How to cover up dark circles under the eyes? All ways. How to disguise a black eye? What will help make a black eye invisible?

Many women have encountered, or at least observed, blue circles under the eyes of strangers. But rarely has anyone delved deeply into the essence and causes of the problem. Blue formations around the eyes do not make a woman attractive, but create the impression of fatigue, dissatisfaction and gloominess on her face. The reasons for their appearance are hereditary increased pigmentation of the skin, nearby blood vessels that create the effect of bruises under the eyes, sleep disturbances, stress, poor diet, diseases of internal organs, etc.

Every woman tries in every possible way and means to hide existing flaws on her facial skin. Decorative cosmetics are the number 1 tool for these purposes. Many people use it, but few know how to use it correctly and make serious mistakes.

No need:

  • choose a correction product that is lighter than your facial skin, this will make the blue spots under the eyes more clearly visible;
  • use matte powder after applying the corrector, you will find existing wrinkles;
  • apply “arrows” with a black pencil around the eyes or on the upper eyelid, this will create the effect of “constant sadness”;
  • Avoid using cosmetics on the upper part of the eye. Use shadows and draw the attention of others to your thick and graphic eyebrows;
  • lining your eyes boldly.

Choice of product

The main means for hiding dark circles under the eyes is corrective cosmetics:

  • Foundation - cream gives a matte finish to the skin, evens out the texture, hides small pigment spots, and creates an even, uniform skin tone. It is not recommended to use it frequently, as the product can dry out the skin.
  • Concealer – has a denser texture, distributed with a brush. A peach or yellow tint, or in some cases light beige, is good for covering up dark circles. The product should be applied pointwise, applying dots only to problem areas.
  • Concealer is a dry correction product, suitable for masking minor unevenness and pimples.

Rules for hiding dark circles under the eyes

To disguise bruises, you need:

  • use moisturizer and apply it around the eyes. This will become the basis for creating a smooth texture, making it possible to perfectly apply concealers and slightly cover up imperfections. Caffeine cream is suitable for the base. It tones the skin well and gives elasticity to the eyelid. Cosmetologists recommend applying the cream with your ring finger from the outer to the inner corner. Movements should be light so as not to further injure the skin around the eyes;
  • Using a cosmetic brush or your finger, apply a small amount of foundation to your palm, this will warm it up and make application easier. Apply the product from the inner corner to the outer, patting lightly and rubbing in lightly;
  • It is important to fix the resulting makeup. Powder is used for these purposes. It is not recommended to use matte, it can accumulate in the hollows of wrinkles and clearly emphasize them. It is better to use a crumbly one, which is best distributed around the eyes with a cosmetic brush. There is no need to form a thick layer of it; the powder is not intended for this and, if used incorrectly, will create an unaesthetic effect.

What means are best to use?

  • Vichy DERMABLEND liquid foundation will cope with clearly visible skin defects.
  • The Toleran Tone foundation will correct the texture and shade.
  • The “Ideal Tone” foundation will create a healthy color and improve the condition of the skin.
  • The Vichy Liftactiv Flexilift foundation will add elasticity and tighten the skin well. It is an effective remedy for women for... . Gives the skin surface evenness and smoothness.

The products are a high-quality basis for applying decorative cosmetics.

How to apply makeup

Makeup is the art of applying decorative cosmetics to create the perfect image of a woman. Art implies sophistication, and not what some see, who created an image like the Indians from an ancient tribe. Impeccable makeup involves creating a natural appearance and highlights all the advantages of a woman’s face. The makeup used is conventionally divided into evening and daytime. What is possible at a party is not always suitable for a business meeting.

For daytime makeup, pastel, soft shades are used, and for evening makeup, on the contrary, bright, saturated colors are used. To hide dark circles under the eyes, you need to concentrate on the upper eyelid, without using a dark palette for the lower eyelid.

Start by applying a light shadow to the upper eyelid and use a richer tone as a second color. Using a special brush, you need to erase the resulting border of colors, this will make the shade soft. To do this, use matte shadows, which, unlike pearlescent ones, do not increase the overhang of the upper eyelid. The eyeliner used is selected in cool tones, creating some contrast with the shadows or shading them. There is no need to use dark colors, which give a strict and heaviness to the look.

