What is the best soap. Soap composition

Russian counters abound with a variety of types of baby soap: solid, liquid, antibacterial. How to choose what is actually safe and useful? Roskachestvo experts advise focusing on the age of the child and carefully read the label.

Choose by age

✔︎ Up to a year. Soap is not recommended for bathing babies. Only special foams and gels for this age - with a minimum of detergent components, without fragrances, dyes and other allergens.

✔︎ One to three years. Suitable cream soap with a large number of caring ingredients, oils and herbal extracts. It should have a neutral Ph (from 7 to 10) and contain almost no fragrances and dyes.

✔︎ Ages 3 and up. You can use soap with safe dyes, in bright packaging, in the form of toys - this helps to teach the child about hygiene. But it is better to buy it in pharmacies or company stores.


✔︎ Packaging. It is important that it be clean, unburned, without greasy stains. Be sure to check the expiration date, it's important.

✔︎ Smell. It should be neutral, “soapy”, or smell like the fragrance indicated on the label - chamomile, calendula, etc. A rancid smell is unacceptable.

✔︎ Structure. A good soap is firm to the touch, uniform in texture, free of cracks, oily stains, and sticky residue.

✔︎ Stamp. On a piece of high-quality soap, the manufacturer's seal is clearly readable.

How to wash your hands properly

Rospotrebnadzor experts advise in public places to learn how to wash hands the way professional bacteriologists do, in three stages. First you need to lather your hands and wash off the foam with water. Then lather your hands again and, if the faucet is not touch-sensitive, lather the valves or the mixer handle. Wash off the soap with water. Then lather your hands a third time, rinse off the foam and close the already clean faucet.

Soap does not kill bacteria!

We bathe the baby without soap

You can and should alternate "soapy" baths with healing herbal ones.

1 When choosing herbs for a bath, you should consult a pediatrician. Also, consider the medicinal properties of herbs. For example, plantain perfectly heals minor scratches, chamomile relieves irritation on the skin, aloe has anti-inflammatory properties, lavender will help the baby calm down and fall asleep faster, a string saves with allergies. It is better to use ready-made herbal preparations purchased at a pharmacy.

2 Before bathing a child, test the infusion for allergies. Soak a cotton swab in it and wipe a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe baby's skin in the elbow area. If during the day, then this decoction is not suitable for bathing.

3 You need to brew the grass at least an hour before bathing. The decoction must be infused. Be sure to find the recommended proportions on the herb packaging. Usually water infusions are prepared in a ratio of 1:10. For the first bath, it is better to brew one herb, then add a second one after a couple of days, etc. But it is not recommended to use more than four herbs at once.

4 When bathing, be careful not to get water drops in your baby's mouth. You need to start bathing from 5–7 minutes, gradually bringing it up to 15–20 minutes at a water temperature of 35–37 degrees. After bathing, do not rinse the baby with water, but simply blot the skin with a diaper, given that some herbs can leave stubborn stains on the fabric.

5 To wash your hair, use special herbs that strengthen your hair. For example, burdock. Its root is especially useful for hair. Such a decoction makes the hair thick, gives it shine, strengthens curls and curls. It is necessary to brew 20 g of crushed burdock root in a glass of boiling water. Infuse for 30 minutes, cool and strain.

TOP-4: the best baby soap according to Roskachestvo

The highest quality and hypoallergenic Russian baby soap: Nevskaya Kosmetika, Purity Recipes, Umka, Dixy.

I hope that most of my readers have already switched to using safe powders after studying. Today I want to offer you to revise the composition of children's cosmetics for skin care and cleansing. This must be done in order to identify saboteurs that undermine the health of the baby's skin.

Currently, the database of cosmetic ingredients is more than 17.5 thousand items and most of them are harmful! Therefore, I will not publish long lists with difficult-to-remember words and advise you to check the composition of funds with them. This is just unreal!

I have been using safe cosmetics for about 4 years now and I know that it is difficult to start doing it. First of all, I want to figure out what is really harmful and not harmful. The abundance of conflicting information leads to the fact that at one fine moment an impression is created about the harmfulness of all cosmetics and the lack of desire to understand this issue further. To prevent this from happening, I offer you my vision of the issue as a starting point. Subsequently, of course, you will form your correct one for yourself.

UPD 09/06/2018. I update the safety information taking into account the harmfulness of the components. Those. We understand that every gel and liquid composition contains preservatives. PHENOXYETHANOL is one of the most harmless preservatives.

The best cosmetics for a newborn | Solid soap is the best soap!

When I was going to the hospital, I was looking for a bathing product in a convenient bottle with a dispenser. Found! Later I realized that I had a fundamentally wrong approach.

Starting to study the compositions in detail, I was horrified at how few funds with harmless compositions. For some reason, manufacturers do not consider it necessary at least to use soft surfactants. Going through the compositions of dozens of liquid soft products and analyzing their composition, I came to the conclusion that

The safest soaps hard! Because they don't need to add:

  • stabilizers. Substances holding back the desired consistency of the composition for buyers. For example, gel-like, foamy, jelly-like, etc.
  • thickeners. Substances formative attractive for buyers the consistency of the composition. For example, gel-like, foamy, jelly-like, etc.
  • preservatives. Substances that prevent compositions from spoiling for a long time.

And also solid soaps are much more beneficial than gels:

You know the feeling of injustice and inconsistency when you see the price of 400 rubles for a 100 gram piece? Count how many of 100 gr. Soap will turn into a gel when soap is dissolved in water. It seems like 400 ml or even more ... But at the same time, 400 ml. a gel-like cleanser of the same brand costs 1,500 rubles. Therefore, the benefit of solid soap in financial terms is also significant.

In general, 400 rubles for 400 ml. high-quality, safe plant-based gel at a relatively low price. This volume for one child is enough for a year and maybe more. The only negative remains - solid soap is not as convenient as liquid soap with a dispenser. There's nothing you can do about it, in life you always have to put up with something. The solid form of soap is not the worst moment in our lives to get used to.

The best cosmetics for a newborn | Meet the most dangerous enemies of good cosmetics

  • In order for the baby's skin to be healthy, it is very important not to let cosmetics break the natural protective barrier of the skin! We choose only soft surface-active substances (surfactants). They are the main enemies of the natural protective barrier. The most popular surfactant used in cosmetics is sodium lauryl sulfate ( sodium laurylsulfate or SLS) and his younger brother sodiumlaureth sulfate(SLES) . This couple you should remember and avoid! They are very dangerous and are present in 90% of all detergents (shampoos, gels, facial cleansers, soaps) and if you want healthy skin for your baby and yourself, take the time to choose a detergent without them. Moreover, later in the article I have already done everything for you - I have collected a selection of harmless options.
  • Some sources claim the harm of mineral (technical) oils. Their list is extensive: liquid paraffin (liquid paraffin), paraffin oil (paraffin oil, paraffinum liquidum), liquid vaseline (petrolatum liquid, petroleum oil), mineral oil mineral oil), white oil - all these are petroleum products! At the same time, one can find studies in which, on the contrary, it is indicated that vegetable oils are less stable and undergo oxidation and hydrolysis. I am loyal to mineral oils, but still prefer to choose plant-based products. It is worth knowing that the use of animal fats in cosmetics is unacceptable. They form a film on the surface of the skin that clogs the pores.
  • Another controversial component is parabens (propylparaben, methylparaben, butylparaben). According to some reports, it can cause cancer. At the moment, this information has not been confirmed, but some manufacturers have tried and have already begun to label their products “free paraben” (without parabens).
  • Dangerous Ingredients to Remember: formaldehydes, silicones, sulfates, parabens and all compounds with them. If we see the words formaldehyde, silicone, sulfate, paraben in the composition, then we avoid the product.

