive to get pregnant naturally.

    But if you know the medical facts about multiple pregnancies, you are more likely to get pregnant with twins. What affects the chances of conceiving twins?

    • Genetic predisposition. The likelihood of conceiving twins or twins is higher in those families where there have already been multiple pregnancies in the family. At the same time, we are talking not only about women, but also about their partners. However, quite often multiple pregnancies also occur in girls whose families have never had twins or twins.
    • Age. The older the woman, the higher the chance of having twins. This is due to the fact that with age, the level of gonadotropin in the body increases, which can lead to the maturation of several eggs in one cycle.
    • Taking medications to treat infertility. Most drugs that are aimed at making women experience the joy of motherhood are hormonal. After taking them, the likelihood of conceiving twins or twins is higher. In addition, some of them are aimed at stimulating ovulation, which increases the likelihood of several eggs maturing at the same time.
    • Nationality. According to statistics, twins are most often born to indigenous people in Africa. But most rarely, multiple pregnancies occur in Asians.
    • Features of the menstrual cycle. Studies have shown that most often twins are born to women whose cycle is 20 - 25 days.
    • Features of the structure of the uterus. It has been established that girls with a non-standard uterine structure, for example, a curved or bicornuate uterus, are more likely to become mothers of twins.
    • Overweight. According to statistics, obese women more often give birth to more than one baby at a time. Therefore, when planning a multiple pregnancy, underweight girls are advised to gain a few kilograms.
    • Lactation period. One way to conceive twins is to plan a pregnancy while your previous baby is breastfeeding. However, not every woman will be ready for a multiple pregnancy, having another baby in her arms.
    • The likelihood of conceiving twins or twins increases with each new pregnancy.

    Before planning a baby, it is recommended to consult with a geneticist to determine whether it is possible to become pregnant with twins in each specific case. The doctor should provide your medical record and your partner's test results. The specialist will ask questions about hereditary diseases, as well as multiple pregnancies in the family.

    In some cases, women are given treatment to increase follicle-stimulating hormone levels. This therapy increasesthe likelihood of conception, as well as the chance of multiple pregnancy.

    Popular ways to conceive twins

    Many people have thought about how to conceive twins since ancient times. Twins cause tenderness, and also allow parents to give birth to the desired number of babies at once and not return to this issue later. There is an amazing connection between twins and twins, which makes children the closest and closest people to each other.

    In addition to medical methods for conceiving twins, the chances of multiple pregnancies increase if planning occurs in the spring. With the first warm days, a woman’s body begins to renew itself just like nature. Therefore, spring has a positive effect on a girl’s hormonal background. In this regard, the maturation of several eggs is possible.

    You should also adhere to the rules for planning your intimate life. You should not have sex during menstruation, or during the week before it. On the days of expected ovulation, you should do this as often as possible to increase the chances of successful conception. To quickly get pregnant with twins, you need to follow these recommendations:

    • Plan to conceive a baby from early spring to mid-summer. This period is the most successful for multiple pregnancies. In addition, this method works well for couples who have problems conceiving.
    • Special food. During pregnancy planning, special attention should be paid to your diet. It should contain as much protein as possible.
    • Folic acid. An effective remedy not only for increasing a woman’s fertility, but also for the birth of healthy babies. Therefore, it is recommended to start taking folic acid at least three months before planning to conceive.
    • Excess weight. According to statistics, large and plump women are more likely to become pregnant with twins. This is due to the increased amount of female hormones contained in fatty tissues. In addition, it is easier for large women to endure multiple pregnancies, and children will be born more easily.
    • Healthy lifestyle. This rule applies not only to the expectant mother, but also to the father. During the period of planning a child, you should stop smoking and drinking alcohol. It is also extremely important to protect the girl from anything that can cause stress and nervous strain. It is important to eat right, get enough sleep and exercise in moderation.
    • Taking vitamins. Taking vitamin and mineral complexes is extremely important during the planning period for babies. This will help increase the likelihood of conception, as well as multiple pregnancies.
    • Moral attitude. Self-hypnosis plays an important role in conceiving twins. A woman should constantly imagine herself as a mother of two cute boys or girls.