The next stage of makeup is applying mascara. There is nothing complicated here, the only condition for covering up dark circles under the eyes is a small application of mascara on the lower eyelashes; you can use white or blue eyeliner for them. Mascara should be combined with the pencil and the color of the woman’s eyes.

To disguise a defect in the form of bruises under the eyes, you need to place the right emphasis on the eyebrows. Their impeccability and perfectly selected makeup will allow you to shift the attention of others from the lower eyelid and create a camouflage for bluish formations.

As for the spots that appeared as a result of an incorrect lifestyle, this is understandable, but bruises from the disease require immediate medical treatment and medication prescriptions from a specialist. No matter how you try to hide them, without eliminating the cause of their appearance, it will not succeed.

Author of the article - Gurtskaya Laura Valerievna

Speciality: Dermatocosmetologist.

Experience: 16 years.
Specializes in dermatology and cosmetology, hardware cosmetology, aesthetic therapy, mesotherapy in cosmetology, trichology. Specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of age spots, acne and hemangiomas. Performs mesotherapy, lifting, contouring, bioreinforcement, photorejuvenation, peeling, facial cleansing, biorevitalization. Prescribes Botox injections (botulinum therapy). Actively takes part in seminars and conferences in his specialty.

The website will tell you today about the simplest ways to disguise bruises under the eyes using special cosmetological techniques. The appearance of blue “shadows” under the eyes can have a variety of reasons, and the degree of intensity of their color is also different - which determines what and. Some tips on choosing sufficiently effective cosmetics and how to use them correctly for the best camouflage results are in this article.

How to cover up dark circles under the eyes: choosing a product

When choosing a product that can reliably disguise dark circles under the eyes, try not to overload the dry and thin skin of the eyelids with cosmetics.

If you have dark spots under your eyes

Minor darkening under the eyes, which appears as a result of lack of sleep and overwork, as well as blueness of the skin of the eyelids, caused by the translucency of blood vessels from under too thin skin, usually require very light camouflage. Sometimes applying regular foundation powder is enough. The presence of reflective particles in its composition is welcome. Well, if you have black circles, read.

If you have real bruises

To hide intense, brightly colored bruises or very dark pigment spots under the eyes, the use of specially created camouflage cosmetics is required.

Some people try to cover up dark circles under their eyes with something like concealer pencil. The use of such solid correctors on the skin of the eyelids is strictly contraindicated. Using them, you will not only dry out, but also stretch the delicate skin under your eyes, causing premature appearance of wrinkles.

Application foundation for the face is also not the best option: it also dries the skin and makes expression lines more noticeable. Using “foundation” as a means to cover up bruises from an injury under the eyes will also not work because such hematomas are simultaneously painted in all tones from blue-black to brown-yellow.

You can try pharmacy cream "Sinyakoff", which is used to accelerate the treatment of such colored stains under the eyes. This healing cream also has a toning effect, as it was created using theatrical makeup. The site has already talked about it in an article that appeared as a result of the injury.

But the most modern and effective means of solving the question of how to cover up bright bruises under the eyes is considered using a special concealer for the skin around the eyes. This cosmetic product contains ingredients that improve the circulation of lymph and blood in the capillaries: horse chestnut, butcher's broom, nettle, cola and others. The product perfectly masks traumatic bruises and age spots, while hiding wrinkles around the eyes and slightly whitening the skin. The concealer is available in a variety of shades, allowing you to correct blue of any intensity with a normal complexion, as well as yellowness and brownish shades of old bruises under the eyes. The main thing is to choose the right shade of concealer that suits your skin color, and sometimes it is necessary to use several shades at the same time.

Concealer is the optimal foundation to cover up a black eye

Makeup artists, when advising on how to cover up dark circles under the eyes, suggest using concealers of a yellowish or light green hue, which give the best result for blue-violet-brown spots under the lower eyelid.

Other cosmetics: how to distract attention from bruises?

The ability to hide dark stains on the lower eyelids is not limited only to how best to cover up dark circles under the eyes - it is also necessary to correct the entire system of applying makeup to the face. A layer of mascara on the eyelashes of the lower eyelid should be minimal, and from the arrows on the eyelid it is better to refuse them completely or make them very thin.

