Which lipstick suits brunettes: rules for choosing the right eye color. We select the appropriate lipstick color for brunettes and enjoy the beauty of makeup

Based on the three most popular types of appearance, we find out which lipstick suits brunettes. Find your option!

Dark skin + brown eyes

Your choice is shades in warm colors. They will highlight your deep eye color and natural tan. Do not refuse dark, wine shades, which will add languid mystery to the image. At the same time, it is advisable to avoid pink, “doll” colors, as well as bright purple. Beige and coffee options are suitable for everyday makeup. Here are a few suitable lipstick colors for brown-eyed, dark brunettes:

  • coral
  • dark matte red
  • wine
  • plum
  • brown and coffee nude (especially in combination with bright eye makeup).


Fair skin + blue eyes

Bright brunettes with fair skin and blue eyes are perfect for bright, shiny lipstick colors! Feel free to use scarlet matte lipstick, it’s as if it was created specifically for your color type. For daytime makeup, give preference to a calmer, transparent red - for example, lip gloss. In general, your shades are:

  • bright red matte
  • fuchsia
  • crimson
  • dark, rich pink
  • coral.

Olive skin + green eyes

Owners of this appearance will suit warm, velvety shades that will successfully complement the pleasant skin color and emphasize the rare color of the eyes. For a brunette of this type, it is quite easy to choose lipstick for daytime makeup and more difficult to choose a bright color for the evening. Pay attention to these options:

  • orange
  • brick red
  • caramel
  • peach
  • terracotta.

Each woman is beautiful in her own way, and each has her own unique appearance. Fashion designers are sure that clothes and makeup should be in harmony with the tone of our hair and eye color. Moreover, not only the style is important, but also the color scheme. The completeness of our image will depend on this. In this article we will tell you what colors suit brunettes with brown eyes.

Makeup for brown-eyed brunettes

Brunettes with brown eyes have a naturally striking appearance, so makeup should highlight their beauty. To do this, you need to know certain rules and choose the appropriate colors.

Daytime makeup for brown eyes

A woman always wants to be beautiful, but she should remember that daytime makeup should not be too bright and expressive. Daylight and sun rays should emphasize our freshness and spontaneity.

Evening out complexion

Any makeup begins with evening out the complexion. Loose powder and foundation are ideal for this. Moreover, you need to choose colors that best suit your skin tone. Brown-eyed brunettes are best suited to golden and peach shades. This will make your skin look natural.

loose powder and foundation matching skin tone (peach, golden)

Eyebrow correction

Brunettes have bright eyebrows, so for daytime makeup there is no need to highlight them in any way. It is enough just to give them the desired shape and add a little color by applying strokes with a brown pencil.

brown daytime eyebrow makeup

Creating a Bright Look

Now let's move on to the most basic thing - eye makeup. Apply shadow over the entire surface of the outer eyelid. Gray and golden shades are ideal for you. Apply eyeshadow one shade darker to the outer corner. For a smooth transition, shades should be shaded throughout the moving eyelid. It is advisable to use eyeliner with a pencil, preferably brown. The line should be clear, passing almost at the very growth of the eyelashes. In this case, also choose mascara in brown shades; it will not highlight your eyes too much, but will highlight your eyelashes.

step-by-step photo of daytime makeup for brunettes with brown eyes for a brunette with brown eyes step-by-step photo of daytime makeup for a brunette with brown eyes for a brunette with brown eyes

Lips to complete the look

Lipstick for daytime makeup should be chosen in a soft color. Just apply lip gloss in any pink shade, this will give your look freshness and sophistication.

soft pink natural lip gloss

Evening makeup for brown eyes

Evening makeup, unlike daytime makeup, should be brighter and richer. It will highlight the bright beauty and passionate image of brunettes, giving them charm and captivating charm.