    It is important not only to want to get pregnant with twins, but also to try to keep yourself in good shape. After all, the main thing is not the number of children, but their health. No method guarantees the conception of twins and triplets, but following these recommendations will allow you to give birth to healthy children. And it doesn’t matter whether the woman gives birth to them at once or whether she will have to experience the happy time of bearing a baby several times.

    Taking birth control medications

    If parents have set themselves the goal of having twins at all costs, you can try using contraceptives. This method is rarely recommended by experts. After all, it is illogical to prescribe drugs that prevent a woman from becoming pregnant to those who are planning a baby.

    The essence of this method is to take contraceptives prescribed by your doctor for several months before planning a pregnancy. After which the use should be stopped abruptly. During the period of taking pills for unwanted pregnancy, the ovaries rest and ovulation does not occur.

    Their abrupt cancellation leads to increased production of hormones that stimulate the ovaries. Therefore, an egg can mature simultaneously in both the right and left ovaries.

    However, in some cases the opposite effect occurs. The ovaries go into hibernation and there is no ovulation for several months after stopping contraceptives. Therefore, you should try this method only if a woman not only dreams of twins, but also has problems with ovulation.

    Calendar for conceiving twins

    Studies have shown that twins cannot be conceived on any day of the month. It is believed that this can happen approximately once every 150 cycles. And this is equal to approximately once per 10 years of life. This is why many women do not want to rely on chance.

    Therefore, you can use a twin conception calendar. It indicates the dates on which there is a higher probability of having a boy, girl or two babies. Of course, following this table will not give a 100% guarantee of multiple pregnancy. However, if you back it up with self-confidence, proper nutrition and following your doctor’s recommendations, you can increase your chances of giving birth to two wonderful babies.

    Nutritional Features

    Previously, it was believed that no special nutrition was required to conceive twins. But recent studies have shown that a woman's fertility increases if her diet includes a lot of protein foods.

    Protein in the diet helps increase the concentration of female hormones in the body.

    This, in turn, increases the likelihood of multiple eggs maturing, which can lead to the birth of two babies. Therefore, for those who do not know how to conceive twins, doctors recommend a protein diet. A woman’s diet during the period of planning a child should include the following products:

    • Lean meat. The main product in the diet should be lean meat. This includes veal, rabbit and poultry. You should avoid sausages, smoked sausages and other meat-based products that contain spices, flavorings and preservatives.
    • Fish. It is recommended to consume any type of fish, boiled, fried or baked. The only exception is smoked fish.
    • Seafood. Seafood contains a lot of protein, as well as vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. Therefore, in the absence of an allergic reaction, their use may not be regulated.
    • Cheese. An extremely useful product. A woman can include any type of cheese in her diet, but it is better to give preference to those that contain more than 5% protein.
    • Fruits. There are many fruits that contain almost as much protein as meat or fish. Be sure to include apples, pears, lychees, mangoes and kiwis in your diet. They are extremely useful for the expectant mother, they will help strengthen the immune system and increase fertility. However, you should avoid plums and juice based on these fruits.
    • Dairy products. A woman needs to drink kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk and milk every day. You can add sour cream, fresh fruit and honey to cottage cheese. They should be medium fat. When consuming low-fat dairy products, calcium and proteins may not be fully absorbed.
    • Including sweet potatoes in your diet also has a positive effect on increasing your chance of getting pregnant with twins. In countries where this product is the basis of nutrition, multiple pregnancies are most common.

    Traditional methods

    It is recommended to pay attention to traditional methods of conceiving twins. They are based on increasing a woman’s fertility with the help of medicinal herbs. You should drink them on certain days, and only after consulting a doctor.