The best cosmetics for a newborn | Looking at eco-labeled products

This is the easiest way to choose quality cosmetics, without spending several days studying the compositions, is the choice of certified products with labels. The disadvantage of this approach is that certified products tend to be more expensive. However, there are always exceptions that I will please you with. A certified product can be identified by the corresponding label on the bottle.

    • ECOCERT (France) is the most prestigious standard in the world of safe and natural products. ECOCERT certificate guarantees the absence of silicones, mineral oils, emulsifiers, preservatives, dyes, synthetic fragrances, acids, fatty alcohols, propylene glycol and other hazardous petrochemicals in cosmetics. Popular brands whose products are ECOCERT certified: Green Mama for adults ( series formula Provence BIO), all SODASAN products.

    • BDIH
      - German Federal Association of Industrial and Trade Companies. According to the standard BDIH it is allowed to use only completely natural environmentally friendly raw materials and the use of GMOs, dyes, synthetic fragrances and petrochemicals is strictly prohibited. Products certified according to BDIH, is not tested on animals, and ingredients of animal origin (except beeswax) are prohibited in the products. BDIH: most products Logona (Logona), Weleda.
    • ICEA— the standard of ecologically and biologically clean cosmetics includes strict requirements for raw materials of plant, animal, mineral origin, packaging and has a list of prohibited ingredients. Popular brands whose products are COSMOS-Standard certified: NaturaSiberica(some adult shampoos)
    • COSMOS(COSMetic Organic Standard) combines the most prestigious European certification schemes into one common standard - the most demanding quality standard for organic and natural cosmetics. There are two levels of certification: ORGANIC- 95% agricultural ingredients of the product are required. NATURAL- requires 20% of the total composition of the product to be organic. Label on
      packaging depends on the primary type of certification ( ECOCERT, ICEA, BDIH). Since December 2014, this type of certification is replacing other types of European certification of eco-products.
      Popular brands whose products are certified COSMOS standard: Natura Siberica ( most products of the Little Siberica series are certified, as well as some adults), cosmetics for adults joli,
    • NATRUE- the youngest type of certification in Europe has been valid since 2011. The Natrue mark guarantees the naturalness of cosmetic products. Natrue performs 3 levels of certification of cosmetics, each of which has its own label:
      1. "Natural cosmetics",
      2. "Natural cosmetics with ingredients of organic origin",
      3. "Organic cosmetics."
      "Natural cosmetics with ingredients of organic origin" requires a higher minimum content of unaltered natural substances. a minimum of 70% of the natural ingredients contained in the product must come from sustainable farming and/or certified collection from natural areas.
      "Organic Cosmetics" requires at least 95% of the natural substances contained in the product to come from sustainable farming.
      Popular brands whose products are certified NATRUE: Weleda

The best cosmetics for a newborn | About hypoallergenicity and the dangers of cosmetics in general

Often on the Internet you can find information about how some mother tried to use less harmful cosmetics and faced an allergy in her baby. Usually such a mother returns to using harmful cosmetics :-(. This is wrong. Mom should choose hypoallergenic cosmetics without harmful components in the composition.

It is generally accepted that all safe (natural and organic) cosmetics should be hypoallergenic - this is a delusion. Natural and organic cosmetics are often more allergenic due to the use of vegetable raw materials.

I think I confused you a little, so I'll give an example:

We all know that oranges are much healthier than mayonnaise.
We do not consider oranges harmful because they cause an allergic reaction in allergy sufferers.
But at the same time, everyone knows perfectly well how harmful mayonnaise is, both for ordinary people and for allergy sufferers due to the high calorie content and the content of harmful substances.

If your child is prone to allergies, then it is necessary to choose hypoallergenic cosmetics from safe ones.

Witch hunt among popular brands of children's cosmetics (analysis of compositions)

In this section, I will consider the compositions of the series of cosmetic products of popular children's brands (,). In the first positions of the list there are outsiders, and at the end are leaders in the field of safe compositions. I highlighted dangerous and potentially dangerous substances in red, neutral ones in gray. The review contains funds recommended from the first days of life.

Eared babysitter (Ozon , My-shop)

At the beginning of the hit parade, I simply cannot deprive myself of pleasure and once again criticize 😀 the people's favorite - Eared Nanny, I have a lot of complaints about its composition.

Representatives Composition Price (08.01.2016)
Means for bathing Eared nanny "From head to toe" (My-shop , Ozon) Aqua, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Lauryl Glucoside, Propylene Glycol, Cocamide DEA , Sodium Chloride, Parfum ,Disodium EDTA , Vitis Vinifera juice, aloe barbadensis Gel Powder, Citric Acid, Methylchloroisothiazolinone , Methylisothiazolinone , Trideceth-9 , Bisabolol, CI 15985 , CI 47005, CI42051
Findings: product with a high content of hazardous substances.
250 ml 98 rub

Baby Cream Eared Nanny Protective under diaper (My-shop)
Water, Ethylhexyl Stearate, VASELINE, Zinc Oxide, polyglyceryl-3 diisostearate, glycerin, polyglyceryl-2 dipolyhydroxystearate, ceresin, stearin, paraffin, cyclopentoxyloxane, dimethicone crosspolymer, cyclohexasiloxane, soybean oil, marigold flower extract, peach oil, zinc stearate, magnesium sulfate, phenoxyethanol (Phenoxyethanol), methylparaben, propylparaben, bronitrol, perfume composition.
findings: parabens are used,the safety of which is in question and the preservative Phenoxyethanol
100 ml - 118 rubles.