Eyebrow highlighting

In this case, the eyebrows should be highlighted more clearly and brightly. The pencil is no longer applied in strokes, but in solid lines, creating the image of a femme fatale.

bright eyebrows

Eye brightness

As for the evening look, shades of pink, purple, blue, and green colors will look ideal. Moreover, a smooth transition is no longer so important here; makeup is based on contrast. To do this, apply shadows of the same color to the entire moving eyelid, and apply a completely different shade to the outer corner of the eye. Next, all this should be thoroughly shaded. Don’t forget to apply a light shade of shadow to the inner corner of your eye, this will give your eyes an open, expressive look. You can apply glitter over the shadows to add a luxurious playfulness to your look. Eyeliner for evening makeup should be exclusively black, it is advisable to use liquid, it will highlight the eyes more clearly. The mascara should also be black and should be applied to both the upper and lower eyelashes.

for a brunette with brown eyes for a brunette with brown eyes golden eyelids and bright lips for a brunette with brown eyes brown and golden eyeshadow for brunettes with brown eyes blue makeup with black eyeliner for a brunette with brown eyes black eyeliner, black mascara, natural eyebrows, dark red lipstick and gold eye shadow before and after photos before and after photos before and after photos

Lip Charm

For evening makeup, choose bright, rich shades of lipstick. It can be dark red or hot pink. The main thing is not to overdo it with saturation, otherwise your image will turn into vulgar. The contours of the lips should be perfectly outlined with a pencil. To prevent it from blending in with your lipstick, choose a color that is one or two shades darker than your lipstick.

juicy dark red lipstick black mascara, natural dark eyebrows and burgundy lipstick brunette with brown eyes before and after

Creating blush on the cheeks

Apply pink or peach blush to your cheekbones. This will give your image a certain shyness, but at the same time elegance and femininity.

pink blush for evening makeup

What color of clothing suits brunettes?

The color of clothing should emphasize the beauty of brunettes no less than makeup. All items of clothing should be bright, saturated colors, no pastel shades, otherwise you risk getting lost in the crowd. And do you really need such a contrast between a dazzlingly bright appearance and absolutely unremarkable clothes? Brunettes are temperamental people, they always need to be in sight. All shades of red will look great. If you are going to a party, a bright red dress will suit you; if you have a business meeting, a burgundy color will also be a win-win option. Rich browns, greens and blues in clothing will create a chic, seductive look. In general, brunettes with brown eyes are ideal models; you can experiment with color and always look at the highest level. The classic black color will suit you perfectly. Women with curvy figures will especially like this; it will hide all the imperfections of your figure, making you slimmer and more attractive.

Red dress burgundy suit turquoise green dress

In this article, we shared with you information about what colors suit brunettes with brown eyes. The most important thing is that the created image first of all pleases you. After all, only then will you feel confident and at ease, which will subconsciously make others admire you. Whatever you choose - the image of a business woman or a fatal beauty, in any case you will look luxurious and stunning, because you are a brown-eyed brunette.

Lipstick for brunettes should decorate, emphasize the natural brightness and beauty, and add zest to the appearance. Choosing lipstick is quite a difficult task, because the stores offer hundreds of shades, among which it is not so easy to choose your “one”. This article will help you understand the intricacies and tricks of choosing a lipstick shade for your type of appearance!

They say that gentlemen prefer blondes. However, this is not so: many representatives of the stronger half of humanity believe that girls with dark hair look more mysterious and attractive than those with light hair. True, being a hot brunette is not enough to win men’s hearts: it is important to play up your own appearance in the most advantageous way. Properly selected makeup products can help with this. How to make your lips sexy and sensual? You will find out the answer by reading this article.

Which product to choose for lip makeup?

First of all, it’s worth figuring out what to prefer: lip gloss or lipstick? A few years ago, almost all girls used glosses, trying to make their lips plumper and more appetizing. At the same time, many went overboard with the application of gloss, as a result of which the lips looked as if their owner had recently eaten pancakes with butter.

After all, what is fashionable is, first of all, what emphasizes your beauty

Matte lips are all the rage these days. This makeup looks more sophisticated and stylish. Thickly glossed lips are becoming a thing of the past: stylists say that in five years they will laugh at this trend in the same way as we laugh at the big hairstyles, leggings and blue eyebrow-length shadows that were fashionable in the 90s of the last century.