It is important to use foundation to smooth out the transition from the site of a camouflaged bruise to the color of normal skin on the cheeks, onto which blush can be applied. This will help reduce the contrast between the color of the lower eyelid and the skin of the cheeks that are too light. Bright lipstick will focus the gaze of passers-by on your lips, distracting you from looking at the dark spots under your eyes.

Blue and purple and brown shadows on the upper eyelids, if you have bruises under the eyes, it is better not to use. But, if you often experiment with bright and bold face makeup, you can try, on the contrary, applying dark-colored shadows in a wide stripe to the upper and lower eyelids. Then the bruises under the eyes will seem like a cosmetic effect specially created by you, and not a flaw or damage to the skin.

Remember that bruises under the eyes, first of all, need to be treat, not just mask. Try to find and eliminate the causes of dark circles under your eyes, be sure to cure the hematoma. And the advice of cosmetologists, how to cover up dark circles under the eyes, will help you calmly leave the house and lead a normal life. Always remain attractive and cheerful!

Rodionova Tatyana – especially for the site

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Advantages of camouflage:
  • disguises bruises, mesh wrinkles, moles and acne
  • hides skin imperfections
Professional application of camouflage in a thick layer gives the skin a well-groomed and youthful appearance.

Step-by-step camouflage of a bruise. Video

Buy concealers in green, yellow or crimson

A purple-blue bruise is covered with orange concealer, a green bruise is covered with purple, and a yellow bruise is covered with blue. The concealer is applied in a thin layer.

If the bruise is very dark, you will need a corrector that is one tone lighter than the skin.

  1. Apply the corrector to the problem area of ​​the skin and match it with your face tone.
  2. Cover with light texture foundation on top.
  3. Use a previously prepared cosmetic disc to blot off excess cosmetics.
  4. Apply blush powder. The bruise has disappeared.

As you can see, the procedure is quite simple. You will need a little time and patience.
If you have an incident in your life and a bruise appears on your face, do not worry that you will not be able to appear in society. Knowing how to camouflage a bruise will make it invisible.

Did you fall badly, hit yourself, or get into a fight with a bully, and a terrible dark bruise formed under your eye? Don't rush to get upset. If the injury is not very severe, you can do without the help of an ophthalmologist. Otherwise, be sure to get examined, as an incorrect or misaligned cornea can lead to poor vision. How to cover up dark circles under your eyes to make you look attractive again? There are quite a few methods of camouflage, which you will learn about in this article.

Before covering up a black eye, determine the exact intensity of its color. The skin in the eye area is usually very dry and thin. Experts do not recommend overloading it with the application of decorative cosmetics. Dark circles under the eyes can arise not only from mechanical shock, but also from chronic lack of sleep, overwork, and superficial location of blood vessels. You can get rid of such stains using

In some cases, to disguise dark spots on the skin, it is enough to apply a simple foundation - powder, cream. It is best to give preference to cosmetics that contain special reflective particles.

A foundation for concealing dark circles under the eyes should be chosen according to your skin type.

A good foundation or powder cannot be too cheap. Using low-quality cosmetics is dangerous, as it may contain harmful chemical compounds that cause allergies and irritation.

How to disguise bruises from a blow on the face?

A dark spot from an impact on the skin is not so easy to hide. Many people have a question: “How can I cover up a black eye from blows?” The answer to this is quite simple and banal - you need to visit the nearest pharmacy and buy a special product to disguise bruises.

Concealer can be considered the best remedy for bruises. Such cosmetics not only reliably disguise skin imperfections, but also have a beneficial effect on the condition of your epidermis - removes freckles, whitens, smoothes out fine wrinkles. Modern manufacturers produce concealers in different forms:

  • Pencils and sticks;
  • Creams;
  • Liquid foundations.

Before covering up dark circles under your eyes at home, try to choose the right concealer. For example, it is better to mask a large blue-violet spot with a stick-shaped product. Such cosmetics have a denser structure and can be easily applied in a thick, even layer. A small bruise can be easily hidden under concealer cream. This makeup will look more natural, and all defects will disappear without a trace.