Baby body milk "For me and mom" "Eared nanny" (My-shop)

Aqua, CETEARYL ISONONANOATE,Glyceryl Stearate, Hydrogenated Polyisobutene Paraffinum Liquidum, Prunus Persica, Dimethiconol, Propylparaben, Methylparaben, Ethylparaben, perfume composition, D-panthenol
Findings: parabens are used
200 ml. - 136 rubles.
Shampoo for children
"Eared nanny" (My-shop, Ozon)
water, sodium laureth sulfate, cocamidopropyl betaine ( Cocamidopropyl betaine), lauryl glucoside( Lauryl Glucoside), propylene glycol( Propylene Glycol),cocamide DEA ( Cocamide DEA) , perfume composition, Denatrium salt EDTA (Disodium edta) , chamomile extract, sodium chloride, citric acid, methylisothiazolinone (Methylisothiazolinone), CI 47005.Findings: nsafe tool. Contains a large number of dangerous components! 200 ml. - 62 rubles.
CHILDREN'S CREAM SOAP GENTLE CARE "EARED NANNY" (My-shop ,) Sodium tallowate Sodium cocoate Sodium palmate Aqua Glycerine parfum titanium dioxide polyguatemium-7 Sodium cocoyl isethionate Sodium laureth sulfate Cocamidopropyl betaine Seed oil, Chamomilla recutita flower extract, tetrasodium EDTA, BHT, Sodium Chloride, Hexus Cinnamal, Benzyl salicylate, Butylphenyl Methylpropional, Citronellol.Findings: n 300 ml - 79 rubles.
Aqua, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Lauryl Glucoside, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Сocamide DEA, Laureth-11 Carboxylate Laureth-10, Glycereth-2 Cocoate, Laureth-7 Citrate , Sodium Chloride, Hamamelis Virginiana Water, Butylene Glycol , Pentylene Glycol , Lactic Acid, Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract, Citric Acid, PEG/PPG-15/15 Dimethicone, PEG-7M, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, MethylisothiazolinoneFindings: dangerous drug 400 ml. — 129 rubles.

Shampoo "My Sunshine" (My-shop)

Aqua, Lauryl Glucoside, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Disodium Laureth Sulfosuccinate, Sorbitol, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium Chloride, PEG-120 Methyl Glucose Dioleate,Glycerol , Bidens Tripartita Extract, Oryza Sativa Bran Extract ,Oryza Sativa Germ Oil ,Sine Adipe Lac (and) Glycerin , Pentylene Glycol , PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil,Trideceth-9 , Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben , Ethylparaben, Butylparaben, Propylparaben, Isobutylparaben, Citric acid, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone
Findings: dangerous drug. Contains aggressive surfactants and many other toxic substances.
200 ml. - 100 rubles.
Massage oil "My sun" (my-shop)

Paraffinum Liquidum, Sunflower Seed Oil, Cedar(Cedrus sibirica) Seed Oil, Incense Cedar(Pinus Pumila Regel) Oil, Tocopheryl Acetate, Jojoba Oil, Hippophae Rhamnoides Extract, BHT, BHA, Propyl Gallate, Arachid Oil, Citric Acid.

Findings: unsafe agent. Contains anti-oxidants of a high degree of toxicity - BHT, BHA.

200 ml. - 138 rubles.

Diaper cream "My sun"

Aqua, Paraffinum Liquidum, Zhinc Oxide, Isopropyl Palmitate, Sorbitan Isostearate (and) Hydrogenated Castor Oil (and) Ceresin (and) Beeswax, Glycerin, Cyclopenthasiloxane, Talc, PEG-30 Dipolyhydroxystearate, D-Panthenol, Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil , Magnesium Sulfate, Parfum, Lactic Acid, Methylparaben , Propylparaben , Methylisotiazlinone .

Findings: parabens are used whose safety is questionable

200 ml. - 78 rubles.

Aqua (water), sodium laureth sulfate (sodium laureth sulfate), cocamidopropyl betaine (cocamidopropyl betaine), maltooligosyl glucoside/hydrogenated starch hydrolysate (maltooligosyl glucoside/hydrogenated starch hydrolysate), cocamide DEA (cocamide diethanolamine) decyl glucoside (decyl glucoside), laureth-7 citrate, sodium chloride (sodium chloride - common salt), bidens tripartitus extract, calendula officinalis extract, triticun vulgare extract, methylchloroisothiazolinone, methylisothiazolinone, citric acid, argentum ionim, parfum.
Findings: product with a high content of hazardous substances

250 ml. - 155 rubles.
"Our Mom" ​​Baby oil for care and massage ( Ozone
) calendula extract, sea ​​buckthorn oil, pine nut oil, vitamin A (Retinol), vitamin E (TOCOPHEROL), vaseline oil (Paraffinum Liquidum (EU) / Mineral Oil), fragrance
Findings: ingredients.
125 ml. - 140 rubles.

"Our mother"
Baby cosmetic milk for sensitive and problematic skin

Aqua, Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil, Glycerin, Hydrogenated Polydecene , Stearic Acid, Carbomer, Triethanolamine , Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Extract, Calendule Officinalis Flower Extract, Bidens Tripartitus (Bur Marigold) Extract, Retinyl Palmitate, Disodium EDTA, Methylaparaben, Propylparaben, Hippophae Rhaminoides Oil, BHT , Ascorbyl Palmitate, Citric Acid, ParfumFindings: unsafe agent. Contains regulators and preservatives whose danger is confirmed. Also parabens. 150 ml. - 130 rubles.

"Our Mom" ​​Baby shampoo for sensitive and problematic skin (My-shop)

Aqua, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Decyl Glucoside , Cocamidopropyl Betaine , SODIUM CHLORIDE , Cocamide DEA , A succession, chamomile, calendula, etc.Findings: dangerous tool!

150 ml. — 82 rubles.

Our mother Baby soap with chamomile and string (My-shop)

Line-up as of June 2018: Sodium Palmate, sodium tallowate, sodium cocoate, aqua, glycerin, sodium chloride, parfum, lanolin, sorbitol, palm acid, PEG 400, propylene glycol, titanium dioxid (CI 77891), plantago major leaf extract, chamomilla extract, tetrasodium EDTA

Findings: unsafe agent.

100 gr. — 49 rubles. aqua, Glycerin, BG, isostearate-PEG-40-glyceryl,cetyl-PG-hydroxyethyl palmitamide, glycyrrhetinic acid dipotassium, PEG-25 hystearate, sodium hyaluronate, PCA-Na , betaine , sorbitol , glycine , cerine , olive oil , lauriol glutaminate dioctyldodecyl, glyceryl stearate (SE), squalane , cholesteryl isostearate, behenyl alcohol,dimethicone, isostearylglyceryl, sodium stearoylglutamate, phenoxyethanol, methylparaben, carbomer, propylparaben, tocopherol, butylparaben, sodium hydroxideFindings: the level of security of several components is not clear due to the lack of information about them (highlighted in blue). Revealedharmful component - preservative Phenoxyethanol and parabens which are present in small quantities. 120 ml. — 326 rubles

PIGEON baby moisturizing oil (Ozon, My-shop)

Capryl triglyceride, octyldodecanol , squalane, jojoba oil, cetyl-PG hydroxyethyl palmitamide, stearyl glyceritinade, phytosterol/octyldodecyl laurol glutomate, tocopherol

Findings: product does not contain harmfulingredients.

80 ml. — 349 rubles.

Shampoo-foam Pigeon (Ozon, My-shop,)

Water, Dipropylene Glycol (Dipropylene Glycol), cocoylalanine TEM, lauryl betaine, polyglyceryl 4 lauryl sulfate (Polyglyceryl-4-Laurate/Succinate), cetyl propylene glycol, hydroxyethyl paramitamide, 2-potassium glycyrrhizic acid, polyquatenium-10, polyquatenium-7, sodium chloride, methylparaben, propylparaben, phenoxyethanol, etidrocat

Findings: The main washing base is overly active surfactants. Andparabens are usedwhose safety is questionable

350 ml. — 655 rubles.