    The most popular and effective herbs include:

    • Borovaya uterus. Used to treat adhesions, tubal obstruction and infantile uterus. Recommended for women to treat infertility caused by lack of ovulation. The boron uterus stimulates the ovaries, so the likelihood of successfully conceiving twins increases.
    • Sea ​​buckthorn. The berry contains a lot of vitamin E, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the ovaries. You should eat about 100 g of sea buckthorn berries every day to not only increase fertility, but also improve the condition of your skin, hair and strengthen your immune system.
    • In addition to the fact that it is difficult to conceive twins at will, multiple pregnancies are quite difficult. Such women are specially registered, because during pregnancy the girl gains more kilograms, and the musculoskeletal system and heart are under enormous stress. In addition, the likelihood of a cesarean section in this case is slightly higher than during pregnancy with one baby. Therefore, giving birth to twins is not only exciting and joyful, but also very difficult for a woman’s body.

      Twins are the joy of parents and the tenderness of others. Using medical and folk advice will increase the chances of multiple pregnancy. However, if you don’t succeed in giving birth to twins the first time, you can always try again.

To find out how to conceive twins, let's think a little about what is happening in the body. Usually, one egg matures in a woman’s ovaries once a month, it comes out and moves to the uterus, if on its way it encounters a sperm, the process of fertilization will occur.

Let's figure out how to conceive twins. Sometimes the egg divides into two or more separate parts, and then multiple pregnancies are possible. These will be unique identical twins who will have the same sets of chromosomes, that is, they will be similar to each other “like two peas in a pod.” Such children are very rare; only 25 out of a hundred multiple pregnancies are identical.

The conception of twins can occur from two eggs, magically matured in one cycle, fertilized by two sperm. These children may be completely different, since their chromosome sets are not identical. This kind of pregnancy is also rare. It happens in one percent of cases.

No one can answer the question of how to conceive twins naturally, since this process is corrected only by nature. However, there are some tips on how to plan for conceiving twins, or at least increase the chances of success. To do this, you need to know some circumstances under which the birth of twins is more likely:

  • In your family tree or in your partner's family, twins have already been conceived. This suggests that there is a rare gene in the family, thanks to which it can happen again.
  • The expectant mother has crossed the 35-year mark. After this age, the content of one of the hormones in the female body increases, which is responsible for the activity and behavior of eggs.
  • After artificial insemination, the percentage of multiple pregnancies is very high.
  • After you stop taking the drug, which suppresses hormone production, the body tries to restore balance. During this period, a surge occurs, due to which the possibility of conceiving twins naturally increases.
  • If your menstrual cycle is short and around 22 days, the fertilization rate of two eggs is higher.
  • During breastfeeding, female hormones are produced very intensively, so it is possible to “get” two more babies during this period.

In addition, for those who want to know how to conceive twins naturally, there is universal advice: you need to be in good health, watch your diet, start six months before the planned conception, etc.

How to conceive twins: folk methods

People's observations will always tell you how and when to do something. Some of these signs make sense, but sometimes they are based on mere coincidence. Believe them or not - it's up to you. But, as they say, “all means are good in war.” The main thing is the mindset for success.

Some of the folk signs also relate to the topic of how to conceive twins, how to conceive twin boys or girls, here are a few of them:

  • Food: eat more potatoes, especially sweet ones, as well as yams, walnuts, and eggs. In fact, these products are natural ovarian stimulants, triggering the appearance of eggs.
  • Seasons: You are more likely to conceive twins in the spring or summer. This also makes sense, since during the warm period hormonal levels are increased.
  • Visualization: you need to believe in your dream and it will materialize. After all, the power of thought is enormous.

There are also such summarizing observations as a table for the conception of twins, from which you can calculate the month and day of the expected conception of twins, as well as “adjust” the gender of the children.