Choosing the right concealer color

It would seem that the answer to the question “How to hide dark circles under the eyes?” figured it out. However, for the concealment result to be perfect, it is important to choose the right concealer color. The shade of the product used should match as closely as possible the intensity of the bruise and the natural tone of your skin.

You need to apply the product as carefully and precisely as possible. In no case should you go beyond the pigmented area, as this will lead to the opposite effect - the bruise will become more noticeable. For shading, you can use a sponge or a special brush.

When using concealer, follow these guidelines:

  • The yellow product should be used to disguise purple bruises;
  • Green-blue spots are best covered with orange concealer;
  • If you have a yellowish skin tone, use a purple product.

Concealer is a universal product that should be in every cosmetic bag. However, if you don’t have it on hand, you can use regular foundation. This product will easily cope with fresh bruises, but it will not be able to hide fading dark spots.

Bright makeup will distract attention from dark circles under the eyes

In order for bruises under the eyes to become completely invisible, you need not only to carefully disguise them, but also to correct the entire system of applying day and evening makeup. Use the advice from cosmetologists below to look perfect even after an eye injury.

It’s not enough to simply disguise dark circles under the eyes. These injuries must be treated, as a severe hematoma can affect and.

Unfortunately, there are some appearance flaws that are almost impossible to get rid of quickly.

One such example is dark circles and bruises under the eyes, which appear due to fatigue or lack of sleep, heredity, the special structure of the face, and the location of the capillaries.

No matter how many wonderful creams you use against them, they will not disappear instantly. Therefore, if you need to quickly tidy up your face, it is enough to properly disguise them with makeup.

Using foundation

As a rule, it hides slight darkening of the skin, but at the same time this product cannot cope with multi-colored bright bruises. In addition, the dark tone of the foundation can give the face an unnatural appearance.


Many women disguise bruises with powder, but this is not entirely correct.

  • Firstly, the texture of the powder will dry out the delicate skin around the eyes.
  • Secondly, the powder will age the face, as the skin under the eyes will begin to gather in folds when smiling, talking, and making the grooves more noticeable.

Masking pencil

This solid concealer is designed to hide minor blemishes on the face, but it is not effective for camouflaging bruises and dark spots under the eyes. Using a hard cosmetic pencil on this area will only stretch the delicate skin under the eyes and cause premature appearance of wrinkles.


This product was created to remove various skin defects around the eyes, including bruises. The concealer can be:

  • liquid– this product blends well, is quickly absorbed, does not settle into the skin, and does not spread. But if there are visible wrinkles under the eyes, then it is better not to use it, otherwise the folds will be more noticeable;
  • creamy is a soft, medium-density product that effectively masks dark circles under the eyes. In addition, cream concealer moisturizes the skin;
  • fluid– contains reflective particles. It hides both bruises and wrinkles well.

Steps to using concealer correctly

To ensure that no defects are noticeable, you need to know how to use concealer correctly. There are 3 simple steps:

  1. Skin nutrition. Apply moisturizer to the skin and wait until it is absorbed. Remove the remaining cream with a napkin using blotting movements.
  2. Application. Apply a thin layer of creamy concealer using a brush or fingertips. If you use liquid concealer, you need to use a soft sponge.
  3. The final stage. Apply foundation or powder. Then you can apply decorative cosmetics.

Advice! When doing makeup, do not line your lower eyelids with pencil, do not paint your lower eyelashes, so as not to emphasize the area under the eyes.

Before buying this cosmetic product, you need to consider the following points:

  • The tone of the concealer should be selected 1-2 levels lighter than the natural skin color;
  • Be sure to check the product for an allergic reaction to avoid eye irritation;
  • To disguise a purple bruise, you need to buy a thick yellowish concealer;
  • To hide a greenish-bluish bruise, orange concealer is suitable;
  • Only the bluish bruises that appear can be easily disguised with a blue concealer;
  • To verify the effectiveness of the masking agent, it is enough to apply a thin layer of it to the vein located on the inside of the arm;
  • You need to choose a concealer in natural light. In artificial light, this cosmetic product may not be selected correctly.

If bruises under the eyes appear due to lack of sleep or chronic diseases, then even expensive cosmetics will not be able to constantly hide this defect. They will only improve your appearance for a short time, so healthy sleep and treatment of chronic diseases can be a solution to the problem.