Aqua, Chamomilla Recutita Extract, Citric Acid, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Coco-Glucoside, Disodium Laureth Sulfosuccinate,
Glycerin, Glyceryl Oleate, Heliotropine , Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein,
Panthenol, Parfum, PEG-120 Methyl Glucose Dioleate,
Phenoxyethanol, Polyquaternium-10, Polysorbate 20,
Sodium Benzoate, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Citrate,
Sodium Hydroxide, Sodium Laureth Sulfate

Findings: nan unsafe remedy, although from the “From the First Days” series. Contains hazardous ingredients.

400 ml. - 538 rubles.

Protective diaper cream Bubchen (Bubchen) "From the first days"

Ethylhexyl Stearate, Zinc Oxide, Butylene Glycol , Polyglyceryl-3 Polyricinoleate, Glyceryl Oleate, Butyrospermum Parkii Butter, Heliotropine , Panthenol, Zinc Staerate, Zinc Sulfate
findings: product does not contain harmfulingredients.

75 ml - 200 rubles.

Bubchen skin care milk "From the First Days" (Ozon)

Aqua, Isopropyl Palmitate, Ethylhexyl Stearate, Butylene Glyco l, Polyglyceryl-3 Polyricinoleate, Glyceryl Oleate, Butyrospermum Parkii Butter, Heliotropine , Panthenol, Zinc Sulfate
Findings: product does not contain harmfulingredients.

200 ml - 284 rubles

Baby shampoo Bubchen (Bubchen) with wheat ingredients, Aloe Vera, panthenol and chamomile extract(other Bubchen shampoos contain unsafe substances)

Aqua, Sorbitol, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Lauryl Glucoside, Glycerin, Coco-Glucoside, Glyceryl Oleate, Panthenol, Chamomilla Recutita Flower Extract, Acrylates / C10-30 AlkylAcrylate Crosspolimer , Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice Powder, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Heliotropine , Zinc Sulfate , Sodium Hydroxide, Parfum, Citric Acid

Findings: product does not contain harmfulingredients. One of the softest surfactants Coco-Glucoside is used.

200 ml - 166 rubles

Solid baby soap
Bubchen (Bubchen) basic series

Sodium Palmate, Sodium Cocoate, Aqua, Sodium Olivate,Glycerin, Parfum, Sodium Chloride, Glycine Soja Oil

Bisabolol, Chamomilla Recutita Extract, Sodium Thiosulfate, Tetrasodium Etidronate, CI 77891
Findings: nsafe tool. Contains a hazardous component in small quantities.

125 gr. — 115 rubles


Findings: parabens are used, accused in connection with cancer. These accusations have not been proven, but there is a possibility that they are true.

400 ml. — 398 rubles.

Sanosan protective diaper rash cream (Ozon , My-shop) Water, Talc, Ethylhexyl Stearate, Zinc Oxide, Lanolin, Diisostyroyl Polyglyceryl-3 Dimer Dilinoleate, Isohexadecane, Almond Oil, Zinc Stearate, Olive Oil, Parfum, Magnesium Sulfate, Panthenol, Phenoxyethanol, Gasoline Alcohol, Tocopherol Acetate, Avocado Oil, Allantoin, Hydrolyzed milk protein, potassium sorbate, citric acid.
Findings: relatively safe means. Contains a small amount of preservative. 150 ml. — 290 rubles.

Sanosan baby Moisturizing milk "Before bed" (Ozon)

Findings: product does not contain harmfulingredients.
200ml — 240 rubles.


Findings: product does not contain harmfulingredients.
100 gr - 75 rubles Aqua, Arctium Lappa Root Extract* (Organic Burdock Extract), Coco-Glucoside, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Glycerin*, Glyceryl Oleate, Urtica Dioica (Nettle) Extract* (Organic Nettle Extract), Juniperus Sibirica Needle ExtractWH (Organic Siberian Juniper Extract), Larix Sibirica Needle ExtractWH (Organic Siberian Larch Extract), Pinus Pumila Needle ExtractWH (Organic Siberian Pine Extract), Pineamidopropyl BetainePS, Hippophae Rhamnoidesamidopropyl BetaineHR, Benzyl Alcohol, Dehydroacetic Acid, Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate, Citric Acid, Parfum .(*)
Findings: product does not contain harmfulingredients.

250 gr - 239 rubles.

Little Siberica Baby protective cream "Under the diaper" with organic extracts of marshmallow and yarrow

Aqua, Zinc Oxide, Althaea Officinalis Root Extract* (organic marshmallow extract), Octyldodecanol, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Helianthus Annuus Seed Oil* (organic sunflower oil), Glycerin*, Polyglyceryl-2 Dipolyhydroxystearate, Cera Alba* (organic beeswax) , Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter)* (Organic Shea Butter), Polyglyceryl-3 Diisostearate, Achillea Millefolium Flower Extract* (Organic Yarrow Extract), Sodium Chloride, Rhodiola Rosea Root ExtractWH (Organic Rhodiola Rosea Extract), Juniperus Sibirica Needle ExtractWH (Organic Siberian Juniper Extract), Hesperis Sibirica ExtractWH (Organic Siberian Vessel Extract), Tocopherol, Pinus Sibirica Seed Oil Polyglyceryl-6 EstersPS, Benzyl Alcohol, Dehydroacetic Acid, Glycerin, Benzoic Acid, Sorbic Acid, Citric Acid, Parfum.
COSMOS-Standard organic certification
Findings: product does not contain harmfulingredients.
Recommended for newborns
75 ml. — 216 ​​rubles

Little Siberica Baby massage oil with organic rosehip and evening primrose oils

Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Helianthus Annuus Seed Oil* (Organic Sunflower Oil), Octyldodecanol, Coco-Caprylate/Caprate, Oenothera Biennis Seed Oil* (Organic Evening Primrose Oil), Rosa Canina Fruit Oil* (Organic Rosehip Oil), Pinus Sibirica Seed OilWH (Organic Siberian Cedar Oil), Tocopherol, Pelargonium Graveolens Oil* (Organic Geranium Oil), Cananga Odorata Oil* (Organic Ylang Ylang Oil), Lavandula Angustifolia Oil* (Organic Lavender Oil), Citrus Aurantium Dulcis Oil* (Organic Orange Oil) ), Citral**, Limonene**, Geraniol**, Linalool**, Citronellol**, Benzyl Salicylate**, Farnesol**, Benzyl Benzoate**.

Findings: the product does not contain harmful ingredients.
Recommended for newborns
200 ml. - 400 rubles.