So, your choice is lipstick or tint. Now it’s important to decide which shade suits you.

Advice! If you don't like to touch up your makeup often, pay attention to lip tints. Tint is a liquid containing a large amount of persistent pigment. The tint can stay on your lips until the evening, giving them a light tint. True, many tints dry out the lips a little, so they should be applied over oily hygienic lipstick.

Warm or cool shade?

All colors can be divided into two categories:

  • warm (yellow, orange, red);
  • cold (blue, gray).

Lipstick shades are similarly divided into these categories: some lipsticks have warm undertones, some have cool undertones. When choosing a shade, it is very important to take this factor into account.

Lipsticks in warm shades have an orange or scarlet undertone. This category includes brown, nude, terracotta, and rich burgundy options. Lip products in cool shades have a bluish undertone. These are pink colors, many shades of red, etc.

Any shades of pink are suitable for girls with a cold type of appearance

It is very important not to make a mistake with the shade. If your appearance is dominated by warm colors, you should choose a lipstick from a similar palette and vice versa.

Advice! If you don't want the lipstick to stay on your teeth, blot your lips with a paper towel after applying. After that, powder your lips and apply a second layer.

How to determine your color type?

  • Take two sheets of foil: gold and silver. Bring them to your face one by one. If your face looks brighter and more attractive when you touch it with gold, warm colors will suit you. If the appearance “plays out” in the presence of silver, they are cold.

Girls who dye their hair should be especially careful when choosing a lipstick tone. It will be especially difficult for them, because sometimes with the wrong choice of paint, the appearance becomes disharmonious. For example, if you have a warm skin tone, and you dyed your hair blue-black, then you have two options: choose a lipstick that will emphasize the color of your skin, that is, warm, or stick to cool options that will make your hair shine. hair, but will give the face a slightly unhealthy tint. Therefore, when choosing a hair dye color, it is advisable not to deviate from your natural color type.

Advice!Don't know which lipstick to choose? Try ordering samples of all the shades you are interested in from a friend who distributes online cosmetics. This way you can do a “field test” and find the colors that flatter you the most. The cost of samples is low, and you can understand in which direction to move when choosing.

Eye color and lipstick

When choosing makeup products, it is very important to consider the color of your eyes.
If you have Brown eyes, fairly saturated colors will suit you, for example, burgundy or wine red. This will highlight the contrast in your appearance and create an attractive, dramatic makeup look. In addition, girls with dark eyes can safely shift the emphasis of their makeup to their lips: their eyes are bright enough on their own, but their lips can be emphasized once again with lipstick. Lipstick for brunettes with brown eyes can be brownish or beige if you prefer. However, you should be careful: you don’t need to whiten your lips too much, and many “nude” lipsticks create just such an effect.

Lipstick for brunettes with green eyes can be a rich red color. If you want to make your eyes brighter, choose a lipstick with a lilac undertone, such as plum: this look will look quite stylish, and the shade of lipstick will make green eyes look even brighter and richer. Golden brown, coral and caramel tones are suitable for everyday wear.

Bright brunettes with light eyes should pay attention to lipsticks in red shades with cool undertones. The combination of light eyes and dark hair is quite rare and it looks simply amazing, and if you highlight the contrast with rich lip color, you will begin to resemble a real Snow White. Therefore, if you don’t know which lipstick suits brunettes with blue eyes, feel free to buy a cool red shade!

Advice! The easiest way to choose lipstick is based on the shade of your own lips. Look for a shade that's just a little brighter than your lips and you can't go wrong.

What lipstick is not suitable for brunettes?

Brunettes should resolutely refuse lipstick that whitens their lips. This will create a rather strange effect, especially if the eyes and hair are quite dark. Of course, many girls love nude lipsticks, but brunettes should pay attention to richer beige shades.

It is also advisable to avoid lipsticks that contain large amounts of mother-of-pearl. Such lipsticks make lips appear whitish, and they have long gone out of fashion, being associated with the era of the 90s.

Don't buy carrot lipstick. Many girls believe that this color suits them, but this is rarely true. Orange lips do not exist in nature, and the task of makeup is to enhance your natural beauty.