And they even use a calendar for conceiving twins, using which it is possible to calculate favorable days. For example, following some calendars, conception should occur in the following conditions:

  • when the Moon is in Pisces or Gemini;
  • on days of solar or lunar eclipse;
  • on the pre-new moon;
  • Conception occurring before the full moon promises a boy and a girl.

Is there a secret to conceiving twin boys?

If you really want two sons, observations suggest some details:

  • Positions for conceiving twins should be chosen with deeper penetration, where male sperm, which are known to “run” faster but live shorter, will have a greater chance.
  • Sexual intercourse should take place directly on the day of ovulation, or the day before.
  • Boys are more likely to appear after a female orgasm.
  • In food you need to adhere to the following rules: less dairy products, shrimp and crabs, baked goods and cabbage, nuts and cocoa, more tea and coffee, meat and fish, sausage, fruits and dried fruits, chocolate. Load up on canned food and salty foods.

The desired position for conceiving female twins is “missionary”: when the man is on top. In this case, the sperm will travel a longer distance and the more viable “girls” will win.

And in food - more sweets, spices, with a limit on salt and coffee.

In fact, a healthy, balanced diet is a significant factor for successful conception, and even more so for two. In order for a woman to intensively produce hormones, her body must contain amino acids, fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, a woman who wants to get pregnant needs to eat meat, dairy products, and protein-rich seafood.

Only comprehensive health care, a healthy lifestyle without bad habits and a positive psychological attitude will help the body. And if you really want to, perhaps very soon you will see your twins!

The birth of twins is a unique event for a family. However, . Everything is important here: registration, management and course of pregnancy, possible complications and the time of birth of children. But, besides the hassle, twins always bring twice as much joy, and growing up together is always more fun for children. They have many common interests, friends, and there is always a special, unique connection between them.

How to give birth to twins?

Most often, pregnancy with twins is possible if a woman has crossed the forty-year mark. The likelihood of multiple pregnancy also increases if one of the spouses already had twins. As a rule, such heredity manifests itself after a generation. If you have already been pregnant, the chance of conceiving twins is quite high. There is also a high probability of twins after using IVF technology.

In order for your twins to be born safely in a natural way, you must obey the doctor in charge of your difficult pregnancy in everything, especially if you are expecting your first birth. Most often, during a multiple pregnancy, a woman is prescribed a cesarean section in advance, which can significantly reduce the risk of complications, but natural delivery is also possible, in which the labor is longer.

Childbirth during such a pregnancy occurs earlier, at about 35-37 weeks.

The birth of a desired child is always happiness, but many people dream of filling their home with double joy. Nature occasionally presents such gifts, but, unfortunately for some parents, this does not happen as often as we would like. Is it possible to change the course of events and ensure pregnancy with two babies at once? It turns out that it is quite possible. For this, both artificial and natural methods are used.

Doctors say that the ability to conceive twins is a “hereditary gift,” but the use of certain remedies is increasingly helping to have two children at once.

Predisposing factors to conceiving twins

Unfortunately, statistics say that the ratio of twins to one child is 1:80 cases.

That is, no one promises that it will be easy and simple, but the chance to fulfill your cherished dream always remains. And it’s worth working hard to achieve your goal.

It is known that there are certain categories of women who, at the genetic level, are more prone to having two children.

The predisposing factor to conceiving twins is considered to be:

  • the presence of twins or twins in the family;
  • taking hormones immediately before conception;
  • repeated births between the ages of 30 and 40;
  • the presence of excess weight - oddly enough, in this situation it “plays” on your side.

It is noteworthy that the time of year also has a certain influence on the fulfillment of dreams.

An increase in daylight hours in the spring has a beneficial effect on the health and sense of life of the expectant mother, and spring nature changes a woman’s hormonal background for the better. It would also be useful to give up bad habits, because it is this factor that helps the body cleanse itself and fill itself with health.

Naturally, these same bad habits can become an obstacle to a happy pregnancy with twins. Also obstacles are poor-quality nutrition, low levels of vitamins in the body, a depressed state and, in general, everything that depresses the mood of the expectant mother.