Little Siberica Baby Moisturizing Milk "For Daily Care" with organic extracts of oats and cornflower

Aqua, Centaurea Cyanus Flower Water* (Organic Cornflower Extract), Helianthus Annuus Seed Oil* (Organic Sunflower Oil), Glycerin*, Сetearyl Alcohol, Glyceryl Stearate, Avena Sativa (Oat) Kernel Extract* (Organic Oat Extract), Prunus Armeniaca Kernel Oil* (Organic Apricot Oil), Coco-Caprylate/Caprate, Octyldodecanol, Aquilegia Sibirica ExtractWH (Organic Siberian Watershed Extract), Sorbus Sibirica ExtractWH (Organic Siberian Rowan Extract), Cetraria Nivalis ExtractWH (Organic Snow Cladonia Extract), Pinus Sibirica Seed Oil Polyglyceryl-6 EstersPS, Xanthan Gum, Tocopherol, Sodium Stearoyl Glutamate, Citric Acid, Benzyl Alcohol, Dehydroacetic Acid, Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate, Parfum.
COSMOS-Standard organic certification
Findings: product does not contain harmfulingredients.
Recommended for newborns
250 ml. — 193 rubles

Little Siberica Children's soft shampoo "For the little ones" with organic extracts of angelica and soapwort

Aqua, Lauryl Glucoside, Angelica Archangelica Root Extract* (Organic Angelica Root Extract), Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Coco-Glucoside, Glyceryl Oleate, Saponaria Officinalis Root Extract* (Organic Saponaria Extract), Abies Sibirica Needle ExtractWH (Organic Siberian Fir Extract), Achillea Asiatica ExtractWH (Organic Asian Yarrow Extract), Juniperus Sibirica Needle ExtractWH (Organic Siberian Juniper Extract), Pineamidopropyl BetainePS, Hippophae Rhamnoidesamidopropyl BetaineHR, Benzyl Alcohol, Dehydroacetic Acid, Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate, Parfum, Citric Acid, Linalool**.(*) organic ingredients
(**) Natural components of essential oils
(WH) Organic extracts of wild plants of Siberia
(PS) Siberian cedar oil derivative
(HR) Altai sea buckthorn oil derivative

Certification COSMOS Standard organic
Findings: product does not contain harmfulingredients.
Recommended for newborns
250 ml. - 287 rubles.

Little Siberica Baby soap "For daily care" with birch extract and string

Aqua, Lauryl Glucoside, Salvia Officinalis (Sage) Leaf Water* (organic sage extract), Sodium Coco Sulfate (Some cosmetics databases consider this ingredient as dangerous as SLS), Glycerin*, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Betula Alba Juice* (organic birch extract), Sodium Chloride, Coco-Glucoside, Glyceryl Oleate, Bidens Tripartita Flower/Leaf/Stem Extract (marigold extract), Saponaria Officinalis Root Extract* (organic soap root extract ), Geranium Sibiricum ExtractWH (Organic Siberian Geranium Extract), Achillea Asiatica ExtractWH (Organic Asian Yarrow Extract), Picea Obovata Needle ExtractWH (Organic Siberian Spruce Extract), Pineamidopropyl BetainePS, Hippophae Rhamnoidesamidopropyl BetaineHR, Benzyl Alcohol, Dehydroacetic Acid, Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate, Parfum, Citric Acid, Benzyl Salicylate**, Limonene**.
COSMOS-Standard organic certification
Findings: m)

I will finish my list with the popular European brand Weleda. Weleda stands for Natrue and BDIH quality and certification all products. If your budget allows you to choose the very best, then Weleda is your option. Read a detailed review of products for the smallest Weleda brand.

Representatives Composition Price (09.01.2016)

Weleda Baby bath with calendula and medicinal herbs (Ozon, My-shop)

Water (Aqua) , Sodium Chloride , Prunus Spinosa Fruit Juice , Thymus Vulgaris Extract , Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract , Fragrance (Parfum)* , Silica , Xanthan Gum , Limonene*1 , Linalool*1 , Geraniol*

The product does not contain detergent components. Intended as an anti-inflammatory and skin-soothing bathing supplement. Active action occurs due to the content of extracts of calendula, thyme and sage.

Natrue and BDIH certified
Findings: product does not contain harmfulingredients.

200 ml. — 960 rub.

Weleda Baby cream with calendula to protect the skin in the swaddle area

Water (Aqua) , Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis Oil , Sesamum Indicum Seed Oil , Zinc Oxide , Cera Alba , Lanolin , Glyceryl Linoleate , Hectorite , Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract , Chamomilla Recutita Flower Extract , Fragrance (Parfum) * , Limonene*1 , Linalool* 1 , Benzyl Benzoate*1 , Benzyl Salicylate*1 , Geraniol* , Farnesol*

Natrue and BDIH certified
Findings:product does not contain harmful products does not contain harmfulingredients.

200 ml. - 1135 rubles.

Weleda Calendula Body Milk

Water (Aqua) , Sesamum Indicum Seed Oil , Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis Oil , Glycerin , Alcohol , Caprae Lac , Cetearyl Glucoside , Hydrogenated Coco-Glycerides , Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract , Chamomilla Recutita Flower Extract , Cera Alba , Theobroma Cacao Seed Butter , Xanthan Gum , Glyceryl Caprylate , Fragrance (Parfum)* , Limonene*1 , Linalool*1 , Geraniol* , Citral*
Natrue and BDIH certified
Findings: product does not contain harmfulingredients.
200 ml. - 1140 rubles.

Weleda Calendula Baby Shampoo Gel for Hair & Body

Water (Aqua) , Coco-Glucoside , Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis Oil , Alcohol , Disodium Cocoyl Glutamate , Sesamum Indicum Seed Oil , Glycerin , Chondrus Crispus Extract , Sodium Cocoyl Glutamate , Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract , Xanthan Gum , Lactic Acid , Fragrance (Parfum) * , Limonene*1)


soap base - palm, coconut and olive oils; a mixture of essential oils; extracts from calendula flowers, chamomile, pansies, orris root; malt and rice extracts
Natrue and BDIH certifiedFindings: product does not contain harmfulingredients. The composition of the soap is impeccable. The limitation is most likely due to the presence of essential oils in the composition. Essential oils are recommended to be avoided up to 3 years.

100 gr - 410 rubles.

To check the safety of the formulations, I used two sources:

  • ekokosmetika.ru (Substances, the harmfulness of which is in question, this site defines as dangerous. The search is based on one ingredient)
  • cosdna.com (English site. Substances whose harmfulness is considered neutral. You can check the safety of a group of components at a time).

I draw your attention to the fact that the products of the same brands, recommended for use in other age groups, have more harmful compositions.

UPD 12/07/2015 I should have written this addition for a long time, but my hands did not reach before. I pull myself together and write why, if possible, it is better to pay attention to the more expensive Weleda cosmetics. Most Little Siberica products are based on a washing base - Cocamidopropyl Betaine. Despite the fact that it belongs to the safe components, in some cases it can cause dermatitis, dryness and skin irritation. Cocamidopropyl Betaine is significantly safer than the cleanser base used in Nanny Ears and cosmetics like it, but it's not perfect. Weleda cosmetics use the safest ingredients, so those who can afford it are better to pay attention to it. For hunters of other brands' super-safe formulations, when choosing body and hair cleansers, I would recommend choosing products that have Coco-Glucoside or plant-based surfactants as surfactants. For example, surfactants from the active components of soap nuts.