Advice! To make your lips appear fuller, you can apply a little lip gloss over your base coat. True, this should only be done in the middle of the lower and upper lips. You shouldn't completely cover your lips with gloss: it will make your makeup look overloaded.

Brightness or naturalness?

It is advisable to have several lipsticks of different saturations in your cosmetic “wardrobe”. More natural shades are suitable for a walk, going to the store or the office. Rich colors are a great option for a holiday or a romantic date.

It is worth remembering that makeup, like clothing, should first of all be appropriate. Bright red lips should not be worn to work: it can look vulgar and provocative. If you are going to a theater or restaurant, then rich makeup will come in handy.

By the way, there is one secret that allows you to make any lipstick universal. What matters is how you apply the product to your lips. If you use a brush or apply the product directly from the tube, you will get a rich shade. If you apply a little lipstick on your fingers and lightly press the shade into your lips, you will get a weightless makeup that will be appropriate in any situation. In addition, thanks to this technique you can achieve the trendy effect of “kissed” lips.

Advice!To make your makeup look seamless and harmonious, choose lipstick and blush in the same shade. If you haven't found the right blush in the store, don't despair: you can apply a little lipstick to your cheeks and blend it thoroughly. However, girls who have oily skin with enlarged pores should avoid this technique: lipstick contains oils that can cause acne.

Shiny or matte?

Lipsticks can have a matte or satin, that is, a shiny finish. You should choose a product based on your preferences. Matte lipstick is a great option for girls with naturally plump lips. If your lips are thin, you should choose shinier options: by reflecting light, the coating will make your lips fuller and sexier. It is important that the lipstick shines due to its texture, and not because of the high content of glitter and mother-of-pearl.

Matte lipstick for brunettes is an almost universal option. Thanks to this lipstick you can achieve the effect of velvet lips. In addition, such lipsticks last much longer due to the fact that they contain less oils. You can replace matte lipstick with a lip pencil: apply a few strokes to your lips and blend them thoroughly. This makeup will last a very long time.

Advice! If you've dyed your hair warm or cool, think about whether your usual lipstick suits you. Maybe with the change in hair tone you should reconsider your makeup color scheme.

We place accents

Choosing the right lipstick for brunettes is half the battle. It is important to do your makeup correctly. We should not forget the golden rule: the emphasis should be either on the eyes or on the lips. If you prefer burgundy, bright red or brown lipstick, your eyes should be as natural as possible. If you prefer to “wear” natural lip makeup, you can make your eyes more highlighted, for example, using arrows or dark shadows.

In general, brunettes can be more daring in their makeup: their appearance requires bright makeup, because, otherwise, the face may “get lost” against the background of dark hair. Therefore, do not be afraid to experiment: sooner or later you will definitely be able to find your unique style.

Advice! When choosing lipstick, do not apply it to your wrist, as many girls do. The skin color on your wrist is not the same as your face tone. It's best to apply the lipstick to your fingertips so you can get a better idea of ​​how the shade will look on your lips.

Help from the stars

If you don't know how to choose lipstick, the stars will help you! Of course, we are not talking about astrology, but about the example of the stars of world show business. Find photos of famous brunettes and see what shades they wear both in everyday makeup and on the red carpet. Surely there are women among celebrities who are similar to you in skin and hair color. By studying other people's experiments, you can choose the most suitable option for yourself!

By studying other people's experiments, you can choose the most suitable option for yourself.

Advice! When choosing lipstick, consider the season. In summer, when the skin tans, you can choose bright, optimistic berry shades. In winter, the time comes for muted tones that will not emphasize the pallor of your skin.

Choosing lipstick for brunettes is not an easy task. However, if you cope with it, then your favorite lipstick will make you even brighter, more beautiful and seductive.

Makeup is an integral part of the image of a modern woman. With the right lipstick, you can not only highlight your lips, but also visually rejuvenate your face. To answer the question “what is the right lipstick color for brunettes with brown eyes,” photos of models from professional makeup artists are simply necessary.

Choosing lipstick depending on eye color

One of the criteria for choosing the right lipstick is eye color.