The most common ways to conceive twins

It is worth understanding that the methods described below do not have a solid scientific basis.

All provided methods are divided into two large groups - artificial And natural.

Natural Ways to Conceive Twins

As stated earlier, some families are genetically predisposed to having twins. First of all, collect anamnesis (history) of your family and sensibly assess your chances. It would be a good idea to contact a geneticist who can give you good advice.

If you want to take the first steps yourself, the recommendations below will be a wonderful help and certainly will not cause harm.

What can help you conceive twins:

  • Taking care of your health. First of all, stop drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • The first cycles after quitting. Maximum hormone production occurs after stopping the use of contraceptives. After the first or second cycle of menstruation, the body restores the production of hormones, and the chances of having two children will immediately decrease.
  • Spring period. It has already been discussed above.
  • Changing your diet can also have a certain effect on conception: and fermented milk products will fill your body with new strength and vitamins.
  • Repeated births. According to statistics, a couple of children are more often born in families that already have one child.
  • Regular application stimulates the production and maturation of eggs for at least 3 months in a row.
  • Hormonal surge after 30 years. Compared to 20-year-old girls, women 30-40 years old are 2 times more likely to have twins
  • A short break between births.
  • Breastfeeding and also works to fulfill desires.
  • Use of hormonal drugs to stimulate ovulation or for.
  • “If you really want to, you can fly into space.” Scientists have long proven that The thought is material and if a woman not only wants to get pregnant with twins, but also imagines realistic pictures of her life with two children, most likely this will happen!

Artificial methods

If you do not want to take risks and rely on nature and your own strength, you should pay attention to artificial methods of family planning.

IVF (in vitro fertilization)

The method involves fertilizing an egg outside the mother’s body and then “introducing” it into the uterine cavity.

Most often, this method is used in cases where a couple is unable to conceive a baby on their own. Doctors usually fertilize several eggs at once, because not all of them will be viable. The method does not provide a 100% guarantee, but the chances are incredibly high.

Stimulation of ovulation

This method is used both for normal menstrual cycles and for anovulatory diseases.

If your doctor is confident that you are capable of not only conceiving twins, but also carrying them to term, he may prescribe a course of drugs that force the ovaries to produce more mature eggs.

Important: self-prescription and uncontrolled use of these drugs can cause irreparable harm to the body and take away the opportunity to become a mother of even one child!

For diseases whose complications include a complete absence of ovulation (anovulation), medications are prescribed to “awaken” the female body. They contain a special hormone FSH (follicle stimulating hormone).

After completing the full course of treatment, during the first ovulations, the likelihood of two eggs maturing at once is extremely high.

How to influence the gender of twin babies

There are a huge number of methods for influencing the sex of a child, but not all of them work in the case of the desired twins.

The most popular ones, although they do not have a serious evidence base, are collected for convenience in a comparative table:




Choosing a pose

Poses with deep


Missionary position, shallow penetration

Time of conception

During ovulation

3-4 days before ovulation


Sausages, meat,

yeast baked goods, black

chocolate, food products

high salt content

Consumption of honey, jam, sugar, various herbs and spices

Theory of youthful blood

Father's younger blood

Mother's younger blood


On popular forums for expectant mothers, this topic always evokes a huge number of responses and advice.

Note: never use methods suggested by “knowledgeable people” without consulting a doctor! If some do not bring any harm, then others can simply deprive you of the joy of motherhood for many years!

It should also be understood that twins are not twins. And if there are many ways to push nature to produce twins, then twins appear from the same egg, and doctors still do not understand what factors contribute to this.

And most importantly, even if you didn’t get pregnant with the desired twins, don’t be upset! In any case, pregnancy is a significant burden for the female body, and it is completely difficult to cope with a double portion of such work.

In addition, the happiness of motherhood does not lie in the number of children, but in the amount of love that you can give to your long-awaited miracle.