If you use other harmless cosmetics for your baby, tell us (me and blog readers) about it, we are very interested! 😀

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Soap is the most sought-after body care product on the market today. It is produced in large quantities. It can have the most unusual forms and exotic composition.

Each tool has its own purpose, so the correct choice of the product depends on how well it will work. To purchase the right one for yourself, you need to be guided by several criteria:

  1. Purpose of use. Soap is divided into several types: toilet, baby, antibacterial, for intimate hygiene, household. Additionally, it can be perfumed, medicinal or organic.
  2. When choosing a composition, it is necessary to pay attention to the type of skin. Remember, vegetable oils, glycerin, aloe are suitable for dry. Fat needs oatmeal, sea salt and peach. For sensitive, the absence of dyes and flavors is ideal.
  3. The smell of soap should not be sharp, the structure is homogeneous, the shape without cracks.
  4. Check the following information on the package: the manufacturer and his contacts, composition and expiration date, storage conditions and certification.
  5. The cost of a good soap will not be too low. Cheap goods, as a rule, are made from harmful low-quality raw materials.

After studying customer reviews and guided by the above tips, we managed to select the best soap. Products are placed in a rating and divided into categories, in accordance with the purpose.

The best laundry soap

Many housewives prefer ordinary laundry soap to expensive products. Sometimes he can overcome problems that powders and stain removers could not cope with. The product is used to remove stubborn stains and whiten clothes.


Ideal value for money
Country: Malaysia
Average price: 120 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Good inexpensive soap for everyday use. Easily removes stains on clothes. Has a pleasant smell, does not dry the skin of the hands. After prolonged use, does not cause allergic reactions and irritations. It has been noted that DURU perfectly repels the smell of fish and smoked products.

Housewives willingly buy soap. I like that they can work without gloves. The product retains its shape and properties for a long time, does not crack, does not turn yellow. Economically spent. According to the observations of consumers, if, before washing in a typewriter, rub the stains with them, they will 100% disappear. Ideal for soaking. DURU is very popular in the market of household chemicals, not only due to its quality properties, but also due to its reasonable price. On average, one piece costs 30 rubles.


Safe composition
Country Russia
Average price: 120 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Effective laundry soap is offered by the Russian company Nevskaya Kosmetika. SARMA qualitatively removes complex dirt, old stains. Suitable for both white and colored linen. Thanks to triclosan in the composition, it fights pathogenic bacteria. The product is safe. They can even wash children's clothes.

The tool is used not only for hand washing, but also for pre-soaking. Does not dry or damage hands. Hypoallergenic. The smell is quite pleasant. It is noted that SARMA does not sour, it foams well even in hard water. Customers like that the product is based on natural ingredients. In the reviews, they recommend soap for purchase.

1 Sodasan

Quick removal of tough stains
Country: Germany
Average price: 193 rubles.
Rating (2018): 5.0

Sodasan is considered the best among similar economic means. It easily removes the most difficult pollution. Works in cold water. He can remove stains from ink, blood, fruit, grass, grease, cosmetics. Organic bile base contains vegetable components. Due to this, the soap does not irritate the skin.

The advantage is the ability to use Sodasan for delicate types of fabrics. They can wash silk and wool. The product does not wash out the color, does not leave stains. Despite the high cost, housewives regularly use soap, because it is harmless to all family members. Does not contain chemical ingredients. One of the reviews reads: “Its effectiveness is amazing. Sodasan tackled the stains that had accumulated over the years."

The best liquid hand soap

Liquid hand soap is popular for its delicate skin care. Regardless of the manufacturer, the product contains the same fundamental components. They provide gentle care. Convenient dispenser contributes to economical consumption and hygiene.

4 Camay

Exquisite perfume fragrance 4.7
Country: USA
Average price: 85 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

It is known that high-quality luxury product lines are produced under the Camay trademark. One of the new ones is the Mild series, enriched with extracts of medicinal plants and herbs. Liquid soap has good caring and hygienic properties. The advantage of Camay is that perfume ingredients are used to create it. They create a unique fragrance that stays on the skin for a long time.

Liquid soap contains no surfactants of animal origin. On the contrary, the product consists of biologically active components, beneficial extracts (string, aloe, chamomile), moisturizing ingredients (glycerin and lanolin) and oils (mineral, palm, olive). The composition is supplemented with fragrances and fragrances. Buyers note that using Camay is not only convenient, but also prestigious.

3 Palmolive

Gentle skin care
Country: Turkey
Average price: 137 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

The famous brand Palmolive specializes in the creation of cleansing products. Among the wide range you can find liquid soap based on essential oils with natural additives. For example, Naturalel soap is enriched with cherry blossom extract. The product gently cares for the skin of the hands, without causing dryness and irritation.

Palmolive is dermatologist tested. Helps maintain a neutral pH. A large number of reviews speak of its merits. Soap delicately affects the skin without injuring it. It has antiseptic properties and a pleasant aroma. Deeply nourishes and softens hands. The product lathers well even in cold water and rinses off quickly. A convenient applicator allows you to dose the right amount of the substance exactly at one time. Palmolive really gives a feeling of tenderness and comfort.

2 Fa

deep hydration
Country Russia
Average price: 143 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

The second place in the category belongs to the liquid soap Fa. The basis is doubled proteins of natural Greek yogurt. They allow you to maintain the natural balance of the epidermis, prevent peeling. Due to the mild formula, the soap does not dry the skin. On the contrary, it moisturizes well and gives a feeling of freshness. Fa approved by dermatologists.

On the Internet about the product you can find only positive reviews. Washing their hands is a pleasure. After use, they become soft and velvety. Buyers talk about good cleansing characteristics, no allergies and itching. Economical, pleasant aroma and inexpensive cost are noted. All this makes Fa one of the leaders in sales.

1 Planeta Organica

Best caring properties
Country Russia
Average price: 136 rubles.
Rating (2018): 5.0

The domestic manufacturer takes first place in the category of the best. Organic natural-based soap gently cleanses the skin, leaving it smooth and soft. Olive extract heals, moisturizes and soothes. The tool perfectly disinfects hands. It has an anti-inflammatory effect. Forming a lush foam, it not only removes dirt, but also improves blood circulation.

Consumers highly appreciate Planeta Organica for its unsurpassed quality and excellent results. The advantages are the composition of 5 oils, the absence of parabens and GMOs. Soap can be used by children. The product has certificates obtained from international independent organizations ICEA and ECOCERT. The relatively low price is also a plus. Pleasant aroma, thick texture, cost and economical consumption make Planeta Organica a real find.

The best cream soap for the body

Unlike usual, cream soap consists of special components for rejuvenation. It includes plant extracts, oils and other natural fillers that provide moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. The product can be used to wash the face and body.