  1. Dark-haired women with brown eyes are divided into three types:
  • Burning brunettes with jet-black hair suit rich pink shades of lipstick. Such a palette can highlight a woman’s natural brightness without oversaturating the image. For evening makeup, you can choose more expressive shades - ruby ​​and dark red;
  • For those with brown hair, it is best to opt for lipstick colors such as cherry, coral and ruby. Dark shades of red and pink will also look good;
  • Coral combined with light brown hair refreshes the look and makes the face expressive. Dark pink and muted red add brightness and are suitable for evening makeup.
  1. For brunettes with green eyes, depending on the color type, makeup artists recommend:
  • Nude lipsticks in golden, peach and caramel shades for those with “warm” skin. You can make a bright accent on your lips using coral and terracotta shades. Scarlet lipstick is ideal for evening make-up;
  • For a cold color type, it is better to choose the appropriate shades: crimson, dark pink and ruby.
  1. Brunettes with blue eyes are suitable for a bright palette of colors: fuchsia, coral, raspberry, as well as classic red. Scarlet lipstick with a matte texture will complement evening makeup. The shine of brown hair will be perfectly emphasized by golden-brown lipstick.

For dark-skinned women with black hair and light eyes (blue, green, gray), dark, rich lipsticks with a matte texture are suitable.

Mistakes when choosing lipstick

It often happens that women, following fashion trends, make the wrong choice when buying lipstick. Also, you should not focus on your friends - there is no lip product that will suit absolutely any woman.

  • Black-haired brunettes with light eyes are better off avoiding cold shades of lipstick - they give the face a sickly bluish appearance;
  • Dark hair and eyes in combination with too light, bleached lips look like they lose their burning charm. The face becomes faded and expressionless;
  • All girls, without exception, are contraindicated in unnatural tones of lipstick - bright orange, blue, black. These lips are only good for the catwalk;
  • Thin lips will look like an elongated string if they are painted with too bright or dark lipstick. In addition, girls with such lips should avoid matte products. Full, bright red lips will look vulgar.

Lipstick for the occasion

Makeup, like clothes, should be selected in accordance with where the woman is going. First of all, it must be appropriate for each specific case.

  • For daytime, going to work or to the store, natural makeup is suitable. In the office, too bright lipstick looks provocative;
  • A festive dinner, a romantic date, or a trip to a restaurant allow for more saturated shades and a bright accent on the lips. Expressive evening makeup will help its owner not to get lost in the photo.

However, there is a little trick to making a bright lipstick suitable for any occasion. By applying the product to your lips from a tube or with a brush, you get a rich shade. When applying lipstick with your fingers, lightly pressing it into your lips, you can get a completely different result - light makeup, appropriate for a daytime walk.

The basic rule of natural makeup

To make your face look natural, you need to know how to choose makeup products so that they are in harmony with each other. By following the rule: “blush and lipstick of the same shade,” you can avoid ridiculous makeup mistakes. You can get the desired shade of your face by applying a little lipstick to your cheeks and carefully blending them with a brush. This method is not suitable for women with oily skin type, because... lipstick clogs pores and can cause acne.

Correct accents

Bright accents make the face expressive. It is important to highlight one thing: either the eyes or the lips. Giving preference to bright red, burgundy and brown lips, the eyes should be made as natural as possible, limiting oneself to black mascara and discreet shadows. For those who like winged lines, rich shadows and bright eyeliners, it is better to paint their lips in calmer tones. In any case, bright makeup suits all brunettes. Nude tones are lost against the background of dark hair.

Makeup artists talk about what lipstick color brunettes should choose.

Bright scarlet lips are an accent that not all girls suit in makeup. But for brunettes, with their expressive appearance, lipsticks in rich red shades are very suitable. With the help of a red cosmetic product, you can easily create both an image suitable for every day and a spectacular makeup for going out. From this article you will learn which shades of red are suitable for whom, and how to choose lipstick in such a way as to best emphasize the advantages of your appearance.