Best price
Country: Poland
Average price: 50 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Despite the fact that Dove belongs to the budget category, this does not affect efficiency in the slightest. It lathers well and is economical. Due to the fact that a quarter of the soap consists of a cream, the skin after washing becomes soft and moisturized, and does not need additional care.

Customers willingly purchase Dove again and again. In the reviews, they talk about excellent nutritional properties, pleasant aroma and low cost. Suitable for those whose skin is prone to dermatitis. The creamy texture softens the face and adds radiance. No allergic reactions and peeling were noticed. On the contrary, Dove is considered the best in the inexpensive segment and is recommended for daily use.


Great cleansing
Country: Germany
Average price: 60 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Another representative of German quality is Nivea cream soap. Formulated with Hydra IQ formula to provide hydration and prevent dryness. Contains extracts of natural oils. The result is noticeable after the first use. The skin is soft and supple. Smells nice.

Buyers willingly use Nivea to cleanse the face and body. They noticed that after washing, the skin is smooth and silky. The product is well washed off, leaving a feeling of freshness. Perfectly keeps its shape, slightly soaks in water, does not crack, does not crumble. There is a quality mark on the packaging. This is a big advantage. Those who once bought Nivea will return to him again and again.

3 Nevskaya Cosmetics "Natural"

Unsurpassed softness
Country Russia
Average price: 97 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Liquid cream soap from Neva Cosmetics is in great demand among buyers. Due to the content of natural ingredients, the product perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Suitable for body and face care. It has a pleasant, barely perceptible aroma and external design. There are no dyes in the composition, so the soap is harmless. They can even wash children.

Efficiency proven by consumer reviews. It does not cause allergies, itching, peeling and irritation. It lathers well, creating a light lather. After application, the hands become soft, the skin is elastic. The price of cream soap fluctuates within 100 rubles, which makes it possible to buy it regularly. Opinions about the product are mostly positive, so you can judge the good quality.

2 Velvet Handles

High quality
Country Russia
Average price: 143 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Skin care cosmetics Velvet Handles ranks second in the category. The company has been on the market for a long time, gaining more and more popularity. The cream soap is based on 100% natural ingredients. The product is developed according to a special formula that allows you to effectively care for the body, carefully taking care of its beauty. The tool is absolutely safe.

The process of washing with Velvet Hands cream soap is comparable to salon care. The product maintains the natural balance of the skin, providing hydration at the cellular level. The high quality of the product is evidenced by numerous consumer reviews and regular testing of specialists from institutes. With daily use, the product is able to preserve the beauty and youth of the hands.

1 Sodasan

Effective Recovery
Country: Germany
Average price: 153 rubles.
Rating (2018): 5.0

German quality as always on top. Sodasan is the category leader. Cleaned, it does not contain any additives. It has a neutral smell, so it is suitable for allergy sufferers and children. The texture is delicate. The composition contains coconut oil, thanks to it, the cream-soap restores and protects the skin. It can be used both for washing hands and for the whole body.

Consumers highly appreciate Sodasan for gentle and effective care. I like the composition of the product. It is noticed that after regular use, small cracks and scratches heal. At the same time, the skin is always moisturized and velvety. Against the backdrop of excellent characteristics, the price of soap is quite acceptable. For those with sensitive skin, this is a great option.

The best soap for intimate hygiene

The intimate area needs special care. Various products have been developed specifically for women. Soap included. It contributes to daily proper care. The hygienic product contains components that help to gently cleanse and soothe the skin.


Decent quality at an affordable price
Country Russia
Average price: 94 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Soap for intimate hygiene is suitable for daily use by women of all ages. It allows you to maintain the right pH level, taking care of the skin. EVO is clinically proven to be free of harmful substances. Absolutely safe. The composition contains lactic acid and various herbal ingredients. For example, almonds have a calming effect, calendula has a healing effect.

Women have noticed that soap can eliminate irritation and redness. Prevent dryness and allergic reactions. Acts delicately without causing discomfort. Smells nice. I am glad that such an effective product can be purchased at a very low price. Many gynecologists recommend EVO for purchase.

4 Red Line

Dry protection
Country Russia
Average price: 33 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Thanks to its good cleansing properties, Red Line soap occupies one of the best places in the ranking. It softens the intimate area, soothes. Recommended for super sensitive skin. Hypoallergenic. It has been tested, has many quality certificates. Doctors advise him to use.

The consistency of the soap is not thick, but the consumption is economical. A convenient applicator allows you to dose the right amount of the product for a one-time care. The scent is pleasant and dissipates quickly. After use, there is no feeling of dryness, redness. Product reviews are positive. Basically, gentle cleansing and the absence of allergies are noted. Women are satisfied with the soap from the Krasnaya Liniya trademark and recommend it to their friends with pleasure.

3 Dove

Protection against microcracks
Country: Poland
Average price: 219 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Dove has been producing quality products for several years. Among the skin care lines, the Intimo Neutral liquid intimate hygiene product is especially popular. It is famous for its impeccable care for delicate skin. Repeatedly tested by dermatologists and gynecologists. Contains many natural ingredients that help take care of the female body.

After application, there is a feeling of comfort and freshness. The skin calms down, redness and irritation disappear. Soap does not dry, on the contrary, restores the natural balance of the intimate area. Pleasant, unobtrusive smell. Washes off great. Some ladies have noticed that Dove heals microcracks. No wonder Intimo Neutral is an expert in care and cleansing.

2 Mama Comfort

The best soap for pregnant women
Country Russia
Average price: 265 rubles.
Rating (2018): 5.0

Mama comfort is specially designed for women. It consists entirely of natural ingredients. Protects the delicate intimate area and gently cleanses it. The unique composition of prebiotic, string extracts, green tea, yarrow and silver ions allows pregnant women to use it.

Rave reviews from customers speak of the high quality of the product. It is noticed that during and after washing, there is no discomfort, only a feeling of freshness and cleanliness. Mama comfort is able to cope with irritation and dryness. With regular use, the natural pH level is restored. The advantages also include ease of dosing and low price compared to similar drugs from foreign manufacturers.

1 Vagilak

The best soap for intimate hygiene
Country: Croatia
Average price: 441 rubles.
Rating (2018): 5.0

Vagilak is the best in the category of intimate hygiene products. It is based on lactic acid. Maintains the natural balance of the mucosa and preserves the microflora. Tested by the best specialists in the field of gynecology. Soap has been proven to be safe for health and can be used as a daily care for girls from 10 years old. Does not cause irritation and dryness.

Users note that Vagilak is the best option for pregnant and lactating women. The product is able to normalize the natural state of the intimate area. During and after application, no adverse reactions were observed, burning and redness disappeared. You can not get around the composition of the soap. 100% natural base causes a storm of positive feedback from customers.

The best antibacterial soap

Many housewives are sure that only antibacterial soap can cope with germs and bacteria, as it has a natural base. Indeed, experts say that if you choose the right cleansing cosmetic product, it will bring only a positive result. The skin will be protected from various kinds of harmful microorganisms.

3 Absolute

gentle cleansing
Country Russia
Average price: 44 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Absolut soap has been made with high quality natural ingredients, so it is safe for both parents and children. Gentle cleansing and deep moisturizing provides tea tree oil, which is in the composition. The antibacterial agent copes with its tasks with a bang. It kills most harmful germs and protects hands for a long time, preventing their reappearance.

With Absolut soap, hands become soft and look healthy. The product does not dry out the skin. Its safety and effectiveness has been scientifically proven by the Health Science Center and supported by numerous positive opinions from ordinary consumers. In the reviews, only one minus was noted - fast consumption, but the advantages are the low cost of the goods, a pleasant smell, adequate composition and high performance.

2 Safe guard

prolonged action
Country Ukraine
Average price: 53 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Safeguard has been one of the leading antibacterial products for many years. Perfectly removes dirt without irritating the skin. All family members can use soap without fear. Safeguard is clinically tested and proven to protect hands after rinsing by forming a special layer.

Buyers claim that daily use of the product can reduce the risk of infection. It is only necessary to apply the yoke correctly. Then the skin will be clean, under reliable protection and not overdried. A nice bonus is the price of Safeguard. This is one of the high quality antibacterial soaps in the budget segment. Many buyers confidently recommend the product for purchase.

1 Dettol

Reliable protection against bacteria
Country Russia
Average price: 159 rubles.
Rating (2018): 5.0

The first place in the category is taken by the popular Dettol soap. It actively fights many types of bacteria, such as staphylococcus and E. coli, destroying them by almost 100%. Applicable for daily care. Does not dry the skin, leaving behind only a pleasant smell and freshness. The purified glycerin in the composition deeply moisturizes the skin.

It is washed off well even with cold water, leaving no feeling of a film. Does not cause allergies. Approved by dermatologists. Safe for children. About Dettol antibacterial soap, the vast majority of reviews are positive. It is characterized as an economical agent that excels at removing dirt and germs. At the same time, the hands become moisturized and smell pleasant.

The simplest composition of soap: animal fat and alkali (ash) - our ancestors used such soap.
How to choose a really useful and safe soap?

1. For the production of soap, synthetic fats can be used, which are obtained in the process of oil refining.

2. To attract buyers, manufacturers add various natural and synthetic ingredients: extracts of medicinal plants, oils, fragrances, dyes.

3. Cheap soap - a reason to think about its composition. Soap production is significantly cheaper due to any synthetic additives.

4. When choosing a soap, in addition to the smell, you should pay attention to its color. The closer the color of the soap to natural, the more natural it is, and, therefore, safer.

Read - the safest ingredients:

*Sodium Tallowate.
Sodium tallowate is a mixture of sodium salts of fatty acids obtained by hydrolysis of animal fats. The most commonly used beef and pork fats.

* Sodium Stearate and Stearic Acid.
sodium stearate and stearic acid. Stearic acid is found in both vegetable and animal oils. In a mixture with palmitic acid, it is part of stearin, a product obtained by the hydrolysis of animal fats.

* Sodium palmitate.
Sodium palmate. Palmitic acid is found in both vegetable and animal fats.

*Sodium palmate.
An alternative to sodium tallwate is sodium palmate. Obtained by alkaline hydrolysis of palm oil.

* Sodium Palm Kernelate.
Almost the same as the previous one: a mixture of sodium salts of fatty acids obtained from the fruits of the oil palm.

*Sodium Cocoate.
A mixture of sodium salts of fatty acids derived from coconut oil.

* Glycerin - glycerin.
The origin of glycerin is determined by the nature of the original fats used in the preparation of soap.

The remaining components indicated in the composition of the soap are minor. Moisturizing, softening, antiseptic properties of soap, smell and color depend on them.

* Among the auxiliary components in the soap of animal origin are the following substances:

Various derivatives of milk proteins.
Mustela (Mink oil) - mink fat.
Lanolin - lanolin is an animal wax that coats sheep's wool. Obtained by processing sheep wool with organic solvents.

On a note!
As part of Nivea soap, one of the main components is sodium tallwate (sodium tallowate). Dove Revitalizing Bedtime Cream Soap contains tallowate, stearate, sodium palmitate, stearic acid. Children's soap "Children's" factory "Freedom" contains mink fat (Mustela or Mink oil), while children's soaps "Alisa", "Tik-Tak", children's soap with chamomile - do not contain animal fats and are completely composed of vegetable and synthetic components. Soaps Camay delicat and Fa also contain only vegetable and synthetic ingredients.

The modern market of perfumes and cosmetics is represented by a wide range of soaps. On sale there is a soap with various properties: medicinal, antibacterial, liquid.

What should you pay attention to when choosing soap?

For everyday use, soap is chosen depending on the type of skin.

Normal to oily skin

For these skin types, it is better to choose a soap with an exfoliating effect. When washing with such soap, it will remove dead skin particles from the skin and make it velvety due to those natural particles contained in the soap (crushed peach pits, plums). You can use this soap no more than 2-3 times a week.

Dry and sensitive skin

Soaps for these skin types use artificial granules instead of natural scrubs, which are more gentle on the skin. Owners of dry and sensitive skin can use this soap only once a week.

Soap varieties

Designed to improve skin that is prone to dermatitis. The composition of therapeutic soap includes tar and sulfur and is used only as directed by a dermatologist.

The most hygienic type of soap to use. The slightly acidic liquid soap is gentle on the skin. Only natural ingredients are used as fragrances in liquid soap.

This type of soap can only be used occasionally as a disinfectant, as bacterial soap dries out the skin very much.

This type of soap is considered the most neutral in terms of PH and is recommended for use not only for children, but also for adults for everyday face washing.

Soap is an everyday hygiene product, so it is advisable to use soaps that contain only natural ingredients.

Russia is developing detergents, including soaps, with a minimum content of surface-active substances (surfactants) and phosphates. These substances have a negative impact not only on the environment, but also on human skin. Some experts believe that the safest soap is 72% laundry soap. But people are arranged in such a way that they make not only increased demands on the quality composition of soap, but also want to use a bar of soap that is beautifully designed with a pleasant smell.

Composition of natural soap

The soap base is represented in soap by animal or vegetable fats. In addition to them, the composition of the soap includes:

  • Glycerol;
  • Pigments on a mineral basis;
  • Natural supplements in the form of medicinal herbs.

In the case when vegetable fats are used in the manufacture of soap, preservatives are introduced into the composition of the soap, which the manufacturer must indicate on the packaging of the soap. If preservatives are represented by essential oils, vitamin E, salicylic acid, then the shelf life of such soap does not exceed 1.5 years from the date of issue.


There is a boom in private soap factories in Russia. Handicraft soap production can be immediately distinguished. The soap produced in such soap factories differs in shape. It is usually not packaged in a wrapper and cut by weight. It is impossible to control the manufacturing technology at private soap factories, so there is no guarantee that the soap is natural. Artificial dyes and preservatives and fragrances are added to the soap, which makes the soap very attractive, but not safe.

The right choice of natural soap

A little about laundry soap

How to choose the right baby soap