Red lipstick now is not a luxury at all, but a necessity. Almost every girl has at least one of the existing red lipsticks in her makeup bag. Especially if you are a spectacular brunette who wants to emphasize her sexuality.

First of all, it is worth mentioning that red lipstick, like all others, can be presented in different forms. The most common option is classic glossy. Depending on how shiny you want the product, you can choose simple lip varnishes or lip products with subtle shimmer. The most popular option is a light gloss, which looks appropriate and neat.

In addition to these classics, matte lip products are also trending now. Lipsticks with a matte or satin finish make makeup look more “expensive” and are popular among girls and women of all ages. These lipsticks, combined with an impeccable tone and an evening dress, will complement your ideal going out look.

How to choose?

In order to choose a beautiful lipstick that will highlight the features of your appearance, you need to know what to look for. Many girls think that red lipstick is too provocative, but in reality it is not so. Makeup with scarlet lips is suitable for all young ladies who want to look spectacular at any time of the year. This color gives confidence, which is why many representatives of the fair sex use it for evening receptions and festive events.

When choosing a lip makeup product, you need to consider that the brighter the lipstick, the whiter your teeth should be, because bright lipstick will emphasize the yellowness of your enamel. The same applies to products with yellowish or brown undertones. Try to buy a product with a beautiful cool undertone that will not spoil your appearance.

When purchasing the color of a cosmetic product, you need to test it on your skin. After all, if you pay attention to the tester on white paper, the product will end up looking different than it does on your skin. So, if it’s not possible, or you don’t want to apply the product to your lips, then just spread the color over your lips.

Lipstick is selected to match the eye color and skin tone. Therefore, do not be surprised if the same makeup product does not suit you as a dark-skinned beauty. There are several basic skin colors that red lipsticks match.

If you have fair skin with a slight pinkish undertone, then you're in luck because almost all shades of red will suit you. Girls with darker skin can buy products in rich dark shades. So, for example, you can choose a matte wine lipstick that will look luxurious on your lips. Makeup with a burgundy shade looks especially good in evening makeup.

Often European women have a beautiful olive undertone to their skin. If this is true for you, then lipsticks in soft shades are perfect for you. They will not look out of place and spoil your image. Choose a red lipstick that won't dull your skin or highlight imperfections in your appearance.

What color is suitable?

Stylists often advise girls to choose the color of a product based on their color type. For a dark brunette with dark skin and the same eyes, an expressive lipstick of rich cherry color is suitable. For dark blondes, you should not choose lipsticks with a light tone. So, orange or brown lipstick on your lips will not look so impressive.

Girls with fair skin, that is, winter brunettes, suit almost any lipstick. A classic red with a wine undertone suits them best. When choosing a lipstick, stylists recommend applying it to your wrist to check how tightly the product covers the skin and how the shade looks as a result.

The color of your eyes also plays an important role. Let's look at how to choose lipstick so that it maximizes the beauty of your eyes.

With brown eyes

Brown-eyed girls are best suited to the most saturated shades of red. At the same time, their undertone can be anything, be it light pink or beige. All of them will look as good as possible on your face. Brown-eyed brunettes look very impressive even without makeup, so no matter what product you choose, they will only make your appearance better.

With green eyes

For green-eyed and dark-haired beauties they create many beautiful berry shades. Lipstick of a dark pink, almost currant tone is perfect for brunettes with green eyes, as well as classic scarlet, which looks like juicy cherries. Choose interesting shades, and your look will become deeper and the color more saturated.

With blue eyes

For blue-eyed girls with fair skin, stylists advise choosing lipstick with a pink undertone. This lipstick looks best on classic blondes of the Slavic type, but brunettes with blue eyes can choose a product with a pink undertone and not be disappointed. Such a bright lipstick will dilute your look and make it much more interesting and brighter by several shades.

With gray eyes

Fashionable shades

It would seem that red lipstick is the simplest cosmetic product, in which there is nothing interesting. But in fact, it has many interesting shades. Even without mixing this lip product with other shades of lipstick or pencils, you can get an interesting makeup look.

If you like dark lipstick, then rich burgundy, wine or plum lipsticks will definitely suit your taste. Girls often choose these shades for fall, when makeup can be a little more dramatic than usual. Also, makeup with dark lipstick goes well with luxurious evening looks, complemented by expensive jewelry.

To create a neutral makeup, choose not too bright shades of red. Of course, red is more noticeable and striking than nude, but it can also be worn on an everyday basis. Peach, beige or brown undertones make the classic cherry shade more interesting. In addition, such lipsticks are suitable even for those who, in principle, do not wear red on their lips, considering it too fatal.

All purple shades of red fondant look interesting. Plum, lilac, or fuchsia are now in trend, as is scarlet lipstick with this undertone. Such colors make the image more unusual, and do not suit everyone. Lipsticks with a pink or crimson tint also look unusual. But they are the ones who can significantly revive the image of a brunette.

Shades of coral, orange or brown are less popular now. But if you like these tones, and they fit well with the characteristics of your color type, then you should not neglect reddish red shades. Today there are a huge number of tones of red lipstick. Therefore, you can safely choose exactly the tone that you like and suits you among the assortment from any manufacturer.

Makeup options

With a red tint you can create many interesting makeup options. In everyday life, red lips may seem too bright, but this will only make your look noticeable and impressive. “Make up” red lipstick with basic shadows, don’t get carried away with eyeliner and highlighters, and your look will look good both on a walk and on a date.

For every day, you should choose a lipstick that is not too bright, which will highlight the features of your appearance. First you need to create the perfect base for makeup by cleansing the skin, moisturizing it, and evening out the tone of the face. Remember that red lipstick can highlight even the most invisible flaws in your appearance. So they need to be carefully corrected using concealer, pencil or a light layer of powder. Only by creating the perfect background, you can wear red lipstick and not worry that it will highlight all the redness.

After this, you need to highlight your eyes with mascara. If you like makeup with arrows, then they should be done right at this stage. Before you start highlighting your lips, everything else should already be perfect.

Evening makeup turns out to be more complex and interesting. In this case, you can also focus on the eyes. But in order for everything to look organic, the eyes should not be emphasized too much. For the evening, neutral smoky smokey eyes are suitable. They go great with red fondant. You can also use eyeliner to draw graphite arrows that will make your look spectacular.

For brunettes, red lipstick can also be used in wedding makeup. In this case, you should carefully highlight your eyes with light shadows so that your face does not look too bright against the background of a white dress. Red lipstick looks especially good against the background of a dress with a scarlet ribbon instead of a belt. Or, if you complement your bridal look with statement jewelry or unusually colored shoes.

In general, red makeup is done according to certain standards. But you can safely change everything at your own discretion, adjusting the standard makeup to suit you. The main thing is that you do not combine too many bright accents, otherwise the makeup will turn out really vulgar, and you will be disappointed with your overall look.

There are certain subtleties of applying red lipstick that are worth remembering in order to create a truly beautiful makeup look. So, for example, in order not to constantly adjust your makeup, powder your lips or use a base before applying lipstick. It won’t harm your lips, and it won’t spoil the color at all. The makeup will still look neat and beautiful.

But if your lips are naturally too dry or damaged by matte lipsticks, then before applying makeup, you should instead use a moisturizing foundation. It can be hygienic lipstick or even a simple baby cream. Such a mild product will make cracks less noticeable and the skin softer. Also, many manufacturers make lipsticks that are already supplemented with components that help moisturize the lips. If you buy this lipstick, you can use it even on an everyday basis without fear that your lips will crack and become covered with microcracks.

You can create beautiful makeup using red lipstick even without using a contour pencil. The main thing is to draw the line very clearly with lipstick. If something goes a little wrong and you go over the edges, then you can correct everything with a simple cotton swab dipped in warm water. A concealer or light pencil will help you highlight a neat contour and make your makeup more impressive. Use them to outline your lips and carefully blend the line along the contour so that it is not too clear.

But if you have the opportunity, then it’s better to also use a pencil to outline your lips - this way you will make them noticeably plumper and more beautiful. And if you have them slightly asymmetrical, then correct this defect. And then red lipstick will really look as sexy as possible on your lips.
